Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 795MB+ du fabricant Samsung
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Insta ll drivers Insta ll programs SyncMaster 795MB+.
Notational Failure to follow di rections noted by this symbol could resul t in bodily harm or damage to equipment. Prohibited Important to read and understa nd a t all times Do not disassemble Disconn.
Do not use a damaged or loose plug. z This may cause an electric shock or fire. Do not pull the plug out by the wire nor touch th e plug with wet hands. z This may cause an electric shock or fire. Use only a pr op erly grou nded plug a nd recept acle.
Install the monitor base in a show case or shelf so that the end of the base does not protr ude from the showc as e or shelf. z Dropping the product may cause dama ge to the product or personal injury. Do not place the product on an unstable or sm all surfac e area.
Do not use the moni tor wi thout the monitor stand. z It could break down or cause fire due to bad ventilation. z If the monitor must be used without the supplied stand, take steps to insure proper ventilation. When instal ling the produ ct, make su re to keep it away from th e wall (more than 10cm/4inch) for ventilatio n purposes.
Unplug the pow er cord from the power outlet and wip e the product usin g a soft, dry cloth. z Do not use an y chemicals such as wax, benzene, alco hol, thinners, insecticide, air freshener, lu bri cant or detergent. Contact the Service Center or Customer Center for inte rior cleaning once a year.
Do not try to move the monitor by pu lling on ly the wire or the signal cable. z This may cause a breakdown, elec tri c shock or fire due to damage to the cable. Do not move the monitor right or left by pulling o nly the wire or the signal cable. z This may cause a breakdown, elec tri c shock or fire due to damage to the cable.
Watching the monitor continuously at a too clos e angle may resul t in eyesight damage. To ease eye strain, take at least a five-minu te break after every ho ur of using the monitor. Do not install the product on an unstable, une ven surface or a location prone to vibrati ons.
Please mak e sure the following items are include d with your monitor. If an y items are m issin g , contact y our deale r . Unpack ing Moni tor an d S ta nd (Some models in clude a stand attached .
Po we r Co rd Stand Stand Fron t Power button/ Power indicator Use this button to turn the mon itor on a nd off. This li ght glows green during normal operatio n, and blink s green once as the mo nitor saves your ad justme nts.
See PowerSav er descri bed in th e manual fo r further i nformation re garding pow er saving function s. For en ergy conse rvation , turn yo ur monitor O FF when it is not need ed, or when leaving it unat tended for lon g period s. Rear (The configu ration at the back of the monitor may vary fro m product to pro duct.
Signal Cable Connec t the signa l cable to the vid eo port on yo ur comp uter, video b oard, vi deo card, or g raphics card. Power port Connect th e power co rd for yo ur monitor to the power p ort on the back of the m onitor. Tilt/Swive l Base You can s eparate the b ase from the monito r.
1. Connec t the pow er cord for yo ur monitor to the power p ort on the back of th e monit or. Plug the p ower cord f or the monito r into a nearby outle t. 2-1. Co nnecting to a comp uter Connec t the signa l cable to the 15-p in, D-sub connector o n the ba ck of your m onitor.
Tilt/ Swivel Base With the buil t-in ped estal, you can tilt and/or swivel the moni tor for the most comfo rtable view in g an g le. The b ase is det achable . Attach in g and Removin g the Base If y our monitor was su pp lied with the b ase detac hed, attac h the base as fo llows.
Attachin g the Base 1. Place the monito r upside-down o n a flat work surface. 2. Align the tabs on the base w ith the cor respondi ng slots o n the bot tom of the m onitor. 3. Press the base onto t he moni tor until the tabs are ful ly enga ged in the s lots.
4. C li ck t he "Install" button i n the "Warni ng" win do w. 5. Monitor driver insta llation is compl eted. Windows XP/2000 1. Insert CD int o the CD-ROM drive. 2. C lick "Windows XP/2000 D river" 3. Choos e your moni tor model i n the mo del list, th en cli ck the "OK" button.
Window s XP | W indows 2 000 | W indows M e | W indows N T | Linux When pro mpted by the ope rating syste m for the mo nitor driver , insert the CD -ROM included w ith this monitor. Driv er installati o n is slightly dif ferent from o ne operating system to a nother.
6. S elect " Don't search ,I will.. " then c lick " Next " an d then c lick " Ha ve disk ". 7. C li ck t he " Brows e " button then choos e A:(D:Driver) a nd choo se your monitor mo del in the model l ist and click the " Next " bu tton.
