Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 255 du fabricant Ricoh
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Operating I nstructions Copy Reference For safe and correct use o f this machine, please be sure to read the Safety Informat ion be- fore you use it. Basics Copying Docu ment Server Conn ect Copy (O p.
Introduction This manu al describes detail ed instruc tions on the operation an d notes abou t the use of thi s machin e. To get m aximum versat ility fro m this ma chine a ll opera tors ar e reques ted to re ad this manual carefully and follo w the in struction s.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS Saf ety I nfor mat ion ...... ..... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... .... ....... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... .... 1 Safety During Oper atio n ...... ...... .......... ...... ...... ...... ....... .........
ii 2. Copying Basic Proc edure......... ..... ........ ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ .... 31 Set ting O rigi nal s ....... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... .....
iii Dupl ex .. ....... .... ..... .... .... ....... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ... 110 1 Si ded → 2 Sided ........ ...... ...... ....... ...... ......... ...... ....... ...... .......
iv 3. Docume nt Server Over view ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... .... ..... ....... 2 11 Docum ent Serv er Featur es . ...... .......... ...... ...... ...... ....... .....
v D D D D Changing the Toner Bottle ....... ........... ......... ........... ........... ......... ........... ...... 268 x x x x Clearing Misfeeds ........ ........... ......... ........... ......... ........... ......... ........... ......... . 270 Changing the Pape r Size .
vi 8. Specifications Mai nfra me ... .... ....... .... ..... .... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... ....... 319 Document Feeder......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ..
1 Safety Information When using this machine, the following safety precautions should always be fol- lowed. Safety D uring Oper ation In this manual, the following i mportant symbols are used: R WARNI.
2 R CAUTION: • Protect the machine from d ampness or wet w eather, such as rai n and snow. • Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before you move the mach ine. While moving the machine , you should take care that the power cord wil l not be damaged unde r the machine.
3 Positions of Labels and Hallmarks for R R R R WARNING and R R R R CAUTION This mach ine has la bels and hall marks for R WARNING, R CA UTION at the positions shown below. For safety, please follow the i nstructions and ha ndle the machine as indicated.
4 How to Read this Manual Symbols In this manual, the following sy mbols are used: R WARNING: This symb ol indicates a potenti ally hazar dous situation tha t might resu lt in death or serious injury when you misuse the machi ne without following the in- structions under this symbol.
5 Notice • B4 JIS KL , B5 JIS KL , B6 JIS L are referred as B4 KL , B5 KL , B6 L in this manu al. • The image of the display panel may be different depending on the installed opt ion.
6 What You Can Do with This Machine (Copy Mode).
8 Guide To Components 1. Document Feeder (ADF) The document feeder aut omatically fe eds a stack of ori ginals one by o ne. 2. Exposu re glass Plac e or igina ls h ere face down for c opy- ing.
9 1. ADF tray When copy ing two-sided originals, the original s are deliver ed here. Note ❒ Even when copying one-sided orig i- nals, you can sel ect the ADF t ray. 2. ADF external tray When co pying o ne-sided o riginal s, the original s are deliver ed here.
10 1. Ventilation hole Prevents over heating. Do not obstru ct the ventil ation hole by placi ng or leani ng an object near it. If the mac hine over- heats, a fault might occur. Output T ray Guide When copying onto OHP transparencies and translucent paper, raise the guide.
11 Options 1. 50-Sheet Finis her Sorts, stacks, and staples copies. You can also punch copi es. (The Punch functio n is optional .) • A: Finisher pr oof tray • B: Finisher shift tray 2. Output tray (Can b e installed when the finisher is not installed.
12 Control Panel 1. Screen Co ntrast kn ob Adjusts the brightne ss of the display pan- el. 2. Indicators Show errors and machine status. B : Data In i ndicator L : Service Call indi cator x : Misf eed i ndic ator. See ⇒ p. 270 “ x Clearing Misfeeds ” M : Open Cover indicat or d : Add Staple indicat or.
13 9. On ind icator This indicator goes on when the opera- tion switch is t urned on, and goes off when the switch i s turned off. 10. Main power indicator This indicato r goes on w hen the main power switch is turned on, and goes off when the switch i s turned off.
14 Display Panel The display panel shows the status of the machine, error messages and function menus. Important ❒ Do not apply a strong shock or force of about 30 N (about 3 kgf) or more to the displ ay panel. Otherwise, the d isplay might be damaged.
15 8. Displays the conten ts of the Shortcut keys. You can register fre - quently used functions in th ese keys. See “ Shortcu t Keys ” in ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ p.296 “ General Featu res 3 / 3 ” . 9. Shows the available functions. Press a function name to display its menu.
16 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Document Server ini tial display 1. Operational stat us and mess ages. 2. Display titles. 3. The number of originals scanned into memory, number of copies set, and number of c opies made.
17 Function List Based on Options The func tions that are availa ble to you depend on your mac hine configuratio n and which op tions you have. See the table below.
18 Combine 1 Sided 2 pages → 1 Side ❍❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 1 Sided 4 pages → 1 Side ❍❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 1 Sided 8 pages → 1 Side ❍❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 1 Sided 4 pages → 2 Side ❍❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 1 Sid.
19 *1 You can u se this functi on when “ Rotate S ort ” is selected in “ Select St ack or Rota te sort ” of the User Tool s. *2 You can set only cover sheets and slip sheets. *3 The program store d in the master unit is recalled . However, functions not availab le in Connect Copy mode or in the sub -unit are canc eled.
21 1. Basics Turning On the Power To turn th e machine on, p ress the operation switch. Note ❒ This ma chine auto matically enters Energy S aver mode or turns itself o ff if you do not use the machine for a while. See “ Auto Off ” in ⇒ p.31 “ Basic Pr oce- dure ” and “ Auto Off Time r ” in the System Settings manual.
Basics 22 1 Star ting th e Ma chin e A A A A Press the operation switch to make the On in dicator go on. The display panel will come on. Note ❒ If the power is not turned on when the operation switch is pressed, check if the main power switch is on.
Originals 23 1 Originals Sizes and Weights of Recommended Origi nals ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Metric vers ion *1 Excep t B6 L *2 A5 K , B6 KL , 52 – 128 g /m 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version *1 5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 " K , 14 – 34 lb. Bond Note ❒ The number of originals that can be set in the document feeder is about 100.
Basics 24 1 • Pasted originals • Originals with any kind of coating, such as the rmal fax paper, art pa per, alu- minum f oil, carbo n pape r, or conduc tive pa per • Originals with perforated l.
Originals 25 1 Sizes di fficu lt to det ect It is difficult for the machine to detect the sizes of the following originals, so se- lect the paper size manually.
Basics 26 1 Copy Paper Recommended Pap er Sizes and Types Th e fo llo win g l im itat i ons ap ply t o ea ch tr ay: Metr ic versi on Inc h ver sion Pape r weight Paper capacity Tray 1 *1 A4 K , 8 1 / 2 " × 11" K 52 – 128 g/m 2 , 14 – 34 lb .
Copy Paper 27 1 *1 The paper tray fe nce is fixed. If you wish to change the size of paper set in this tray, contact your service re presentative. *2 If you wish to co py onto non-standard size paper, set the pape r in the bypas s tray and specify t he size.
Basics 28 1 Important ❒ If you use damp or curled paper, a misfe ed might occur. In this case, try turn- ing over the paper stack in the paper tray. If there is no improvement, change to co py paper w ith less cu rl. Note ❒ When y ou use the bypas s tray, be sure to set the co py paper direction t o L .
Copy Paper 29 1 Note ❒ Do not use the following kinds of paper or a misfeed mi ght occur. • Bent, folded, or creased pap er • Torn paper • Slippe ry paper • Perforated pape r • Rough paper.
Basics 30 1 Toner Handling Ton er R WARNING: R CAUTION: R CAUTION: Important ❒ If you use tone r other than the recommended typ e, a fault might occur. Toner Stora ge When storing toner, the following precautions shoul d always be followed: • Store to ner container s in a cool, dr y place free from di rect sunlight .
31 2. Copying Basic Procedur e A A A A Make sure that the machine is in Copy mode. If the machine is not in Copy mode, press the { { { { Copy/New Job } } } } key. B B B B When the machine is set for the user code, enter the user code with the number keys an d then press the { { { { # } } } } key.
Cop ying 32 2 Note ❒ The maximum copy quantity can be set between 1 and 999 (default: 999 ). See “ Maxi mum Cop y Quan tity ” in ⇒ p.295 “ General Features 2 / 3 ” . ❒ To change the number entered, press the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key and enter the new number .
Setting Originals 33 2 Setting Originals Limita tion ❒ Set originals after correction f luid and ink has completely dried. Not taking this precau tion could mark the exposure glass and cause marks to be copied. Note ❒ Basically originals sh ould be aligned to the rear left corner.
Cop ying 34 2 Setting Origi nals on the Exposure Glass A A A A Lift the document feeder. Important ❒ Do not open the d ocument feeder wi th a force. Otherwi s e, the cover of the document feeder m ight o pen or b e damaged. Note ❒ Be sure to open the document feeder by more than 30 ° .
Setting Originals 35 2 Setting Origi nals in the Document Feeder Note ❒ The last page should be on the bottom. ❒ Do not stack originals beyond the limit mark on the side fence of the docu- ment feeder. ❒ When copying thin originals (40 – 52 g/m 2 , 11 – 14 lb.
Cop ying 36 2 Original Orient ation You can set the ori ginal orientation separately in the following ways. This function is usef ul for copying torn originals or large originals. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Standard Orient ation Select this function when the original direction is the same as the copy paper dire ction.
Setting Originals 37 2 For example, if you want to copy A3 K or 11" × 17" K originals with f or the Sta ple fu nction conf igur ed as show n be low : Note ❒ It is recomm ended to use this fu nction tog ether with the Auto Pap er Select or Pr eset Red uce/ Enla rge fu nction .
Cop ying 38 2 Setting Special Origina ls Use this function when you w ant to us e Batch (SADF), Mix ed Sizes, Thin mo de, or when you select the original orie ntation. Batch (SADF) mode Up to 100 standard originals can be set in the document feeder at a time.
Setting Originals 39 2 E E E E After all the previously set originals are fed, set the next originals while the Auto Feed indicator is on. The second and subsequent originals can be fed auto maticall y without press- ing the { { { { Start } } } } key.
Cop ying 40 2 A A A A Press the [ Specia l Original ] key. B B B B Press the [ Mi xed Sizes ] key. C C C C Press the [ OK ] key. D D D D Align the rear and left edges of the orig inals as shown in the illustration.
Setting Originals 41 2 Thin mode Use Thin mode if the scanned image is distorted at the edges when copying thin (52 g/m 2 , 14 lb. Bond or lighter) originals. Important ❒ Set to Thin mode when you place thin p aper into the document feeder, other- wise your originals mi ght be damaged .
Cop ying 42 2 Basic Functions The following basic functions are explained in this section. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Adjusting Copy Image Density Auto and Ma nual Image Density ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Selecting O rigin.
Basic Functions 43 2 Note ❒ In Conn ect Copy mode, ma ke adjust ments to co py image density o n the m as- ter uni t. • The image density level set on the master unit will be used by both units.
Cop ying 44 2 Combine d Auto an d Manu al Imag e Density A Make sure that the [ Auto Image Density ] key is selected. B Press the [ Lighter ] or [ Darker ] key to adjust the density. Note ❒ If yo u do not wish t o set any other func tion s, press the { { { { Start } } } } key to start co pying .
Basic Functions 45 2 A A A A Press the appropriate k ey to select the original type. Note ❒ If “ Yes ” has been sel ected in “ Original Mode Displ ay ” of the User Tools, press the [ Original Mo de ] key to select the o riginal type, then pr ess the [ OK ] key.
Cop ying 46 2 Selectin g Copy Paper There are two ways to select c opy paper: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Auto Pape r Select The machine sel ects a suitable s ize of copy paper automatically based on the original size and the re production ratio. ⇒ p.48 “ Rotated c opy ” .
Basic Functions 47 2 ❒ For some originals, the o riginal size might not be detected correctly. See ⇒ p.25 “ Sizes difficu lt to dete ct ” . ❒ W h e n y o u s e t s p e c i a l p a p e r , s u c h a s r e c y c l e d p a p e r , i n t h e p a p e r t r a y , y o u c a n have the kind of p aper shown on the d isplay.
Cop ying 48 2 Manual Paper Select A Select the paper tray, bypass tray or large capa city tray (LCT). Note ❒ If yo u do not wish t o set any other func tion s, press the { { { { Start } } } } key to start co pying .
Basic Functions 49 2 ❒ You cannot us e the Rotated Copy function when enlarging onto 8 1 / 2 " × 14" or 11" × 17" size paper. In this case, set your original in the landscape direction.
Cop ying 50 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Metr ic version *1 You can select fro m 8 1 / 2 " × 13", 8 1 / 4 " × 1 3" an d 8" × 13" with the User Too ls (Sys- tem Settings). See “ <F/F4 >Size Sett ing ” in the Syst em Settings manual .
Basic Functions 51 2 Copying onto Ta b Sto ck You cann ot use this function when the optional finisher is insta lled. The options which are req uired to use this functio n are as follows: • Output tray • Tab sheet tray 1. Tab sheet t ray To make copies onto tab stock, you need to specify the paper type.
Cop ying 52 2 Check th e position of the ind ex tab to avoid cropping the image. S ee “ Tray 2: Speci al Paper Indi catio n ” in the System Settings man ual. Limita tion ❒ Use originals which c ontain only text. ❒ The image area of one original should be 6% or less of the whole area of the ori gina l.
Basic Functions 53 2 ❒ Use the originals which d o not have an y images on the top or bottom part of the index tab. If the images are on the top or bott om part of the in dex, the im- ages are not copied on the paper, and the machine will b e damaged.
Cop ying 54 2 D D D D Place the tab stock in the K K K K direction as shown b elow. E E E E Select the paper tray (Tray 2). F F F F Place your originals as follows: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Exposure glass ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Docume nt feeder G G G G Press the { { { { Start } } } } key.
