Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit UX-S10 du fabricant Sharp
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MODEL UX-S10 OPERATION MANUAL FACSIMILE 1. Installation 2. SMS Text Messaging 3. Using the Answering Machine 4. Sending Faxes 5. Receiving Faxes 6. Making Copies 7.
CA UTION: For a complete electr ical discon nection pull out the mains p lug. V ORSICHT: Zur vollständ igen ele ktrisch en T rennung vom Netz den Netzstecker ziehen . A TTE NTION: P our obte nir un e mis e h ors-c irc uit to tale , dé bra n cher l a pris e de co uran t sec teur .
1 Intr oductio n W elcome , and tha nk y ou f or ch oos in g a Sh arp fax mac hi ne! The f eature s and specif ic atio ns of y our ne w Sharp fax are sho wn belo w . This Sha rp fax supports SMS messagi ng. T o use thi s f eature , see pag e 27. *Based on S harp Stan dard No .
2 Display LCD displa y , 16 digits x 2 lines Intended use Analog pub lic s witched telephone netw or k (CTR21) / PBX Compatibility ITU- T (CCITT) G3 mode Input docum ent size Automatic feeding: Width: 148 to 210 mm Length: 140 to 297 mm Manual feeding: Width: 148 to 210 mm Length: 140 to 600 mm Effective scanning width 210 mm max.
3 As a par t of our policy of continuous improv ement, SHARP reser ves the right to make design and specification changes for product improv ement without pr ior notice. The performance specification figures indicated are nominal v alues of production units.
4 T abl e of Contents A Look at the Operation Panel 6 1. Instal lation 9 Unpac king Ch ecklis t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Conne ction s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents 5 5. Receiving Fa xes 75 Using TEL/FAX Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Using A.M. M ode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Using FAX Mo de .
6 key Press th is k ey t o listen t o the line and f ax tone s through the speak er w hen f axing a d ocument . This k e y also fu nctions as a dele te ke y whe n composin g an SMS messag e. RESOLUTION / RECEPTION MODE key When a d ocument is in the fe eder , pre ss this k ey to adjust th e resoluti on f or f axing or cop ying.
7 UP and DO WN arr ow ke ys Enlar ge/redu ce setti ng: When making a cop y of a documen t, press th ese keys to selec t an en large/ redu ce sett ing. V olume setti ng: When a document is not in the f eeder , press these ke ys to change the speak er v olum e when the ke y has been pres sed, or th e ri nger volu me at a ny other t ime.
8 Monitoring phone co n ver sations When spea king thro ugh the ha ndset, y ou ca n press to allo w a third person to listen to the con vers ation thro ugh the sp eak er .
9 1. Installation 1. Installa tion Unpacking Chec klist Bef ore setti ng up , mak e su re you ha v e all of the f ollo wing items. ♦ If an y are mis sing, conta ct y our deale r or retailer . P oin ts to keep in mind whe n setting up Do not p lace the mach ine in di rect sunl ight.
Connectio ns 10 Conn ectio ns Connecting the handset Connec t the han dset as sho wn an d place it o n the hand set rest. ♦ The ends of th e handset cord are i dentical , so the y will g o into eit her so cket .
Connecti ons 11 1. Installation Connecting the telephone line cord Insert one end o f the line cord into the soc ket on the bac k of the mach ine mar ked TEL.
Connectio ns 12 Attach the paper tray and paper tray e xtension Attach the paper tra y and p aper tra y e xtens ion. Note: The pa per t ra y e xten si on h as a top s ide and a bottom si de. If you cannot inser t the tabs into the holes , turn the su ppor t o ver .
Loading th e Imaging Film 13 1. Installation Loading th e Imaging Film Y our fax us es a roll of imaging fi lm to create print ed te xt and images . The print head in the f ax appl ies heat to the imagin g film to transf er in k to the p aper . F ollow the step s belo w to load or replace the film.
Loading th e Imaging Film 14 4 Remo ve the n ew rol l of imagi ng film fr om its pac kagin g. • Cut the ba nd that ho lds the ro lls toge ther . 5 Insert the green gears. 6 Insert the film into the print compartment. 7 Rotate the fr ont gear as s hown until the film is taut.