10. Monitor driver in stallation is compl eted. Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Op erating System When you c an see "Di gital Signature Not Fou nd" on yo ur monitor, follo w these steps . 1. Choos e " OK " button on the " I nsert disk " w indow.
Microsoft ® Windows ® NT Op erating System 1. C lick Start , Settings , Control Panel , and the n double-c lick Display ico n. 2. In Dis play Reg istratio n Informatio n window , click Se ttings Tab a nd then click All Display Modes .
monitor the same as the printed or scanned images . For more i nformation, refer to Help (F1 ) in the softwa re program. How to install the Natural Color software Insert the CD included wi th the Samsu ng monitor i nto the CD-ROM Drive. Then, th e initial screen o f the program Natural Col or will be executed.
The Hi ghlight Zone ensures clear ima ges on TV s, video c onferencin g syst ems or p hotos by emphas izing a ce rtain area on the scre en. Use this button to Exit the ac tive me nu or the OSD. Use th is button to exit or conrtol the MagicBri ght. These bu ttons al low you to hi ghligh t and adjus t items in the menu .
Menu Descripti on When OSD is not on the sc reen, push th e button to adjust b rightnes s. Contrast Menu Descripti on When OSD i s not on the screen , push the bu tton to adju st Contras t.
Menu Descripti on MagicBright2™ T hen push th e MagicB right2™ butto n again to circle t hrough avail able preconfi gured mo des. High light III Menu Descripti on Highlight III The Hi ghlight Zone ensures the clear and sha rp displ ay of an imated multim edia or p hoto image s by enhanc ing the brightne ss of a ce rtain area on the scre en.
Menu Descripti on Play/Sto p You can u se the o n-screen m enus to c hange th e brightness accordi ng to person al prefere nce. Direct A ccess Featur e : Whe n OSD is not on th e screen, push the button t o adjust bri ghtness . You can u se the o n-screen m enus to c hange th e contrast accordi ng to person al prefere nce.
Menu Descripti on Play/Sto p Color t emperatur e is a mea sure of t he 'warmth' of the imag e colors. (6500K / 9300K) Use to adjust the monitor color setti ng.(Red) Use to adj ust the monitor col or setting.(G reen) Use to adjust the monitor color setti ng.
Menu Descripti on Play/Sto p Follow these ins truction s to change the hori zontal pos ition of the moni tor's entire displ ay. Follow these ins truction s to change the vet ical po sition of the monitor' s entire di splay . Follow these ins truction s to change the hori zontal siz e of the monitor' s entire di splay .
Menu Descripti on Play/Sto p Use to turn the Highl ight Zone fea tures on or o ff. Note: W hen "OFF" is sel ected, the us er cannot c hoose any other Highlight Zon e feature s. This fun ction i s to move the Highli ght Zone horizontal ly. This fun ction i s to move the Highli ght Zone verticall y.
You can s ee the f requency (us er control m ode) used b y the user, the pola rity of the op erationa l signals , the defaul t frequen cy (default mode) s et when you b uy the m onitor and t he resol ution level . Note : These scre ens do not allow any chang es to the settings, they are for informati on only.
Overvi ew | Installation | OSD M ode | Un in stal l | Tro ubl esho oti ng Overview What is MagicTune™? Moni tor perf or mance can var y du e to the g raph ics card, host comput e r lighting cond it ions a nd other environmental f actors. In o rder to get the best ima ge on a m onitor requires you to adjust it for your unique setting.
Over view | Installation | OSD M od e | Un ins tal l | Troubl es hoot ing Installation 1. Insert the installation CD into the CD-R OM drive. 2. Click the MagicTune™ installa tion file. 3. Select installation Language, Click "Next". 4. When the InstallationShield Wi zard window appears, click " Next.
6. Choose a folder to install the MagicTune program. 7. Click "Install." 8. The "In sta l l a tio n St at us " w indow appe a rs..
9. Click "Finish." 10. When the installation is complete, the Ma gicTune executable icon appears o n your desktop. Double-click the icon to start the program. Insta llation P roblems The installation of MagicTune™ can be affected by such factors as the video card, motherboard and the network envir on men t .
OS z Wind ows™ 98 S E z Window s™ Me z Windows ™ 2 000 z Windows™ XP Home E dition z Windows™ XP Professional Har dwa re z 32MB Memory abov e z 25MB Hard disk space above * F or m ore inf orm ati on, v isi t t he Magi cTu ne website . It is r ecommended using MagicTune in Windows™ 2 000 or la ter.
