Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit AWS-5832-VSR du fabricant RF-Link Technology
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1 04 1 User ’ s Manual for A WS-5832-VSR 5.8 GHz Wireless V ideo Server Document Number : PSS08003 Page : 1 of 51 Revision : 1A Date : 2008-04-28 RF-Link/Araneus USA, Inc.
2 04 2 About this d ocument This software q u i c k manual is intended for u ser of 5.8 GHz Wireless Video Server . The default IP setting of Wireless Video Server is DHCP . Please refer to user manual of Wireless Video Server, if there is not DHCP Server on your network.
3 04 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PRODUC T OVERVIEW ...... .................................................................................. 5 2. PRODUCT CD ...................... ............................................................................
4 04 4 RULE LISTS - ADD ING/DELETING ........................................................ 31 MODIFYING RULE LISTS....................................... ................................. 31 CAPTURE .................................................
5 04 5 1. PRODUCT OVERVIEW AWS-5832-VSR is the first 5.8GHz wireless video server developed by RF-Link. By installing a 5.8G Hz transmitter in each of your analog camer a, and a built -in 8-ch annel receiver in AWS-5832-VSR, it can connect up to 8 cameras wirelessly without interference from all device s operating from 2.
6 04 6 2. PRODUCT CD Produ c t CD in the package conta ins the fo llow ing: 9 IPSurveillance Appl ic ati on Softwa re NVR manage ment softwa re ¾ 16CH Live View / Rec ord i n g / Playbac k 9 User Ma nuals 3.
7 04 7 5. HOUSING and CONNECTORS Front side look 1 : mini USB Port for configuration 2 : Channel or mode number display . This indicates mode number (Mode 1 ~ 9), if it is flashing. Or , this indicates channel number (CH 1 ~ 8 for w ireless receiver , CH 9 for wire input), it is bright.
8 04 8 if the dot display is bright. Or, this fixed channel mode, if the dot display is off. 4 : Push button for changing fixed chann el mode or auto-scan mode 5 : Push button is for changing channel number , if it is at fixed channel mode. And, it is for changing mode nu mber , if it is auto-scan mode.
9 04 9 Back side look 9 : SMA connector for wireless PTZ antenna. It disappears, if wireless PTZ is not built in this device. 10 : Power Jack for 8 ~ 32 VDC input 11 : RCA connector for audio left inp.
10 04 10 15 : 5V DC output 16 : T er minal block for digit input, if wireless PTZ is not built in this device. There is no function, if wireless PTZ is built in th is device. 17 : T er minal block for digit output, if wireless PTZ is not built in this device.
11 04 11 6. FIRST TIME USE INSTRUCTIONS (read ca refull y) INSTAL L IPSURVEILLANCE APPLICAT ION SOFTWARE Install IPSurveillance Application Softwar e . IPScan is a s o f tw a r e utility to f ind you r w ireless video s e r ve r on the netwo r k . I t i s a pa r t o f IPSurveilla nce Application Softwa re.
12 04 12 USING IPSCAN IPSca n s o f twa r e i s the qui c ke s t way to make s u r e we c an f ind Wireless Video Server on yo ur network. IPSurveillance Application Software setup will insta ll two applications. Yo u can see a s shown below . Sele ct IPScan.
13 04 13 If you want to quickly open the IP you see on IPScan on yo ur browser, select an IP and do a “double right click” on your mouse /touch pad.
14 04 14 CHANGE NETWORK SETTINGS BY I PSCAN Yo u can doubl e click a specific I P add ress and change some basi c netw ork paramete rs. A dialog box will appear as follow s. Change any settings you wan t to make and make s u r e you have c o rr e c t va l u e s in all fields.
15 04 15 settings are accepted and be ing ap plied . Wa i t for around 30 seco nd s, before trying to refre s h I P list. Click Clear Table and click scan agai n. Yo u should be abl e to find MAC addre ss of video serv er und er new I P addr e ss. Wireless Video Server is online on you r network .
16 04 16 7. ACCESS Wireless Video Server BROWSER Or, ¤ Open IE browser ¤ Ty p e I P address o f video serve r that you fo und on IPScan softw a re. For example , / ¤ Initial username and password are… ID: root Pa s s w o r d: pass Click Login button to go to web view .
17 04 17 INSTALL AND RUN ACT IVEX CONTROL Afte r suc c e ssfu l log in , the following pages will appear at first time . Click Install button to install ActiveX Control Click Run button to run this Ac.
18 04 18 INITIAL USERNAME & PASSWORD Adminis trator ¾ Default ID/Password = root/pas s . ¾ Only password is chan ge able. ¾ Full access right to view, control system settings. Guest ac counts ¾ ID/Password not necessary . ¾ Basic view and some actio n buttons can work.
19 04 19 When yo u log in successfully with ROO T /P A SS as administrator , the viewer scree n will display as shown below . 1. Notice top right corn e r of viewing page has a toggle button to take you bet ween web configuration page & viewin g page .
