Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SMC2482W du fabricant SMC Networks
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Copy ri ght Information furnished by SMC Networks , Inc. (SMC) is believed to be accurate and reliable. Howev er , no responsibility is assumed by SMC for its use, nor f or any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
Co mp liances FC C Class B Fe d e r a l C o mmunication Commission Interference Statement This e qui pm ent has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device , pursuant to P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules.
6 Pro du c t Re gistration Please re gister your EZ Connect T urbo 2.4GHz 11/22 Mbps Wireless Bridge online to activate your warranty : Registration website: http://ww w .
7 Con gra tul ati on s on your purchase of this EZ C o nnect™ T urbo 2.4GHz 11/22 Mbps Auto-Sensing Wireless Bridge. The EZ Co nnec t™ T urbo Wireless Bridge supports multiple modes for different wireless solutions.
8 Co mpatibility : •I EEE 802.3, 802.3u •I EEE 802.11b •W i - F i Co mplaint T he EZ Connect TM Tu r b o W i r e l e ss Bridge pack age includes the fo llowing: •O ne EZ Connec t™ T urbo 11/.
9 Sec tion 1 | Getting Star ted Site Loca tion Choose a location for your EZ C onnec t T urbo Wireless Bridge . In Bridge mode, the best location for the SMC2482W is at the edge of your wireless cov erage area. In Access P oint mode, the best location is at the center of your wir eless network.
1.1 | EZ C onnect T urbo 11/22 Mbps Wir eless Bridge LED Indicators T he preceding diagram shows the LED indicator lights on the EZ Co nnec t T urbo Wireless Bridge . The EZ Connect T urbo Wireless Bridge has 2 removable ant ennas, which are adjustable for best wireless reception.
11 3. Hold down the [Reset] button which is located on the back of the device. Y ou may need to use a pin or other pointed object to hol d th e button down. 4. Plug the power connector into the Wireless Bridge while holding down the [Reset] button. 5.
12 3. Click the [APPL Y ] button to complete the reset process. 4. The unit will reboot and reset the SMC2482W . Us ing the W eb-based Utility to reset the SMC2482W to factor y defaults 1. Log into the SMC2482W using the W eb-based Utility . (See section 4.
13 Sec tio n 2 |U nderstanding Wireless C onnec tions The E Z Co nnec t T urbo Wireless Bridge is based on the IEEE 802.11b Wi-Fi standard , which uses radio transmission for net- wo rk connec tivity . These 802.11b radio waves tra vel in all direc- tions, and can transmit through walls and floors.
Impor tant: Enable wireless security Wired Equivalent Priv acy (W E P ) t o p r o t e c t your network from unwanted access. F or more information, see sec tion 6 for instructions on how to configure WEP on the SMC2482W .
2.3 | Understanding W i r eless S ecuri t y ( WEP) Any one within range of your wireless network is a potential security risk. Without wireless securit y options configured on your ne two r k, a person outside of your physical location but within your wireless range may be able to access the netw ork and any data that is being transmitted o ver it.
16 T he SMC2482W is a Plug-and-Play device . When you plug this Wireless Bridge into your netw ork, it will automatically get an IP address from your DHCP server and begin to provide wireless connections based on your current network IP configuration.
17 3.2 | Installing the Utility Sof tware 1. A t the splash screen, click the [Install Utility] option to launch the Installation Wizard. 2. Click the [Ne xt >] button to confirm the installation. 3. C onfigure the install location, and then click the [Next >] button to continue.
18 * It is recommended that you choose the default folder name. 4. Click the [Finish] button to complete the installation process..
19 Sec tion 4 | Acc essing the SMC2482W The E Z Co nnec t TM Tu r b o W i r e l e ss Bridge can be configured and managed by using two different utilities . •W indows Utility •W e b -based Utility 4.1 | Using the Windo ws Utility 1. Click [Star t] ,t hen [Progr ams] ,t hen [SMC2482W Bridge Utility] ,t hen [SMC2482W Bridge Utility] .
20 3. Once you ha ve logged into the Windows Utility , you can: •V i e w link and device information •S ee the av ailable EZ Connect TM Tu r b o W i r e l e ss Bridges (SMC2482W ) in your network if you ha ve more than one SMC2482W installed.
