Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 49.49C02.001 du fabricant Acer
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T r avel Ma t e 730 Service Gu ide P AR T NO.: 49.49C02. 001 D OC . N O.: SG3 24- 99 1 1A PRI NT ED IN T A IW AN Servic e gui de fi les a nd updat es ar e a vaila ble on the AIPG /CSD web; for more i nfor mation, pleas e refer t o h ttp :/ /cs d.a cer.
II Co pyr ight Copyri ght © 1999 by Acer Inc orporat ed. All r igh ts reser ved. No part of this publ icat ion may be repro duced , tra nsmitt ed, t ran scr ibed, st or ed in a r et rieva l sys tem, .
III Co nve nti on s The f ol lowing convent ions ar e u sed i n thi s ma nual: Scre en m ess ag es Denotes a ctu al m es sages that appear on sc ree n. NOTE Gives bi ts and pie ces of addit i onal inf ormati on relat ed to the cur rent topi c. W ARNING Al er ts you to any damage that might resul t fro m doing or not doi ng spec ifi c acti ons.
IV Pr ef ac e Befor e using thi s i nformat io n and the pr oduct it suppor ts, pl eas e read t he fol l owing gener al inf ormati on. 1. This Ser vi ce Guide prov id es you with al l t echni cal in formati on relati ng to the BASIC CONFIGURA TION deci ded for Acer 's "global " produ ct of ferin g.
V T able of Cont ents Ch apter 1 Syst em Specif icati on s 1 Fe ature s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sy stem Bl ock Di agr am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VI T able o f Cont ents Removi ng t he Au dio Jack Cove r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Removi ng t he PCMCIA So ck et . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Removing the Modem Po wer Cable .
Chapte r 1 1 Fe atur es This co mputer was desi gned with the user in min d. Here are jus t a few of it s many featur es: Perf orma nce Inte l ® Pent i um ® III Co pper mine pr oces sor wi th 25 6 K.
2 Chapter 1 Display The lar ge graphi cs displ ay off ers excel lent viewing, dis play qual ity and des ktop perf orma nce gr aphics. The comp ute r supp ort s a Thin -Fil m T ransis tor (TF T) li quid cry stal di spl ay (LCD) di spl aying 24- bi t hi gh-c olor at 1024x76 8 Ex tended Graph ic Ar ray (XGA) re solution .
4 Chapter 1 Bo ard Layo ut To p V i e w 1 V olum e Con tro l 1 8 LED / In ve r te r Bo ard Conn ect or 2 M icr opho ne- in Po rt 19 E xtern al CD/DV D- ROM Mo dule Co nnec tor 3 Line -in Port 20 I nte.
Chapte r 1 5 Bo ttom V iew 1 Key bo ard Cont rol l er 7 Pow er Sw itch Con nec tor 2 DC-DC B oard Connector 8 DI MM Socket 1 3 DC-DC B oard Connector 9 DI MM Socket 2 4 Modem Co nnector 10 FDD FP C Connector 5 D ock ing S tat ion C onn ecto r 1 1 S outh Brid ge 6 N ort h B rid ge 12 FAX/ Mode m B oar d So ck et 730sg-1.
6 Chapter 1 Pane l Port s a llow you t o c onnect periph era l devi ces t o your comput er as yo u would with a deskto p PC. Lef t P ane l # Ic on Port C onn ec ts to.
Chapte r 1 7 Rear Panel # Ic on Port C onn ec ts to... 1 DC- in ja ck A C ad apte r a nd po we r outl et 2 P S/ 2 po r t PS/2- c ompat i bl e de vi ce s ( e. g., PS/ 2 ke yb oard/ mo use /key pad) 3 M od em jack Phon e l i ne (o nl y for mo de ls w ith an i nt e rna l fax mo de m) 4 S e r ia l por t Seria l device s ( e.
8 Chapter 1 Bo tto m Pan el # Ic on Port C onn ec ts to.. . 1 M in i docki ng co nn ec to r Dock Mat e V mi ni do cki ng st at io n 730sg-1.b ook Page 8 Wednesday, December 1, 1999 6:03 PM.