Sort/Stack/Staple 55 2 Sort/Stack/Staple The machin e can scan your ori ginals into mem ory and autom atically sor t the copies. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Sort • Sort • Rotate Sort ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Stack (op.
Cop ying 56 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version *1 If you cop y when paper remains on t he tray, the capacity mi ght be red uced. Sort Copies can be assembled as se ts in sequential order. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Sort Copies can be ass embled as sets in s equential order.
Sort/Stack/Staple 57 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch vers ion ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Rotate Sort Every other copy set is rotated by 90 ° KL and delivere d to the copy tray. Note ❒ W he n t h e o p ti on al fi ni s he r i s i n s ta l l e d, y ou ca n s wi t c h t o o r f r o m t h e R o - tate Sort functio n with the User Tools .
Cop ying 58 2 A A A A Press the [ Sort ] or [ Rotate S ort ] key. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the f inisher is not inst alled ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the fini sher is inst all ed Note ❒ When the optional finisher is installed, us e the User Tools to display [ Rotate Sort ] .
Sort/Stack/Staple 59 2 When setti ng an ori ginal on the exposure glass or in the documen t feeder using Ba tch (SAD F) mode Reference ⇒ p.38 “ Batch (SADF) mode ” . A Set the original, then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ Start with the first page to be cop ied.
Cop ying 60 2 A A A A Press the [ Stack ] key. B B B B Enter the number of copies with the number keys. Note ❒ To change the entered nu mber, press the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key. C C C C Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key.
Sort/Stack/Staple 61 2 Staple The optiona l finisher is req uired to use this functio n. Each copy s et can b e stap led to gethe r. Limita tion ❒ You cannot use t he following pap er in this func t.
Cop ying 62 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version *1 Depending on the number of sheets to be stapled and whet her sheets have pun ched hol es or not, the ma xi mum tr ay c apac ity migh t be re duce d. *2 If you cop y when the pap er remains o n the tray, the capacity might b e reduced.
Sort/Stack/Staple 63 2 *1 Original images ar e not rotated. When selecting these stapling positions, set the orig- inals in the same di rection as co py pape r is set. *2 This positi on is avail able if “ 90 º Turn ” is selected with t he origina l orientat ion.
Cop ying 64 2 ❒ The maximum original image size that can be rotated is as follows: ❒ You cann ot use the Rotated Co py func tion when “ Top Slant ” or “ Left 2 ” is se- lected.
Sort/Stack/Staple 65 2 When setti ng an ori ginal on the exposure glass or in the documen t feeder using Ba tch (SAD F) mode Reference ⇒ p.38 “ Batch (SADF) mode ” . A Set the original, then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ Start with the first page to be copied.
Cop ying 66 2 When Memory Reaches 0% Scanning will be stopped if the size of scanned image data exceeds memory ca- pacity . Note ❒ There is enough memory to store approx imate 200 to 1,000 originals of A4, 8 1 / 2 " × 11" size.
Punch 67 2 Punch The optiona l finisher and punch kit ar e requir ed to use this function . This functi on is used to mak e punch holes in copies. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 holes ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 3 holes ❖ �.
Cop ying 68 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Punch hole positions Directi on in which O riginal I s Set Punch Hole Pos itions Exposure glass Document feeder Stand ard 2 holes K L 3 holes K L 4 holes K L 90 º Turn 2.
Punch 69 2 ❒ Punchable pap er sizes are as follows : ❒ Since punch holes are made in each c opy, the punch hole positio ns vary slightly. ❒ The punch hole p ositions c hange according to the di rection of the paper se- lected. Reference If the punch waste box fills up, see ⇒ p.
Cop ying 70 2 Copying from the Bypass Tray Use the bypass tray to copy on to OHP transparencies, adh esive labels, translu- cent paper, post cards, and co py pape r that canno t be set in the pa per tr ay.
Copying from the Bypass Tray 71 2 A A A A Open the bypass tray. B B B B Adjust the guides to copy p aper size. Important ❒ If the guides are not flus h with the copy paper, a skew image or pa per mis- feeds might occur. C C C C Lightly insert the copy pape r face up until the beeper sounds.
Cop ying 72 2 When cop ying ont o non-standar d siz e paper Important ❒ You shoul d specify th e size of copy paper to avoid paper misfeed s. A Press the { { { { # } } } } key. B Press the [ Non Standard ] ke y. C Press the [ Vert inch ] key and enter the vertical size of the paper with the number keys , then p ress the [ # ] key.
Copying from the Bypass Tray 73 2 F Press the [ OK ] key. D D D D Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. E E E E When your copy job is finished , press the { { { { Clear Modes/Ener gy Saver } } } } key to clear the settings.
Cop ying 74 2 E E E E Press the [ OK ] key. F F F F Set your originals and press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Important ❒ When copying onto OHP transparenc ies, remove copied sheets one by one. G G G G When your copy job is finished , press the { { { { Clear Modes/Ener gy Saver } } } } key to clear the settings.
Programs 75 2 Progra ms You can store frequ ently used copy job settings in machi ne memory, and recall them for future us e. Limita tion ❒ You cannot store t he setting s whether th e Connect Co py funct ion will be se- lected automatically in a program.
Cop ying 76 2 Storing a Pro gram A A A A Edit the copy settings so that all functions you w ant to store in this progr am are selected. B B B B Press the { { { { Program } } } } key. C C C C Press the [ Store ] key. D D D D Press the program number you want to store.
Programs 77 2 F F F F Press the [ OK ] key. When the settings are success fully stored, the m m m m indicator goes on. Changing a Stor ed Program A A A A Press the stored program number key and make sure the settings. Note ❒ When you want to check the contents of the program, recall the program.
Cop ying 78 2 Deleting a Program A A A A Press the { { { { Program } } } } key. B B B B Press the [ De lete ] key. C C C C Press the program number you want to delete. D D D D Press the [ De lete ] key. Note ❒ To canc el the deletion, press th e [ Don't delete ] key.
Programs 79 2 Recallin g a Program A A A A Press the { { { { Program } } } } key. B B B B Press the [ Re call ] key. C C C C Press the program number you want to recall. The stored s ettings are displayed. Note ❒ Onl y progr ams wit h m contain a program.
Cop ying 80 2 Job Preset If a long copy jo b is in progress and you do not wish to wait for it to finish, you can use th is function to set up the next co py job in advanc e. When the c urrent copy job is finish ed, your copy job will be starte d automatically.
Job Preset 81 2 Note ❒ The receipt number (pres et number) of the preset job is displayed on the upper right of the display pa nel. ❒ To cancel this job, pres s the [ Canc el ] key. C C C C Set the originals in the document feeder and press the { { { { Start } } } } key.
Cop ying 82 2 Editing Job Prese t A A A A Press the { { { { Job List } } } } key. Note ❒ You can confir m the preset nu mber, time to end, nu mber of originals, number of cop y sets, and funct ions you u se in the job st atus list. B B B B Press the preset job you want to change.
Job Preset 83 2 F F F F Press the [ Yes ] key. Note ❒ To cancel the chan ges, press the [ No ] ke y. G G G G If you want to change the settings for o ther preset jobs, repeat steps B B B B to F F F F . H H H H Press the [ Re turn to menu in printing ] key.
Cop ying 84 2 B B B B Press the preset job you want to delete, then press the [ Delete preset jobs ] key. Note ❒ If you delete the preset job in th e Check modes display, press the [ Cancel ] key in the Check m odes display.
Other Functions 85 2 Other Functions Energy Saver Mode If you do not operate the machine for a certain period after copying, or when you press a nd hold the { { { { Clear Modes /Energy Save r } } } } key for more than one second, the display disappear s and the machine enters Energy Saver mode.
Cop ying 86 2 Interru pt Copy Use this function if you wish to interrupt a long copy job to make urgently need- ed copies. Note ❒ The proce dure for maki ng interrupt copies depends on which kin d of op era- tion the machine is currently carr y ing out.
Other Functions 87 2 To interrupt copying af ter all originals have been fed A A A A Press the { { { { Interrupt } } } } key. The Interrupt indicator goes on. Note ❒ Copying will not stop y et. B B B B Set your origin al. C C C C Press the { { { { Start } } } } key.
Cop ying 88 2 Reference For how to set up the u ser codes, see “ Set U ser Cod es ” in the System Settings manu al. For how to register, change and delete th e user codes, see “ User Code Regis- ter/Change/Delete ” in ⇒ p.311 “ Count Manager ” .
Other Functions 89 2 Sample Copy Use this function to chec k copy sett ings befo re making a lo ng copy ru n. Limita tion ❒ This function can be used only when the Sort fun ction has been turned on. Note ❒ This function is only available on the master unit i n Connect Copy mode.
Cop ying 90 2 Changin g the Number of S ets You can ch ange the n umber of copy se ts during copying . Limita tion ❒ This function can be used only when the Sort fun ction has been turned on. A A A A Press the { { { { Clear/ Stop } } } } key when “ Copying ” is displayed.
Other Functions 91 2 D D D D Press the [ Re sume ] key..
Cop ying 92 2 Preset Reduce/Enlarge You can sel ect a preset rati o for copying. Note ❒ You can select one of 11 preset ratios (5 enlargement ratios, 6 reduction ra- tios ). ❒ Use “ Shrink&Center ” to reduce the image to 93% o f its original size with the center as re ference.
Preset Reduce/Enlarge 93 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version A A A A Press the [ Re duce/Enlarge ] key. Note ❒ To select a preset ratio on the initial display, directly press the shortcut re- duce/ enlar ge ke y and g o to s tep E .
Cop ying 94 2 B B B B Press the [ Enlarge ] or [ Reduce ] key. C C C C Select a ratio. D D D D Press the [ OK ] key. E E E E Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Shrink&Center mode Use “ Shrink&Cen ter ” to reduce the im age by 9 3% of its ori ginal size wit h the center p osition as reference.
Zoom 95 2 Zoom You can change th e reproduction ratio in 1% steps. Note ❒ The following ratios can be s elected: • Metric version: 25 – 400% • Inch version: 25 – 400% ❒ You can select a ratio regardless of the size of an original or copy paper.
Cop ying 96 2 B B B B Enter the ratio. To select t he ratio w ith the [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] keys A Select a preset ratio which is close to the desired ratio by using [ Reduce ] or [ Enla rge ] . B Adjust the ratios with the [ n n n n ] or [ o o o o ] key.
Size Magnification 97 2 Size Magnification This function cal culates an enl argement or reduction ra tio ba sed upon the lengths of the original and copy. Preparation Measure and specif y the lengths of the original and copy by comparing “ A ” with “ a ” .
Cop ying 98 2 B B B B Press the [ Size Mag. ] key. C C C C Make sure that the [ Size Mag. ] key is hi ghlig hted. D D D D Enter the length of the original with the nu mber keys and p ress the [ # ] ke y.
Directional Magnification (%) 99 2 Directional Magnification (%) Copies can be reduce d or enlarged at different repr oduction ratios horizontall y and vertically.
Cop ying 100 2 B B B B Press the [ Size Mag. ] key. C C C C Press the [ D. Ma g.(%) ] key. To specify a r atio with t he [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] keys A Press the [ n n n no o o o Keys ] ke y. B Press the [ Horizontal ] key. C Adjust the ratio using the [ n n n n ] or [ o o o o ] key.
Directional Magnification (%) 101 2 To enter the ratio with the number keys A Press the [ Horizontal ] key. B Enter the desired ratio w ith the number keys, follow ed by the [ # ] key. Note ❒ To change the rati o entered, press the [ Clear ] or { { { { Clear/S top } } } } key and en- ter t he ne w ra tio .
Cop ying 102 2 Directional Size Magnification (inch) The suitable reproduction r atios will be automatically select ed when you enter the horizontal and ve rtical lengths of the original and cop y image you require.
Directional Size Magnification (inch) 103 2 A A A A Press the [ Re duce/Enlarge ] key. B B B B Press the [ Size Mag. ] key. C C C C Press the [ D. Size Mag.(inch) ] key. D D D D Enter the horizontal size of the original with the number keys, then press the [ # ] key.
Cop ying 104 2 G G G G Enter the vertical si ze of the copy with the number keys, t hen press the [ # ] key. Note ❒ To chan ge the length, press the plac e you wis h to change an d enter the ne w val ue. H H H H Press the [ OK ] key. I I I I Press the [ OK ] key.
Duplex/Combine 105 2 Duplex/Combine You can make copies in a variety of formats by combining the following modes: • 1 Sided/2 S ided ori ginals • 1 Sided/2 S ided c opies • Duplex • Combine • Book • Ser ies A A A A Check your originals and se lect [ 1 Sided ] or [ 2 Sided ] for the origin als.
Cop ying 106 2 B B B B Select [ 1 Sided ] or [ 2 Sided ] for c opying. 1: 1-sided 2: 2-sided A: Fr ont B: Back C C C C Press the [ OK ] key. 12 1 2 1 2 1234 5678 34 3 2 1 4 5 6 78 1 2 34 1 234 5678 9 .
Duplex/Combine 107 2 Original Directio n and Compl eted Copi es The resulting copy image wil l differ according to the direction in wh ich you set your original (lengthwise K or widthwise L ). Note ❒ The illustr ations show the di rections of copied images on the front and back, not the directions of delivery.
Cop ying 108 2 Original s and Copy Directio n You can select th e orientation ( [ Top to Top ] , [ Top to Bottom ] ). See ⇒ p.108 “ Speci- fying Orientation of Bound Originals ” . • Top to Top • Top to B ottom Specifyi ng Orientatio n of Bound Origi nals You can s pecify the orient ation of bound originals (how you turn t he pages).
Duplex/Combine 109 2 B B B B Press the [ Ori entation ] key. C C C C Select an original orientation and a copy orientation. D D D D Press the [ OK ] key.
Cop ying 110 2 Duplex This function can be used in two ways: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1 Sided → → → → 2 Sided Thi s mode m akes t wo- sided copie s from one- sided or igin als. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 Sided → → → → 2 Sided This mo de makes two-side d copi es fro m two-sid ed ori ginals.
