Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MX-M503U du fabricant Sharp
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MODEL: F axing Using the f ax function. Bef ore using the machine Functions of the machine and procedures f or placing originals and loading paper . Copying Using the cop y function. Printing Using the printer function. Scanning Using the scan function.
OPERATION MANUALS AND HOW TO USE TH EM 3 prin ted manual s and a manual i n PDF form at are pr ovided wi th the mac hine. Printed ma nuals Quic k Star t Guide (this manual) Please read when the printer e xpansion kit is installed.
1 Manuals i n PDF format Con venient methods for using the Operation Guide The first page contains a regular table of contents as w ell as an "I want to ..." table of contents. "I want to ..." lets y ou jump to an explanation based on what y ou want to do .
2 CHECKING THE IP ADDRESS To ch eck the IP address of the m achine, p rint out th e printer t est page i n the syste m settings . 1 Pres s the [SYS TEM SE TTINGS] key. 2 Select the a ll custom setti ng list i n the touch panel. (1) Touch the [ List Print (User)] key.
3 ACCESSING THE WEB SERVER IN THE MACHINE When th e mach ine is c onnected to a networ k, the mac hine's bu ilt-in Web serve r can be ac cessed from a We b brow ser o n your com put er. Opening the We b pages Access t he Web ser ver in the m achine to ope n the Web pages.
4 TABLE O F CONTENTS CHECKING THE IP ADDRESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ACCESSING THE WEB SERVER IN THE MACHINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 BASE SCREEN OF FAX MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 SENDING A FAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 DOCU MEN T FILI NG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 QUICKLY SAVING A JOB (Quick File) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bef ore using the mac hine Bef ore using the mac hine 7 This sectio n provides general informa tion about t he mac hine, inclu ding the name s and func tions of th e parts o f the mac hine and i ts perip heral devi ces, and the p rocedur es for placing originals and loadi ng paper .
8 PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS (1) Autom atic document feeder This auto matically feeds a nd sc ans mul tiple orig inals. Both sides of 2-sided or iginals can be scanne d at once. (2) Docum ent feeder tray Place the originals in thi s tray when us ing th e automatic document f eeder.
9 (13) Docum ent glass This is u sed to s can book s and other origi nals that cannot be scanned usin g the automat ic docum ent feeder. (14) Main power sw itch This is use d to po wer on the m achine. When using the fax or Int ernet fax functions , keep thi s switch in the "on" pos ition.
10 OPERATION PANEL JOB ST A TUS IMAGE SEND DOCUMENT FILING COPY PRINT READ Y DA T A DA T A LINE SYSTEM SETTINGS Ready to scan for copy. Auto Exposure 100% Copy Ratio Job Detail Settings 2-Sided Copy Original 0 Output Special Modes File Quick File 2. 3.
11 LOGOUT Main power indicator [CLEAR ALL] key Press this ke y to redo an operation from the beginning. All settings will be cleared and operation will return to the initial state. Numeric keys These are used to enter the number of copies, f ax numbers, and other numbers .
12 USING THE TOUCH PANEL The tou ch keys th at appe ar in the touch pan el are grou ped for ea sy oper ation. T he layout and function s of the touch k eys are expl ained bel ow. Using general keys (1) Whe n the dis played s creen is o ne of two or more s creens, us e the keys to switch t hrough the scree ns.
13 USER AUTHENTICATION When us er authe ntication is enabl ed in the sys tem settin gs, you m ust log i n before u sing the machine. User authe nticatio n is initia lly dis abled.
14 PLACING ORIGINALS The au tomatic d ocument feeder can be used to automa tically s can many originals at once. This sav es you th e troubl e of manual ly feedi ng each o riginal. For ori ginals that canno t be scan ned using the aut omatic do cument fee der, suc h as a bo ok or a doc ument with notes a ttached, us e the doc ument glass .
15 CHANGING PAPER IN A TRAY Names of the tray s The na mes of the trays a re shown below. For the n umber of s heets of paper tha t can be l oaded in e ach tray , see the f ollowing manuals: • Operat ion Gui de, "Paper T ray Setti ngs" in "7.
