Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DI-371UVVF du fabricant Provision-ISR
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EN ES 1 48. English Manual Manual en Español Content Note: In order to avoid electrical shock or re, please use proper power accor ding to the manual. W ARNING Note: Only professional technicians is allowed to open the front or back cov er of this camera.
General Thank you for using our products. Before use, please read this manual carefully to ensure correct use of this series of products. Please keep the manual properly for future use. This series of cameras take high-sensitivity CCD as the image sensor , all circuits have long work life and high reliability .
3 4 Features D-DNR (Digital Noise Reduction): Equipped with the most advance Motion compensated 3D-DNR (3-Dimensional Digital Noise Reduction) function. With this powerful DSP image noise can be removed efficiently and it shows clean and obvious image in low luminance.
5 6 OSD Menu This camera utilizes an on-screen user MENU. T o set items on the menu, use the following buttons on the OSD panel. ▲ – Moves the cursor upwards. ▼ – Moves the cursor downwards. ◄ – Moves the cursor to the left. ► – Moves the cursor to the right.
7 8 - T o enter the MAIN MENU screen Press O . The MAIN MENU screen appears on the monitor . - T o exit the MAIN MENU screen. Use ▲ or ▼ button to select the EXIT then Press O . - Scroll to CAM NAME using ▲ or ▼. - use ◄ or ► to select ON and press O .
9 10 2) Lens Iris is mechanism which closes and opens allowing more or less light into the lens. The camera supports two types of lens: * MANUAL Iris lens, where the aperture is fixed or set manually by the user * DC Iris Lens, in which the aperture is continuously controlled by the camera to automatically set to the desired level of brightness.
1 1 12 < MAIN MENU> 1.CAM NAME 2.LENS 3.EXPOSURE 4.DA Y/NIGHT 5.WDR/BLC/ECLPS 6.WHITE BAL 7.3D-DNR 8.EFFECTS 9.SPECIAL 0.EXIT OFF DC IRIS AUTO WDR A TW ON RET 3) Exposure - When selected DC IRIS you can press O for entering DC IRIS MENU In order to set the BRIGHTNESS level.
13 14 INITIAL SET – Back to factory default. PREVIOUS – Return to previous menu SHUTTER Controls the amount of light according to your own environment- Increase shutter value in dark places for a brighter picture Decrease shutter value in places with more light for reducing amount of light.
15 16 Day/Night refers to the mechanism of changing of the optical fil ter between IR-cut filter to non-IRC filte r . AUTO - set the filter automatically , DA Y - force the usage of the IRC filter (color), and NIGHT - force usage of IR-P ASS filter (and display B&W image).
17 18 b) If Selected EXT press O to enter D/N EXT Menu. This is related to the Smart-IR when working with IR-LED camera. It refers to the level of saturation the camera should allow at night when the IR LED works. - Use ◄or► to select level between LOW/MIDDLE/HIGH .
19 20 AREA SETTING - Scroll to AREA SETTING using ▲ or▼ and press O. Inside you have 16 in depended ON/OFF areas that you can set manually according to the requirements of the actual environment. c) If selected Eclipse press O for entering ECLIPSE MENU .
21 22 White balance setting can be adjusted according to the color temperature of object. - Scroll to WHITE BAL using ▲ or ▼. - Use◄ or ► to select between A TW / COL-ROLL / PUSH / MANUAL. A TW In outdoor environment the color temperature is between 2500°K~9500°K , For that it's recommended to use A TW .
23 24 In this case you can take a white paper in natural light environment and choose PUSH . The WB values will be set from now and will not change automatically any more. MANUAL For Setting up WHITE BALACE SETTING manually select MANUAL and press O , The WB MANUAL MENU will appear RED - Scroll to RED using ▲ or ▼.
25 26 The camera is equipped with the most advance Motion compen- sated 3D-DNR (3-Dimensional Digital Noise Reduction) function; it operates in both spatially and temporally , while calculating and compensating for motion in the image to minimize ghosts.
