Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FO-4400 du fabricant Sharp
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FO-4400 FACSIMILE MODEL FO-4400 OPERATION MANUAL FACSIMILE 1. Installation 2. Sending Documents 3. Receiving Documents 4. Making Copies 5. Special Functions 6.
W ARNING - FC C Regu lations st ate tha t any unau thori zed chang es or mod ificatio ns to this equipm ent not expressly approved by the manufact urer could void the u ser’s authority t o opera te this eq uipmen t.
1 Intr oduction W e lco me, an d than k you for cho osi ng a Sh ar p facsimi le ma chine. The features and spe cifications of your new Sha r p fax machine are shown b elow .
2 Pa pe r c a p a c i ty 250 sheets (20 lb) (500-shee t cassette a v ailable as option) Compressi on scheme MMR, MR, M H, Shar p (H2), JBIG Halftone (gra yscale) 64 le vels Applicable telephone line P.
3 As a par t of our policy of continuous improvement, SHARP reser ves the right to mak e design and specification changes f or product improvement wit hout prior notice. The performance specification figures indicated are nominal v alues of production units.
4 • Ne ver inser t objects o f any ki nd into slots o r openings on the machin e. This could c reate a risk of fire or electric shock. If an objec t fall s into the m achine that you cannot saf ely remo ve, unplug the m achine and consult a qu alified service represent ative .
5 T abl e of Contents Introduction 1 Impo rtant s afe ty info rmatio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Table of Contents 5 A Look at the Operation Panel 7 1. Instal lation 12 Unpac king Check list . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents 6 5. Special Functions 63 Broadc astin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Confide ntial Opera tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Polling .
7 Displa y This dis play s messages a nd prompts to help y ou operate t he machine . ALARM indicator This b links when one of the paper sourc es is empty or the drum cartr idge is near the e nd of its l ife (p r inting is still poss ible).
8 Rapid Dial K eys Pres s one of th ese keys t o dial a fax numbe r au tom atica lly . ( Note tha t you must attach the R apid K ey l abels.) Wh en navi gating thro ugh the disp lay menu , a Rapid K e.
9 TIMER ke y Press thi s ke y to set an operation t o be perf ormed automat ically at a lat er time . CO VER SHEET ke y Press thi s ke y to include a cov er sheet whe n sending a fax. LIFE ke y Press this ke y , f ollow ed by , to chec k the total n umber of pages printed by the f ax mac hine.
10 JOB ST A TUS key T wo types of inf or mation app ear in the dis play : prompts related to oper ations yo u are perf orming, and in formation a bout ho w the fa x machine is using the telephon e line (tran smitting, rec eiving, etc.). Pr ess this k ey t o change betw een the two t ypes of inf ormation.
11 PERSONAL BOOK Press thi s key to use or st ore an auto-dia l number i n a personal bo ok. If the book ha s a passco de, en ter the passcode ; otherwise , select the book wi th or and press . SPEED DIAL ke y Press thi s key to dial a Spe ed Dial numbe r .
12 1. Inst allation Unpacking Chec klis t Bef ore setting up, m ake su re you h av e all of the follo wing items . If any a re missi ng, contact your dea ler .
Connecti ons 13 1. Installation Conn ectio ns Connecting the power cord Connec t the f emale end of the po wer cord to the fa x machine as shown . Insert the mal e end into a 1 20 V , 60 Hz, g rounded ( 3-prong) A C outlet. Important! The f ax machine req uires its ow n dedicate d power o utlet.
Connectio ns 14 Connecting the telephone line cord Insert one end o f the line co rd into the ja ck on the b ack of the machine mar ked TEL. LINE . Ins er t the other end i nto a standard (RJ11C) sin gle-line wa ll telephone jack. Note: The fax machin e is s et for touc h-tone dialin g.
Connecti ons 15 1. Installation Attaching the ADF exit tray Insert the protrusion on the right side o f the machine i nto the hole i n the right side of the ADF e xit tra y ➊ , then ben d the tra y slightly and insert so that the protrusio n on the left side of the machi ne goes into t he hole on the left side of the ADF e xit tra y ➋ .
Connectio ns 16 V erification Stamp option Note: T his feat ure is av ailab le as an option. Cons ult your dea ler if you wish to use this f eature. When tr ansmitting a docume nt, you c an hav e the f ax machine stamp each docume nt page as it is scanned .
Installi ng the Print Cartrid ges 17 1. Installation Installing th e Print Car trid ges F ollow th e steps bel ow to insta ll or replace the toner and drum car tridges. ♦ The initial starter toner cartridge includ ed with the f ax machine can print appr oximate ly 3000 lette r-size pages (4% cov erage of eac h page; conti nuou s pr int ing ).
Installi ng the Pr int Cart ridges 18 3 If yo u are replacing the drum cartridge, remov e the old cartridge and d ispose of it accor ding to local regul ations. 4 Remo ve the new drum cartridge from its pac kaging. Ins er t the drum cartridge into the p rint compartment.
