Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MN1274 06/2001 du fabricant Baldor
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MN1274 06/2001 Installation Manual Installation Manual.
iii Copyri ght Baldor ( c) 2001. All r ight s reser ved. This manual is copyr ight ed and all ri ght s are r eserved. This document or at t ached sof t ware m ay not, in whol e or i n par t, be copied or repr oduced in any f orm wi thout the pr ior wri tt en consent of Baldor .
iv Safety Notice Only qual if ied per sonnel shoul d att empt t he st ar t- up procedur e or tr oubleshoot this equi pment . This equi pment m ay be connected to ot her m achines t hat have r ot ati ng p art s or p art s that ar e contr oll ed by thi s equipment .
v CAUTION : T o prevent equi pment damage, be cert ain that the input power has corr ectl y sized protect ive devices i nst all ed. CAUTION : T o prevent equi pment damage, be cert ain that input and output si gnals are powered and refe ren ce d co rrec tly .
vi CAUTION : Ensure that r esolver or encoder wi res are proper ly connected. Incor rect i nst all ati on may resul t in impr oper ro t ati on or incorr ect commut ation. CAUTION : The thr eaded holes i n the t op and bott om of t he enclosur e ar e for cable clam ps.
vii Contents 1 Introduction 1 .............................................. 1.1 MintDriv e feat ures 1 ......................................................... 1.2 Receiving and inspect ion 2 ................................................... 1.2. 1 Ident if ying t he cat alog num ber 2 .
viii 3 Input / Output 27 ............................................ 3.1 O utline 27 .................................................................. 3.2 Analog I/ O 27 ............................................................... 3.2. 1 Analog I nput, Singl e Ended - X1 1 28 .
ix 5 Mint WorkBench 67 ......................................... 5.1 O utline 67 .................................................................. 5.1. 1 Complet ing conf igur ati on 67 ...................................................... 5.2 Using WorkBench 68 .
x Appendic es A T uning 97 .................................................. A.1 I ntr oduction 97 .............................................................. A.1. 1 Closed l oop contr ol 99 ........................................................
xi C CE Guidel ines 129 ........................................... C.1 O utline 129 .................................................................. C.1. 1 Declar ati on of Conformi ty 129 ..................................................... C.1. 2 EMC Confor mit y and CE marki ng 130 .
1 1.1 Mint Drive f eatures The Mint Dr ive combi nes a powerf ul f ull y feat ured mot ion cont rol ler and brushl ess servo am plif ier int o a comp act p ackage. Thi s provi des a fl exibl e and powerf ul m oti on contr ol solut ion f or almost any single axis posi ti oning syst em.
2 1.2 Receiv ing and ins pect ion When you r eceive your Mint Dri ve, t here ar e several thi ngs you should do i mmediat ely: 1. Check the condi ti on of t he shippi ng cont ainer and report any damage imm ediat ely t o t he carr ier that deli vered your Mint Dri ve.
3 1.3 Mint Driv e indic ators 1.3.1 Monitor L ED display The 7-segment Moni tor LED displ ay indicat es gener al Mi ntDr ive st at us inf orm ati on: Dri ve Disabled D r i v ei ne r r o r( s e es e c t i o n7 ) Dri ve Enabled Fo llow mo de Jogging Local (see t roubl eshooti ng guide) Posit ional Move i.
4 1.4 Units and abbrev iati ons The fol lowi ng unit s and abbr eviat ions ar e used in t his manual : V V ol t ( also V AC and VDC) ............ WW a t t ............ A Amper e ............ Ω Ohm ............ pF picof arad ........... mH milli henry .
5 2.1 Outline Y ou must r ead all the sect ions i n Bas ic Ins talla tion . It is impo rt an t tha t the co rrect ste ps are fo llowe d wh en ins talling the M intDriv e.
6 H The servo mot or t hat wi ll be connected t o the Mi ntDr ive. H The appropr iat e mot or cable. For easi er i nst al lat ion i t i s recommended t hat a col or- coded Baldor motor power cabl e is used.
7 2.1.2 RS485 / R S422 systems If your PC does not have an RS485 / RS422 connect or , an RS232 to 4- wir e RS485 / R S422 convert er wil l be r equir ed. Thi s all ows signals f rom the RS232 por t t o be convert ed to t he signal s necessary f or RS485 / RS422 com municat ions.
8 2.2 M echanic al ins tallati on and locat ion requirem ents It is essent ial that you read and under st and t his sect ion bef ore begi nning t he inst allat ion . CAUTION : T o prevent equi pment damage, be cert ain that the input power has corr ectl y rated prot ecti ve devices i nst all ed.
9 H If mult ipl e unit s are being mount ed side by si de, a sp aci ng of 0. 5” ( 13mm) must be pr ovided between t he unit s and from t he unit to t he side of the cabi net / enclosur e. H T o compl y wit h CE dir ecti ve 89/336/ EEC an appropr iat e mai ns fil ter must be inst al led.
10 2.3 P ower connec tions This sect ion pr ovides i nstr ucti ons for connecti ng the mai ns supply . It is im port ant that you ref er t o the corr ect fr ont p anel for your Mi ntDr ive package.
11 2.3. 1 Gr ounding Singl e phase unit s AC Mai ns Supply Safety G round Driven Earth Gr ound Rod (Plant G round) L N Earth Route all 3 w ires L, N , and Earth (G round) together in conduit or c able. Pow er wires must be k ept separate from c ontrol s ignal wires .