Loading P rinting Pap er 15 1. Installation 1 Fan the paper , and then tap th e edge again st a fl at surf ace t o even the s tack. • Mak e sure t he stac k edge s are e v en.
Loading P rinting Paper 16 Print contrast setting Y our f ax h as b een set at the f act ory to print at normal cont r as t. If de sir ed, yo u can cha nge the print c ontrast setting t o LIGHT or D ARK. 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once and 3 times .
Enterin g Your Name and F ax Numb er 17 1. Installation Entering Y our Name a nd F ax Number Bef ore y ou b egin s ending f ax e s, e nter y our n ame and f ax (te lepho ne) nu mber as e xplai ned belo w and s et the date and time as e xplained on page 19 .
Enterin g Your Name a nd Fax N umber 18 5 Press to ente r the fax n umber in m emory . 6 Enter y our nam e by p ressing nu mber ke ys for each lette r as sho wn in the ch ar t below.
Setting the Date and Time 19 1. Installation Setting th e Date and Time The date and time appear in the displ ay and are p rinted at th e top of e v ery page y ou f ax. Set the date and time as sho wn belo w . 1 Press once and 3 times. 2 Press onc e and on ce.
Setting th e Date and Ti me 20 5 Enter a tw o-digit num ber for the month ( “ 01 ” f or Ja nuary , “ 02 ” for February , “ 12 ” f or Decemb er , etc .
Setting t he Rece ption Mod e 21 1. Installation Setting the Reception Mode Y our fax has the f ollo wing f o ur mod es f or receiv in g inco ming f ax es. Note: SMS me ssages can be rec eived in an y of the re ceptio n modes . FA X mode : Select th is mode when y ou only want to receiv e f ax es on your line.
Volum e Adjust ment 22 V olume Ad justment Y ou can adjus t the v olume of the sp eaker and ringer us ing the u p and do wn arrow ke ys. 1 Press 2 Press or until the displa y show s the desire d v olume le vel. • Press again to tu r n off th e speaker.
Vo l u m e A d j u s t m e n t 23 1. Installation 1 Press or . (Make s ure has no t been presse d and a doc ument is not l oaded in the feed er .) • The ringe r will ring on ce at th e sel ect ed le v el, then t he date an d time will reap pear in the displa y .
PBX and Displ ay Settin gs 24 PBX and Display Settings PBX Connection If the f ax m achine is con nected to a PBX, you must set it f or PBX oper ation. 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once and 5 tim es. 3 Press once. 4 Press if th e mac hine is c onnected to a PBX.
PBX and Display Settings 25 1. Installation Flash Select Setting f or PBX If y our f ax machi ne is conne cted to a P BX and the PBX u ses the “ Fla sh ” method to connec t to an ou tside lin e, y.
PBX and Displ ay Settin gs 26 4 Press or until the des ired langua ge appears in the displ ay . 5 Press . • The ma chine will be ep and t he displ a y wil l chan ge to t he sele cted l anguag e. 6 Press to return to the date and time displa y . ST ART/SPEICHER ST OP Displa y Bac klight The displa y bac klight i s i niti al ly set to G REEN .
27 2. SMS T e xt Messages 2. SMS T e xt Messaging Y our fax machine c an be use d to send and recei ve SMS (Short Message Service) te xt messages . Requirem ents: T o use this fe ature, you m ust: ♦ Subscribe t o an SMS service.
Setup f or SMS Te st Mess aging 28 1 Press once and once. 2 Press onc e and on ce. 3 Press . 4 Press to select ON. (T o turn off the func tion, press .
Setup for SMS T est Mess aging 29 2. SMS T ex t Messages Entering y our SMS center n umber The n umbe r f or t he ANNY W A Y center ha s been pre-sto red. If y ou are going to use th e ANNY W A Y center , y ou do not need to perf orm the f ollo wing procedu re.
Setup f or SMS Te st Mess aging 30 Speci fying the c arrier If y ou entered a numbe r fo r a second center us ing the pre vi ous procedure and are go ing to use th at center f or y our S MS service, f ollo w the ste ps belo w to selec t “ 2nd CARRIER ”.
Sending an SMS Me ssage 31 2. SMS T ex t Messages Sending an SMS Messag e This s ection e xp lains ho w to w rite and s end a n SMS mes sage . A maxim um of 160 cha racters can be en tered in on e messa ge.