Installi ng the Print Cartrid ges 19 1. Installation 7 Hold the tone r cartridge by the ha ndle and insert it in to the print compartment. • Mak e sure the toner car tridge clic ks into pl ace. • The handle can b e left standi ng up . 8 Close the prin t compartment cov er .
Installi ng the Pr int Cart ridges 20 When to re place the toner c ar tridge When the toner cartr idge ne ars empty (about 100 pages c an still be printed), the toner car tridge indica tor on the ope ration pane l will b link.
Loading P rint ing Paper 21 1. Installation 1 Remo ve the receiv ed document tra y . 2 Insert a stac k of paper in to the tray , print side up . • Important! The s tack of pa per must n ot be higher than the red line on the pape r tray . 3 Squeeze the paper guide and m ove it to matc h the length of the paper you are l oad ing.
Loading P rinting Paper 22 4 Replac e the received d ocument tray . • The recei ved do cument tra y must be attached f or the fax ma chine to operate properly . Loading paper in the paper cassette (if instal led) Note: T o us e A4 paper in th e paper casset te, y ou must ha v e a service technic ian adjust t he cassette .
Loading P rint ing Paper 23 1. Installation 3 Squeeze the pa per guide and pull up to move it to the app ropri at e hol es fo r th e length of the paper . Push the guide down into the holes. 4 Place a st ack o f paper in the cass ette, print side up .
Enterin g Your Nam e and Fa x Nu mber 24 Entering Y our Name a nd Fax Number Bef ore you can begin u sing the f ax mac hine, y ou must pro gram y our na me and f ax number . Once y ou progr am this inf or mation, it w ill appear automat ically at the top of ea ch fax page y ou send.
Entering Y our N ame and F ax Number 25 1. Installation 5 Flip the Rapi d Ke y overlay down (if it is up), and enter y our name by pres si ng th e app ropria te lett er keys as shown be low. (Max. of 2 4 chara cters .) Example: SHARP = • T o enter a space , press .
Setting th e Date an d Time 26 Setting the D ate and Time The date and time app ear in the dis play , in repor ts, and a t the top of each page y ou trans mit. Set the d ate and time by pressin g the ke ys on t he oper ation panel as shown below . 1 Press and .
Setting the Date and Tim e 27 1. Installation 7 Press to select A. M. or to select P .M. 8 Press to start the c lock. 9 Press twice to return to the date a nd time displa y . ST ART/ ENTER STOP 1 Press and . 2 Press and . 3 Press to turn on the Da ylight Saving Time function, or to turn it off.
Volum e Adj ustmen t 28 V olume Ad justment Y ou can adjus t the v olume of the speake r and ringer usin g and . Speak er 1 Press . 2 Press or to select th e desired v olume le vel. 3 Press to turn off t he speaker . SPEAKER SPEAKER Displa y: SPEAKER VOLUME HIGH SPEAKER VOLUME MIDDLE SPEAKER VOLUME LOW all.
Volu me Adjus tment 29 1. Installation Ringer 1 Press th e or to select the desired volum e level. (Make sure has not bee n pressed.) • The ringe r will ring once at th e selected le vel , and then the date and t ime will reappea r in the displ ay .
30 5.0" (128 mm) 5.8" (148 mm) 11" (279 mm) 19" (483 mm) 14 lbs. (52 g/m²) 36 lbs. (157 g/m²) 14.3" (364 mm) 10.1" (256 mm) 20 lbs.
Transmi ttable Doc uments 31 2. Sending Documents Maxim um scanning area The ar ea of the docum ent that the f ax machine can scan is s lightly small er than the actual docu ment siz e. Any letters or g raphics o utside this are a will not be s canned.
Loading th e Docum ent 32 Loading th e Docum ent Up to 50 letter-s ized pages (20 lega l-sized pa ges) can be placed in the f eeder at on e time. The pa ges will auto matically feed i nto the mach ine starting from the botto m page.
Adju sting the Resolu tion and Contra st 33 2. Sending Documents Adjusting the Res olution and Con trast If desire d, you c an adjust the re solution and contrast b ef ore sending a docume nt. Resolution The f ax machine ha s f our resolutio n settings: The def ault resolution se tting is ST AND ARD .
Adjusti ng the Re solu tion an d Contr ast 34 Contrast The f ax machine has three co ntrast s ettings: The def ault setting i s A UT O . T o adjust the co ntrast, press until the desire d setting appears in the disp lay . A UTO Use A UT O fo r normal documents .
Sending a Fax by Norm al Dialin g 35 2. Sending Documents Sending a F ax by Normal Dialing With No r mal Dialing , you pre ss and then d ial by pressing the n umeric ke ys. ♦ Normal Diali ng allow s you to listen to the line throu gh the speak er to ma ke sure the other f ax machine i s responding .
