Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Q6034-E du fabricant Axis
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USER’S MANUAL AXIS Q6034-E PTZ Do me Network Camera.
AXIS Q6034-E User’s Manual Notices This manual is intended for administrators and users of the AXIS Q6034-E PTZ Dome Network Camera, and is applicable for firmware r elease 5.20 and later. It includes instructions for using and managing the camera on your ne twork.
3 AXIS Q6034-E - Table of contents Contents Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Product Description .
4 AXIS Q6034-E - Product Description Product Description This manual applies to AXIS Q6034-E PTZ Dome Network Camera. Key features • HDTV 720p and H.264 AXIS Q6034-E offers HDTV 720p in complian ce with SMPTE 296M standard of 1280 x 720 pixel resolution, full frame rate, high color fidelity and a 16:9 format.
5 AXIS Q6034-E - Product Description Overview Network connecto r - RJ-45 Ethernet connector. Supports High Power ov er Ethernet (IEE 802.3at). Use Axis T8 124 Midspan (included). Shielded cable shall be used to comply with EMC. Network connector Part number (P/N) & Serial number (S/N).
6 AXIS Q6034-E - Product Description Control button - The control button is used for • Connecting to an AXIS Video Hosting System service, see page 34 . To connect, press and hold the button until the Status LED flashes green. • Connecting to AXIS Internet Dynamic DNS Service, see page 34 .
7 AXIS Q6034-E - Accessing t he Camera Accessing the Camera To install the network camera, refer to the Installation Guide supplied with your product. The network camera can be used with most operating systems and browsers. The recommended browsers are Internet Explorer with Windows, Safari with Macintosh and Firefox with other operating systems.
8 AXIS Q6034-E - Accessing t he Camera Access from the Internet Once connected, the camera is accessible on you r local network (LAN). To access the camera from the Internet you must configure your broadband router to allow incoming data traffic to the camera.
9 AXIS Q6034-E - Accessing t he Camera The Live View page How you customize the Live View page determines which buttons are visible. Not all the buttons described below will show up, unless configured to do so. These are configured under Setup > Live View Config > La yout .
10 AXIS Q6034-E - Accessing t he Camera Pan/Tilt/Zoom Controls The Live View page also displays the Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) contro ls. The administrator can enable/d isable controls for specified users under System Options > Security > Users . With the PTZ Control Queue enabled the time each user is in control of the PTZ settings is limited.
11 AXIS Q6034-E - Video Streams Video Streams The network camera provides se veral image and video stream formats. Your re quirements and the properties of your network will determine the type you use. The Live View page in the network came ra provides access to H.
12 AXIS Q6034-E - Video Streams AXIS Media Control (AMC) AXIS Media Control (AMC) in Internet Explorer in Windows is the recommended method of accessing liv e video from the network camera. The AMC Control Panel can be used to configure various video settings.
13 AXIS Q6034-E - Setup Tools Setup Tools AXIS Q6034-E can be configured by users with administrator or operator rights. To access the product’s Setup tools, click Setup in the top right-hand corner of the Live View page. • Admi nistrators have unrestricted access to all settings.
14 AXIS Q6034-E - Video Video Click to access the online help that explains the Setup tools. Video Stream The video stream settings appear under three different tabs: •I m a g e • H.264 •M J P E G Preview For a preview of the image before saving, select the Video f ormat and click Open .
15 AXIS Q6034-E - Video H.264 GOV Settings The GOV structure describes the composition of the video st ream and sett ing the GOV-length to a higher value saves considerably on bandwidth but may have an adverse effect on image quality. Bit Rate Control The bit rate can be set as Va riable Bit Rate (VBR) or Constant Bit Rate (CBR).
16 AXIS Q6034-E - Video Stream Profiles There are four pre-progr ammed stream profiles available for qui ck set-up. These settings can be adjusted and new, customized profiles can be created. Each profile has a descriptive name, describing its usage an d/or purpose.
17 AXIS Q6034-E - Video Off according to the lighting conditions Max gain - Measured in decibels (dB). A high level of amplification may pr ovide a better image in very low light situations. A high gain will also increase the amount of image noise. Image Settings Autofocus enable d - Autofocus is enabled by default.
18 AXIS Q6034-E - Live View Config Live View Config Layout Stream Profile From the Str eam Profile drop-down list, select the stream profile that is to be used for the Live Vi ew page. Listed are the pre-programmed stream profiles as well as the ones created under Video > Stream Profiles .
