Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit AL-1035-WH A du fabricant Sharp
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1 CONTENTS 1 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS ..................... 3 ● OPERATION PANEL .... ............. ............. ..........5 POWER ON AND OF F ....................................... 6 ● POWER ON ............... ..........
2 INTR ODUCTION This Op eration G uide des cribe s how to use the A L-1035- XX digi tal mu ltifuncti onal sy stem. Ple ase subs titute the name of y our m odel fo r "XX" . • Fo r an y "AL-XXXX " in thi s man ual, pleas e repl ace the "XXXX" with y our model.
3 1 Chapter 1 BEFORE USING THE MA CHINE This ch apter contai ns basi c inf ormati on that shoul d be read befor e using t he m achine. P AR T NAMES AND FUNCTIONS Exterior Document c over Open thi s cover to make copies from th e docu ment glass. Document glass Pla ce an o rigina l th at y ou w ish to sc an f ace dow n here.
4 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE Interio r Support bar Suppor t the ma chine cov er with this bar whe n replacing the ton er ca r trid ge and drum car tr idge.
5 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE OPERA TION P ANEL Alar m i ndica tor [ ] "T oner ca r tr id ge repla cement r equired" indica tor (Page 45) [ ] "Dr um c ar t ri dge repla cemen t requ ired&q.
6 PO WER ON AND OFF The pow er switc h is at th e right s ide of the machine. PO WER ON Turn the power switch to the "ON" position. It takes a bout se veral second s for the machine to w arm up. The machi ne can sta rt co pyin g only after warm -up.
7 LO ADING P APER When the re is no paper on the feed tray , the "pap er requi red" in dicat or ( ) will be on. The out put tray m ust be expanded befor e normal copyin g or p rinting o peration s, othe rwise, t he mac hine wi ll not warm up.
8 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE Print side fa ce u p Load the p aper with the print s ide face u p accor ding t o the pa per type. Paper t hat cannot be used • Special me dia for inkje t printer s (fine paper, g lossy paper, gl ossy fi lm, et c.
9 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE P APER FEEDING Ensure th at the m achin e is n ot printi ng or co pying , and car ry out p aper f eeding accord ing to the followi ng st eps. Feeding the feed tray 1 Expand the feed tray. 2 Adjust t he paper gu ide to the proper position according to the paper size.
10 OPERA TION IN COPY , PRINT AND SCAN MODE When us ing the mach ine in COPY, P RINT or S CAN mo de, so me operati ons can not be r un simu ltaneo usly.
11 SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION BEFORE SOFTWARE SETUP This chap ter desc ribes how to install th e softwar e necess ary for the pr inting an d scann ing func tions of thi s machin e.
12 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION 1 The USB cable shall not be connected to the mach ine. Be sure that the c able is not connected before the installation. If the mac hine is conne cted wi th the cab le, the scree n will di spla y a Pl ug and Play win dow.
13 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE The software instal lation is complet ed at this tim e. • If yo u are u sing W indow s Vista /7 If a secu rity w arning windo w appears , be sure to c lic k "Ins tall th is driv er soft ware an ywa y".
14 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE CONNECTING T O THE COMPUTER Connect t he mac hine to your comp uter a ccording to the fo llowi ng steps. Connecting th e cabl e USB cable Shielde d pair cable w ith hig h-speed transmi ssion. If a USB 2 .0 interf ace is used for connec ting th e mach ine, pl ease us e a USB cable th at sup ports US B 2.
15 2 Chapter 2 COPY FUNCTIONS This ch apter explains how to use the c opy func tions. NORMAL COPYING This se ction expla ins how to make a r egula r copy. 1 Open t he doc ument c over and pl ace the original. Plac e the orig inal fac e down on t he d ocum ent glass.
16 COPY FUNCTIONS MAKING A COPY D ARKER OR LIGHTER If you wi sh to s elec t the expo su re level by your self, fo llow th e step s belo w. (Ea ch orig inal type ha s fiv e exp osure level s.) Origi nal type ● MANUAL ... Adjus t the c opy expo sure le vels as neede d to facil itate rea ding.
17 REDUCTION/ENLARGEMENT With the ZOOM function, you c an selec t cop y ratio between AB sy stem : A5 → A4 (141% ), A4 → A5 (70%) , Inch system: 5.5X8. 5 → 8.5X11(129% ), 8.5X11 → 5.5X8.5 (64% ), a nd 50%. The met hod for en larg ing or r educing the cop ies is described below.
