Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit AR-FX9 du fabricant Sharp
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Cau t ion • Use on ly the li ne cable that was provided with t he mac hine. • To reduce the risk of fi re, use only UL-Listed No.26 AWG or larger telecommunication line cord. Not e • This manual (fax functi on) describes the AR-168S/AR-168D m odel with optional facsi mile expansion kit (AR-FX9) install ed.
i INTR ODU CT ION TYPE OF SERVI CE This equipment may not be used o n coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party li nes is subject to st ate tari ffs. Contact your stat e's public uti lity commission, publi c service commission, or corporation comm ission for mo re inf ormation.
ii FCC Noti ce to users: This equipment complies with Part 68 of t he FCC rul es and the requir eme nts adopted by the ACTA. On this equipment is a label t hat contains, among other i nformation, a product i dentifi er in the f ormat US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. If r equested, this number must be provided to the telephone company .
1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TA B LE O F CO N T EN T S ...................... ............................ .................. ........................... .................. ............ 1 QU IC K R E FE R EN C E G U ID E ............. .................. ......
2 4 HOW TO USE THE FAX FUNCTION SE N DING OR IGIN ALS ..... ........................... ... 52 ● S ETT ING T HE ORIG INAL ................ .............52 OPTIONAL TRANSMISSI ON SETTINGS .. .. . . 54 ● O RIG INAL SIZ E ............................
3 QUICK REFERENCE GUI DE The followi ng quick reference guide provides brief explanations the operat ion of the machine. Selecting the transmission mode Memory transmission mode The indicator lights up when memory transmission mode is selected. Press the [MEMORY] key to change modes.
4 Sending a fax Dialing methods Search by fax numbers. Speed Dial number or Rapid Key set for Chain Dialing when stored. Dial with the numeric keys and then press the [REDIAL/PAUSE] key. Direct Dialing Press the numeric keys to dial. Search Dialing Speed Dialing Enter a two-digit Speed Dial number.
5 BRO AD- CAST Sending a fax to multiple destinations (Broadcasting) Place the original. Dial. Adjust the resolution and contrast. CONTRAST RESOLU- TION Automatically sending a fax at a specified time (timer transmission) To set up a timer transmission, see "TIMER OPERATIONS" (p.
6 LIST OF FAX FUNCTIONS The FA X MAIN M ENU is used to configure settings f or the fax function and program inf ormation such as the fax number of the machine. The settings in t he FAX MAIN MENU are shown below. The procedure for confi guring setti ngs is explained i n "SELEC TING SETTING S FOR THE FUN CTION " (p.
7 6 : AUTO LISTI N G Enable automatic printi ng of the Activi ty Report when information on a total of 50 fax transmissions/r eceptions accum ul ates. 1 : ON 2 : OF F 88 7 : PRINT SELECTION 1 : TRANSMISSION Select the condit ion for print ing reports on fax tr ansmissions.
8 16 : RCV REDU CE W hen a fax is recei ved that is lar ger that the print ing paper, enable reduction of t he fax to the size of the paper to avoid the fax bein g cut o ff. 1 : ON 2 : OF F 65 17 : BEEP LENGTH Set the lengt h of the beep that sounds when fax transmission or reception ends.
9 5 :ANTI JUNK FAX 1 : ANTI JUNK SELECT Enable the anti junk functi on to block fax recept ion from specified fax numbers. 1 : ON 2 : OF F 81 2 : JUNK FAX # Program (or delete) fax numbers from which fax reception i s to be blocked. 1 : SET 2 : C LEAR 82 6 : A.
10 SELECTING SETTINGS FO R THE FUNC TI ON The general procedure for confi guring setti ngs for the fax f unction is explai ned below. Follow this procedure to configure t he settings explained on pages 6 through 9. 1 Press the [MO DE SEL ECT] key to select fax m ode.
