Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ST973402SS du fabricant Seagate
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Savvio 10K.2 SAS ST914680 2SS ST973402 SS.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS ST914680 2SS ST973402 SS.
©2006, S eagate T echnol ogy LLC All right s rese rv ed. Public ation number : 10038476 0, Rev . B Octob er 2006 Seagate T echnology and the W a ve logo are regi stered tradem arks of Seagate T echnolo gy LLC in the United S tates an d/or o ther cou ntrie s .
Revision st atus summary sheet Rev isi on Dat e Note s Rev . A 06/23/0 6 Init ial releas e. Rev . B 10/23/06 None ..
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B i Content s 1.0 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Applicable standa rds and refer ence documentation .
ii Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 6.4.2 Relati ve humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6.4.3 Effec tive altitud e (sea level) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B iii List of Figures Figure 1. Savvio 10K.2 SAS disc driv e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure 2. ST9146802 SS curre nt profile . . . . .
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 1 1.0 Scope This m anual des cribes S eagate T ec hnology ® LL C, Savvio ® 10K .2 SAS ( Serial At tached SCS I) disc dr ives. Savvio driv es support the SAS Protoc ol specif ications to the extent de scribed in this manual.
2 Savvio 10K .2 SAS P roduct Manual, Rev. B.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 3 2.0 Applicable st andards and reference document ation The drive has been developed as a system pe ripheral to the highest standards of design and cons truction .
4 Savvio 10K .2 SAS P roduct Manual, Rev. B 2.1.2 Electromagn etic complia nce Seagate u s es a n independ ent labor atory to c onfirm comp liance with the di rectives/sta ndards for CE Markin g and C-Tick Marking. T he drive wa s test ed in a repre sentative sys tem for ty pical app licatio ns.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 5 2.1.3 Europ ean Union Restriction of Hazardous Subst ances (RoHS) The Euro pean Union Res triction of Haz ardous Su bstances (RoH S) Directi ve restricts the presence of chemical substances , includin g Lead (P b), in elec tronic products effective July 20 06.
6 Savvio 10K .2 SAS P roduct Manual, Rev. B.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 7 3.0 Gen eral desc ript ion Savvio drives com bine giant ma gnetores istive (GMR) heads, partial r esponse/ maximum lik elihood (PR ML) read cha nnel el ectr.
8 Savvio 10K .2 SAS P roduct Manual, Rev. B 3.1 S t andard features Savvio drives ha ve the followin g standard fe atures: • Perpend icular re cordin g techno logy • 1.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 9 3.4 Reliabi lity • Annuali zed Failur e Rate (AF R) or 0.55% • Mean time between fai lures (MTBF ) of 1,600,000 hours • Balance d low mas s rotary voi ce coil ac tuator • Incorpo rates indus try-standard S elf-Mon itoring Ana lysis and Rep orting T echno logy (S.
10 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 3.8 Factory-i nst alled options Y ou may or der the followin g items w hich ar e incorporat ed at th e manufac turing fa cility du ring produ ction or packaged be fore shippi ng.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 1 1 4.0 Performance characteri sti cs This sec tion prov ides detailed i nformatio n concerni ng perfor mance-re lated cha racterist ics and f eatures of Sa v - vio dri ves. 4.1 Internal drive chara cteristics ST914680 2SS ST973402 SS Drive capac ity 146.
12 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 4.2.2 Format c ommand execu tion time for 5 12-byte sect ors (minute s) 4.2.3 Genera l performance character istics ST9146802 SS ST973402SS Maximu m (with.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 1 3 4.3 S t art/stop ti me The drive accepts the co mmands list ed in the SAS Interface Man ual less than 3 seco nds after DC power has been appl ied.
14 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Case B —A Rea d command reques ts dat a, and at least one reques ted logical bl ock is not in any segment of the ca che: 1.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 1 5 When pre fetch (read l ook-ahead) is enabled ( enabled b y DRA = 0), the dri ve enables prefetch of c ontiguous blocks from the dis c when i t senses tha t a prefetch hit will l ikely oc cur . The drive d isables prefe tch when i t decides that a pr efetch hit is not lik ely to oc cur .