16 Loading pape r in a tray To chan ge the paper in a tray , load the desired paper in the tra y and then chan ge the tray settin gs in the machi ne to spec ify the l oaded pape r. The p rocedure for chang ing the tr ay paper s ize is ex plained b elow.
17 Changing the t ray settings When y ou change the paper in a tray, t he tra y settings in the sy stem sett ings must a lso be c hanged. 1 Pres s the [SYS TEM SE TTINGS] key. 2 Configure the tray settings in the touch panel. Some of th e settings only ap pear when you have admini strator rights .
18 Loading pape r in other trays Bypa ss tray Place paper that is A5 (7-1/4" x 10-1/2") or smaller in the horizontal orientation. Only the address side of en velopes can be printed on. Place en velopes with the address side face down. Special types of paper that cannot be loaded in other trays can be loaded in the b ypass tray .
19 Large ca pacity tray The pa per size o f tray 5 c an only be change d by a se rvice technician . Gently pull out the paper tra y . Insert the paper with the print side face down. Fan the paper well bef ore inser ting it. Otherwise, multiple sheets ma y feed at once and cause a misfeed.
Cop ying Cop ying 21 This section ex plains the basic pr ocedur es for usi ng the cop ier functio n. This sectio n also in troduces the var ious types of co pying tha t can be perfor med using t he speci al modes . X BASE SCREEN OF CO PY MODE . . . . .
22 BASE SCREEN OF COPY MODE Pres s the [COP Y] key in the Op eration p anel to open the ba se s creen of co py mod e. Selec t copy setti ngs in th e base sc reen. (1) [Job Detail Settings] key Touch thi s key to select o riginal settings , paper settings , and special m odes.
23 MAKING COPIES This is the m ost basi c proce dure for making co pies. 1 Press the [C OPY] ke y. The bas e screen o f copy mo de appear s. 2 Plac e the original s. When usi ng the document glass, p lace the origina l with the side to be scanned face down .
24 2-SIDED COPYING (Automatic Document Feeder) You ca n use the automatic document feeder to make autom atic 2-sided copies with out the bother of manually turning the or iginals over and re-ins erting them. This section ex plains how to copy 1-sided o riginals onto bo th sides of the pape r.
25 COPYING ON SPECIAL PAPER (Bypass Copy) Use the bypass tray to c opy on s pecial m edia suc h as hea vy paper , envelo pes, and t ab pape r. This section explains how to load A4 hea vy paper i n the bypa ss tray . 1 Plac e the original s. When usi ng the document glass, p lace the origina l with the side to be scanned face down .
26 Selecti ng a tray Select se ttings in the touch panel. (Continued) (5) Touch the [ Auto-AB] key. (6) Touch the [ OK] key. (7) Touch the byp ass tray key.
27 SELECTING THE EXPOSURE AND IMAGE TYPE You ca n speci fy the o riginal i mage type to obtain a cleare r copy. The ex ample of making a copy of a map is e xplained be low. 1 Plac e the original s. When usi ng the document glass, p lace the origina l with the side to be scanned face down .
28 FITTING THE COPY IMAGE TO THE PAPER (Automatic Ratio Selection) You ca n copy a n origin al onto any size of pa per usi ng automati c enlar gement/re duction. This section explain s how to copy an A4 or iginal onto A3 paper. 1 Plac e the original s.
29 ENLARGEMENT/REDUCTION (Preset Ratios / Zoom) For pr ecise ad justment of the c opy size, you can select a preset rat io and/or adjust th e ratio in i ncrements of 1%. As an example, this section e xplains ho w to reduc e the imag e to 55% . 1 Plac e the original s.
30 INTERRUPTING A COPY RUN (Interrupt Copy) When the ma chine is printing, you c an temporari ly interrup t the job and perform a copy j ob that you wish to pri oritize. This feature is use ful when you need to make an u rgent copy dur ing a long c opy run.
31 STORING COPY OPERATIO NS (J ob Programs ) You ca n store a group of copy settings . The se ttings ca n be r etrieve d and use d whenever neede d. When y ou freq uently u se the same g roup of settin gs, this saves y ou th e trouble o f manu ally s electing the set tings each ti me you ne ed to us e them.
