Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SPH-L300 du fabricant Sprint Nextel
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SP H -L 30 0 G al a xy Vic to r y U s e r G u i d e ©2012 Sprint. Sprin t and the logo are trade marks o f Sprint. Other mar ks are trademar ks of their respective ow ners.
TOC i Table of Contents Get Started ................................................................................................................................ 1 Your Phone at a Glance .............................................................
TOC ii Phone Calls .............................................................................................................................. 30 Make Phone Cal ls ....................................................................................
TOC iii Logs Options .............................................................................................................. 46 Clear Logs .........................................................................................................
TOC iv Screen Timeout .......................................................................................................... 66 Auto-Rotate Screen ....................................................................................................
TOC v Devi ce Administration ................................................................................................ . 80 Credential Sto rage ....................................................................................................
TOC vi Edit a Contact ................................ .................................................................................... 99 Add or Edit In f orma tion for a Contac t ..................................................................
TOC vii Managing M essage Conversation s ........................................................................... 119 Text and MM S Options ............................................................................................. 121 Social Netw ork ing Accou nts .
TOC viii Google Play Movi es ......................................................................................................... 141 Sprint TV & M ovies ........................................................................................
TOC ix Sprint Hotspot ................................................................................................ .................. 161 Camera and Video ............................................................................................
TOC x Erase Events ................................................................................................ ............ 181 Alarm & Timer ................................................................................................ ...
Get Started 1 Get Started The follow ing topics give you all the information y ou need to set up y our p hone and Sprint service the firs t time. Your Phone at a Glance Se t Up Your Phone Activate You.
Get Started 2 Insert a coin o r other flat ob ject into the slot at the bottom of the battery compartmen t cover and li f t the cov er up gently. Insert the battery , con t ac t s end first, and gently press the ba t te ry into place.
Get Started 3 Note: When you inser t the battery , your phone may pow er on auto matically. 2. Plug the USB conne ct o r into the charger /accessory jac k on the bottom of y our phone .
Get Started 4 If your phone is activ ated, it w ill turn on, search for Sprint servi ce, and begin the setup application. If your phone is not y et activated, see Activate Your Phone for more information.
Get Started 5 ● To confirm activ ation, make a phone call. I f your phone is still not activ ated or you do not hav e access to the Internet, conta ct Sprint Customer Servi ce at 1- 888 -211- 4727 for assistance. Tip: D o not p ress the Po wer button whil e t he phone is being activated.
Get Started 6 3. When you see the Setup comp l ete screen, tap Finish to continue to the Dropbox screen. 4. Your setup is now complete. Follow the onscreen instru ct ions t o lea rn about basic touch/tap menu navigation . Set Up Voicem ail You should set up y our Sprint Voicemail and personal greetin g as s oon as your phone is activated.
Get Started 7 Account User Name and Password If you are the accou nt ow ner, y ou will create an account user name and passw ord when you sign on to sprint.
Get Started 8 Tap to check minute usage and accou nt balanc e. Tap to make a paymen t . Tap to access Sprint Z one and a summa r y of your Sprin t se rvice plan or to get an swers to othe r questions. From A ny Other Phone ● Sprint Custome r Service: 1- 88 8- 211 - 4727 .
Devi ce Basics 9 Phone Basics Your phone is packed with features that simplify y our life and ex pand your abi lity to stay connected to the people and in f ormation that are impor t ant to you. The following topics will introduce the basi c functions and features o f you r phone.
Devi ce Basics 10 ● Self Camera Lens all ows you to ta ke pictures and vi deos of yoursel f when you set the camera shooting mode to Sel f sho t. ● Earpiece allow s you to hear the caller. ● Tou chscreen display s all the in f orma tion needed to operate y our phone , such as the call status, the Contacts li st, and the date and ti me.
Devi ce Basics 11 ● microSD Card S lot lets you insert a microSD (SD) (also referred to as a me mory card) to expand the phone’ s availabl e memory space. ● Volume Bu ttons allow you to adjust the ringtone or media vol ume or adjust the voice volume during a call .
Devi ce Basics 12 Note: For information on how to adjus t the time be f ore the screen tu rns off, see Screen Timeout . Turn the Screen On and Unlock It 1.
Devi ce Basics 13 Swipe or Slide To swipe or slide means to quic k ly dra g your finge r vertically or horizontally across the screen. Drag To drag, touch and hold you r finger with some p ressure before you start to mov e your finger. While dragging, do no t r elease your finger until you hav e r eache d the tar get posi tion.
Devi ce Basics 14 Flick Flicking the sc reen is similar to sw iping, except that you need to swipe y o ur finge r in light, quic k strokes. This finger gest ure is alway s in a v ert ical direction, such as w hen f lic k in g the con tacts or message li st .
Devi ce Basics 15 Rotate For most screens, y ou can automatical ly change t he sc reen orienta tion from port rait to landscape by turning the phone sideway s.
Devi ce Basics 16 Tip : Pinching any Home scr e en will let you see thumbnai ls o f all seven Home s cr eens. T ap a thumbnail to go straight to anothe r Ho me screen. Your Home S creen The Home screen is the starting poi nt for your phone ’ s applications, func tions, and menus.
Devi ce Basics 17 Note : Your phone's ho me screens cy cle through so that you can keep swipi ng in one direc t ion and make it bac k to the home screen . The small circles toward the bottom o f the screen let you know your current screen posi tion.
Devi ce Basics 18 Adding Items to the Home screen 1. Press to display the mai n Home screen. 2. Navi gate to the desired Home pa ge. 3. Touch and hold an empty area of the Home scre en. 4. Tap Add to Home scree n > App s and w idgets t ab. 5. Touch and hold the application icon.
Devi ce Basics 19 5. The new primary shortcut wi ll no w appear on all Home screens. Adding and Re moving Widgets Widgets are sel f -contain ed applications that reside ei ther in your W idgets tab or on the mai n or extended Home s creens. Unl ike a shortcut, the W i dg e t appears as an onscreen applicatio n.
Devi ce Basics 20 Press > and tap Edit . 2. Tap the screen y ou want to open. Recently Used A pplications You can access recen tly used applications throu gh a displ ay o f shortcuts to the appli cations themselves. 1. Press and hold from any scr een t o open t he rece ntly used appli cations window .
Devi ce Basics 21 Silence Al l Call Muted Speakerphone Ac t iv e Network (full si g nal) Network (roamin g) 3G (data service) 4G (data service) Airplane M ode Sync Activ e Alarm Set Battery (chargin g.
Devi ce Basics 22 Updates avail able Download compl ete Downloadi ng Samsung Accoun t needs activatio n. Displays w hen W i-Fi Dir ect is active and con f i g ur ed for a direct connec tion to another compatibl e device in the sa me direct communication mode.
Devi ce Basics 23 ► Press and tap > Settings > Language and i np ut > Default and select a n input method. Text Input field: 1. From a screen where you can en t er text, touch a nd drag dow n the Notifications area. 2. Tap (Select input metho d) and select an av ailable input method.
