Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit CID-941 du fabricant Radio Shack
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Cat. No. 43-941 OWNER’S MANUAL Pleas e read befor e usi ng th is eq uipme n t. CID-941 4-Line Displa y Caller ID with Call W aiting P age 1 Friday, J anuary 28, 2000 10:34 AM.
2 © 2000 T and y Cor p oration . All Ri g hts Re served. Radio Sha ck is a re g istered trademar k used b y Ta n d y Cor p orati on. WARNING : To reduce th e risk of fire or s hock hazar d, do not expose t his prod uct to rain or moisture. CAUTION RISK OF EL ECTRIC SHOCK.
3 FEATURES Your Ra dioShack CID-94 1 4-Line Displa y Calle r ID g ives y ou acc ess to the la test in tele phone te chnolo- g y. It displays the curr ent date/time and caller infor- mation as provided by your lo cal phone co mpany to Calle r ID service s ubscribe rs.
4 Caller ID M emory Dialing — lets yo u sel ect a sto red phone nu mber fr om Call er ID me mory, then dial it with th e touch of a button. New Call Indicator — flashes to let you kn ow one or more new calls have be en receiv ed sinc e you la st re- viewed th e store d calls.
5 Important In formation: • T o use the syst em’s C aller ID, and Call W aitin g featu res you mu st be in an area where thos e servic es are av ailable from your phone co m- pany , and you mu st subsc ribe to tho se servi ces.
6 draw as the devi ce’s rin g er equival ence num ber, or REN. T he REN is on the bot tom of yo ur system . If yo u a re u sin g more tha n o ne pho ne or other dev ic e on the li ne, add up all the R ENs. If th e total is more than fiv e (or thre e in rural areas), y our phon e mi g ht not r in g .
7 CONTENTS Preparation .... ........... ................. ................ ........... 9 Ins talli n g Batteries .................... ........... ........... 9 Makin g the Conne ctions ...... ................ ......... 1 1 Conne ctin g an AC Adapter .
8 Deletin g Call Rec ords ........ ................. .......... 33 T rou bleshooting ..... ................. ........... ................ 34 Care ........ ................. ........... ................. ................ 36 The FCC W ants Y ou to Know .
9 PREPARATION INSTALLING BATTERIES Your C ID-941 requi res 2 AA b atteries (not s upplied) to pro tect the sys tem’s me mory duri n g a pow er fa il- ure. For the best performance and lon g est life, we recomm end Rad ioShack alkaline batteries . Cautions: • Use only fres h batteries of the re quired s ize and recomm ended ty pe.
10 2. Inser t a flat blade screwdri ver in to t he slot next to the battery compartm ent cover an d g ently pry i t up until the co ver pops off. 3. Place the b atteries in the compart ment as indi- cated by th e polarit y symbol s ( + and – ) marked insi de.
11 MAKING THE CONNECTIONS Connecting an AC Adapter To inc rease t he battery life, yo u can powe r the CID - 941 usin g a 9V, 20 0 mA AC adapte r and a size M Adaptapl u g adapter (neither su pplied). Bo th are availa ble at your loc al Radio Shack st ore.
12 Follow these steps to use an AC adapte r (not sup- plied. ) 1. Inser t the Adapt aplu g into the so ck et on you r AC adapt er ’s co rd. 2. Inser t the barrel plu g into the C ID-941’ s 200mA DC 9V jack . 3. Plu g the oth er end of the AC ad apter into a stan- dard AC outl et.
13 Caution: Resettin g the C ID-941 also clears all s tored call in fo rmati on. Note: If the CID-941 does not work after you reset it, replace the batteries (s ee “Inst allin g Batteries ” on Pa g e 9). Then pre ss RESET a g ain. Connectin g to the Phone Line The CID-941 connects to a m odular te lephone line jack and you r telepho ne.
14 • Y ou can connec t up to fou r CID-94 1s to the same p hone line (see “Usi n g the Master/Se c- ondar y Switch” on P a g e 15). For proper Call Wa i t i n g operation , do not co nne ct more than fo ur CID-941s , or a CI D-941 an d another Ca ller ID module w ith Call W ai tin g , to the same phon e line.