27 28 Here you can find a collection of special effects to handle the image. - Scroll to EFFECTS using▲ or ▼. - Press O and the EFFECTS MENU will appear DZOOM MODE Allows you to digitally zoom the image and tour inside it. - Scroll to DZOOM MODE using ▲ or ▼.
29 30 ZOOM - Scroll to ZOOM using▲ or ▼. - Use ◄ or ► to select zoom level X1.00 - X6.13 . DZOOM P AN - Scroll to DZOOM P AN using ▲ or ▼. - Use◄ or ► to select P AN LEVEL -100 - +100 . - Use◄ for left, ► for right. DZOOM TIL T - Scroll to DZOOM TIL T using ▲ or ▼.
31 32 CONTRAST Set the CONTRAST of the picture. - Scroll to CONTRAST using ▲ or ▼. - Use ◄ or ► to select contrast level between 0 – 100 . SHARPNESS Set the SHARPNESS of the picture. - Scroll to SHARPNESS using ▲ or ▼. - Use ◄ or ► to select sharpness level between 0 – 100 .
33 34 MOTION DETECT Y our camera transmits an alert signal when it detects motion of an object on the screen. Y ou can connect the camera to an external alarm or recording system, and activate it when the camera detects motion. The camera allows up to 8 independently-defined zones to be monitored for motion.
35 36 SENSITIVITY Y ou can set different sensitivity level to each zone. The more sensitive the detection is, it would detect even smaller motion, but it might cause more false alarms, and vise versa. - Scroll to SENSITIVITY using ▲ or ▼. - Use ◄ or ► to change sensitivity level 0 – 100 .
37 38 MOVE X Moves horizontal position of the mask. - Scroll to MOVE X using ▲ or ▼. - Use ◄ or ► to move left or right 2 - 98 . MOVE Y Moves vertical position of the mask - Scroll to MOVE Y using ▲ or ▼. - Use ◄ or ► to move up or down 2 - 98 .
39 40 - Press O and the COMM SETTING MENU will appear . PROTOCOL – PELCO-D (Unchangeable setting). Camera ID Y ou can set an ID number for your camera. - Scroll to CAMERA ID using ▲ or ▼ and press O , the SET CAMERA ID menu will appear . Camera ID - Default 001 - Scroll to CAMERA ID using ▲ or ▼.
41 42 DISPLA Y ID Y ou can choose if your camera ID will be displayed or not. - Scroll to DISPLA Y ID using ▲ or ▼. - Use ◄ or ► to select ON/OFF . ID POSITION Y ou can choose the position where your camera ID will be displayed on the monitor .
Speci ca tions DX-371UVVF 1/3” Sony CCD (P AL:IC X6 39 BK/N TSC:I CX6 38 BK) UltraVision DSP PAL: 752(H )×5 82 (V) / NTSC: 768(H )×4 94 (V) 2 : 1 Interl ace Ava il ab le Inte rnal/L ine lock 650 TVL Off/On(1~63 level adu st abl e) 52dB(A GC O FF ) 2.
Sp ec i ca ti on s DI-371 U VV F 1/3” Sony CCD (P AL:IC X6 39 BK/N TSC:I CX6 38 BK) UltraVision DSP PAL: 752(H )×5 82 (V) / NTSC: 768(H )×4 94 (V) 2 : 1 Interl ace Ava il ab le Inte rnal/L ine lock Color 65 0TVL Off/On(1~63 level adu st abl e) 52dB(A GC O FF ) 4 ~9 mm Vari-F ocal Color: 0.
S p e c c a t i o ns MODEL Image Sensor DSP System Effective Pixels Scanning System Sync. System Horizontal Resolu tion 3D-DNR S/N(Y Singal) Lens mount Minimum Illum ination Privacy zone Sens-up Motio.
C ont en ido General 50 Precau c iones 50 Características 51 OSD Menú 53 OSD Menú de Operaci ón 55 1) Us ua rio 55 2) Le nte /Iris 58 3) Expo sición 60 4) Día/Noche 63 5) W DR /BL C/E CLPS 66 6).