16 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 1 7 5.0 Reliabili ty specificati ons The foll owing re liability specifi cations assume correct h ost and dr ive ope rational i nterface , includi ng all i nter - face timi ngs, powe r supply v oltages, envir onmental re quirements and drive m ounting c onstraints.
18 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 5.1.3 Seek e rrors A seek err or is defi ned as a fail ur e of the dr ive to pos it ion the he ads to the add re ss ed tra ck. Aft er dete cti ng a n initial seek er ror , the drive automatic ally perfo rms an error re covery p rocess .
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 1 9 5.2.4 S.M.A.R. T . S.M.A.R.T . is an ac ronym for Se lf-Monitor ing Analys is and Reporti ng T echnol ogy .
20 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Reporting control Reportin g is cont r oll ed by the MRIE bits in the Inform ational Exceptio ns Control mode page (1Ch). Subject to the repo rting metho d, the firmw are w ill is sue to the h ost a n 01- 5Dxx sense code.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 2 1 can be used to set this tr ip point. T he default va lue for this drive is 65°C, how ever , y ou can set it to any value in the range o f 0 to 65°C . If you s pec ify a temperatu re greate r t han 6 5°C i n th is fie ld, the te mpe ratur e i s rou nde d down to 65°C.
22 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B St a te of the d rive prior to testing The drive mus t be in a ready state before iss uing the Send Diagnost ic command. Th ere are multiple re asons why a d rive may not be ready , some of which a re valid conditions , and no t errors.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 2 3 Log p age entrie s When t he d riv e be gi ns DST , it cr eate s a ne w ent ry i n th e S elf -te st Res ul ts Log page. T he new entry is c reate d by inser ting a new self-tes t parameter block at the b eginning o f the se lf-test res ults log parameter section of the log page.
24 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Product repair and return informat ion Seaga te customer service centers ar e the only facilities authorize d to servic e Seagate drives. S eagate does not sancti on any third- party repair facilities . Any unauthori zed repair or tamperin g with the factory seal voids the warranty .
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 2 5 6.0 Physical/ electrical spe cifications This sec tion pro vides inform ation rel ating to th e physical and electr ical char acteristic s of the dr ive. 6.1 AC power requirement s None. 6.2 DC power requirement s The voltage an d current re quiremen ts for a single dri ve are shown be low .
26 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Gen 3.5 L PSS mea sured data ( latest avai lable) plus 1 2V max star t current mar gins of . 15A for D C and .20A fo r AC. All othe rs hav e 10 % margin added. [1] Measure d with a verage r eading DC ammeter .
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 2 7 6.2.1 Condu cted noise immunity Noise is specifie d as a pe riodic an d random distributi on of fre quencies c overing a band fro m DC to 10 MHz. Maximum allowed n oise val ues given below are peak-to-p eak meas urements and app ly at the drive power conne ctor .
28 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Figure 3. ST9 73402SS current profi le Note: All ti mes and current s are ty pical. Se e T ables 12 an d 13 for maximu m current r equiremen ts.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 2 9 6.3 Power dissip ation ST91468 02SS in 3 G bit oper ation T ypi cal power di ssipation unde r idle con ditions in 3Gb op eration is 5.1 8 watts (17 .68 BTUs pe r hour). T o obtain operati ng power for typical random read opera tions, refer to the follo wing I/O rate curve (see Figure 4 ).
30 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 6.4 Environment al limit s T empe ratur e an d hum idi ty val ues exper i enced by the drive mus t be suc h that c ond ens ation does not occ ur on any drive part. Altit ude and atm ospheric pressu re specif ications ar e referen ced to a s tandard day at 58.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 3 1 6.4.2 Relative h umidity The value s belo w assume tha t no co ndensatio n on the dr ive occur s. a. Operating 5% to 95% non -conden sing relat ive humidit y with a ma ximum grad ient of 20% per hour . b. Non-operati ng 5% to 95% non -conden sing relat ive humidit y .