11 1 Chapt er 1 I NSTALLATION CONNECTIONS CONN ECTING TH E TELEPHONE LINE CO RD Plug one end of the telephone line cord into the jack on the machine m arked "LINE." Plug the other side int o a standard (RJ11C) single-li ne telephone wall j ack.
12 FINAL PREPARATIONS CONN ECTING OTHER DEVI CES If desi red, an answering machine or external telephone can be connected to the machine through the telephone jack, l abeled "TEL," on the rear of the machine. ● Connec ting an answering machine to the machine allows you to receive both voice and fax messages when you are out.
13 2 Chapt er 2 I NITIAL SETTI NGS PART NAMES The follo win g illu stration sh ow s th e pa rt n am es of the A R-16 8D. Docum ent glass Operation panel Front cover Paper tray Bypass tray paper guides.
14 A LOOK AT THE FAX OPERATION PANEL Rapid keys Press one of these keys to dial a fax or telephone number automatically. [MEMOR Y] key / indi cator Used for sending faxes in memory (indicator is l it) or dir ect sending (indicat or is not li t). [SPEED/SEARCH] key Press this key to di al a two digit Speed D i al number.
15 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 [RE PO RT] key Press this key to pri nt out a report of a fax transacti on and also w hen receiving a confidenti al fax. [SPEAKER] key Press this key to begin manual diali ng. (To cl ose the li ne, press the [SPEAKER] key again.
16 ABOUT THE LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY The machine is equipped with a two-line li quid crystal di splay (LCD) on the operation panel for di splaying various messages and settings duri ng operation.
17 2 ADJUSTING THE RINGING VOLUME Adjust the r inging volume of the machine using the procedure below. 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) un til "4 :US ER PR O GR AM " ap pe ars , and then press the [ENTER ] key.
18 SETTING THE LENGTH OF ALARM BEEPS You can select the length i n seconds of the alarm beeps (emitted at t he end of transmission and reception) f ollowing the procedure below. 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) un til "4 :US ER PR O GR AM " ap pe ars , and then press the [ENTER ] key.
19 2 ADJUSTING THE ALARM BEEP VOLUME Adjust the volume of alar m beeps ( emitted at t he end o f tr ansmission and reception) using the procedure below. 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) un til "4 :US ER PR O GR AM " ap pe ars , and then press the [ENTER ] key.
20 FAX SETUP HOW TO E NTER CHARACT ERS You can enter lett ers with the numeric keys. Letter s are marked abo ve each of the numeric keys [2] through [9]. To enter a let ter, press the appropr iate key repeatedly unt il the desired let ter appears (t he num ber of the key appears fir st, fol lowed by letter s in the order marked above the key ) .
21 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 ENT ERI NG YOUR N AME AN D FAX NUMBER To have your name a nd f ax numbe r pri nted at the top of every page you transmit, program them by pressing the operation panel keys as shown below. ● If you enter an incorr ect character or number, follow these steps to correct the mistake.
22 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS 8 Press the [ENTER ] key. 9 Press the [ME NU] key. Press the [MENU ] key to exit. SETTI NG THE DATE AND TIME The date and time that appear in the display are printed at t he top of each p age you transmit. Set the date and time by pressing the keys on the operation panel as shown below.
23 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 To change the display format to 12-hour or 24- hour format, foll ow the steps below: 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) un til "4 :US ER PR O GR AM " ap pe ars , and then press the [ENTER ] key.
24 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS To change the order of display of t he date, foll ow the steps below: 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) un til "4 :US ER PR O GR AM " ap pe ars , and then press the [ENTER ] key.
25 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 Daylight Saving Time Setting Enable this setting to have the internal clock automatic ally move forward and backward at the beginning and end of Da ylig ht S avi ng T i m e. The clock will m ove fo rw ard an d bac kw ard as follo ws: The first Sunday in April : 2:00 A.
26 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS SELECTING TH E TRAN SM I SSION M ODE The machine has tw o modes for sending faxes: mem ory transmission and direct t ransmission. To change m odes, press the [MEMO RY] key. The M EMOR Y i ndicator light s up when memo ry tr ansm ission i s selected, and goes off when direct transmission is sel ected.