32 Deleting a job program 2 Touch the key of the desired job program. After s electing the job program, s et the numb er of copie s and pre ss the [ST ART] key t o begin copyin g. 1 Press the [# /P] key ( ) . 2 Select se ttings in the touch panel. (1) Touch the [ Store/Del ete] tab.
33 SPECIAL MODES The s pecial m odes can be used f or a var iety of s pecial-p urpose c opy jobs. This section introduc es the ty pes of copies tha t can be m ade with the sp ecial modes . (The procedure s for us ing each s pecial m ode are n ot explai ned.
34 SELECTING A SPECIAL MODE The proc edure fo r selecti ng setting s for "A dding ma rgins (Ma rgin Shi ft)" is ex plained below as an example. Althoug h the spec ific setti ngs for each spe cial mode v ary, the general procedure is the s ame.
35 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS Adding margins (Margin Shift) Erasing p e ripheral shadows ( Erase) Copying each f acing page of a bound document (Dual Page Copy) Making c opies in pa mphlet format (Pa mphlet Copy) Use this functio n to shift the image o n the copy to create b indin g margin s.
36 Copying a larg e number of or iginals at once (Job Build) Using two machines to make a large number of copies (Tandem Copy) Using a different paper type for covers (Covers/Inserts) Adding inser ts .
37 Copying multiple pages onto one she et of paper (Multi Shot) Copying a pamphlet (Book Copy) Copying capt ions onto tab paper (Ta b Copy) Copying both side s of a card onto one sheet of paper (Card Shot) Use this functio n to copy two or four original pages ont o one shee t of pap er.
38 Printing the dat e or a stamp on copies (Stamp) Repeating ph otos on a cop y (Photo Repeat ) Creat ing a large poster (M ulti-Page Enlarg ement) Inver ting the ima ge (Mirror Image ) Use this functio n to prin t the date, a stamp, th e page num ber, or text on copies.
39 Copying an A3 size original without cutting off th e edges (A3 Full Ble ed) Copying in the cent re of the paper (Cent ring) Reversi ng white and bla ck in a cop y (B/W Reverse ) Adju sting the shar.
40 Check ing the n umber of sca nned origi nal sheets before c opying (Origina l Count) Copy ing o riginal s tha t are differe nt siz es (M ixed Si ze Original) Copying t hin origin als (Slo w Scan Mode ) The num ber of sc anned o riginal sh eets can be c ounted and disp layed be fore copying is executed .
Printing Printing 41 This sectio n explains the basic procedur e for print ing usin g the pri nter driv er of the machine. T he settings that can be sele cted in the prin ter driver are al so intr oduced . The ex planatio ns of sc reens and p rocedur es are primaril y for Wi ndows Vista ® in Wind ows ® envi ronments, an d Mac OS X v10.
42 PRINTING This section explain s the bas ic proced ures for printing. The fol lowing ex ample ex plains how to print a n A4 siz e docume nt from W ordPad, which is a s tandard access ory prog ram in Window s. To ins tall the printer dr iver a nd config ure settings in a Wi ndows environmen t, see "2 .
43 3 Select print settings. (1) Click the [Pape r] tab. (2) Select [A4]. (3) Click the [OK] button. 4 Click the [Print] b utton. Printing begi ns. In Windo ws 98/Me/NT 4.
44 Using printe r driver help When s electing settings in the pr inter dri ver properti es windo w, you can display He lp to v iew explana tions of th e setti ngs. (Onl y in Wind ows) 1 Open the printer driver properties window. (1) Select the prin ter driver of the machine.
45 The fol lowing ex ample expl ains how to print a n A4 size d ocument f rom "Tex tEdit" ("S impleTex t" in Mac OS 9), which i s a stan dard access ory program on Mac intosh comp uters. To prin t from a Ma cinto sh, the PS 3 expans ion kit mus t be ins talled in the mac hine and the machi ne must be connec ted to a ne twork.