Duplex 111 2 1 Sided → → → → 2 Sided Note ❒ If you set an odd number of 1-sided originals in the document feeder, the re- verse side of the last page is left blank. ❒ If you set originals in the document feeder and select Sort mode, all the orig- inals will be scanne d before being copied.
Cop ying 112 2 B B B B Press the [ 1 Side d ] k ey for original, then press th e [ 2 Sided ] key fo r copy. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] . See ⇒ p.108 “ Specifyi ng Orientation of Bound Originals ” .
Duplex 113 2 2 Sided → → → → 2 Sided A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ 2 Side d ] k ey for original, then press th e [ 2 Sided ] key fo r copy. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] .
Cop ying 114 2 D D D D Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. When setti ng an ori ginal on the exposure glass or in the documen t feeder using Ba tch (SAD F) mode Reference ⇒ p.38 “ Batch (SADF) mode ” . A Set the original, then press the { { { { Start } } } } key.
Combi ne 115 2 Combine You can combine two or more originals in to one copy. 1 Sided Combine mode is for 1-s ided copi es, and 2 Si ded Combi ne mode for 2- sided copies. This function can be used in twelve ways: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1 Sided 2 Pages → → → → Combine 1 Side Copies two 1-sided origin als to one side of a sheet.
Cop ying 116 2 Note ❒ In this mode, th e machine selects the reprod uction ratio automatically. This reproduc tion ratio de pends on the co py paper si zes and the num ber of origi - nals.
Combi ne 117 2 1 Sided 2 Pages → → → → Combin e 1 Side Copies two 1-sided ori ginals to one side of a sheet. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Setting originals (Originals se t in the document feede r) • Or ig ina ls re ad fro m l ef t to ri gh t • Originals read from top to bo ttom A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key.
Cop ying 118 2 B B B B Press the [ 1 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 1 Side ] key for the copy. C C C C Press the [ 2 Or iginals ] key, then pre ss the [ OK ] key. D D D D Select t he paper . E E E E Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key.
Combi ne 119 2 1 Sided 4 Pages → → → → Combin e 1 Side Copies four 1-sid ed originals together to one side of a sheet. A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ 1 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 1 Side ] key for the copy.
Cop ying 120 2 D D D D Select t he paper . E E E E Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. 1 Sided 8 Pages → → → → Combin e 1 Side Copies eight 1-sided originals together to one side of a she et. A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key.
Combi ne 121 2 B B B B Press the [ 1 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 1 Side ] key for the copy. C C C C Press the [ 8 Or iginals ] key, then pre ss the [ OK ] key. D D D D Select t he paper . E E E E Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key.
Cop ying 122 2 1 Sided 4 Pages → → → → Combin e 2 Side Copies four 1-sided originals to the two-page spread on both sides of a sheet. A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ 1 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 2 Side ] key for the copy.
Combi ne 123 2 D D D D Check the orientat ion. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] . See ⇒ p.108 “ Specifyi ng Orientation of Bound Originals ” . E E E E Press the [ OK ] key.
Cop ying 124 2 A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ 1 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 2 Side ] key for the copy.
Combi ne 125 2 D D D D Check the orientat ion. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] . See ⇒ p.108 “ Specifyi ng Orientation of Bound Originals ” . E E E E Press the [ OK ] key.
Cop ying 126 2 A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ 1 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 2 Side ] key for the copy.
Combi ne 127 2 D D D D Check the orientat ion. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] . See ⇒ p.108 “ Specifyi ng Orientation of Bound Originals ” . E E E E Press the [ OK ] key.
Cop ying 128 2 2 Sided 2 Pages → → → → Combin e 1 Side Copies one 2-sided original to one s ide of a sheet. A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ 2 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 1 Side ] key for the copy.
Combi ne 129 2 D D D D Check the orientat ion. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] . See ⇒ p.108 “ Specifyi ng Orientation of Bound Originals ” . E E E E Press the [ OK ] key.
Cop ying 130 2 B B B B Press the [ 2 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 1 Side ] key for the copy. C C C C Press the [ 4 Pages ] k ey, then press the [ OK ] key. D D D D Check the orientat ion. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] .
Combi ne 131 2 2 Sided 8 Pages → → → → Combin e 1 Side Copies four 2-side d originals to one side of a sh eet. A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ 2 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 1 Side ] key for the copy.
Cop ying 132 2 D D D D Check the orientat ion. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] . See ⇒ p.108 “ Specifyi ng Orientation of Bound Originals ” . E E E E Press the [ OK ] key.
Combi ne 133 2 B B B B Press the [ 2 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 2 Side ] key for the copy. C C C C Press the [ 4 Pages ] k ey, then press the [ OK ] key. D D D D Check the orientat ion. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] .
Cop ying 134 2 2 Sided 8 Pages → → → → Combin e 2 Side Copies four 2-sid ed originals togeth er to both side s of a sheet. 1. Front 2. Back A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ 2 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 2 Side ] key for the copy.
Combi ne 135 2 C C C C Press the [ 8 Pages ] k ey, then press the [ OK ] key. D D D D Check the orientat ion. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] . See ⇒ p.
Cop ying 136 2 2 Sided 16 Pages → → → → Combine 2 Side Copies eight 2-sided originals together to both sides of a sheet. 1. Front 2. Back A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ 2 S ided ] key for the original, then press the [ Combine 2 Side ] key for the copy.
Combi ne 137 2 C C C C Press the [ 16 Pages ] key, then press th e [ OK ] key. D D D D Check the orientat ion. Note ❒ To chang e the copy orien tati on t o “ Top to Bottom ” , press the [ Orientation ] key and select [ Top to Bottom ] . See ⇒ p.
Cop ying 138 2 Ser ies/B ook Series copies a re made by s eparatel y copyin g the front a nd back of a 2-s ided original or the two facing pages of a spread original onto two sh eets of paper. A book is made by copying two or mo re originals in page order.
Series/Book 139 2 Series Co pies Book → → → → 1 Sided You can m ake one-sided c opies from tw o facing pages of a bou nd original (book). Note ❒ See the following table when you sele ct orig.
Cop ying 140 2 A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ Book ] key. C C C C Press the [ Book → → → → 1 Si ded ] key . D D D D Press the [ OK ] key. E E E E Press the [ OK ] key. F F F F Make sure that the [ Aut o Paper Selec t ] k ey is selected.
Series/Book 141 2 2 Sided → → → → 1 Sided You can m ake one-sided cop ies from tw o-sided originals. A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ 2 Side d ] key for the original, then press the [ 1 Sided ] key for the copy. C C C C Check the orientat ion.
Cop ying 142 2 Copying Bo ok Originals Limita tion ❒ You cann ot use the by pass tray with th is function. ❒ The machi ne ca nno t copy o rig ina ls di ffere nt i n siz e and dire ctio n. Note ❒ The machine sets t he reproduction ratio automat ically to meet th e paper size and copies the originals tog ether onto the paper.
Series/Book 143 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ Book ] key. C C C C Press the [ Book → → → → 2 Si ded ] key .
Cop ying 144 2 E E E E Press the [ OK ] key. F F F F Select t he paper . G G G G Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Mult i → → → → 2 Sided Copies each two-page spread original as it is onto both sides of a sheet.
Series/Book 145 2 A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ Book ] key. C C C C Press the [ Book → → → → 2 Si ded ] key . D D D D Press the [ Multi → → → → 2 Side d ] key. E E E E Press the [ OK ] key. F F F F Select t he paper .
Cop ying 146 2 G G G G Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Note ❒ When placing one original on the exposu re glass or in the document feeder in Batch (SADF) mode, press the { { { { # } } } } key after all originals are sc anned.
Series/Book 147 2 ❒ If the calculated ratio is under the available minimum ratio, it will be adju sted to th e min imum r atio . Ho wever, with some rat ios, p arts of the i mage migh t not be copied. ❒ If the number of originals scanne d is less than a multiple of 4, the last page is copied blank .
Cop ying 148 2 C C C C Press the [ Book let ] key, followed by the [ OK ] key. D D D D Select t he paper . E E E E Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Note ❒ When placing one original on the exposu re glass or in the document feeder in Batch (SADF) mode, press the { { { { # } } } } key after all originals are sc anned.
Series/Book 149 2 Important ❒ Before selecting this function, select “ Po rt rait ” or “ Landscape ” with the User Tools. See “ Booklet/Magazine Original Orientation ” in ⇒ p.301 “ P age Fo rma t 2 / 2 ” . Note ❒ To use this func tion with two-s ided originals, select th is function fro m the Shor tcut Keys .
Cop ying 150 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Landscape A A A A Press the [ Dupl ex/Combine ] key. B B B B Press the [ Book ] key. C C C C Press the [ Magazine ] key, followed by the [ OK ] key.
Series/Book 151 2 D D D D Select t he paper . E E E E Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Note ❒ When placing one original on the exposu re glass or in the document feeder in Batch (SADF) mode, press the { { { { # } } } } key after all originals are sc anned.
Cop ying 152 2 Cover/Slip Sheet Using this functi on, you can a dd or inse rt cover or pa per desi gnate. There are four types in t his function: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Front Cover The first page of your originals i s copied on a specif ic paper sheet for covers.
Cover/Slip Sheet 153 2 Front Co ver The first page of your originals is copied on specific paper sheet for covers, or a cover sheet is inserted bef ore the first copy. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Copy ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Blank Note ❒ You can specify whether to make a copy on a sheet for covers.
Cop ying 154 2 A A A A Press the [ Cov er/Slip Sheet ] key. B B B B Press the [ Fron t Cover ] key. C C C C Select [ Copy ] or [ Blank ] for a cover sh eet, and then press th e [ OK ] key. D D D D Select the paper tray co ntaini ng the non- cover she et paper.
Cover/Slip Sheet 155 2 Front/Ba ck Covers The first and las t pages of your originals are copied on specific pa per sheets for covers. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Copy ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Blank Note ❒ You can specify whether to make a copy on a cover sh eet. If you select [ Copy ] , the first and last pages will be cop ied on the cover sheets.
Cop ying 156 2 A A A A Press the [ Cov er/Slip Sheet ] key. B B B B Press the [ F/ B Cov er ] key. C C C C Select [ Copy ] or [ Blank ] for the c over sheets, and then pres s the [ OK ] key. D D D D Select the paper tray co ntaini ng the non- cover she et paper.
Cover/Slip Sheet 157 2 Designate Use this function to have certain pag es of your original copi ed onto s lip sheets . Preparation Before using this fun ction, set the special pap er tray for slip sheets. See “ Slip Sheet 1 ” , “ Slip Sheet 2 ” in the Syst em Settings m anual.
Cop ying 158 2 B B B B Press the [ De signate/Chapter ] key. C C C C Press the key to select the chapter number. D D D D Enter the page number of the original's location you want to copy on to a slip sheet with th e number keys. Then, press the { { { { # } } } } key.
Cover/Slip Sheet 159 2 H H H H To specify another page location, repeat s teps C C C C to G G G G . Note ❒ To select chapters 11 to 20, press the [ T T T T 11-20 ] key. I I I I When you w ish to finish specifying page location, press the [ OK ] key .
Cop ying 160 2 Chapters The page locations you specify with this function will appear on the front of copy sheets. Preparation Before selecting this function, press the [ Duplex/Combine ] key and select Du- plex (1 S ided → 2 Sided) mode or C ombine mo de.
Cover/Slip Sheet 161 2 B B B B Press the [ De signate/Chapter ] key. C C C C Press the key to select the chapter number. Note ❒ To select chapters 11 to 20, press the [ T T T T 11-20 ] key.
Cop ying 162 2 E E E E Enter the page location of the first page of th e first chapter with the nu mber keys. Then, press t h e { { { { # } } } } key. Note ❒ To change the value entered, press the [ Cle ar ] or { { { { Clear/ Stop } } } } key and en ter the new value.
Slip Sheets 163 2 Slip Sheets Every time the origina l's page changes, a sli p sheet is inser ted. This function can be used to insert a slip sheet autom atically between each OHP trans parency cop- ied or used as a stack fu nction. You can also copy on to the inserted slip sheets.
Cop ying 164 2 Limita tion ❒ When copying two or more originals using the bypass tray, the cop ies are de- livered in the reverse d page order. Note ❒ Press the { { { { # } } } } key and set the “ Sp ecial Paper ” setting to [ OHP ] . See ⇒ p.
Slip Sheets 165 2 D D D D Select t he paper tray con taini ng the non- slip sheet pa per. When using OHP transparencie s, open the bypass tray. E E E E Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key.
Cop ying 166 2 Double Copies One original image is copied twice on one c opy as shown in the illustration. Limita tion ❒ The following original s cannot be d etected properly on the exposure glas s. Be sure to select the copy paper manually or set the originals in the document feeder.
Double Copies 167 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version A A A A Press the [ Edit/Stamp ] key. B B B B Press the [ Doubl e ] key . C C C C Press the [ OK ] key. D D D D Select t he paper . E E E E Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key.
Cop ying 168 2 Image Repeat The original image is copied repeatedly. Note ❒ Th e num b er o f rep eat ed i mag es dep en ds on th e or igi nal s ize , co py pa pe r si ze, and reproduction ratio.
Image Repeat 169 2 A A A A Select the size of the copy paper and the reproduction ratio. B B B B Press the [ Edit/Stamp ] key. C C C C Press the [ Re peat ] key. D D D D Specify the area to be repeated . To repea t the wh ole ima ge of t he origina l A Press the [ All area ] key.
Cop ying 170 2 To repea t the imag e of the selected area A Press the [ Selec ted area ] key. B Enter the horizontal size of the area with the number keys, then press the [ # ] key. Note ❒ To change the number entered, pres s the [ Clear ] or { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key and enter the new number.
Margin Adjustment 171 2 Margin Adjustment You can shift the image left, right, top or bottom to make a binding margin. Limita tion ❒ If you set th e margin too wide, areas you do not want to delete migh t be erased. Note ❒ You can change the width of the bin ding margin as follows: ❒ The margin width default is as follows.
Cop ying 172 2 A A A A Press the [ Edit/Stamp ] key. B B B B Press the [ Margi n Adj. ] key. C C C C Set a b inding marg in for a front page. Press th e [ ← ← ← ← ] and [ → → → → ] keys when set - ting the left and right mar gins, and the [ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ] and [ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ] keys when setting the top and bottom margins.