12 Ungrounded di str ibut ion syst ems T o avoi d equipment damage an i solati on tr ansfor mer wit h a grounded secondar y is r ecommended. This pr ovides t hree phase AC power that is symm etr ical wi th r espect to ground.
13 LN Fuse Connecti on L N L1 L2 Eart h MintDrive Circ uit break er and fus e not supplied. For C E Complianc e, see A ppendix C. Cir cuit Breaker L3 PE L1 L2 Figur e 5 - Ci rcui t br eaker and fuse, singl e phase, p ackage size C L1 Fuse Connecti on L 1 L 2 L1 L2 Eart h MintDrive Circ uit break er and fus e not supplied.
14 2.3.4 Wire sizes Input and output wir e size i s based on the use of copper conduct or wi re r ated at 167°F (75° C). The fol lowi ng t ables descr ibe t he wir e size t o be used for power connect ions and t he rat ings of the prot ecti on devices.
15 2.3.5 Single phase con nection to package size A or B Locati on Connector X1, si ngle or 2-p ar t connector Part num ber MD 1 A... MD 2 A... Input vol t age 1 15V AC, 1 φ line t o neut ral 230V AC.
16 2.3.7 Three phase con nection to package size C Locati on Connector X1, si ngle or 2-p ar t connector Part num ber MD 2 A... Input vol t age 230V AC, 3 φ line to lin e Range 220-250V AC Note: T ight ening t orque f or t er minal block connecti ons is 4.
17 2.3.9 DC Bus power connections from p ackage size C Locati on Connector X1, si ngle or 2-p ar t connector Part num ber MD1A xx S x ... MD2A xx S x .
18 2.3. 10 Pow er supply filte rs T o compl y wit h EEC dir ecti ve 89/336/ EEC, a m ains fi lt er of the appr opri ate t ype must be connect ed. This wi ll ensure t hat t he unit compli es wit h the CE speci fi cati ons for which i t has been t ested.
19 2.4 M otor connec ti ons This sect ion pr ovides i nstr ucti ons for connecti ng the m otor . Locati on Connector X1, si ngle or 2-p ar t connector Part num ber MD 1 A... MD 2 A... Nominal out put volt age 160VDC 320VDC Range 135-176VDC 306- 350VDC V W U PE Motor Optional moto r cir cu it contac tors M M M (MintDrive 2.
20 2.4. 1 Motor cir cuit cont actor s If r equir ed by local codes or for safet y reasons, an M - Cont act or (m otor ci rcui t cont actor ) may be inst alled t o provi de a physical disconnect ion of the mot or wi ndings f rom t he Mi ntDr ive ( see p age 19).
21 2.4.2 Regeneration resistor (D ynamic Br ake resistor) The 2.5A and 5A M int Dri ves both have int ernal ly f it ted r egenerat ion r esist ors* . For 7.5A, 10A and 15A Mint Dri ves, an ext er nal r egenerat ion ( Dynamic Br ake) r esist or must be i nst all ed to di ssip at e excess power fr om the inter nal DC bus during motor decel erat ion.
22 2.5 Feedbac k connec tions T wo f eedback opti ons are avai labl e; a comm ut ati ng encoder or a resol ver , bot h using connect or X2. Check wit h the cat alog number ( see p age 2) t o ensure you ar e wir ing t he corr ect f eedback device.
23 2.5.1 Resolver optio n The resol ver connect ions ar e made using t he 15- pin D- type f emale connect or X2. T wi sted p air cables must be used for the com plement ary signal p ai rs e. g. SI N+ and SIN- . The overal l cabl e screen/ shiel d must be connected t o the met alli c shell of t he D - t ype connector .
24 2.5. 1.1 Resol ver cabl e pi n con fi gurat io n The t able and di agram below show t he pin conf igur ati on for a typi cal Bal dor Resol ver Feedback cable, par t number CBL030SF- ALM.
25 2.5. 2 Enc oder option The encoder connect ions ar e made using t he 15- pin D- type f emale connect or X2. This pr ovides t he ABZ channels and Hal l si gnals. T wi sted p air cables must be used for the compl ement ar y signal pai rs e.g. CHA+ and CHA-.
26 2.6 Dri ve enable T o oper ate t he Mi ntDr ive, the dr ive st age must be acti ve and enabled. This r equir es an exter nall y generat ed 24VDC supply t o be connected bet ween pins 1 and 12.
27 3.1 Out line This sect ion descr ibes t he vari ous digit al and analog i nput and out put cap abil it ies of the Mi ntDr ive, toget her wi th descr ipt ions of each of t he associat ed connector s on the f ront p anel. The fol lowi ng conventi ons wil l be used to r ef er t o the i nput s and output s: I/ O Input / Out put .
28 3.2. 1 Anal og Input, S ingle E nded - X 1 1 Locati on Connector X1 1, pins 1 & 2 Name AIN2 Mint keyw ord ADC.2 Descri pti on Singl e ended input . Range: 0 - ± 10VDC. Resolut ion: 9- bit wi th sign. Input i mpedance: >4k Ω . Sampli ng inter val: 5m s.
29 3.2.2 Anal og Input, Differ ential - X 1 1 Locati on Connector X1 1, pins 4 (+) & 5 (- ) Name AIN3 Mint keyw ord ADC.3 Descri pti on Dif ferent ial input .