Devi ce Basics 24 From a screen where you can en t er text, touch and dra g down from the N otifications area then select (Select input method) > Samsun g keyboard . 2. The virtual keyboard is then assi gned to the Samsung keyboard confi guration for all subsequent tex t input.
Devi ce Basics 25 Using ABC Mode 1. From a screen where you can en t er text, tap the text input field to reveal the onscreen keyboard. 2. Tap to configure the keyboard for ABC mode.
Devi ce Basics 26 Text Entry Option s You can set your phone' s tex t entry option s through the main settings menu or throu g h the options menu on your key board display .
Devi ce Basics 27 Predictive Text The predictive tex t syste m provides nex t -letter pr ediction and re g ional error co rrection, w hich compensates for users pressing the wrong keys o n QW ER T Y keyboards. Configuring Predictive Text Options Note : Only avail able when ABC mode is sel ected.
Devi ce Basics 28 • Tap . • Use the keybo ard to enter the new w ord. • Tap Done to s tore the new w ord. A u to-substitution list allows y ou t o c reate a wor d rule by addin g words for automatic substitu t ion during text en try (for ex ample you ve becomes you’ ve).
Devi ce Basics 29 Using Google Voice Typing 1. From a screen where you can en t er text, touch and dra g down from the N otifications area and then tap Select inpu t method > Goog le voice ty ping . 2. Speak into the phone ’s mi crophone and w atch y our text being en t ered onscreen.
Phone Calls 30 Phone Calls With the Sprint Na tional Network and you r phone ’s phone, you can en joy clea r calling across the country. Make Phone Cal ls Receiv e Phone Calls Voicemail (Traditional ) Visual Voi cemail Phone Call Options Logs Make Phone Calls There are several convenient w ays to place c al ls from your phone .
Phone Calls 31 4. To end the call, tap . Call from Logs All incoming, outgoin g, a nd missed calls are recorded in the Call log. You can pl ace a call to numbers or con tacts that displ ay in this area. 1. Press and tap . 2. Tap the Logs tab and th e tap a contac t.
Phone Calls 32 Tip : You can also sw ipe the entry from right to le ft to send a text messa ge. Call a Number in a Text Message While view ing a text message, you can place a call to a numbe r that is in t he body o f the message. For more in f ormation, see Text Messaging and MM S .
Phone Calls 33 3. The Phone screen t hen opens, with the phone number auto m atical ly filled in and ready to be dialed. To place the call, tap . Call Emergency Nu mbers You can place cal ls to 911 ev en if the phone ’s screen is loc ked or your acc ount is restricted .
Phone Calls 34 ► When the call co m es in, touch and slide to the righ t to answ er the call. Mute the Ringing Sound You can mute the ringtone without rejectin g the call by doing the follow ing. ► Pr ess the volume bu tton dow n. Reject an Incoming Call The follow ing procedure show s you how to reject and incomin g call.
Phone Calls 35 1. Press Home and tap . (If your sc reen is locked, pr ess ( Power button) to turn on the display and then swipe your screen i n any direction.) See Turn Your Screen On and Off . 2. Touch and hold to dial your voicemail numbe r . 3. Follow the sy stem prompts to: Create your passw ord.
Phone Calls 36 Note: Your phone accept s messages ev en when it is turned off. How ever, your phone notifies you of new messa g es only when it is turned on an d you are in a Sprint serv ice area. Visual Voicem ail Visual Voi cemail gives you a quick and easy w ay t o access y our v oicemail.
Phone Calls 37 Important! Voicemail Pass word – Sprint s trongly recom m e nds t ha t y ou create a pa ssword when setting up y our voicemail to protect against unauthoriz ed access. W ithout a password, any one who has access to your phone is able to access your voicemail messages.
Phone Calls 38 Share to send the message v ia one of the following means : B l uetoo th s h are , Wi -Fi Direct , Messagin g , Gmail , or Email . Reply to reply to the message . You can then repl y to t he sende r or forward it to anyone wi th either an email or ph one number.
Phone Calls 39 Touch Personalize v oicemail to change you r voicemail greeting for incomi ng calls and update y our password. See Chan g e You r M ain Greeting via the Voi cemail Menu . Touch Notificat ions to determine how you are notified of new voicemail s.
Phone Calls 40 1. Press and tap . 2. Touch > Settings > Per sonalize voicemail . 3. Touch OK to connect to t he Sprint voi cemail system. Follow the prompts to change your current greetin g.
Phone Calls 41 Dialing Option s Caller ID Call W aiting 3-way Cal ling Call Forw arding In -call Options Speed Diali ng Dialing Options Use the M enu button to acce ss and configu r e y our dialing options. Access Options After Entering a Number ► Press and tap an option to select it.
Phone Calls 42 Caller ID Caller ID identi f ies a caller before you answ er the phone by displ aying the nu mber of the incoming call. I f you do n ot w ant y our number dis played when you make a call, follow t hese steps. 1. Press and tap . 2. Tap the Key pad tab to display t he onscreen di aler.
Phone Calls 43 Call Forwarding Call Forw arding lets you forward all y our inco ming calls to another phone number – even when your phone is turned o f f. You can continue t o make calls from your phone whe n you have activated Call Forwarding. Note: You are charged a higher rate f o r calls you hav e forwarded.
Phone Calls 44 Warning! Because of hi g her v olume levels, do not place the phone near your ea r du ring speakerphone use. ● Mute / Unmute : tu rns the onboard microphone ei ther on or o f f. Tap Mute during a call to mu te the microphone . A green line w ill appear under the Mute button.
Phone Calls 45 Removing Speed Dial Numbers 1. To remove a speed dial number , from the speed dial list tap to display th e Speed Dial sub-menu. 2. Tap Remove . 3. Tap the grey X nex t to the speed di al entries you wan t to remov e. 4. Tap to return to the speed dial setting screen.
Phone Calls 46 2. Tap the Logs tab to disp lay the Logs list. To change the Lo gs view, tap > View by . Tap A ll cal ls , Missed calls , Dialed calls , Rece i v ed cal ls , or Rejected cal ls to filter t he list. Logs Options The follow ing procedures w ill g uide you throu gh accessing and und erstandi ng your call log options.
Settings 47 Settings The follow ing topics provi de an overview of items y ou can change using your phone ’s Settin g s menus. Wi -Fi Settings Bluetooth Settin g s Data Usage Se ttings More Settings.
Settings 48 System Update Settings About Devi ce Wi -Fi Setting s This group of set tings lets you control your phone ’s W i -Fi settin gs. Your phone lets you take advan tage of W i-Fi for high-speed data acce ss using available computer netw orks.
Settings 49 2. Tap the checkbox , located to the right of the Mobile data field, to turn Mobile data usa ge on . 3. Tap Set mobile data lim it to disable a data conn ection when a certain level is reached. 4. Tap the Data usag e cy cle d r op-dow n menu and select a date.