Erase 173 2 Erase This function erases the c enter and/or all four sides of the original image. This is useful for avoid ing shadows on the copy image c aused by t he bound o riginals, such as book s. This function can be used in three ways: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Bord er This mode erases the e dge margin of the original image.
Cop ying 174 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version *1 You can select fro m 8 1 / 2 " × 13", 8 1 / 4 " × 1 3" an d 8" × 13" with the User Too ls (Sys- tem Settings). See “ <F/F4 >Size Sett ing ” in the Syst em Settings manual .
Erase 175 2 A A A A Press the [ Edit/Stamp ] key. B B B B Press the [ Erase ] key. C C C C Press the [ Bor der ] key. D D D D Set the erase borde r width.
Cop ying 176 2 B Set an erase border width with the [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] keys, followed by the [ OK ] key. Note ❒ To change the value entered, press th e [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] keys and enter the new v al ue. Selecting [ 4 Sides ] A Press the [ 4 Side s ] key.
Erase 177 2 Center Er ase This function era ses the center margin. Note ❒ If you want to eras e the border margin too, us e the Center/Borde r function. See ⇒ p.179 “ Center/Border Erase ” . A A A A Press the [ Edit/Stamp ] key. B B B B Press the [ Erase ] key.
Cop ying 178 2 C C C C Press the [ Ce nter ] key. D D D D Set the erase ce nter width with the [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] keys. Then pres s the [ OK ] key. Note ❒ To chang e the value entered, p ress the [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] keys and en ter t he new val ue.
Erase 179 2 Center/Bo rder Erase This mode erases both the center and edge margins. You can set the same margin width for all four sides and cent er, or you can set different margin widths for each. A A A A Press the [ Edit/Stamp ] key. B B B B Press the [ Erase ] key.
Cop ying 180 2 C C C C Press the [ Ce nter/Border ] key. D D D D Set the erase margin width. Selecting [ Same Width ] A Press the [ Center ] key, then set the erase center width with the [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] keys. Note ❒ To change the value entered, press th e [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] keys and enter the new v al ue.
Erase 181 2 Selecting [ 4 Sides ] A Press the [ 4 Side s ] key. B Press the key for the pa rt you wish to change and s et an erase margin width wi th th e [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] keys . Note ❒ To change the value entered, press th e [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] keys and enter the new v al ue.
Cop ying 182 2 Centering You can make copies by moving the image to the cen ter of the copy paper. Limita tion ❒ You cann ot use the by pass tray with th is function. ❒ If the direction of originals is different f rom that of the copy paper, the ma- chine will not rotate the image by 90 ° (rotated copy).
Centering 183 2 A A A A Select t he paper . B B B B Press the [ Edit/Stamp ] key. C C C C Press the [ Ce ntering ] key. D D D D Press the [ OK ] key. E E E E Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key.
Cop ying 184 2 Stamp This func tion prints stamp o n the copie s. Stamp m odes a re as follows: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Background Numbering This fun ction prints num bers on the backgro und of copies. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Preset S tamp This function prints preset messages on copies.
Stamp 185 2 ❒ You can select whether the Bac kground Numbering is printed negati ve if it overlaps black part s of image. See “ Superi mpose ” ⇒ p.303 “ Background Numberi ng ” . ❒ You can chan ge the start ing number of th e Background Number ing (1 – 999).
Cop ying 186 2 Note ❒ The number can be set fr om 1 to 999. ❒ To change the ente red number, press the [ Cle ar ] or { { { { Clear/ Stop } } } } key and en- ter the new number. E E E E Press the [ OK ] key. F F F F Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key.
Stamp 187 2 ❒ You cannot combine the Preset Stamp function with the Image Repeat or Double Copies function. ❒ When yo u combine t his func tion wi th the Maga zine or Booklet functi on, onl y the f irst page is stampe d.
Cop ying 188 2 B B B B Press the [ Stamp ] key. C C C C Press the [ Pres et Stamp ] ke y. D D D D Select the de sired message. E E E E Press the [ All Pages ] or [ 1st Pag e O nly ] key to select the print page. Limitatio n ❒ If you comb ine this function w ith the Magazine or Book let function, “ 1st Page Only ” is selected automaticall y.
Stamp 189 2 F F F F Change the stamp position, size or density. If you do not wish to change, go to step G . To change the stamp po sition, si ze or density A Press the [ Change ] key. B Select the desir ed posi tion , size an d densit y. C Press the [ OK ] key.
Cop ying 190 2 User Stamp Up to four messages whic h you use frequently can be stored in t he machine's memory and stamped on c opies. Preparation Before using thi s function, you have to store your messag es with the User Tools. See ⇒ p.193 “ Pr ogr am /D el ete U s er St am p ” .
Stamp 191 2 ❒ The relationship between th e direction in which you set th e original and stamp Orientation/Position is as follows: ❒ You can c hange the stamp pos ition to top, bo ttom, left and right each way in 1 mm, 0.1" steps. See “ Stamp position ” in ⇒ p.
Cop ying 192 2 C C C C Press the [ Us er Stamp ] key . D D D D Select the stamp you require. E E E E Press the [ All Pages ] or [ 1st Pag e O nly ] key to select the print page. To change the stamp po sition A Press the [ Change ] key. B Select the desi red po siti on.
Stamp 193 2 G G G G Press the [ OK ] key. H H H H Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Program /Del ete User Stamp A A A A Make sure that the machine is in Copy mode. B B B B Press the { { { { User Tools/Counter } } } } key.
Cop ying 194 2 E E E E Press the [ Us er Stamp ] key . F F F F Press the [ Progr am/Delete Stamp ] key. To prog ram th e User S tamp A Press the [ Progra m ] key. B Press the stamp nu mber (1 – 4) you want to program. Note ❒ Stamp numb ers with m already have settings in them.
Stamp 195 2 C Enter the user stamp name with the letter keys on the display pan el. Note ❒ You can register u p to 8 characters. ❒ To chang e the nam e entered, press th e [ Ba ck S pac e ] , [ Clear ] or { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key and enter new letters.
Cop ying 196 2 G Set the user stamp on the exposure glass, and then press the [ Scan Start ] key. Note ❒ Do not set the o riginal in the docum ent feeder. ❒ The machine scans the original three times. D o not lift the docum ent feeder until the m ain menu of the Copy features appea rs.
Stamp 197 2 Date Stamp Limita tion ❒ You cann ot use the by pass tray with th is function. Note ❒ You can select the followin g styles: • MM/DD/ YYY Y • MM.DD.YYYY • DD/MM/YYYY • DD.MM.YYYY • YYYY.MM.DD ❒ You can change the Date Stamp s ettings with the User Tools.
Cop ying 198 2 ❒ The relationship between the direction in which you s et the original and th e stamp position is as follows: ❒ You can c hange the stamp pos ition to top, bo ttom, left and right each way in 1 mm, 0.1" steps. See “ Posi tion Priority ” in ⇒ p.
Stamp 199 2 A A A A Press the [ Edit/Stamp ] key. B B B B Press the [ Stamp ] key. C C C C Press the [ Da te Sta mp ] key. D D D D Press the [ All Pages ] or [ 1st Pag e O nly ] to select the print page. To change the style of date A Press the [ Change sty le ] key.
Cop ying 200 2 B Select the style of date. C Press the [ OK ] key. To change the stamp po sition A Press the [ Change ] key. B Select the desir ed posi tion of the D ate Stamp. C Press the [ OK ] key. E E E E After you specified all the desired settings, press the [ OK ] key .
Stamp 201 2 F F F F Press the [ OK ] key. G G G G Set your origin als, then press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Page Numb ering Use this function to prin t page numbers on your copies . There are six types of Page Numbering (n is the total number of pages in your original): • Type A: P1,P2, … Pn • Type B: 1/n,2/n,.
Cop ying 202 2 ❒ The relationship between the direction in which you s et the original and th e Page Numbering orientation/position is as follows: ❒ You can c hange the stamp pos ition to top, bo ttom, left and right each way in 1 mm, 0.1" steps.
Stamp 203 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Page Numbering per original • Combine d with 1 Sided/2 S ided in th e Combin e function • Comb ined wi th the Maga zine or Booklet f unction ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Page Numbering per copy • Combine d with 1 Sided/2 S ided in th e Combin e function ❒ See “ Page Numbering In Comb ine Mode ” in ⇒ p.
Cop ying 204 2 B B B B Press the [ Stamp ] key. C C C C Press the [ Page N umbering ] key. D D D D Select the style. E E E E To change the stamp position, press the [ Change ] key. If you do not wish to change the stamp position, go to step G . F F F F Select the stamp position, then press the [ OK ] key .
Stamp 205 2 G G G G To change the first printing pa ge and start number, press the [ Change ] key. Note ❒ The display di ffers depending on the se lected style. ❒ If you d o no t wish t o change, press the [ OK ] key a nd set yo ur ori gina ls, t hen press the { { { { Start } } } } key.
Cop ying 206 2 E Press the [ La st Number ] key, then enter the page number at which to stop numbering w ith the number keys. Note ❒ If you wish to print on to the last page, press th e [ To The End ] key and go to step J . F Press the { { { { # } } } } key.
Stamp 207 2 E Press the [ La st Number ] key, then enter the page number at which to stop numbering w ith the number keys. Note ❒ If you wi sh to print on to the last page , press [ To The End ] ke y and go to step J . F Press the { { { { # } } } } key.
Cop ying 208 2 C Press the [ C hapter Number From ] key, then enter the chapt er number from which to start numb ering with the num ber keys. D Press the { { { { # } } } } key. E Press t he [ Start Numberi ng From ] key, then enter the page nu mber from which to start numb ering with the num ber keys.
Combination Chart 209 2 Combination Chart The combination chart given below shows whic h modes can be us ed together. When you read the chart, see the following table: The following shows the combinations of functi ons. ❍ means that these modes can be used together.
Cop ying 210 2 Mode before you select Book Book 1 Sid ed ❍❍❍❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍❍❍ →→ -- →→→→ →× ❍❍❍❍❍❍❍❍❍❍❍❍ 2 Sid ed → 1 Sid ed ❍❍�.
211 3. Document Server Overview The Document Server enables you to save documents in the machine memory and then edit an d print them as yo u want. There are two ways to s ave documents. • Scanning from the docu ment feeder • Sca nnin g fr om the e xpo sur e gl ass A A A A Prepare the docu ments you want to save.
Document Server 212 3 Features and Benefits On Demand Printi ng Use to print any saved docume nt as required. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Your current situation might be … • When you need to print multiple s ets of documents double-sided and sta- pled together, you normally print the originals, make duplex copies and then staple them to gether manually.
Features and Benefits 213 3 File Me rge Printin g You can combine multiple scanned documents to print them in one set. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Your current situation might be … You want to combine several originals that are different in density, size, a nd paper weigh t , e.
Document Server 214 3 Scanning Originals You can scan the originals you want to save in the Document Server using the control panel of the machine. T he originals can be se t either on th e exposure glass or into the document feede r. The saved documents will automatically be named in the order of scanning as “ Scan001 ” , “ Scan002 ”… .
Scanning Originals 215 3 C C C C Enter a file name. Note ❒ If you do not wish to register a file name, go to step D . ❒ If you do not register a file name, it is stored automatically. To set the f ile name A Press the [ Change File Name ] key. B Enter the new file name using th e letter keys on the display panel.
Document Server 216 3 Note ❒ To change the number entered, pres s the [ Clear ] or { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key and enter a ne w number. C Press the [ OK ] or { { { { # } } } } key. E E E E Set your originals either on the exposure glass or into the document feeder.
Scanning Originals 217 3 To change the file n ame or pa ssword A Press the line of the doc ument whose file n ame or password you wan t to change. B If y ou sel ect a docu ment whi ch req uires a pa sswo rd, the “ Input the Pass- wor d ” window appears.
Document Server 218 3 Printing Saved Documents You can pr int any of t he documents s aved in the Document Server. Follow these steps to select a document and print it out. A A A A Press the { { { { Document Ser ver/New Job } } } } key. The “ Document Server: Files ” displ ay appea rs.
Printing Saved Documents 219 3 C C C C To print more than one docum ent, repeat step B B B B to se lect t he desir ed do cu- ments in the order you want to print them out. The selected order is sh own in the priority column next to the selected docu- ment(s).
Document Server 220 3 E E E E Enter the required n umber of prints using the num ber keys. Note ❒ Up to 999 can be entered. ❒ To change the value entered, press the { { { { Clear/ Stop } } } } key and enter new val- ue.
Printing Saved Documents 221 3 To Search by File N ame You can search the document stored in the Document Server by the file name. A A A A Press the { { { { Document Ser ver/New Job } } } } key. The “ Document Server: Files ” displ ay appea rs. B B B B Press the [ File Name ] key.
Document Server 222 3 Deleting Saved D ocuments You sho uld dele te any of the saved do cuments u sing th e control panel of the mac hine. This sec tion descr ibes how to delete sa ved document s. Important ❒ You can save up to 200 documents in the Document Server.
Deleting Saved Documents 223 3 C C C C Repeat step B B B B if you want to select more than one document. D D D D Press the [ De lete ] key. A confirmation dialog box appears. E E E E Press the [ De lete ] key to delete it. Note ❒ To cancel the delete operation, p ress the [ Stop ] key.
Document Server 224 3.
225 4. Connect Copy (Option) What is Connect Copy? Connect Co py is a f eature that allows you to connect two mac hines tog ether us- ing a c able. When yo u set up your cop y job on one machin e (the m aster unit), data is transferred to th e other ma chine (the sub-unit) so that cop ies can be mad e on both machines simultaneously.
Connect Copy (Option) 226 4 Note ❒ You cannot make other copy jobs when two machines ar e connected. ❒ The two mach ines automatically share the jo b in order to finish at almost the sa me ti me and provide maximu m producti vity. ❒ To use the two machines s eparately again, press the [ Connect ] ke y to d is- connect t hem.