46 Printing a file 1 Execute printing from TextEdit. (1) Open the [File] menu. (2) Select [Pr int]. In Mac O S 9, select [P rint] from th e [File] menu of Simple Text. 2 Select print se ttings and click the [Print] button. (1) Make sure the correct printer is selected.
47 CANCELLING PRINTING (AT THE MACHINE) You ca n cancel a print job if yo u cancel before p rinting act ually be gins. 1 Press the [J OB STATU S] key. 2 Select se ttings in the touch panel. (1) Touch the [ Print Job] tab. (2) Change the print job status mode to [Spool] or [Job Queue].
48 SELECTING PRINT SETTINGS To us e the print fu nction of the machi ne, the settings in the pr inter driv er proper ties win dow must be configure d. See "P RINTING" ( page 42) for the proc edure for o pening the printer driver p roperties window and the basic proce dure for printin g.
49 The pro cedure for sel ecting pr inter driver se ttings is ex plained bel ow using "Pri nting multip le image s on one page (N-U p Printi ng)" as an examp le. This function re duces the size of each page to let you print mul tiple pages on one sh eet of pape r.
50 CONVENIENT PRINTER FUNCTIO NS Printing on both sides of the paper (2- sided printing) Fitting the print image to the paper (Fit To Pa per Size) Printing multiple images on one page (N-Up Printing) Stapling pr inted page s (Staple) Use this functio n to prin t on both s ides of the pape r.
51 Punching holes in out put (Punch) The machine al so has these fun ction s For informati on on each o f these functions, s ee "CONVENIE NT PRINTING FUNCTIONS" in "3.
F axing F axing 53 This section ex plains the basic pr ocedures for using t he fax function of th e machi ne. In addi tion, spec ial mod es that can be us ed with the fax funct ion are in troduce d. The fa csimil e expans ion kit i s requir ed to use t he fax function.
54 BASE SCREEN OF FAX MODE Press th e [IMAG E SEND] key in th e Operat ion panel to open the base sc reen of fax m ode. If th e fax scre en does not appe ar, touch the [Mode S witch] k ey. Select fax set tings in the base sc reen. (1) [Mode Switc h] key Use this key to change the mode of the image send fu nct ion .
55 SENDING A FAX The ba sic pr ocedure for sendin g faxes i s expla ined belo w. In fa x mode, c olour or iginals are se nt as blac k and whi te images . 1 Press the [IM AGE SEN D] ke y. The base s creen o f fax mode appears. (When th e fax func tion is not instal led, the b ase screen of scan mode appears.
56 CHANGING THE SIZE OF A FAX The size of the ori ginal and the tr ansmi ssion size ca n be specif ied be fore tran smissi on. This is conven ient wh en faxing an original that is sma ll and di fficult to read. The proc edure fo r faxing bot h sides of an A4 or iginal at A 3 size is explain ed below.
57 CHANGING THE EXPOSURE The ex posure can be c hanged as appropr iate for t he darknes s or li ghtness of th e origin al. The fol lowing ex ample ex plains how to darke n light colo urs in an origi nal to mak e the imag e clearer . 1 Plac e the original s.
58 CHANGING THE RESOLUTION The res olution can be sel ected to m atch the c haracte ristics of the origi nal, such as text or photo, t he size of th e text , and the da rkness of the ima ge. The fol lowing ex ample expl ains how to set the re solution to [Fine] and [Half Ton e] when sending a n original with small t ext.
59 STORING A FAX NUMBER Storing an in dividual key You ca n store f ax num bers in one -touch k eys. Stored fax numb ers can be retr ieved qui ckly a nd easil y. If you fr equently send fax es to the same gr oup of fax machines , the numb ers of those fax machines can be stored as a group ( multiple fa x numb ers ca n be stor ed in one k ey).
60 The it ems in th e above s tep must b e entered . For de tails on items ente red, see "7. SYS TEM SET TINGS" in the Opera tion Gui de. When se nding t he same doc ument or imag e to multi ple desti nations, it is conv enient to s tore a des tination gr oup.