Settings 50 Airplane Mode Airplane M ode allows you to use many of you r phone ’s features, su ch as Gallery , Came r a, and Music, whe n you are on an airplan e or in any other a r ea w here making or receiving calls or data is prohibited.
Settings 51 Tethering Tethered M ode allows your computer to obtai n an external data connec t i on by using the phone’s w ireless data servi ces and a wired USB connection o r a separate Bluetooth connec t ion . Important! If you are using your pho ne for Tetherin g , y ou may be promp ted for additio nal drivers.
Settings 52 1. Press > and tap Settings > More sett ings . 2. Tap NFC to crea te a checkmark and activate the feature. Android Beam When Android Beam is activ ated, y ou can beam a pplication content to anot her NFC-capable device by hol ding the devices close to g ether.
Settings 53 2. T ap > Device name. 3. Modify the cur rent name and then t ap OK . VPN If you w ant to send and recei ve email messa ges through an ISP ( In ternet S ervice Prov ider) account (such .
Settings 54 Note : If you are a W indow s XP user, ensure tha t you have W indows XP Serv ice Pack 3 or higher installed on y our compute r. Also, ensure th at you have Samsun g Kies 2.0 or Windows M edia Player 10 or higher installed on your compute r.
Settings 55 5. Drag and drop i tems to your phone . Items are stored i n the root direc t ory (i.e., the main directory wi thin no addition al folder paths). Using Samsung Kies with Linux To connect you r SD Card usi ng a Linux OS: Note : PTP is inte grated into m any Linux builds.
Settings 56 3. Mount the phone u sing the follow ing command: $ adbfs /media/and roid – o m odules -subdir – o subdir=/mnt/sdca rd Nearby Devices This option allow s you to share your media files with nearby dev ices using DLNA.
Settings 57 Sprint Only t o access only the home area mobil e netw ork, which is the Nationw ide Sprint Networ k . This opti on also prevents roa m in g on other networks. A u tomatic to see k service on the Na tionwide Sprint Network. W hen Sprin t service is unavailabl e, the device searches for an alterna te system.
Settings 58 Use Internet Call ing Additional S ettings Your phone’s Addition al Settin gs menu let you co nfig u r e y our reject me ssages, call aler t s and a number of other settings for the phone application . Set Reject Messages The Set Rejec t Messages feature al lows y ou to both mana ge existing rejection messages and create new ones.
Settings 59 1. Press , tap , and then ta p > Call setting s . 2. Tap Auto screen o f f during calls to turn on the prox imity sensor. Accessory Settings for Call The Accessory Settin g s feature allow s y ou to assign head set settin gs during incoming calls.
Settings 60 Int ernational Dial ing By default, the in t erna t ion al dialing prefix (code) is set to 011 . This code cannot be changed until the feature is temporarily disabled. Once disabled, the field becomes accessible and can be altered. 1. Pr ess , tap , and then ta p > Call settings .
Settings 61 For additional in f orma t io n about Sprint Relay Serv ices and TTY compatibility , call Sprint Relay Customer Serv ice at 800 - 676 - 3777 or visi t www .s printrelay .com . For additional techni cal support you may call , or access the follow ing website: www .
Settings 62 Tap Notifications to determine how you are notified o f new voicemails. C hoose from: Select sound (to s et your noti fication sound) and Vibra t e . Delete messages to automatically delete messa g es from the Trash folder after a 30 - day period.
Settings 63 Add a New SIP Account 1. Press , tap , and then ta p > Call setting s . 2. Tap Accou nts > A dd account . 3. Follow the onsc reen order to en ter the User nam e, Password, Server, whether to use the current SIP as the primary account, and O p t ion al settings.
Settings 64 1. Press > and tap Settings > Sound . 2. Tap Silent mode . Choos e from Off , Vibrate , or Mute . Volume The Volume menu p r ov ides access to various vol ume settings w ithin one onscreen popup menu. You can ad j ust the volume setti ngs to suit y our need s and your env ironment.
Settings 65 Default Notifications The notification area displ ays icons associated w ith user notifications suc h as e m ai l messages, missed calls, v oicemail, upcomin g ev ent s, or Text/MM S messages. You can select the ringtone that plays w hen your phone r ecei ves new notifications.
Settings 66 Font Style Font Size Display Battery Per centage Brightness Adjust your screen’ s b r igh tness to suit your sur roundings. 1. Press > and tap Settings > Display . 2. Touch Brightness and s elect the checkma rk nex t to Automatic br i ghtnes s to allow the phone to adjust bri ghtness automati cally.
Settings 67 1. Press > and tap Settings > Display . 2. Tap Font sty le . Choose f ro m Default font , Choco coo ky , H elvetica S , or Rosemary . Tip : To acquire addi tional font op tions, tap Get fonts online to access new fonts in the Google Play Store app.
Settings 68 Note : You can also assign wallpaper p references by pressing and hol ding a spo t on a Home screen and selectin g Home screen , Lock screen , or Home and lock screens under Set wall paper for. Lock Screen W allpaper You can select a unique pi cture to display on the Lock Screen.
Settings 69 Power Saving Sett ings Control your phone ’s data deliv ery and battery usage through this se ttings menu . Active appl ications, light lev e ls, Bl uetooth usage , and GPS functi onality all act to drain you r battery.
Settings 70 Screen power sav i ng : a llows you to lower the screen pow er level. Learn about po w er s aving : provi des additional in f ormation abou t Power saving settings. Storage Settings You can mana ge the informa t ion and configura tion related to both your microSD card and buil t - in phone storage me mory.
Settings 71 Total Space Total space ind icates the to tal size of the cur r ently inserte d mi croSD card. T his incl udes both available and used spac e information. To determine the amount of memory currently us ed on the card, take the t otal space and subtract the re m aini ng a vailable space.
Settings 72 At 5% of char g e capa city, there are onl y a few mi nutes of tal k time left, the phone sounds an audible alert, displ ays a critical charge icon ( ), and then turns off. Battery Use Use the battery se tt in g s menu t o v iew wha t apps or processes have been usi ng the battery.
Settings 73 1. Press > and tap Settings > Application mana ger . 2. Tap Ru nning , select an onscreen process entry , and tap Stop . 3. Read the Stop sy stem service? dialog and tap OK . These stopped p r ocesse s r es t ar t once the phone is res tarted (pow er cycled).
Settings 74 4. Tap Done whe n you are finished . Manage Existi ng Accounts You can mana ge a current accoun t by using the follow ing procedures. 1. Press > and tap Settings > Accou nts and sy nc . 2. Tap an account to edit its set tings. Tap a field to edi t its settings .
Settings 75 Use GPS Satelli tes Use the follow ing steps to enab le your phone ' s G PS location feature. 1. Press > and tap Settings > Location serv ices . 2. Tap Use GPS sate l lites . A green checkma rk indicates the GPS loca tion feature is enabled.