32 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B d. Packag ed Disc driv es ship ped as loo se load (no t palletized) general fr eight will b e packaged to w ithstand dro ps from heights as defined in th e table below. For additio nal details r efer to Seag ate speci ficatio ns 30190- 001 (under 100 lbs/4 5 kg) or 30 191-001 (over 100 l bs/45 Kg ).
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 3 3 Vibration a. Operating —normal The drive as installed for norm al operatio n, shall com ply with the co mplete specif ied perfor mance whil e subject ed to conti nuous v ibration no t exceedi ng 10-500 Hz @ 1.
34 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 6.4. 7 Aco usti cs Sound powe r during i dle mode shall be 3.1 bels typical when measur ed to ISO 777 9 specif ication. There will no t be any discrete tones more than 10 dB abo ve the masking noi se on typical drives when mea - sured ac cording to Sea gate specificat ion 30553-001 .
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 3 5 6.5 Mechanical spec ifications The follow in g nom ina l dimen sions are ex c lusiv e of the dec orat iv e fr ont panel acces sor y . Howeve r , dimensi ons of the front panel ar e shown in figure belo w .
36 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 3 7 7.0 Defect a nd error ma nagement Seaga te continues to use innovativ e technolo gies to manage defects and errors. Th ese technolog ies are designed to increas e data integr ity , p erform d rive self -maintenanc e, and va lidate pr oper driv e operation .
38 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B The drive fir mware erro r recover y algorithms consists of 1 1 lev els for read re coveries and five leve ls for write. Each level ma y consi st of mul tiple ste ps, where a s tep is def ined as a recove ry func tion invo lving a s ingle re- read or r e- write at temp t.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 3 9 When t he RC bi t is one, r ealloc ations are dis abled even if th e ARRE o r AWRE bits are one. The driv e will still perform data rec overy action s within the limits defined by the Read Retry Co unt, Write Retry Cou nt, and Recovery T ime Limit param eters.
40 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Since th e backgroun d scan fun ctions a re only done during i dle periods , BMS ca uses a neg ligible impact to sys - tem perfo rmance.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 4 1 8.0 Inst allation Savvio disc drive installation is a plug- and-play pr ocess. Th ere are no jumpe rs, switche s, or terminat ors on the drive. SAS dr ives are de signed to be used i n a host s ystem tha t provid es a SAS-com patible ba ckplane wit h bays designed to acco modate t he drive.
42 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 8.2 Cooling Cabinet c ooling must be des igned by th e custo mer so tha t the ambi ent temper ature imm ediately s urroundin g the driv e will not ex ceed tem perature c onditions s pecified in Sect ion 6.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 4 3 8.3 Drive mounti ng Mount the drive using th e bottom o r side mo unting ho les. If y ou mount the drive using t he bottom holes, e nsure that you d o not phys ically di stort the dr ive by atte mpting to m ount it on a stiff, non-flat s urface.
44 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 4 5 9.0 Interface re quirement s This section part ially descri bes the in terface requ irements as implemented on Savvio drives. Ad ditional in for - mation is provided in the SAS Int erf ace M a nua l (part number 100293071) .
46 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9.2 Dual port support Savvio SAS driv es ha ve two inde penden t por ts. These ports m ay b e con nected i n the same or different SCSI domains . Each dr ive por t has a un ique SAS address. The two por ts run at the same link rate.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 4 7 9.3 SCSI commands support ed T able 17 lists the S CSI co mmands s upported by Savvio drives. T able 17: Commands supported by Savvio SAS family drive Com.
48 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Last n De ferred Er rors or As ynchronous Events page (0B h) N Last n E rror Events page ( 07h) N Non-me dium Er ror page (06h) Y Pages Supporte d list (0.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 4 9 Read Capacity (10) 25h Y Read Capacity (16) 9Eh/ 10h N Read Defec t Data (10) 37h Y Read Defec t Data (12) B7h Y Read Long 3Eh Y Read Long ( 16) 9Eh/ 1 1h.
