Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FO-P600 du fabricant Sharp
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MODEL FO-P600 OPERATION MANUAL FACSIMILE 1. Installation 2. Sending Faxes 3. Receiving Faxes 4. Making Copies 5. Answering Machine Connection 6. Special Functions 7.
1 Intr oduction *Based on Sharp St andard No .1 Char t at standard resolution is Sharp spec ial mode, excluding t ime for protocol signals (i. e., ITU-T phase C time only). A utomatic diallin g 30 numbers Imaging film Initial star ter roll (included with machine): 10 m (approx.
2 As a par t of our policy of continuous impr ov ement, SHARP reser ves the r ight to ma ke design and specification changes for product i mprovement without prior notice. T he perf or mance specification figures indicated are nominal v alues of production units.
3 Impor tant saf ety inf ormation For y our sa f ety , if any of your equipment is not o perating properly or shou ld any physical damage occur to the equipment where internal par ts may become e xpos.
4 The power outlet must be ins talled near the equipment and must be easily ac cessible. W ARNING NO TICE: NO calls can be made to or from this f ax mach ine during a mains power f ailure. W ARNING: Australian Communications Authority (ACA) regulations state that no unauthorised changes or modifications to this equipment are permitted.
5 T ab le of Contents A Look at the Operation Panel 7 1. Instal lation 9 Unpac king Check list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Conne cti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents 6 6. Special Functions 55 Caller I D (Req uire s Subs cripti on t o Servi ce) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Distincti ve Ring (Re quires Subs criptio n to Servic e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Blocki ng Rec ept ion of Unwa nted Faxe s .
7 Displa y This di spla ys messages and prompt s to help y ou operate the mach ine. RESOLUTION / RECEPTION MODE key When a d ocument is in the f eeder , press this k ey to ad just the reso lution f or f axing or copy ing.
8 COPY/HELP key When a docume nt is in the fee der , press this ke y to mak e a cop y of a docume nt. At an y other ti me, press this k ey t o print out the H elp List, a qu ick ref erence g uide to the op eration of your f ax mach ine. ST ART/MEMOR Y ke y Press thi s ke y after dia lling to b egin f ax trans mission.
9 1. Installation 1. Inst allation Unpacking Chec klist P oints to keep i n mind when setting up Do n ot pl ace th e machin e in direct sunligh t. Do n ot pl ace th e machin e near heater s or air conditi oners. K eep dus t awa y from the mac hine. K eep the area aroun d the machi ne cl ear .
Connectio ns 10 Conn ectio ns Connecting the handset Connec t the handse t as sho wn and plac e it on th e handset res t. ♦ The ends of the ha ndset co rd are iden tical, so th ey wil l go into either so cket .
Connecti ons 11 1. Installation Connecting the telephone line cord Insert one end of the tele phone lin e cord i nto the adap ter . Inser t the oth er end of the line cord into the soc ket on th e bac k of the m achine mark ed TEL. LI NE . Plug the a dapter int o the telep hone soc ket on the wa ll.
Connectio ns 12 Comments: ♦ The fax m achine is n ot designed for use on a line which ha s call w aiting, call f orwardin g, or certain other sp ecial services off ered by y o ur telep hone compa ny .
Connecti ons 13 1. Installation Extension phone (optional) If desire d, yo u can conne ct an e xtensio n phone to th e TEL. SET soc ket on the fa x . ♦ T o connect an answ ering ma chine to y our fax, see page 4 9. 1 Remo ve the seal co vering the TEL.
Loading th e Imagi ng Film 14 Loading th e Imaging Film Y our f ax uses a roll of imagi ng film to creat e printed te xt and images . The print head in the f ax applies heat to th e imaging fi lm to trans fe r ink to th e paper . F ollow th e steps below to load or repla ce the fil m.
Loading th e Imagi ng Film 15 1. Installation 4 Remo ve the ne w rol l of imaging fi lm fr om its pac kaging. • Cut the ba nd that ho lds the rolls toge ther . 5 Insert the green gears. 6 Insert the film into the print compartment. 7 Rotate the fr ont gear as shown u ntil the film is taut.
