Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit hsb2 PLUS Series du fabricant Raymarine
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hsb 2 PLUS Series LCD Display Owner’ s Handbook Docume nt number: 81186_3 Date: September 2002 Page i Thursday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM. Page ii Thursday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM.
Preface iii hsb 2 PLUS Series LCD Display Owner’ s Handbook September 2002 INTEN DED U SE The displ ay units det ailed in t his handboo k may form par t of navigati onal radar sy stems inte nded for light mar ine use. Thes e display s and radar syste ms a re only an a id to n aviga tio n.
iv hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Raymarine pr oducts are supported by a n etwork of Author ized Servi ce Representa tives. For i nformation on our product s and servic es, contact eith er of the followi ng: UNITED ST A TES Raymarine I nc.
Preface v Pr eface This handbo ok describe s the radar and chart as pects of the fo llowing hsb 2 (PLUS) seri es displa y systems from R aymarine: This handbo ok also des cribes t he use of multi-d isplay sys tems. Note: Radar systems ar e supplied with a n appropriat e Raymarine s canner unit and inter-conn ecting cable.
vi hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Contents Preface ................ ........................... ........................... ......................... v W arranty ......................................... ...............................................
Preface vii 2.4 Radar Display Control Functions ........................................ ....... 2.16 Using the Zoom Fun ction ........................................................... 2.16 Offs etting the Center ....................................
viii hsb 2 PLUS Seri es LCD Display Chapter 4: Integrated Radar Operations ........................ ........................... .....4.1 4.1 Introduction .................................... .............................................. 4.1 4.2 Changing th e Heading Mode .
Preface ix Other Follow Route Options ....................................................... 5.31 Going T o an Indiv idual T arge t Point ........................................... 5.32 Stop Follow or Stop Goto ......................................
x hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Menu Timeout Period ................................................................... 7.7 Units ................................................ .............................................. 7.8 V ariation Source ..
Preface xi Chapter 8: Installation ......... ........................... ........................... .......................8.1 8.1 Introduction .................................... .............................................. 8.1 Planning the Installation .
xii hsb 2 PLUS Seri es LCD Display 9.2 Resetting th e S ystem ............................................................ ......... 9.2 9.3 Problem Solving ........................................................................... 9.3 T echnical Support: .
Chapter 1: Overvi ew 1-1 How to Use T his Handbook How to Use T his Handbook Chapter 1: Overview How to Use This Handbook This handbook descr ibes the following hsb 2 (PLUS) series displays and multi-.
1-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display How to Use T his Handbook How to Use Th is Handbook Chapter 4 provi des detail ed operatin g information for integrate d radar system functions , including using marks , man overboar d and curs or echo.
Chapter 1: Overvi ew 1-3 How to Use T his Handbook How to Use T his Handbook T erminol ogy The foll owing terminol ogy is us ed to desc ribe radar and c hartplotter systems: Master A uni t capable of sourci ng specific data s uch as fishfinder , chart or radar data.
1-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display General General 1.1 General The hs b 2 (PLUS) series Pathfinder Radar or Pathfinder Radar/Chartpl otter compris es the 7" LCD disp l ay unit, scanner unit and ass ociated cables. Th e RC520 PLUS Chartpl otter ca nnot be connect ed to the scanner u nit.
Chapter 1: Overvi ew 1-5 PLUS Display Units PLUS Display Units In part icular , you can connect your Rad ar to a re m ote Chart plotter (or Fishfinde r/Chartplot ter) to provide s imilar functi onality to the combined Radar/Ch artplotte r (or Fishfinde r/Chartplot ter).
1-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Operating Modes Operating Modes • Cursor echo acros s SeaT alk, and between chart and radar w indows • Choice of orientati on: Head Up, Course Up and North Up • The sys tem can be connected t o an ST80 N avigator keyp ad for entry of alpha-numeri c data.
Chapter 1: Overvi ew 1-7 Operating Modes Operating Modes F igure 1-2: Full Scr een Operating Modes HEAD UP IR 3nm RR CURSOR HDG MODE TARGETS SCREEN BRG RNG nm 000° 0.
1-8 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Operating Modes Operating Modes Half-Screen W indow Opti ons • Chart display , Radar display: If data is avail able as a function of th e combined displa y unit it c an be disp layed full scre en, as shown in Figur e 1-2 , or in a hal f-screen window .
Chapter 1: Overvi ew 1-9 Heading and P osition Data Heading and P osition Data Heading a nd Po sition Data Full fun ctionalit y of the radar/char tplotter i s achieved when it is part of an integrat ed system with oth er equipment (in addi tion to a nother hsb 2 unit) connected via Sea T alk or NMEA 0183.
1-10 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display T he P athfinder Radar PLUS Display T h e P athfinder R adar PLUS Display 1.2 The Pathfinder Radar PLUS Display When a scan ner is connected and the radar is in T ransmit mode, the radar picture provide s a map-li ke represe ntation of the area in which th e radar i s operatin g.
Chapter 1: Overview 1-11 P athfinder Radar PLUS Display Options P athfinder Radar PLUS Display Options F igure 1-3: Radar Display F eatures CURSOR HDG MODE TARGETS SCREEN BRG RNG nm 045 ° 0.28 R Landmass Surface vessel Default soft key labels These can be turned off; press any soft key to re-display them.
1-12 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Radar F unctions Radar Functio ns F igure 1-4: T ypical Rada r Picture Radar Function s The hs b 2 (PLUS) seri es Pathfin der Radar i ncludes th e following functions : • Choice of range scal es from 1 / 8 nm t o 72nm (depende nt on scanner type).
Chapter 1: Overview 1-13 T h e Chartplotter Display T h e Chartplotter Display 1.3 The Chartplott er Display The PLUS se ries disp lay can i ncludes a C hartplot ter . The chartpl otter includes a small -scale wor ld map a nd detail ed navigati on inform ation is displayed when a car tographic chart car d is instal led.
1-14 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Chartplotter Display Options Cha rtp lott er D ispl ay Options Chartplotte r Display Options In addit ion to t he display set up options previous ly descri bed, cha.
Chapter 1: Overview 1-15 Cha rtp lott er Functi ons Cha rtp lott er Functi ons ON : Chart text , chart b oundaries, depth contours, navigat ion marks and land f eatures. OFF : Caution and r outi ng data. CUST OM : Spot sounding, l ight sect ors, marine fe atures.
1-16 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Oper at ing C on tro ls Operating Con trols 1.4 Operat ing Contr ols Y ou operat e the ra dar and cha rt using a vari ety of contr ols: • A trackpad pr oviding up, down, l e ft, rig ht and diagonal contr ol of an on- scr een cur sor .
Chapter 1: Overview 1-17 T rackpad and Curso r T rackpad and Curso r The cursor i s used to: • Select a position on the screen. • Select an item, e.g.guard zone on the radar , c hart object on the char tplotter . • Select a n area of the r adar image to zoom int o or pan the chart display .
1-18 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Dedicated K eys Dedicated Keys Dedicated K eys The d edi cat ed ke ys: DISPLA Y , MA RKS, GAIN, VRM /EBL , MU L TI, ALARMS , RA NGE, ENTER, CLEAR, MENU and POWE R have fixed functions ; the fu nctions ar e similar on all Pathfin der dis plays.
Chapter 1: Overview 1-19 As you press a key , a single audio beep confirms the key a ction. If the k ey- press i s not val id for t he current screen o r mode, three rapi d beeps sou nd to indicate that no response is avai lable. If required , you ca n turn the key beeps off as p art of y our set up procedure (see Chapter 7 ).
1-20 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display F igure 1-7: T ypical P op-up Menu Database Li sts The waypoints, routes and t racks that you create on the chartp lotter are stored in datab ase lists.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-1 Introduction Chapter 2: Getting Started & Adjusting the Display 2.1 Intr oduction This chapt er provid es information and in structions t o get you started u sing your disp lay .
