Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DG1000MI du fabricant Shindaiwa
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1 Safety Guidelines 2 Specifications 2.1 S pecification Matrix 2.2 Ambient Condition 3 Use 4P a r t s 4.1 External View 4.2 Control Panel 5 Equipment 5.1 Monitor Display 5.2 Gauges 5.3 Fuel Line Changeover V alve 6 T ransport ation and installation 6.
- 1 - Introduction Thank you for purchasing Shindaiwa Sound Proof Diesel Engine Generator . z This user ’ s manual was created to ensure the safe operatio n of this equipment. Therefore, the manufacturer of this equipment strongly recommends that the user follow the instructions herein, to avoid unnecessary accidents and rep airs.
- 3 - 1 Safety Guidelines :Suffocation from ex h aust fume Exhaust fume from the engine conta i n s m any el e ments harmful to human. Do not operate this equipment in poor ly ventilated area, such as inside a room or in a tunn e l :Electrical Shock Do not touch the output terminals during oper ation.
- 4 - :Injuries to ey es a nd skin Battery fluid cont ains d i luted su lfuric acid. Avoid cont act with eyes, skin or on clothing . If the acid comes in contac t, especially w ith eyes, flush with a lot o f water , a nd contact y our physician immediately .
- 5 - :Injuries W h en lift i ng the equipment, alway s use a lift hook. Do not use Side rope-throu gh, for it may cause equipment to drop . Always pl a ce the equipment on a fl a t and stable surface , to keep the e qu ipment from sliding.
- 6 - Location of W arning labels When the warning labels become unreadable or damag e d, place new labels on the appropriate location, as spec i fied in the following figure.
- 7 - 2 Spec i fica tions 2.1 S pecification Matrix Name of Gen erat o r DG1000MI-400 T ype Unit Blushless, Rotating Field, 3-Phase, 4-Po le, Synchronous AC Generator kV A 80 100 Rated O u tput kW 64 .
- 8 - 2.2 A mbient Condition Use the equipmen t under the following a mbient condition. The other condition may cause trouble, insuffic ient output powe r or deterioration of durabi lity .
- 9 - 4.2 Control p anel No. Name No. Name 1 3-phase circuit breake r 1 1 Wat er T emperature Gau ge 2 1-phase circuit breake r 12 Oil Pressure Gauge 3 V oltage Mete r 13 Fuel Gauge 4 Amp Meter 14 Hou.
- 10 - WA TER TE MP 5 Equipment 5.1 Monitor Display This generator is equ i pp ed with m on i tori n g functi on fo r water /coolant temperature, oil pressure, battery charge, air filter flow , batte ry fluid level, and fuel level.
- 11 - If the water leve l is n ormal, check for loose f an b elt o r poss ible w ater lea k in the c o o ling system, afte r the engine is coo led down. <Caution> I f the w ater l ev el is too low , the sensor cannot detect the w ater temperature.
- 12 - 0 0 0 0 0 HOUR METER 5.1.3 Battery C ha rge Monitoring Lamp (c harge lamp) W h en the battery is not ab le to be charged d ur ing operat ion, t he battery charge-monitoring lamp will flash. In the event this occurs, sto p the engine consult with the authorized distr ibutor or our engineering section .
- 13 - 5.2.4 Fuel Ga u ge It shows the volume in the fuel tan k . W hen filled up , it show s F . W h en the hand is approach ing to E , the volume is coming to e mpty . Replenish fuel enough pr om p tly . 5.2.5 Generato r Ga uges V oltage Meter V oltage M e ter display s the output vo ltage (Phase t o Phase ) from the generator .
- 14 - Panel Li ght / Pilot Lamp Pilot Lamp indicates w hether or not generator is g enerating electric ity , when the engine is driv ing. 5.2.7 S w i tch St arter Switch STOP W h en the switch is set to this position, all powe r will be of f.
- 15 - Thermal Relay Thermal Relay This relay se nds the s i g n a l to the 3-Phase c ircuit brea k er a n d the 1-Phase breaker to trip-o ff when over-current flows in the c ircuits. W h en the breaker trips-off, it is set at the m id dle o f ON and O FF .
- 16 - FIXING SC REW N UT FREQUEN CY ADJUSTING SCR E W THROTTLE LEVER Throttle Lever Throttle Lever The lever is to ad just the engine speed. Set it to IDLING when the engine sta rts and warms-up or cools dow n. W h en the rated pow er is used, set it to RUN (50 or 60Hz).
- 17 - <Caution> Always set the lever for 3-way valve b ac k to A position and cover t he external fue l inta ke and return port with the supplied plugs, a fter the hoses a r e re m oved.
- 18 - 6 T ransport and Inst allation 6.1 T ransportation :Injuries W h en lift i ng the equipment, alway s use a lift hook. Do not use Side rope-throu gh to attach y our l ift h ook, f o r i t may cause equip ment to drop. 6.1.1 Lif ting Equipment Alway s use a Lift H oo k, when lifting the equipme nt f or transporta t ion .