61 FORWARDING RECEIVED FAXES (Fax Data Forward) When th e mach ine canno t print bec ause it is o ut of pap er or out of toner, rec eived fax es can be fo rwarded to anoth er fax mac hine.
62 CONVENIENT DIALLING METHODS Easy to use one -touch key s and the resend f unction c an be use d to prev ent diall ing error s and sa ve time. One- tou ch keys A fax n umber st ored in a one-touc h key can be ret rieved by a simple touch of t he key.
63 Speed dialling When y ou store an indiv idual key or a gro up key, a 4-digit * se arch num ber is as signed to the ke y. You ca n select a des tinatio n using t he key an d the 4-di git * search numbe r. * 3-digit when a ha rd drive is not installed.
64 SENDING THE SAME FAX TO MULTIPLE DESTINATION S (Broadcast Transmission) The s ame docum ent/im age can be sent to m ultiple fa x mode , scan mode, an d Internet fax mode d estin ations in a s ingle oper ation.
65 Select se ttings in the touch panel. (Continued) (5) Check the dest inations and then touch the [OK] key. To dele te a desti nation, tou ch the ke y of the desti nation that you wish to delete. A message will app ear to co nfirm the deletion. Touch the [Y es] key.
66 SPECIAL FAX MODES The s pecial m odes can be used f or a var iety of s pecial-p urpose fa x trans missio n jobs. The fol lowing pa ges show the types of fax tr ansmissi ons that c an be per formed. (T he procedur es for us ing each special mode are not expla ined.
67 SELECTING A SPECIAL MODE The proc edure fo r selecti ng a sp ecial mode for fax i s expla ined belo w. The s ettings that m ust be s elected vary for each speci al mode, howeve r, the g eneral procedure is the same. The proce dure for er asing shad ows at the e dges of the imag e when send ing a fax is expl ained bel ow as an e xample.
68 CONVENIENT FAX FUNCTIONS Erasing p e ripheral shadows ( Erase) Sending the left and right pages of a bound document as two sep arate pages (Dual Page Scan) Sending two original pages as a single pa.
69 Sending a large number of pa ges as a single transm ission job (J ob Build) Sending a fax directly from a compute r (PC-Fax) The machine al so has these fun ction s • Forwardi ng a rec eived fax t o a netwo rk addres s (Inbou nd Routing Settin gs) ☞ Operation Guide "FAX RECEPTION" i n "4.
Scanning Scanning 71 This section ex plains the uses of the networ k scanner f unctio n and the basic procedur e for usi ng scan mode. I n addition , specia l mode s that ca n be use d with the ne twork sca nner functio n are int roduced . USB memory mode can be used without installing a peri pheral device.
72 NETWORK SCANNER FUNCTION The ne twork scan ner func tion of the machine c an be us ed to tran smit sc anned ima ges by a var iety of methods. The ne twork scan ner func tion ha s the foll owing mod es. • Modes th at can be u sed will vary depe nding on y our mode l and t he expansio n kits th at are in stalled.
73 BASE SCREEN OF SCAN MODE Press t he [IMA GE SEND] ke y in t he operat ion panel to open the base sc reen of sca n mode. If the scan s creen does no t appea r, touch t he [Mode S witch] ke y. Selec t variou s scan settin gs in the base sc reen. (1) [Mode Switc h] key Use thi s key to change th e mode of the image s end function.
74 SCANNING AN ORIGINAL The ba sic ope ration fo r scann ing is ex plained below. This section explains how to send a scann ed file by e-mail . 1 Press the [IM AGE SEN D] ke y. The bas e screen o f scan mo de appear s. 2 Plac e the original s. When usi ng the document glass, p lace the origina l with the side to be scanned face down .
75 CHANGING THE EXPOSURE AND ORIGINAL IMAGE TYPE Expos ure and o riginal im age type settin gs can be selecte d as a ppropriate for the ori ginal. The proc edure fo r darkening t he exp osure and s etting the original i mage type to "Text/P rtd. Photo" i s explain ed bel ow.
76 CHANGING THE RESOLUTION You ca n sel ect the re solution as ap propriate for the or iginal t ype. This section explain s how to s et the res olution t o "300X30 0dpi", whi ch cre ates a cl earer image than the defa ult resoluti on. 1 Plac e the original s.
