Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MN1940 du fabricant Baldor
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DSM S - - Series Integrated Stepper Motor / Driver Installation Manual 04/07 M N1940.
Content s i MN1940 Contents 1 General Information 1-1 ................................. 2 Introduction 2-1 ........................................ 2.1 DSM S -Series int egrat ed mot or and driver 2-1 ................. 2.1.1 Option av ailability 2-2 .
ii Cont ents MN1940 5.2 Baldor SPI Int erf ace 5-4 ..................................... 5.2.1 S tarting Baldor SPI I nterfac e 5-4 ..................................... 5.2.2 Conf iguration par ameters 5-4 ........................................ 6 T roubleshooting 6-1 .
www .baldor General I nformat ion 1-1 MN1940 L T0227A02 Copy right B aldor (c ) 2007. All r ights r es erv ed. This manual is c opy righted and all r ights are res erv ed. This document or attac hed s oftwar e may not , in whole or in par t, be c opied or r eproduc ed in any form without the prior w ritten c ons ent of B ALDO R .
www .baldor 1-2 G eneral I nformat ion MN1940 Safety Notice Only qualified pers onnel s hould attempt the st art -up proc edure or tr oubles hoot this equipment. This equipment may be c onnec ted to ot her mac hines that hav e rotating par ts or parts that ar e cont rolled by this equipment.
www .baldor Int roducti on 2-1 MN1940 2.1 DSM S - Ser ies integrated m otor and driver The DS M S -Series high-torque integr ated motor and driv er is ideal for des igners who w ant the simplic ity of a motor with on -board elec tronic s . The D SM allows the s y s tem des igner to dec ide the best method of cont rol.
www .baldor 2-2 I ntroduct ion M N1940 A “Baldor Motion T oolk it CD ” is av ailable. This c ontains the Baldor S PI Int erfac e s oftw are, used f or c ommunicat ing and c onfiguring the D SM. This manual is intended t o guide you t hrough the ins tallation of t he DS M.
www .baldor Int roducti on 2-3 MN1940 2.2 Receiving and inspectio n When y ou rec eiv e your DSM, there are s ev eral things y ou s hould do immediately : 1. Chec k the condit ion of the pac k aging and report any damage immediately to the c ar rier that deliv ered y our D SM.
www .baldor 2-4 I ntroduct ion M N1940 2.3 Units and abbreviations The following unit s and abbr ev iations may appear in this manual: V V olt ( als o V A C and VD C) ............... WW a t t .............. A Ampere ............... Ω Ohm .
www .baldor Basic I nst allat ion 3-1 MN1940 3.1 Intr oduction Y ou should read all t he sections in Basic I nstal lation . It is important that the c orrec t s teps are follow ed when ins talling the D SM. This sec tion des c ribes the mec hanical ins tallat ion of the DS M.
www .baldor 3-2 B asic I nst allat ion MN1940 3.1 .2 Mounting the DS M Ens ure y ou hav e read and unders tood t he locat ion requirements in s ec tion 3.1.1. Mount the DSM by the four holes in the f aceplat e. M5 bolts or s c rew s ar e rec ommended.
www .baldor Basic I nst allat ion 3-3 MN1940 Maximum len gth of screw th reads int o the motor housing is 3.5 mm ( 0.14 in) Customer ’s mounting flange M3 x 0.
www .baldor 3-4 B asic I nst allat ion MN1940 D imension s - DS MS23 L MAX L MAX2 75.2 (2.96) Ø 6.35 (0.25) 41.4 (1.63) 15 (0.59) 5.8 (0.23) 20.6 (0.81) 56.4 (2.22) Square All dimensions show n as mm (inches ) 4xØ 5 (0.2 ) 4.9 (0.
www .baldor Basic I nst allat ion 3-5 MN1940 D imension s - DS MS34 All dimensions show n as mm (inches ) L MAX L MAX2 4xØ 5.5 (0.22) 37 (1.46) 25 (0.98) 13 (0.51) Ø 14 (0.55) 94.7 (3.73) 2 (0.08) 10 (0.39) Ø 73 (2.87) 69.6 (2.74) 86.
www .baldor 3-6 B asic I nst allat ion MN1940 3.1. 3 Oth er req u iremen ts for i n stallat io n H The DS M requires a power supply as desc ribed in s ec tion 4.
www .baldor Input / Out put 4-1 MN1940 4.1 Intr oduction This s ec tion des c ribes the input and output connec tions of the D SM. Logic lev el c ables must not run parallel to pow er c ables . Pow er c ables will intr oduce nois e into th e log ic leve l cab le s a nd m ake th e system u nre lia ble .