Over view | I nstallation | OSD Mode | Un inst all | Troubl es hoot ing OSD Mode The OSD mode makes the adjustment of settings on all monitors easy. When selected , each tab on top of the control window displa y s the ge neral desc ript ions o f the sub-men u i tems for adjustment.
Allows the user to a djust the screen se ttings to the desired values. Color Tab Defin i ti on Adjust s the "warm th " of the moni t or back g ro un d or im ag e color. Brightness Contrast MagicBr ight n m l k j i n m l k j n m l k j Brightness Makes the entire screen brighter or darker.
Image Tab Definition Adjusts the Position, Size and Rotation values. Color Tone Color Cont rol n m l k j i n m l k j Color Tone The tone of the color ca n be changed. z 5000K - 6500K - 9300K z Rese t Color C ontro l Adjus ts of the mo nit or ima ge col or.
Option Tab Defini ti on You can con fig ure MagicTun e using the f oll ow i ng op tions. Geo me try 1 Rotation Size Position Geo me try 2 Pi ncus hion Pi nba lan ce Tra pezo id Pa ralle log ram Other .
Support Tab Defi ni tio n Shows the Asset ID and the version number of the program, and allows you to use the Help feature. Prefer ences Loads the Preferences Dia log Box. Preferences in u se will have an "V" in the check box. To turn on or off a ny Pref erence , posit ion th e curso r ove r the bo x and click.
User ID Show s the user ID that is regis te r in PC. Serve r I P Writ e down t he ser ver IP . Departm ent Write down the department. Locatio n Write down t he location.
Over view | Installat ion | OSD Mod e | Uni nsta ll | Troub le shoo ting Unin s tal l The Mag i c T une progr am c a n be remov e d only b y usi n g the "Ad d or R em ove Pr ogram s" opti on of the Window s™ Contro l Pa nel. Per form th e fol lowin g ste ps r emove M agicT une.
Over view | I nstallation | OSD M ode | Un in stal l | Troub lesho oting Troubleshooting The current com p uting syst e m is not comp at ib le with Ma gi cTu ne. Please press OK and clic k on t he " Shortcut to t he M ag icTune sit e" to vie w our home pa ge for furth er reference.
Visit the video ca rd ma ker's hom epage and down load and install t he lat est driver . For more inform ation about the v ideo c ard, conta ct the card m anufacture r. To ensure no r m al op er at i on, please restart your syst em . An error occurs wh en th e syst em is not res tart ed after install in g MagicTun e.
z Visit the MagicTune website for te chnical support fo r MagicTune, FAQ s (questions and a nswers) and software upgrades. z Visit the MagicTune website and download the in stallation software for MagicTune MAC. the graphic card, visit our website to check the compatible graphic card list pr ovided.
Autom a tic d etect Manual detect Exit Program Au to Dete ct Picture Setting Full Screen Highlight Off Other Features The H ighligh t Zone ensur es th e clear and sh arp d ispla y of animat ed mu ltimedi a or pho to ima ges by enhanc ing the br ightne ss of a cert ain are a on th e scr een.
Autom a tic d etect Manual detect Exit Program Au to Dete ct Picture Setting Full Screen Highlight Off Other Features Automa tic d etect 1. When the H ighlig ht prog ram is runnin g, the monit or autom atic ally det ects the video -playing portio n of yo ur mul timed ia progra m and activa tes the Highlight Zone fe ature.
Autom a tic d etect Manual detect Exit Program Au to Dete ct Picture Setting Full Screen Highlight Off Other Features Manual de te ct In Manua l Detect mo de, yo u can eith er select a windo w or use t he Dra g function to cre ate a High light Zon e. 1.
Autom a tic d etect Manual detect Exit Program Au to Dete ct Picture Setting Full Screen Highlight Off Other Features Exit P ro g ra m 1. Exits th e Hi g hli g ht pro g ram.
Autom a tic d etect Manual detect Exit Program Au to Dete ct Picture Setting Full Screen Highlight Off Other Features Auto Detect 1. Allow s user to disable Auto De tect wh en ne cessary. Once select ed, th is function s aves the s election and k eeps it in t he me mory reg ardless o f exiting or resta rting the program .
Autom a tic d etect Manual detect Exit Program Au to Dete ct Picture Setting Full Screen Highlight Off Other Features Pictur e Sett ing 1. Ca n be se lec t ed on ly wh en the Highl ight Zon e fun ctio n is o n. Whe n sele cted , a me nu win dow ap pear s whi ch ca n be us ed to a dju st Contrast and S harpn ess w ithi n the H ighl ight Zone.
