Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit P7225 du fabricant Tektronix
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Us er Man u a l P7225 2.5 GHz 10X Active Probe 071-1 187-01 W arn in g T he serv icin g in stru ction s are fo r use b y q ualified pe r s onne l onl y . T o a voi d pe r s ona l i nj ur y , do not p erform an y servicin g u nless yo u are q ualified to d o so .
Copyright © T e ktronix, Inc . A ll ri ghts re s erve d. T ekt ronix product s are cove red by U.S. and fore ign pat ents, i s sued and pendi ng. Informa tion i n this publi cat ion superce des that in a ll pre viously publi s hed mat eria l. Speci fica tions a nd pric e c hange privi lege s reserved.
W ARRANTY T ek tro nix w arran ts that th e sy stems th at it man ufactu res an d sells, (ex clu din g cu stom er -sup p lied equ ip men t), w ill b e free fro m defects in materials and w o rkm ansh ip fo r a p eriod o f o ne (1) year .
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l i T abl e of Contents Gen eral S af ety S u m ma ry v ............................ Pr efa ce vii ............................................ Related M an uals vii .................................... Co ntactin g T ektro nix viii .
T abl e of Conte nts ii P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l Lis t of Figur es Fi gu re 1: P 7225 Prob e featuri n g th e T ekC onn ec t Interfac e 1 F ig ure 2: Co nnec ti ng and di sco nnec ti ng the pro be 2 ....... Fi gu re 3: P r obe fu nctional chec k c on necti on s 15 .
T abl e of Conte nts P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l iii Lis t of T abl es T ab le 1: P 7225 features and s tand ard ac cessorie s 5 ........ T ab le 2: P 7225 option al ac cessorie s 12 ................... T ab le 3: W arra n ted electrical sp ecifica tio n s 29 .
T abl e of Conte nts iv P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l.
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l v General Safet y Summ ary Revi ew the fol lowing safet y preca utions to a void inj ury and preve nt dam age t o this product or a ny products conne cte d to it . T o avoi d po tential hazard s , us e this pr oduct onl y as spec ifie d.
G ener al Saf ety S ummar y vi P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l Safety T erms and S ymbol s T erms i n This Manual . Th es e terms may app ear in th is manu al: W ARNING. W ar nin g sta tem ents id entify c ondi tions or pract ice s that cou ld r es ult in inju r y or los s of life.
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l vii Preface Thi s is the User Manua l for t he P7225 probe . T his ma nual provide s op eratin g inf or mation , sp ecificatio ns , and a rep laceable par ts lis t.
Pre fa c e viii P 7225 2.5 G Hz 10X Acti ve P robe Us er Manual Conta cting T ek tronix Phone 1-800-833-9200 * Address T e ktronix, Inc . Depart ment or na me (i f know n) 14200 SW Karl Bra un D rive P . O . Box 500 Bea verton, OR 97077 USA Web s ite ww w .
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 1 Product Description The T e ktronix P7225 is a 2. 5 G Hz, 10X ac tive probe. T he P7225 has a ≤ 0.8 pF input c apac ita nce a nd a high i nput resista nce (40 k Ω) ,t o minimize cir cuit lo adin g o ver the s pecif ied b and w idth .
Product Descript ion 2 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l Whe n t he probe is c onnect ed, the host instrum ent rea ds E EPRO M inform ati on from the probe , ide ntifyi ng the de vice and a llowing t he appropri ate power suppli es to be powere d on.
Product Descript ion P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 3 Options The fol lowing opti ons a re ava ilabl e when orde ring the P7225 probe: H O ptio n D 1 — Calib ratio n D ata Repor t H.
Product Descript ion 4 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l.
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 5 Feat ures and Accessories The P7225 is provide d with severa l fea tures and a cc ess orie s designe d to make pr ob ing an d meas ur ement a simp ler tas k. T o familiarize yourself wit h these i tem s and t heir uses, re fer to T a ble 1.
F eatur es and A cces s or ies 6 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l T abl e 1: P7225 feat ures and st andard accessor ies (Cont.) Feature/Accessory D escription Push-in probe tip Push - in probe tip. Use the pus h - i n probe tip for general purpos e probing by hand.
F eatur es and A cces s or ies P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 7 T abl e 1: P7225 feat ures and st andard accessor ies (Cont.) Feature/Accessory D escription Three - - inch ground lead Three - inch ground lead . Us e t he t hr ee- i n c h ground lead for general probing.
F eatur es and A cces s or ies 8 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l T abl e 1: P7225 feat ures and st andard accessor ies (Cont.) Feature/Accessory D escription Custom izable ground lead Customizable ground lead. Y ou can bend or shorten thi s ground l ead wire.