Settings 76 Use Face Unlock 1. Press > and tap Settings > Security . 2. Tap Screen lock > Face unlock . 3. Reading the safety warning and tap Next . 4. Tap Set it up , find a location w ith m id-stren gth li ghting (not too bright or too dim), and tap Continue .
Settings 77 7. Tap Continue . 8. Once prompted to speak an unloc k command, ta p and repeat the phrase f ou r times. 9. Once complete, tap Don e . 10. Set your backup Pattern or PIN and t ap OK . Use a Screen Unlock Pattern 1. Press > and tap Settings > Security .
Settings 78 Disable the Screen Lock 1. Press > and tap Settings > Security . 2. Tap Screen lock , provide your secu r ity in f ormati on, and then tap None . If you fail to ente r the correct password after fiv e attempts, you will be prompted to w ait f or 30 seconds before y ou can try again.
Settings 79 Encryption Data encryptio n provides ex tra security w hen carrying out any sen sitive tr ansa ctions, such as online purchases and e m ail s ex chang es . Encry ption is the process of disguising informa tion into data that wi l l appear inco herent to an unauthorized recipi ent.
Settings 80 Disable Visible Passwords 1. Press > and tap Settings > Security . 2. Tap Make pass w ords v isi ble (to remove the che ckmark on the option). Device Adminis tration Activating this feature allow s G oogle to administr ate your phone in a way similar to IT securi ty settings on a corpo rate PC.
Settings 81 Trusted Credentials To use secure credentials: 1. Press > and tap Settings > Security . 2. Tap Trusted creden ti a ls to display the list o f your phone ’s trusted CA certificates. A green checkma rk indicates the cer tificate is enabl ed.
Settings 82 Pointer Speed Language Use these procedu res to chan g e the lan g ua g e that display s on your phone. 1. Press > and tap Settings > Language and input . 2. Tap Language and tap either English , or Español . All menus are then updated t o the new language.
Settings 83 Note : You must selec t Samsung key board as the default input me thod before mana g i ng its settings. 1. Press > and tap Settings > Language and input . 2. Tap to the right of Sams ung key board to access the following options: Portrait key board t y pes : allow s you to select text input method .
Settings 84 Enabling T9 Trace When T9 Trace is enabled, the onscreen k eybo ard can be used to enter tex t by tapping or swiping across the on screen keys. 1. Press > and tap Settings > Language and input . 2. Tap to the right of Sams ung key board .
Settings 85 SafeSearch : all ows y ou to filter explicit ima g es when perfor ming voice se arches. You can set to Off , Mod erate , or Strict . Block offensiv e words : allow s you to bloc k reco gnition of know n off ensi ve words or language.
Settings 86 Back Up and Re set Settings Your phone ’s Priv acy menu includes the Factory da ta reset option. This o ption lets you reset your phone to the ori ginal factory settings, w hich erases a.
Settings 87 4. Tap Desk home screen display to display the desk home. 5. Tap Audio appl i cat ions to display r unni ng audio apps in the no t i f ication p anel whe n you connect earphon es. Date and Tim e Settings Your phone obtains i ts time and date in f o rmation by using the ne t w ork -provi ded date, time, and time zone.
Settings 88 Tap the Auto-rota t e sc reen check box to allow automatic rotation from th e screen between land scape and portrait. Tap the Speak pass words check box to all ow the phone to read aloud pa ssword information. Tap The po w er key ends calls check box to acc ept incoming call s by pressing the power key.
Settings 89 Speak when screen i s off : instruc t s the T al k Bac k program to prov ide voice fe edbac k when the scree n is off. Speak caller ID : instruct s the TalkBac k program to prov ide voice feedback for call er ID .
Settings 90 1. Press > and tap Settings > Develope r options . 2. Tap USB debugging to enable or disabl e the setting. When enabled , a check mar k appears in the check box. Development Device ID The identi fication number for y our tablet w hen using it as a development tool displays in this field.
Settings 91 Show screen upda tes : Areas o f the screen flash when they update. Show CPU usage : Sc reen highli g hts the cu r ren t C PU usage. Force GPU render i ng : Uses a 2D accel eration in appli cations. Windo w animation scale : Con figure the scale f or anima t ion (ran ges from off to 10x).
Settings 92 Update Profile This option allow s you to automatically update y our online user p r o f ile in f orma t ion . If you choose to change you r user name and sel ect a new one online, you must then update the user name on your phone. 1. Press > and tap Settings > System Update > Update Profile .
Settings 93 The Notifications panel can also be ope ned on the Home scr een by pressing and then tappin g Notifications . About Device The About Dev ice menu lets you access importan t phone infor.
Contacts 94 Contacts The Contacts appli cation lets you store and mana g e contac t s from a variety of sour ces, including contacts you enter and save direc tly in your phone as wel l as contacts synchroni zed with your Google Accoun t, your PC, compatible e mail programs (including Ex change Server), and your Faceboo k friends.
Contacts 95 Access Contac ts There are a few ways to displ ay Contacts. ► Press and tap . - or - Press and tap > Contacts tab. The Contacts Lis t Your phone automaticall y sorts the Contac t s en t ri es alphabeticall y. You can crea te a Google , Microsoft Exchang e A ctiveSync , or Phone contact.
Contacts 96 Send message : al lows you to send a text me ssage to the selected con t ac t . Contacts to d isplay : all ows y ou to select a specific locati on from w hich to pull contacts whi ch will displ ay in your Contacts li st.
Contacts 97 The Mobile button initially displays next to the Phone number field . I f you want to add a phone numbe r tha t is not a mobi le number, tap the Mobile button a nd select from Mobile , Home , Work , Work fax , Home Fax , Pag er , Other , Custo m (add your own label), or Callback .
Contacts 98 A d d another field : tap this button to add a nothe r field such as Phonetic name , Organization , IM , Notes , N ickname , Website , In ternet call , or Rela tionship . 13. T ap Sav e to save the new contact. Save a Phone Number You can save a phone number to Contacts directl y from t he phon e dialpa d.
Contacts 99 Edit a Contact Once you’v e added a contact, you can add or edi t any of the in formation in the ent ry, assign a caller ID picture , customiz e with a uni que ringtone , and mo re.
Contacts 100 5. Touch and dra g alon g the sides of the blue bo rder box to begin cropping the desired area, tap Done , and then tap Save to assign selected pi cture. Assign a New Pi cture to a Contact Below are procedures f o r addin g a picture to a contact through ta king a new photo.
Contacts 101 Join a Contact When you hav e contacts from various sources (Gmail , phone , Faceboo k, etc.), you may hav e multiple similar en tries for a si ngle contact . Your phone ’s Contacts appli cation lets you link multiple entries into a single contact.
Contacts 102 Note : In order to use Sy nc Picasa Web A lbums , Picasa must be dow nloaded through your Gmail credentials. 4. Press to return to the p revious screen. To synchroniz e Microsoft Exchange Activ eSync contacts: 1. Press > and then tap Settings > A ccounts and sy nc.