2-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Switching the Display On and Off 2.2 Switching the Di splay On an d Off If you have a combine d Radar/Chartplott er, the factory defa ult power -up mode is radar . Once you have used the display unit it powers-up in the last used mode.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-3 Switching the Displa y On and Off After 70 seconds, when the magn etron warm-up sequence is complet e, the S tandby screen is displayed, wit h the te xt ST ANDBY and a prompt to press the POWE R key to ente r T ransmit mode.
2-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Switching the Display On and Off Chart Mode ➤ T o switch t he display on, press and hol d the POWER key until the unit beeps.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-5 Simulator Mode F igure 2-4: Switch Off When the co unter reaches zer o a beep sounds, a nd the dis play unit switches off . Release the POWER key . Note: Switch the di splay unit off bef ore you remov e the power cord.
2-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Changing the Lighting & Contrast Changing th e Lighting & Con t r ast Y ou can change the level of backli ghting and contr ast for the screen and k eys.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-7 Con tro llin g th e Display 2.3 Contro lling the Display Y ou contro l the display us ing the c ursor and control ke ys.
2-8 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Sel ecti ng t he M ode o f Operation ➤ T o change the mode, press the DISPLA Y k e yt os h o wt h e DISPL A Y pop-up, then press ag ain to cyc le through the mode s availab le, shown in the Figur e 2-5 .
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-9 Selecting the Mode of Operation Radar: Chart 2. T o selec t a dif ferent window , press eit her SELECT WINDOWS soft key until the required window is highlighted. If necessary , this will toggle windows on.
2-10 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Sel ecti ng t he M ode o f Operation F igure 2-6: Radar Half-Screen Window Opti ons CDI Window SELECT WINDOW WINDOWS OFF ON ZOOM OFF ON SELECT WINDOW WINDOWS OFF ON.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-11 Selecting the Mode of Operation FOLD OUT SHEET RADAR Page 11 Th ursday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM.
2-12 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Sel ecti ng t he M ode o f Operation FOLD OUT SHEET CHAR T Page 12 Th ursday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-13 Customizing the Screen Presentation Options Customizing the Scr een Pr esentation Options The SCREEN soft key lets you switch the followi.
2-14 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Customizin g the Screen Presentation Options Data Boxes A group of up to six data boxes can be displayed, if the informatio n is available on your syst em. Y ou select which data is displayed in the boxes during system set up as described in Chapter 7:Setting Up the System Defaults .
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-15 Customizing the Screen Presentation Options The standard radar picture is displayed again, with the a ctive waypoint joined to your vessel’ s positi on by a dot ted line . If the waypoint is of f-scre en, the dotted l ine is e xtended to the e dge of the radar pi cture.
2-16 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Rada r Di splay Con tro l Functio ns 2.4 Radar Display Contr ol Functions This sect ion descri bes how to use the rada r control s to: • Use the z oom function to enlarge a select ed area. • Of fset the cente r of the radar displ ay .
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-17 Offsetting the Center ➤ Y ou can us e the cont ext sensi tive curs or to sel ect and move the enla rged area in view in the w indow (the label ZMB is displ ayed). See Moving and deleting items wit h the cont ext-sensi tive curs or on page 1- 17 .
2-18 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Hiding the Ship ’ s Heading Mark er (SHM) ➤ Y ou use t he context sensit ive curso r to select an d move the cent er of the radar picture (the label CTR is dis played).
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-19 Chart Display Contro l Functio ns 2.5 Chart Display Contro l Functio ns Moving Ar ound the Chart Y ou will normally oper a te the chartp lotter with the cha rt showing your vessel’ s curre nt locati on.
2-20 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Moving Ar ound the Chart F igure 2-9: Changing the Chart Cente r Using FIND SHIP FIND SHIP is used in chart mode to re-draw the chart with the vessel at the center and the cursor homed onto t he vessel.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-21 Moving Ar ound the Chart • The ra dar is redr awn to the scale and heading mode of the chart. • The ra dar is set to T rue motion so t hat the r adar and c hart images remain synchronis ed as the vessel moves .
2-22 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Moving Ar ound the Chart ➤ T o change the scale q uickly , press and hold t he requir ed arro w on the RANGE key . The dista nce indica t or at t he left- hand end of the status bar is updat ed whenever you change the chart scale.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-23 T ypical Chart Scenarios • If Plott er Mode is Of f, the chart scale r emains unchan ged, indicating the s mallest ch art scale is displayed.
2-24 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Place an d Goto a W aypoint Place and G oto a W aypoint 1. Press MARKS 2. Position Cursor as required Press the soft key 1 2 3 Press the soft key to go to the waypoint selected by the cursor.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-25 Place and Goto a W aypoi nt 4 The vessel navigates towards the target waypoint See: 5.3 Working wth Waypoints Go to an individual Target Point, page 5-26.
2-26 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Mak e and F ollow a Route Make a nd Follow a Route # GOTO SCREEN ROUTE FIND SHIP MAKE ROUTE EDIT ROUTE CLEAR ROUTE MORE¬ 2 2.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-27 Mak e and F ollow a Route GOTO WAYPOINT FOLLOW ROUTE GOTO CURSOR GOTO CURSOR RESTART XTE WAYPOINT ADVANCE STOP FOLLOW GOTO SCREEN ROUTE FIND SHIP 7 5 6 8 Press the soft key D4268-2a Press the soft key Press the soft key.
2-28 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Review Y our P assage Plan Review Y our P assage Pla n GOTO SCREEN ROUTE FIND SHIP MAKE ROUTE EDIT ROUTE CLEAR ROUTE MORE¬ 2 3 2. Press the soft key 1 4 5 Press the soft key Press the soft key D4269-1 Press the soft key 1.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-29 Review Y our P assage Plan 6 Change the TIME to HOURS - the display indicates it will take 32 minutes to reach the destination. You can change the PLANNED SOG; the display updates to indicate TIME required at the planned speed.
2-30 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Displaying the Radar and S ynchr onizing Radar & Chart Displayi ng the Rada r and Syn chroni zing Radar & Chart 1 2 D4293-1 2 . Press the soft keys to set windows ON. The Chart window is the default selection.
Chapter 2: Getting Sta rted & Adjust ing the Di splay 2-31 Displaying the Radar and Sy nchron izing Rada r & Char t f FIND SHIP MORE¬ SCREEN RDR CHRT GOTO MORE¬ ROUTE RDR CHRT 6 5 7 Press the soft key to synchronise the chart & radar images.
2-32 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Displaying the Radar and S ynchr onizing Radar & Chart Page 32 Th ursday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM.
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operati ons 3-1 Introduction Chapter 3: Standard Radar Oper ations 3.1 Intr oduction This chapt er provides detailed instructions for the standard operatio ns of your Pathfinde r radar . Addit ional func tions, that are available on in tegrated syste ms with appropriate data sources, are described in Chapter 4 .
3-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Range Cont rol 3.2 Range Control The radar pi cture can be viewed at various scales. The shortest range s cale gives a maxi mum ra nge of 1 / 8 nauti cal miles, meas ured from the defaul t centr e to the top of the radar picture.
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operati ons 3-3 Changing the Range Changing th e Range F igure 3-1: Changing the Radar Ra nge ➤ Each time you press the RANGE key , the range changes to the next avail able setting. The system will beep thr ee time s if no further r ange scale is avai l able.
3-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Interpreting and Adju sting the Rada r Picture 3.3 Int erpreting and Adjusting the Radar Pictur e Navigation al echoes ma y be lar ge, small, bright or faint, de pending not only on th e size of t he object but al so on it s orienta tion and s urface.
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operati ons 3-5 Identifying Fal se Echo Retur ns Identi fying False Echo Returns Not all ech oes are direct ret urns to the radar antenna .