21 Note: Th e SMC2482W is DHCP-enabled by default. If you do not kno w t he I P a ddress that was assigned by your DHCP ser ver , please use the Windows Utilit y or look at your DHCP client list to get the correct IP address to use.
22 Sectio n 5 | Configur e T he SMC2482W EZ Connect T urbo Wireless Bridge can be con- figured from both the Windows and W eb-based utility . Since the EZ Connect T urbo Wireless Bridge ships with the default configuration of DHCP-enabled , it will auto-configure itself to any netw ork setting.
23 3. F rom this sec tion, you can configure the following settings: • SSID •C h a nnel •A P N a m e •O p e r a t i n g M o d e •A d v a n ced Settings Note: Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t he different operating modes, see section 5.
24 5.2 | Configure the Wire less Bridge using W eb-based Utility (Setup Wizard) 1. Log int o the SMC2482W W eb-based Utility . (See section 4.2 for more information) 2. Click on [Setup Wizard] link. 3. The Setup Wizard will guide you through the basic co nfiguration settings for the SMC2482W .
25 4. The first step in the Setup Wizard is to configure SSID and wireless channel (default wireless channel is 6). Note: Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t he different operating modes, see section 5.4. 5. When you ha ve completed this step , click the [NEXT ] button.
6. The second step in the Setup Wizard is to configure WEP encr yption: Note: If thi s is your first experience with wireless netw orking, it is a good idea to keep WEP disabled until you have the connection up and running. Then enable this security feat ur e on all of the Wireless Bridges .
27 5.3 | Configure the Wire less Bridge using W eb-based Utility (Adv anced Setup) The Ad vanc ed Setup option provides more configuration options for the SMC2482W Wireless Bridge. 1. Log int o the SMC2482W W eb-based Utility . (See section 4.2 for more information) 2.
28 4. When you ha ve completed configuring these settings , click the [APPL Y ] button to sa ve the settings and reboot the Wireless Bridge. 5. T o configure wireless settings, click on the [W i r e l ess] link on the left hand navigation menu, and then choose the [Configur ation] option.
29 5.4 | SMC2482W Operating Modes T he EZ Connec t T urbo Wireless Bridge has 3 operating modes to provide a f l e x i b le wireless solution for any situation.
Acce ss Point T he operating mode is configured when you need to add a wireless connection to your network or extend the coverage of an existing wireless network. T o setup this operating mode, fol- low the steps below : 1. Lo g into the SMC2482W Windows Utility or W eb-based Utilit y .
6.1 | Configur e WEP using Windows-based Utility 1. Log int o the SMC2482W using the Windows-based Utilit y . (See section 4.1 for more information) 2.
32 6.2 | Configur e WEP using W eb-based Utility 1. Log int o the SMC2482W W eb-based Utility . (See section 4.2 for more information) 2. Click on [Adv anced Setup] link. 3. Click on [W i r e l ess] link on the left hand navigation menu , and then select the [Encr yption] option.
33 6.3 | Configure MA C Filtering using W eb-based Utility (Access P oint mode) 1. Log int o the SMC2482W W eb-based Utility . (See section 4.2 for more information) 2. Click on [Adv anced Setup] link. 3. Click on [F ilter] link on the left hand navigation menu.
34 Se ct ion 7 | EZ C onnect T urbo Wir eless Bridge Informa tion Both the Windows Utilit y and Web-based Utility provide infor- mation about the EZ Connect T urbo Wireless Bridge.
35 7.1 | V iew Wireless Bridge informa tion using Wind ows- based Utility 1. Log int o the SMC2482W using the Windows-based Utilit y . (See section 4.1 for more information) 2. The default page of the Windows-based Utility displays all of the information outlined abov e.
36 7.2 | View Wireless Bridge information using We b - based Utility 1. Log int o the SMC2482W using the W eb-based Utility . (See section 4.2 for more information) 2. Click on [Adv anced Setup] link. 3. Click on [Status] link on the left hand navigation menu.
37 Sectio n 8 | Changing the P asswor d on the SMC2482W Fo r n e t w o r k securit y , it is a good idea to change the EZ Co nnec t TM Tu r b o W i r e less Bridge’ s default password. T o change the password on your SMC2482W , follow the steps outlined below : 1.