27 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 SE LECT I NG T HE RECE PTI O N MODE Your machine has three mo des for receivi ng incoming calls and faxes: ● AUTO mode: Select this mode when you o nl y want to receive faxes on your telephone li ne. The m achine w ill au tom atica lly answer all calls and receive incoming faxes.
28 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS SETTING THE NUMBER OF RINGS FOR AUTO RECEPTION You can set the number of rings before the machine answers in AUTO mode using the procedure below. 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) un til "4 :US ER PR O GR AM " ap pe ars , and then press the [ENTER ] key.
29 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 SETTING THE NUMBER OF RINGS FOR MANUAL RECEPTION The number o f ri ngs before the machine answe rs in MANUA L mode can also be set. If you do not want the machine to answer at all in MAN UAL Mode, select "0" i n Step 4 below.
30 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS SE TTI NG THE TRAY S ELE CTI ON (when t he 250-sh eet pap er feed un it is i nstalled) Follow the steps below to select t he output tray for received f axes. 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) un til "4 :US ER PR O GR AM " ap pe ars , and then press the [ENTER ] key.
31 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 SE TT I NG T HE DI AL MODE The machine can be used wit h both touch-tone and pulse telephone lines. Touch-tone uses tones of different pitches for each num er ic key, while pul se lines use a series of pulses. Your machine must be set to match the kind of tel ephone line you are using: touch-t one or pulse.
32 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS SE TTI NG THE NUMBER OF RECA LL TI MES The mac hine w ill au tomati cally rea ttem pt trans missi on w hen a tran smiss ion is n ot su cc ess ful b eca use th e lin e is busy or a com municati on error occurs. This setti ng is used to select the num ber of recall attempts that will be made.
33 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 When a communication error occurs You can select the number of recall at tempts m ade when a co mmun icati on error occurs. If "0" is e ntere d, the m ach ine will n ot ma ke any recall a ttemp ts. 1 Press the [ME NU] key.
34 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS SE TTI NG THE RECAL L I N TERVAL The mac hine w ill au tomati cally rea ttem pt trans missi on w hen a tran smiss ion is n ot su cc ess ful b eca use th e lin e is busy or a comm unication err or occurs. This setti ng is used to select the i nterval between recall att empts.
35 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 When a communication error occurs You can select the inter val between recall att empts wh en a comm unication err or occurs.
36 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS SETTING TH E I NDEX FUNCTION You can print an index mark along the edge of the pages in each job. This makes it easy to separate diff erent jobs on the output t ray. Use the foll owing procedure to set the i ndex function: 1 Press the [ME NU] key.
37 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 SETTI NG RESOLU TI ON PRI ORITY For m ost fa xin g job s, y ou w ill mo st like ly w ant to s pe cify th e re solu tion. H oweve r, you can als o se t a d efau lt resoluti on when no s etti ng is made using the [RESOLU TI ON ] key.
38 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS SETTI NG UP THE M ACH I NE FOR USE WITH A PC MODEM The machine is set to automaticall y begin reception i f you pick up from an extension telephone and the mach ine detects a fax tone.
39 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 USI NG TH E REMOTE RECEPTION FUNCTION The machines R emote Re ception feat ure is designed to all ow you to activate fax reception fr om an extension telephone or a tel ephone directly connected to t he mach i ne. The Rem ote Reception functi on operates even w hen the F AX Signa l Rece ive fun ction is turne d off.
40 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS Setti ng a Fax R emote Num ber : 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) un til "4 :US ER PR O GR AM " ap pe ars , and then press the [ENTER ] key. 3 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) unt i l " 13: F AX REMOTE NUMBER" appears, and then press the [ENT ER] key.
41 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 DI STI NCTIVE RI NGING Disti nctive ri nging is a service offer ed by som e telephone companies that allows you to use up to six differ ent telephone numbers, each with a distinct ive ringing pat tern, on your regular single li ne.