Sending a n SMS Me ssage 32 Example : I WILL COME. = 44 4 1 9 444 5 55 555 1 222 66 6 6 33 ♦ T o enter tw o letters i n succession that requi re the same k ey , press after ent ering the first letter . ♦ Y ou can mov e t he cursor wi th the arro w k eys (up , down, left, and right).
Sending an SMS Me ssage 33 2. SMS T ex t Messages 7 When you are r e ady to se nd th e mes sage , pr ess . T he fa x machi ne will auto maticall y call y our SMS cente r and sen d the message. • After the messag e is sent, it is placed in the outbo x.
Sending a n SMS Me ssage 34 5 Press . 6 Ent er th e mess age by pres sing number keys fo r each lette r as shown i n the f ollowing c hart. Example: I WILL COME . = 444 1 9 444 55 5 555 1 222 666 6 33 ♦ T o enter tw o letters in succ ession t hat require the same ke y , pr ess after entering the first lette r .
Sending an SMS Me ssage 35 2. SMS T ex t Messages ♦ When y ou ha v e finish ed entering your message , y ou can c heck it b y pres sin g to pri nt it out. 7 When y ou are re ady to s end the mes sage, press . The fax machine will au tomaticall y call y our SMS center an d send the m essage.
Receiving S MS Mess ages 36 Receiving SMS Messages Each tim e yo u receiv e an SM S messag e, yo ur SMS cen ter will cal l the f ax machi ne and se nd the mes sage .
Receiving SM S Messages 37 2. SMS T ex t Messages 2 Press or until the me ssage y ou wish to read appe ars in th e displa y . • Y ou can p ress and then to delete a m essage w hen it appears i n the disp la y , or pres s t o print the me ssage . 3 T o r ead th e messag e, pres s .
Viewing t he Outbox 38 When you pres s , t he followi ng message briefly appe ars: SMS INBO X IS FULL DELETE MESSAGE While the inbo x is full, you will not be ab le to receive an y ne w messages. Delete one or mo re message s as e xplaine d in the p receding p rocedure , or dele te all me ssages as e xplain ed on page 40.
Vie wi ng th e Outb o x 39 2. SMS T ex t Messages 3 Press or to scroll t hrou gh yo ur sent messa ges. • If an e xlama tio n point (!) ap pe ars ne xt t o a messa ge , the m ess ag e w as n ot sent succes sfu ll y . If you p ress , UNS ENT a ppear s foll owed by E0 or FE.
Printin g or De leting al l Messa ges 40 Printing or Deletin g all Messages Printing all me ssages F ollo w these s teps to p rint all mess ages in the inbo x o r outbo x. 1 Press once and 3 times. 2 Press . 3 Press to print all messa ges in the inbo x, or to print all me ssages in the outbo x.
41 3. Ans wering Machine 1 Press once and once . 2 Press once. 3 Lift the hand set. (If y ou have alr eady re corded a messa ge, you ca n press to listen to the messa ge .) A UFN. WDG. 3. Using the Ans wering Mac hine The b uilt-in a ns wering mac hine allo ws y ou to re ceiv e both v oic e message s and f ax es whi le y ou are out.
Operating the Answer ing Machi ne 42 T o listen to the outgoing message T o listen to the outgo ing mess age, fol low Step s 1 and 2 of the abo v e proce dure and t hen press . Note th at the gen eral out going me ssage cannot b e erase d. If y ou need to change it, simp ly repeat the recordi ng proc edure.
Operatin g the Answerin g Machin e 43 3. Ans wering Machine Note: In A.M. mod e, the machi ne will auto matic ally s witch to f ax re ceptio n if it detects six secon ds of sil ence after an sw ering a call . F or this rea son, if a caller p auses f or th is length of time while leav ing a me ssage , the y will be cut off .
Operating the Answer ing Machi ne 44 Listening to r ec eived mess age s If you hav e receiv ed messages , the displa y will sho w the number of me ssages receiv ed.
Operatin g the Answerin g Machin e 45 3. Ans wering Machine Erasi ng r eceiv ed mess ages It is im por tant to e rase rec eiv ed messa ges after y ou list en to them to ensure that the m emory does not become full . ♦ Erasing all messa ges: T o erase a ll message s, pres s , , and th en .