Progra mming Auto- Dial Numbe rs 36 • If Opti on Setting 26 (T EL. BILLING CO DE, page 108) h as been set to O N and BILL ING CODE DI AL has been set t o AFTER, press after dial ing. 4 W ait f or the connection. When you hear a fax tone, pres s on the fax m achi ne .
Progra mming Auto- Dial Numbe rs 37 2. Sending Documents 1 Press and . 2 Press and . 3 Press to select S ET . 4 T o pr ogram a Rap id Key n umber , press the Ra pid Key that y ou wish to use. (T o select Ra pid Keys 40 thr ough 59, flip up th e Rapid Ke y over lay .
Progra mming Auto- Dial Numbe rs 38 • T o enter a space , press . • T o chan ge case , press . • T o clea r a mistak e, pres s . • T o ent er a number as part of a name, press the appropriate nu mer ic k ey .
Progra mming Auto- Dial Numbe rs 39 2. Sending Documents Chain Dial ing for are a and access codes Y ou can also program an area code or access cod e in a Rapid K ey or Sp eed Dial nu mber using the abov e progra mming procedure . In Step 9, pre ss to set the n umber as a Chain Dialing number .
Progra mming Auto- Dial Numbe rs 40 4 T o c lear a Rapid K ey , press the R apid Key . T o c lear a Speed Di al number , press and the n enter the num ber with the n umeric ke ys. (If y ou enter less than two digits , press to complete t he entry .) 5 Press .
Sending a Fax by Autom atic Dialing 41 2. Sending Documents Sending a F ax by A utomatic Diali ng Dual Acce ss The f ax machine f eatures ful l dual acce ss, which means that you can load a docume nt and dia l by au tomatic dial ing e ven whe n the f ax mach ine is occupi ed with anothe r job .
Sending a Fax by Autom atic D ialin g 42 Rapid Ke y Dialing If the num ber you w ant to dial has bee n programm ed in a Rapid K ey , you can dial it b y pressin g the Rapid Ke y . 1 Load the docu ment(s). SEND READ Y will appear in th e disp lay . • Press and/or to set the res olution and contrast i f needed.
Sending a Fax by Autom atic Dialing 43 2. Sending Documents Speed Di aling If the n umber y ou want to dial has been progr ammed in a Sp eed Dial nu mber , yo u can dial i t by pres sing and then ent er ing the Sp eed Dial n umber . SPEED DIAL 1 Load the docu ment(s).
Sending a Fax by Autom atic D ialin g 44 Direct K eypad Dialing Y ou can a lso e nte r a fu ll num ber with the numbe r keys and th en pr ess to begin dialing. ST ART/ ENTER 1 Load the do cument(s). (Note: If desired, y ou can loa d the document after dialing in Step 2, belo w .
Sending a Fax by Autom atic Dialing 45 2. Sending Documents Searching for an auto-dial number If you don ’ t remember the Rapid K ey or Speed D ial n umber in whi ch you hav e prog rammed a pa r ticular f ax num ber , you c an search f or the number b y f ollowin g the steps below .
Sending a Fax by Autom atic D ialin g 46 5 Press . The docum ent will be au tomatically transmitted onc e the connection is establish ed. ST ART/ ENTER Chai n Dialing An auto-dial n umber set f or Cha.
Sending a Fax by Autom atic Dialing 47 2. Sending Documents Checking the st atus of the cur rent jo b The dis play norm ally s hows the d ate and time and prompts related to oper ations y ou are perf or ming.
Sending a Fax by Autom atic D ialin g 48 Cancelin g a memory transmi ssion by n umber If you kn ow the memo r y number assi gned to a memory transm ission, y ou can cancel it with the f ollowing p rocedure. (If you d on ’ t k now the memo r y nu mber, use the p receding proc edure.
Sending a Fax by Autom atic Dialing 49 2. Sending Documents Memory Retr ansmission If a line error occurs during any ty pe of memory tran smission, y our f ax will automat ically redi al the num ber and attemp t to comp lete the tra nsmission. Retr ansmissio n will begi n from the pag e which w as being tr ansmit ted when the error o ccurred.
Creating and Using Person al Books 50 Creating and Us ing P ersonal Books Up to 10 personal books can be created that allo w inv iduals to p rogram Rapid K ey and Speed Dial numbers f or their own personal us e. ♦ Up to 59 Rapid K ey n umbers and 1 6 Speed Dial n umbers ca n be prog rammed in e ach persona l book.
Creating and Us ing P erson al Boo ks 51 2. Sending Documents 5 Enter a nam e for the per sonal directory boo k by pres sing the letter entry keys . (Make sure the Rapid Ke y overla y is do wn.) Example: SHARP = • F or more in formation o n entering lett ers, see S tep 5 on page 25.
Creating and Using Person al Books 52 1 Press . 2 Enter the 4-di git passcode of y our book. If the book doesn ’ t ha ve a passcod e, press or until the name of the book appe ars in the display a nd then press . 3 When y our book is op en, all of the Rapid Key s on the operation pan el auto mat ical ly co n ve r t to keys for u se i n your book.