- 19 - 6.2 Inst allation :Suffocation from ex haust fume Exhaust fume from the engine conta i n s m any el e ments harmful to human. Do not operate this equipment in poor ly ventilated area, such as inside a room or in a tunn e l :Suffocation fr om exhaust fume Do not point the exhaust fume toward pedestr ians or building.
- 20 - :Electrical da mages If the load exceed s the allowa ble amperage, the overheat ing may da m age the cable. If the cable i s either t o o l o n g or too small a gauge, there will be greater vo l t age dro p to loads, which m a y result in reduced performance in t he c o nnect e d loads , m a lfunction, or damages.
- 21 - 7.2 Connecting Cable :Electrical Shoc k Before connecting o r disconnecting a loa d cable from ou tput t er m in als, a lways tu rn a circuit breaker to OFF po sition, s top the eng ine, a nd remove t h e engine key . A person p erformi ng the maintenance shou ld always keep the key .
- 22 - For 1-Phase Load(2) T erminal V o ltage: 200V/220 V (or 400V/440V) at 5 0Hz/60Hz 7.2.2 1-Phase O utput T erminals & Recept acles The ter minal V oltage : 1 00V/1 10V at 50Hz/60Hz only In the case of no use o f 3-Phase output pow e r , refer to the Following dra wing and chart.
- 23 - 7.3 Earth Leakage Relay and Grounding : Electrical Sh ock Ground the every earth grounding terminal to the earth as set o ut i n the m a nual.
- 24 - GROUNDING ROD EAR TH GROUNDIN G TERMINA L BONN ET GROUNDI NG TERMINA L INDI CA TING LAMP EAR TH LEAKAGE RELA Y TEST BUTTON RESET BUTTON <Caution> In the even t y ou cannot ground the generator to the earth, co nsult w ith the authorized distributor o r our engineering section 7.
- 25 - 7.3.3 The earth leakage breaker relay has activa ted In the even t the earth leakage breaker relay ha s activated, t h e earth leakage indicating l a mp T urns ON and the 3-Phase ea rth lea kage breaker ( le ve r) trips of f to b e positioned in the middle between ON and OFF positions.
- 26 - OIL FILLER OIL GAUGE OK NOT ENOU GH TOO MUCH LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMI T OIL GAUGE 8.1 Checking Engine Oil Please refer to the us e r’s manual for Eng i ne sep arately W h en checking f or eng ine oil, be sure to k eep the equipment leveled, and insert the oil gauge all the w ay .
- 27 - FULL LOW 8.2 Checking Coolant/water Also refer to the User’s Manual for Engine :Injuries B e f o re pe rf o rmi ng any equipment check or maintenance, stop th e engine , and re move the engine key . A person performing the maintenance should alway s k eep th e key .
- 28 - Replace LLC every 2 y e a rs or 1000 hours Mixture ratio (for reference only) : Ambienr temperature (Celsius) -15 -20 -30 Mixture ratio 30% 35% 45% 8.2.3 Coola nt Capac ity ( Unit: L) T ota l Coolant V olume ( including reservoir ta nk) 22.
- 29 - 8.3.2 Conditio n Check for any da mage on the fan belt. Replace if necessa ry . <Caution> Refer to the User’s manual for Engine for adjusting and replacing o f the fan belt. 8.4 Checking Fuel :Fire Alway s w ipe any drip of Diesel fuel or o i l.
- 30 - Notice: Do no t use home hea t ing oil o r gasoline in y our diesel eng ine; either ma y cause engine damage. 8.5 Checking Fuel, Engine Oil, and W ater le akage :Fire Do not use this equipment w hen a leak is found. Repair the eq uipment before use.
- 31 - Replaci ng the battery T wo batteries are connected in series order . Whenever you replace battery or dis connect cables, alway s p roceed with the following steps, otherwise battery ma y short-circuit.
- 32 - FIXING SCREW FREQUENCY AD JUST IN G S CR EW THROTTLE LEVE R 9 Ope r ati on 9.1 Initializing / prepa ration :Suffocation from ex haust fume Exhaust fume from the en g ine co n t ains many elements ha rmf u l to human.
- 33 - <Caution> Do not drive the sta rt e r motor for more than 10 seconds successively If you need to resta rt, wait at least 30 se conds before the retry . Release the sta rt e r sw it c h, as soon as the engine is started Keep the engine idle f or a t least 5 minutes Set the throttle lever t o R UN.
- 34 - 9.2 200/400 V oltage Changeover - Dual V oltage System The generator is incorporated w it h dua l vol tage s ystem. So, you can easily change 400/440V to 200 /220V or adverse ly .