15 Using the Master/Secon dary Switch The CID-941’s M/S (master/s econdary ) switch lets you ea sily co nnect up to fou r CID-9 41 Call er ID mo d- ules t o the sam e phone line, so you can recei ve Call- er ID an d Call Waitin g informa tion at more th an one phone o n that line .
16 • If you conne ct another ty pe of Caller ID mo dule that has Call W aitin g (other t han a CID-9 41) to the same ph one line as yo ur CID-941’ s, the Call Wa i t i n g si g nal can b e g arbl ed or not re ceived.
17 4. Plu g the other e nd of the c ord into L1 or L2 5. Repeat Ste ps 3 and 4 to connec t another CID - 941 to the j ack (L1 and L 2) on the triple x adapter . 6. Slide the M-S switch (loca ted on the ba ck of CID- 941) on both un its to M . Connectin g an Answerin g Mac hine 1.
18 MOUNTING THE SYSTE M You can se t the CID- 941 fl at on a des k, she lf, tabl e or set it a t an an g le by pu llin g out the l e g located on the bottom o f the CID-941. Mounting on a W all To moun t the CID -941 on a wall, you need two screws (no t supp lied) with he ads that fit into the key- hole sl ots on the bottom of the CID -941.
19 5. Ali g n the keyh ole slots on the back of the CID- 941 wi th the sc rew heads and slide t he syste m down over the s crew heads . SETTING THE DISPLAY LANGUAGE The CID-941 i s preset to di spla y me ssa g es in En g lish, bu t you can set t he syste m to d is- play mes sa g es in En- g lish or Sp anish.
20 To disp lay text in Spanis h, repeated ly press REVI EW or until NO CALL or XX CALLS appears . Then hold do wn REVIEW unt il NO LLAMADA or XX LLAMADAS appears. T he CID-94 1 is set to Span ish.T o re set th e sy stem t o En g lish, rep eatedly press REVIEW or until NO LLAMADA or XX LLAMADAS appears.
21 3. Repeated ly press REVI EW to increas e the contr ast up to 15 or REVIEW to decreas e down to 00 . Note: If CONTRAST level n umber di sappears be- fore yo u pr ess REVIEW or rep eat Steps 1–3. 4. Press DELETE to s tore the se ttin g .
22 OPERATION RECEIVING AND STORI NG CALLS Caller ID is a servic e provid ed by y our telep hone compan y. When y ou subs cribe to t his serv ice, the telephon e comp any sends the caller’ s telephon e number (an d name , if availa ble) and the call’s da te and time between the fi rst and secon d rin g s.
23 the time display, b ut the red indi cator flash es until you re view the cal l rec ords. Note: If you have a ph one that has a hol d featur e, we do not rec omme nd usin g hold f or v ery lo n g . The C all - er ID in formation sent by th e phone c ompany m i g ht disco nnect a c aller o n hold if a new ca ll come s in.
24 CALL W AITING WITH DUAL DISPLAY If you are usi n g the telep hone and you subscri be to Call Wait in g servic e and a new call co mes in, th e system will sho w the n ew call i nformatio n and appears. The new calle r name and num ber, if avail- able, appears on the s econd an d third li ne and WAIT flashes .
25 Press FLASH to switch to the new c all. The first c all- er’s in formation moves to the se cond and third row s and WAIT flas hes. Press FL ASH a g ain to sw itch be tween th e callers.
26 REVIEWING CALL RE CORDS To see how m any ca lls are stored , press REVI EW or while the time d isplays . XX CALLS appea rs on the di splay . To vie w the call re cords, r epeated ly pres s RE VIEW to move back throu g h the calls or REVIEW to move forward throu g h them .
27 DISPLAYED CALL INFORM ATION The CID- 941 dis plays t he followin g infor mati on: Display Des cription XX Appe ars wh en yo u a re viewin g a ne w call record or h ave an inco min g call (if y ou subscri be to Ca ll W ait- in g ). PRIVATE NAME NOMBRE PRIVADO The call er blocke d the name .