Características WDR (Wide Dynamic Ra nge) ( Amp li o Ra ng o Di námico) : Provee un po t en te Amp li o Rango Di ná m ico , permitie nd o a la cámara t r an smisi ón de c olores vivos y sin pérdida de deta lles.
OSD Menú Esta cámara ut il i za u n m en ú de u s ua r i o e n p a n t a ll a . Para c on fi gurar los diferente s parámetros uti li ce el bo tón abriendo la tapa O SD MENU . Controlador OSD para Bo x Camera Controlador OSD para cámaras Dom o y Cámara Agujero de al fi ler ▲ – Movim i en to d e curso r haci a arrib a.
OSD Menú de Operación - Para ingresar al Menú Principa l en p an t a ll a presionar el botón O. El Menú Pri ncipal a pa r ecerá en el m on itor. - Para s a li r de l m en ú princi pa l de splazar el curso r m ed iante el b otón ▲ o ▼ ha s ta 10 .
- Para ajustar la po sici ón de l no mb re en p an t a ll a seleccio ne POS y presione O. - Use ▲▼ ◄► pa r a d e s p l a z a r e l n o m b r e a t r a v é s de l a pan t a ll a y lu eg o presi on e O pa ra fi na lizar.
- Cua nd o seleccio ne AUTO p resione O para i ng resar al MENU AUTO IRIS Para ajustar el nivel d e BR I LL O level . - Use ◄ o ► para seleccio na r el nivel de BR I L L O ( 0 - 10 0). <ME NU AUTO > BRI LL O 50 - ----|--- -- 3) Exposición El c on trol de ex po sici ón puede ser ajus tado para comp en sar las co nd iciones de luz.
<MENU EXPOSICIO N> AJUSTE C G A OFF OBTURADOR OFF SENS U P OFF AJUSTE INICIAL ATRAS AGC (C on trol A utomático de G anancia) En co nd ici on e s de poca lu z, si la ima ge n es mu y oscura, seleccione en tre O FF / BAJO /MEDIO/ALTO .
4) Ajuste Día/No che El m odo Día/N oche es un mec an ismo de v ariación del fi lt ro óp tico IRC o IR . AU TO – ajusta el fi lt ro au to máticamente, DI A – fuerza el uso del fi ltro I RC ( color) , a nd N OCHE- fuer za el uso del fi ltro IR- PASS (y muestra la im agen Bl an co y Negro).
Si seleccion a EX T presi on e O pa r a en tr ar a l M en u D/N EXT . Este modo está rel aciona do con l o s S mart-IR c uando s e t r aba j a c on cám aras IR-LED. Se re fi ere al nivel de saturaci ón qu e la cámara pe rmitirá en ho rari o nocturno c uando l o s IR Led s es tén en f un ci on am i en t o.
ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF O FF OFF OFF OFF O FF Si seleccion a BLC presi one O e ingrese al MENU BLC . BLC es usad o cua nd o e xiste una imagen W DR , y se qu iere ver la zo na oscura , sin ac entu ar la z on a bri ll osa ha st a satu rarla.
<ME NU ECLIPSE> AJUSTE DE AR EA SE LEC TODO O FF C O L O R DE A RE A GRAY NIVEL ECLPS 1----|---- GAIN CONTR OL OFF ATRAS 6) Ajuste de WB (Balanc e de Bl an c os) El ajuste del Bal an c e de Blan cos podrá ser aj ust ad o de acuerdo a la tempe ratura de colo r del objeto.
AW C Si el ambi en t e no posee lum i no si da d bl an co (como ser luces amar il l en t as) qu e af ectan caus an do colore s no verd ad ero s baj o el AWB . En este caso, t oma r un pa pel blanco y el eg ir el m od o AW C pa ra fi jar el nivel de blan co de l ambie nte .
7) 3D - DN R La cámara es tá equipada con el m ás avanzado sist ema de compensaci ón de movimi en t o 3D- DN R (3- Di m en si onal Di gital Noise Re du cti on) ; q ue opera en am bo s parámet ros y t iempo, calcul an do y com p en san do el movimie nto en la imagen para minimizar los f antasm as de imagen .