30 3.2. 3 Analog Input s, D iffer ential - X 5 Locati on Connector X5 Pins 8 ( +) and 21 (- ) 9 (+) and 22 (- ) Name AIN0 AI N1 Mint keyw ord ADC.0 ADC.1 Descri pti on T wo independent di f f erent ial i nput s. Common mode vol t age range: ±10VDC. Resolut ion: 12- bit wi th sign.
31 If an input is unused, then it is advi sable t o connect i t t o the AGND pi n. Do not leave t he input unconnected ( fl oati ng). The analog i nput s can be read i n Mint using t he keywords ADC.0 and ADC.1 . M int will return th e va lue as a percent age where 0V=0%, - 10V= -100% and +10V = 100%.
32 3.2. 4 Anal og Output s, Bipola r - X1 1 Locati on Connector X1 1 Pins 6 7 Name AOUT2 AOUT3 Mint keyw ord AUXDAC.2 AUXDAC.3 Descri pti on T wo i ndependent assi gnable out put s. Output r ange: ±10VDC. Resolut ion: 8 - bi t wit h sign. Output current: 1mA max imum.
33 3.2. 5 Anal og Output s, Bipola r - X5 Locati on Connector X5 Pins 19 7 Name AOUT0 AOUT1 Mint keyw ord AUXDAC.0 AUXDAC.1 Descri pti on T wo i ndependentl y contr oll ed output s.
34 3.3 Dig ital I/O The Mint Dr ive pr ovides: H 8 general purpose i nput s on block connect or X 13 H 4 general purpose out put s on block connect or X13 H 10 general purpose i nput s on 25-pi n conn.
35 3.3. 1 Digit al Input s - X1 3 Locati on Connector X13 Pin Name Mi nt keywor d 1 Dri ve Enable - 2 DIN10 IN.10 3 DIN1 1 IN.11 4 DIN12 IN.12 5 DIN13 IN.13 6 DIN14 IN.14 7 DIN15 IN.15 8 DIN16 IN.16 9 DIN17 IN.17 Descri pti on Eight gener al purpose opti call y isolat ed AC digit al i nput s (DI N10 to DI N17).
36 Pin 12 ( CREF) cont rol s the sense of all t he digi t al input s ( X13 pins 1 t o 9) and shoul d be permanent ly wir ed, dependent on the user requir ement s, as descri bed below: Acti ve high : connect +24VDC t o pin1 and 0V t o pin 12.
37 3.3. 2 Digit al Input s - X5 Locati on Connector X5 Pin Name Mi nt keywor d 1 DIN0 IN.0 2 DIN2 IN.2 3 DIN4 IN.4 4 DIN6 IN.6 5 DIN8 IN.8 14 DIN1 IN.1 15 DIN3 IN.3 16 DIN5 IN.5 17 DIN7 IN.7 18 DIN9 IN.9 Descri pti on T en general pur pose opti call y isol ated AC di git al input s ( D I N 0t oD I N 9 ) .
38 These input s are isolat ed and share a si ngle comm on li ne (COM) . The entir e input bank may be confi gured f or use i n PNP mode ( sinki ng curr ent, where cur rent fl ows in t o the i nput s) by connect ing COM t o the negat ive r ail of the ext ernal ly gener ated power source.
39 3.3.3 Digital Outputs - X13 Locati on Connector X13 Pin Name Mi nt keywor d 13 DOUT5 - OUT.5 14 DOUT5+ OUT.5 15 DOUT6 - OUT.6 16 DOUT6+ OUT.6 17 DOUT7 - OUT.7 18 DOUT7+ OUT.7 19 DOUT8 - OUT.8 20 DOUT8+ OUT.8 Descri pti on Four general pur pose optical ly isol ated digi t al output s (DOUT5 t o DOUT8).
40 3.3.4 Digital Outputs - X5 Locati on Connector X5 Pin Name Mi nt keywor d 10 DOUT4 OUT.4 11 DOUT2 OUT.2 12 DOUT0 OUT.0 23 DOUT3 OUT.3 24 DOUT1 OUT.1 Descri pti on Five gener al pur pose opti call y isol ated di git al output s (DOUT0 t o DOUT4).
41 3.4 Other I /O 3.4.1 Sim ulated enco der output - X3 Locati on Connector X3 Pin Name 1 CHA+ 2 CHB+ 3 CHZ+ 4 ( not connect ed ) 5 DGND 6 CHA- 7 CHB- 8 CHZ - 9 ( not connect ed ) Descri pti on Simul .
42 3.4.2 Master (auxiliar y) encoder i nput - X6 Locati on Connector X6 Pin Name 1 CHA+ 2 CHB+ 3 CHZ+ 4 ( not connect ed ) 5 DGND 6 CHA- 7 CHB- 8 CHZ - 9 +5V Descri pti on Opt icall y isol ated encode.
43 Fig ure 2 2 - Au xilia ry en cod er circ uit.
44 3.4.3 Serial port - X7 Locati on Connector X7 Pin RS232 Name RS485 / RS422 nam e 1 - RX+ (i nput) 2 RXD - 3 TXD - 4 - TX+ (out put) 5 0V GND 0V GND 6 - RX- (input) 7 RT S - 8 CTS - 9 - TX- (output .
45 3.4.4 Using RS232 cable CAUTION : The seri al connect or on t he Mint Dri ve (X7) support s two seri al channel s, one RS232 and one RS485 / RS422. The seri al cable w it h cat alog number CBL001-501 must NOT be used wi th t he Mint Dri ve as this m ay resul t in dam age to t he unit .