Creating and Us ing P erson al Boo ks 53 2. Sending Documents ♦ P oll one or mo re fax machines u sing Rapid K eys a nd Speed Dia l numbers from y our book (see p age 71). ♦ Set up a t imer opera tion using a Rapid K ey or Sp eed Dial n umber from y our book (see page 77).
Creating and Using Person al Books 54 Clearing a b ook Note: Bef ore y ou can cle ar a personal book, y ou must cle ar all Rapid K eys , Speed D ial numbers , Group K eys, a nd Program Ke ys that are i n the book.
Cover Sheet 55 2. Sending Documents Co ver Sheet Y ou can have the fax machine genera te a cover sh eet and send it as the las t pa ge of your fax transmi ssion.
Cover Sheet 56 2 Press . (Flip up the Rapid K ey ove rlay if it is down.) • The dis play will briefly sho w CO VER SHEET M ODE ENTERED and then re vert to SEND READ Y . • T o canc el the co ver shee t selection, press . 3 Dial the receiving party and tr ansmit the fax.
Batch P age Num bering 57 2. Sending Documents Batch P ag e Numbering Y ou can change the p age numbering o f the trans mitted document from simple numb eri ng ("P .
58 3. Receiving Documents The f ax machine ha s two m odes f or receiving calls: AU T O mode: Select th is mode wh en you on ly want to re ceive fax es on the line connec ted to the f ax machine . The f ax mach ine will ans wer all cal ls automati cally and rece ive in coming f ax es.
Using M ANUAL Recepti on Mod e 59 3. Receiving Documents 1 When the fa x machine r ings, ans w er the call on an extensi on phone connected to the same line. 2 If you he ar a f ax t one , pr es s on th e fa x mach ine . • If th e other par ty first speaks with you, pre ss after sp eaking.
Substitu te Recepti on to Me mory 60 1 Press (flip up the Rapid Ke y overlay) and . 2 Press or to scr oll through the list of received faxes. The name (or number ) of the sender of eac h document will suc cessively a ppear in the displa y . 3 When you have f in ish ed checki ng the list , pr es s twi ce t o ret urn to the date an d time displa y .
61 4. Ma k ing Copies 4. Making Copies Y our f ax machin e can als o be used to mak e copies . Single and multip le copies (up to 99 per o r iginal ) can be made , enabling the fax ma chine to dou ble as an office c opier .
Making Co pies 62 4 Press (MUL TI) if y ou do not want the co pi es so r ted , or (S ORT) if you want the copies sorted. • Cop ying wil l begin. 1 2 Checki ng and canceling copy jobs in memory Y ou can disp lay th e status of c opy jobs in memory b y f ollowing the steps belo w .
63 5. Special Functions 5. Special Functions Broadcasting The Broadc asting funct ion allow s you to se nd the same f ax to as man y as 154 destina tions in a s ingle oper ation. First l oad the docu ment, then en ter the numb ers of the rec eiving machin es.
Broadc asting 64 Note: If y ou need to delete a n umber , pres s or u ntil the des tination appears in the displ ay an d then press . 4 Press . 5 If desired, p ress and/or to set the res olution and contras t. 6 Press twice. T ransmission will begin. • A T r ansaction Re por t is au tomatically pri nted out after Br oadcasting i s compl eted.
Broadcas ting 65 5. Special Functions Storing nu mbers in Gr oup Ke ys Group K ey s allow y ou to dia l a grou p of fa x numbers by si mply pressi ng the appropriat e Group K ey once. T o store a gr oup of nu mbers in a Grou p K ey , f ollow th e steps bel ow .
Broadc asting 66 Editing a group If ne cessary , y ou can add numbers t o or delete numbers f rom a gr oup by repeatin g the program ming procedure f or the Grou p Ke y . Press f or SET in Step 2 an d select the Group K ey in Step 3. Add or de lete numbers in Step 6.
Confidenti al Oper ations 67 5. Special Functions Confidenti al Operatio ns The Co nfidential fun ction can b e used to tr ansmit and receiv e confidenti al docu ments. Confidenti al tran smissi on When y ou send a docume nt using the Co nfidential fu nction, the re ceiving machin e holds it i n memory instead o f immediate ly printing it ou t.
Confide ntial Operati ons 68 3 If the receiv ing machine has multip le confidential mailb oxe s, enter the appr opriate mailbo x number w ith the numeric keys (thi s step is re quired f or machines with m ultiple mailb oxes). If the receiving mac hine doesn ’ t ha ve multiple mailbo xes, go directl y to Step 4.
Confidenti al Oper ations 69 5. Special Functions 1 Press (flip up the Rapid Ke y over lay if it i s down) and then . 2 Enter a 2-d igit number (fr om "00" to "99") b y pressing the n umeric ke ys. This numb er identifies t he mailbo x.