20 04 20 CONTROL PANEL SETTINGS ¾ Video/Re solution F ollowing table de scribes resolution v alues for ea ch video format The recommended bandwidth of net work i s larger than1 Mbps, if D1 resolution is selected. And, the recommended bandwidth of network is larg er than 512 Kbps, if CIF resolution is selected.
21 04 21 ¾ Select channel numbe r in fixed channe l mode. The mode is fixe d channel mode , if Dwell is unchecked. Cha nn el number 1 ~ 9 could be selected. ¾ Select mode number in auto-sca n mode. The mode is auto-scan mode, if Dwell is checked. Mode number 1 ~ 9 could be selected.
22 04 22 STATUS ¾ Initial vie w of web Config. interface is status p age. ¾ Hardwa re & Firmware information along with ne twor k status such a s current IP a nd related de tails ar e clearly shown.
23 04 23 NETWORK Three configur ation t ypes are av ailable for wire d network connection ST A TIC, DYNAMIC & PPPoE. STATIC IP ¾ IP Address Confirm with n etwo rk administrator . ¾ Subnet M ask/Ga teway/De faul t DNS Confirm with n etwo rk administrator .
24 04 24 addres s is co rrect . If IP w as chang ed in web configuration, yo u cannot return to initial login page aft er reboot. DYNAMIC IP ¾ I f D H C P s e r v e r i s o n L A N a n d y o u w a n t t o a l l o c a t e D y n a m i c I P address, use DHCP .
25 04 25 PPPoE SETTINGS ¾ PPPoE is used in case network supports PPPoE like xDSL ¾ Re quest Internet Service Provider for PPP oE ID/Password ¾ User ID / Password PPP oE user ID / P assword ¾ S.
26 04 26 VID EO VIDEO SETTINGS ¾ Vide o C ompression T ype MJEPG / MPEG4 ¾ Reso l u ti o n QCIF / CI F / D1 ¾ Frame T ypes This setting deals with the Group of Pictures (GOP) structur e - which could be a combination of I and P frames.
27 04 27 P - P frames are encoded using info rmation from the pre vious I or P fra me, and can only be decoded cor rectly if the previous I / P fr ame is av ailable. P fr a mes are smaller than I fr ames. I On l y / I P On ly IP - Simple Profile - Medium bit rate s for same quality .
28 04 28 COLOR SETTINGS Fine adjustme nts to video qua lity can be made using more deta iled settings as shown below . BRIGH TN ESS Adjusts the image on a scale from darkness to bright ness.
29 04 29 Click Stop to exit previ ew . Y ou could change other video parameters and p res s TEST to see how th e changes look like. Y o u can press Reset anytime to return back to the default settings. Clic k E nable Prev iew checkbox to save the current settings – and its take s effect right after settings have been changed.
30 04 30 Digital Output PTZ Preset Email Notification Record to FTP Server Di g ital I nput X X X X Motion Detection X X X X Periodic Timer X X X Network Loss X X Vid eo Lo ss X X Power Loss X EVENTS .
31 04 31 In a pre-define d time interv al, an event will b e triggered based on the r ul e lists. Network Loss When system dete ct network loss, an eve nt will be triggered Video Loss When system dete.
32 04 32 CAPTURE Choose Enab le check box to re cord sna pshot by sch edule or ev ent triggered way . Schedule capture - Select schedule day check box es (can multi-select) - Defin e star t and end t .
33 04 33 DATE & TIME ¾ Date and time s ettings can be sync hron iz ed with PC directly by clicking “Clie nt PC time” check bo x. Click “ OK ” after yo u hav e made select ion.
34 04 34 server and click “ OK ”. OSD Click on your desired choice of color . V alues will change accordingly for R, G, and B . If you de sir e so me othe r color , you can manu a lly de fine t hose corresp onding R, G, B value s in the boxes a s appropriate.
35 04 35 DWELL MODE SETUP (ATU O-SCAN MODE) The sett ing v a lue s of m ode of auto-sca n mode can be changed by “ Set ” button. Mode 1 to 9 could be support in au to-scan. And, dwell time 1 to 120 seconds of each channe l could be se t. The chann el numb er is re moved from auto-sca n model, if dwell time is se t to 0 sec.
36 04 36 PTZ CONTRO L ¾ Channe l Mode (PTZ mode l) Default is none. Pel c oP / Pel co D / T ra ns p ar e nt c an b e ch o s en . ¾ Channel ID Give addr ess value for chann el 1 to 9.
37 04 37 Web ¾ W eb P ort default is 80 Video + Audio ¾ Default is 18 52 for video/audi o dat a transmissi on..