18 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS This se ction expla ins majo r conveni ent copy functions. COPYING TWO ORIGINALS ONT O A SINGLE SHEET OF P APER (2 IN 1 COP Y) Two or iginals can b e copied onto a s ingle s heet of p aper in a sele cted lay out pat tern.
19 COPY FUNCTIONS ID CARD C OPY To print both si des o f an ID car d onto paper ac cordin g to the specif ied patte rn. The spec ified patte rns for ID card copyin g are shown as follo ws. 1 Open the cove r, and plac e the ID card on the document glass, aligning it in portrait on the corner at t he right side of the document glass ( ) .
20 3 Chapter 3 PRINTER FUNCTIONS This ch apter explains how to use the pr inter fu nctions . The pr ocedure fo r load ing pap er is the s ame as for loading c opy pap er.
21 PRINTER FUNCTI ONS If paper in the feed tray ru ns out during the printing Add paper to the feed tra y, and then press the [COPY START] key ( ) to resume printin g.
22 PRINTER DRIVER SETUP SCREEN Ta b The settings are gr ouped on tabs. Click a tab to bring it to the front. Checkbo x Clic k on a chec kbo x to activ ate or deacti vate a function. Print setti ng image This shows the eff ect of the selected print settings .
23 SETTING AD V ANCED PRINTER FUNCTIONS This section expla ins m ajor adv anced prin ting fu nctio ns. The ex planat ions ass ume th at the p aper s ize and other basic s etting s hav e alread y been sele cted.
24 PRINTER FUNCTIONS FITTING THE PRINTED IMA GE T O THE P APER (Fit T o P aper Size) The prin ter driv er can adjust th e size o f the pr inted image to match th e size o f the pa per loade d in th e mach ine. Follow the st eps shown below when usin g this function.
25 PRINTER FUNCTIONS ENLARGING/REDUCIN G THE PRINTED IMA GE (Zoom) This func tion is used t o enlarg e or red uce the image to a sele cted p ercentag e. This allow s you to e nlar ge a sm all image or add m argins to th e paper by sl ightly r educi ng an ima ge.
26 PRINTER FUNCTIONS ADDING A W A TER MARK T O PRINTED P A GES (W atermark) The wate rmark includes a text s tamp an d an im age s tamp. z Text: Faint sha dow-like text can be added to the background of the prin ted image as a watermark . The watermark text si ze, darkness, angl e and position can be adjusted.
27 SA VING FREQUENTL Y USED PRINT SETTINGS Settings configu red o n each of the tabs at the t ime of printing can b e saved a s custo m setti ngs. Sav ing the frequen tly used settin gs un der an as signed n ame mak es it ea sy to select those s etting s the n ext time y ou need to use them.
28 4 Chapter 4 SCANNER FUNCTIONS This ch apter explains how to use the s canner f unction. SCANNING O VER VIEW The flo w chart s hown be low prov ides an over view of s canning. * 1 TWAI N is an indus trial inte rface sta ndard for imag e data proc essing de vice s (incl uding sca nners) .
29 SCANNING FR OM THE MA CHINE (SCAN to USB) Send the scan ned im age to th e USB mem ory con nected to the m achine a ccording to the fo llowi ng steps. The relevant file i s saved in the USB memor y. Scanning from the operation panel of the machine 1 Connect th e US B memo ry to t he USB interface (A type) of the machine.
30 SCANNING FR OM THE TW AIN COMPLIANT APPLICA TIONS (PC scanning) The SHA RP scan ner d river is compati ble wit h the TW AIN sta ndard, the refore s cann ing from the TWA IN comp liant applic ations i s possi ble. The steps for u sing ce rtain app lica tions for s canning m ay be differen t from the foll owing steps.
31 SCANNER FUNCTIONS SCANNER DRIVER SETTIN GS The sc anner dr ive r setup s creen consi sts of the "Pr eview " scr een, whi ch en ables yo u to se lect t he sc an set ting buttons and sh ows th e scanne d image. For de tails on the s can setti ngs, click the "H elp" butt on in the pr eview s creen to display Help.
32 SCANNER FUNCTIONS Preview screen Click the "Pr e view" button in the Se t-up sc reen to display the sc anned image. Y ou c an sp ecify the scanni ng are a by dragging the mous e inside the window . Th e inside of the frame created by dragging th e mouse wi ll be the scan ning a rea.