Contacts 103 3. From the Contac t s Ent ry context menu, tap Add to favorites . Note : Another method to add or remove an en tr y from your favorites is to toggle the state o f the star icon on the Contact’s de t ail s page (upper -right). Tap to add the en try to your favorites (star is li t ), tap again to remove.
Contacts 104 4. Type your messa g e, and then tap . Share a Cont act You can quickly share co ntact s using Bluetoo th, email, Gmail , or text mess ag in g . 1. Press and tap . 2. Tap a contact to display it, and then press and tap Share na mecard v ia .
Accounts and M essag in g 105 Accounts and Messaging With Sprint serv ice and your phone ’s messaging cap abilities, you have the opportunity to share information throu g h many different chann els and accounts.
Accounts and M essag in g 106 4. Look for an emai l f ro m Google in the email box y ou provided, and respond to the email to confirm and activate your new account . Create a Google Account Using Your Phone You will need a Google Accou nt to access sev eral phone features such a s Gmail, Goo gle Maps, Google Tal k, and the Google Play applications.
Accounts and M essag in g 107 Send a Gmail Mes sage Below are procedures f o r sending a Gmail. 1. Press and tap > . 2. From the Inbox, tap . 3. Enter the messa ge recipient’s email address in the To field. You can add as many message recipients as y ou want.
Accounts and M essag in g 108 5. To send the messa g e, ta p . Email Use the Email appli cation to send and receiv e email from your webmai l or other accounts, using POP3 or IMA P. You can al so access your Ex chang e Activ eSync email and other featu res on your phone .
Accounts and M essag in g 109 5. Tap any o f the other options y ou would like to create a chec kmark. 6. Tap Next . 7. Enter a name for this emai l account (optional). 8. Tap Done . Add a Corporate Email Account The main Email application also prov ides access to your Outlook Ex change server via your phone .
Accounts and M essag in g 110 Password : ty pically your network access passw or d (case-sensi tive). Ex change Serv er : your exchange serv er re mote email address . T y pically starts with . Ob t ain this information from y our company ne t w ork admin istrator.
Accounts and M essag in g 111 To add an attach ment, tap . Choose fro m the following: My Files , Images , Tak e picture , V ideo , Record v ideo , Audio , R ecord a udio , Memo , Calendar , Contacts , or Location . Tap to delete a selec t ed at tachment from your curren t email.
Accounts and M essag in g 112 If you are already in a n e m ail account, tap the acc ount na m e field (upper-left) to open the compl ete email account l ist page. Select an avail able email account . 3. Tap ( Refresh ). Sort Email Messages 1.
Accounts and M essag in g 113 1. Press and tap . 2. Tap > More > Account settings > Out of of fice settings . 3. Tap On and set the dates and times for the pe r io d when you will be out o f the office. 4. Tap Internal mess age settings to modify the aut o-replies to inter-office e-mail .
Accounts and M essag in g 114 Default account : As sig n this a ccount as the default email ac count used for outgoing messages. A l ways Cc/Bcc my self : al lows you to include your ow n email address in ei t her the CC, Bcc, or None f ields .
Accounts and M essag in g 115 Security options : allows you to en able several s ecurity options such as: E ncryption, Encryption algo rithm, Sign, Si g n al g orithms , E m ail certificates, and Securit y policy list. These secu rity polici es could restrict some functions fro m co rporate s ervers.
Accounts and M essag in g 116 Delete an Email Ac count If you no lon ger want an email account on your phone, you can del ete it throu g h the mail settings menu . 1. Press > and tap Set t in gs > Accounts and sy nc. 2. Tap an account and tap Remov e account .
Accounts and M essag in g 117 2. Tap the Enter rec i pien t field and enter a Contact s name, a mobi le phone number , or an email address usin g the onscreen keyboard. If applicable, tap a matchi ng entry from the onscreen drop-dow n list. This list is populated by ma t ches f o und from your managed accounts .
Accounts and M essag in g 118 Memo : allow s y ou t o ad d a Memo that y ou have created. For more inform ation, see Memo . Calendar : allow s you to add an event from y our calendar. Location : allow s you to attach a thumbnai l of a map showing your loca tion.
Accounts and M essag in g 119 Managing Messa ge Conversations Text and mul timedia message s that are sent to and receiv ed from a contact (or a number ) a re grouped into conv ersat io ns or message threads i n t he All messages screen.
Accounts and M essag in g 120 4. Once complete, tap . Protect a Message from Deletion You can lock a message so that it will not be dele ted even if you delete th e ot he r messages in the conversation . 1. Press and tap . 2. On the Messagin g screen, tap a messa g e thread .
Accounts and M essag in g 121 4. When prompted to confirm, tap OK . View Contact Details and Communicate with a Contact When you hav e received a messa g e fr om someone in your stored contacts, you can tap the contact’s photo or icon in the message thread to open a menu o f op tions.
Accounts and M essag in g 122 Multimedia Message (MMS) Settings ● A u to-retrieve: Enable t h is option to automatically re trieve the entire content of your MMS messa ge. When checked, the M MS message head er, message body , and any attachments w ill automatical ly download to you r phone.
Accounts and M essag in g 123 ● Vibrate : allow s you to select vibrate option s for emer gency messages . ● A l ert reminder : allow s you to configure the remin der inte rval. Choose from Once , Every 2 m inutes , Every 15 minutes , or Off . Social Networking A ccounts Stay in touch on the go w ith all your social networking accoun t s.
Accounts and M essag in g 124 Tap New to crea te a new Google Accoun t, or tap Existing t o sign in to an ex isting Google Accoun t . 3. After enterin g your user name and passw ord, tap Sign in . 4. Begin using Goo gle Talk. Note : The Network con f irm s your login and p r ocesse s.
Applications and En tertainment 125 Applications and Entertainment All you r phone ’s features are accessibl e through the Applications list. DivX Google Play Store App Navi gation Music Google Play.
Applications and En tertainment 126 If you try to play Di vX VOD content not authoriz ed for your devi ce, the message "Authorizatio n Error" wil l be display ed and your content w ill not p lay.
Applications and En tertainment 127 10. T ap a folder and scrol l dow n or up until y ou locate your registration DivX v ideo file. 11. T ap the f ile t o play it. O n ce you play the registration file on y our phone , your registra ti on is complete.
Applications and En tertainment 128 access to certain f unc tions or set tings of your phone. Download and in stall onl y apps that you trust. 1. Press and tap ( Play Store ). 2. Browse throu gh the categories ( A pps , Games , Music , Books , or Mov i es ), find an app you're interested in, and tap the na m e.
Applications and En tertainment 129 time. For this reason , you should secure your phone to prevent other s from using it without you r permission. (For more in formation, see Security Setti ngs .) Request a Refun d for a Paid App If you are not satis f ied w i th an app, you can as k for a re fund within 24 hou rs o f the pu rchase.