Loading P rinting Paper 16 1 Fan the paper , and then ta p the edge again st a flat s urfa ce t o even the st ack. 2 Insert the stac k of paper into the tra y , PRINT SIDE DO WN . • If pa per remains i n the tra y , take it out and combine it i nto a sin gle stac k with t he ne w paper .
Loading P rinting Paper 17 1. Installation Print contrast setting Y our fa x has been set at the f actor y to print at normal cont rast. If desir ed, yo u can cha nge the print c ontrast setting t o LIGHT . 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once and twice.
Enterin g Your Nam e and Fa x N umber 18 Entering Y our Name and Fax Number Once y ou enter this inf ormation, it w ill automatic ally appea r at the top of each f ax page you sen d. Bef ore you can b egin send ing f ax es, y ou must enter your name a nd f ax (telephon e) num ber .
Enterin g Your Name and Fax Number 19 1. Installation 4 Ent er your fax numb er by pres si ng t he nu mbe r keys ( max . 20 digi ts) . • T o insert a space betw een digit s, pres s . T o enter a “+” , pr ess . • T o clear a mi stake , press . 5 Press to enter the fa x number in memory .
Setting th e Date an d Time 20 Setting the D ate and Time 1 Press once and twice. 2 Press once and once. 3 Press once. 4 Enter a tw o-digit num ber for the da y (“01” to “31”). Example: th e 5 th • T o correct a mis take , press to mov e the cursor b ack to the mistak e and then en ter the corre ct numbe r .
Setting the Date and Time 21 1. Installation 5 Enter a tw o-digit num ber for the mo nth ( “ 01 ” for Januar y , “ 02 ” for February , “ 12 ” for D ecember , etc.
Setting the Recep tion M ode 22 Setting the Reception Mode Y our f ax has fou r modes f or receiving incomin g fax es: FA X mode: Select th is mode when y ou only w ant to rece iv e fa xes on your line. The f ax machin e will auto matical ly ans wer a ll calls an d receiv e incomi ng fa xes .
Vo l u m e A d j u s t m e n t 23 1. Installation V olume Adjustmen t Y ou can ad just the v olume of the speak er and ringe r using the u p and do wn arrow ke ys. 1 Press 2 Press or until the dis play show s the desire d volum e leve l. • Press agai n to turn off the spe aker .
Volum e Adj ustmen t 24 1 Press or . (Make su re has not been pr essed and a doc ument is not l oaded in the feed er .) • The ringe r will ring once at the select ed le v el, then the d ate and ti me will reap pear in the di spla y . 2 If y ou selected RING ER: OFF OK ?, press .
25 2. Sending Fa xe s 2. Sending F axes T ransmittable Documents Size and weight The siz e and weigh t of docum ents tha t you ca n load in the documen t f eeder depend o n whether y ou load one pa ge at a tim e or se v eral pag es at once . Note: Letters or gr aphics on th e edges o f a documen t will not b e scanned.
Loading th e Docum ent 26 Other restrictions ♦ The scanner can not recognis e ye llow , gr eenish y ello w , or ligh t blu e ink. ♦ Ink, glue, an d correcti ng fluid o n documents must be dry bef ore the y pass through the docum ent fe eder . ♦ All clip s, stap les, an d pins must be remov ed from docum ents bef ore loading in the f eeder .
Adjusti ng the Re solut ion and Con trast 27 2. Sending Fa xe s Adjusting the Res olution and Con trast If desire d, you c an adjust the resoluti on and contr ast bef ore sending a docume nt. Note: The resolution an d cont rast settings are only e ffective f o r sendin g a docume nt.
Adjusti ng the Re solu tion an d Contr ast 28 Note: In order to transmit in SUPE R FIN E resolution , the rece iving fax machine must also ha ve that resolution. If it doesn ’ t, y our ma chine w ill automa tically st ep down to the next best available setting.