38 04 38 DDNS D D N S i s t h e f u n c t i o n t h a t m a p s a n I P a d d r e s s t o a h o s t n a m e . I f Wire less V ideo Serv er ar e set to dy namic IP a ddress , the ho st name b y DDNS (Dynam ic Domain Name Service) must be used instead of th e IP address for cred ibility of network connection.
39 04 39 SMTP/FTP An e-mail notif ication & FTP upload service offe red by Wireless Vide o Ser ver n o ti fie s e v en ts or u pl oa d s snapshots to a remote F TP server . E-MAIL – SMTP SETTINGS Fill i n the detail s of SMTP server s uch as por t number , user n ame, pass word, se rver name informa tion.
40 04 40 FTP SETTINGS Fill i n the detail s of remote FTP server , port nu mber and u ser name, password..
41 04 41 TRIGGER SETUP Three diffe rent types of EVENTS can be co nfigured. Digital INPUT Can be Normal OPEN (N.O) or Normal Clos e (N. C) Choose based on the type of input and press OK to sav e the settings. PERIODIC TIMER Time r interva l can be set in terms of seco nds.
42 04 42 MOTIO N D E T ECT I ON ¾ Enable type Can enable m otion detection by “a lw ays” or “schedule” mode When choosing sc hedule mode, defi ne schedule day an d star t/end time ¾ Detection Area T otal viewing screen area is divided i nto 9 square blocks and each of them is calle d area 1, area 2 etc.
43 04 43 ¾ Sensitivity v alue Defines sensit ivity of the motion dete ction. The range of the value is 1 to 100. ¾ Motion V ector va lu e T o d etect eve n slightest mo vement for objects in se lected area, please select a lowe r motion ve ctor v alue.
44 04 44 Video Loss Can config how much time system should trigger an event for video loss PRE/POST SETTING These parameters decide P re/Post buffer stream format typ e and duration.
45 04 45 ACCOUNT Administrator can create user account s. Login as an administrator and create user accounts by pressing “ Add ” . Each account has PTZ, Video settings and Digital Out privile ges. They can be turne d on or off anytime by the admi nist rator .
46 04 46 Administra tor account password can also be m odified by “Pa ssword” button. Changing p asswo rd needs confirmation. Account Limitations ¾ Administrator can add up to a ma ximum o f 5 users a nd assign properties fo r each of them. Guest Permissions ¾ Gues t acc oun t c an b e t urn ed ON/ OFF any tim e.
47 04 47 ¾ Security Lev e l HIGH ONL Y LA N connections are allowed. MEDIUM Video and audio connections from any location and settings f rom LAN are permitted.
48 04 48 MAIN TENAN CE Language • Default setting s are in English. A choice of T raditional Chinese is available. Firmware update • Firmware update bina ry file ca n be obta ined your re seller . Choose that and click upload . When uploading is done, reboot is required and will be auto ma tically triggered .
49 04 49 9. FACTORY DEFAULT After a confirmation di alog box, clicking OK button, will load default settings and do a re boot. Y ou will see the rebo ot countdown timer running. O nce done, yo u will see the login page. Plea se login with ro ot/pass. 10.
50 04 50 12. USB Config. Port - FIRST TIME EXPERIENCE If Wirele ss Video Server ha s to be quic kly configured or has to be set to factory default settings, USB config. por t is used to achieve that. USB config. port is a spe cial USB port. Insert mini USB cable onto USB config .
51 04 51 STEPS FOR USING USB conf ig port (Windows XP PC) 1. Disconnect power cable connec ted to Wireless Video Server . 2. Use mini-USB cabl e and connect appro priate end to US B config port and connect other end to PC USB port. 3. After 5 ~ 10 seconds de pending on how fast your PC is, yo u c an notice “ Disk drive ” being detected.
52 04 52 Y ou will be asked for p assword. Earlier , if you have never changed the password for user root , plea se type pass as the password. Then click login button. If you inp u t wr ong password, you will get this dia lo g bo x . Y ou will see the net wor k status of Wireless Video Se rver .
53 04 53 If yo u w o uld wish to change ne tw o rk settings of e it he r STATIC / DHCP / PPPoE If yo u w ou l d wan t t o s et up DDNS , please click on the sa me fo r deta ile d configuration. Re turn to Network page to setup network further . Plea se choose and click next for detailed configur ation page.
54 04 54 Please input web port and stream port if default value does not ma tch you r r eq u i re m en t Clicking nex t will show that set tings are sav ed. Y o u can click finish if you are done or go back or cha n ge other settin gs. Similarly y ou can change othe r settings at ea se.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté RF-Link Technology AWS-5832-VSR c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du RF-Link Technology AWS-5832-VSR - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation RF-Link Technology AWS-5832-VSR, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le RF-Link Technology AWS-5832-VSR va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le RF-Link Technology AWS-5832-VSR, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du RF-Link Technology AWS-5832-VSR.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le RF-Link Technology AWS-5832-VSR. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei RF-Link Technology AWS-5832-VSR ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.