Optional Answer ing Mach ine Se ttings 46 1 Press once and once. 2 Press onc e and on ce. 3 Press . 4 Press a number fr om 1 to 4 to select the desired ICM recor ding time.
Optional Answ er ing Ma chine Se ttings 47 3. Ans wering Machine 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once and twice. 3 Press . 4 Press to turn on aut omatic fax reception, o r to turn it off .
Transfer F unction 48 3 Press . 4 Press to turn on OGM onl y mode, or to turn it off. 5 Press to return to the date and tim e displa y . 1 2 ST OP The display briefly shows your selection, then: T ran.
T ran sf er F uncti on 49 3. Ans wering Machine 4 Pre ss the numbe r keys t o ent er the tran sfer number. • T o insert a pause be tween any tw o digits of the n umber , press .
Transfer F unction 50 4 Press and s peak into the handset to rec ord the message. • The transf er me ssage can be up t o 15 second s long. Wh ile record ing, the displa y will show t he time l eft to reco rd. 5 When fi nished, repla ce the hands et or press .
Override R inging 51 3. Ans wering Machine 6 Each tim e the mac hine receives a n incoming message, it will c all y our pr ogrammed tran sfer num ber . Wh en y ou answer , y ou will hear y our recor ded mess age telling you th at the call i s a transfe r call.
Override Ri nging 52 2 Press once and 3 time s. 3 Press . 4 Pre ss the numbe r keys to enter a 3-d igi t overri de co de . 5 Press to store the o verride code, a nd then to retur n to the date an d time displ ay .
Remote Ope rations 53 3. Ans wering Machine 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once and twice. 3 Press . 4 Pre ss the numbe r keys to enter a 3-d igi t remot e cod e num b er . 5 Press to store the rem ote num ber , and then to return to the date an d time displ ay .
Remote Op erations 54 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once. 3 Press once. 4 Press to turn on the T oll Sav er function, or to turn it off. 5 Press to return to the date and tim e displa y . FUNKTION 1 2 ST OP Displa y: The display briefly shows your selection, then: Retrieving y our messages 1 Call the ma chine fr om a tone dial telephon e.
Remote Ope rations 55 3. Ans wering Machine 2 Enter y our remot e code n umber and then press . • Y ou will hear a series of beeps eq ual to the n umbe r of me ssage s record ed, or on e long be ep if f our or m ore messag es ha ve been rece iv ed. The machi ne wil l then pl ay bac k the message s, be eping on ce at the end of each messa ge.
Remote Op erations 56 4 When y ou ha ve finishe d listening to your m essages, y ou can do any of the fo llowin g: • Erase all messa ges: Press , , and . • Repeat pla ybac k: Press and . • P erfo rm oth er operations: Y ou can enter an y of t he com mands de scribe d in t he f ollowi ng secti on, Ot her rem ote ope r atio ns .
Remote Ope rations 57 3. Ans wering Machine Other remote operations After list ening to y our m essages , yo u can pe rform an y of the fol lowing oper ations b y press ing the ap propriate k ey s on the t elephone . Note: The f ollowing co mm an ds can not be entered wh ile me ss age s are bei ng pla ye d bac k.
Remote Op erations 58 T urning the T ransfer function on or off T o t urn T rans fer on: Press , , and on the telepho ne. T o turn T ransfer off: Press , , and on the telephon e. 9 1 9 2 Changing the transfer telephone number 1 Press , , and on the tele phone.
Remote Ope rations 59 3. Ans wering Machine Recor ding a memo Y ou can record a memo f or y oursel f or other use rs of th e mach ine . Th e mem o will b e pla y ed bac k when i ncoming message s are lis tened to . 1 Press and on the tele phone. 2 When y ou hear a short beep, speak into the telep hone to recor d the memo.
60 4. Sending F a x es T ran smittable Documents Size and weight The siz e and weigh t of docum ents tha t you can load in the do cument f eeder depend o n whethe r you lo ad one pa ge at a tim e or se v eral pages at once. Note: Letters or gr aphics o n the edge s of a doc ument wil l not be sca nned.
Loading t he Documen t 61 4. Sending Fa x e s Other restrictions ♦ The scanner can not recogn ise y ello w , g reenis h yello w , or light b lue i nk. ♦ Ink, glue, and correct ing flui d on docu ments mu st be d r y bef ore t hey pass through the docum ent f eeder .