www .baldor 4-2 I nput / Output MN1940 4.2 Motor pow er input The DS M requires an unregulated D C pow er s upply. The power s upply cur rent w ill depend upon volt age and load, but will not ex c eed 2 A (DS MS17 / DS MS23) or 4 A ( DS MS34).
www .baldor Input / Out put 4-3 MN1940 4.2. 1 Wi re siz es T able 1 desc ribes the w ire s iz es to prov ide optimal prot ect ion against EMI and RF I.
www .baldor 4-4 I nput / Output MN1940 4.3 Logi c input s The DS M has thr ee optic ally is olated logic inputs . Thes e inputs are is olated to minimiz e or eliminate elect ric al nois e coupled ont o the driv e c ontrol s ignals , and are ov er -voltage protec ted.
www .baldor Input / Out put 4-5 MN1940 clos ed) will c ause t he driv er output c ir cuit ry to be dis abled. Note t hat the internal s ine/c os ine posit ion generator w ill c ontinue to inc rement or decr ement as long as s tep c loc k puls es ar e being rec eived by the D SM.
www .baldor 4-6 I nput / Output MN1940 4.3 .3 Sink ing / sour cing input c onfigura tion All DS MS17, 23 and 34 models can be w ired t o cr eate s ink ing inputs , wher e a referenc e voltage bet ween +5 and +24 VD C is c onnec ted to the O ptoc oupler R eferenc e (w hite) lead.
www .baldor Input / Out put 4-7 MN1940 Next Move ESB (models NSB003-501 / NSB003-502 only) STEP0 ULN2003 Ste p Output 74AHCT244 GND 3 DSM Optocoupler refere nce Step clock input +5 V 4 +5 V.
www .baldor 4-8 I nput / Output MN1940 4.4 SP I interface DSM s etup par ameters are c hanged v ia an SPI (Serial P eripheral I nterfac e) por t.
www .baldor Input / Out put 4-9 MN1940 4.4. 2 SPI si gn al d escrip ti o ns +5 V out This out put is a voltage s upply for the s etup c able only. It is not designed to pow er any exter nal dev ices C LK The c lock is driv en by the master and regulates the flow of the data bits .
www .baldor 4-10 I nput / Output MN1940 4.5 Connection summar y - minimum system wiring As a guide, Figure 13 s how s an ex ample of the t y pical minimum w iring requir ed to operate t he DSM in c onjunc tion w ith a Nex tMov e ES B c ontroller.
www .baldor Operat ion 5-1 MN1940 5.1 Intr oduction The motor inter fac e is ac c es s ed through the B aldor SP I Interf ace s oft ware, whic h is an eas y to ins tall and eas y t o use pr ogram us ed to s et the D SM’s parameters . T he Baldor S PI Interfac e is inc luded on the Baldor Motion T oolki t CD .
www .baldor 5-2 Oper ation MN1940 4. When Windows finds the r equired VC P driver files , a dialog w ill war n that t hey have not pass ed ‘Window s Logo tes ting’. This is normal for the par ameter s etup c able’s V CP dr iv er , so cli ck Continue Anyway to c ontinue w ith the ins tallation.
www .baldor Operat ion 5-3 MN1940 5.1 .6 S t arting the c ontrolle r and DSM If y ou have f ollowed the ins tr uct ions in t he prev ious s ec tions , y ou s hould hav e now c onnec ted power s our ces , inputs and output s, and the USB cable link ing the P C w ith the D SM.
www .baldor 5-4 Oper ation MN1940 5.2 Baldor SPI Interface The Baldor S PI Inter fac e is a simple applic ation for conf iguring all as pec ts of the DSM. 5.2. 1 St artin g Bal do r SPI I nt erface On the W indows Start menu, selec t Progr ams, B ALD OR SPI Inter fac e, BALD O R SP I Interfac e.
www .baldor Operat ion 5-5 MN1940 Microst ep Reso luti on Select (MSE L) The MSEL par ameter s pec ifies the mic ros tep res olution of t he DS M.
www .baldor 5-6 Oper ation MN1940 I/ O sett ings vi ew The I/O set tings view show s two additi onal parameters for the DSM: Cloc k T ype The Cloc k T y pe paramet er c onfigures the s tep and direc tion i nputs for the ty pe of input s ignals being supplied t o the motor .