28 UNKNOWN NAME NBR DESCONOCIDO The ca lle r is not within a Call er ID serv ice a rea that pr ovides eith er the name or n umber . UNKNOWN NUMBER NO. DESCONOCIDO The num ber is not wit hin a Calle r ID service a rea that pr ovides th e num- ber . ERROR ERROR There is an error in t he Caller ID informati on transm ission .
29 CALL-Fd BUSY CFd OCUPADO The cal l wa s for w arded from a nu mber set t o forward a call if t he lin e is busy . LDC LDC The ca ll is lo n g distanc e. xX xX Appe ars wh en you receive r epeat call s from the sa me phone num- ber . X is the num ber of calls r eceiv ed from that numb er .
30 WAIT ESPERA Appears w hen you ha ve a call on Ca ll Waitin g . The name and nu mber of the call er also app ear , if availabl e. XX NEW CALL XX NUEVO Shows th e number of new ca lls.
31 DIALING NUMBERS FROM CA LL RECORDS To dial a teleph one nu mber store d in the Ca ller ID call record me mory, press REVIEW or to re- view the de sired call re cord. L ift the hands et and con- firm a dial to ne. Press CALL BACK ( DIAL 7 , DIAL 10 , or 1+DIAL dependin g on the a rea co de) to dia l the telepho ne number.
32 Same Area Code To call bac k a number received by the CID-941 th at has the sam e ar ea code (for examp le, t he numb er re- ceived by the s ystem is “8 17555121 2” and your area code is “817”): • Pre ss DIAL 7 to d ial 7 di g its with out the area code (55 51212).
33 DELETING CALL RECORDS You can de lete in dividual call recor ds or all call records stored in the sy stem. To de lete a sin g le record, pre ss REVIEW or until the Cal ler ID r ecord yo u want to delete dis- plays, then press DELETE twice. Th e system del etes that record a nd automat icall y renumbers the remain- in g call reco r ds .
34 T R OUBLES HOOTIN G if your C ID -94 1 is no t w o rki n g as i t s ho uld, thes e su g - g estio ns mi g ht help el iminate t he prob lem. Problem Sugg estion Frequentl y displ ays: ERROR ERROR Mi.
35 If the syst em dis plays a mes sa g e that yo u do not un- derst and, see “D ispl ayed C all In form ation ” on Pa g e 27. Call W aitin g does not w ork.
36 CARE To enjo y your Radio Shack CID -941 4- Line Displa y Caller ID for a lon g time: • Keep th e CID-941 d ry . If it g ets wet, wi pe it dry immedi ately . • Use a nd store the CID -941 on ly in n ormal te m- perature e nvironments . • Handle the CID-9 41 g entl y and caref ully .
37 THE FCC W ANTS Y OU TO KN OW In th e unl ikely even t that your CID- 941 c auses prob - lems o n the phone line, the phone c ompany can dis- connec t your se rvice.
38 LIGHTNING Your te lephone h as built-in p rotection circuits to re- duce the risk of dam a g e from sur g es in pho ne line or power li ne current. T hese prote ction circui ts meet or exceed FCC requir ements. Howeve r, li g htnin g strik- in g the phon e line c an dama g e your t elephone .
39 Limited O ne-Y ear Wa rranty This p roduct is warra nted by RadioS hack aga inst ma nufacturin g de- fec ts i n mat eri al an d wo rkman shi p und er no rmal use for one ( 1) y e ar from the date of pu rchase from RadioS hack comp any-o wned st ores and author ized R adioShack f ranchise es and deale rs.
ZIM13970 00 01A00 Printed in China ( Continued) refund i s m ade , b eco me the pr op ert y of R ad ioS ha ck. Ne w or recon ditioned parts and prod ucts m ay be u sed in the per formance of warranty se rvice. R epaired or replaced p arts an d products a re war- ranted for the remaind er of the original warranty period.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Radio Shack CID-941 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Radio Shack CID-941 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Radio Shack CID-941, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Radio Shack CID-941 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Radio Shack CID-941, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Radio Shack CID-941.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Radio Shack CID-941. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Radio Shack CID-941 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.