Sending a F ax by Nor mal Dia lling 29 2. Sending Fa xe s 1 Load the do cument(s). • If de sired, press to set th e resolut ion and/o r contras t. 2 Pick up the handset or press . Listen f or the d ial tone. 3 Dial the number of the receiving machin e by p ressing the n umber ke ys.
Sending a Fax by Autom atic D ialling 30 Sending a F ax by A utoma tic Dialling Y ou can s tore up to 3 0 f ax or phone n umbers in the mach ine f or automati c diallin g. ♦ A uto-dial n umbers are dialled by press ing until the desired n umber appears in the di spla y , and then .
Sendi ng a F ax b y Au tomati c Dial ling 31 2. Sending Fa xe s 5 Ent er a na me by p ress ing numb er keys for each let ter as sh own in t he chart belo w. Up to 15 charac ters can be entered. (If y ou do not wish to enter a name, go directl y to Step 6.
Sending a Fax by Autom atic D ialling 32 Editing and c learing auto-dial number s If y ou need to mak e change s to a pr evio usly stor ed auto-dial numb er , or c lear a number , follo w these steps: 1 Press once and once. 2 Press or until the n umber y ou wish to e dit or clear a ppears i n the d ispl ay .
Sendi ng a F ax b y Au tomati c Dial ling 33 2. Sending Fa xe s 8 Press 9 Return to Step 2 to edit or c lear another n umber , or press to return to th e date and time displa y . ST ART/MEMOR Y ST OP Using an auto-dial nu mber Once y ou ha v e stored a fax o r phone n umber , you can use it to send a fax or mak e a phon e call.
Sending a Fax by Autom atic D ialling 34 Sending a f ax b y Direct K eypad Dia lling Y ou can a ls o ente r a f ull numbe r wit h the numbe r keys and t hen pre ss t he ke y to begin di alling. Y ou ca n use this m ethod to dia l a full n umber when y ou don' t need to sp eak to the oth er par ty bef ore fa xing.
Sendi ng a F ax b y Au tomati c Dial ling 35 2. Sending Fa xe s 1 If you are sen din g a fa x, l oad the document(s ). • If de sired, press to set th e resolut ion and/o r contras t. 2 Press once. <REDIAL> appear s in the d isplay , f ollowe d by the la st number dialled.
Sending a Fax F rom Memo ry 36 Sending a F ax From Memory Y ou ca n scan a d ocument into the f ax ’ s memory and se nd the docume nt from memory . This in creases transmiss ion spee d and allo ws y ou to sen d a f ax to multi ple des tinations in a sin gle oper ation.
Sending a F ax F rom Memor y 37 2. Sending Fa xe s Memory trans mission Y ou can al so send a f ax through memory when sen ding to a single l ocation. This is con venien t when sendi ng to locations w here the line is often busy , as it saves you from wai ting to pi ck up th e or igi nal docu ment a nd f rees the feed er f or other ope rations .
38 3. Receiving F axes Using TEL/F A X Mode T o sel ect TEL/ F AX mode, p res s until the arrow in the disp lay point s to TEL/ F AX. RESOLUTION/ RECEPTION MODE When the reception mode is se t to TEL/F AX, yo ur f ax machine automati cally ans wers all ca lls on tw o rings.
Using A .M. Mod e 39 3. Receiving Fa xe s 2 Press once and 4 times. 3 Press once. 4 Enter a n umber as f ollow s for the desired durat ion: Note f or New Zealand: T el ecom re gulation s do not perm it the 60- seco nd and 120-sec ond sett ings to b e used.
Using FAX Mode 40 When the reception mode is se t to F AX, the f ax machin e will auto matically ans wer all call s on tw o rings and rec eiv e incoming fa xes . ♦ If y ou pic k up the h andset bef ore the machin e ans wers , you can talk to the othe r par ty and/or r eceiv e a f ax as e xplained in Using TEL Mo de on pa ge 41.
Using TEL Mode 41 3. Receiving Fa xe s 2 Press once. 3 Press once. 4 Enter the d esired numbe r of rings (an y number from 2 to 4). Example: 3 rings 5 Press to return to the date and time di splay . Note: If y ou are usin g Distinctiv e Ring, the f ax machine wi ll answ er calls afte r two rings regar dless of the abo ve sett ing.