77 CHANGING THE FILE FORMAT The fi le format (file type and co mpression method ) for sendi ng a sca nned im age is spec ifie d when the de stinat ion is sto red in a one-touch k ey; howev er, you can chan ge the fo rmat at th e time of tran smissi on.
78 STORING A DESTINATION The proc edure fo r storing e-mail addr esses in one-touc h keys for Scan to E-mail is explai ned below. Stored e-mail address es can be r etriev ed quickly and eas ily. If yo u frequen tly send im ages t o the same group of destinati ons, thos e dest inations can be s tored as a group.
79 The it ems in th e above s tep must b e entered . For de tails on items ente red, see "7. SYS TEM SET TINGS" in the Opera tion Gui de. When se nding t he same doc ument or imag e to multi ple desti nations, it is conv enient to s tore a des tination gr oup.
80 CONVENIENT TRANSMISSION METHODS One-t ouch sen ding, resen ding, a nd othe r convenie nt trans missio n function s that mak e it easy to send an ima ge are a vail able. One-touc h key A desti natio n stored in a one-touc h ke y can be retrieved by a sim ple touch of the key .
81 Search number sen ding When y ou store an indiv idual key or a gro up key, a 4-digit * se arch num ber is as signed to the ke y. You ca n sel ect a des tinatio n using t he key and the 4-dig it * search num ber. * 3-digit when a ha rd drive is not installed.
82 SENDING THE SAME IMAGE TO MULTIPLE DESTINATION S (Broadcast Transmission) The s ame image can be sent to m ultiple s can mode , Internet fax mode, a nd fax mod e dest inatio ns in a s ingle operati on.
83 SPECIAL SCAN MODES The s pecial m odes can be used f or a var iety of s pecial-p urpose s can send jobs. The fol lowing pa ges show the typ es of sc an send j obs that c an be per formed. (T he proc edures for using ea ch special mode are not expla ined.
84 SELECTING A SPECIAL MODE The procedure for selecti ng a special mode for the scanner function is explained below. The settings that must be sel ected vary for each specia l mode, however , the general procedure i s the same.
85 CONVENIENT SCANNER FUNCTIONS Erasing p eripheral sha dows on the i mage (Erase) Scanning an original as two separate pages (Dual Page Scan) Scanning bot h sides of a card onto a single pag e (Card Shot) Use this functio n to erase pe ripher al shadows that occur when sca nning books and o ther thick origina ls.
86 Scanning many or iginals at once (Job Build) Sending two pages as a single pa ge (2in1) The machine al so has these fun ction s For detai led infor mation on ea ch of these fu nctions , see "SPE CIAL MODES" and "INTE RNET FAX RECE PTION FUNCTION S" in "5 .
Document filing Document filing 87 The do cument filing f unction is used to s tore the do cument or print i mage on the ha rd dri ve when perfo rming a copy, print, or o ther job. A store d file can be called u p and u sed whenev er neede d. This sectio n introdu ces sev eral of the docume nt filing functions.
88 DOCUMENT FILING The d ocumen t filing function allows you to s ave the d ocume nt image of a copy or im age send job, or the da ta of a prin t job, as a file o n the mach ine' s hard driv e. The s tored file c an be ret rieved and printed o r transmi tted as nee ded.
89 The document filing fun ction is convenient in these situati ons Features tha t make the document filing function even more convenient When us er authe ntication is e nabled, "M y Fold er" can be spec ified in t he user info rmation of the user s.
90 QUICKLY SAVING A JOB (Quick File) As an e xample, the proce dure for us ing "Q uick Fil e" while co pying is explai ned below. Quic k File is the ea siest way to save a file using th e docu ment fili ng functio n. 1 Plac e the original s.
91 APPENDING INFORMATION WHEN STORING A FILE (File) As an e xample, the proce dure for us ing "F ile" whi le copying is expl ained bel ow. Unlike Q uick Fil e, a file name, user n ame, and fo lder ca n be spec ified when saving a file. 1 Plac e the original s.