Applications and En tertainment 130 Navigation Your phone offers a nu mber of location -based navi gation programs to hel p you figure out whe re you are and get y ou where you ’re going.
Applications and En tertainment 131 ► Press > > ( Maps ). To use Google M aps: 1. Press > > . 2. Tap the magni f icati on icons to z oom in o r ou t o f the current map v iew. If the magnification icons aren 't di splayed, use the spread and pinch gestures to z oom in and out.
Applications and En tertainment 132 2. Tap and search for "tel enav". 3. Tap TeleNav G PS N avigator from the result s list. 4. Tap Install , and then tap Acc ept & download . 5. W h en the downloa d has completed, tap Open . To open the app from the h ome s cr een , tap > ( T eleNav GPS Navigator ).
Applications and En tertainment 133 • Extras allow s y ou to search for Movies by t itle, locati on, and time. TeleNav: Getting Driving Directions The built-in GPS hardw are (when enabled) allow s y ou to ge t drivi ng directions to selected locations or establi shments based on your current location .
Applications and En tertainment 134 4. Tap Search to sto r e y our information and begin the search. 5. Tap a matchin g entry based upon s tar ratings an d distances. To search for the lowest gas price in your area: 1. Press > > > Places > G as > By Price ( Regular, P lus, Premium, Diesel ).
Applications and En tertainment 135 2. Tap > Settings . 3. Tap an entry to change it s current settin g : Profile : allow s you to add personal information re g iste r ed w ith t he se r v ice. • Name : allow s y ou to alter the curren t firs t and last name re gistered w ith t h e service.
Applications and En tertainment 136 Work A ddress : allow s you to enter your w ork address. This loca tion displays on the Drive To screen f o r easy access. Google Navigatio n Another Google M aps navigation application is av ailable on your phone .
Applications and En tertainment 137 2. Tap FRIENDS LIST and then t ap . 3. Tap Select from Contacts or A dd v i a ema il address . 4. Tap a contact o r en ter an email add ress and tap Add friends . Your friend w ill receiv e an email or text messa g e with your location marked on a map .
Applications and En tertainment 138 Using Sprint Music Plus 1. Press and then tap > ( Sprint Music P lus ). 2. Follow the onsc reen instructions. Music Player The Musi c Player is an appl ication that can play music f il es. The mu sic player supports files w ith ex tensions AAC , AAC+, eAA C+, MP3, W MA, 3GP , MP4, and M 4A.
Applications and En tertainment 139 Changing Library View You can change the way y ou view the conten ts of your music library . 1. Press and then tap > .
Applications and En tertainment 140 Playing Music 1. Press and then tap > . 2. Tap a song in y our library to listen to i t . - or - While view ing a list o f songs, tap next to a son g and tap Play . - or - While view ing a list o f albums, artists, playl ists , or genres, tap adjacent to the label and tap Play .
Applications and En tertainment 141 GENRES : Play , Add t o p laylist, More by art is t , Shop for artist , or Search. Options While Playing a Song When you play a son g , the N ow playing screen d isplay s. There are various options and con t rols available w hile a song is playi ng : 1.
Applications and En tertainment 142 5. Tap the PERS ONAL VIDEOS tab to view movies you hav e on you r phone or memory card. Sprint TV & Movies The Sprint TV & M ovies application o ffers a wide v ariety of acce ssible cha nnels.
Applications and En tertainment 143 5. Scroll through the chann els to view more selections. Once you find a channel that you want to watch or listen to, sim ply tap it and w ait approximately three seco nds, and the channel begins loa din g.
Applications and En tertainment 144 4. Tap > My Profile . 5. Confirm you r Samsung account e m ail addre ss an d ent e r y our password or create a new account. Tap OK to confirm. Using Media Hub Follow the below procedures to use Media Hu b. 1. Press and then tap > ( Media Hub ).
Applications and En tertainment 145 ● You may re move M edia Content from a dev ice as many ti m es a s you’d like. You w ill have the abili ty to re-download the M edia Content at a later poin t in time sub ject to content re-dow nload availabi l ity and studio permissi ons.
Applications and En tertainment 146 2. Tap and search for "nascar sp r int cup" . 3. Tap NAS CAR Sprint Cup Mob ile from the result s list. 4. Tap Install , and then tap Acc ept & download . 5. When the downl oad has completed, tap Open .
Applications and En tertainment 147 Video display s a list o f selectabl e multimedia con tent. Other features include streaming multimedi a content from NASCAR radio stations or other racin g r adio shows. News & A l erts prov ides you wi th quick access to N ASCAR-specific new s, photos, and driver stats .
Web and Data 148 Web and Data The follow ing topics address your phone ’s d ata c onnections and the bui lt-in W eb browser. Additional data-rela t ed features can be found in A ccounts and Messaging , Appli cations and Entertainment , and T ool s and Calendar .
Web and Data 149 Note: Wi -Fi netw orks are sel f -discov erable, which means no addi tional steps are re quired for your phone to connec t to a W i-Fi networ k. It may be necessa ry to provide a user name and password for certain closed w ireless networks.
Web and Data 150 Note: If you wan t to remove the phone ’s w ireless networ k settin g s , tap Forget on this w indow. You will need to enter the settings a g ain i f y ou want to conne ct to this wireless networ k . 3. The follow ing icons show y our Wi-Fi connection status a t a glance: Wi -Fi is connected and active.
Web and Data 151 When you use da ta services, you r user name is sub mitted to identi f y y ou to the Nationw ide Sprint Networ k . Your user name is automatically pro g rammed into y our phone .
Web and Data 152 Icon Description 3G Phone Cov erage A vail ab le – Phone covera ge availabl e onl y , no 3G/4G data availab le. 4G turned O ff. 3G Phone and Data A vailable – Sprint 3G data and voice servi ce is available and active. 4G is tu rned Off.
Web and Data 153 2. Enter a new password (at least eight characte rs w ithout any spaces), tap C ontinue , re - enter the passw ord, and then tap OK . 3. Tap Trusted creden t ia l s and then tap your preferred Sy st em and User c redentials. You can then dow nload and install the cer tificates need ed to access y our local netw ork.
Web and Data 154 Browser Your phone ’s W eb brow ser gives you full access to bo th mobile and traditional w ebsites on t he go, using 3G , 4G, or W i-Fi data conne ctions.
Web and Data 155 Pinching and Zooming Zooming in and out on a Web pa g e can be done now without the need of an onscreen z oom tool. Just use you r fingers to pi nch in or spread out on the screen. To zoom in: 1. Place your thu mb and index finger on the screen.
Web and Data 156 New windo w : display s a new window so you can brow se m ultipl e URLs. A d d bookmark : all ows you to add a UR L to your bookmar k li st. A d d shortcut to ho me : allows you to add a shortcut to your home sc r een. Share page : all ows y ou to share the page usin g Gmail o r as a message.