How Connect Copy Works 227 4 How Connect Copy Works In t hi s m an ual , w e r efe r to th e t wo ma chi ne s as th e m as te r un it a nd su b- uni t r e- spectively. 1. Maste r unit 2. Sub-unit As your original is sca nned in, the image data is stored on the master unit hard disk and transferred simultaneous ly to the sub-unit hard disk.
Connect Copy (Option) 228 4 Interru pt Functions • You cann ot use Connect Cop y when a job has be en paused using t he Inter- rupt func tion. • You ca n use th e Interrupt fun ction on the s ub-unit w hile in Co nnect C opy mode, but only when th e master unit is no t scanning originals .
Connect Copy Display P anel 229 4 Connect Copy Display Panel This sect ion descr ibes the dis plays on th e master unit and sub-unit. Note that when you enter Connect Co py mode, you m ust access all Connect Copy feature s and menus through t he master unit dis play panel .
Connect Copy (Option) 230 4 Disp lay when scanni ng origin als on t he mast er unit Display when copying/Interrupt copying Number of originals How many original pages have be en scann ed by the m ast er un it so far. Not di spla yed on su b-u nit. Copy quantity How many sets/copies t o make.
Connect Copy Display P anel 231 4 *1 When two or more pages are bei ng copied using S ort and Staple, you can check how many sets have been copi ed so far. To togg le the co py counter between t he master unit total and the tota l for both units, press the area that displays the number of cop- ies.
Connect Copy (Option) 232 4 Using Connect Copy You can select Connect Copy mode from either of the two connected machi n es by pressing the [ Connect ] key. The machine you use be comes the master unit, and the other machine the s ub-unit. Limita tion ❒ Once Connec t Copy is s elected, you must carry out all opera tions on th e mas- ter uni t.
Using Connect Copy 233 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Sub-unit display Reference If the [ Connect ] key is not visible or you c annot s elect it, see ⇒ p.253 “ Con- nect Copy ” . If you press the [ Connect ] key an d the mess age “ Connec t Copy is not avail- able at this time.
Connect Copy (Option) 234 4 D D D D Make any setting s you require on the master unit. Note ❒ Any cop y settings that were s et up before you entered Co nnect Cop y mode will still remain in e ffect.
Using Connect Copy 235 4 If y ou set origi nals on th e expo sur e glas s A Set the next page (s) when scanning h as finished, then pres s { { { { Start } } } } key. B When all pages ha ve been scanned in, press the { { { { # } } } } key. Copying starts simultaneously in the master unit and sub-unit.
Connect Copy (Option) 236 4 - - - - Copy output order ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When copying in Sort/Staple mode e.g ., c op yi ng 6-s ets of a 3- sh eet or ig ina l • Copying w ith the m aster uni t (face down ou tput) — sub-unit (face do wn outp ut) 1. Maste r unit 2.
Using Connect Copy 237 4 - - - - Auto Reset The machine exits Connect Copy mode and automatically returns to the initial condition a certain peri od of time af ter your job has f inished.
Connect Copy (Option) 238 4 Exiting Connect Copy Mode This procedur e describes how to exit Conn ect Copy mode and return to the stan- dard copying functions. A A A A Press the [ Conne ct ] key on the master unit. The [ Connec t ] key will be deselected.
Using Connect Copy 239 4 Printing Saved Documents with Conn ect Copy You can p rint any of the do cument s saved in t he Document Server us ing Con- nect Copy. Note ❒ Use the machine that saved the documents in the Document Server as the master unit .
Connect Copy (Option) 240 4 C C C C To print more than one docum ent, repeat step B B B B to se lect t he desir ed do cu- ments in the order you want to print them out. The selected order is sh own in the priority column next to the selected docu- ment(s).
Using Connect Copy 241 4 F F F F Enter the required n umber of prints using the num ber keys. Note ❒ Up to 999 can be entered. ❒ To change the value entered, press the { { { { Clear/ Stop } } } } key and en ter a new val ue.
Connect Copy (Option) 242 4 Relationship Between Master Unit and Sub-Unit System Settings This section describes which System Settings are used by the master unit and sub-unit in Connec t Copy mo de. Note ❒ In Connect Co py mode, th e { { { { User Tools/Counter } } } } key on the sub-unit is dis- abled.
Relationship Between Master Unit and Sub-Unit System Settings 243 4 Function Priority —— When the time set in “ Auto Res et Timer ” of the User Tools on the master unit pas ses and Connect Cop.
Connect Copy (Option) 244 4 Slip Sheet 2 ✩✩ Count Mana ger Set Us er C odes ✩ — Access these set tings on the ma s- ter uni t. The mas ter un it sett in gs override those of the sub-unit. Key Coun ter —— You cannot control the optional Key Counter in Connect Copy mod e.
Relationship Between Master Unit and Sub-Unit Copy/Document Server Features 245 4 Relationship Between Master Unit and Sub-Unit Copy/D ocument Se rver Featur es This secti on describes which Copy/Document Server Features are used by the master uni t and sub-un it in Connect Copy mode.
Connect Copy (Option) 246 4 Initial Mode ✩ — Maximum Copy Quantity ✩ — Original Beeper ✩ — Job End Call ✩✩ When turned on, the beeper sounds only on the master unit when copying is completed. Only if the “ Operation Panel Beeper ” of the User Tools (Syst em Set- tings) setting is “ On ” .
Relationship Between Master Unit and Sub-Unit Copy/Document Server Features 247 4 Cover page in combine mode ✩ ← Designated Slip Sheet Copy In Combine ✩ ← Booklet/Magazine Original Orientation.
Connect Copy (Option) 248 4 Copy On Slip Sheet I n Desig- nate Mode ✩ ← Position Priority: P 1, P2... ✩ ← Position Priori ty: 1/5, 2/5... ✩ ← Position Priority: - 1-, -2-... ✩ ← Position Priority: P . 1, P.2... ✩ ← Position Priority: 1 , 2.
249 5. Troubleshooting If Your Mac hine Does Not Operate as You Want General Machine Sta tus Problem/Cau se Action The machine inst ructs you to wait. The machine is wa rming up. Wait for the machine to warm- up. Reference You can us e Auto Start mode during warm -up pe- riod.
Troubleshooting 250 5 Document Server The machine cannot staple this si ze o f paper. -- Select the proper p aper size that can be used in Staple mode. See ⇒ p.61 “ Staple ” . This paper is not available in Duplex mode. A pape r size not av ailable i n Duplex mode ha s been select- ed.
If Your Machine Does Not Operate as You Want 251 5 Connect Copy Machine Sta tus Problem/Cau se Action You cannot use Connect Copy. You cannot use Connect Copy. The other machine is in use. The sub -uni t has a paper m is- feed or needs a fresh su pply of toner or other replenishable suppl y.
Troubleshooting 252 5 Document Ser ver You cannot use Connect Copy. The [ Connect ] key was pressed simultaneous ly on both the mast er unit and sub-u nit. Press the [ Cancel ] key on bot h the master unit and sub-unit, then press the [ Connect ] key on just one of them.
If Your Machine Does Not Operate as You Want 253 5 Display Connect Copy Machine Sta tus Problem/Cau se Action The display panel is off. The screen contrast knob is turned to the dark p osition. Set the screen contras t knob to the light position fo r proper viewing of the display panel.
Troubleshooting 254 5 The [ Connect ] key does not ap- pear on the dis play. The master unit is in Job Pre- set mode. Exit Job Preset mode in one of the following ways.
If Your Machine Does Not Operate as You Want 255 5 If Connect Copy Is Cleared Machine Sta tus Problem/Cau se Action Exited Connect Copy. The master unit main power switch has be en turned off or the operation switch has b een pressed . Connect Copy is cancelled and th e displ ay re turn s to copy standby mod e.
Troubleshooting 256 5 If You Cannot Exi t Connect Copy Machine Sta tus Problem/Cau se Action Nothing happens when you press the [ Co nnect ] key. Originals are being scanned or copied. Press the ma ster unit { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key and then press the [ Cancel ] key to cancel scanning or copying.
If Your Machine Does Not Operate as You Want 257 5 Nothing happens when you press the [ Co nnect ] key. The maste r unit or sub-unit needs a fresh supply of t oner or staples. Solve the problem in the ap- propr iate unit. Reference ⇒ p.263 “ B Loading Pa- per ” ⇒ p.
Troubleshooting 258 5 If You Cannot Ma ke Clear Copies Problem Cause Action Copies appear dirty. The image density is too dark. Adjust the image density. See ⇒ p.42 “ Adjusting Co py Im- age Dens ity ” . Auto Image Density is not s e- lected. Select Auto Image Density.
If You Cannot Make Copies As You Want 259 5 If You Cannot Ma ke Copies As You Want General Connect Copy Problem Cause Action Copies are not s tapled. There are jammed staple s in the s ta pl er. Remo ve ja mme d stapl es. S ee ⇒ p.283 “ e Removing Jammed Stap les ” .
Troubleshooting 260 5 Adjust I mage Combine Problem Cause Action In Doubl e Copie s mode , part s of the original image are not copied. Combination of original and copy paper is n ot correct . Select the proper original and copy paper . See ⇒ p.166 “ Dou ble Co pies ” .
If You Cannot Make Copies As You Want 261 5 Duplex Stamp Problem Cause Action Order of copies is not correct. You set originals in the incor- rect order. When se tti ng a sta ck of ori gi- nals in the document f eeder, the last pa ge should be on the bottom.
Troubleshooting 262 5 When Memory Is Full Document Server Connect Copy Because Connect Copy scans i n all your originals into memory, if the number of originals exceeds a certain limit, the machine will run out of memory. Limita tion ❒ If memory is full on either the master unit or sub-unit, Interrupt Copy will not be available.
B Loading Paper 263 5 B B B B Loading Paper Note ❒ If you want to change the paper s ize of Tray 2 (550-sheet tray), see ⇒ p.278 “ Changing the Paper Size ” .
Troubleshooting 264 5 A A A A Pull out the paper tray un til it stops. B B B B Square the pape r and set it in the tray. When t he whole tray is p ulled out A Set the paper in th e right tray. B Return the righ t tray into the original position. C Set the paper in th e left tray.
B Loading Paper 265 5 When the left half o f the tray is pulle d out A Set the paper in th e left tray. Important ❒ Do not stack paper over the limit mark. ❒ Make sure that the paper stack is flu sh with the left side fence. Note ❒ Straighten the paper, if curled or warped, before placing it in the tray.
Troubleshooting 266 5 B B B B Square the pape r and set it in the tray. Important ❒ Do no t stack paper over the limit m ark. ❒ Make sure that the paper stac k is flush with the right si de fence. Note ❒ Straighten the paper, if curled or warped, before placing it in the tray.
B Loading Paper 267 5 B B B B Place the paper in the t r ay along the edge on the left. Note ❒ Load up to about 500 sheets of paper in the tra y. C C C C Press the { { { { Down } } } } key. The key blinks while the bottom plate i s moving down. D D D D Load pap er by repea ting steps B B B B and C C C C .
Troubleshooting 268 5 D D D D Changing the Toner Bottle When D is displayed, it is time to supply toner. R WARNING: R CAUTION: R CAUTION: Important ❒ If you u se toner other than that recommende d, a fault might occur. ❒ When adding tone r, do not turn off the operation switch.
D Changing the Toner Bottle 269 5 • 4: Hold a new bottle horizontally and shake it 5 or 6 time s. • 5: Remove th e outer cap. Note ❒ Do not r emove the inner cap. • 6: Place the toner bottle in position, the n push it in until the green lev er clicks.
Troubleshooting 270 5 x x x x Clearing Misf eeds ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ With 50-Sheet Finishe r R CAUTION: Important ❒ When clearing misfee ds, do not turn off the operation switch . If you do, your copy settings are c leared. ❒ To prevent misfeeds, do not leave any torn scraps of paper withi n the ma- chine.
x Clearing Misfeeds 271 5.
Troubleshooting 272 5.
x Clearing Misfeeds 273 5 TSPY441E.
Troubleshooting 274 5.
x Clearing Misfeeds 275 5 A2 2 2 1 A1 1 Open the front cover. Push button A1 and open the guide plate. Turn knob A2 and remove misfed paper. Close the front cover. B2 2 B1 1 Open the front cover. Turn knob B1 and remove misfed paper. Return lever B2 to its original position.
Troubleshooting 276 5 Open the front cover of the machine. Hold up handle R1 and remove misfed paper. If you cannot remove misfed paper, hold down handle R2 and remove misfed paper. Hold up handle R3 and remove misfed paper. Close the front cover of the machine.
x Clearing Misfeeds 277 5 1 2 2 Open the cover of the auto document feeder (ADF) and remove misfed originals. Close the cover of the auto document feeder (ADF). When P 2 is lit 1 2 1 2 2 Open the cover of the auto document feeder (ADF). Remove misfed originals.
Troubleshooting 278 5 Changing the Paper Size Important ❒ If you wish to change the paper size set in Tray 1, Tr ay 3, and the optional large capacity tray (LCT) , contact your service representa tive. Reference For paper sizes, weight, and cap acity that can be set in each tray, see ⇒ p.
Changing the Paper Size 279 5 C C C C Square the pape r and set it in the tray. Important ❒ Do no t stack paper over the limit m ark. ❒ Make sure that the paper stac k is flush with the right si de fence. Note ❒ Straighten the paper, if curled or warped, before placing it in the tray.
Troubleshooting 280 5 F Select your desired size. Then, press th e [ OK ] key. G Press the [ Exit ] key or press the { { { { User Tools /Counter } } } } key to exit the User Tools. Important ❒ Be sure to select paper size with th e User Tools (Sys tem Se ttings).
d Adding Staples 281 5 d d d d Adding Staples R CAUTION: Important ❒ If you use a staple cartridg e other than that recommended, staple failure or staple jams migh t occur.
Troubleshooting 282 5 • 6: Align the arrows on the new refill and the cartridge, then push in the r efill until it clicks. • 7: Pull out the ribb on. • 8: Reinstall the ca rtridge. • 9: Press down the cartridge until it clicks. • 10: Bring the staple unit ba ck into place.
e Removing Jammed Staples 283 5 e e e e Removing Jammed Staples Note ❒ Staples might be jammed because of curled co pies. I n this case, tr y turning t he copy paper over in the tray. If there is no improvement, change the copy pa- per with less c urls.
