Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit TAD -797 du fabricant Radio Shack
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Cat. No. 43-797 OWNER’S MANU AL Plea se read before using this equipment . T AD -797 Digital Answering System 900MHz Cordless Speakerphone with Caller ID/ Call Waitin g ID 43-7 97 .
2 Thi s s ymb ol i s i nt ende d to aler t y ou to the p rese nc e of unin su lat ed dang er- ous vol t ag e wi th i n t he pro du c t ’s en cl o- su re tha t mi ght be of su ffi ci ent mag nit ude t o co nstit ut e a r isk of el ec- tr ic shock . Do no t op en th e p rodu ct’ s ca se.
3 FEA T URES Your Rad ioShack TAD-797 Digital An- swering S ystem 900M Hz Cordless Speakerph one combines a 900M Hz cordless telephone with a 50-mem ory Caller ID unit and a digi tal TAD (Tele- phone An swe ring Device).
4 Ample T alk and Stand by Time — the supplied ba ttery pack (when fully charged) provi des about 3 1 / 2 hours of talk time or 7 days of standb y time.
5 Call Scr eeni ng — lets you listen as a caller lea ves a mes sage so you can d e- cide whether or not to an swer the call. Memo Reco rding — le t s y ou l e av e mess ages for y ourse lf or others in y our home or office. You can also record your phone co nversa tion.
6 CONTENTS Ins ta ll at io n .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 8 Mounting the P hone ........................... ...............
7 T AD Op erati on ... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... . 28 Sele cting the Outgoing Mess age . ............... .............. ................... .................
8 IN STALLATI ON MOUNTING THE PHONE You can place the TAD-797’ s base on a desk or table, mount it on a sta ndard wall plate, or mount it directly on a wall.
9 4. Insert the supplied AC adapt er’s barrel plug into the DC IN 9V ja ck on the back of the base. 5. Route the adapter ’s cord through the strain relief s l ot on the bottom of the bracket. 6. Plug the adapter into a standard AC outle t. 7. Lift the base ’ s antenna to a ve rtical positio n.
10 7. Press and lift out the handset hold- er , flip i t ove r as s hown , then snap i t back in to place s o it hol ds the hand- set. 8. Lift the base’s antenna to a vertical pos ition . Directly on th e W all For t his mou nting met hod, you ne ed two screws (not supp lied) with heads that fit into the keyhol e slots o n the bottom of the base.
11 3. Plug one end of the suppli ed long modul ar cord into the TEL L INE ja ck on t he bac k of the base. 4. Insert the supplied AC adapt er’s barrel plug into the DC IN 9V jack . 5. Route the m odular and adapt er’s cords through t he grooves on the bracket as shown.
12 CONNECTING AND CHARGING T HE BATTERY PACK The TAD-797 com es with a rec harge- able nickel-cadmium battery p ack in- stalled in the handset , but not connected. Before using your phone, you mus t c onnect t he b attery pac k, then charge it for about 24 hours.
13 Also, c heck the chargi ng con tacts on the han dset and ba se . If the con- tacts are dirty or tarnished, clean them with a pencil eraser . • About onc e a month, fully discharge the battery by keeping t he hands et off the base until Lo w Ba tter y appears .
14 T URNING THE BASE’ S RINGER ON AND OF F To turn of f the base’s ri ng er, set RINGER on th e bac k of the ba se to OFF . You can stil l ma ke or rec eive c all s us ing t his phone, and telephones on the sam e line and the TAD ’s han dset still ring when there is an incoming call.
15 2. T o change the day of the week, re- peated ly press SKIP to mov e for- ward or REPEA T to move backward. 3. Press CLOCK . T he T AD annou nces the hour . T o c h ange the hour , re- peated ly press SKIP or REPEA T . 4. Press CLOCK . The T AD annou nces the minute s.
16 2. Press 2 or t to sele ct CIDCW ( Ca lle r ID/C all Waiting ). 3. Press SELECT to chan ge the Ca ller ID/Call Waiting set ting. On or Off appears ind icating the selected se t- ting.
17 T ELEP H ONE OP ERATI ON MAKING AND RECEIVING CALLS WI TH THE HANDSET To m ake a cal l, lift the handset , then press TA L K . The IN USE indicator on the base lights. Dial the number. You see the num ber as you dial, t hen (ab out 5 seconds lat er) the call’s elapsed time.
18 To adjust the speakerphon e’s volu me, repeatedly p ress VOLUM E s or t on t he base. T he vo lume sett ing from 1 (low- es t) to 10 (highest) appears in the mes- sage counter window.
19 USIN G REDIAL To qu ickly dial the last nu mber dial ed, press TA L K , th en press REDI AL . Notes: • You can also press REDIAL on the hands et first, then press TA L K . • The redial mem ory holds up t o 32 digits, so you can redial long- distance as w ell as local numbers.
20 To page the handset from the base, press INT ERCOM. Both the handset and base ring, and Paging appears on t he handset’s d isplay. P ress TALK or INTCM on the han dset to an swer t he p age. T he handset d isplay changes to In terc om . To end the intercom call, press TA L K on the hand set, or S PEAKER on the base, or hang up the handset.
21 Sto ring a Number and Na me in Me mory Note : A n error tone sounds and the phone exits the storing process if you wait more than 20 seconds bet ween ea c h ke yp re ss . 1. Lift t h e handset . 2. Hold down MEM unt il Memo ry Stor e and a list of m em ory l oca- tion numbers (and nam es, if any) appear .