Confide ntial Operati ons 70 Clearing a passcode 1 Press (flip up th e Rapid Ke y ove rlay if it is down) and then . 2 Enter the 2-d igit number that identifies the mailbo x you want to clear . 3 Enter the 4-d igit passcode of the mailbo x with the numeric keys.
Poll ing 71 5. Special Functions P olling P olling allo ws you to call ano ther f ax machine and ha ve it send a do cument to yo ur machine wi thout operat or assistanc e. In othe r words, t he receivin g fax machin e, not the tr ansmittin g fax ma chine, ini tiates the tr ansmissi on.
Poll ing 72 Serial P olling using a Group K ey If the f ax machines you w ant to poll hav e all been progr ammed into one Group K ey , y ou can poll th em by simp ly pressing th at Group K ey . (The procedure f or prog ramming Group K eys is e xplained on page 65.
Poll ing 73 5. Special Functions 4 Press to select S ET . • If an other docume nt has alread y been stored, pres s to select APPEND , and go to Step 6. 5 Press to allow polli ng only once, or to allow polling an unlimited number of times. 6 Press and/o r to adjust the resolution and c ontrast if desired , and then press .
Poll ing 74 P olling Security P olling Security al lows y ou to pre ven t unauthorize d polling of your f ax. When this fun ction is ac tivate d, polling wi ll only tak e plac e when one of the f ollo.
Poll ing 75 5. Special Functions 3 Storing: Ent er a 2-digit num ber (from 01 to 10).This n umber identifies the fax n umber yo u will enter in the ne xt step. Clearing: Enter th e 2-digit numb er which identifie s the fax numb er you want to clear , and go to Step 5.
Poll ing 76 1 Press , , , . 2 Press to progr am an ID number . (Press to clear a n ID number .) 3 Storing: Ent er a number fr om 1 to 5. This number id entifies the ID number you will enter in the ne xt step. Clearing: Enter the num ber which id entifies the ID number y ou want to cle ar , and go to Step 5.
Timer Op erations 77 5. Special Functions Timer Operatio ns The Time r function allows y ou to st ore a job to be performe d automatica lly at a speci fied time . Up to 59 t imer jobs ca n be stored a t any one time, an d the time of each can be specified u p to a wee k in adv ance.
Timer Operati ons 78 5 Press to select A. M. or to select P .M. 6 Enter a n umber as f ollows to select the da y of the oper ation (skip this step if the operation will be performed w ithin the nex t .
Timer Op erations 79 5. Special Functions 10 Press and/o r to adjust the resolution and c ontrast if desired , and then press . 11 Load the document and then pr ess . • The document will be scanned in to memory . RESOLUTION CONTRAST ST ART/ ENTER ST ART/ ENTER .
Timer Operati ons 80 12 Press and/o r to adjust the resolution and c ontrast if desired , and then press . 13 Load the document and then pr ess . • The document will be scanned in to memory . RESOLUTION CONTRAST ST ART/ ENTER ST ART/ ENTER P olling (Co ntinue d fr om Initial proc edure .
Timer Op erations 81 5. Special Functions • Enter one or more Speed Dial numbers , pressing bef ore each num ber . (If you enter less than 2 digits f or a Speed D ial number , press to comp lete the entry .) • Enter one or more full f ax numbers with the n umeric ke ys, pressi ng after eac h full num ber .
Timer Operati ons 82 Not e: I f you need t o delete a n umber , press or until the destination appears in the displa y and then pr ess . 9 Pr ess . 10 Press and/or to adju st the resolution and contrast if desired, and t hen press . 11 Load the docu ment and then pres s .
Batch Trans missio n 83 5. Special Functions Batch T ransmission Batch tr ansmissio n allow s you to s tore multip le f ax jobs in memory for automati c transmi ssion to one de stination at a set time .
Batc h Transm ission 84 2 Press th e appropr iate Batch K ey . • After sc anning, the m essage numb er assig ned to y our document w ill appear in the d ispla y . 3 Press . • The document wil l be transm itted at the d esignated ti me along w ith any other jo bs stored under the sam e key .
Entering and Usin g Pro grams 85 5. Special Functions Entering and Us ing Programs If you frequently pe rform the same operation involving the sa me par ty , y o u can program al l the steps of the ope ration into one Pro gram Key . This allows you to perform the o peratio n by sim ply pres sing that key .
Enterin g and Usin g Prog rams 86 6 If y ou want to inc lude a timer settin g, enter a two-d igit number f or the hour ( “ 01 ” to “ 12 ” ) and a tw o-digit number f or the minute ( “ 00 ” to “ 59 ” ). (If not, go di rectly to S tep 9.
Entering and Usin g Pro grams 87 5. Special Functions 12 Dial the rec eiving machi ne using one of the f ollowing method s: • Pre ss a R apid K ey . • Press and enter a Speed Dial n umber (if y ou enter l ess than 2 digits , press to comp lete the entry).
Enterin g and Usin g Prog rams 88 12 Enter the mai lbox n umber (2 digits). (G o directl y to Step 13 if th e receiving m achine does not have mailb oxes .) 13 Press . 14 Dial the rece iving machin e using one of the follow ing methods: • Press a Rapid K ey .