3-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Identifying F a lse Echo Returns Indirect Ec hoes There are several types of indirect echoes or ghost images - some examples are shown in Fi gur e 3-4 . These sometimes have the appearance of true echoe s, but in general t hey are i ntermitt ent and p oorly defi ned.
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operati ons 3-7 Adjusting Gain, Sea Clutter , Rain Clutter and T u ne Adjus ting Gain, S ea Clutt er , Rain Clutter a nd T une Automati c adjustment o f Gain, Sea and T une is availabl e, altern atively you can set any of these par ameters to manua l and use the t rackpad to adj ust its value.
3-8 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Adju stin g Ga in, Se a Clutter , Rain Clutter and T une 4. Use the trackpad to move the slider up or down. Y ou can press and hold the control to move t he sl ider quick ly rather than in single steps. The image on the screen changes as you move the slider , so that you can see the ef fect of your ad justment.
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operati ons 3-9 Adjusting Gain, Sea Clutter , Rain Clutter and T u ne Sea Clutter Control Radar returns from waves around your vessel can clutter the centre of the radar picture (see Figur e 3-7 , m aking it difficul t to detect real targ ets.
3-10 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Adju stin g Ga in, Se a Clutter , Rain Clutter and T une Rain C lutter Con trol, using RAIN and FTC The radar can see echoes from rain or snow . Returns from storm areas and rain squalls consist o f countless s mall echoes that cont inuously c hange size, intensit y , and posit ion.
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operatio ns 3-11 Changing the T argets Display Changing the T argets D isplay The Pathfi nder PLUS Radar al lows you t o improve ta rget visibil ity by changing t he followi ng: • Interfe rence rejection • T arget expansion • T arget w akes These par ameters are acces sed from the de fault sof t key TA R G E T S .
3-12 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Changing the T argets Display Interf erence R eject ion Mutual rad a r inter ference i s likely when two or more radar -equipped vessels are oper ating wi thin rang e of each other .
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operatio ns 3-13 Measuring R ange an d Bearing U sing VRM/ EBLs 3.4 Measuring Range and Bear ing Using VRM/EBLs The Pathfi nder Plus Radar di splay allows you to specify up to two Electroni c Bearing L ines (EBLs), each wit h an associ ated V ariable Ra nge Marker (VR M), us ing th e VRM/EBL key .
3-14 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Measurin g Range and Bearing to T arget from V essel • Measure the range of a tar get or point fr om your vessel’ s position, using a VRM • Measure the beari .
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operatio ns 3-15 Measuring R ange an d Beari ng to T arg et from V essel F igure 3-12: Placin g a VRM 2. If requi red, use the tr ackpad cont rols to c hange the radius (range) o f the VRM circl e and the angl e of the EBL until they cr oss the requ ired targe t.
3-16 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Measurin g Range and Bear ing B etwee n Ta r g e t s ( F L O A T ) Moving an Existing VRM/EBL Y ou can move an existi ng VRM/EBL using t he context -sensitiv e cursor . Y ou can contr ol the VRM and EBL separ ately or bot h together .
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operatio ns 3-17 Measuring R ange an d Beari ng Between Ta r g e t s ( F L O A T ) 4. Press th e FLOA T 1 so ft ke y to flo at VR M/E BL1, o r the FLOA T 2 soft key to float VRM/EBL2. The soft keys a re cle ared. The cu rsor is posi tioned over t he origin of the VRM/EBL, over your vessel.
3-18 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Controlli ng VRM/EBL Data Boxes Contro lling VRM/EBL Data Box es Each VRM/EBL da ta box is switched on and off with it s associa ted VRM/ EBL. However , when one or both VRM/ EBLs are active , you can move t he data box( es) and yo u can switch the data box(e s) off at any time.
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operatio ns 3-19 Sett ing Guar d Zo nes and Alarms 3.5 Setting Guard Zones and Alarms The Pathfinder Plus Radar displ ay all ows you to set up one or two guard zones, using the ALARMS key . Y ou can set up sector z ones or 360 ° (circular) z o n e sa ss h o w ni n Figur e 3-13 .
3-20 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Placi ng a Guard Zone Plac ing a G uard Z one Placing a nd positi oning guard zones on the Pathf inder Plus Rada r display is quick and easy . • If a gu ard zone i s not alr eady displ ayed, you ca n place one using the ALARMS key .
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operatio ns 3-21 Moving, Reshapin g or Deleting a Guard Zone 3. If neces sary , use the track pad to mo ve the cor ner of t he guard zo ne to the required position. A s you move the c orner , the widt h and/or he ight of th e zone ch anges, but its g eneral sector shape is reta ined.
3-22 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Controlling Guard Zone Alarms • Y ou turn the guard zone of f • Y ou adjust the guard zone size/shap e to reduce the number of tar gets in the zone • Y ou turn the alarm off • Y ou decrease the alarm sensitivi ty • The ta rget leaves t he guard z one ➤ T o change th e alarm se nsitivity sett ing: 1.
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operatio ns 3-23 MAR P A 3.6 MARP A Introduction to MARP A The hs b 2 series displays include a M ARP A (Mini Automatic Radar Plo tting Aid) func tion for tar get tracking and risk analysis.
3-24 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Intr o duc tion to MARP A • Choppy se a state conditions exist yi elding poor stabili ty; own shi p’ s heading d ata is ver y unstable.
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operatio ns 3-25 Using MARPA T arget V ector and History The MARP A target s can be displayed wi t h a vector li ne showing whe re they will be at a cer tain ti me in the future, (assuming p r esent cour se and spe ed). Y ou can se lect a relati ve or tr ue vector and th e vector length.
3-26 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Using MARP A Acqu ire a T arge t ➤ T o acquire a tar get: 1. Press th e MA RP A soft k ey to displ ay the A CQUIR E T AR GET soft ke ys. 2. Position the cursor over the required tar get and press the AC Q U IR E TAR GE T soft key .
Chapter 3: Stan dard Radar Operatio ns 3-27 Using MARPA View T arget Da ta Y ou can toggle the MARP A data box on/off using the MARP A BOX ON/OFF sof t key . This box displays t he data for one MARP A tar get. Y ou can se lect the tar get u sing the c ontext sen sitive cu rsor or the dat abase lis t.
3-28 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Using MARP A F igure 3-16: MARP A Databa se List ➤ T o cancel all tar gets: 1. Press MARP A followed by MARP A LIS T to display the database list. 2. Press the CANCEL ALL soft key . Y ou are prompt ed to conf irm.
Chapter 4: Integra ted Radar Operations 4-1 Introduction Chapter 4: Integr ated Radar Oper ations 4.1 Intr oduction This c hap ter e xpla ins ho w to us e and d ispl ay n on-ra dar inf orm atio n tha t may be available from other units connected to your system.
4-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Changing the Head ing Mo de 4.2 Changing t he Heading Mode The radar picture is normall y shown with your ve ssel’ s dead ahead be aring straight up, as indicat ed by the Ship’ s Heading Mar ker at 0° r elative b earing.
Chapter 4: Integra ted Radar Operations 4-3 Tr u e a n d R e l a t i v e Motion The refe rence used for the Course Up depends on t he informat ion avail able. The firs t availa ble in t he followin g list i s used: 1. A locked he a ding (i.e . the headi ng bein g used by a n autopilo t) over a SeaT alk connec tion 2.
4-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Using Mark s 4.3 Using Marks The Marks function allows you to place a mark anywhere on the radar picture. Y ou can al so move exis ting marks or delet e them. Y ou should be awar e that radar mar ks are not the same as cha rt waypoints a nd cannot be used in routes, nor can they be transfer red to ot her displays.
Chapter 4: Integra ted Radar Operations 4-5 Man Overboard (MOB ) Moving or Deleting a Mark Y ou can move or delet e marks usi ng the context -sensitiv e cursor . ➤ Use the context sensitive cursor t o move or delete a mark (the l abel MRK appears under the cursor) .