38 Se ct ion 9 | Upgrading the SMC2482W The E Z Co nnec t TM Tu r b o W i r e l e ss Bridge is upgradeable through the Web-based Utility . Please verify that you hav e the latest firmware av ailable from http://www 1. Log int o the SMC2482W using the W eb-based Utility .
39 5. When you ha ve the correct installation path, click the [APPL Y ] button to begin the upgrade process. 6. Click [OK] to the p op- up d i alog box es to begin the upgrade process. Wa r n i n g : Do not turn the power off during the upgrade process.
40 Sect ion 10 | Backing up and Restoring the Wirel e ss Bridge The E Z Co nnec t TM Tu r b o W i r e l e ss Bridge offers a configuration backup and configuration restore option through the Web- based Utility .
41 10.2 | Restore the SMC2482W c onfiguration fr om “SMC2482W_backup .bin ” file 1. Log int o the SMC2482W using the W eb-based Utility . (See section 4.2 for more information) 2. Click on [Adv anced Setup] link. 3. Click on [T o o l s ] link on the left hand navigation menu, and then click the [Configur ation T o ols] option.
42 Sec tion 11 | Uninstalling the SMC2482W Wi ndows Utility If yo u n eed to uninstall the EZ C o nnect Wireless T urbo Wireless Bridge Windows Utilit y program, please follow the steps below: 1. Click [Start] ,t hen [Programs] , choose [SMC2482W Bridge Utility] ,a n d t h e n select [Uninstall] .
Sec tion 12 | T echnical Specifications Data Rate •U p to 22Mbps with Auto F allback to 11/5.5/2/1 Mbps Operating Range • U p to 350m Interface •R J-45 – 10/100 Mbps •P o w e r J a ck – 2.
44 Sec tion 13 | T roubleshooting This s ec ti o n provides possible solutions to issues regarding the installation and operation of your EZ Connect T urbo Wireless Bridge. If the solution you are looking for is not listed here, please visit SMC Networks web sit e at www .
45 Sect ion 14 | Glossary 802.11 - 802.11 refers to a family of specifications developed by the IEEE for wireless LAN technology . 802.11 specifies the over- th e-air inter face used between a wireless client and a base station or between two wir eless clients.
46 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration P rotoc ol) - A protocol for assigning dynamic IP addresses to devices on a network. With dynamic addressing , a device can have a different IP address every time it connec ts to the network. In some systems, the device's IP address can even change while it is still connected.
47 is modulated with a narrowband carrier signal that "hops" in a rando m but predictable sequence from frequenc y to frequenc y as a function of time over a wide band of frequencies. The signal energy is spread in time domain rather than chopping each bit into small pieces in the frequency domain.
48 LAN - A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and asso- ciated d ev i ce s that share a common communications line and typi cally share the resources of a single processor or ser ver within a small geographic area (for example , within an office building).
49 Static IP Addr ess - A permanent IP address that is assigned to a node in a TCP/IP netw ork. Subnet Mask - The met hod us ed for splitting IP networks into a series of subgroups, or subnets. The mask is a binar y pattern that is matched up with the IP address to turn part of the host ID address field into a field for subnets .
50 WEP ( Wired Equivalent Priv ac y) - Is a securit y protocol for wireless local area networks ( WLANs) defined in the 802.11b standard. WINIPCFG - Co nfiguration utilit y based on the Win32 API f or qu er yi ng ,d efining , and managing IP addresses within a network.
FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT , CALL: Fr om U.S.A. and Canada (24 hours a day , 7 days a week) (800) SMC-4-Y OU; (949) 679-8000; F ax: (949) 679-1481 Fro m Eu r o p e ( 8 :00 AM - 5:30 PM UK Time) 44 (0) 118 974 8700; F ax: 44 (0) 118 974 8701 INTERNET E-mail addresses: te chsuppor t@smc.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté SMC Networks SMC2482W c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du SMC Networks SMC2482W - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation SMC Networks SMC2482W, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le SMC Networks SMC2482W va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le SMC Networks SMC2482W, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du SMC Networks SMC2482W.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le SMC Networks SMC2482W. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei SMC Networks SMC2482W ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.