- 35 - 3-PHASE 400/440 V The 3-phase volt a g e is energized to the 3 -phase output termina ls. Refer to 7-2. Connec t ing cable S tarting t he engine and turning the 3-phase breaker to ON, the 3-phase current is sent to the 3-phase output ter minals.
- 36 - :Fire Always w ipe a ny dri p o f ga soline or oil. Add fuel to the fue l tank T urn the s tarter switch to <RUN> position. It will take app roximately 30 seconds to vacuum the air ou t.
- 37 - EXTER NAL FUEL INT AKE (PLUG : PT -1/2) EXTE RNAL FUEL RETURN (PLUG : PT -1/2) 3 - Way va l ves A posi tion 3-Way valves 9.6 Connecting to External Fuel T a nk :Fire Alway s stop the engine , w hen w orking on the fuel line. Alway s w ipe any drip of Diesel fuel or o i l.
- 38 - 10 Maintenance :Electrical Shock ● Injuries B e f o re pe rf o rmi ng any equipment check or maintenance, stop th e engine , and re move the engine key . A person performing the maintenance should alway s k eep th e key . :Fire ● Burns W he n chec king e ngine, always s top the engine, and keep aw a y from fire.
- 39 - Description S tartup check Every 200hrs Every 400hrs Every 500hrs Every 1000hrs Engine Side Clean each part s / tightening Engine oil checks / add oil Engine oil change ( 1 st time at 50 hr mark ) Oil Filter change ( 1 st time at 50 hr mark) Coolant level chec k / add coolant Exhaust color check Coolant change or 2 yr .
- 40 - 10.1 Oil Change Remove Oil Filler cap Loosen the engine o il drain plug and a llow the oil to drain fully Reinstal l the drain plug Add oil from oil filler an d fill up to the MAX level .
- 41 - 10.3 Cleaning / Changing A ir Filter Elem e n t Clean E ve ry 200 hours Replace Every 500 hours Loosen the bo lt that is holding the a ir cleaner and re move the cleaner ca p Unscrew the wing n.
- 42 - 10.4 Draining W ater from W ater Se p arator W h en a float ( red) is at drain level, dra in water . Loosen the drain plug an d drain water . Screw the drain plug , w hen finishing drain. <Caution> Afte r draining finishes, ex tract the air in fue l lin e .
- 43 - 10.6 Clean gauze filter in water sep arator Clean Every 500 hours Loosen the lever and the n loosen the air extraction plug. T urn the ring nut counter -clockwise to remove the cup a nd the ga uze filt er after the fuel inside does no t come out from the l ever .
- 44 - <Caution> Put a tray under the l e v er in order to catch spilled fuel wh en loosing the lever . Gaskets are attached to both end s of joint pipe. Be careful not to lose and install them in the unit without fail. Change both gauz e filter and eyeb o lt when gauze filter is damaged .
- 45 - 10.9 Draining W ater from Fuel T ank Drain wate r Every 200 hours Unscrew the F uel drain plug Reinstall t he drain plug, after draining water fully 10.
- 46 - 1 1 long-term S torage : Electrica l Shock ● Injuries Before performing any e quipment check or ma intenance, stop the engine, and remove the engine key . A person performing the maintenance should alway s keep th e key . :Fire ● Burns T emperature around mu ffler and exhaust can ge t ex tremely high.
- 47 - 1 1.2 St acking :Injuries If y ou have t o st ack two generators in w arehouse, alway s proceed w ith the following step s . E nsure that there is no d ent on bonnet, loosing b olt or no bolt in the gener a tors.
- 48 - 12 T rouble shooting :Electrical Shock Do not operate the equ ipment, if the equip m ent or you are wet. Before performing any eq u i p ment check or maintenance , stop the engine. :Injuries W h en per forming equipment check a nd maintenance, alw ays stop the engine.
- 49 - Symptom Presumabl e Cause Action S tarter motor does not drive or speed is low . 1. Batter y ou tput is weak 2. Batter y i s d eteriorated 3. Batter y terminal is OFF or loo se 4. Batter y terminal is cor roded 5. S tart er switch or relay is defec tive 6.
- 50 - Overheated 1. Engine thermostat is defective 2. Water temp sensor i s defect i ve 3. Water temp meter i s defect i v e 4. Fan b elt tension i s w eak 5. Coolant is insufficient 6. Radiat or core is clogged 1. Ask our distributor t o repa ir 2. Ask our distributor t o repa ir 3.
- 51 - 13 Generator Wir ing Diagram.
- 52 - 14 Engine Wiri ng D i agra m.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Shindaiwa DG1000MI c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Shindaiwa DG1000MI - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Shindaiwa DG1000MI, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Shindaiwa DG1000MI va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Shindaiwa DG1000MI, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Shindaiwa DG1000MI.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Shindaiwa DG1000MI. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Shindaiwa DG1000MI ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.