4-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Cursor Echo F igure 4-2: MOB Alarm ➤ T o cancel t he MOB, pres s and hold the MARK key for 2 seconds. Note: The MOB procedure ca n also be initi ated or ca ncelled re motely if the appropriat e SeaTalk m essage i s received by the Pat hfinder Rad ar.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-1 Introduc tion Chapter 5: Standard Chart Oper ations 5.1 Intr oduction This chapt er explai ns how to use the ch art funct ions to na vigate wit h your display . It covers the fol lowing topic s: • Using c hart car ds.
5-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Using Char t Cards 5.2 Using Chart Card s The chartplo tter h as a built-i n wor ld m ap; most are as a re di splay ed on a s cale of 4000 nm from the top t o the bott om of the screen , an d can be zoomed in to 150 nm .
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-3 Removin g a Ch art Card F igure 5-1: Removing the Char t Card Remo ving a Char t Card W e recommend that before you remove a chart cartridge, you ensure the chart is not being u sed on any other dis play unit.
5-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Displaying Chart Object and Source Infor mation The boundary of each chart digitized in the current card is defined by a box or rectangl e. (Y ou can switch off the chart boundaries display if you wish, as part of the chartplott er set up describe d in Section 7 .
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-5 Displaying Chart Object and Sour ce Informa tion dow .Use the tra ckpad to se l ect an object in the u pper window and use t he soft keys to s croll up or down the detailed infor mation in t he lower wi n- dow .
5-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Displaying Chart Object and Source Infor mation Tide Data The symbo l indicates tide height data is ava ilable for that position on the chart.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-7 Displaying Chart Object and Sour ce Informa tion select the ch aracter a nd up/down to increase /decrease the val ue.
5-8 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Worki ng with W a ypoints 5.3 Wo rking with W aypoin ts Intr oduction The Chartpl otter en ables you t o place u p to 998 w aypoints (in addit ion, waypoint nu mber 999 is used for MOB operati on): a waypoint is a pos ition entered on a chart as a refere nce, or as a place to go to.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-9 Placing a W aypoint • Moving a W aypoint At the e nd is a section abo ut using the ST60/ 80 Navigator K eypad to s elect, edit, and name your way points. Placing a Wa ypoint The scenario Place and Goto a W aypoint on page 2-24 provides a simple example of how to place a waypoint.
5-10 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Plac in g a W aypoin t 3. Y ou can use the soft keys to edit the waypoint position as described in Edit- ing the W aypoint Detail s on page 5- 13 . It is added to the W aypoint List and named wit h t he n ext available number .
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-11 Placing a W aypoint 3. Edit the Loran para meters as require d, using: i. T he CHAI N soft key , which enables selection of bot h the Chain and it’ s Slave: ii. Th e ASF1 /AS F2 soft key , which prese nts two soft keys for editing ASF 1 and ASF 2 par ame ters independently : iii.
5-12 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Selecting a W aypo int Selecti ng a W aypoint Positioni ng the cur sor over a waypoint selects t hat waypoint and a ccesses t he waypoint soft keys. These keys enable you to GO T O (described in Section 5.5 ), EDIT (symbol, name, posi tion), ERA SE or MOVE the waypoint.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-13 Editi ng the W aypoint Details ➤ T o remove the waypoint data box and soft keys eithe r: Move the cu rsor away from the waypoint , or press CLEAR . ➤ T o display the waypoint d etails fr om the waypoi nt list: Select t he waypoint in t he list as descri bed above .
5-14 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Erasing a W aypoint 5. T o edit th e waypoint p osition, pr ess the EDIT WA YPOINT soft k ey , foll owe d by POSITION . The W aypoint Positi on pop-up i s displaye d. Use the s oft keys to sel ect LA T , LON, BRG or RNG .
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-15 Using the ST60 or ST80 Navigator Ke y pa d CAUTION: T ake care when editing waypoints as it is possible to move waypoints that are used in r outes stor ed in the Route Database. In such instances , the stor ed route will include the waypoint in it s new position.
5-16 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Using the ST 60 or ST80 Navigator Ke y p a d Most of the alphanumer ic keys are used to i nput multipl e characters . Each time you press one of these keys in succession, the next character on that key is input. For example, each pres s of the 1 key alternately in puts A, B, C , then 1.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-17 Using the ST60 or ST80 Navigator Ke y pa d Editin g Entr ies in t he Waypoint, Ro ute, or T rack Lis ts Y ou can al so use t he Navigator Keypad to e dit an existin g item or to name a new item in the W aypoint Lis t , Route List, or T rack List.
5-18 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Working with Routes 5.4 Working with Routes A route is made up o f a seri es of waypoi nts (maximum 50 ) . T o make a route you place a series of wayp oints on the chart, or you can select waypoints from the W aypoint List.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-19 Creating a New R oute • Displa ying route informat ion, incl uding the r oute leg data a nd waypoint details. Use the waypoint details to review your passa ge plans for differe nt speeds. • Using t he databas e list to erase and name exi sting rout es.
5-20 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Creating a New Rou te Note: You can positi on the cur sor on an exis ting waypoint – t he cursor text WPT indicates you are re-using the waypoint rather t han placing a new one. This waypoint is inclu ded in the ro ute when you press PL ACE WA YPOINT .
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-21 Creating a New R oute 3. Press the USE WPT LIST soft key; the MAKE ROUT E screen is displayed with its ass ociated s oft keys.
5-22 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Saving the Current Route Saving the Curr ent Rout e Y ou can save up to 20 named routes in the route database list. These routes can then be re-displayed and followed at a later date. When you save the rout e, all new waypoint s are saved i n the W aypoint List.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-23 Clearing the Current Route Y ou can us e a Navigat or Keypad ( see Using t he ST60 or ST80 Navigator Keypad on page 5-15 ) to name the route. 5. Press ENTER to finish and clear the N ame Lis t, or pres s CLEAR to cancel the opera tion.
5-24 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Displaying Ro ute Infor mation F igure 5-7: Route List Window Displayi ng Route Informat ion Y ou can di splay the follo wing informat ion that relates to your r oute: • Route l eg or waypoi nt infor mation, using t he c ontext-sens itive cursor .
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-25 Displaying Route Informa tion Using Rout e Infor matio n to Review Y our Passage Pl an Y ou can view data for all the waypoints in the current route, or any saved route.
5-26 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Using the Route List to Erase a nd Name a Route F igure 5-8: Route Information Wind ow 4. Press ENTER to remove the Route I nformation window , then ENTER or CLEAR to re turn t o the ro ute so ft key s. 5. T o r eturn to the default soft key dis play , pr ess EN TER .
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-27 Edit ing a Rou te 3. If you NAME a route, use the trackpad to move the cursor right or left to the character you wi sh to edi t. Then use the top o r bottom of the tra ckpad t o increase or decrease the lett er or number .
5-28 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Editin g a Route Adding W aypoin ts at the End of the Route ➤ T o add way points at the end o f the rou te: 1. Press th e ROUTE soft key , followed by the EDIT ROUTE soft k ey . The Make Route s oft keys are displ ayed and the cursor is connected to th e last-pl aced waypoint with a dotted l ine.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-29 F ollo wing Ro utes and Going to P o ints 5.5 F ollowing Rout es and Going to P oints The default soft key GO T O accesses the functions to FOLLOW ar o u t ea n d GO T O a waypoint or cursor .
5-30 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display F ollow a R oute You should always check the tar get wayp oint before init iating a follow rout e. ➤ T o follow t he current r oute: 1. Press th e GOTO default s oft key . The Goto/Fol low soft k eys are displ ayed.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-31 T arget Poin t Arrival T arg et P oint Arri val The a rriv al alarm is used to alert you when the vessel is approaching the targ et point. The arrival alarm is defined as a circle (not visible on the scree n) around the tar get.