Adjusti ng the Reso lution and Contr ast 62 Adjusting the Res olution and Contrast If desire d, yo u can adjus t the reso lution and contra st bef ore sen ding a docume nt. ♦ The def ault resol ution setting is ST AND AR D and the default contrast setti ng is AUT O .
Adjusti ng the Reso lution and Contrast 63 4. Sending Fa x e s Note: In order to tr ansmit in SUPER FINE resoluti on, the receivi ng f ax machine must also have that resoluti on . If it does n ’ t, your machine will automat ic al l y step down to t he next be st av ailable setting .
Sending a Fax by Nor mal Dial ling 64 1 Load the do cument(s). • If de sired, pre ss to set th e resolut ion and/o r contr ast. 2 Pick up the hands et or press . Listen f or the d ial tone. 3 Dial the number of the receivi ng machin e by p ressing t he numbe r keys.
Sending a F ax b y Normal Diallin g 65 4. Sending Fa x e s 4 W ait f or the connec tion. Depending on the settin g of the receiving machin e, you wil l either hear a fax tone or the other pers on will ans wer .
Sending a Fax by A utomatic D ialling 66 Sending a F ax b y A utoma tic Dialling Y ou can store up to 60 f ax, phone , or SMS n umbers in th e machin e f or automat ic dialling . ♦ A uto-dia l numbers are diall ed by pressin g until the desired n umber appears in the di spla y , and then .
Sendi ng a F ax b y A utom atic D i alli ng 67 4. Sending Fa x e s 4 Press . 5 Ent er a nam e by pres sing numbe r keys for e ach lett er as shown i n the chart belo w. Up to 15 ch aracters can be entered. (I f you do not wish to enter a name, go directl y to Step 6.
Sending a Fax by A utomatic D ialling 68 Editing and c learing auto-dial number s If y ou ne ed to ma k e change s to a p re v io usl y sto red auto-dial numb er , or clea r a number , follo w these steps : 1 Press once and once. 2 Press or until the num ber yo u wish to edit or c lear a ppears i n the d ispl ay .
Sendi ng a F ax b y A utom atic D i alli ng 69 4. Sending Fa x e s 8 Press . 9 Return to Step 2 to edit or c lear anoth er number , or press to return to th e date and time displa y . ST ART/SPEICHER ST OP Using an auto-dial nu mber Once y ou h av e stor ed a f ax or ph one num ber , you can u se it to s end a f ax or mak e a phon e call.
Sending a Fax by A utomatic D ialling 70 Sending a f ax b y Direct K ey pad Dialli ng Y ou c a n als o ente r a full numbe r with the num ber keys and t hen pr ess t he ke y to b egin dial ling. Y ou can use this me thod to dia l a full nu mber when y ou don' t need to speak to the other p ar ty bef ore f axi ng.
Sendi ng a F ax b y A utom atic D i alli ng 71 4. Sending Fa x e s 1 If you are send ing a f ax, l oad th e document(s ). • If de sired, pre ss to set th e resolut ion and/o r contr ast. 2 Press once . <REDIAL> appear s in the d isplay , follo wed b y the last number dialled.
Sending a Fax by A utomatic D ialling 72 ♦ T o stop au tomatic redia lling, pre ss . ♦ Under cer tain c onditions (f or e xample if a person ans wers t he call o n a telepho ne), au tomatic redi alling m ay stop bef ore three redia lling atte mpts are ma de.
Sending a F ax F rom Memor y 73 4. Sending Fa x e s Sending a F ax From Memory Y ou can sca n a d ocu ment int o th e f ax ’ s memo ry and se nd the docu me nt from memory . This increas es trans missio n speed a nd allo ws y ou to sen d a f ax t o multi ple des tinatio ns in a single operati on.
Sending a Fax Fro m Memory 74 Memory trans mission Y ou can also send a f ax through memo ry when sendin g to a si ngle lo cation. This is con v enien t when sendi ng to location s where the li ne is often b usy , as it saves you from wai t ing to pick up th e or igin al docu ment a nd free s the feed er f or other ope rations .