F eatur es and A cces s or ies P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 9 T abl e 1: P7225 feat ures and st andard accessor ies (Cont.) Feature/Accessory D escription Square pin socket Square pin socket . The square pi n soc ket i s ideal for use with s ignal /ground pairs on 0.
F eatur es and A cces s or ies 10 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l T abl e 1: P7225 feat ures and st andard accessor ies (Cont.) Feature/Accessory D escription Cable marker bands Cable marker bands . Attach matc hing pai rs of the mark er bands onto the c able at the head and com pensati on box of eac h probe.
F eatur es and A cces s or ies P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 11 T abl e 1: P7225 feat ures and st andard accessor ies (Cont.) Feature/Accessory D escription Accessory reorder sheet. Use the acces sory reorder sheet as a quick gui de for ordering ac ces sori es for y our probe.
F eatur es and A cces s or ies 12 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l T abl e 2 li s ts the opt ional ac cessories you ca n order for your P7225 probe. T abl e 2: P7225 optional accessories Accessory D escription SureFoot adapter SureFoot probe adapter .
F eatur es and A cces s or ies P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 13 T abl e 2: P7225 optional accessories (Cont.) Accessory D escription T ekC onnect Interface calibration fixture. The cal ibrati on fix ture is required when a performanc e veri fic ation or adj ustm ent is done on the probe.
F eatur es and A cces s or ies 14 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l T abl e 2: P7225 optional accessories (Cont.) Accessory D escription Probe Calibration and D eskew Fixture. This fix ture provi des an edge s ource to ti me al ign (d eskew ) an d to op timize ho st instr umen t gain and of fset ac curac y at the probe ti p.
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 15 Functi onal C hec k A functi onal c heck m ay be pe rformed using t he PRO BE COM- PENS A T IO N c onnect ions on t he front panel of the host instrum ent.
Functi onal Chec k 16 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 3. Us ing a ground l ead a nd SM T KlipChi p, conne ct t he probe ground to t he instrum ent ground on t he host instrum ent. 4. Us ing a sta ndard ti p, hold t he probe t o the c ente r conduct or of the PRO BE COM PENS A T IO N out put on the host instrument .
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 17 Confi gura tion The P7225 provides the host instrume nt w it h t he probe model numbe r , seri al num ber , a nd att enuat ion fac tor .
Configura tion 18 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 6. Ch ang e the volts /d ivis io n s etting to the des ired rang e, adjus ting the o f f s et to k eep th e trace o n th e zero refer ence lev el. NOTE .T h e P7225 has a ± 10. 0 V of fset range.
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 19 Operatin g Basics P leas e follo w th es e oper ating g uid elines to get optimu m perfo rman ce from your P7225 probe. Ha ndling the P robe Exe rcise c are when using a nd s tori ng the P7225. T he probe a nd cabl e are suscept ible t o da mage c aused by c arel ess use.
O per ating B as ics 20 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l Input Linear Dyna mic R ange The probe hea d ampl ifie r us ed by t he P7225 has a limited linear opera ting range . The usable dyna mic ra nge is ± 4.0 V howeve r , to kee p the i nput li neari ty error l ess tha n ± 0.
O per ating B as ics P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 21 1.7 in Y lead adapt er with 2 SM T KlipChips Probe with only short ground pogo pin T est pulse without probe 3 in Ground lead on.
O per ating B as ics 22 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l T est pulse without probe Probe with only short ground pogo pin Square pins on test board (no signal or ground length) 1.
O per ating B as ics P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 23 V s ourc e Probe C in ≤ 0. 8 pF L gl (ground lead) Figure 7: Ground l ead equival ent circuit Rin gin g and r is e time degr adatio n can be mas ked if th e freq uen cy cont ent of t he signal de gradat ion is beyond t he bandwidt h of the host ins tr umen t.
O per ating B as ics 24 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l.
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 25 Helpf ul Hint s Follow the s e he lpful hi nts to ma ke probing e asier a nd noise free . Low - induc tanc e Grounding Plac ing a ground pl ane on t op of the IC pa ckage be ing probed c an minimize g r ound lea d lengt h and induc tanc e.
H elpf ul H in ts 26 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l Thi s me thod is very useful when m aking m any me asureme nts on the same pa ckage . U sing a ground pl ane on the IC packa ge make s probing t he IC pac kage e asier a nd avoids addi ng unnece s sary ground le ad le ngth and di s tort ion.