46 3.4.5 Multidrop usin g RS485 / R S422 cable T er minating resis tors T R each hav e a ty pical v alue of 120 Ω MintDr ive X7 Master Contr oll er GND GND T R MintDr ive X7 RX- DGND RX+ TX+ TX - 6R.
47 3.4.6 Connecting Baldor HMI Operator Panels Baldor HMI Oper at or Panel s use a 15 - pi n male D- type connect or ( mar ked PLC POR T), but t he Mint Dri ve connector X7 is a 9- pin D- type connect or .
48 3.4. 7 Optional br eakout boar d for connector X 5 An opti onal scr ew connecti on fi tt ing i s avail able shoul d you wish to pur chase a br eak - out board. The break- out boar d, of ten ref err ed to as a ’ card’ , mount s on a 35mm DIN r ail .
49 4.1 Out line Befor e poweri ng the Mi ntDr ive you wi ll need to connect the PC t o the Mi ntDr ive usi ng a seri al cabl e and inst all t he supplied sof tware on t he PC. The sof tware pr ovided i ncludes a number of appl icat ions and utilitie s to allo w you to c on figure , tune a nd p rogra m the Min tDrive .
50 4.1.3 S tar ting th e MintDrive If you have fol lowed t he inst ruct ions i n the pr evious sect ions, you should now have connect ed all the power sources, your choi ce of I/O per ipher als, CAN networ k connections (i f requi red) and the seri al cable l inki ng the PC wi th t he Mi ntDr ive.
51 4.2 Mint Conf igurati on T ool S tartup Wiz ard - coars e tuning Each type of motor and dri ve combinat ion has a sl ight ly di f fer ent r esponse. Befor e the Mi ntDr ive can be used to cont rol the mot or accurat ely , t he Mint Dri ve must be “t uned”.
52 3. Click Next > . MCT wi ll search the ser ial port s on the PC unti l t he Mi ntDr ive is det ected. If the Mi ntDr ive i s not f ound, check t he seri al connect ion and cli ck Rescan . 4. Click Next > . Check that Axis- 0 is hi ghlight ed.
53 6. Click Next > . The Axis Conf igur ati on T est Sel ect f rame pr ovides t wo opti ons. Clic k PERFORM AXES CONFIGURA TION TESTS . The axis conf igur ati on test s all ows MCT to t une the M int Dri ve for us e with th e attach ed m otor . 7. Using t he drop - down boxes, select the exact mo tor type.
54 4.3 MCT S t artup Wiz ard - fi ne-tuning In t he previ ous secti on, t he mot or r esponse was ‘coar se tuned’ . The f oll owing sect ions descr ibe how t o fi ne tune t he motor r esponse. I f you ar e fami li ar wi th cl osed loop ser vo contr ol t heory t hen you may wish t o proceed st rai ght t o secti on 4.
55 In summ ary , t he fol lowi ng rul es can be used as a guide: H KPROP: I ncr easing KPROP wi ll speed up the r esponse and reduce t he ef fect of di stur bances and load var iat ions. The side ef fect of incr easing KPROP i s that it also i ncreases t he overshoot , and i f set t oo high i t wi ll cause the syst em to becom e unst able.
56 4.3. 2 Fine-tuning the speed loop Befor e select ing t he servo ( posit ion) loop gai ns, t he speed loop gai ns might need to be f ine t uned. Note: MCT wi ll have creat ed st art ing val ues for t he speed loop gai ns, so i f you ar e not sur e which val ues to adj ust, you can go str aight to sect i on 4.
57 4.3. 3 Fine-tuning the position loop The fol lowi ng tuning m ethods i nvolve adjust ing t he servo l oop ter ms KVELFF , KPROP , KVEL and KDERIV , which al l have a def ault value of zer o. 1. Cli ck the Posi ti on Loop Tuni ng t ab 2. The Tuni ng Param eter s fr ame shows the val ues of the term s.
58 5. Click Sta rt Mo v e . In t he dial og box that appears, cli ck GO . The motor will now at tempt t o rot ate 0. 2 revol utions. MCT wi ll upl oad the recorded ( captur ed) dat a fr om the Mi ntD ri ve and the T uning Gr aph t ab wi ll be shown.
59 If KPROP is i ncreased t oo far , overshoot or r ingi ng will occur . The plot opposi te shows the eff ect of sett ing KPROP t o a value of 7. This overshoot and/ or ri nging can be reduced by i ntr oducing a damping t erm - eit her KVEL or KD ERIV .
60 4.3.5 Completing the S tar tup Wizard The S t artup Wi zard i s now compl ete. The next step i s to cont inue wi th t he confi gurat ion of other par amet ers such as i nput s and out put s.
61 4.4 MCT Wiz ard - hardware c onfi guration The next p ar t of the Mi nt Conf igur ati on T ool all ows you to setup t he digi t al input s and out put s, per for m fur ther fi ne-t uning and conf igur e many other p aramet ers. At t he bott om of the window , t he help bar shows guidance about the current opt ions.
62 3. Conti nue thi s process unt il you have confi gured al l the requi r ed input s. Clic k Next > to cont inue. The Undo Changes butt on can be used to r eset al l t he it ems on the t ab to thei r or igi nal val ues.