Troubleshooting 284 5 • 6: Remove th e jammed stap les. • 7: Close the face plate by pressing it until it clicks. • 8: Reinstall the ca rtridge. • 9: Press down the cartridge until it clicks. • 10: Bring the staple unit ba ck into place. • 11: Close the front cover of the finisher.
y Removing Punch Waste 285 5 y y y y Removing Punch Waste Note ❒ While “ Hole Punch Receptacle Full. ” is displa yed, yo u cannot use the Pun ch functi on. 50-Sheet Fi nisher A A A A Open the front c over of the finisher. B B B B Pull o ut the pun ch waste bo x and remov e punch w aste.
Troubleshooting 286 5 D D D D Close the front cover of the finisher. “ Hole Punch Receptacle Full. ” disapp ears. Note ❒ If the message is still displayed, reinstall the punch was te box.
287 6. User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) Accessing the User To ols (Copy/Do cument Ser ver Features) This section is for the key operators in charge of this machine. You can change or set the mac hine's default s ettings. Preparation After using the User Tools, be sure to exit from th e User Tools.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 288 6 C C C C Select the desi red menu and press t he key. Note ❒ [ T T T T Next ] : Press to go to the next pag e. ❒ [ U U U U Prev . ] : Press to go back to the previous page. Reference ⇒ p.290 “ User Tools Menu (Copy/Document Server Features) ” .
Accessing the User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 289 6.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 290 6 User Tools Menu (Copy/Document Server F eatures) General Features Reproduction Ratio Next K ey Prev . Key Next K ey Prev . Key Next K ey Page F or mat Next K ey Date Dtamp Page Numbering Prev . Key Prev .
User Tools Menu (Copy/Document Server Features) 291 6 ZBQS130E Next K ey Count Manager Input / Output Stamp Setting Background Numbering Preset Stamp User Stamp Next K ey Next K ey Prev .
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 292 6 Settings You Can Change with the User Tools Reference For how to access the User Tools, see ⇒ p.287 “ Accessing the User Tools (Copy/Documen t Server Features) ” . General F eatures 1 / 3 Menu Descrip tion Auto Paper Select Priority As a default setting, Auto Paper Select is selecte d.
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools 293 6 Original Mode D isplay You can choose whether t he original modes are shown on the ini- tial dis pla y.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 294 6 Photo For a photo original, adjust the finish quality level to match the ty pe of phot o or igin al. Note ❒ Default: Screened Printe d ❒ [ SP Mode Cha nged ] is the value set during service setup.
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools 295 6 General F eatures 2 / 3 Menu Descrip tion Duplex Mode Pri ority You can select the type of the Duplex function effective when the machine is turned on, Energy Saver mode is off, or Auto Reset is on.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 296 6 General F eatures 3 / 3 Job End Call You can choose whether or not the beeper sounds when copying is complete, when copying is interrupte d, when the paper tr ay runs out of paper, or when there is a paper ja m.
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools 297 6 Reproducti on Ratio 1 / 2 Menu Descrip tion Shortcut R/ E You can regis ter up to three frequently us ed Reduce/Enlar ge ra- tios other than the f ixed Reduce/Enlarge ratio a nd have them shown on the initial display.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 298 6 Reproducti on Ratio 2 / 2 Menu Descrip tion Red uce 1 Red uce 2 Red uce 3 Red uce 4 Red uce 5 Red uce 6 You can customize the reduction ratios availab le when you press the [ Redu ce/Enlarge ] key followed by the [ Redu ce ] key.
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools 299 6 Page Format 1 / 2 Menu Descrip tion Front Margin: Left/Right You can specify left and right margins on t he front side of copies in Margin Adjust mode. Note ❒ Default: • Metric version: Left 5 mm • Inc h ve rsi on: Left 0.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 300 6 Combine Orig. Shadow Erase In Combine Copy or Booklet/Magazine Copy mode, you ca n specify whether to erase a 3 mm, 0.
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools 301 6 Page Format 2 / 2 Menu Descrip tion Doub le Copies Separa tion Line You can select a separation line in Double Copy mode from no line, Solid line, Broken line, or Crop.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 302 6 Combine Separation Line You can select a separation line in Combine mode from no line, Solid line, Broken line 1, Broken line 2, or Crop.
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools 303 6 Stamp Sett ing Background Numbering Copy Order In Combine Mode You can set t he copy order in Combine mode to “ Left to Right ” or “ Top to Bottom ” . Note ❒ Default: Left to Right Menu Descrip tion Size You can set the size of the numbers.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 304 6 Pres et St amp Menu Descrip tion Stamp Priority You can select the stamp type priority detected in Stamp mode. Note ❒ Default: COP Y Stamp Language You can select the language of the message that is printed in Stamp mode .
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools 305 6 User St amp Menu Descrip tion Prog ram/ D elete Sta mp You ca n regi ster up to 4 c ustom stamp s with you r favo rite d esign . Yo u can r egis- ter/change/delete your favorite design as a user stam p.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 306 6 Date St amp Menu Descrip tion Format You can select the date for mat for Date Stam p mode. Note ❒ Default: • Metric version: DD/MM/YYYY • Inc h ve rsi on: MM/DD/YYYY Font You can select the Date St amp font.
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools 307 6 Page Numberi ng Menu Descrip tion Format Priority You can select the page number fo rmat priority detected in Page Numb eri ng mo de. Note ❒ Default: P1, P2 Font You can select the font of the p age number that is printed in Pa ge Numb eri ng mo de.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 308 6 Position Priority: P 1, P2... Position Priority: 1 /5, 2/5.. . Position Priority: - 1-, -2-... Posi tion Pr iori ty: P. 1, P. 2.. . Position Priority: 1 , 2... Positi on Priority: 1- 1, 1-2... You can set the po sition at which the s tamp is printed.
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools 309 6 Input/Ou tput Menu Descrip tion Batch (SADF) A uto Reset Time When you set one or iginal at a time in the d ocument feeder, the Auto Fee d indicator lights for a selected time after an original is fed to show that the document feeder is ready for another origi- nal.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 310 6 Memory Full Auto S can Rest art When the memory becomes full while scanning originals, the ma- chine can make copies of the scanned originals first , then auto- matically proceed scanning the remaining originals.
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools 311 6 Count Manager When a key operator code has already been entered, you cannot begin manager settings unless you enter the key operator code (up to 8 digits). Menu Descrip tion Check/Reset/Print Copy Counter You can check or print the number of copies made under each u ser code.
User Tools (Copy/Document Server Features) 312 6 Connect Copy Master You can select whether the [ Connect ] key is displayed or not. If you choose “ No ” , the [ Connect ] key will not be d isplayed and this unit cann ot b eco me th e m ast er uni t.
313 7. REMAR KS Do's And Don'ts R CAUTION: • When you use this machine for a long time in a confined space without good ventilation, you may detect an odd smell. To keep the workplace comfortable, we recomm end that you keep it well ventilated.
REMAR KS 314 7 Where to Put Your Machine Machine Env ironment Your machine's location should be carefully chosen because environmental con- ditions greatly affect its performance. Optimum environmental condition s R CAUTION: R CAUTION: • Temperature: 10 – 32 ° C (50 – 89.
Where to Put Your Machine 315 7 Moving R CAUTION: Important ❒ When moving the machine, the fol lowing precaution s should always be fol- lowed: • Turn off the main po wer. ⇒ p .22 “ Turning Off the Main Power ” • Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
REMAR KS 316 7 • Make sure that the plug is firmly inserted in the outlet. • Voltage must not fluctuate more than 10%. • The wall outlet sh all be installed n ear the machine and shall be easily ac cessi- ble. Access to the Machine Place the machine nea r the power source, providing c learance as shown.
Maintaining Your Machine 317 7 Maintaining Your Machine I f t he e x p o s u r e g la s s or do cu m e n t f e e d er be l t i s d ir ty , y o u m i gh t n ot be a b l e t o make copies as you want. Clean them if you find them dirty. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Cleani ng the mach ine Wipe the machine with a s oft, damp cloth.
REMAR KS 318 7.
319 8. Specifications Mainframe ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Configuration : Console ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Photose nsitivi ty type: OPC dr um ( Φ 100) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Original scanning: One-dimens ional solid s canning.
Specifications 320 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Copy paper weight : • Paper tray: 52 – 128 g/m 2 , 14 – 34 lb. Bond • Bypass tray: 52 – 157 g/m 2 , 14 lb. Bond – 90 lb. Index ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Non-reprodu ction area: • Leading edge: Less than 3 ± 2 mm, 0.
Mainframe 321 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Copy paper c apacity: • Tray 1 (Tandem tray) : 3 ,100 sheets (1,550 sheets × 2) ( 80 g/m 2 , 20 lb. Bond) • Tray 2 (550-sheet tray) : 550 sheets (80 g/m 2 , 20 lb. Bond) • Tray 3 (550-sheet tray) : 550 sheets (80 g/m 2 , 20 lb.
Specifications 322 8 Document Fe eder ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Mode: ADF mode, B atch (SADF) mo de, Mixed Sizes mode, Thin mode ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Original size: • A3 L – B6 KL • 11" × 17" L – 5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 " KL ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Original weight: • 1-sided originals: 52 – 157 g/m 2 (14 – 42 lb.
50-Sheet Finisher (Option) 323 8 50-Sheet Finisher (Option) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Paper size: Proof Tray: A3 L – B6 L , A6 L , 11" × 17" L – 5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 " KL Shif t Tray : .
Specifications 324 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Staple position: Four pos itions (Top , Top Slant, Bo ttom, 2 Staples) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Power consumption: 48W (power is supplied from the mainframe.) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Dimensions (W × × × × D × × × × H): 625 × 545 × 960 mm, 24.
Punch Kit (Option) 325 8 Punch Kit (Option) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Paper size • 2 holes: A3 L – A5 KL , 11" × 17" L , 8 1 / 2 " × 14" L – 5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 " KL • 3.
Specifications 326 8 Output Tray (Option) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Paper capacity : • A3, 11 " × 17" : 250 sheets • B4, 8 1 / 2 " × 14" : 500 sheets • A4, 8 1 / 2 " × 11".
Large Capacity Tray (LCT) (Option) 327 8 Large Capacity Tray (LCT) (Option) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Paper size: A4 K , B5 K , 8 1 / 2 " × 14" K *1 , 8 1 / 2 " × 11" K *1 The optional 8 1 / 2 ” × 14" paper tra y is requ ired to set this siz e of paper.
Specifications 328 8 Copy Connector Cable (Option) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Continuous copy ing speed: • 110 copies/minute (A4 L , 8 1 / 2 " × 11" L ) • 56 copies/minute (A3 L , 11" × 17" L ) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Dimensions (W × × × × D × × × × H): 310 × 310 × 65 mm, 12.
329 INDEX 50-Shee t Finishe r , 11 , 323 A Access to the Machine , 316 Adding Stap les , 281 ADF external tray , 8 , 9 ADF tray , 9 Auto Off , 32 , 237 Auto Reduce /Enlarge , 49 Auto Reset , 32 , 237 .
330 I Imag e De nsit y , 42 , 43 Image Repeat , 16 8 Indi cato rs , 12 Interrupt Copy , 86 Interrupt key , 12 J Job Preset , 80 L Large Capacity Tray (LCT) , 11 , 327 Loading Paper , 263 Larg e Capa c.
331 S Safety in formation , 1 Sample Copy , 89 Sample Copy key , 12 Screen Contrast knob , 12 Series Copies , 138 , 139 Slip Sheets , 152 , 16 3 Sort , 55 Sorting copies into sets , 56 Specificatio ns.
332 MEMO.
333 MEMO.
334 EN USA B098 MEMO.
In accord ance with IEC 60417, this machine uses the following symbols for the m ain power s witch: a a a a means POWE R ON. c c c c means STAND BY..
Type fo r 2555/550 2/LD055 AG/Aficio 1055 Printed i n Japan EN USA B098-7207.
Paper t ype: Wood Free 80 g/m 2, Paper Thickness= 100 µ m // Pages in book=24 // Print scale=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% scal e) = Pages in book × Paper thickness / 2 = 0 mm 1055 Operati ng Instructions System Settings RICO H COMPAN Y, LTD .
Paper t ype: Wood Free 80 g/m 2, Paper Thickness= 100 µ m // Pages in book=24 // Print scale=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% scal e) = Pages in book × Paper thickness / 2 = 0 mm Declar ation of Conformit y “ The Product compl ies with the requi rements of the EMC Dir ective 89/33 6/EEC and the Low Voltage Direct ive 73/23/ E EC.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS Notice ... ....... ........ ........ ............. ............. ...... ....... ........ ........ ........ ............. ............. ... 1 ENERGY ST AR Program ........ ........ ............. ............. ........... ........ ..
ii Mojito C2b_GBsys_F _FM.b ook Pag e ii We dnesda y, July 31, 2002 2:16 PM.
1 Notice Importa nt Do not m ake copies of any item for which cop ying is proh ibited by law. Copying the following it ems is normally prohibit ed by local l aw: Bank bills, revenue stamps, bonds, stoc k certificates, bank drafts, checks, pass- port s, driv er's li cens es.
2 ENER GY STA R Progra m •L o w P o w e r m o d e This product automatic ally lowers its power consum ption 15 minutes after the last copy or prin t job has been finished. Printing is still possible in this mode, but if you want to make co pies, press the { { { { Clear M odes/ Energy Saver } } } } key first.
3 • Duplex Prio rity The ENER GY STAR Prog ram recomm ends the duplex functi on. By conserv- ing paper this functi on helps the en vironment. For applicable mach ines, du- plex function (one-sided o.
4 How to Read this Manual Symb ols In th is manual, the followi ng symbols are used: R WARNING: This symbol ind icates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in death or serious i njury when you misuse th e machine without fol lowing the in- structi ons under t his symbol.
5 Manuals f or This M achine There are seven manuals that separately describe the operational proced ures for the operati on and maintenance of this machine. Pl ease consult t he relevant parts of m anua l. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ System Settings (this manual) Describes how to access the syst em User Tools to make the machine easier to use.