Entering and Usin g Pro grams 89 5. Special Functions Serial P olling (Co ntinue d fr om Initial proc edure .) P olling (Co ntinue d fr om Initial proc edure .) 12 Dial the ma chine to be p olled using one o f the fol lowing methods : • Pre ss a R apid K ey .
Enterin g and Usin g Prog rams 90 Note: If y ou need to delete a n umber , press or unti l the destinati on appears in the displ ay a nd then press . 13 Press . 14 Press repeatedly until you return to the date and time displa y . STOP ST ART/ ENTER STOP Broadcasting (Co ntinue d fr om Initial proc edure .
Entering and Usin g Pro grams 91 5. Special Functions Batch transmi ssion (Co ntinue d fr om Initial proc edure .) 12 Dial the rece iving machin e using one of the follow ing methods: • Press a Rapid K ey . • Press and ent er a Speed Di al number (if you e nter less than 2 digits , press to co mplete the en tr y).
Enterin g and Usin g Prog rams 92 Being P olled (Memory polling) (Contin ued from Initial pr ocedure .) 12 Press to allow polli ng only once, or to allow polling an unlimited number of times. 13 Press . 14 Press and/o r to adjust the resolution and c ontrast if desired , and then press .
Entering and Usin g Pro grams 93 5. Special Functions 4 Press . 5 Press repeatedl y until y ou return to the d ate and time dis play . ST ART/ ENTER STOP Using a Pr ogram Ke y F ollow th e steps bel ow to pe rform a prog rammed op eration . 1 If this is a transmission ope r ation or memory polling operation, load the document.
Duplex S canning f or Two-si ded Do cument s 94 Duplex Scanning for T w o-sided D ocument s T o tr ansmit or c opy d ocuments which hav e printing or g raphics on both side s of the pa ge or page s, use Dup lex Scan ning.
Departm ent Control 95 5. Special Functions Depar tment Control Department Control is used to l imit use of the fa x machine t o authorized users . When it is activ ated, a department code must be ente red bef ore an oper ation can b e perfo r med. ♦ Department Control c an only be activ ated by your Sharp dealer .
Dep artme nt Cont rol 96 Clearing: Enter th e 2-digit numb er that identifies the Dep ar tment Code yo u want to c lear . Note: It is not possible to clear the Dep ar tme nt Code that you currentl y used to access the f ax machine. It is also not possib le clear a Depar tment Code if only o n e code is program med.
Blocki ng Recepti on of Un wanted Fa x- 97 5. Special Functions Blocking Reception of Unwanted F axes The Ant i Junk F ax function a llows y ou to blo ck rece ption of f axes from par ties that y ou specif y . This sav es paper b y not printi ng out unwa nted "junk" fax es.
Telepho ne Billi ng 98 T elephone Bill ing If y ou are on a PBX, y ou can have the fa x machine se nd a code to the PBX that iden tifies the s ender f or billing pu r poses each time a f ax is sen t. T elep hone billin g is possib le in tw o wa ys: using Depar tment C ontrol and b y direct b illing code entr y .
Telep hone Bi llin g 99 5. Special Functions 1 Load the do cument (s). • If y ou are using Nor mal D ialing, pres s or pi ck up an e xtension p hone connec ted to the sa me line. • SEND READ Y will app ear in the displ ay . 2 Enter y our numbe r to access an o utside line (max .
Distin ctive Rin g 100 Distinctive Ring Important: ♦ T o use dist inc tive ri ng, you must su bscr i be to a dis tin ctive r ing ser v ice f rom yo ur local phone compa ny . ♦ Y our f ax machine ma y not be compa tible with some di stinctiv e ring ser vice s.
Distinctive Ring 101 5. Special Functions 4 Press repeatedl y to return to the date and time displa y . RING P A TTERN 3 T wo sho r t r ings an d one long ring ST AND ARD RING Y our standa rd (nor mal.
102 6. Optional Settings The opti onal setting s allow y ou to cu stomize the fax m achine to b etter suit yo ur needs. An initi al setting has been made fo r each option al setting at the f actory . T o change a setting, f ollow th e steps belo w to acce ss it, and th en change th e setting as e xplained in the list that follo ws.
Optional S ettings 103 6. Optional Settings Opti onal Sett ing s Setting 01: DEF A UL T F AX RESOLUTION This op tion sets the defau lt resolution (th e resolution used if a se tting is not selecte d with ) f or transmitti ng documen ts. Press f or ST AND ARD , f or FINE, or f or SUPER-FINE.
Optional Settings 104 Setting 05: TRANSA CTION REPOR T PRINT SELECTION This se ts the condi tion f or printing out a T ransaction Repor t. Enter a nu mber from to as f ollows: ♦ Initial se tting: 5 Setting 06: RECAL L TIMES This s ets the max imum numb er of ti mes your fax will aut omati call y r edial if the line is busy .