50 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B [1] Savvio dr ives can format to a ny multi ple of four bytes p er logica l block in the range 512 to 5 28 bytes . [2] W a rning. P owe r lo ss d ur in g fl ash pr ogr am ming can res ul t i n firmwa re corr upti on .
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 5 1 9.3.1 Inquir y dat a T able 18 l ists the Inquir y comma nd data that the driv e should return to the initiator pe r the form at given in th e SAS Interfa ce Manual . T ab le 18: Savvio inquiry d at a * Copyri ght year (c hanges with act ual year).
52 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B On driv es requir ing unique saved va lues, the r equired unique sav ed value s are sto red into the save d val - ues storage loc ati on on the medi a pri or to sh ip pin g the dri v e. So me d rive s m ay hav e uni qu e fir m ware wit h unique de fault val ues also.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 5 3 T ab le 19: Mode S ense data change able and d efault val ues for ST91 46802SS d rives MODE DATA HEADER: 03 fa 00 10 00 00 00 08 BLOCK DESCRIPTOR: 11 17 7.
54 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B T ab le 20: Mode S ense data change able and d efault val ues for ST97 3402SS d rives MODE DATA HEADER: 03 fa 00 10 00 00 00 08 BLOCK DESCRIPTOR: 08 8b b9.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 5 5 9.4 Miscellaneous opera ting features and conditions T abl e 21 lists var ious fe atures and condit ions. A “Y” in the suppor t colu mn indica tes the fea ture or condi tion is support ed. An “N” i n the supp ort column indicate s the featu re or cond ition is not suppo rted.
56 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9.4.1 SAS phys ical interf ace Figure 1 1 shows the locatio n of the SAS devi ce conne ctor J1 . Figures 12 and 13 provide th e dimensi ons of th e SAS connec to r . Details of the ph ysical , electric al, and logi cal charac teristic s are pro vided within th is secti on.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 5 7 Figure 12. SAS device plug d imensions C OF DATUM B L 5.08 1.27 (6X) 1.27 (14X) 15.875 0.35MIN 15.875 33.43 0.05 B 4.90 0.08 0.84 0.05 (22X) 0.15 B P15 P1 S7 S1 SEE Detail1 0.30 0.05 (4X) 4.00 0.08 0.15 D 0.
58 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Figure 13. SAS devi ce plug dime nsions (det ail) 6.10 Detail A 0.30 0.05 x 45 (5X) 0.40 0.05 X 45 (3X) CORING ALLOWED IN THIS AREA. 2.25 0.05 4.85 0.05 0.10 B E S14 S8 4.40 0.15 SEE Detail 2 3.90 0.15 SECTION A - A SECTION C - C A 0.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 5 9 9.4.2 Physica l characte ristics This sec tion defi nes phys ical in terface co nnector . 9.4.3 Connec tor requirement s Contact you r preferred c onnector manufacturer for mating part information .
60 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B NC - No co nnection in the dr ive. 9.4.6 SAS tra nsmitters an d receivers A typic al SAS differenti al coppe r transmitt er and re ceiver pair is sho wn in Fig ure 14. The r eceiver i s AC cou - pling to e liminate ground shi ft noise .
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 6 1 The Ready LED Out sign al is design ed to pull down the cathode of an LED. The an ode is attached to th e proper +3 .3 vol t s upp ly thr ou gh a n ap pr opri ate cu rren t limitin g r es istor. The LED and the cu rren t l imi ting r es i s - tor are ex ternal to the drive.
62 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Receive eye mask Figure 15 d escr ibes the r ecei ve eye mas k. This eye m ask ap plies to j itter a fter the applic ation of a sing le pol e high-pass fr eque ncy- we igh tin g fun cti on that p ro gres siv ely att enu ates ji tte r at 20 d B/decade b el ow a fr eq uen cy of ((bit r ate) / 1.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 6 3 The le ading and trai ling edge slopes of fi gure 15 s hall be pres erved. As a result the amplitude value of Z 1 is less th an t hat giv en in table 2 8 .