6 Mojit oC2b_ GBsys_F k Page 6 Wed nesday, July 31, 2002 2:16 P M.
7 1. User Tools (System Settings) Keys for t he User To ols (Syste m Sett ings) 1. { { { { User To ols/Counter } } } } key • User Tools Press to change the default se ttings and condition s to meet your require- ment s. • Counter Press to check or pri nt the total number of copies made.
User Tool s (Syst em Setti ngs) 8 1 Accessi ng the User Tools (System Se ttings) This sect ion is for the key operators in charge of thi s machine. You c an change or set the machin e's default setti ngs. Prep arat ion After using the User Tools, be sure to exit from the User Tools.
Accessi ng the User Tool s (System Setti ngs) 9 1 D D D D Change the settings by following the instructions on the display panel. Then pr ess the [ OK ] ke y. Note ❒ [ OK ] : Press to se t the new setti ngs and r eturn to the p revious m enu. ❒ [ Cancel ] : Press to return to the previ ous menu w ithout changi ng any data.
User Tool s (Syst em Setti ngs) 10 1 User T ools Me nu (Syste m Sett ings) Basic Page 1 Basic Page 2 Set Time Paper Siz e Setting Count Manager ZBQS160E Mojit oC2b_ GBsys_F _FM.
Settings You Can Chan ge with the User Tools 11 1 Settings You C an Ch ange with t he Us er Tools Referenc e For how to access the User To ols, see ⇒ p.8 “ Accessing the User Tools (Sys- tem Set tings ) ” . Basic Pa ge 1 Menu D escri ption Operation Pane l Beeper The beeper (key tone) sounds when a key is p ressed.
User Tool s (Syst em Setti ngs) 12 1 Auto Tray Switching When using Auto Paper Select, if you load paper of the same size in two or more trays, regardle ss of the paper dir ection, the ma- chine automatical ly shifts to the other tray w hen the tray in use runs out of paper.
Settings You Can Chan ge with the User Tools 13 1 Auto Tray Switching • If you sel ect [ Off ] . When pape r has run o ut, “ B Load paper on ***. ” will be dis- played, and copyin g will be interrupted.
User Tool s (Syst em Setti ngs) 14 1 Basic Pa ge 2 ADF Orig. Ejection As a default setting, the sc anned originals from the document feeder are ejected to the ADF external tray. I f there is no space to attach an ADF external tray, you can change the output tray to the ADF tray.
Settings You Can Chan ge with the User Tools 15 1 Set Tim e When enter ing Set Tim e mode, if a key operator c ode has already been set, you must en ter the code (up t o 8 di gits). Referenc e See “ Key Ope rator C ode ” in ⇒ p. 20 “ Count Manager ” .
User Tool s (Syst em Setti ngs) 16 1 - - - - About weekly t imers The w eekl y tim ers a llow you to rest rict use o f the mac hine to cert ain p eriod s of time of the d ay and week. Th e machine will switch itself on and off every day at the ti me you sp ecify.
Settings You Can Chan ge with the User Tools 17 1 Paper Size Setting Menu D escri ption Paper Tray Prio rity You can select the paper tray w hich will be selected as a d efault in the follo wing cond itions: • When the operation swi tch is turned on.
User Tool s (Syst em Setti ngs) 18 1 Bypass: Special P aper In- dica tion Tray 1: Special Paper In di- cati on Tray 2: Special Paper In di- cati on Tray 3: Special Paper In di- cati on LCT: Spec ial P aper I ndica- tion You can specify th e types of copy pap er set in the paper tray and make them indicated.
Settings You Can Chan ge with the User Tools 19 1 Cover Slip Shee t 1 Slip Shee t 2 You can specify any tray as a Cover Sheet or S lip Sheet 1, 2 and make them indicated.
User Tool s (Syst em Setti ngs) 20 1 Count Manager When enter ing Count Manager mode, if a key op erator code has already been set, you must enter the co de (up to 8 d igits).
21 INDEX A ADF Orig. Ejection , 14 AOF(Keep It On.) , 20 Auto Off Timer , 13 Auto Tray Swit ching , 12 B Bypass Special Pape r Indicatio n , 18 C Copy Coun t Display , 11 Copy/Docu ment Serv er Outpu .
22 GB GB B 098 MEMO Mojit oC2b_ GBsys_F k Page 22 W ednesd ay, Ju ly 31, 2 002 2: 16 PM.
Paper t ype: Wood Free 80 g/m 2, Paper Thickness= 100 µ m // Pages in book=24 // Print scale=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% scal e) = Pages in book × Paper thickness / 2 = 0 mm Declar ation of Conformit y “ The Product compl ies with the requi rements of the EMC Dir ective 89/33 6/EEC and the Low Voltage Direct ive 73/23/ E EC.
Paper t ype: Wood Free 80 g/m 2, Paper Thickness= 100 µ m // Pages in book=24 // Print scale=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% scal e) = Pages in book × Paper thickness / 2 = 0 mm 1055 Operati ng Instructions System Settings RICO H COMPAN Y, LTD .
PRINTER Controller Type 1055 Operating I nstructions PRINTER REFERENCE 1 (option) For safety, pleas e read this manu al carefully bef ore you use this product an d keep it hand y for future reference.
Introduction This man ual conta ins deta iled inst ructions on the operation a nd maint enance of this mac hine. To g et maximu m versatility from this machi ne all opera tors should carefully read and follow the instru ctions in this man ual. Please k eep this m anual in a handy place ne ar the mac hine.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS Manuals for This Machine ......... ......... ........ ......... ....... ......... ........ ......... ....... ......... . 1 Manu als for This M achin e ... ...... ....... ......... ...... ...... ....... ...... ......... ...... .....
1 Manuals for This Machine Manuals for Th is Machin e There are s even manuals that separately de scribe the operational proced ures for the operation and maintenance of the machine. To enhance saf e and efficient operation of the machine, all users sh ould read and follow the instructi ons contained in the following manuals.
2 How to Read This Manual Symbols In this manual, the following sy mbols are used: R WARNING: This sym bol indicat es a pote ntially haz ardou s situat ion which, if instruction s are not followed, could result in death or serious inj ury.
3 1. Getting Started Connecting the Machine Confirm that the shape and th e position of the connector are as shown in the il- lustration . 1. 10BASE-T/100BASE -TX (option) 2. Parallel Port Requirement s Requirements Before usi ng this machine, confir m that all the environmental and elec trical re- quirements have been met.
Getting Started 4 1 Network cable requirements Optional N etwork Interface Board Type 450-E can be installed to allow direct connection to an Et hernet netwo rk.
Connecting the Machine 5 1 Connecting the Mach i ne Using N etwork Interface Board Type 450-E Connect the machine t o the network using N etwork Int erface Board Typ e 450-E. Follow these steps to connect the machine. A A A A Confirm that you have the correct cable.
Getting Started 6 1 Indicators on Network Interfac e Board 1. Indicator (orang e) Is on w hile Network Interface Board is working. 2. Indicator (green) Is on while th e mach ine is in a n etwork environment.
Features of this Machine 7 1 Features of this Machine This machine is designed for office workgroups and CRD, both for shared usage within netwo rk environment , and for one-to-o ne usage by being c onnecte d di- rectly to the co mput er.
Getting Started 8 1 Printe r Drivers fo r This Machine Printing requires i n stallation of a printe r driver for your operating system. The following drivers are included on the CD-ROM that comes with this mac hine.
Features of this Machine 9 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Adobe PostScript 3 Printer Driv ers and PPD files The Adobe PostScript 3 pr inter drivers and the PPD files are inc luded on the CD-ROM that c omes with this machine. Adobe PostScript 3 p rinter driver al- lows the computer to communicate with the machine via a printer language.
Getting Started 10 1 Guide to This Machine Control Pan el Th is d is pla y pan el is for th e in st al led Co pie r a nd Pr int er . 1. Shows errors and mach ine status. m : Data In i ndicator The Data In ind icato r sho ws th e sta tus o f data recepti on from a computer .
Guide to This Machine 11 1 8. Number k eys Use to enter the d esired number of copies and data f or selected modes. Display Panel The display shows the status of the machine, error messages and function menus. To select items shown on the display, lightly press the items with your finger.
Getting Started 12 1 Online When the machine is online, it can re ceive data from the computer. 1. [ Online ] key Press this key to switch the machine on- line. The pr eceding illu stration shows t he online status. Offline When the machine is offline, it c annot receive data from the computer.
13 2. Configuring the Printer for the Network Configuring the Printer for the Network with the Control Panel After installing optional Network In- terface Board, configur e it for the net- work using the machi ne's control panel. If you us e TCP/IP, you shoul d assign the IP Addre ss and Subnet Mask.
Configuring the Printer for the Network 14 2 E E E E Set the IP Ad dress with the nu m- ber ke ys. Note ❒ To get the IP Address for the printer, contact your network administrator. A Type the first three digits of the IP Addr ess, an d the pointe r moves to the n ext e ntry fiel d au- toma ticall y.
Configuring the Printer for the Network with the Control Panel 15 2 Reference For inf ormation abou t key operator code, see t he “ Sys- tem Settings ” manual. E E E E Select [ On ] . Then pres s [ OK ] . Network M enu is p rotected. Note ❒ When “ Network M enu Protect ” is [ On ] , the icon will appear next to the me nu name.
Configuring the Printer for the Network 16 2.
17 3. Installing the Printer Driver and Software This manual assumes that you are familiar with general Win dows procedures and practices. If you are not, see the documentation that comes with Windows for details. Installation Method The following table shows how to ins tall the printer drivers and software.
Installing the Printer Driver and Software 18 3 Quick Install Auto Run starts the installer automatically when you load the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
Quick Install 19 3 F F F F Click to select a model name you want to use when the [ Selec t Printer ] dialo g box appears. Note ❒ For a netwo rk connect ion with TCP/I P, select th e machine whose IP ad- dress is displayed in [ Connect To ] . ❒ For parallel conn ection, select the machi n e whose printer p ort is displayed in [ Conn ect To ] .
Installing the Printer Driver and Software 20 3 Installing the PCL 6/5e P rinter Driver Insta lling th e PCL 6 /5e Pri nter Dri ver Two k ind s of PC L print er drivers, P CL 6 a nd PC L 5e , are pr ovide d w ith this ma- chine. We recommend PCL 6 as your first choice .
Installing the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver 21 3 Setting up options Important ❒ If the machine is equipped with c ertain options (e.g. the Paper Feed Unit or the Memory U nit), you shou ld set up the option s with the prin ter driver. Limita tion ❒ In Windows 2000/XP, changing th e printer settings requires Manage Printers permission.
Installing the Printer Driver and Software 22 3 Installing the PostScript 3 Printer Driver This section descr ibes basic instru ctions for installing the PostScri pt 3 printer driver. Actual procedures may vary depending on the opera ting system. Follow the appropriate proc edures below.
Installing the PostScript 3 Printer Driver 23 3 F F F F Check [ Local Pri nter ] , and then cl ick [ Next ] . A dialog box for selecting the printer appears. G G G G Select the model of the machine you are usin g, and then click [ Next ] . H H H H In th e [ Availa ble ports: ] box, clic k [ Printer Port ] , and then click [ Next ] .
Installing the Printer Driver and Software 24 3 Windows 2000/XP - Installing the PostScript 3 Printer Driver Installing th e printer driv er Limita tion ❒ Installing a printer driver requires Administrators permission. When you install a printer driver, log on using an ac count that has Administrators permission.
Installing the PostScript 3 Printer Driver 25 3 G G G G Select the check box of the port you want to use, and then click [ Next ] . A dialog box for selecting the printer appears. H H H H Select the model of the machine you are usin g, and then click [ Next ] .
Installing the Printer Driver and Software 26 3 C C C C On the [ Fi le ] menu, click [ Properties ] . The [ Pr inter Pr operti es ] dialog box ap pears. D D D D Click the [ Device Setti ngs ] tab. E E E E Select the options you have installed from the [ Installable Options ] group.
Installing the PostScript 3 Printer Driver 27 3 Default interface language is English. Note ❒ The printer driver with the selec ted language will be installed. ❒ The printer driver will be installed in English if you select the following languages: Cest ina, Magya r, Pols ki, Portugues a nd Suomi.
Installing the Printer Driver and Software 28 3 C C C C On the [ Fi le ] menu, click [ Properties ] . The [ Pr inter Pr operti es ] dialog box ap pears. D D D D Click the [ Device Setti ngs ] tab. E E E E Select the options you have installed from the [ Installable Options ] group.
Installing the PostScript 3 Printer Driver 29 3 Setting Up the PPD File Preparation Confirm that the machine is connected to an AppleTal k network before per- forming the following procedure. A A A A On the Apple menu, s elect [ Chooser ] . B B B B Click the [ Adobe PS ] icon.
Installing the Printer Driver and Software 30 3 Mac OS X - Install ing the PostScript 3 Printer Dr iver It is necessary to install a PPD f ile to p rint from a Macintosh. Follow the proce- dures to install a PPD f ile on Macintosh running Mac OS X. Preparation You need a n administrat or name a nd a passw ord (phras e).
Installing the SmartNetMonitor for Client / Admin 31 3 Installing the SmartNetMonitor for Client / Admin Limita tion ❒ If your operating system is W indows 2000/XP or Windows NT 4. 0, installing software by Auto Run re quires Administrators permissi o n.
Installing the Printer Driver and Software 32 3 Installing the Agfa Monotype Font Manager 2000 Limita tion ❒ If your operating system is W indows 2000/XP or Windows NT 4.
Using Adobe PageMaker Version 6.0, 6.5 or 7.0 33 3 Using Adobe PageMaker Version 6. 0, 6.5 or 7.0 If you use the mach ine under Win dows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000/XP or Win- d o w s N T 4 . 0 w i t h A d o b e P a g e M a k e r , y o u n e e d t o c o p y t h e P P D f i l e t o t h e P a g e - Make r fol der .