Optional S ettings 105 6. Optional Settings Setting 09: ERR OR CORRECTION MODE (ECM) Press (YES) to hav e any distortions in a t ransmission due to noise on th e telephon e line correc ted bef ore print-out at th e receiving end. This is on ly eff ectiv e when the oth er machine has ECM as we ll.
Optional Settings 106 Setting 15: IMA GE MEMOR Y PRINT Press (YES) to include a copy of par t of the first page of the tr ansmitted docum ent on the T r ansaction Re por t. Press (NO) to turn the functio n off. This s etting is onl y effe ctive when tran smitting from memory .
Optional S ettings 107 6. Optional Settings Setting 18: RETRANSMISSION INTER V AL Y ou can s ele ct the numbe r of mi nute s the fax wai ts bet ween e ach memor y retrans mission attempt. En ter for 1 minute, fo r 2 minutes , etc., up t o a maxim um of 15 mi nutes.
Optional Settings 108 Setting 23: Q UICK ON-LINE When y ou transmit a mul ti-page docume nt, this setting determines wheth er the f ax machine w ill dial the receiving p ar ty and b egin tra nsmitting whi le scanni ng is still in progr ess, or w ait until all pages h av e been sca nned bef ore dialing .
Optional S ettings 109 6. Optional Settings Note: If y o u select AFT ER for the BILLIN G CODE D IAL select ion, you must pres s after dial ing if you use .
Optional Settings 110 Setting 31: SEP ARA TE MODE If desire d, you c an hav e the f ax dr aw a shee t of paper from one of the pa per sources af ter each f ax recept ion.
111 7. Printing Lists 7. Printing Lists and Repor ts Y ou can print lis ts showin g settings a nd inf or mation entered in the fax machi ne. Y ou can also p r int ou t repor ts on recen t activity and i ndividual oper ations afte r they are co mpleted.
Printin g Lists and Repo rts 112 Explanation of headings SENDER/ RECEIVER The name or f ax num ber of the other machi ne inv olved in the transac tion. ST ART The time at whi ch transmis sion/recepti on started. TX/RX TIME T otal time taken f or transmiss ion/reception.
Prin ting Li sts a nd Repo rts 113 7. Printing Lists Timer List (List 02) This li st shows t he timer oper ations that are current ly set. Destinat ion List (List 03) This li st shows t he f ax numbers that ha ve been progra mmed f or automatic dialing .
Printin g Lists and Repo rts 114 Depar tme nt Usage List (List 08 ) This li st show s total tran smission time and pag es transm itted (including polling time and pag es polled) f or each depa r tment during the p er iod indicat ed on the list. The inf or mation is only av ailable if Department Contr ol has been acti vated.
Prin ting Li sts a nd Repo rts 115 7. Printing Lists T ransaction Repor t This rep or t is printed out automatical ly after an op eration is completed t o allo w you to check the re sult. The f ax machine is set a t the fac tor y to print out the report only w hen an error oc curs.
116 8. Maintenance Cleaning the Scan ning Glass and Ro llers Clean the reading g lass and rollers frequently to ensure the quality of y our tra nsmitted image s and copie s. 1 Open the operation panel. • Squeez e the release marked P ANEL RELEASE and p ull up .
Replacing th e Verifi cation S tamp 117 8. Maintenance Replacing the V erification Stamp If y ou are using the V erification Stamp functio n, you wi ll need to rep lace the ink c ar tr idge in the stamp unit when i t runs out of i nk (when the stamped m ar k on origi nal documen ts becomes f aint).
118 9. T r oubles hootin g Problems and So lutions Line err or Pr oblem Solution LINE ERR OR appears in the dis play , and/ or a transa cti on re por t is printed out wi th COM. E- and a n umber from 0 to 31 in the NO TE colu mn. T ry the tra nsaction ag ain.
Probl ems and S oluti ons 119 9. T roubl e- shooting Dialing and transmissi on pr oblems Pr oblem Solution Diali ng is not possib le. • Make s ure the pow er cord i s properly plugg ed into a po wer outle t. • Mak e sure that the telephon e line is pro per ly connec ted to both th e TEL.
Problem s and Solution s 120 Reception and copying pr oblems Pr oblem Solution The f ax machine doesn ’ t receiv e docum ents automati cally . • Mak e sure that the reception mode is se t to A U T O . If y ou subs cr ibe to a distinct ive ring s er vice, make sure tha t the Distinct ive Ring fu nction is s et to the correct ri ng pattern.
Probl ems and S oluti ons 121 9. T roubl e- shooting The qual ity of copie s is poor and/ or bla ck lin es appear . • Any dir t or material on the scanning g lass will cause lines to app ear on copies a nd trans mitted f axes . Clean the scanning glass as e xplained in Chapte r 8.