Usin g TEL Mo de 42 1 When the fa x machin e rings, pic k up the handse t. 2 If y ou hear a fax tone, wait until the displa y sho ws RECEIVING and then replace the handset. 3 If the other p ar ty fir st speaks with y ou and then w ants to sen d a fax, press after spe aking.
Optio nal Recept ion Se ttings 43 3. Receiving Fa xe s 2 If y ou hear a so ft fax tone, wait until your fax responds (the extensi on phone wi ll go dead), then h ang up.
Optional Receptio n Setti ngs 44 3 Press once. 4 Press to turn on the function, or to turn it off . 5 Press to return to the date and time di splay . 1 2 ST OP The display brie fly shows your selectio.
Optio nal Recept ion Se ttings 45 3. Receiving Fa xe s Reception Rat io The f ax has been set at the f actory to automati cally reduc e the siz e of rece ived docu men ts to fit the size o f the pr i nting pape r . Th is en sur es that dat a on the ed ges of the document a re not cut off.
Substitu te Recepti on to Me mory 46 Substitute Re ception t o Memor y In situa tions wher e printing is not poss ible , such a s when y our f ax runs ou t of paper , the imagi ng film need s replacemen t, or the paper jams , incomi ng fa xes will be re ceive d to memory .
47 4. Making Copies 4. Making Copies Y our f ax machin e can als o be us ed to mak e copies . Single and mu ltiple c opies (up to 99 per original) can be ma de, enab ling your fax to doub le as a convenienc e off ice copi er. 1 Load the d ocument(s) fa ce down.
Making Co pies 48 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once and once. 3 Press once. 4 Press to set copy cu t-off to YES (the remaini ng part of the document will not be prin ted), or to set c opy cut-off to NO (the remaining part will be printed on a second p age).
49 5. Ans wering Mach ine 5. Ans wering Machine Connection Connect ing an Answering Machine If desire d, y ou can conne ct an ans wering mac hine to y our f ax machin e's TEL. SET soc ket. This will all ow y ou to recei ve both vo ice messa ges and f axes when y ou are out.
Using the Answe ring Machi ne Connection 50 Import ant: In N ew Zeal and, n ot all s tandar d tele phone s and answering ma chin es will resp ond to incom ing r ingin g when con nected t o the extension so cket of the equipme nt.
Optiona l A.M. Mod e Setti ngs 51 5. Ans wering Machine Ho w answering m achine mode operates While y ou are out, a ll of yo ur incomi ng calls wil l be ans wered b y yo ur answeri ng m achi ne and its out goi ng mess age w il l play . V oi ce ca ller s ca n lea ve a message .
Optional A.M. M ode Setti ngs 52 Time se lections fo r the period of silence are 1 to 10 se conds. Quiet D etect Time ha s been se t to 4 secon ds at the f actory . This giv es the best perf ormance wi th most ans wering mach ines; ho wev er , y ou ma y need to adjust t his setti ng depending on the di sconnect ti me of y our ans wering machi ne.
Optiona l A.M. Mod e Setti ngs 53 5. Ans wering Machine On A.M. Failur e When thi s functio n is turned on, y our fax w ill ans wer the cal l after 4 rings i f the answeri ng m achi ne for some re ason fails to answer before t hat time.
Optional A.M. M ode Setti ngs 54 Quiet Detect S tar t Time This se tting can be used to d ela y the start of the Quie t Detect Tim e function. F or ex ample, if y ou want to insert a pause at the beg .
55 6. Special Functions 6. Special Functions Caller ID (Requires Sub scription to Ser vice) If you sub scribe to a caller identific ation service from your tel ephone compan y , you can set y our f ax machi ne to displa y the nam e and num ber of the call er while th e fa x rings.
Caller ID (Requir es Su bscrip tion to Se rvice ) 56 Ho w Caller ID operate s When y ou receiv e a call, the name and phone n umber of the calle r will alternately ap pear in the displa y , beginning jus t bef ore the s econd ring. The inf ormation wi ll continu e to be di splay ed until th e line is di sconnected .