92 Select se ttings in the touch panel. (Continued) (7) Touch the [ User 1] key. (8) Touch the [ OK] key. (9) Touch the [ OK] key. 3 Set the number of copies and then press t he [START] ke y. The file is store d on the har d drive at the sa me time as t he copy i s made.
93 SAVING A DOCUMENT ONLY (Scan to HDD) You ca n save a document without per forming a copy, pri nt, or send job. The proc edure fo r storing a docu ment in the main f older is explained below. 1 Press the [DOCUMENT FILING] key. The bas e screen o f docu ment filin g mode appears .
94 PRINTING A SAVED FILE You ca n retri eve a fil e stored by document filing an d print o r trans mit the fil e. This section explain s how t o retrieve and pr int a fil e stored in the mai n fold er. 1 Press the [DOCUMENT FILING] key. 2 Select the file in the touch panel and print it.
System settings System settings 95 The s ystem setti ngs let you adjust th e operati on of the ma chine to suit th e need s of your wo rkplace. T his s ection br iefly i ntroduces seve ral of the system setti ngs. For deta iled e xplanations of the system se ttings , see "7.
96 SYSTEM SETTINGS The da te and time can b e set, fax and scan destination s can be stored, d ocument fi ling fol ders ca n be created , and var ious other settings related to the operat ion of the machi ne can be configur ed in the s ystem set tings screen .
97 System sett ings (adminis trato r) The s ystem setti ngs (admin istrator) * are sys tem setti ngs that can only be config ured by the a dministr ator of t he machin e.
98 SYSTEM SETTINGS MENU T otal Count System Settings Entering Administrator's Pass wor d Clock Display Contrast Device Count Job Count All Custom Setting List Printer T est Page Sending Address L.
99 Image Send Settings Operation Settings Default Displa y Settings Address Book Default Selection Own Name and Destination Set Initial Resolution Setting Default Exposure Settings Must Input Next Add.
T r oub leshooting T r oub leshooting 101 This sectio ns conta ins answ ers to frequen tly ask ed questi ons and explains how t o remove paper mis feeds. X FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 X REMOVING M ISFEEDS . . . . . . . .
102 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Maki ng a co py of a no n-st anda rd size o rigi nal The proc edure fo r making a copy of a payme nt slip or other non-s tandard size or igin al is expl ained bel ow. The " Centring" s pecial m ode of cop y mode c an be sel ected to po sition t he copied image in the ce ntre of the paper.
103 Printing on an enve lopes The proc edure fo r printing on an e nvelope i s explain ed belo w. Only the name and addr ess side o f an envel ope ca n be prin ted on. It is r ecommend ed that yo u do a te st prin t to check the print r esult be fore using an env elope.
104 Changing the pa per size used for a print job When th e size o f paper s pecified for a print job is n ot loaded i n any of t he machin e's paper trays, follow the steps be low to cha nge the paper size .
105 Adju sting the volu me of the ringe r If the rin ging so und made when the mach ine rece ives a fax is too loud or too soft, fol low the st eps below to adju st the vo lume. The fax ringer v olume is ad juste d in the s ystem setti ngs (adm inistrator ).
106 REMOVING MISFEEDS When a paper mi sfeed oc curs, the message "A m isfeed ha s occu rred." wil l appear in the t ouch pane l and printing and sc anning wi ll stop. I n this ev ent, touch the [Inform ation] ke y in the t ouch panel . When the key is touched, instr uctions for removi ng the mi sfeed w ill appear.
Plea se note • For informatio n on your operating syste m, please refer t o your operating system manua l or the onlin e Help f unction. • The explanation s of screens a nd procedu res in a Window s envir onment are pri marily fo r Windows Vista ® .
MX-M363U/MX-M453U/MX-M503U Quic k Star t Guide PRINTED IN FRANCE TINSE4506GHZZ Quic k Star t Guide.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sharp MX-M503U c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sharp MX-M503U - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sharp MX-M503U, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sharp MX-M503U va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sharp MX-M503U, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sharp MX-M503U.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sharp MX-M503U. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sharp MX-M503U ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.