42 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS ST ORI NG NU MBER S FOR AUT OMATI C DI ALI NG Automatic Diali ng is a quick and convenient way to dial by using only a Rapid key (Rapid Key D ial ing), or pressi ng the [SPEED/SEARCH] key and se lect the SPEED and ent ering a two digi t number (Speed Dialing).
43 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 9 Enter the nam e of the desti nation with the num er ic keys. Enter the name of the location or party by pressing numeric keys as described in "HOW T O ENTER CHARA CTERS" on page 20 (maximum of 20 characters). I f you do not want to enter a name, skip this step.
44 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS Use the foll owing procedure to clear numbers: 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) unti l "2: EN TRY MO DE" appears, and then press the [EN TER ] key. 3 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) unt i l "1 : FAX NUMBER" a ppe ar s, an d then press the [EN TER ] key.
45 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 ST ORI NG NU MBER S UNDER GROUP KEYS Group keys allow you to dial a group of fax numbers by simp ly pressing t he appropriate Group key once. They are convenient for t he Broadcasting functi on, which is used to transmit an original to a group of f ax m achines.
46 INIT IA L SE TTIN GS 9 Enter a nam e f or the Grou p Key with the num er ic keys. Enter the name of the group by pressing numeric keys as described in "HOW T O ENTER CHARA CTERS" on page 20 (maximum of 20 characters). I f you do not want to enter a name, skip this step.
47 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 Deleti ng num ber s from Group Ke ys: 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) unti l "2: EN TRY MO DE" appears, and then press the [EN TER ] key. 3 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) unt i l "1 : FAX NUMBER" a ppe ar s, an d then press the [EN TER ] key.
48 USIN G THE MACHIN E WITH AN ANSWERING MACHINE QUIE T DETECT TIME Quiet Detect Time is the f unction that enables the machine to be used along with an answ ering machine for both phone messa ges and faxes.
49 IN ITIA L SET TING S 2 If Quiet Detect Time is not working properly... With so me an sweri ng m ach ines , the re i s sim ply no Q uiet D etect T ime th at will a llow bo th rec eption of faxe s and uninterr upted voice messag es.
50 3 Chapt er 3 CHOOSING SUITABLE MEDIA ORIGINALS SUITABLE FOR FAXING Make sure that the original s you want to fax me et specifi cati ons and guidelines l isted i n this section. SI ZE AND WEI GHT The size and weight of origi nals that you can load in the SPF/RSPF depend on w hether you load one sheet at a time or several sheets at once.
51 CHOOS I NG SU I TABL E ME DI A 3 U N SU ITA BL E O R IG IN A LS General guideli nes: ● All cli ps, staples, and pins should be removed from originals before they are used.
52 4 Chapt er 4 HOW TO USE THE FAX FUNCTION The stand alone fax compon ent of your machine offer s a range of sophisticated features that all ow you to control image qualit y, reception mode, broadcasting, po ll ing, and transmission priorit ies.
53 HOW TO US E THE FAX FUNCTION 4 When p laci ng the Original on the document glass: 1 Con fi rm that t here are no original( s) i n the SPF/RS PF, and open the SPF/ RSPF. 2 Place the origi nal face down on the do cu me nt g las s . A lign th e o rigin al according to the origi nal scale i n the illu str atio n be low .
54 OPTIONAL TRANSMISSION SETTINGS There are several t ransmission settings that you can make before dialing and tr ansm itt ing an original. O RIG IN A L S IZE The original size can be set to "8.5x11", "8. 5x14", or "A4".
55 HOW TO US E THE FAX FUNCTION 4 RESOLUTION To do this, pr ess the [RESO LUTION] ke y one or more times until t he desired resoluti on settings appear in the display, and t hen press the [ENTE R] key. Yo ur fa x ha s fiv e res olution setting s: • STANDARD Use STAN DARD for ordi nary original s.