63 4.4.3 Axis0 param eter configu r ation The Axis0 Par amet er Conf igur ati on t ab all ows you to set up vari ous axis p aram eter s. If you do not wi sh to make any changes, cli ck Next > a nd g o to se ction 4 .4.4 . 1. Cli ck in t he appropr iat e boxes and type t he requi red val ues.
64 4.4. 5 Axi s0 tuning configur ation The Axis0 T uni ng Confi gurat ion t ab pr ovides a f urt her oppor tuni ty t o make adj ustment s to the dr ive tuni ng. The pr evious val ues that you set wi ll al r eady be enter ed in t he boxes. I f you do not wish to m ake any changes, click Next > a nd g o to se ction 4 .
65 4.4. 7 Com pleti ng the configur ation w izar d The confi gurat ion must now be saved. (I f you wi sh to go back and make any f urt her changes, cli ck < Back . 1. Check that the dr op down box is showing Mi nt Confi gur ati on Fil e Form at . I f it i s not, then select t his opti on.
66 4. The Save As dial og box will be shown. Th e first file to sa ve is th e proje ct file. This f il e can be loaded i nto MCT and edi ted l ater . Select a f older and ent er a fi lename for t he proj ect f ile. Clic k Save . 5. The second fi le t o save is t he confi gurat ion f il e.
67 5.1 Out line Min t Work Be nc h is the ma in ap plica tion fo r progra mmin g an d co ntrollin g the Min tDriv e. The T erminal window al lows you cont rol the Mi ntDr ive in r eal- ti me, whi le t he Progr am wi ndow all ows you to const ruct complex pr ogram s using t he Mint t progr ammi ng language.
68 5.2 Usi ng W orkB ench If you have not j ust compl eted t he Mi nt Conf igur ati on T ool Wizar d, you wi ll need to st art Mi nt W orkBench manual ly .
69 5.2 .2.2 Motion toolbar f uncti ons 1 2 3 4567 8 1 Axis sel ecti on (Onl y Axis0 can be sel ected) 2 Jog (r everse) Causes the m otor to st ar t a r everse j og mot ion. 3 Jog speed Set s the j og speed (i n user uni t s per second) 4 Jog (f orw ard) Causes the mot or t o st ar t a f orwar d jog mot ion.
70 5.3 W atch wi ndow The W atch wi ndow cont ai ns four t abs, provi ding r eal- ti me inf or mati on and all owing t uning of the mot or . If a t ab is not visibl e, cli ck the butt ons at the bottom of the window .
71 5.3. 2 Spe ed Loop t ab The S peed Loop t ab provides a f urt her oppor tuni ty t o tune t he motor . Cli ck in t he appropr iat e boxes and type t he requi red values.
72 5.3. 3 Position Loop t ab The Posit ion Loop t ab provides a f urt her oppor tuni ty t o tune t he mot or and perf orm test moves. Cl ick i n the appr opri ate boxes and t ype the requi red val ues. For a ful l descr ipt ion of the posi ti on loop t uning par amet ers, see Appendix A.
73 5.3.4 Capture t ab Each ti me a speed or posi ti on test move i s perf ormed usi ng W orkBench, the dat a from t he move i s automat ical ly capt ured and upl oaded in t o W orkBench. The Captur e t ab all ows you to sel ect t he type of plot produced fr om the capt ured dat a.
74 5.4 Edit or windows Mint W orkBench has t hree mai n edit or wi ndows; t he Confi gurat ion w indow , the Pr ogram wi ndow and the T erminal wi ndow . 5.4. 1 Configur ati on window If t he configur ati on window is not visibl e, select W indow , Configur ati on from th e ma in menu.
75 5.4. 3 T erm ina l window If t he term inal window i s not visibl e, select T ools , Te r m i n a l from t he mai n menu. (Al ter nati vely , cli ck the T ermi nal but ton on t he st andar d toolbar or pr ess CTRL+T).
76 T o tu rn a dis tanc e of 5 turn s, typ e... MOVER=5 fol lowed by t he Enter key . Then type: GO follo wed b y the E nte r k ey . The keyword MOVER means “ MOVE Rel ati ve”. In t his exampl e the m otor will tur n 5 unit s. If you have fol lowed al l t he previ ous examples, thi s means the m otor will rot ate fi ve revol uti ons.
77 5.4.5 Firmwar e update Occasional ly t here m ay be updates to M int to ei ther fi x problem s or t o add new feat ures. The Mint fi rm ware i s stor ed in Fl ash memor y and can be updated using t he RS232 ser ial por t . The RS485 port cannot be used f or f ir mwar e update.
79 6.1 Out line This sect ion pr ovides t echnical specif icat ions of the Mi ntDr i ve vari ant s 6.1.1 General specifications The Mint Dr ive i s an integr at ed moti on contr oll er and br ushless AC ser vo dri ve wit h int er nal power supply . H Five curr ent output r ati ngs are availabl e: 2.
80 6.1.2 Power Mains and motor output Unit 2. 5A 5A 7.5A 10A 15A Nominal i nput volt age (V in =230V AC) VA C 230 Mini mum input vol t age 220 Maxim um input volt age 250 Nominal DC- Bus volt age VDC .
81 6.1. 3 Rect ifier and re gener ation Re ctifie r Unit Al l models Input vol t age (± 15%, f=50~60Hz) V in =230V AC V in =1 15V AC Nominal Minimum Maximum VA C 230 190 265 11 5 90 130 DC-Bus vol t age (absolut e) Mi nimum Maximum VDC 270 360 125 175 Regenerat ion Unit 2.