Chapte r 1 9 Right Pa nel # Ic on Port C onn ec ts to.. . 1 N/ A Not ebo ok Ca mer a N/A 2 N/A Battery CN28 3 N/A DVD/CD-ROM d rive CN15 1 3 2 730sg-1.
10 Chapter 1 Indic ators The com put er has six easy -to- read stat us i cons on the right of the disp lay scre en. The Powe r and Sta ndby stat us icons ar e visib le even when you cl ose th e displa y cover so you can see the stat us of t he com puter whil e the co ver i s closed.
Chapte r 1 11 Hot Keys The com put er empl oys hot keys or k ey combi nat io ns to ac cess most of th e comput er’s control s like sc ree n contr ast and bri ght nes s, volume out put and the BIOS Uti lity . T o activat e hot keys, pres s and hold the Fn key befor e pressi ng the other k ey in the hot key combi natio n.
12 Chapter 1 Hard ware Specif ication s and Co nfig uratio ns System Board M aj or Chips Ite m Co ntro ller Syst e m cor e logi c Int el 44 0B X / PII X4M Su per I/O con tro lle r N S P C97 338V JG Au.
Chapte r 1 13 Above tab le lis ts some syst em memor y conf igura tions. Y ou may combi ne DIMM s wi th vari ous capaci ties t o for m other comb ina tions . NOTE: Th e shi pping speci fic ation f or DIMM combi natio n is 64MB in slot 1. Sup po r t s D IM M ty pe Sync hr o nou s DR A M Su ppor ts D IMM S pe ed 100 M Hz Supp orts DI MM v olta ge 3.
14 Chapter 1 Mod em co nnec to r loc ati on Rea r sid e Floppy Di sk Drive Interf ace Item Spec ifi c ati on V endor & mod el na me M it su mi D3 53G Fl oppy Di sk S pe cif ica tio ns Media re cognition 2DD (720KB) 2HD (1 .2 MB, 3-mode) 2HD (1.44MB) Se ct ors/t rac k 9 1 5 18 T rac ks 80 80 80 Da ta tra nsfe r rate (Kbit /s) 1 MB 1 .
Chapte r 1 15 Acce ss ti me ( typ .) 200 msec . (t yp.) Memor y Bu ff er 128 Int erf ac e Enh an ced I DE co mpat ib le Applicable disc fo rmat CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD- ROM XA (except ADPCM ), CD- I, Ph oto.
16 Chapter 1 V i deo Interf ace Ite m Spec ifica tion Chi p ve nd or A TI Chi p na me Rag e Mo bi li ty -M1 Ch ip vol t ag e Co re/ 2. 5V Memo ry/ 3.3V Su ppor ts Z V (Z oo med Vide o) po rt Y es Grap.
Chapte r 1 17 Seria l Port Ite m Spec ifica tion Ser ial po rt co ntr o ll er N S PC9 73 38 V JG Nu mbe r of s er i al po rt 1 Sup po rt s 16 550 U AR T Y es Co nn ect o r typ e 9- pi n D- ty pe con n.
18 Chapter 1 NOTE: DC- AC inve rter is used t o generate very high AC voltage , then suppo rt to LCD CCF T backlight user , and is al so respon sible for the c ontrol of LCD bri ghtness. Avoi d touchi ng th e DC - AC inver ter are a while the s yst em un it i s t urned o n.
Chapte r 1 19 Su pp ly volt ag e for LCD di sp la y (V ) 3. 3 3. 3 3. 3 3. 3 Su pply volt ag e for LCD ba ck ligh t (Vrms) 601 650 670 69 0 AC Adapter Item S pec ifica tion V endo r & mo de l na me Del ta ADT -60 X B D 3P Inpu t Re quir em ents Maxim um input current (A, @90 V a c, fu ll lo ad ) 1.
20 Chapter 1 Power Man agement Pow er S aving M ode Phenom enon Standb y Mo de W ai tin g t ime sp ec if i ed b y t he S ys tem St andb y va lu e or the ope r ati ng system elap se s w itho ut any sys tem a c tivit y . Or Wh en th e co mpu ter is a bout to ente r Hib ernat io n mo de (e.