75 5. Receiving Fa xe s 5. Receiving F axes Using TEL/F AX Mode TEL/FAX 01-A UG 12:00 T o select TEL/F AX mode , press until TEL/F AX is select ed in the di sp lay . A UFL Ö S./ EMPF ANG When the reception mode is set to TEL/ F AX, your f ax machine au tomatica lly ans wer s all calls on one ring.
Using A.M. Mo de 76 2 Press once and 3 time s. 3 Press once. 4 Enter a n umber as follo ws f or the desir ed duration: 5 Press to return to the date and tim e displa y . 15 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 60 SECONDS 120 SECOND S ST OP 1 2 3 4 Using A.M. Mode T o select A.
Using F A X Mode 77 5. Receiving Fa xe s When the reception mode is set to F AX, the f ax machin e will auto matically ans we r all call s on one ring and recei ve incomin g f ax es.
Usin g TEL Mode 78 2 Press once. 3 Press once. 4 Enter the d esired nu mber of rings (a ny number from 1 to 4). Example: 3 rings 5 Press to return to the date and tim e displa y . 3 ST OP Usin g TEL Mode T o select TEL mode , press until TEL is selec ted in the dis pla y .
A uto- Cordless F ax Co ntrol (answering with a n extension phone in TEL mod e) 79 5. Receiving Fa xe s 1 When the fa x machin e rings, p ick up the handse t. 2 If y ou hear a fax tone, wait until the disp lay show s F AX RE CEIV ING an d then rep lace the handse t.
Auto-Cor dless Fa x Control (answeri ng with an extensio n phone in TEL mod e) 80 1 Answe r the ex tension phone w hen it rings. 2 If y ou hear a so ft fax tone, wai t until y our fax respo nds (the e xtension phone wi ll go dead), th en hang up.
Optio nal Recept ion Setti ngs 81 5. Receiving Fa xe s Optional Re ception Settings F ax Signal Receive Y our fax will auto maticall y begin r eception if you h ear a soft fax tone afte r ans we ring a ca ll on y our f ax o r an e xte ns ion ph one .
Optional Receptio n Settings 82 3 Press once. 4 Press to turn on the func tion, or to turn it off . 5 Press to return to the date and tim e displa y . 1 2 ST OP The display brie fly shows your selecti.
Optio nal Recept ion Setti ngs 83 5. Receiving Fa xe s Reception Rat io The f ax has been se t at the f acto ry to automatica lly reduc e the siz e of rece ived docu ments to fit the size of the pri nting paper. This en sures that da ta on the ed ges of the docume nt are not c ut off .
Substitu te Reception to Memory 84 Substitute Re ception to Mem ory In situa tions w here printing is not po ssib le, s uch as w hen y our f ax runs ou t of paper , the imaging fi lm needs rep lacement, or the pa per jams , incomi ng f ax es will be re ceive d to mem or y .
85 6. Making Copies 6. Making Copies Y our f ax mac hine ca n also be used to mak e c opies. Single and m ultiple copies (up to 99 per original) can be ma de, en abli ng y our f ax to do uble as a convenienc e offi ce co pi er. 1 Load the d ocument(s) fa ce dow n.
Making Co pies 86 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once and twice. 3 Press once. 4 Press to set cop y cut-off to YES (the remaini ng part of the docume nt will not be prin ted), o r to set copy cut-off to NO (the remaining part will be printed on a second pa ge).
87 7. Special Functions 7. Special Functions Caller ID (Requires Sub script ion to Ser vice) If you sub sc ribe to a caller ide nti fic ati on service from y our teleph one compan y , you can set y our f ax m achine to d ispla y the name and numbe r of the call er while the f ax rings .
Caller ID (Requires Subscri ption to Se rvice) 88 Ho w Caller ID operate s When y ou rec eiv e a call, the name and phone numbe r of the ca ller wil l alternately ap pear in the displa y , beginnin g just bef or e the second ring. The inf ormation wi ll contin ue to be displa y ed unti l the line is discon nected.
Call er ID (Requi res Sub scri ption to Se r vice) 89 7. Special Functions Vie wing the Caller ID l ist If y ou subsc ribe to a Calle r ID service and h av e turned on th e Calle r ID function , yo ur f ax mach ine will k eep i nfo rmation on the m ost rece nt 30 call s and f ax es y ou ha v e receiv ed.