56 HOW TO US E THE FAX FUNCTION COVER SHEE T You can have your fax gene rate a cover sheet and send it as the last page o f the t ransmission. The cover sheet includes the date and ti me, the sender's name and nu mber, and the receiver's name and num ber if an automatic dial ing numbe r is used.
57 HOW TO US E THE FAX FUNCTION 4 MESSAGE FUNCTION One of the foll owing messa ges can be se lect ed: "CONFID ENTIAL", "PLS. DISTRIBUTE", "URG ENT", "PLS. CALL BACK", "I MPORTAN T" . To add a mes sage to a cover sheet, foll ow these steps: 1 Press the [CO VER SH EET] key.
58 HOW TO US E THE FAX FUNCTION TW O -SID ED O R IG IN A L T R A N SM ISS IO N F UN CT IO N (AR-168D only) The RSPF ca n be used to automatical ly fax a two-sided ori ginal. I f desired, the back of t he original can be rotated 180° before transmission.
59 4 DIALING AND TRANSMITTING Once you hav e set the ori ginal (ei ther in the SPF/RSPF or on the documen t glass), and have se lected the desi red transmission sett ings, you are ready to dial t he num ber of the receivi ng fax mach ine and transmit t he original.
60 HOW TO US E THE FAX FUNCTION CHAIN DI ALI NG The Chain Dialing f unction allows you to combine a Rapid Key or S peed Dial number (See "STO RING N UMBERS FOR A UTOM ATIC DIALING " (p.
61 HOW TO US E THE FAX FUNCTION 4 USI NG T HE SE ARCH KE Y If you do not r em ember the Rapid key or Speed Dial number in which you have stored a particular f ax numb er, you can search for the number by following the steps below: 1 Pr ess t he [ SPE ED/ SEARCH] key twice.
62 IF THE MEMORY BECOMES FULL WHILE SCANNING AN ORI GINAL If t he mem ory becomes full while scanning an origi nal, "MEMO RY FULL ER ROR" will appear i n the display and scanning w ill sto p. If t he m emory becom es full whi le the fi rst page is being scanned, scanning w ill s top an d th e tra nsmis sion w ill be canceled.
63 4 REC EIVIN G FAX ES You can set the machine to one of three modes o f recepti on, AUT O , MAN. , or A. M. (Answering Machine). To select the recept ion mod e, press the [RECEPTION M OD E] key until the desired recepti on mode a ppears in the display.
64 OPTIONAL RECEPTION SETTINGS The machine has va r ious optional set tings for t he reception of faxes. TW O-SI DED RECEPTI ON (AR-168 D only ) This functi on is used to print a receiv ed fax consisting of t wo or m ore pages of the same size on both sides of the paper.
65 HOW TO US E THE FAX FUNCTION 4 RECEI VE REDUCE You may on occasion receive faxes that are larger t han the paper loaded in t he machine. To ensure that you do not lose any part of the origi nal, you should use the Receive Reduce function, which scales t he fax to the print ing paper size.
66 WHEN USING MANUAL SENDI NG AND RECEIVI NG You need to use the [SPEAKER] key or an extension telephone to perform manual sending and receiving. For infor mation about connecting an extension tel ephone Se e "CON NECTIN G OT HER D EVICES" (p.
67 5 Chapt er 5 SPECI AL FUNCTIONS MEMORY Your machine has a m emory area that can be u sed to store both i ncoming faxes and outgoing originals. ● Approximately 120 pages of average content can be held in me mory for transmission. Less can be held if any of the pages were scann ed using f ine or superfine resol ution.
68 DATA TRANSFER If t here is a problem with the machine, you can use the Data Transfer function to have received faxes read into memo ry and then sent to a diff erent fax machine for pri nting. This functi on is used when you cannot print r eceived faxes, for example when the m achine runs out of toner, or a misfeed occurs.
69 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 5 Follow these steps to use the fax tr ansfer functi on: 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) unt i l " 0: RX DATA TRANSF ER" appears, and then press the [ENT ER] key. 3 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) unt i l "1 : DATA TRANSF ER" a ppea r s, and then press the [ENTER ] key.