34 EE USA B590 INDEX 10BASE-T/100 BASE-TX , 3 A Agfa Mono type Fo nt Man ager 2000 installin g , 32 C Clear Modes/Energy Saver key , 10 Cont rol Panel , 10 D Displ ay Pa nel , 11 Displ ay pa nel , 10 .
Note to users in the United States of America Notice: This equi pment has been tes ted and fou nd to com ply with the limits f or a Class B digital device, pursu- ant to Part 15 of the FCC R ules. T hese lim its are designed to provid e reason able prote ction ag ainst harmful in terferen ce in a resid ential ins tallation .
PRINTER Controller Type 1055 Operating Instructions PRINTER REFERENCE 1 (option) Printed i n Japan EE USA B590-8607.
PRINTER Controller Type 1055 Operating I nstructions PRINTER REFERENCE 2 (option) For safety, pleas e read this manu al carefully bef ore you use this product an d keep it hand y for future reference.
Introduction This man ual conta ins deta iled inst ructions on the operation a nd maint enance of this mac hine. To g et maximu m versatility from this machi ne all opera tors should carefully read and follow the instru ctions in this man ual. Please k eep this m anual in a handy place ne ar the mac hine.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS Manuals for This Machine ......... ......... ........ ......... ....... ......... ........ ......... ....... ......... . 1 Manu als for This M achin e ... ...... ....... ......... ...... ...... ....... ...... ......... ...... .....
ii 4. Using the Control Panel Adjusting Pri nter Featur es ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... .......... ......... .... 23 Printer Fe atur es Menu ..... ......... ....... ...... ...... ...... .......... ...... ...... ....
1 Manuals for This Machine Manuals for Th is Machin e There are s even manuals that separately de scribe the operational proced ures for the operation and maintenance of the machine. To enhance saf e and efficient operation of the machine, all users sh ould read and follow the instructi ons contained in the following manuals.
2 How to Read This Manual Symbols In this manual, the following sy mbols are used: R WARNING: This sym bol indicat es a pote ntially haz ardou s situat ion which, if instruction s are not followed, could result in death or serious inj ury.
3 1. Uninstalling the Printer Driver Uninstalling the Printer Driver This section describes how to uninstall the printer dri vers. Actual procedures may vary depending on the operating system.
Uninstalling the Printer Driver 4 1 D D D D On the [ Fi le ] menu, click [ De lete ] . A confirmation dialog box appears. E E E E Click [ Yes ] to uninstall the printer driver. Windows NT 4.0 - Uni nstalling th e Printer Dr iver Limita tion ❒ Uninstalling a printer driver re quires Full Contr ol access permission.
5 2. Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job Accessing the Pr inter Properties Windows 95/98/ Me - Accessing t he Printer Proper ties Changing the default machine settings A A A A Click [ Star t ] on the taskbar, point to [ Settings ] , an d then click [ Printe rs ] .
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job 6 2 C C C C Make any setting s you require, and then click [ OK ] . D D D D Click [ OK ] to start printing.
Accessing the Printer Properties 7 2 Changing the default machine settings - Printing Preferences Properties Limita tion ❒ Changing the setting of the mac hine requires Manage P rinters permission . Members of t he Administra tors and Power Users groups have Ma nage Print- ers permiss ion by default.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job 8 2 B B B B Select the machine you want to u se in the [ Select Printer ] box, and th en click [ Properties ] . Click th e tab that you wan t to chang e its print settin gs. Note ❒ In Windows XP, c lick [ Prefe rences ] to open the [ Print ing Prefer ences ] di alog box.
Accessing the Printer Properties 9 2 Changing the default machine settings - Default Document Properties Limita tion ❒ Changing the setting of the machine req uires Full Control access permission. Members of the Administrators, Server Operators, Print Operators, and Pow- er Users groups have Full Control permiss ion by default.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job 10 2 Macintosh - Sett ing Up f or Pri nting Making pape r settings from a n application A A A A Open the file you w ant to print. B B B B On the [ Fi le ] menu, click [ Pa ge Setup ] . The [ Pa ge Se tup ] d ialog box appears.
Cancelling a Print Job 11 2 Cancelling a Print Job Windows - Cancel ling a Print Job A A A A Double-click the printer icon on the Window s taskbar. A window appears, showing a ll the print jobs that are currently queui ng to be printed. Chec k the current status o f the job you want to can cel.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job 12 2 Note ❒ You cannot stop p rinting data that h as already been process ed internally by the mach ine. Becaus e of thi s, printing may continue for a few pages af- ter yo u pres s [ Job Res et ] .
Cancelling a Print Job 13 2 Note ❒ You cannot stop p rinting data that h as already been process ed internally by the mach ine. Becaus e of thi s, printing may continue for a few pages af- ter yo u pres s [ Job Res et ] . ❒ A print job that contains a large volume of data may take considerable time to s top.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job 14 2.
15 3. Troubleshooting Error & Status Messages o n the Control Panel Messages Description Comments Add stap les. The s tapl es ar e runni ng out , even though stapling will con- tinue. This message remains while the machine is in the staple mode. An un format ted disk w as detected.
Troubleshooting 16 3 Formatting the disk... The har d disk is being fo rmat- ted. Wait until the confirmation mess age appear s. Functional Problems SC20 00 A controller diagnostic error occurred while the p ower is on. Turn the main switch off, and then back on.
Error & Status Messages on the Control Panel 17 3 Memory is full. Print job download has been can- celled. The document s erver memory is full and cannot receive the data from the machine. The j ob will be canceled. Delete som e unne cessar y dat a from the docume nt server.
Troubleshooting 18 3 Paper mi smat ch. Loa d <xxx> <yyy > paper in <zzz> , or sele ct ano ther tray an d pre ss [ Cont inue ] . Pre ss [ Reset ] to cancel cur- rent job. The pa per size selected fr om the host is not set in a ny trays, when the tray selection is set to “ Auto Tray Switching ” .
Error & Status Messages on the Control Panel 19 3 Pri nte r HDD Er ror. Pre ss [ Reset ] to cancel cur- rent job. A Printer HDD error is det ect- ed while a macro or font is be- ing downloaded from the host to the printer contro ller. Pre ss [ Reset ] to cancel the cur- rent job.
Troubleshooting 20 3 Machine Does not Pr int Pos sibl e Cause So luti ons Is the power on? Turn on the machine. Is the interface cable p roperly connected? Connect the interface ca ble properly. If there are any connectors or screws , make sure that they are f astened securely.
Other Printing Problems 21 3 Other Printing Problems Problem Action An image is printed on the reverse side of the paper. Set the pa per upside down. Multiple pages are fed through the printer at once. Remove all the p aper from the tray and fan them gently.
Troubleshooting 22 3.
23 4. Using the Control Panel Though th e factory default settings of the printer are suitable for most prin ting jobs, t he “ Printer Featur es ” gives you ac cess to a number of set tings th at control basic machine operations. “ Printer Features ” sett ings yo u make are reta ined even when you turn off the machine.
Using the Control Panel 24 4 Paper Feed ⇒ p.28 Page Size Tray Pr iorit y Auto Tray Switching Bypas s paper Type Paper Ty pe P riori ty Duplex Sort Stapl e Punc h Parallel ⇒ p. 30 Pr in ter La ngu age Bi-direction I/O T imeo ut Netw ork ⇒ p.31 I/O Tim eout IP Addr ess Subn et M ask Gateway Address Netw ork Men u Pro tec t Configuration ⇒ p.
Adjusting Printer Features 25 4 Access ing the P rinter Fe atures A A A A Press { { { { User Tools/ Counter } } } } . The following sc reen appears on the dis play panel. B B B B Press [ Printer Feature s ] . The following sc reen appears on the dis play panel.
Using the Control Panel 26 4 Printer Features Parameters PCL Menu Description Orientation You can select the page orientation: • Port rait • Lands cape Note ❒ Defa ult: Portrait Form Length You can set the number of lines per page: 5 to 12 8 Note ❒ The default s ettings depend on the paper size.
Printer Features Parameters 27 4 PostScript Font Pitch You c an set the number of characters per inch f or the select- ed font in increments of 0.01: 0.44 to 99.99 Note ❒ Defa ult: 10. 00 Symbol Set You can select the s et of print characters for the selected fon t.
Using the Control Panel 28 4 Paper Feed Menu Description Page Size You can set the page siz e when the page size is not spe cified by the application. A3, 11 × 17, B4 JI S, 8 1 / 2 × 14, 8 1 / 4 × .
Printer Features Parameters 29 4 Paper Type Priority You can s elect the paper type to be given p riority from the foll owing . Ho wever, paper size h as pr iority over paper type. Also, if you print using the printer driver, the p rinter driver settings will be us ed.
Using the Control Panel 30 4 Parallel Punch You can sele ct whether you want to punch the outp ut for filing. If so, you can also select the punching position.
Printer Features Parameters 31 4 Network Menu Description I/O Timeout You can set how many se conds to wait until a n incomplete print job should end, and the next port in the polling se - quence should be set in increments of 1: 5 to 30 0 sec. Note ❒ Defa ult: 30 sec.
Using the Control Panel 32 4 Configur ation Menu Description Resolution You can set the print resolut ion in dots per inch: • 300 dpi • 600 dpi Note ❒ Defa ult: 600 d p i ❒ When usin g the PCL 6 p rin ter dri ver, you ca n set 600 dpi only. Auto Continue You can set whether Auto Continue is enabled.
Printer Features Parameters 33 4 List Prin t Reset Select Menu Description PS Font List You can print a list of installed PS fonts. PCL Font List You can print a list of installed PCL fonts. PS Demo Page You can print a PS Demo Page. PCL Demo Page You can print a PCL Demo Page.
Using the Control Panel 34 4 Printer Condition We recommend that yo u print the configurat ion page and check its settings , be- fore changing settings of the machine. A A A A Press { { { { User Tools/ Counter } } } } on the control panel. The User Tools/Counter menu appears.
Adjusting System Settings 35 4 Adjusting System Settings Accessing the S ystem Setti ngs A A A A Press { { { { User Tools/ Counter } } } } . The User Tools/Counter menu appears. B B B B Press [ System Settings ] . The following sc reen appears on the dis play panel.
Using the Control Panel 36 4 System Settings Parameters This secti on contains the informat ion about the parameter s used only for the printer. Reference For more information about the other parameters in the System Setti ngs menu, see th e “ System Settings ” manual.
Adjusting System Settings 37 4 Output Prior ity You can sele ct the output priority f or each mode. • Display: Output priority is given to the mode shown on the display panel. • Interleave: Makes use of the Multi-access function to print jobs in the order in which they are initiated regard- less of mode/function.
Using the Control Panel 38 4 Set Time If a key operator code (up to 8 digits) has been set, you should enter the code when entering Set Time mode. Reference For more inform ation about ke y operator code, see t he “ System Settings ” manu al.
Adjusting System Settings 39 4 Count Manage r When entering Count Manager mode, if a k ey operator code has already been set, you must en ter the code (up to 8 digits). Reference For more inform ation about ke y operator code, see t he “ System Settings ” manu al.
Using the Control Panel 40 4 Printing with the Control Panel Using the Sampl e Print Use this function to print on ly one printing of a m ultiple print job. The other prin tings a re sav ed in the ma- chine. The saved jo b can be pri nted from the machine's control panel.
Printing with the Control Panel 41 4 Deleting a Sample Pri nt file If the print ed do cum ent is not w hat you expected, you can del ete the sam- ple print file. A A A A Press { { { { Printer } } } } . The Ready messa ge appears. B B B B After confirm ing that the printer is online, press [ View Sample Pr int Jobs ] .
Using the Control Panel 42 4 Using the Locke d Print Use this function to maintain privacy when printing confidential docu- ments o n the mach ine ov er a sha red network. Usually, it is possible to print da ta by using the c ontrol pa nel once the data i s stored in thi s ma- chin e.
Printing with the Control Panel 43 4 B B B B Select the file you want to d elete, and th en pr ess [ Dele te ] . Note ❒ The locked print files are dis- played with th e “ Key ” mark. The passwo rd screen is dis played. C C C C Enter the password using the number ke ys and p ress [ OK ] .
Using the Control Panel 44 4 F F F F Press [ OK ] . Reference For more information about fol- lowing settings and detail s of Doc ument Serv er , see th e “ Copy Reference ” ma nual.
45 5. Appendix Staple and Punch Position Staple a nd Punch P osition The follo wing tables s how the samp le of outp uts of staple and punch pos itions. Note ❒ Output s of stap le and punch d epends on p aper size, p aper type, n umber of pages and feed direction.
Appendix 46 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Punch *1 Availabl e for metri c and i nch version. *2 Availabl e for inch version only. *3 Availabl e for me tric versi on only .
Specifications 47 5 Specifications This secti on contains the electrical and hardware specificati ons for the printer, including the information about the options.
Appendix 48 5 Options Networ k Interfac e Board Typ e 450-E ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Topology: Ethernet (10BaseT /100BaseTX) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Protocols: TCP/IP , IPX/SP X, AppleT alk ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Interface C.
49 INDEX A Auto Off Time r , 36 B Basic Page 2 , 36 C Canc elling a job Macin tosh , 12 Windo ws , 11 Config uration , 32 Copy/Docum ent Server Output Tray , 37 E Error Messages , 15 F Fun ctio n Pri .
50 EE USA B590 W Win dows cancelling a job , 11 Window s 2000/XP printer d river, unin stalling , 3 prin ter prop erti es, prin ter driv er , 6 Window s 95/98/Me printer d river, unin stalling , 3 prin ter prop erti es, prin ter driv er , 5 Win dows NT 4 .
Note to users in the United States of America Notice: This equi pment has been tes ted and fou nd to com ply with the limits f or a Class B digital device, pursu- ant to Part 15 of the FCC R ules. T hese lim its are designed to provid e reason able prote ction ag ainst harmful in terferen ce in a resid ential ins tallation .
PRINTER Controller Type 1055 Operating Instructions PRINTER REFERENCE 2 (option) EE USA B590-8687.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Ricoh 255 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Ricoh 255 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Ricoh 255, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Ricoh 255 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Ricoh 255, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Ricoh 255.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Ricoh 255. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Ricoh 255 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.