82 6.1.5 Encoder feedb ack All model s Encoder input A/B Dif ferent ial , Z index Signal f requency (m aximum) 1.5MHz ( 6MHz quadr atur e) Hall i nput s Singl e ended, 5V logi c 6.
83 CAN Bus int erf aces Unit Al l models Signal - 2- w i r e , i s ol at e d Channels - 2 Bit r ate Kb it/s 10, 20, 50, 125, 250, 500, 1000 (800 al so avail able on CAN bus 1 onl y) Prot ocols - CAN bus 1: CANopen CAN bus 2: Baldor CAN 6.1.7 Environment al Unit Al l models Operat i ng temper atur e r ange °C °F Minimum Maximum Derat e +5 +40 2.
85 7.1 Out line This sect ion expl ains common pr oblem s that may be encounter ed and thei r sol uti ons. If you want t o know the m eaning of the LED Moni tor displ ay , see secti on 1.
86 7.1.2 Comm unication Probl em Check No L EDs a re illumin ated (+24VDC model s) Check that the 24VDC power supply i s connected on connector X1 and is swi tched on. No L EDs a re illumin ated (Mai ns only m odels) Check the mai ns supply i s connected and swit ched on.
87 7.1.3 Power up Probl em Check No L EDs a re illumin ated Check that t he 24VDC power suppl y is connect ed on connector X1 and is swi tched on. Check the mai ns supply i s connected and swit ched on. One or m ore of the Moni tor , Ready or CAN LEDs is not illum inate d Check power connect ions.
88 Probl em Check The message Lost User Data: Defaulting to Factory settings - please wait... is shown at power- up. If this me ss age is fo llow ed by You must now re-tune your motor ret une the M int Dri ve by eit her r e - ent eri ng the gai n sett ings set ear li er or by fol lowi ng the t uning set up (see sect ion 4.
89 7.1. 4 T uning The fol lowi ng probl ems could occur when the sof tware i s perf ormi ng autom ati c tuni ng test s. If the Ready LED i s red dur ing any of the t est s see secti on 7.1. 6 on p age 91. Check that the sof t ware can com municat e wit h the Mi ntD ri ve by typing PRINT DRIVEFAULT in the T erminal window .
90 7.1.5 Mint gain s Probl em Check Cannot enabl e the Mi ntDr ive because AXISERROR has bi t 13 set Check the dr ive enabl e input on connector X13 - 1 and X13- 12 is connected and t hat t he input is enabl ed.
91 7.1.6 Ready LED is red If t he Ready LED is illum inate d red a nd th e Mon itor LE D sho ws , at the comm and li ne type PRINT DRIVEFAULT . This wi ll ret urn one of the codes li sted bel ow . Alt ernat ivel y , cli ck on the er ror butt on on the m otion tool bar , which wi ll also di splay t he dri ve faul t.
92 Code Check Probl em 12 Over vol t age f ault Bus over vol t age condi ti on occurr ed. If thi s occurs dur ing hi gh deceler ati on, a r egenerat ion r esist or might need to be i nst al led. If a regener ati on resi stor is alr eady inst alled check the wi ri ng and if it has an adequate r ati ng.
93 Code Check Probl em 17 Over speed fault Motor R PM exceeded 1 10% of program med MAX Motor speed. Ty p e PRINT MAXMOTORSPEED . If the value r et urned exceeds the maxi mum me chanical speed of the m otor specif ied i n the cat alog, t ype MAXMOTORSPEED = xxxx where xxxx i s the maxim um speed li sted i n the cat al og, i n RPM.
94 7.1.7 CAN Use thi s secti on to t roubl eshoot any pr oblems encount ered when connect ing t o CAN. Full det ai ls of sett ing up CAN devi ces can be found i n Appendix B. For i nfor mati on about CAN err or messages r eport ed thr ough Mi nt, see the Mint v4 Progr ammi ng Guide .
95 Probl em Check The CAN2 LED is f lashi ng red. The CAN bus i s passi ve. Thi s means that the bus is operat ional but erro rs are o cc urrin g. Check that all nodes are r unning at the same baud r ate. Check that each node has been assigned a uni que NodeID.
97 A. 1 Introduc ti on Wit hin t he Mi ntDr ive cont rol sof t ware, inst antaneous axi s posit ion demands pr oduced by the M int Dri ve sof t ware must be tr anslat ed int o mot or cur rent s. This is achi eved by closed loop cont r ol of the mot or .
98 Figur e A.1 MintDr ive Cl osed Loop Syst em Moto r Speed Filter 16 Sample Filter.
99 A.1.1 Closed lo op control It is possi ble t hat cont rol could be achi eved by applying a si gnal pr opor ti onal to t he posi ti on err or al one, but t his i s a rat her si mpli sti c approach.
100 In syst ems wher e preci se posit ioni ng accuracy i s requi red, it is of t en necessary t o posit ion w it hin one encoder count . The Proport ional gain i s not nor mall y able t o achieve t hi.
101 A.1.3 Speed loop The speed loop uses a Pr oport ional and Int egral (PI ) al gori thm. The PI al gori thm is as fol lows: Command = KVP . e + KVI . Σ e where: KVP Propor ti onal speed l oop gain KVI Int egral gai n e S peed er ror A.1 .4 Curr ent l oop The curr ent l oop uses a Propor ti onal and I ntegr al ( PI) algor it hm.