70 TRANSMISSION RESERVATION When your fax is busy receiving an original or transmitti ng an original f rom me mory, you can "reserve" a transmission by setti ng the original ( either in the SPF/RSPF o r on the docum ent glass), reading i t into mem ory, and enteri ng the fax num ber.
71 5 BROADCASTING This functi on allows you to send the sam e original to as many as 10 0 diff erent locati ons with just one operation. Once the original i s loaded, it is scanned and stored in mem ory. The fax numbers you h ave entered are then automaticall y dialed in succession, and the or iginal i s transmitted to each locati on.
72 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Broadcasting using a Group key If t he fax machines to which you want to broadcast have all been programmed into one Group key, you can pe rfor m the broadcasting operat ion using the fol lowing simplif ied procedure. Refer to "STORING N UMB ERS UN DER GROUP KEYS " (p.
73 5 POLLING Po lling allo ws you to r equest another fax machine to send an original to your fax machine. In ot her wo rds, t he receiving f ax m achine, not the t ransmitting f ax m achine, acti vates the transmission. You can use your fax to both poll and be po lled by other s.
74 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS S E R IAL P O LL ING You can poll several fax machines one at a time with a single seri al po lling operati on. A maximum of 100 fax machines can be pol led in one seri al po lling oper ation. Follo w the se step s to use th e se ria l pollin g func tion: 1 Press the [ME NU] key.
75 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 5 POLLING TRAN SMISSI ON ( MEMOR Y POLLING) This functi on is used to transmit an original t hat has been scanned int o m emory to a fax ma chi ne that polls your fax machine.
76 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Adding a o riginal to polling memory: Use this procedure to add an original to another origi nal that has alr eady bee n scanned into polling memo ry. Place the origi nal i n the SPF/RSPF or on the document glass and fol low the steps below.
77 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 5 RESTRICTING POLLI NG MACHINES (POLLING SECURITY) If you wish to allo w only speci fied f ax machine s to poll you r fax machine , enabl e polli ng securi ty and pro gram the fa x numb ers of the mac hines that are t o be al lowed to po ll yo ur machi ne.
78 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Programming/deleting passcode numbers: 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) unti l "2: EN TRY MO DE" appears, and then press the [EN TER ] key. 3 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) un til "4 :PA SS CO DE # M OD E" appears, and then press the [ENT ER] key.
79 5 TIMER OPERATIONS The timer fu nc tion a llows y ou to s et a tran sm iss ion o r polling oper ation to be performed automatical ly at a time you specify. Up to fi ve transmission operati ons or po ll ing operations can be set at any one time, and the ti m es they will be performed can be specified up to a week in advance .
80 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 6 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) to select the day of the week a nd press the [ENTE R] key. 7 Press the [ENTER ] key. 8 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) to select the tr ansm i ssion m ode a nd press the [ENTE R] key.
81 5 ANTI JUNK FAX You can av oid wasting fax paper by using the Anti Junk Fax function. This functi on blocks recep tion of f axes from up to ten specif ied parti es. To turn the Anti Junk Fax feature on and o ff, u se the follo win g p roce d ure: 1 Press the [ME NU] key.
82 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS To store junk fax numbers, use the fol lowing procedure: 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) until "5:ANTI JU NK FAX " appears, and then press the [EN TER ] key. 3 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) t o se l ect "2 : JUNK FAX #" and pr ess the [ENTER ] key.
83 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 5 To clear junk fax numbers, use the fol lowing procedure: 1 Press the [ME NU] key. 2 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) until "5:ANTI JU NK FAX " appears, and then press the [EN TER ] key. 3 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) t o se l ect "2 : JUNK FAX #" and pr ess the [ENTER ] key.
84 OPERATION IN COP Y, PRINTER, SCANNER, AND FAX MODES Some operations cannot be performed simultaneously when the machine is being used in pr inter mode, copy mode, scanner mode , and fax mode. *1 Direct t ransmission and scanning are not possible. *2 Manual reception and printing of a receiv ed fax are not possible.