Chapte r 1 21 I/O Ports 2 t ype II/I or on e ty pe III Ca rdBus so cket(s ), 1 R J-1 1 mod em p ort, 1 RJ-45 LA N por t, 1 DC -in ja c k(AC adap ter ), 1 FIR port , 1 p aral lel port, 1 ser ial por t,.
22 Chapter 1 2F 8-2FF COM 2 or FIR (op tio nal) 378, 37 A P aralle l port 2 3B C-3BE Para lle r por t 1 3B 0-3 BB 3C0 -3D F Vi de o C on tr o ll e r 3F 0h -3F 7 S tan da r d Flo p py Disk Co ntro ll e.
Chapte r 2 23 BIOS Setu p Util ity The BI OS Se tup Ut ili ty is a hardware con figur ation progr am b uilt i nto y our c ompute r ’s BI OS ( Basic Input/ Output Sy stem). Y our co mputer is al ready pr operly conf igured and op timiz ed, an d y ou do n ot need t o run t his u til ity .
24 Chapter 2 If y ou would l ike to keep the c hanges you made , use th e cursor l eft /rig ht ( →← ) key s to select Ye s ; t h en p r ess Enter . Cho ose No if y ou want t o d iscar d the cha nges you made . Syst em Inf ormat ion The Syste m Info rmat ion sub-men u dis pla ys basic and i mportant infor mation abou t your com put er .
Chapte r 2 25 The i t ems in th is su b-menu ar e impo rtant an d v ital inf orma tion about your c omput er . If you ex perien ce comp ute r proble ms and need to conta ct techni ca l supp ort , thi s d ata helps our servi ce personne l know mor e about yo ur com puter .
26 Chapter 2 Star tu p Co nfigu rat ion The St ar tup Conf igur ation sub -menu co nta ins pa rameter va lues that def ine ho w yo ur compu ter behave s o n syst em s tartu p. The fol lowing table desc ribes t he parame ter s in this sub- me nu. Settings i n b oldface ar e the default and sugges ted param et er sett ings.
Chapte r 2 27 Set ting the B oot D ri v e Se que nce The Boot Dri ve Sequ ence sec tion l is ts boot pr iori ti es (1 st, 2nd and 3r d) for boot able dri ve s in your com put er . For exampl e, the def ault value (1st:Har d Disk, 2nd :Fl oppy Disk , and 3rd:CD-RO M, DVD-ROM) te lls the comp ute r to first search for a hard disk.
28 Chapter 2 Syst em Secur ity The Syste m Security sub-me nu all ows you to saf eguar d your comput er and data wit h pass words and other secur ity m easur es. NOTE: 1. In PO ST , BIOS must qu ery the current HD passwor d st ate and r eflec t it to t he “Har d Disk Pas sword” s ett in g.
Chapte r 2 29 Setting a Password Foll ow the se ste ps: Use t he cursor u p/down k eys to hi gh light a Pas sword p aramet er ( Setup, Powe r-on or Hard Di sk) and p res s the Ent er key . The pas sword b ox appea rs: T y pe a passwor d. The password may consi st of up to sev en char act ers (A-Z, a-z , 0- 9).
30 Chapter 2 If you fai l t o enter the pas sword c orr ectl y aft er t hree t r ies, the f oll owing mes sage or s ymbol appear s. Remov ing a Passwor d Should you decide to remove a passwo rd, do the foll owing: Use the cur sor up/down (↑ ↓) keys to h igh light a Pas sword p arame ter (Set up, Powe r- on or Hard Disk) .
Chapte r 2 31 Flash Utilit y The BI OS f lash memory up date i s re qui red f or t he followin g c ondit ions: New ver sions of syst em p rogram s New featu res or options Use the AFl ash util i ty to updat e the sy ste m BIOS fla sh ROM. NOTE: Do not instal l memory-rel at ed dr iv ers (XMS, EMS, DPMI) when you use AFl ash.
32 Chapter 2 Syst em Ut ility Diskett e This uti lit y d iskette i s for the Acer T ravel Mate 73 0 no teb ook machi ne. I t pr ovides th e fol lowin g func tions: 1.