33 5 Chapter 5 TR OUBLESHOO TING This ch apter descri bes the s teps of troubles hooting a nd mis feed cle aring. TR OUBLESHOO TING If you ex perienc e diff iculty while u sing the machi ne, ch eck the fo llowi ng tro ubleshoo ting gu ide be fore cal ling f or servic e.
34 TROUBLESHOO TING MA C HINE/COPYING PROBLEMS The fol lowing pr oblem s are rel ated to t he gene ral oper ation of the m achine an d cop ying. Prob lem C aus e and solu tio n Pag e N o . The machine does not oper ate. The machine is not plugged into a po wer sock et.
35 TROUBLESHOOTING Copies are smudged or dirty. The document glass or the inside of the document cove r is dirty. Clean them regularly. 47 The original is smudged or dirty. Use a clean original. – Paper contains excessive moist ure. Replace with dry copy paper.
36 TROUBLESHOO TING SOFTWARE INSTALLATION PROBL EMS If the sof tware i s not ins tall ed correc tly, p lease check the foll owing items on you r compu ter.
37 TROUBLESHOO TING 4 When you confirm that the USB port has been ena bled, plea se instal l the softwar e accordi ng to "SOFTWARE INSTALLATION" (Page12) .
38 TROUBLESHOOTING PRINTING AND SCANNING PROBLEMS The following problems are re lated to the general operation of printing and scanning. Problem Cause and solutio n Page No. The machine cannot print. The machine is not correc tly connected to your computer.
39 TROUBLESHOO TING The printed image is s kew or it runs off the paper . The paper loaded in t he feed tray does not have the same size a s that specif ied in the printer dr iver . → Chec k if the "P aper Size" options s uit the size o f the pap er loade d in the f eed tra y .
40 TROUBLESHOO TING Unable to scan the image . If scanning is disabled, shut down y our computer , turn off the machine po wer s witch, and unplug th e machine powe r cord. Then, restart your computer , restore pow er to the machine, and try scanning again.
41 MISFEED REMO V AL When a m isfee d occurs, the mis feed indi cator ( ) will b link and the ma chine will auto maticall y sto p working. T r oub leshooting f or misf eed 1 Push the outpu t tray to the middle position.
42 INDICA T OR DISPLA Y OF THE MA CHINE ST A TUS AND SOLUTION No Indicatio n Status, Caus e and Soluti on Pa g e 1 T on er car tr idge repla cement requir ed i ndicator Blin king together T o ner ca r tr id ge or dr um car tri dge is not instal led. Instal l toner car tr idg e and dr um car tridge.
43 ERR OR CODE AND SOLUTION *If the pr oblem persi sts, please contact t he deal er or ne arest au thor ized ser v ice re presenta tive. SN Main code Sub code Content Solution 1 E7 10 S canner trouble T ur n off the power . Then tur n on an d check it.
44 TROUBLESHOO TING Main code will be displ ayed up on mach ine erro r, and th e sub co de will be di splay ed when th e "star t" ke y is press ed. The di splay i nterval between the two m ain code s is abo ut 0.5 s econd . The int erval fo r the cy clic d isplay of the two codes is 0.
45 6 Chapter 6 R OUTINE MAINTENANCE This ch apter explains how to replace the toner and drum cartri dge, cle an the m achin e and stor e the supplies . REPLA CING T ONER CAR TRIDGES Please replac e the to ner cartr idge a ccording t o the fol lowin g steps.
46 REPLA CING DR UM CAR TRIDGES Please replac e the drum cartr idge acc ording to the fol lowin g steps. 1 Open the cove r of the m achine and remove the toner cartridge. 2 Hold the green-marked position with your both hands an d rotate in the direction of the a rrow, and take out the old drum cartridge.
47 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE The useful lif e of the drum ca rtridge is approx imate ly 8000 copies*. When the internal counter reaches approximately 7700 copies, the drum ca rtridge replacement required indicator will light up . For more information on purchasing a drum cartridge , see "ABOUT SUPPLIES" (p.
48 ABOUT SUPPLIES When or dering s upplies , please use th e correc t part num bers as list ed belo w. Supply list * Based on co p ying o nto A4 or letter size paper at 6% t oned area (The l ife of the T one r ca r tr id ge which h as bee n includ ed in the u nit at t he factor y is approximately 1,0 00 she ets.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sharp AL-1035-WH A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sharp AL-1035-WH A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sharp AL-1035-WH A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sharp AL-1035-WH A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sharp AL-1035-WH A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sharp AL-1035-WH A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sharp AL-1035-WH A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sharp AL-1035-WH A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.