www .baldor T roubl eshooti ng 6-1 MN1940 6.1 Intr oduction This sec tion ex plains common pr oblems and their s olutions . 6.1 .1 Proble m diagnosis If y ou have f ollowed all the ins tr uct ions in t his manual in s equenc e, y ou s hould hav e few problems installing the D SM.
www .baldor 6-2 T r oubleshoot ing MN1940 6.1 .4 Motor c ontrol problem s Symptom Check Contr oller outputs appears to be work ing, but w ill not cause D SM to turn. Chec k that the DSM is powered. Chec k that the logic c onnect ions bet ween motor and contr oller are cor re ct.
www .baldor S pecif icat ions 7-1 MN1940 7.1 Intr oduction This s ec tion pr ovides tec hnic al s pec ificat ions of all DSM models . 7.1 .1 Input power De scri pt ion DSMS17.
www .baldor 7-2 S pecifi cations MN1940 7.1. 2 Mo to r speed & t orq u e - DSM S17 D SMS17 x -1A... S peed in full s teps per s ec ond (R PM) T orque (oz ·in) T orque·(N c m) .
www .baldor S pecif icat ions 7-3 MN1940 D SMS17 x -3A... S peed in full s teps per s ec ond (R PM) T orque (oz ·in) T orque (N ·c m) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 (300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) 50 60 40 30 20 10 0 35 42 28 21 14 7 24 VDC 48 VDC De scri pt ion Val u e Holding torque 52.
www .baldor 7-4 S pecifi cations MN1940 7.1. 3 Mo to r speed & t orq u e - DSM S23 D SMS23 x -1B... S peed in full s teps per s ec ond (R PM) T orque (N ·c m) T orque (oz ·in).
www .baldor S pecif icat ions 7-5 MN1940 D SMS23 x -3B... S peed in full s teps per s ec ond (R PM) T orque (oz ·in) T orque (N ·c m) 200 225 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 141 159 12.
www .baldor 7-6 S pecifi cations MN1940 7.1. 4 Mo to r speed & t orq u e - DSM S34 D SMS34 x -1B... S peed in full s teps per s ec ond (R PM) T orque (N ·c m) T orque (oz ·in).
www .baldor S pecif icat ions 7-7 MN1940 D SMS34 x -2B... S peed in full s teps per s ec ond (R PM) T orque (N ·c m) T orque (oz ·in) 900 1000 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 46.
www .baldor 7-8 S pecifi cations MN1940 D SMS34 x -3B... S peed in full s teps per s ec ond (R PM) T orque (oz ·in) T orque (N ·c m) 900 1000 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 465.
www .baldor S pecif icat ions 7-9 MN1940 7.1 .5 Digit al input s De scri pt ion Un it Va l u e Ty p e Opto -isolated Supply volt age Maximum Minimum VDC 24 5 Input forw ard voltage (max) S tep c loc k / Dir ec tion Enable VDC 1.7 1.4 Input current (typical, 5V) S tep c loc k / Dir ec tion Enable mA 10.
www .baldor 7-10 S pecifi cations MN1940.
Index MN1940 A Abbrev iations , 2 -4 B Baldor SP I Interfac e, 5 -4 clo ck I OF , 5- 6 cloc k ty pe, 5 -6 conf iguration paramet ers , 5 -4 DIR (directi on overrid e), 5 -5 dire ction overri de (DIR),.
Index MN 1940 M MHC (motor holding c ur rent) , 5 -5 Mounting, 3 -2 DSMS 17, 3 -2 DSMS 23, 3 -4 DSMS 34, 3 -5 sec uri ng DSM c ables , 3 -5 MRC (motor r un c urrent ), 5 -5 O Oper ation, 5 -1 connec t.
Comments MN1940 If y ou have any s ugges tions for impr ovement s t o this manual, please let us k now . Write y our comment s in t he spac e pr ovided below, remove t his page f rom the manual and mail it to: Manuals Baldor UK Lt d Mint Motion Cent re 6 Bris tol D is tribution P ark Hawkley Dri v e Bristol BS32 0BF United K ingdom.
Comment s MN1940 Thank you for taking the time to help us..
P r i n t e di nU K E Baldor UK Ltd Eur ope (Southe rn) Baldor ASR AG , Switzer land T el: +41 52 647 4700 Fax : +41 52 659 2394 Euro pe Baldor ASR GmbH, Ger many T el: +49 (0) 89 905 080 Fax : +49 ( .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Baldor MN1940 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Baldor MN1940 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Baldor MN1940, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Baldor MN1940 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Baldor MN1940, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Baldor MN1940.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Baldor MN1940. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Baldor MN1940 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.