5-32 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Going T o an Individua l T arget Po i n t Adva ncing to a W aypoin t ➤ Once you are following a route, you can advance t o the next w aypoint, even if you have n ot reached the c urrent tar get waypoint : 1. If neces sary , press the GOT O default soft key to disp lay the Got o/Follow soft keys.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-33 Stop Follow or Stop Goto 2. Press the GO T O WA YPOINT soft key . Navigation to the selected waypoint begins. The soft key ST O P GO T O is dis- played. 3. T o return to the default soft key display , move the cu rsor away f rom the w a y p o i n to rp r e s s ENTER or CLEAR .
5-34 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Tr a n s f e r r i n g W aypoints a nd Routes 5.6 T ran sferring W aypoints and Routes Disp layed S eaT alk W aypoint s In an i ntegrated system, whe n a route is m.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-35 T ransferring Wa y p o i n t s a n d Routes ➤ T o save waypoints to, or load waypoints from a us er cartridge : CAUTION: Loading waypoints from a user cartridge overwrites any existing waypoint and r oute lists.
5-36 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Tr a n s f e r r i n g W aypoints a nd Routes ➤ T o receive inc oming waypoints on SeaT alk or NMEA: 1. T o display the waypoint list press MARKS followed by the WA YP OINT LIST soft key . Press th e WA YPOINT TRANSFER soft key .
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-37 T ransferring Wa y p o i n t s a n d Routes ➤ T o receive the waypoint and route lists via hsb 2 , you must set-up the transfer on both dis play units - one unit will send waypoints , the othe r will rece ive them.
5-38 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Using T rac ks 5.7 Using T racks The T rack functi on is used to mar k on-scree n the tr ail that your vess el has follo wed , as if it h ad l eft a vi sible fi xed w ake. While the track is switched on it is recorded in the display unit’ s memory .
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-39 Setting Up a T rack Settin g Up a T ra ck Y ou use the track soft keys to switch the track on and to specify the inter val, as time or distance, at which track poi nts are saved. The time int erval bet ween track po ints can be set to 1s , 5s, 10s, 30 s, 1min, 3min, 5 m in, 10min o r 30minutes.
5-40 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Clearing the Current Tr a c k Press ENTER to retur n to the track so ft keys. 2. Press th e TRACK OFF ON soft key to toggle tr acks on. Y our vesse ls trail will be displ ayed on-scr een, with a line joi ning the points at the select ed interval.
Chapter 5: Stan dard Chart Operatio ns 5-41 Mana gi ng T rac ks 3. Press SA VE TRAC K . The name t rack soft keys are displayed. 4. If you d o not wish to name or rename the track, press the NO soft key (or CLEAR ) to clear the list . The trac k is saved and i s liste d as T rack Not Named.
5-42 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display SmartRoute SmartRoute SmartRoute e nables the curre nt track, or the l ast segment of a t rack with breaks, to be converte d to a route (the track could have been retrieved from the track list).
Chapter 6: Fur ther Chart Operat ions 6-1 Intr o duc tion Chapter 6: Further Chart Operations 6.1 Intr oduction This chapter explains how to use the additi onal functions that are provided on the chartpl otter and combined ra dar/chartp lotter di splays.
6-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Measuring Di stances Using the VRM/EBL Ke y 6.2 Measuring Distances Using the VRM/EBL Ke y Y ou can obtain an accurate measurement of the distance and bearing between two points by using the VRM /EBL key . ➤ T o place a ruler l ine and Rul er data b ox: 1.
Chapter 6: Fur ther Chart Operat ions 6-3 Measuring Distances Using the VRM/EBL Ke y ➤ T o re-posit ion one end of t he ruler line: 1. Move the cur sor over the ruler line towards t he end tha t you want to re - position, until the let ters A → B ar e displayed .
6-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Alar ms an d T im ers 6.3 Alarms and Timer s Alarm Reporting The chart plotter reports t he following a larms, that are set using the ALARMS key: Alar m In dica te s.
Chapter 6: Fur ther Chart Operat ions 6-5 Setting Alarms and Ti m e r s Settin g Alarms and T imers ➤ T os e tu pa na l a r m o rt i m e r : 1. Press th e ALARM S key . The Alarms Set Up men u is displaye d, showing the curr ent sett ings (see Figur e 6-2 ).
6-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Man Overboard (MOB) 6.4 Man Overboard (M OB) If you lose a person or object overboard, and need to return to the location , you should use the Man Overboard ( MOB) function. Y ou can se lect the t ype of dat a used for t he MOB position using the set up menus (see Secti on 7.
Chapter 6: Fur ther Chart Operat ions 6-7 Cursor Echo ➤ T o cancel t he MOB, pres s and hold the MARKS key for 2 seconds. The chart is r e-drawn at its p revious scale, and the M OB symbol and data box are removed.
6-8 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display GPS Setup 6.6 GPS Setup GPS set up page pr ovides you with infor mation and t he status of the tracked navigati on satellites for a SeaT alk GPS. It also enables you to SET UP a SeaT alk Dif ferential GPS, by man ually ret uning it to a dif ferent dif ferential be acon.
Chapter 6: Fur ther Chart Operat ions 6-9 GPS Setup Restart GPS This soft k ey enables re-ac quisition of a GPS positi on fix. Note: Under normal cir cumstances RESTA RT G PS is not requir ed.
6-10 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Data Log Mode Note: If the display unit is re ceiving RTCM dat a via NMEA, rep eating a dif- ferenti al fix from another unit , the MODE soft key i s set to AUTO and is grayed out. If r eceiving RT C M data, the s etting must be perfo rmed manually on the external DGPS r eceiver .
Chapter 6: Fur ther Chart Operat ions 6-11 Data Log Mode F igure 6-5: Data Log Window ➤ T o stop re cording log entri es: Press t he ST O P LOG soft key . ➤ T o clear t he log en tries: Press the CL EAR LO G soft key , you are prompted “Are Y ou Sure”.
6-12 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Data Log Mode Page 12 Th ursday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM.
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-1 Intr o duc tion Chapter 7: Setting Up the Sys tem Defaults 7.1 Intr oduction Once you ha ve instal led your di splay unit and are famili ar with i ts basi.
7-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Changing the Set U p P arameters 7.2 Chan ging the S et Up P arameters The set up para meters are divide d into fo ur section s: • System , t o control the aspec ts of t he system t hat are not spec ific to the rada r or c hart .
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-3 Changing the Set Up P a ram ete rs • For paramet ers that have a numer ic value, or more than four possible settings , a scroll list is displa yed above t wo of the soft keys. • Some para meters are controll ed by a sl ider tha t is dis played above two of the s oft keys.
7-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display System Set Up P arameters 7.3 S ystem Set Up P arameters The foll owing table li sts the Syst em menus and t heir options, shows t he factory defaul t setting, a nd provides a space f or you to make a note of your new default setting.
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-5 System Set Up P a ram ete rs VA R I AT I O N S O U R C E AU TO, M A N UA L AU TO BRI DGE N MEA HEAD ING OFF or ON ON NMEA OU T SET UP APB BWC BWR DBT , DP.
7-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Data Boxes Data Bo xes Press the SEL ECT BOXES soft key to display the data box sub-menu. This allows you to s elect up to 6 d ata boxes that you c an display . Note: 1. A fixed set of 9 of these data items are available for display in the Nav Data half- screen wind ow (see Chapt er 2).
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-7 Day/ Ni ght Day/Night This opti on allows you to change the display be tween day an d night modes. If you sel ect NIGHT mode, a dif ferent pal ette, more suited t o night t ime viewing i s used.
7-8 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Units Units Y ou can se t the units for spee d, depth and tempera ture. The un its you s et will be used to dis play all data, incl uding infor mation received f rom other instrument s on the syst em.