Chapte r 2 33 Syst em Di ag nost ic D isket te IMPORT ANT : 1 The diagnost ics pr ogr am here that we used is called PQ A (Pr odu ct Qual ity Assurance ) and is provi ded by Acer Headq uarter s. Y ou can utili ze it as a basi c dia gnosti c tool. T o get this pr ogra m, eit her downlo ad it fro m http ://c sd.
34 Chapter 2 Ru nning PQA Diagn ost ics Pr ogram Press →← t o move around the main menu. Press Enter to enable the select ed opt ion. The mai n options are Diag, Resul t, Sy sInfo , O ption and Exi t. The Diag opt ion let s you sel ect te sting i te ms and time s.
Chapte r 2 35 Speci fy the desi re d num ber of tests and pr ess Enter . Afte r you speci fy the number of tests t o perf orm, the sc reen shows a li st of test i tems ( see below) . Move the highl ight bar fr om one ite m to a not her . Pr ess Space to enable or dis able t he item.
36 Chapter 2 730s g- 1 . bo o k Page 36 W e dn e sd a y, De c em b e r 1, 19 99 6:0 3 PM.
Chapte r 3 37 This ch apter cont ains st ep-by- st ep proc edures on how to di sassem bl e the noteboo k comput er f or maint enanc e and tr oublesh ooting .
38 Chapter 3 Gene ral In for mation Before Y ou Begin Befor e proceedi ng with th e disassembl y procedu re, ma ke sur e that you do the following: 1. T urn off th e power to the sys tem and al l peri pheral s. 2. Unplug the AC adapter and al l power and signal cables f rom the syst em.
Chapte r 3 39 Disassembly Procedure Flowchart The flow chart on the suc ceeding pa ge gives you a graphic repres entation on the entire disas sembly sequence and ins tructs yo u on th e compon ents that need to be removed during se rvicing.
40 Chapter 3 Screw List Item Desc ripti on A S crew M2 X L4 (Black) B S crew M2.5 X L6 (Black) C Screw M2.5 X L10 ((Black) D Screw M2.5 X L3.5 (B lac k) E S crew M2 X L4 (Silver) Ma i n U n i t M i dd.
Chapte r 3 41 Rem ovin g th e Batt ery Pack 1. Push t he batt ery r elease but ton i nward. 2. Sli de the battery pack out fro m the main unit . 730s g- 1 .
42 Chapter 3 Rem ovin g th e Exte rnal DIM M Modu le 1. Remov e the scr ew of the DIMM cover , then remov e the DIMM cov er from the lower case. 2. Use two fl at -blade d scre w dri vers to push out the latches on either side of the DIMM sock et and r emove t he D I MM me mor y .
Chapte r 3 43 Re movi ng the Exter na l M odem C ombo C ard 1. Remov e the scr ew holdi ng the modem cov er . 2. Use t wo flat -blade d s crew dr ivers to push out the lat ches on eit her side of t he modem sock et. 3. Remov e the modem boar d from the main board.
44 Chapter 3 Remo ving the C D-ROM/DV D-ROM Mod ule 1. Push t he CD-ROM mo dule r eleas e butt on inward. 2. Sli de the CD-ROM module out from th e main unit.
Chapte r 3 45 Rem ovin g th e Har d D isk Dr ive Mo d ule 1. Remove the scr ew of the hard disk cover , then remove the HDD cover . 2. Pull the pl asti c tag to remove t he HDD module.
46 Chapter 3 Re movi ng t he Fl opp y Di sk D rive Mo dule 1. Remov e the scr ew as shown here. 2. Disco nnect the FDD FPC cabl e. 3. Sli de out the FDD module from th e upper case smoot hl y . W ARNI NG: Be careful not to break the FDD FPC cable, when sli di ng out the modul e.
Chapte r 3 47 Disa ssem blin g th e M ain Un it Rem ovi ng th e Keyb oard 1. Fir st, releas e the left and right hing e caps. 2. Sli de the mi ddle c over t o the r ight, then r emove it from the main uni t. 3. Releas e the mid dle hi ng e cap. 4. Hold th e keyboard upwar d.
48 Chapter 3 Removing the LCD Module 1. Remov e the two s crews a s s hown. 2. Disco nnect the LED/i nverte r boar d F PC cable and t he LCD FPC cabl e fro m the mainb oard. 3. Releas e the t wo s crews o n the mai n un it. 4. Lif t up the LCD module caut iousl y .