H elpf ul H in ts P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 27 Pr obe Tip T es t Points Y ou c an solder t he push-in probe t ip or a 0. 025 inch square pi n to a ci rcuit , to be us ed as a tem porary test point . S ee Figure 10. Solder t he push-in probe t ip onto a l ead or pi n w it h a low-power solderi ng iron.
H elpf ul H in ts 28 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l.
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 29 Appe ndix A : Spec ifi ca tions The probe a nd host instrum ent must first be al lowed to w arm up for 20 minu tes bef or e meas ur ements ar e tak en.
Appendix A: Spec ific ati ons 30 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l T abl e 4: T ypi cal electrical character istics (Cont.) Lineari ty ᐔ 0.1% over a dy nami c range of - - 3.75 V to + 3.75 V ᐔ 1.0% over a dy nami c range of - - 4.0 V to + 4.
Appendix A: Spec ific ati ons P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 31 45 K Ω 11 0 ° 40 K Ω 35 K Ω 30 K Ω 25 K Ω 1 MH z 10 MH z 100 MH z 1 GHz 10 GHz 90 ° 70 ° 50 ° 30 ° 10 °.
Appendix A: Spec ific ati ons 32 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l Frequency 100 MHz 10 MHz 10 GHz 1G H z -- 1 7 -- 2 0 -- 2 3 -- 2 6 -- 2 9 -- 3 2 Gai n = 20 Log Ꮛ V OUT V IN Ꮠ Gai .
Appendix A: Spec ific ati ons P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 33 31.8 m m (1.250 in) 43.8 m m (1.725 in) 63.5 m m (2.500 in) 91.5 m m (3.600 in) 57.2 m m (2.250 in) 7.6 m m (0.300 in) 7.6 m m (0.300 in) Figure 13: Pr obe head and compensation box di mensions T abl e 5: Physical charact eristics Net w ei ght 1.
Appendix A: Spec ific ati ons 34 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l T abl e 7: Cert ifications and com pliances Category Standards or description EMC c ompl ianc e This product has been r.
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 35 Appe ndix B : Use r Se rvi ce Thi s sect ion expla ins t he mai ntena nce for the P7225 probe. Inspe ction a nd Cle aning CAUTION. T o pr e vent damage t o pr obe mate rials, do not use che m ic als t hat contai n be nzine, benzene , tolue ne, xy lene , acet one, or s im ilar s o lvents .
Appendix B: User Servic e 36 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l Pr e paration for Shipment If the ori ginal pac kaging i s unfit for use or not a vail able , use the foll ow ing pa ckagi ng guidel ines: 1.
P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l 37 App endix C: Replaceab le Parts This s ectio n contain s a lis t of replaceable parts f or the P 7225 probe. U s e this lis t to iden tify an d or der r eplacemen t parts . Parts Or de ring Informa tion Rep lacement p arts are availab le fr om o r th r ough your loc al T ektro nix , Inc.
Appendix C: Re plac eabl e Parts 38 P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Act ive Probe U ser M anua l Usin g th e Replaceab le P art s List The tabu lar inf or mation in th e Replaceab le Par ts Lis t is ar ran ged f or qu ick retr ieval.
A pp end ix C: Rep laceable P arts P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Acti ve Probe U ser M anual 39 1 2 Figure 14: P7225 r eplaceabl e par ts Fig. & index no. T ektron ix part no. Seri al no. Effective D scont Qty 12345 n ame & descr ipti on Mfr . cod e Mf r .
Appendix C: Re plac eabl e Parts P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Acti ve P robe User M anual 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Figure 15: P7225 st andard accessor ies.
A pp end ix C: Rep laceable P arts P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Acti ve Probe U ser M anual 41 Fig. & index no. T ektron ix part no. Seri al no. Effective D scont Qty 12345 n ame & descr ipti on Mfr .
Appendix C: Re plac eabl e Parts P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Acti ve P robe User M anual 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 16: P7225 opt ional accessories.
A pp end ix C: Rep laceable P arts P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Acti ve Probe U ser M anual 43 Fig. & index no. T ektron ix part no. Seri al no. Effective D scont Qty 12345 n ame & descr ipti on Mfr .
Appendix C: Re plac eabl e Parts P7225 2. 5 GHz 10X Acti ve P robe User M anual 44 CROSS INDE X - M FR. CO DE NUM BER TO MANUF ACTURER Mfr. cod e Man ufactur er Ad dress Ci ty , State, Zi p code 80009.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Tektronix P7225 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Tektronix P7225 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Tektronix P7225, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Tektronix P7225 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Tektronix P7225, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Tektronix P7225.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Tektronix P7225. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Tektronix P7225 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.