Caller ID (Requires Subscri ption to Se rvice) 90 1 Press once and 3 time s. 2 Press onc e and on ce. 3 Press once. 4 Press to store a n umber . (T o clea r a pre viously stored num ber , press and go to Step 6.) 5 Ent er the nu mber by pres sing the nu mb er keys (max .
Call er ID (Requi res Sub scri ption to Se r vice) 91 7. Special Functions Bloc king v oice calls With Cal ler ID turned on, y o u ca n use the Anti Ju nk F ax fun ction desc ribed in Bloc king Rec eption of U nwant ed F ax es in this chapter to b lock vo ice call s as wel l as f ax es from y our spec ified Anti Jun k Number .
Blocki ng Reception of Unwant ed Faxes 92 1 Press once and 3 time s. 2 Press once and twice. 3 Press once. 4 Press to store an An ti Junk number , or to clear a previous ly stored n umber (if y ou are clea ring a n umber , go to Step 6). 5 Enter the fax numb er by pre ssing the n umber ke ys (max.
P olling (Req uesting a F ax T ransmiss ion) 93 7. Special Functions P olling (Requesting a F ax T ransmission) P ol ling al low s y ou to call anothe r f ax machi ne and ha v e it send a do cu ment to yo ur machin e without o perator a ssistance .
PBX oper ations 94 PBX operations If y our f ax is con nected to a PBX, y ou can use i t to perf orm the f ollo wing oper ations: Making e nquiry calls: Duri ng a cal l, you c an put the ot h er par ty on hold , mak e a further call to a third party , and th en go bac k to your orig inal caller .
95 8. Printing Lists 8. Printing Lists Y ou can print lis ts sho wing setti ngs and i nf ormation enter ed in the fa x machin e. The lists are described b elow . T o print a list, f oll ow th ese steps . 1 Press once and twice. 2 Press once. 3 Press or until the desired list appear s in the dis play .
Printin g Lists 96 T ransaction Report This rep or t is printed out aut omatical ly after an op erati on is comp leted t o allo w y ou t o chec k the res ult. Y our f ax machi ne is s et at th e f act ory to print out the report only wh en an error occurs .
Printing Lis ts 97 8. Printing Lists T ransaction Report print co ndition Y ou can cha nge the conditio n under which a T rans action Report is printed out. F ollo w the step s belo w . 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once and twice. 3 Press once. 4 Press a number fr om to to select the condition f or printing .
98 9. Maintenance Print h e ad Clean the print head frequently to ensure op timum printing perf ormance. Note: Remove the pa per f rom th e pape r tray before cleani ng th e pr int he ad. 1 Unplug the telephon e line and then the powe r cor d, and op en the opera tion panel (press ➊ ).
Maint enance 99 9. Maintenance 4 Place the im agin g film bac k in the print compartment. 5 Rotate the fr ont gear u ntil the film i s taut, and then c lose th e operation panel (pres s down on both sides to make sure it clic ks into p lace).
Maintenan ce 100 2 Flip up the green le vers on eac h side of the wh i te roller. 3 Wipe the s canning glass (under th e white r oller) and r oller s with a cotton sw ab . • Mak e sure t hat all di r t and stai ns (such as corr ecting flu id) are rem ov ed.
101 10. T rouble- shooting 10. T r oubleshooting Pr oblems and Solutio ns Line err or Pr oblem Solution LINE ER ROR ap pears in the disp la y . T r y the tr ansacti on again. If the error p ersists , chec k the f ollo wing: • Mak e sure ther e are no modem d evices sharing the same t elephone line.
Problem s and Sol uti on s 102 Dialling and transmission pr oblems Pr oblem Solution No dial tone when y ou pic k up the han ds et or press th e k ey . • Mak e sure t he handse t cord is connecte d to the corre ct so c k et. See Co nnecting the hands et on page 10 .
Probl ems and S olutions 103 10. T rouble- shooting Reception and copying pr obl ems Pr oblem Solution The po wer is o n, bu t no receptio n tak es plac e. • Make su re that the telephone line cor d is plug ged into the TEL. LINE soc ke t, and not t he TEL.