Web and Data 157 • Find : to search f or all instances of the sel ected tex t within the Web page. • Web Search : to search for the selec ted text on the W eb . Go to a Specific Website Just like any o ther browser, y ou can use the UR L field to enter a web site address and go to a specific web site.
Web and Data 158 • A c cept cookies : All o w s sites that require coo k ies , to sav e and read cookies from your phone . • Clear all cookie data : D eletes all current browser cookie f iles. • Remember form d ata : Allows the phone to store data from any previously filled out forms.
Web and Data 159 • Open in backg round : New pages are launched in a separate page and display ed behind the current one. Remove the ch eckmark to disable t his function. • Enable JavaS cri pt : Ena bles j av ascript for the current W eb pa g e. W ithou t this feature, some pa g es may not display properly.
Web and Data 160 2. Tap > Settings > Adv anced > Reset to default 3. Tap OK to complete the process . Set the Browser Home Page Customize y our Web experi ence by setting y our browser’s home page. 1. Press and tap > . 2. Tap > Settings > General > Set home page .
Web and Data 161 Create a New Ho mepage Follow the below procedures to create a new homepa g e. 1. From any open W eb pa ge, tap . 2. Tap either History or Sav ed pages . 3. Touch and hold an entry fro m the list to display an onscreen popup menu. 4. Tap Set as hom epage to assi g n the selec ted entry as your new homepage.
Web and Data 162 your phone .)You can ch ange the name by tappin g Sprint Ho tspot settings from the Sprint Hotspot screen . 3. Select this phone and f oll ow your onscreen instru ctions to enter the passkey (provi ded on the Sprint Hotspo t page ) . 4.
Camera and Video 163 Camera and Video You can use the ca mera or camcorder to ta k e and share pictures and vi deos. Your phone comes wi th an 5.0 megapix e l camera w ith an autofocus feature that let s you capture sh arp pictures and vi deos.
Camera and Video 164 Viewfinder Scree n You’ll find the following co ntrols on the View finder screen. ● ( Front/back lens ): allow s y ou to set the f ront ca mera so you can take pictures of yourself or v ideo chat. ● ( Flash ) : Tap to switch b etween various camera flash mode s.
Camera and Video 165 ● ( Gallery ): Opens the Gall ery appl ication so you can brow se t h rough and v iew the photos and vi deos on your stora ge card. ● Volume key : Zoom in and out o f the image. Review Screen After you take a photo or shoot a vi deo, y ou can access v arious options from the Pictu r es and Videos Image View er.
Camera and Video 166 Rename : allow s you to rename the current file. Scan for nearby devices : allows you to scan for nearby discov erable dev i ces. Details : files det ails such as Title, Type, Da t e taken, Album, Location, Lati t ude, Longitude, etc.
Camera and Video 167 1. Press and tap > . 2. Slide to to activate ca mcorder mode. 3. Holding the phone in landscape mode, use the di splay screen as a view finder and aim the camera lens a t you r subject. 4. Tap to begin recording. 5. When you w ant to pause or stop recordin g , tap ag ai n.
Camera and Video 168 Shooting mode: allows y ou to se t the shootin g mode. Choose fro m the foll o w ing options: • Single shot : ta k es a sin gle photo and view it before returning to the shoo ting mode. • Smile shot : the camera focuses on the face o f your subjec t .
Camera and Video 169 Image quality : al lows you to set the image quali t y to: Sup erfine, F ine , or Norm al . GPS tag : allow s you to turn GPS On or Off (also known as Geotagging). T he location of w here t he picture is ta ken is attached to the picture .
Camera and Video 170 White balance : al lows you to adjust color casts in your v ideo. Choose fro m : A uto , Daylight , Cloudy , Incandescent , or Fluore scent . Guidelines : allow s you to turn the guidelines On or Off . Video quality : all ows y ou to set the level of detail in your vide o.
Camera and Video 171 Folders in your s torage card that contain photos a nd v ideos will also be treated as albu ms and will be li sted below the prese t albums. The actual folder names w ill be used as the album names. If you hav e downl oaded any photos and videos, these w ill be placed in the All downloads albu m.
Camera and Video 172 ► Tap the screen t w ice q uickly to zoom in and then tap the s cr een t w ice q uic k ly a g ain to zoom out. - or - You can also use pinch and spread to zoom in o r out. See Touchscreen Nav igation . Watch Vi deo The screen automa t ical ly switches to landscape mode w hen you play a video.
Camera and Video 173 2. Select a folder loca t ion (such as Came r a) and tap an ima g e to view you r picture. 3. T ap > Crop. 4. To adjust the crop box siz e, touch and hold the edge of the box. When dir ectional arrow s appear, drag y our finger inw ard to or outward to resiz e the crop box.
Camera and Video 174 Undo : undo the most rec ent pho t o ad j us t men t. Redo : redo the most re cent undone photo adjustment. Resize : allow s you to resize the current ima g e . Rotate : allow s you to rotate a photo in all 4 direction s.
Camera and Video 175 Share Videos on YouTube Send Photos or Vi deos by Email You can send sev eral photos, videos, or both in a n email message. They are added as fil e attachments in you r email . 1. Press and tap > . 2. Tap the album tha t con t a ins t he pho tos or videos you w ant t o share .
Camera and Video 176 4. Touch the screen and t h en tap > B luetooth . In the next few steps , you’ll be asked to turn on Bluetooth on you r phone and connect to the receiving Bluetooth phon e so the f il es can be sent . For more in f orma t ion, see Blue tooth .
Tools and Calenda r 177 Tools and Calendar Learn how to use many o f your phone ’s produc t i vity -enhancing features. Calendar Alarm & Timer Calculator Memo S Suggest My Fil es Voice Servi ces Bluetooth Kies Air microSD Card Update Your Phone Calendar Use Calendar to c reate and mana g e ev ent s, meetings, and ap pointments.
Tools and Calenda r 178 Note: To synchroniz e calendar events among your Google and Corporate accounts, ma ke sure they are bei ng man ag ed by your phone . See Accou nts and M essaging f o r more information. The default v iew for the Calendar is the Month v i ew .
Tools and Calenda r 179 One-time even t , Daily , Every weekday ( Mon~F ri ), Weekly (every [day]) , Monthly (every [number] [day]) , Month l y (on day [number]) , or Yearly ( on [month] [day ]) . 11. Enter a location for the e vent in the Location field or tap to selec t the location on the a map.
Tools and Calenda r 180 1. Tap the Status ba r, and then sli de your finger dow n the screen to open the Notifications panel. 2. Tap the upcomin g event name from the onscreen list to display the even t within the Calendar noti fications screen. 3. Tap an option.
Tools and Calenda r 181 Month View In Month vi ew, you’ll see markers on days tha t ha ve even ts. When in Mon th view : ● Tap a day to v iew the events of that day. ● Touch and hold a day to create a new even t. ● Slide up or dow n to view earlier or later months .