85 6 Chapt er 6 TROUBLESHOOTI NG PRINTING OUT REPORTS The machine is capable of printing a range of reports on faxing acti vities as well as vari ous settings you have m ade. The reports are described below. 1. TIMER LIST: You can print a list of timer or dual access operations t hat are currently set .
86 TROUBLESHOOTING 5. PASSCODE LIST: You can print a list of your fax infor m ation and po lli ng security inf ormation. 6. JUNK FAX # LIST: Fax num ber s designated as Anti Junk Fax num bers. P ASSCODE LIST POLL SECURITY SYSTEM # ID # PASSCODE # SENDER'S NAME SENDER'S # FW.
87 TROUBLE SHOOTING 6 7. USER PROGRAM LIST: Currently acti vated USER P ROGR AM sett ings. Use the foll owing procedure to print out reports : 1 Press the [REP OR T] key. 2 Press the [REP OR T] key to select t he report t hat you wish t o print. 3 Press the [ENTER ] key.
88 TROUBLESHOOTING ACTI VI TY REP ORT AUTO LI ST I NG This setti ng is used to automaticall y print the Acti vity R eport for transmissions and receptions. The Acti vity Report will a uto ma tically p rin t wh en infor mation on a t otal of 5 0 fax tr ans m issio ns and receptions accumulates.
89 TROUBLE SHOOTING 6 PRI NTI NG TRANSACT IO N REPORTS The machine can be set to print a transaction report after each transmissi on, reception, and/or error. The printi ng conditi on can be selected separately for three types of transaction repor ts: "TRANSM I SSION LIST", "BROAD CAST LIST", and "RECEPTION L IST".
90 TROUBLESHOOTING Problem Cause an d solution Pag e Dialing cannot be done. The telephone line cord is not cor rectly connected to the ma ch ine an d the wall te lepho ne ja c k. → → → → Make su re the te leph one line cord is se cure ly connec ted.
91 6 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS DI SPLAY MESSAGE S AUDIBLE SI GNALS Message C ause and remed y Page FRONT OR SIDE COVE R OPEN. CLOSE CO VERS. The cover is open. Close the cover. See the OPERATION MANUAL (for general info rmatio n) CLOSE THE SPF/RSPF COVER. The SPF/RS PF cover is open.
92 7 Chapt er 7 APPENDI X SPECIFICATIONS * As a part of our poli cy of continuous improvement, SHAR P reserves the right t o make de sign and specificat ion changes for product improvement without prior notice. The performance specificati on figures i ndicated are nominal values of production machines.
93 INDE X A Alarm beeps - A larm beep volume .............................. ............ 19 - Length of alarm beeps .. ................................... 1 8 Ans we ring m achine .......................... ....................... 48 - A nswe ring ma chine b ackup .
94 R Re ceiv ing fax es ................................ ....................... 63 - R eceive reduce . . ....................... ....................... 65 - T wo-sid ed rec eption......................................... 6 4 Reception mode - A .M. m od e .
95 Fax setup Connecting the tel ephone line cord. . ....................... 1 1 Da ylig ht sa vin g tim e s ettin g ........................ ............ 25 Dial m ode ......................................... ....................... 31 Distin ctiv e rin ging .
NOTI CE FOR USERS I N CANADA "NOTIC E : This product meets the appli cable Industry Canada technical specificati ons." "NOTIC E : The R inger Equival ence Num ber is an indicat ion of the maximum number of devices all owed to be connected to a telephone interface.
PRINTED IN CHINA 2003L KS ➀ TINSE1222QSZZ Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper AR-FX9 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430-1163.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sharp AR-FX9 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sharp AR-FX9 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sharp AR-FX9, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sharp AR-FX9 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sharp AR-FX9, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sharp AR-FX9.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sharp AR-FX9. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sharp AR-FX9 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.