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-9 Bridge NMEA Heading Bridge NMEA Heading The hs b 2 seriesdis plays bridge NMEA input data to the SeaT alk bus (s ee Section 8.8 ) . The Bridge NMEA Heading o ption can be used to prevent NMEA heading data bein g bridged o nto the Se aT alk bus.
7-10 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Date and T ime Settings Date and Time Se ttin gs Set your preferred da te format (DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY) an d time format (12 or 2 4 hour) . If you wi sh to dis play local time, use th e soft ke ys to change fr om UTC to the re quired time of fset.
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-11 Simu lat or Simula tor The simulat or allows you to operat e your dis play without d ata from t he antenn a and/or e xternal d ata source s. The system se t up sim ulator op tions have the f ollo wing functions: • Data pr ovides simul ated numeric al data, and a waypoint dis play .
7-12 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Radar Set Up P arameters 7.4 R adar Set Up P arameters The RAD AR SET U P option allo ws you to set u p the radar according to y our system config uration and your per sonal pre ferences .
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-13 T i med T ransmission Option Timed T r ansmissi on Option The TIMED TRA NSMIT para meter , together with the TX PERI OD and ST ANDBY PER IOD parameter s, controls the radar’ s timed transmis sion power -saving m ode.
7-14 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Bearing Alignme nt T o change t he range s cale, hig hlight t he requir ed range an d use the soft keys to ch ange the value. S tart at the to p of the l ist and wor k down, si nce each va lue must b e greate r than th e value f or the pr evious ra nge in th e list.
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-15 MARP A Set Up P a ram ete rs 7.5 MARP A Set Up P arameters The MARP A set up menu provid es options to sp ecify the ta rget vectors, safe zone and t ar get his tory displ ay .
7-16 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Advanced Settings 7.6 Advanced Settings The ADV ANCED SET UP op tion all ow s you to se t up va lues fo r the f ollo wing three para m eters th at aff ect the fine-t uning of the rada r .
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-17 STC Preset Under cert ain circ umstances, it may be ea sier to adj ust the di splay tim ing with MBS (Main Ban g Suppressi on) of f; press the MBS s oft key to to ggle the se tting OFF . MBS is res et to ON automa ticall y when you finish adjust- ing t he d isp lay tim ing.
7-18 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Chart Set Up P arameters 7.7 Ch art Set Up P arameters The CHAR T SET UP option a llow s you to set up th e chartp lott er acc ordi ng to your syst em configura t ion a nd your personal pref erences.
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-19 Plotter Mode • chart text size (small, normal ,l a r g e ) •c h a r t d i s p l a y ( detailed ,s i m p l e ) • chart boundaries ( on ,o f f ,c u s.
7-20 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Object Inform ation Object In formatio n Y ou can se t Object Information ON ALL, ON POINTS or OFF to det erm ine wh en an object identif ication p op-up is displ ayed. When set to ON ALL ,t h e informa tion pop u p is disp layed when t he cursor is placed over any chart area for two seconds.
Chapter 7: Setting Up the System Defaults 7-21 Po s i t i o n O f f s e t CAUTION: Changing the chart datum does not cause any waypoint or rout es stored in the chart plotter to move on the display , alt hough their latit ude and longitude changes to r eflect the new datum.
7-22 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display P osi tion Offset Page 22 Th ursday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM.
Chapter 8: Insta llation 8-1 Introduc tion Chapter 8: Installation 8.1 Intr oduction This chapt er provid es instal lation inst ructions f or your hsb 2 se ries LCD display . Simple systems such as that i n Figur e 8-1 below , or integrat ed syste ms (see Section 8.
8-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Planning the Installa tion Note: If you wish to prac tice usin g the disp lay before insta l lati on, connect a 12V or 24V DC power supply (connec ting the red wire v ia a 6.3A qu ick blow fuse to positive and th e black wire to negative) and usi ng the si mulator mode, as described in Chapter 2.
Chapter 8: Insta llation 8-3 EMC Installatio n Guidelines • At le ast 3 ft ( 1 m) from any equipment tran smitting or cables carryi ng radio si gnals e.g. V HF radios, cables and an tennas. In the ca se of SSB radios, the dis tance shoul d be incr eased to 7 ft (2 m).
8-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Unpacki ng and Inspecting the Com pon ent s 8.2 Unpac king and Insp ecting the Comp onents Unpack your system care f ully , to pr event damage to the eq uipment. Save the carton a nd packing, in case you ne ed to return a unit for servi ce.
Chapter 8: Insta llation 8-5 Selecting the Display Unit Loca tion 8.3 Selecting the Di splay Unit Locat ion The displ ay unit c an be mounted using the mounting bra cket suppli ed, or console m ounted usi ng the opt ional flu sh-mounting k it. The dimensi ons of the di splay unit s, including t he bracket , is shown in Figur e 8-3 .
8-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Selecting the Disp lay Unit Lo cation F igure 8-3: 7 ” Mono LCD Di splay Dimensio ns DISPLAY GAIN VRM/EBL MULTI MARKS ALARMS RANGE ENTER CLEAR MENU POWER Weight: 1.2 Kg (2.6 lbs) Compass Safe Distance: 1 m (39 in) D3221_3 81186_3.
Chapter 8: Insta llation 8-7 Cabl e Ru ns 8.4 Cable Runs Consider t he followi ng befo re instal ling the system cables: • Y ou need t o attach the power c able and t he scanner cable. Additional cables wi ll be re quired if you are installi ng an inte grated sys tem.
8-8 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Inte r -Unit Scanne r Cable minimise an y voltage drop in the cable. Th e scanner type and t he length and type of the inter -unit cable also affec t the wire gauge required for the extension power cable.
Chapter 8: Insta llation 8-9 Mounting the Display Unit 8.5 Mounting the Display Unit The displ ay unit i s waterproo f to CFR46 an d can be install ed either a bove or below deck. The display un it can be mounted usin g the mounting b racket supplied, or console mounted using the optional flush-mount ing kit (see Section 8.
8-10 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Mounting the Display Unit CAUTION: Make sure there are no hidden elect rical wires or othe r ite ms behind the location befor e proc eeding. Make sur e there is suff icient rear access for mounting and cabling. 1. Check the selected location for th e unit.
Chapter 8: Installation 8-11 Syst em Conn ecti ons 8.6 S ystem Connections Gr ounding th e Syst em It is importan t that a n ef fective RF ground is conn ected to the system .
8-12 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Display Unit Connect ion Display Uni t Connection The rear of the disp lay provides the following connection sockets : • Scanner (antenna) connection • hsb 2 , in/out connector for connecting to another hsb 2 or HSB series display .
Chapter 8: Installation 8-13 Display Unit Connecti on Scanner Connecti on (m aster dis plays) Connect the inter -unit cable plug to the rear scanner connector . If you are using an inter -unit extensi on cable, connect thi s to the di splay unit , and connec t the supplied cable to the extens ion cable.
8-14 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Display Unit Connect ion P ower and NMEA Input Connection The DC powe r and NMEA input sh ould be conn ected at the rear Power / NMEA seven-pin connector . The connector (viewed from the outside) and pin functions ar e shown in the following diagram and table .
Chapter 8: Installation 8-15 Radar System T ests and I nst all atio n Alignment 8.7 R adar System T ests and Installation Alignment Once you ha ve installed your Pathf inder Plus Rada r System and made all the connection s, you need to check your installation and perform the System T ests before u sing the s ystem for navigation.
8-16 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Radar System Chec ks and Adjustments 1. Press th e ME NU key to display the se tup soft keys . 2. Press th e SYSTEM SET UP soft key . The SYSTEM SE T U P menu is displayed, listing the parameters and their cur- rent settings.
Chapter 8: Installation 8-17 Radar System Chec ks and Adjustments T ransmi ssion Chec k WAR N IN G: The radar scanner transmits electromagnet ic energy .