19 AXIS Q6034-E - Live View Config Viewer Settings Check the Show viewer toolbar box to display the AXIS Media Control (AMC) or the QuickTime viewer toolbar under the video image in your browser. The administrator can disabl e the installation of the H.
20 AXIS Q6034-E - PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) Preset Positions A preset position is a pre-defined camera view that can be used to quickly steer the camera to a specific location. From Preset Position Setup , use the Pan, Tilt and Zoom (PTZ) controls to steer the camera view to the required position.
21 AXIS Q6034-E - PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) Max Limits The pan and tilt limits restrict the area where auto tracking is allowed. This may prove useful, for example, to avoid tracking birds in the sky. Click Enable T ilt Li mit and Enable Pan Limit to enable the pan and tilt limits, respectively.
22 AXIS Q6034-E - PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) Enable proportional speed - When using a joystick (or emulating one with the mo use), this setting can be u sed to reduce the maximum pan/tilt movement speed, i.e. th e speed the camera moves at when the jo ystick is pushed all the way out in any pan/tilt direction.
23 AXIS Q6034-E - Applications Applications The Application packages feat ure allows you to upload third party application packages for use on the network camera. Listed under Applications > Package s are the packages that have already been in stalled.
24 AXIS Q6034-E - Events Events Pre-defined parameters, known as an event or Event Type can trigger certain action s in th e camera. A common event type is an alarm that causes the camera to upload images. Many eve nt types use an Event Server , to receive uploaded images.
25 AXIS Q6034-E - Events Triggered Event A triggered event can be activated by: • A Manual trigger - using the manual trigger button on the Live View page or through the VAPIX® Application Programm.
26 AXIS Q6034-E - Events Notes • Pre-trigger and Post-trigger buffers will be lost if the connection to the event server fails • The maximum length of the pre-/post-buffer depend s on the video im.
27 AXIS Q6034-E - Events Motion Detection Motion detection is used to generate an alarm whenev er move ment occurs (or stops) in the video image. A total of 10 Include and/or Exclude windows can be configured.
28 AXIS Q6034-E - Events Please see the online help for descri ptions of each available option. • Avoid triggering on small objects in the video image by setting the object size level to high. • Use several small Motion Detection wi ndows rather than one large window, if triggers on small movements or objects are desired.
29 AXIS Q6034-E - Recording List Recording List The Recording List web page contains a list of recordings made to the SD memory card. It shows ea ch recording's start time, length, the event type, and indicates if the recording is lo cked so that it can neither be deleted nor recorded over.
30 AXIS Q6034-E - Recording List Storage - Select a group of recordings based on where the recordin gs are stored. Sort - Select whether the filtered recording list should be so rted in ascending or descending order of start time. Show - Select how many recordings to view in the window at one time.
31 AXIS Q6034-E - System Options System Options Security Users User access control is enabled by default. An administrator can set up other users, by giving these user names and passwords.
32 AXIS Q6034-E - System Options IEEE 802.1X IEEE 802.1X is a standard fo r port-based Network Admission Control providing secure authentication of wired and wireless network devices. IEEE 802.1X is based on EAP (Extensible Authent ication Protocol). To access a network protected by IEEE 802.
33 AXIS Q6034-E - System Options Date & Time Current Server Time Displays the current date and time (24h clock). The time can be displayed in 12h cl ock format in the overlay (see below). New Server Time Select your ti me zone from the drop-down list.
34 AXIS Q6034-E - System Options Use the following IP address - To use a static IP address for the network ca mera, check the radio button and then make the following settings: • IP address - Speci fy a unique IP address for your network camera.
35 AXIS Q6034-E - System Options Use the following D NS server address - Enter the desired DNS server by specifying the following: • Domain name - Enter the domain(s) to search for the host name used by the network came ra. Multiple domains can be separated by semicolons (;).
36 AXIS Q6034-E - System Options Use manually sele cted NAT router - Select this option to manually select a NA T router and enter the IP address for the router in the field provided. If a router is not manually specified, the network cameras automatically search for NAT routers on your network.
37 AXIS Q6034-E - System Options SMTP (email) Enter the host names (or IP addresses) and port numbers for your primary and secondary mail servers in the f ields provided, to enable the sending of notifications and image email mess ages from the camera to predefined a ddresses via SMTP.
38 AXIS Q6034-E - System Options Bonjour The network camera includes support for Bonjour. When enabled, the camera is automatically detected by operatin g systems and clients that support this. Storage SD Card The Disk Management window is used to set up and ma nage local storage.