Call er ID (Re quires Subsc ri ption to Ser v ice) 57 6. Special Functions Note: F or all u nits install ed in Ne w Zealan d, the direct u se of the displa ye d numb er f or call bac k does n ot operate p roperly and m ust not be used. It i s necess ar y to man ually ent er the v erified correc t number f or the party called.
Caller ID (Requir es Su bscrip tion to Se rvice ) 58 1 Press once and twice. 2 Press once and once. 3 Press once. 4 Press to store a num ber . (T o clear a previousl y stored n umber , press and go to Ste p 6.) 5 Ent er th e num ber by p res sin g the numb er keys (ma x.
Call er ID (Re quires Subsc ri ption to Ser v ice) 59 6. Special Functions Bloc king v oice calls With Cal ler ID tur ned on, y ou can use t he Anti Junk Fa x function de scribed in Bloc king Rec eption of Un wanted F ax es in this cha pter to b lock vo ice calls a s wel l as f axes from yo ur specif ied Anti J unk Number .
Distinc tive Ring (Requi res Su bscri ption to Servi ce) 60 Distinctive Ring (Requires Subscrip tion to Service) If you subscribe to a dis tinctiv e ring service from you r telepho ne compan y , you will need to turn on the di stinctiv e r ing functio n.
Blo cki ng Rece ption of Unw anted F axe s 61 6. Special Functions 5 Press to return to the date and time di splay . 6 Set the reception mode to F AX. ST OP 1 Press once and twice. 2 Press once and twice. 3 Press once. 4 Press to store an Anti J unk number , or to cl ear a pre viously stored n umber (if y ou are clearing a number , go to Step 6).
62 7. Printing Lists Y ou can pri nt lists sho wing settings and inf or mation ente red in the fa x machin e. The lists are de scribed belo w . T o print a list, f ollo w these step s. 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once. 3 Press or until the des ired list appe ars in th e display .
Printing Lis ts 63 7. Printing Lists Caller - ID List This li st show s inf ormation about y our 30 most re cent calls . (This list is o nly av ailab le if yo u are using t he Calle r ID function.) T ransaction Repor t This rep or t is printed out automatic ally after an operati on is co mpleted t o allo w you t o chec k the result .
Printin g Lis ts 64 T ransaction Repor t print condition Y ou can chang e the conditi on under which a T ransac tion Report is printed out. F ollow the steps below . 1 Press once and once. 2 Press once and twice . 3 Press once. 4 Press a n umber fro m to to select the condition f or printing.
65 8. Maintenance 8. Maintenance Print h ead Clean the print head freq uently to ensure optim um printing p erfo r mance. Note: Remove the pa per from th e pa per t ray before cl eani ng th e pr i nt he ad. 1 Unplug the telephon e line and then the powe r cor d, and open the operation panel (press ➊ ).
Maintenan ce 66 4 Place the im aging film back in the print compartment. 5 Rotate the fr ont gear until the film i s taut, and then c l ose the op eration panel (pres s down on b oth sides to make sure it c licks into place).
Maint enance 67 8. Maintenance 2 Flip up the green le vers on ea ch side of the wh ite rol ler . 3 Wipe the s canning glas s (under the white r oller) and r ollers w ith a cotton sw ab . • Mak e sure that all dirt and stains (such as corr ecting flu id) are remo v ed.
68 9. T roubleshooti ng Prob lems and Solu tions Lin e er ro r Pr oblem Soluti on LINE ERR OR appe ars in the dis pla y . T r y the transa ction ag ain. If the error persists , chec k the f ollowi ng: • Chec k the c onnection. Th e cord from th e TEL.
Probl ems a nd Soluti ons 69 9. T rouble- shooting Dialling and transmission pr oblems Pr oblem Solution No dial tone when you pic k up the handset or press th e ke y . • Mak e sure t he handset c ord is conne cted to th e corre ct sock et. See Conne cting the ha ndset on page 10 .