8-18 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Radar System Chec ks and Adjustments i. Align the vessel’ s bow to the tar get. ii. No te the p os ition of the t arget rel ati ve to th e Hea ding m ark er . iii. If the tar get is not under the Heading marker , there is an alignment error and the r adar can be adju sted as d etailed be low .
Chapter 8: Installation 8-19 Radar System Chec ks and Adjustments Display Timing A djustm ent The displ ay timing c an be af fected by th e length of the ca ble used t o connect the scan ner to the displ ay unit. This in turn aff ects the short ran ge accuracy shown on the display .
8-20 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display EMC Conformance EMC Conformance Always check the installat ion before going to sea t o make sure that it is not af fected by radio transmissions, engine starti ng etc.
Chapter 8: Installation 8-21 hsb 2 ™ (High Speed Bus) Multip le Display Syst ems display units tha t have been suit ably upgrade d - contac t your aut horized Raymarine dealer for upg rade kit detail s. T h eH i g hS p e e dB u s( hsb 2 ) provides extremely rapid transfer of dat a between master and repeater displays.
8-22 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display hsb 2 ™ (High Sp eed Bus) Multip le Display Systems Note: The hsb 2 cables have ferrite clamps attached at each end to ensure EMC conforma nce.
Chapter 8: Installation 8-23 SeaT alk ® and NME A In SeaT alk ® and NM EA In The displ ay can receive a comprehen sive range of data. The primary dat a is described below: *Accurate heading dat a is requir ed for MARP A, and it must be provided on NMEA.
8-24 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display SeaT alk ® and NMEA In F igure 8-13: Integrat ed System with Repeater Display and SeaT al k Instruments D5702-1 NMEA 12/24V Supply 12/24V Supply 12/24V Supply 12/2.
Chapter 8: Installation 8-25 SeaT alk ® and NME A In F igure 8-14: Integrat ed System with Repeater Display and NMEA In struments SeaT alk The SeaT alk standard was originall y developed b y Autohelm ( part of Raymarine), and all ows compatible instrumen ts to be conn ected by a single cable ca rrying power an d data in/out .
8-26 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display SeaT alk ® and NMEA In SeaTalk Connection This conne ction is n ecessary for full f unctionali ty between hs b 2 serie s displays. SeaT alk data, if p resent, is the primary source for all navi gational data except heading.
Chapter 8: Installation 8-27 SeaT alk ® and NME A In NMEA 0183 The NMEA 0183 Data Inter face Standard w as developed by the National Marine Electronics Associati on of America. It is an internationa l standard that enables equipment from many dif ferent manufact urers to be connecte d toge ther a nd to sha re in form atio n.
8-28 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Usin g t he S eaT a lk Auxiliar y Junction Box Using the SeaT alk Auxi liary Junct ion Box A junctio n box (provided with the radar/ chart and chart di splays; opt ional with the radar displays) is used to con nect the SeaT alk sys tem to the display unit.
Chapter 8: Installation 8-29 Data Output F igure 8-17: Using the Auxilia ry Junction Box Data Ou tput Data is transmitte d in SeaT alk and NMEA formats as detail ed in Appen dix D and can b e used to enhance other equipment as required.
8-30 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Data Conversion F igure 8-18: NMEA Output Connec tor Data Conver sion The displ ays convert some infor mation a cross the communic ations l inks as follo ws: NMEA In to NMEA Out and SeaT alk SeaT alk t o NMEA Out This enables data received by the display to be passed to other instruments.
Chapter 8: Installation 8-31 Integrated System Checks 8.9 Integrated System Checks Chart Display - RL70 P LUS, RL70RC PLUS , RC520 PLUS When you have connected your display unit to the required equipmen t ensure that pos ition data is availa ble at t he display via NME A or SeaT alk.
8-32 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display T ransmitted Data Page 32 Th ursday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM.
Chapte r 9: Maintena nce and Pr oblem So lving 9-1 Main tena nce Chapter 9: Maintenance and Pr oblem Solving This chapt er provid es information on rout ine mainte nance and on possibl e causes of problems y ou may experience wit h your dis play unit.
9-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Resetting the System • In some installations , it may not be possible to prevent the equipment from being af fected by e xternal i nfluences. I n gener al this wil l not damage the equipment but it can lead to spurious resetting action, or momentaril y may resu lt in f aul ty op era tion.
Chapte r 9: Maintena nce and Pr oblem So lving 9-3 Proble m Solvin g 9.3 Problem So lving All Rayma rine products are, prior to packing and shipping, subjecte d to comprehe nsive test and q uality as surance pro grams.
9-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display How to Contact Raymarine (U S) How to Contact Raym arine (US) For Marin e Pr oduct and Serv ices Infor mation V isit the Raymarine W orld W ide W eb site for the la test information on the newest Raymarine electronic equipment and systems at: www .
Chapte r 9: Maintena nce and Pr oblem So lving 9-5 How to Contact Raymarine (E urope) How to Contact Raymarin e (Eur ope) In Euro pe, Raymar ine suppor t, servic e and accessori es may be obtain ed fr.
9-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Worldwide Support Page 6 Thu rsday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM.
Append ix A: Speci ficat ion A-1 hsb 2 Series7" LCD Displays Appendix A: Specification hsb 2 Series7" LCD Disp lays General Approvals: CE - confo rm to FCC - confo rms to 1999/5/ EC, EN60945:1997 P art 80 (47CFR) and P art 2 (47CFR) Size: 7 ” 2 23 x 204 x 75mm (8.
A-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display hsb 2 Series7" LCD Displays Radar Featur es Cursor Echo Cursor Ec ho betwee n radar a nd char t on split scr een and/ or separate displays connected via SeaT alk. Man Overboar d (MOB Mode) Mark placed wi th cours e line; read out shows range, bearing, lat/ lon of MOB an d time elaps ed s ince MO B .
Append ix A: Speci ficat ion A-3 hsb 2 Series7" LCD Displays Chartp lotter Featur es Display Windows Radar , Ch art, CDI, BDI and Navdata W ak es Sho rt, medi um, lon g, o ff T arget Expa nsion O.
A-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display hsb 2 Series7" LCD Displays Inte rfaci ng Hig h Speed Bu s Fully indepen dent use of r emote Char t data i f presen t on hsb 2 .
Append ix B: Usi ng the Auxili ary Ju nction Bo x B-1 Usin g t he A uxi lia ry Junction Bo x Appendix B: Using the Auxiliary Junction Box The SeaT alk Auxiliary J unction Box is used to connect SeaT alk G PS and Dif ferential beacon re ceivers t o your dis play .
B-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LCD Dis play Raystar 112, 105, Apelco 182 and 182XT Rays tar 11 2, 105 , Apelc o 182 and 18 2XT In order to connec t your GPS t o your dis play , you must f irst cut of f the 6-pin connector and st rip back the insul ation on a ll the wi res.
Append ix B: Usi ng the Auxili ary Ju nction Bo x B-3 Autohelm GPS , Z260 and Z273 Autohelm G PS, Z 260 and Z273 T o connect y our GPS to yo ur display connect the wires as shown in the first illus tra tion b elow .
B-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LCD Dis play Raystar 112LP (SeaT alk version) Raysta r 112LP ( SeaT alk versi on) T o connect y our Raystar 1 12LP to your display , refer to the firs t illustra tion below or follow the in structions in Chapter 8 .
Append ix B: Usi ng the Auxili ary Ju nction Bo x B-5 Raystar 114 Com bined G PS an d Differential Beacon Receiver Ray star 114 Com bined GPS and Differentia l Beac on Rec eiv er T o connect y our Ray.
B-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LCD Dis play Raystar 120 WAAS Satellite Differential Receiver Ray star 120 WAAS Satell ite Di fferential Re ceive r T o connect y our Raystar 120 W AAS Satellit e Dif ferential Receiver to your display , connect to the Auxi liary Ju nction Box a s shown in the illu stration below .