39 AXIS Q6034-E - System Options Logs & Reports When contacting Axis support, plea se be sure to provide a valid Server Report with your query. The Access Log is automatically included in the server report. Information the Serv er Report and Parameter List may prove useful when troubleshooting a problem or when contacting the Axis support.
40 AXIS Q6034-E - About Plain Config Plain Config is for the advanced user with experience of Axis network c amera configuration. All para meters can be set and modified from this page. Help is avai lable from the standard help pages. About Here you can find basic information a bout your network camera.
41 AXIS Q6034-E - Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Checking the Firmware Firmware is software that determines th e functinality of network cameras. One of your first actions when t roubleshooting a problem should be to check the current firmware version.
42 AXIS Q6034-E - Troubleshooting AXIS Support If you contact Axis Customer Services, plea se hel p us to resolve your problems expe dientl y by providing a Server Report and a brief description of the problem. The Server Report contains important information about the server and its software, as well as a list of the current parameters.
43 AXIS Q6034-E - Troubleshooting Symptoms, possible causes and remedial actions Problems setting the IP addres s When using ARP/Ping Try the installation again. The IP address must be set within two minutes after power has been applied to the camera.
44 AXIS Q6034-E - Troubleshooting For further assistance, please contact your reseller or check the support pages on the Axis we b site at www. Lower frame rate than expected Reduce number of applications running o n the client c omputer.
45 AXIS Q6034-E - Troubleshooting LED Indicator flash routine * RFL (Resident Firmware Loader) check is a checksum method used to ensure that the software loading and star ting the firmware works correctly.
46 AXIS Q6034-E - Technical Specifications Technical Specifications Function/group Item Specification Camera Models AXIS Q6034-E 60 Hz AXIS Q6034-E 50 Hz Image sensor 1/3” Progressive Scan CCD 1.3 megapixel Lens • f4.7 mm — 84.6 mm • F1.6 — 2.
47 AXIS Q6034-E - Technical Specifications System Integration Application Programming Interface Open API for software integration, including VAPIX® from Axis Communications, specification available at Includes the ONVIF specificatio n available at www.
48 AXIS Q6034-E - Technical Specifications General performance considerations When setting up your system, it is important to consider how various settings and situations will affect performance. Some factors affect the amount of bandwidth (the bit rate) required, others can affect the frame rate, and some affect both.
49 AXIS Q6034-E - Glossary of Terms Glossary of Terms ActiveX - A standard that enables soft ware components to interact with one another in a networked environment, regardless of the language(s ) used to create them. Web browsers may come into contact w ith ActiveX controls, ActiveX documents, and ActiveX sc ripts.
50 AXIS Q6034-E - Glossary of Terms remember than Th e t ranslation tables for domain names are contained in Domain name servers. Domain Server - Domains can also be used by organizations who wish to centralize the ma nagement of their (Windows) computers.
51 AXIS Q6034-E - Glossary of Terms Interlacing was developed many years ago for the analog TV world and is still used widely today. It provides good results when viewing motion in standard TV pictures, although there is always some degree of distorti on in the image.
52 AXIS Q6034-E - Glossary of Terms check the status of a network host or device. Ping can be used to see if a particular network address (IP address or host name ) is occupied or not, or if the host at that address is responding normally. Ping can be run from e.
53 AXIS Q6034-E - Glossary of Terms SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Prot ocol) - SMTP is used for sending and receiving e-mail. However, as it is ‘simple,’ it is limited in its ability to queue messages at the receiving end, and is usually used with one of two other protocols, POP3 or IMAP.
54 AXIS Q6034-E - Glossary of Terms designed to provide a wireless local area network (WLAN) w ith a level of security and privacy comparable to t hat usually expected of a wired LAN. Security is at two different levels; 40-bit and 128-bit encryption.
AXIS Q6034-E - Index 55 Index A Access Log 39 Action Buttons 9, 19 Administrator 13, 31 Alarm 27 AMC 7 ARP/Ping 34 Auto Tracking 25 AXIS Media Control viewer toolbar 9 B Backlight compensation 16 Back.
AXIS Q6034-E - Index 56 PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) 20 PTZ control panel 10 Q QoS 36 QuickTime 11, 18 R Recording List 29 Recovery 41 Referrals 31 Restore 38 RTSP 36 S Scheduled Event 26 Security 31 Self-sign.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Axis Q6034-E c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Axis Q6034-E - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Axis Q6034-E, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Axis Q6034-E va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Axis Q6034-E, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Axis Q6034-E.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Axis Q6034-E. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Axis Q6034-E ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.