8) MENU AJUSTE IMAGEN Aquí podrá enco ntrar una c o l e cc i ó n de efectos espe ciales pa ra m ej or a r l a i m ag e n . - Desplace el cursor a AJUSTE IM AGEN usand o ▲ o ▼ . Z OO M DI GI TAL Permite el zoom di gital y el de s plazami en to e n la imagen.
Z OO M - Desplace el cursor a Z OO M usando ▲ o ▼ . - Use ◄ o ► para selecciona r nivel zoom X1.00 - X6.13. DZ OO M P A N - Desplace el cursor a DZOOM P AN usando ▲ o ▼ . - Use ◄ o ► para selecciona r P AN L EV EL -100 - + 100. - Use ◄ hacia la i z qu ierda, ► hacia la de r echa.
< MENU A JUSTE DE COLOR > COLOR ON NIVEL COLOR 0 ----- --- -- -- TONALI DAD 0 ----- --- -- -- GANANCI A ROJO 0 ------ ------ GANANCI A AZUL 0 ----- - -- ----- ATRAS CONTR ASTE Ajuste e l CON TRASTE de la imagen. - Desplace el cursor a CONTR AST us an d o ▲ o ▼ .
En el m enú princip al - Desplace el cursor a SP E CIAL u s and o ▲ o ▼ . < MENU A JUSTE ESPECIAL > DETE CC ION MOVIMIENTO ON MA SC AR A PRIV ON IDI OMA ( LANG) ESPANOL ESTABILIZ AD OR OFF .
NUMERO DE ZONA - Desplace el cursor a NU M DE ZONA u sa nd o ▲ o ▼ . - Use ◄ o ► para sel ecci on ar ZONE 1 – ZONE 8 . ACTI VA R ZONA - Desplace el cursor a AC T IVAR ZONA u sa nd o ▲ o ▼ .
AREA1 O FF /ON GR IS 30 --- --| ---- - 30 --- --| ---- - 30 -- ---| --- -- 30 --- --| ---- - NUMERO MASCARA -Desplace el cursor a MASCARA NUMERO usa nd o ▲ o ▼ . -Use ◄ o ► para selecci on ar AREA1-AREA8 ACTIVA MASCARA -Desplace el cursor a ACTIVA MASCARA usa nd o ▲ o ▼ .
001 ◄ ► MOVE AND PR ESS SET Es peci fi ca cio ne s BX - 371U V 1/3” Sony CCD (PAL :ICX 6 39 BK/NT SC:IC X6 38 BK) UltraVision DSP PAL: 752(H )×5 82 (V) / NTSC: 768(H )×4 94 (V) 2 : 1 Ent re la zado Disponible Inte rno/L ine lock 650 TVL Off/O n (1~6 3 Nivel a ju st able) 52dB(A GC O FF ) C/CS Color: 0.
Especificaciones Especificaciones DX-371UVVF 52dB(AGC OFF) 2.8~12mm Vari-Focal Mega-Pixel Lentes Off/On(1~63 Nivel Ajustable) Int e rnal/Lin e l oc k PAL: 752(H)×582(V) / NTSC: 768(H)×494(V) 650TVL Color: 0.
Especificaciones MC-371UV 52dB(AGC OFF) 3.7mm Lens Off/On(1~63 level ajustable) Int er n o/ Li ne l oc k PAL: 752(H)×582(V) / NTSC: 768(H)×494(V) Color 650TVL Color: 0.
Especificaciones I4s-371UVVF 52dB(AGC OFF) 4~9mm Vari-Focal Off/On(1~63 level ajustable) Int e rno /Line lo ck PAL: 752(H)×582(V) / NTSC: 768(H)×494(V) Color 650TVL On/Off ( 8Zonas ) On / Of f On /.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Provision-ISR DI-371UVVF c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Provision-ISR DI-371UVVF - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Provision-ISR DI-371UVVF, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Provision-ISR DI-371UVVF va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Provision-ISR DI-371UVVF, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Provision-ISR DI-371UVVF.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Provision-ISR DI-371UVVF. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Provision-ISR DI-371UVVF ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.