Appendix C: C- MAP Chart Card F eatures C-1 C-MAP Chart Card Fe a t u r e s Appendix C: C-MAP Chart Card Featur es The C_MAP chart cards display cartographic features which are derived from a library of symbols . The li brary includes a set of 16 x 16 pixel bitmaps which provide r ealisti cally shap ed icons for ma ny chart obje cts.
C-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display C-MAP Cha rt Card Fe a t u r e s CA UTION & RO UTIN G DAT A Caution A reas Caution a rea F ishing facility Marin e farm/ cul- ture Cable, submarin e Cable a rea .
Appendix C: C- MAP Chart Card F eatures C-3 C-MAP Chart Card Fe a t u r e s LAND FEA TURES Natural Features Coastline Dune Hill Lan d ele vation Land re gion Lan d Salt p an Slope to pline Tr e e V e .
C-4 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display C-MAP Cha rt Card Fe a t u r e s The foll owing chart features are always displayed : Menu option Chart features PORT S Ports: Berthing facility Cause way Checkp oin.
Appendix C: C- MAP Chart Card F eatures C-5 C-MAP Chart Card Fe a t u r e s ROCKS Underwater Rock WRECKS Wrecks DEPTHS 1 Dept h area DEPTHS 2 Dr edged are a DEPTHS 3 I ntertidal area POR TS Mooring/W .
C-6 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display C-MAP Cha rt Card Fe a t u r e s Page 6 Thu rsday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM.
Appendix D: SeaT alk and NMEA Dat a Receiv ed and T ransmitted D-1 Sea T a lk and NMEA Data Received and T ransmitted Appendix D: SeaT alk and NMEA Data Received and T r ansmitted The foll owing ta ble define s the dat a receive d on the N MEA/SeaT alk po rts.
D-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Sea T a lk a nd N MEA Data Receiv ed and T ransmitted The displ ay unit tran smits the following d ata, if avai lable, on SeaT alk: 1 When available, NMEA O UT data is transmitted from RL70RC and RC520, or from RL70 if connected to a Chart display via hsb 2 .
Appendix E: Connecting a Raymarine Heading Sensor E-1 G-Series Course Com pute r Appendix E: Connecting a Raymarine Heading Sensor The perfo rmance of MARP A on the di splays is de pendent on the qualit y of your heading sensor .
E-2 hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display G-Series Course Computer Fi g u r e E - 1 : hsb 2 Sys tem wi th a G- Ser ies C our se Co mput er D5669-2 DISPLAY RANGE MARKS VRM/EBL ALARMS GAIN SEA MULTI MOB ENTER .
Appendix F: Abbreviations F-1 Abbreviations Appendix F: Abbr eviations AA m p ANSI A meric an National S tandards I nstitute AW G A m e r i c a n W i r e G a u g e BDI Bearing and Distance Indic ator .
F-2 hsb 2 PLUS Seri es LCD Display Abbreviations lat latit ude lbs pounds LCD Liqui d Crystal Display lon longitu de MM a g n e t i c mm e t e r s MARP A Min i Aut omati c Rad ar Plott ing A id MBS M .
Index xiii A Accessories 8. 4 Acquire aT a r g e t 3 . 2 6 Adding a W aypoint t o a Route 5.19 , 5.28 Adjusting Gain, Sea Clutter and Rain Clutter 3.7 Advanced Set Up 7.2 , 7.16 Display T iming 7.16 STC Prese t 7.17 T une Pr eset 7.17 Alarm Clock Alarm 6 .
xiv hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Conn ections 8. 11 Display Unit 8.12 HSB2 8. 12 , 8. 21 NME A Input 8.12 , 8.23 , 8.2 7 NMEA Output 8.12 , 8.29 , 8.31 Power 8. 11 Power & NMEA In 8. 12 , 8.14 , 8.27 Scanner 8 .12 , 8.13 SeaT alk 8 .12 , 8.23 , 8.
Index xv GAIN 1.18 , 3.4 , 3.7 MARKS 1.18 , 4. 4 , 4.5 , 5.9 , 5.12 , 5.35 , 5.36 , 6.6 MENU 1.1 8 , 2.5 , 5.38 , 6. 8 , 7. 1 , 7.2 MUL TI 1.18 , 3.4 , 3.7 , 3.22 POWER 1. 18 , 2.2 , 2.3 , 2.4 RANGE 1.18 , 2.2 1 , 2.2 2 , 3.3 , 5. 2 VRM/EBL 1.18 , 3.13 , 3.
xvi hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display GPS SOG/COG Filter 7.5 , 7.10 G-Series Course Computer E.1 Guard Zones 3 .1 , 3.19 Contro lling Alarm s 3.19 , 3.21 Deleting 3 .19 , 3.21 Movi ng 3.19 , 3. 21 Placing 3 .19 , 3.20 Reshaping 3.19 , 3.21 H Half Screen Windows 1.
Index xvii Modes 1. 8 Chart 1.6 , 1.8 , 2.7 Data Log 1.6 , 1.8 , 2.7 , 6.1 , 6.10 Fishfi nder 1.8 Full Screen 2.7 Radar 1.6 , 1.8 , 2.7 Mountin g the Display U nit 8.9 Consol e Mount ing 8. 9 Moving aD a t aB o x 1 . 1 7 , 2.14 a Flo ating EB L 3.17 a Guar d Zone 3.
xviii hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Set Up 7.2 Radar/Ch art Synch 1.13 Simulato r 2.1 , 2.5 System Alignmen t 8.15 System T est 8.1 5 T iming Adj ustment 8.19 T y pica l Syste m Diagr am 8.1 W indow Optio ns 1.8 , 2.1 0 Radar Display Center Control 2.
Index xix Sea Clutter Adjusting 3.7 Control 3.4 Recommend ations 3. 9 SeaT alk 1 .9 Cable 8.7 Conn ection 8. 12 , 8.23 , 8.26 Curs or Echo 4.6 , 7.9 Data 4.1 , 4.4 , 4.5 , 4.6 , 6.1 , 6.7 , 8.2 5 Selecting a Half Sc reen W indow 2.8 aW a y p o i n t 5 .
xx hsb 2 PLUS Series LC D Display Conve rtin g to Rou te 5. 42 Database List 5.40 Managi ng 5.38 , 5. 40 Nami ng 5.40 Using the ST60/8 0 Navigator Keypad 5.17 Savin g 5.40 Setting Up 5.38 , 5.39 T ransferring a Rout e 5.18 , 5. 34 aW a y p o i n t 5 .
W arrant y Certifi cate The Raymarin e warranty terms and con ditions as desc ribed below do not a ffect th e customer ’ s statutory rights. Limited Warranty Raymarine wa rrants each n ew Light M arine Produc t to be of good m aterials and wo rkmansh ip.
Documen t number: 84066- 9 July 20 02 T ra vel cost allowa nce on certain prod ucts with a sugges ted retail price below $2500.00 is not autho rized. When/or if repairs are nec essary , these products.
Factory Se rvic e Center s United States of America UK, Eur o pe , Middle East , Far East Raymarine Inc 22 Cotton Road ,Unit D Nashua, NH 03063 -4219, USA Raymarine Ltd Anchorage Park, P ortsmouth PO3 5 TD , En gland T elephone : +1 6 03 881 5200 F a x: +1 6 03 864 47 56 www . Page 4 Thu rsday, August 22, 2002 8:23 AM.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Raymarine hsb2 PLUS Series c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Raymarine hsb2 PLUS Series - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Raymarine hsb2 PLUS Series, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Raymarine hsb2 PLUS Series va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Raymarine hsb2 PLUS Series, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Raymarine hsb2 PLUS Series.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Raymarine hsb2 PLUS Series. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Raymarine hsb2 PLUS Series ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.