22 7. Enter the phone nu mber and any tone or pause entries (see “Using T one Se rvices on a Pulse Line” on Page 19 and “Entering a Paus e” on Page 22). Instead of u sing the lower key pad keys, you c an us e t or s to enter t he number and ot her entries and or to move the cursor.
23 To sto re a 2-second pause, pres s PAUSE or pres s s twice to select P on the displ ay. You can add more pau se entries for a longer pause. Dia li ng a M emo ry Nu mb er To dial a memory number, lift the hand- set and press MEM. The list of memory location num bers ap pears.
24 Notes : • Connect ing a headset disconnec ts the handset ’ s earpiece and m icro- phone. • VOL s or t on t he hands et also con- trols the connected heads et’ s vol- ume. • If you plac e the hand set on the bas e to recharge it while the headset is connected, be sure t he handset seats properly .
25 CALLER ID OPERATION If you subscribe to Caller ID service from your phon e compan y, t he phone comp a- ny send s information a bout the call, as well as t he time a nd date, bet ween the first and second rings of every cal l y ou receive.
26 Call er ID Mess ages DIALING NUMBERS F ROM A CA LLER ID RECORD To di al a local num ber s tored in a Caller ID record, recall the rec ord, then press TA L K . If it is a long dist ance c all, press 1 ( 1 appears before the displayed n um- ber) before pressing TA L K .
27 STORING A CALLER ID RECORD TO MEMORY Follow these steps to store the name and numbe r from a Caller ID re c o rd in to a memo ry l oc at ion. 1. Recall the record you want to store, then press MEM .
28 T AD OPERATION SELECTI NG TH E OUTGOING MESSAGE The TAD has two prereco r d ed outgoing messag es. One a sks the caller to leave a message: “Hello, no one is available to take your ca ll. Please leav e a message after the tone. ” The TAD us es this mes- sage when REC TIME is set to 1 or 4 (see “Setting th e Record T ime” on Page 29).
29 SETTI N G THE RECO RD TIM E Set REC TIME to 1 , 4 , or ANN to deter- mine how the TAD-797 will r eco r d in- coming m ess ages. 1 — T he T A D plays the out going mess age and l ets c allers leave a mess age up to 1 minute long. 4 — T he T A D plays the out going mess age and l ets c allers leave a mess age up to 4 minutes long.
30 The TAD st ops recordi ng up and res e t s to answer t h e next call when: • the call er hangs up • the m aximum message le ngth is reached • the T AD detect s a busy signa l or more than 7 s.
31 To pla y your m essages, p ress PL A Y . The T A D ann ounc es t he n umb er of new and ol d mes sages, th en plays th e new mess ages. The mes sage nu mber ap- pears as each mess age plays, and the TAD a nnounces the day and t ime of the call at the end of each m essage.
32 SETTI NG T HE RE MOTE OPERAT ION PIN The TAD-797 ’s two-digi t remote opera- tion PIN ( p ersonal iden tification number) prevents unauthorized remote access to your mes sages. T he PIN is p r eset to 80. Follow the se s teps to change th e PI N t o any n umber from 00 to 99 .
33 USIN G REMOT E COMMANDS Follow t hese steps t o operate the TAD from a remote location. Nots: I f you wait m ore t h an 20 secon ds betwee n each keypres s, the TAD soun ds a long bee p an d hangs u p. 1. Dial your pho ne number an d wait for the T A D to answer .
34 T ROUBLESHOO TING We do not expect you to have any problems with your TAD-797, but if you do, these suggestions mig ht help. Proble m Suggesti on Low volume or unusual sounds. Some one has picked up ano ther phone on the same li ne. Hang up t he othe r pho ne.
35 If y ou still have prob lem s, disconnec t the phone . If ot her phones on the sam e line work prope r ly , the fault is in this phone or its installation. If you cannot find the prob- lem, take your phone to your local RadioShack store for assistanc e.
36 CARE AND MA INTENANCE Your T A D-79 7 Digital Answering System 900 MHz C ordless Speakerph one is an e x- ample of superior design and craftsm anship. The following suggestion s will help you care for your T AD-797 so you can enjoy i t for y ears. Keep the T AD-797 d ry.
37 REPLACING THE BATTE RY PACK If you follow the instructions in “ Connect- ing and Chargin g the Battery Pack” on Page 12, the ba ttery pack should last about o ne year. If the battery pack do es not ho ld a charge for more than 2 h ours after an overnigh t charge , replace it with a new 3.
38 THE F CC W ANTS Y OU TO KNOW In the unlikely event that your phone causes probl em s on the p hone line, t he phone company can temporarily discon- tinue yo ur service.
39 NOTES 43-7 Pag e 39 Monda y , Au gu st 16 , 1 99 9 9:20 AM.
Ra di oSha ck A Di vision of T and y Corp oration Fort Worth, T exas 76102 UCZZ01609Z Z 09A98 Print ed in the Phili ppi nes Lim it ed One-Y ear W arrant y This pr oduct is warrant ed by Ra dioShack ag.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Radio Shack TAD -797 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Radio Shack TAD -797 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Radio Shack TAD -797, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Radio Shack TAD -797 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Radio Shack TAD -797, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Radio Shack TAD -797.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Radio Shack TAD -797. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Radio Shack TAD -797 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.