Problem s and Sol uti on s 104 Recep tion/cop ying i s interrupted. • If recept ion o r copying t akes plac e con tinuo usly for a long t ime, t he print he ad ma y o ve rheat. T urn off the powe r and l et it cool dow n. If ov erh eati ng frequ ent ly oc curs , try chan gi ng the print contr ast setting to LIGHT (s ee page 1 6).
Probl ems and S olutions 105 10. T rouble- shooting SMS messaging pr oblems Pr oblem Soluti on Y ou cannot s end SMS messa ges. • I f you are using a carrier other tha n ANNY W A Y , ha ve you regis.
Problem s and Sol uti on s 106 When sendi ng an SMS message , O VER 20 DIGITS appears when y ou ente r the nu mber o f the recipie nt. • The maxim um n umbe r of digits tha t can b e e ntered f or the nu mb er of a n SM S me ss age rec ip ient is 20.
Messag es and Si gnals 107 10. T rouble- shooting Messages and Signals Displa y me ssages Note: If y ou ha v e turned on the Caller ID function, se e page 88 f or displa y messages related t o Caller ID . ADD P APER & / PRESS ST ART KEY (alternating messages ) Chec k the printin g paper .
Message s and Sig nals 108 LINE ER ROR T ransmi ssion or rec eption w as not su ccessf ul. Press the ST O P k e y to clear the messag e and then tr y again. If the error p ersists , see Li ne Error on pag e 101. MEMORY IS FULL/ SEE MANU AL (alternating messages ) The mem or y is full.
Messag es and Si gnals 109 10. T rouble- shooting A udible signals O VER H EA T The print hea d has o v erheated. Ope ration c an be contin ued after it cools . If o ve rheating f requently occurs , try changing th e print contr ast setti ng to LIG HT (see pag e 16).
Clearing Paper Jam s 110 Clearing P aper Jams Clearing a jammed document If the original docum ent does n ’ t f eed properly du ring tr an smissi on or c op ying, or DOCU MENT JA MMED app ears in th e displa y , first try pressing . If the doc ument do esn't f eed out , remov e i t as e xplaine d belo w .
Cleari ng Paper J ams 111 10. T rouble- shooting 1 Open the operation pane l (press ➊ ). 2 Gentl y pull the jamm ed paper out of the m achin e, ma king sure no tor n pieces of paper remain i n the print compartment o r roller s.
112 Quic k Ref erence Guide Sending F axes Plac e y our docum ent (up to 10 pag es) face down in th e document feeder . Normal Dialling 1.L ift th e han dset or pres s . 2.Dial the f ax n umber . 3.W ai t f or the r ecep ti on to ne (if a per son ans we rs , as k them t o press their St art key) .
113 A A.M. rece pti on mo de, 21, 42 Anti Jun k Fax, 92 Audible signals , 109 Auto-dial numbers Storing, 42, 66 Using, 69 C Caller ID, 8 7-91 Caller ID L ist, 95 Contra st, 63 Copie s, 85 Copy cu t-of.
114 P Paper jams, clea ring, 110-1 11 Paper tray extensi on, 12 Paper , loading, 15 PBX Connection , 24 Polling , 93 Power cord, 10 Print contras t sett ing , 16 Print head, cle ani ng, 98-99 Priority Call , 90 Pseudo Ring Durat ion , 75 R Rece ption mod e A.
1. Call y our f ax f rom a touc h-tone tele phone , and press # when the o utgoing mes sage begins . 2. Enter y our remote co de: . 3. Press # . 4. After listen ing to y our me ssages , y ou can ei ther hang up to sav e th em, or ent er one of th e command s on the re v erse side .
REMOTE COMMANDS • F AX RECEPTION M ODES A.M. mode ........................ 81# F AX mo de ......................... 82 # TEL mode ................... ...... 83 # TEL/F AX mode ........... ...... 84# • TRANSFER FUNCTION T urn on ...................
GEDR UCKT IN THAILAND ( T I N S G 4 2 87XH TA ) SHARP ELECTRONICS (EUROPE) GMBH Sonninstra ß e 3, 20097 Hamb urg, German y Phone: (040) 2376-0 SHARP CORPORA TION all.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sharp UX-S10 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sharp UX-S10 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sharp UX-S10, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sharp UX-S10 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sharp UX-S10, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sharp UX-S10.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sharp UX-S10. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sharp UX-S10 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.