102 A.1 .6 T uning the posi tion loop for a vel ocity s erv o dri ve The Mint Dr ive can be t uned as a velocit y servo dr ive, p assing t he prof il ed demand component s t hrough the speed and cur rent loop s only .
103 where: Ser v o Fr e que ncy is the r ecipr ocal of the t im e peri od set using t he Mi nt keywor d LOOPTIME ; Mot orEnc ode rLi ne s is 1024 for a resolver mot or; Max Motor Spe ed i s found f rom the mot or speci fi cati ons. Cli ck on the Posit ion Loop t ab and enter t he calcul ated val ue for KVELFF .
104 A.1 .7.2 Pos ition Loop T uning using a st ep m ove In t he Move T ype box select Posi ti on S t ep and select a reasonabl y small step change. For exampl e st ar t wi th a posi ti on step change equi valent t o 100 count s.
105 A.1 .8 T uning the posi tion loop for a tor que ser vo dr ive The Mint Dr ive can be t uned as a tor que servo dr ive, passi ng the pr ofi led dem and component s t hrough the posi ti on and curr ent l oop s only .
107 B.1 Outlin e This sect ion pr ovides an i ntr oducti on to t he CAN (C ontr oll er Ar ea Networ k) per ipher als and how t hese are conf igur ed to oper ate wi th t he Mint Dri ve.
108 H T erminat or s must only be fit ted at both ends of the network, not at int er mediat e nodes. H The 0V rai ls of all of t he nodes on the net work must be ti ed toget her t hrough t he CAN cabli ng.
109 B. 2 CAN 1 (CANopen) This sect ion pr ovides an i ntr oducti on to CANopen. peri pheral s and how they ar e confi gured t o operat e with th e MintD rive .
11 0 B.2 .2 What is C ANope n? CANopen is a net worki ng system based on t he seri al bus CAN. It uses t he int ernat ional CAN st andar d, ISO 1 1898 as the basis f or communi cati on.
111 B.2 .3 Configur ing nodes A node must be assigned a unique node num ber . On Baldor contr oll ers, the node number and CAN baud rat e can be set usi ng the NODE and CANBAUD Mi nt keywor ds. For exampl e the f ollowi ng commands change t he contr oller ’s node num ber t o 12 and the baud r ate t o 500Kbaud: NODE = 12 CANBAUD.
11 2 Alt ernat ively , the NODELIVE and NODETYPE keywords can be used wit hin a Mi nt pr ogram to r etur n the same inf orm ati on. The fol lowi ng commands wil l get inf ormat ion about node 2: ? NODELIVE.
11 3 B.2.7 Mon itori ng CAN events When a node’s st atus changes (li ve or dead f or exam ple) , i t wi ll generate a C AN message to i nfor m t he networ k manager of the change.
11 4 B.2 .8 Control ler nodes Each contr oll er node on t he networ k cont ains i t s own comms ar ray , which pr ovides a conveni ent method of tr ansfer r ing dat a bet ween contr oll er nodes on t he bus. The meaning of t he dat a, which is passed bet ween the cont rol ler s is det erm ined by the appl icat ion ( Mi nt) progr am.
11 5 PAUSE GROUPMASTERSTATUS.3 On the gr oup mast er node ( node 15 for example) , the GROUPCOMMS command i s used to access t he comms ar ray of all nodes i n that group.
11 6 Simi larl y: REMOTEOUT.1.2 = 255 wil l set the st at e of al l of the out put s on node 2 t o 255 decimal . The second method uses t he REMOTEINX and REMOTEOUTX keywords and accesses i ndivi dual i nput s or output s. Each input/ output can eit her be ON (1), or OFF (0) .
11 7 The Mint keyword REMOTEADCDELTA can also be used t o reduce t he amount of CAN tr af f ic. This keywor d all ows the user to specif y an amount by which an analog i nput m ust change ( delt a) befor e a CAN message i s generat ed. The value used wi ll depend on the t ype of node; please r efer to t he manufact ur er’ s inst ruct ions.
11 8 In addi ti on to bei ng able t o set dat a on t he HMI f rom a Baldor contr oller , the HMI panel can set i t s own dat a, t he natur e of which is det erm ined when t he user desi gns thei r own HMI proj ect usi ng the HMI Operat or Panel design sof tw are.
11 9 B.3 C AN 2 (Ba ldor C AN) B.3.1 CAN 2 (Baldo r CAN) - X8 Locati on Connector X8 Pin Name Descr ipt ion 1 - Not connected 2 - Not connected 3 - Not connected 4 CAN2 0V Ground/ eart h r efer ence f.
120 B.3 .2 Pre pari ng t he M in tD rive T ermi nati on resi stor s must be f it ted at each end of t he networ k to r educe signal ref lect ion. The Mint Dr ive i s fi tt ed wit h a ter minat ion r esist or for this pur pose.
121 B.3 .5 Node IDs Each CAN peri pheral must be gi ven a unique “ node ID ” wi thi n the net work. The node ID, which i s just a number , i s used to ensur e that a node only r esponds to messages int ended for it . The node I D does not have t o ref lect the or der i n which t he nodes are physi call y connected i n the net work.
122 T ype a number between 1 and 63, fol lowed by t he Enter key . This wi ll tell the node i t s new node number . Remem ber t o choose a number t hat no ot her node wi ll be using. A prompt for the CAN Baud r ate wi ll be shown. New CAN Baud ? T ype a val id Baud r ate ( in Kbaud) , f or exampl e 125 .