Message s and S ignals 122 Messages and Signals Displa y messages CHECK CASSETTE This in dicates that the cassette is not i nstalled prope r ly . CONF . REFUSED A confid ential tr ansmission h as been den ied becaus e you e ntered an inc orrect mailbo x num ber f o r a mac hin e wit h mai lbox es.
Messag es and Sign als 123 9. T roubl e- shooting NO CONF . FUNCTION Confidentia l transmission w as cancel led because the rece iving mach ine does not hav e a confide ntial function, a conf idential passc ode is not prog rammed in it, its m emor y is full, or it is not a Shar p m odel .
Message s and S ignals 124 A udible signals Contin uous tone 3 seconds Indicates the end of tr ansmiss ion, reception , or cop ying. Intermittent ton e (3 beeps ) 5 se conds (1 seco nd on, 1 second off) Indicates incomplet e transm ission, reception , or cop ying.
Cleari ng Pa per Jams 125 9. T roubl e- shooting Clearing P aper Jams Clearing a jammed document If the original docum ent doesn ’ t f eed prop erly during tran smission or cop ying, or REMO VE ORIGINAL(S) appe ars in the di spla y , first t r y pres sing .
Clearing Paper J ams 126 1 Press th e green release a nd open the print compartment co ver . • Caution! The fus ing unit ins ide the print compa r tment bec omes ve r y hot during opera tion. Be carefu l not to touch the inside of the comp ar tment.
Cleari ng Pa per Jams 127 9. T roubl e- shooting 5 Replace the drum cartridge . • Mak e sure the dr um cartri dge is inser t ed in a s far as it will go.
FCC Regulatory Information 128 FCC Regulatory Inf ormation This equipment complies wit h P ar t 68 of the FCC r ules and the requirement s adopted by the ACT A. On the rear of this equipment is a l abel that contains, among other inf or mation, a product identifier in t he format US:AAA EQ##TXXXX .
129 SHARP Date Revised :July . 22, 2 002 Date Issue d :May . 2 8, 1998 MA TERIAL SAFETY DA T A SHEET (1/3) MSDS No. B-1020 Section 1. Product and C ompany Identification Product Na me : T o ner Cartri.
130 SHARP Date Revised :July . 22, 2 002 Date Issue d :May . 2 8, 1998 MA TERIAL SAFETY DA T A SHEET (2/3) MSDS No. B-1020 Secti on 8. Exposure Control /Personal Prot ection Eng ineerin g Measur es V ent ilation : N one req uired w ith in tended use .
131 SHARP Date Revised :July . 22 , 2002 Date Issu ed :May . 28 , 1998 MA TERIAL SAFETY DA T A SHEET (3/3) MSDS No. B-1020 Section 12. Ecological Inform ation No data are availabl e on the advers e effects of this material on the enviro nment . Section 13.
132 Q UICK REFEREN CE GUIDE SENDING F AXES Place the do cum ent (up to 50 le tter-size pa ges) face down in the do cument feeder . (Note: F or Normal Dialing and Direct K eypad Dia ling, y ou can al so l oad the docume nt aft er dial ing th e num ber .
133 GUÍA DE CONSUL T A RÁPID A ENVÍO DE F AXES Colo que el docum ento (hast a 50 p á ginas tama ñ o ca r t a) boca aba jo en la ban deja ali ment adora de docume ntos. (Not a: c on la Ma rcac i ó n Nor mal y la Marc aci ó n Direc ta de sde el T ec lad o , tambi é n puede car gar el do cument o des pu é s de marca r el n ú mero.
134 GUIDE DE R É F É REN CE RAPIDE EN V OIS DE FAC-SI MIL é S Placez votre document (jusqu' à 50 pages de format papier à lettre) face imprim é e vers le bas dans le chargeur de documents.
135 A Activit y Report, 111 Auto Listi ng, 103 Alarm v olume, 107 Anti Jun k Fax, 97, 107 Anti Jun k Number List, 114 Audible signals, 12 4 Auto Cove r Sheet, 105 Auto r eception mo de, 58 Auto-dial n.
Index 136 M Manual reception m ode, 58, 59 Memory Checking document s in, 47, 60 Sending fa xes from , 41 Substitute reception to, 60 Memory ret ransmissio n, 49 Multi T TI, 108 N Norma l Dialing, 35 .
NO TICE BE SURE T O ASK Y OUR A UTHORIZED SHARP DE ALER ABOUT THE W ARRANTY THA T Y OUR SELL ING DEALER EXTENDS T O Y OU . In order to assur e you, the end-user , of wa rranty prote ction, Sharp e xte.
PRINTED IN THAI LAND (TINSE4294XHT A) SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORA TION Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, New Jer sey 07430-1163 SHARP ELECTRONICS OF CANAD A L TD . 335 Brit annia Road E ast, Mississ auga, Ontar io L4Z 1W9 http:// w ww .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sharp FO-4400 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sharp FO-4400 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sharp FO-4400, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sharp FO-4400 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sharp FO-4400, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sharp FO-4400.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sharp FO-4400. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sharp FO-4400 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.