64 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B T ra nsmit ter sig nal ch ara cteri st ics T able 27 specifies the signal req uirements at the tra nsmitter en d of a TxRx c onnecti on as measur ed into th e zero- length test load. Al l specif ication s are base d on differen tial mea surements.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 6 5 Receive r signal ch aracterist ics T able 28 de fines the co mplianc e point requir ements of the signal at the receiv er end of a TxRx con nection as measure d into the tes t loads spec ified i n figure 18 a nd figure 19 .
66 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 2 Receive r jitter t olerance T able 30 define s the amou nt of jitte r the recei ver shall tolerat e . Compliant jitter test p attern (C JTP A T) The CJTP A T with in a comp liant protoc ol frame is used for all jitter t esting unles s otherw ise specif ied.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 6 7 Electr i cal TxRx connections TxRx conn ections may be di vided in to TxRx co nnection segments. In a single T xRx conne ction individual TxRx con.
68 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B A combina tion of a zero-l ength test load and the transm itter comp liance transfer function (TC TF) test load method ology is us ed for the spe cification of transmitter characteristi cs. This m ethodology spe cifies the trans - mitter sig nal at the test poi nts on the requi red tes t loads.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 6 9 Figure 18 shows the compli ance intercon nect test l oad. Figure 18. Complia nce interconn ect test load Figure 19 shows the zero-length test load. Figure 19. Zero-length t est load Figure 20 shows an ISI lo ss example at 3.
70 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Figure 21 shows an ISI lo ss example at 1.5 Gb ps. Figure 21. ISI loss ex ample at 1. 5 Gbp s Receive r charac teristics The driv e receiv er is A.C. coupled. The re ceive n etwork te rminates t he TxRx c onnectio n by a 1 00 ohm equ iva - lent impe dance as specifi ed in table 31 .
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 7 1 10.0 Seagate T echnology support services Online serv ices Internet www .seagat for informatio n about S eagate produc ts and servic es. Worldwide s upport is av ailable 2 4 hours d aily by e- mail for y our questio ns.
72 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Dat a Recovery Services Seagate offe rs data recovery service s for all fo rmats and all b rands of storage media. Our Data Recovery Ser - vices labs are curre ntly locat ed in North Americ a. T o speak wit h a case mana gement repres entative, call 1-800-4 75-0143.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 7 3 Seag at e Serv ice Cente rs T oll-free su pport numbers Call center Presales and T echnical Support W arranty Service Austri a — 00 80 0-47324289 Belgiu.
74 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Seag at e Serv ice Cente rs Call center T oll-fre e Direct dial F AX Austral ia 1800-14-7201 — — China (M andarin) 1, 4 800-810-96 68 +86-1 0-6225-533.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 7 5 Inde x Numerics 12 volt pins 60 5 volt pi ns 60 A abort tas k set function 45 AC coupling 60 AC power require men ts 25 ACA acti ve status 5 5 ACA acti ve.
76 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B environme nt 42 environme ntal limits 30 requireme nts 17 environme ntal control 33 error managemen t 37 rates 17 errors 37 Europea n Union Res triction o.
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Produ ct Man ual, Rev. B 7 7 Task se t full 55 miscorr ec ted med ia data 17 Mode sense data, table 51 , 53 mounting 43 holes 43 orientat ions 41 mounting con fig uration 35 mounting .
78 Savvio 10K.2 SA S Produ ct Manual , Rev. B signal charac teristics 60 singl e-uni t shippi ng pack ki t 10 SMART 9 , 19 SMP = 1 in Mod e Select comma nd 55 spin dle brake 8 standa rds 3 start/s top.
Seagate T ec hnology LLC 920 Disc Dri ve, Scott s V alley , California 95066- 4544, USA Public ation Number: 100384760 , Rev . B , Printed i n USA.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Seagate ST973402SS c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Seagate ST973402SS - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Seagate ST973402SS, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Seagate ST973402SS va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Seagate ST973402SS, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Seagate ST973402SS.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Seagate ST973402SS. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Seagate ST973402SS ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.