Problem s and Solution s 70 Reception and copying pr oblems Pr oblem Solution The po wer is o n, but no receptio n tak es place . • Mak e sure t hat the teleph one line cord is pl ugged into the TEL. LINE soc ket, a nd not the TEL. SET so cket . The printing paper comes out b lank when y ou tr y to receiv e a document.
Probl ems a nd Soluti ons 71 9. T rouble- shooting Recep tion/cop ying is interrupted. • If re cepti on o r co pying ta kes plac e con tinu ous ly for a long t ime, t he print head ma y ov erheat. T urn off the powe r an d le t it c ool down. I f overhe ati ng frequ ently occurs , tr y changing the print contr ast setting to LIGHT (see page 17).
Problem s and Solution s 72 General pr oblems Pr oblem Solution A loud ho wling sound occurs when the spea ker is used . • F eedbac k (a loud howling sound) ma y occ ur if you replace the handset while the s peaker is on. T o av oid f eedbac k, turn off the spea ker (pres s ) bef ore y ou replace the handset .
Messag es and Sign als 73 9. T rouble- shooting Messages and Signals Displa y messages Note: If y ou hav e tur ned on the Caller ID functi on, see page 56 f or displa y messages related t o Caller ID . ADD P APER & / PRESS ST AR T KEY (alternating messages) Chec k the printin g paper .
Message s and S ignals 74 MEMORY IS FULL/ SEE MANU AL (alternating messages) The mem or y is full. This ma y occur during f ax recepti on if too m uch data is receiv ed bef ore the pages c an be printed ou t.
Messag es and Sign als 75 9. T rouble- shooting A udible signals Contin uous tone 3 seco nds Indicates the end o f transmis sion, reception , or cop ying. Intermittent ton e (3 beeps ) 5 se conds (1 seco nd on, 1 second off) Indicates incomp lete tra nsmission , reception , or cop ying.
Clearing Paper J ams 76 Clearing P aper Jams Clearing a jammed document If the original docum ent doesn ’ t feed properly during tr ansmis sion or cop ying, or DOCUM ENT JAM MED appea rs in the displa y , first try pressin g . If the docu ment doe sn't f eed out, re mov e it as e xplained below .
Cleari ng Pa per Jams 77 9. T rouble- shooting 1 Open the operation panel (pre ss ➊ ). 2 Gentl y pull the jamm ed paper out of the m achi ne , maki ng sure no t orn pieces of paper remain i n the print compartment o r roller s.
78 Quic k Reference Guide Sending F axes Place your d ocument (up to 10 p ages) face down in the d ocument f e eder . Normal Dialling 1. Lif t the hand set or pre ss . 2. D ial the fax number. 3. Wait for the reception t one (if a per son ans wers , ask th em to pre ss the ir Start key) .
79 A A.M. rece ption mode, 50 Answe ring mach ine connec tion Activatin g, 50 Connec ting, 49 On A.M. F ailure, 53 Quiet Dete ct Start Time, 54 Quiet Dete ct Time, 51 Trou ble sho oti ng, 71 Anti Jun .
Index 80 P Paper jams, clea ring, 76-77 Paper tray extension, 12 Paper , loading, 16 Power cord, 10 Print con trast setting , 17 Print hea d, cleaning, 65-66 Priority Call , 58 Pseudo Ring Duration , 38 Q Quick R efe renc e G uide, 78 R Rece ption mod e A.
PRINT ED IN TH AILAND (TINSE4240X HTZ) SHARP CORPORA TION OF A USTR ALIA PTY .L TD . A.C.N. 003 039 405 1 Huntingw ood Drive, Hunting wood, Bl ackto wn, N.S.W ., 214 8 SHARP CORPORA TION OF NEW ZEALAN D LIMITED. Cnr Mahunga Drive & Hastie A ve . Mangere Bridge , Auc kland New Zealand SHARP CORPORA TION all.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sharp FO-P600 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sharp FO-P600 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sharp FO-P600, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sharp FO-P600 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sharp FO-P600, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sharp FO-P600.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sharp FO-P600. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sharp FO-P600 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.