123 B.3 .8 Monitori ng CAN Bus com m unicati ons CAN Bus communi cati ons can be monit ored i n real- t ime usi ng Mi nt W or kBench. T o monit or CAN Bus communi cati ons, type: VIEW CANEVENT All event s and err ors on t he CAN Bus wil l be r eport ed.
124 B.3.1 1 Keyp adNode The Keyp adNode provi des a general purpose i nter face sui t able f or st andalone machines of all types. It is a cost ef fect ive sol uti on for sim ple f uncti ons such as replaci ng t humb wheel swi tches and pr ovidi ng simpl e diagnost ics.
125 The TERMINAL keyword shoul d now be used to t urn on t he appropr iat e t ermi nal devi ces. For example, t ype: TERMINAL = _tmLCD1 OR _tmRS232 PRINT ”Hello” The keyword TERMINAL i s used to set the t ermi nal i nput/ output channels f or t he Mint Dr ive.
126 B.3.13 Exam ple CAN network T o show the step s r equir ed in put ti ng a CAN networ k toget her , a mult i node net work i s descri bed below . The network wil l incl ude: H 1 Min tDrive c on tro.
127 B.3.14 Mint CAN related keywords The fol lowi ng Mint keywords ar e used for communicat ing wi th CAN. Full det ail s of t he use and synt ax of Mi nt com mands can be found i n the Mi nt Progr ammi ng Guide .
129 C.1 Outline This sect ion pr ovides gener al i nfor mati on r egardi ng recomm ended methods of inst allat ion f or CE compl iance. It is not int ended as an exhausti ve guide t o good pract ice and wir ing t echniques.
130 C.1.2 EMC Conformity and CE marking The inf ormat ion cont ained herei n is f or your guidance onl y and does not guar antee t hat t he inst allati on wil l meet the r equir ement s of the counci l di rect ive 89/336/ EEC.
131 EM C filters The EMI or mai ns fi lt er shoul d be mounted next to t he power suppl y . For t he connecti on to and f rom the mai ns fi lt er scr eened cables shoul d be used. The cabl e screens shoul d be connected t o screen clamp s on bot h sides.
132 C.1.6 Wiring of shielded (screened) cables Conducti ve Clamp Remov e the outer ins ulation to expos e the ov erall sc reen. Conducti ve Clamp - Must cont act bar e cable shi eld and be secured t o met al backplane. T wisted pairs Cable Mint Dri ve Figur e C.
133 1 6 2 7 3 8 5 Mint Dri ve X6 Handwheel / Encoder Housing Connec tion of shields to analog ground is optional. Cable T wisted pairs Connector ba ckshell C onne ctor b ackshe ll Figur e C.4 Handwheel (Encoder ) cabl e gr ounding 1 6 2 7 3 8 11 13 Mint Dri ve X2 Encoder Connector Housing Connec tion of shields to digital ground is optional.
135 D.1 Outline This sect ion descr ibes comm on accessori es and options t hat you m ay need to use wi th your Mint Dri ve. D.1.1 Cables Shiel ded (scr eened) cabl es provi de EMI / RFI shiel ding and ar e requi red f or compl iance w it h CE regul ati ons.
136 D.1.2 Resolver feedb ack cable The fol lowi ng t able l ist s the par t number s of r esolver feedback cabl es for use wit h the Mi ntDr ive. M o t o r t y p e Cable assembl y Baldor cat alo g Len.
137 D.1.3 EMC mains filters AC fi lt ers r emove hi gh fr equency noise f rom t he mains suppl y , pr otect ing t he Mint Dr ive. These fi lt ers also pr event hi gh fr equency signal s fr om being t ransmi tt ed back onto t he power l ines and hel p meet CE requi rem ent s.
138 D.1. 3.3 Fi lter d imen sio ns - t ypes FN2070- 6-06, F N2070-10-06, F N2070-12-06 L K J H G F E D C B A Dimensi ons inches ( mm) Dimensi on FN2070-6- 06 FN2070-10- 06 FN2070-12- 06 A 4.47 ( 1 13.5) 6.14 ( 156) B 2.26 ( 57.5) C 1.83 ( 46.6) D 3.70 ( 94) 5.
139 D.1.4 Regeneration resistors Some dri ves are shi pped wit h an int ernal regener ati on resi stor (see p age 2). If an int ernal resi stor is not present , a r egenerat ion r esist or should be inst alled t o dissi pat e ener gy durin g braki ng if a faul t “ 1” (over- volt age) occurs.
140 D.1 .5 Bre akout boar d - X5 An opti onal scr ew connecti on fi tt ing i s avail able shoul d you wish to pur chase a br eak - out board. The break- out boar d, of ten ref err ed to as a ’ card’ , mount s on a 35mm DIN r ail .
Baldor UK Lt d Mint Motion Centre 6 Bristol Distributi on Park Hawkley Drive, Bristol BS32 0 BF , UK P r i n t e di nU K Baldor UK Ltd CH TEL: +41 52 647 4700 F AX: +41 52 659 2394 D T E L : + 4 9.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Baldor MN1274 06/2001 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Baldor MN1274 06/2001 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Baldor MN1274 06/2001, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Baldor MN1274 06/2001 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Baldor MN1274 06/2001, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Baldor MN1274 06/2001.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Baldor MN1274 06/2001. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Baldor MN1274 06/2001 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.