Tools and Calenda r 182 Timer : use t his op tion to set a countdow n t imer . Use a timer to coun t dow n t o an event based on a preset time len gth (hours, minutes, and seconds ). Desk clock : allow s your phone to act as a standa rd de s k clock.
Tools and Calenda r 183 Delete an Alarm Event 1. Press and tap > . 2. Touch and hold a desired alarm ev ent. 3. From the onsc reen contex t menu, tap Delete . Calculator Your phone comes w ith a built-in calculato r. 1. Press and tap > ( Calculator ).
Tools and Calenda r 184 Create a New Memo Follow the steps bel ow to crea te a new memo o r expand or reply to an exi st ing m emo using the Memo app. 1. Press and tap > . 2. Tap an existing Memo to open it and then tap the screen t o enter edit mod e.
Tools and Calenda r 185 My Files My files allow s you to manage your manage your sounds, images, v ideos, Blue tooth files, Android files, and o ther memory card data i n one conven ient location. This application allow s you to launch a f ile i f the associated application is al ready on your phone.
Tools and Calenda r 186 1. Press and tap > ( Voice Recorder ). 2. To start recordi ng, tap and speak into the microphone . 3. To pause recordin g, tap .
Tools and Calenda r 187 Send Information Usi ng B luetooth Receiv e Information Using Bl uetooth Turn Bluetooth On or Off The follow ing procedures w ill g uide you throu gh turning on and turning off your Bluetooth device. 1. Press > and tap Set t in gs > Bluetooth .
Tools and Calenda r 188 5. When you see the name of your headset display e d in the Bluetooth dev ices section, tap the name. Your phone then automaticall y tries to pair with the headset. 6. If automatic pai ring fails, enter the passcode supplied with your headset .
Tools and Calenda r 189 Unpair from a Bluetooth Device You can make you r phone for g et its pairing conne ction with another Bl uet o oth dev ice. To connect to the other device a g ain, you may need to enter or confirm a pas scode again. 1. Press > and tap Settin gs > Bluetooth .
Tools and Calenda r 190 Tip : If your phone re m embe rs Bluetooth as a prev iou s selection w ithin the Camera or Gallery, you can tap (to the right of the icon) . Calendar even t . In the Cal endar’s Day v ie w , Agenda v iew, or W eek view, tap the event and then tap > Share via > Bluetooth .
Tools and Calenda r 191 2. If Bluetooth is no t on , tap the on-off sli der to turn it on. 3. Tap the check box nex t to y our phone's Bluetoo t h name to make it discov erable. 4. On the sending dev ice, send one or more files to your phone . Refer to the devi ce’s documentation for instructi ons on sending in f o rmation over Bluetoo th.
Tools and Calenda r 192 5. Press and tap . 6. Tap and search for "kies air ". 7. Tap Kies A i r from the results list. 8. Tap Install , and then tap Acc ept & download . 9. When the dow nload has completed , tap Open . To open the app from the home s creen, tap > ( Kies A i r ).
Tools and Calenda r 193 [Device Name] - prov ides an overview of all the main categories. Photos/Videos /Music Ringtones Bookmarks Messages/Call Log/Contacts File Explorer Language settings 13. T o ex it the Kies air appli cation, tap Stop on y our devi ce and then close out the W eb browser on your co m pu ter.
Tools and Calenda r 194 Make sure y our battery is f ully char ged before usi ng the microSD card. Your data may become dama g ed or unusable i f the ba t te ry runs out w hile using the microSD card. Insert a microSD Card Use the follow ing proced ures to insert the microSD card into your pho ne.
Tools and Calenda r 195 Unmount the m icroSD Card When you need to remov e t he mic r oS D card, y ou must unmoun t the microSD card fi rst to prevent corruptin g t he data stored on it or damaging the microSD card.
Tools and Calenda r 196 1. Press > and tap Set t in gs > Accounts and sy nc . 2. Tap the sy nc icon within the Corpo rate account field to rev eal the account’s synchroniz ation sett ing s screen. 3. Toggle the onscreen checkmark to manually synchronize the desired paramete r s (Contacts or Calenda r).
Tools and Calenda r 197 4. Tap Download and f oll ow the onscreen instructio ns. appears within the S tatus bar to indicate the phone is do wnloading the necessary files.) 5. Tap Restart and i nstall to comple te the process. Confirm Your Current Phone Firmware 1.
Tools and Calenda r 198 2. Follow the onsc reen instructions..
Index 199 Index 3-way Cal ling, 42 4G Servi ces, 151 About Devi ce, 93 Accessibili ty, 87 Settings, 87 TalkBack, 88 Accessory Jac k, 10 Account Manage, 7 Services, 8 Account Passwords, 6 Accounts, 105.
Index 200 Bookmarks, 160 Menu, 155 Navi gating, 154 Settings, 157 Calculator, 183 Calendar, 177 Call Alerts, 58 Call Forw arding , 43 Call Settings, 57 Call W aiting, 42 Caller ID, 42 Camera, 163 Phot.
Index 201 Corporate, 112 Corporate Accoun t s, 109 Email M essage Make call from, 32 Emergency Numbe r s , 33 Encryption, 79 Enhanced 911 (E91 1), 33 Enter Text, 22 Entertainment, 1 63 Extended Home S.
Index 202 Input Method Changing, 82 International Dial ing , 60 Keyboard, 82 Samsung, 82 T9 Trace, 83 Touchscreen, 22 Kies Air, 191 Kies via W i-Fi, 53 Language and Input , 81 LED Indicator, 68 Legal .
Index 203 Layou t, 9 Navi gation, 12 Phone calls Using contacts, 31 Phone Calls Emergency nu mbers, 33 From email messa g es , 32 From text messa ges, 32 Make calls, 30 Receiv e, 33 Using phone dial p.
Index 204 Screen Unloc k Password, 77 Screen Unloc k Pattern, 77 Screen Unloc k PIN, 77 SD Card, 193 Format, 71 Insert , 194 Remove, 193 Unmount, 71 Security Screen Lock, 75 Settings, 75 Settings, 47 .
Index 205 Activation, 161 Connection, 161 Router Name, 162 Security, 162 Settings, 162 Sprint Musi c, 137 Sprint Operator Services, 8 Sprint TV & M ovies, 142 Status Icons, 20 Storage Settings, 70.
Index 206 Update PRL, 91 Update Profile , 92 Videos Record, 166 Sharing, 174 Visual Voi cemail, 36 Configure option s, 37 Enable Speakerphon e, 39 Listen to multipl e messages , 37 Record, 40 Revi ew,.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sprint Nextel SPH-L300 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sprint Nextel SPH-L300 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sprint Nextel SPH-L300, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sprint Nextel SPH-L300 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sprint Nextel SPH-L300, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sprint Nextel SPH-L300.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sprint Nextel SPH-L300. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sprint Nextel SPH-L300 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.