Autom a tic d etect Manual detect Exit Program Au to Dete ct Picture Setting Full Screen Highlight Off Other Features Full Scre en 1. Fu ll Scre en: Plac e the c ursor on th e Hi g hli g ht icon ( ) on the W indow s taskbar and ri g ht click y our mo use on ce.
Autom a tic d etect Manual detect Exit Program Au to Dete ct Picture Setting Full Screen Highlight Off Other Features Highli ght O ff 1. Ca ncel s the s elec tion of a Hi g hli g ht Zone and r evert s to t he or i g inal scree n.
Autom a tic d etect Manual detect Exit Program Au to Dete ct Picture Setting Full Screen Highlight Off Other Features Othe r Feature s The Hig hlight Zone functio n remem bers the variab les of t he select ed areas in Automatic and Man ual Det ect mode s, respect ively.
Before cal ling fo r service, c heck the informati on in this sectio n to see if y ou can remedy any probl ems yours elf. If you d o need a ssistanc e, please c all t he phone num ber on t he Informati on section or conta ct your dea ler . Symptom Check List Solutions No im ages on the screen.
magneti c products such as a power adapter, s peaker or a high vo ltage wire near by? anythin g that c an create a s trong magneti c field. Is the v oltage stab le? The scre en image c an appe ar to shake o r vibrate at a par ticular tim e of da y due to low supply voltag e.
found". DDC) function can be supporte d. Check when MagicT une does not function properly . MagicT une featu re is found onl y on PC (VGA) wit h Window OS that s upports Plug and Play .
Questio n Answer How can I chang e the frequ ency? F requency c an be chang ed by re configu ring the video card . Note th at video c ard support c an vary, de pending on t he version of the dri ver use d. (Refer to the compute r or the vide o card manual for detai ls.
Don¡¯t know wheth er the Highl ight program is runni ng. Check the ic on on the tas kbar. ( ) ind icates the functio n is activ ated and ( ) shows it has bee n deactiv ated. When a H ighlig ht Zone is on, the re st of the sc reen di ms. Monitors with the Highlight Zon e feature are equipped with an Automatic Beam Control functio n.
Environm ent The locatio n and the p osition of the monitor ma y influence the quality and other features of the monitor . 1. I f there are any sub woo fer speakers near the monitor, un plug an d relocate th e woofer to anothe r room.
General General Model Name SyncMaster 795MB+ Picture Tub e Type 17"(43cm) DynaFlat (40. 6cm vie wable) Deflection an gl e 90 ° Dot Pitch 0.20mm (Horizontal) Screen type Aluminized tri-color phosph or dot trio with black matrix. Anti-doming invar shadow mask.
90 ~ 264VAC rms, 60/50 Hz ± 3 Hz Power Consumptio n Less than 75W Dimensions (WxDxH ) 402 x 412 x 402 mm / 15.8 x 16.2 x 15.8 inch (After install ation of Stand) Weight 14.
VESA, 1024 x 768 68.6 77 84.997 94. 500 +/+ VESA, 1280 x 1024 79.976 75.025 135.00 +/+ Horizontal Frequency The time to sca n one lin e connecting the right edge to the left edge of the screen ho rizontally is c alled Horizontal Cycle and the inverse number of the Horizontal Cycle is ca lled Horizontal Frequ ency.
Contact SAMSUNG WORLD WIDE If you have any questions or comments relating to Samsung produ cts, please contact the SAMSUNG customer care cent er. North Amer ic a CANADA 1-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) MEXIC O 01-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) http: //www.
CZECH REPUBLIC 844 000 844 DENMARK 38 322 887 FINLAND 09 693 79 55 4 FRANCE 08 25 08 65 65 (€ 0,15/mi n) GERMANY 01805 - 121213 ( € 0,12/Min) http://www.
Terms Dot Pitch The image on a monitor is compose d of re d, gre en and blue dots. The clo s er th e dots, the higher the resolu ti on . The distance between two do ts of the same col or is called the 'Dot Pitch'.
photocatalyst TiO2 and Nano Silver. Authority Information in thi s document is subject to change without notice. © 2005 Samsung Electr onics Co., Ltd. All rights reserve d. Reproduction in any manner wh atsoe ver without the writte n pe rmission of Samsung Electronics Co.
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & E lectronic Equipment) - Europe only (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection s ystems) This mar.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Samsung 795MB+ c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Samsung 795MB+ - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Samsung 795MB+, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Samsung 795MB+ va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Samsung 795MB+, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Samsung 795MB+.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Samsung 795MB+. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Samsung 795MB+ ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.