Chapte r 3 49 3. Disco nnect the touchpad cabl e 4. Remov e the t ouchpad boar d. Removing the CPU 1. Releas e the four sc rews on the heat si nk plate . 2. Remov e the heat sink pl ate. 3. Releas e the six scr ews on the CPU heatsi nk. 4. Remov e the CPU heat sink.
50 Chapter 3 Removing the RTC 1. Use a plast ic fl at bladed scre w driver t o remove the RTC bat t ery from it s soc ket NOTE: T o r epl ace the RTC bat tery , pres s the R TC batt ery int o the socket . Sep ara ting th e Lower Cas e from the U pper Case 1.
Chapte r 3 51 4. Disco nnect the LCD cover switc h connec tor fr om the main boar d. 5. Separat e the upper case from the l ower ca se. Rem ov ing th e Fa n 1. Remov e the fan c abl e fr om t he main boar d. 2. Releas e the two scre ws. 3. Remov e the fan f r om the main board.
52 Chapter 3 Rem oving the S yste m Board 1. Remov e the f our screws on t he ma inb oard as shown bel ow . 2. Remov e the mai nboard fr om the lower cas e with caut io n. Rem ovi ng th e Aud io J ack Co ver 1. Remov e the audi o j ack cov er f rom the mainboa rd.
Chapte r 3 53 Disa ssem blin g th e LC D Mod ule Removing the LCD Bezel 1. Remov e the five mylar s fr om t he LCD modul e. NOTE: 1 3.3” and 14. 1” LCD have 5 mylars ; 15” has only 3 mylars. 2. Remov e the f ive screws fro m the LCD module. NOTE: 13.
54 Chapter 3 3. Remov e the spe aker to LED cable. 4. Remov e the spe aker as sembl y m odule. Rem oving the Inv ert er B oard 1. Remov e the LCD power cabl e and inverter to LED cable from the inv erter . 2. Remov e the two s crews a s s hown below .
Chapte r 3 55 3. Releas e the t wo s crews o n the l eft side o f the LCD pan el. 4. Do the same for removing t he two screws on th e right side of the LCD panel. 5. Remov e the l eft and ri ght LCD brack ets . Removing the LED Board 1. Remov e the two s crews a s s hown below .
56 Chapter 3 Rem ov ing th e Le ft a nd R igh t Hin ges 1. Releas e the t wo s crews a s shown bel ow . 2. Remov e the l eft and right hing es. 730s g- 1 .
Chapte r 4 57 Use the fo llowi ng pro cedure as a gui de for comput er probl ems. NOTE: The d iagnost i c test s ar e int ende d to tes t onl y Acer p roducts . Non- Acer produ cts, proto typ e card s, or modifi ed optio ns can give fa ls e err ors and inva lid sys tem res ponse s.
58 Chapter 4 Syst em Ch ec k Pro cedu res Exte rnal Disk ett e Driv e Check Do the fol lowi ng to isolat e the probl em to a control ler , drive r , or disket te. A write- ena bled, diagno sti c diske tte is requi red. NOTE: Mak e sure that the dis kette does not have m ore th an one label attac hed to it .
Chapte r 4 59 The fol lowing auxili ar y input dev ices are sup por ted by t hi s comput er: Numer ic k eypa d Exter nal k eybo ard If any of these devi ces do not work, re conne ct t he cabl e conne cto r and repeat the faili ng operati on.
60 Chapter 4 Check th e Battery P ack T o check t he bat tery pack , do the fol lo wing : Fr om S o ftw ar e: 1. Check out the Power Mana gem ent in contro l Panel 2. In Power Met er , confir m that if the param et ers shown in t he screen for Curr ent Powe r Sour ce and T otal Batt ery Powe r Rem aining ar e correc t.
Chapte r 4 61 Pow er-O n Se lf-T est ( POST ) Er ror M ess age The PO ST er ror m essage index l ists the error mes sage and t heir pos sible causes. The m ost l ikel y cause i s li ste d f i rs t.
62 Chapter 4 Ind ex of Erro r Me ssa ges Error Mess age List Error Messages FRU/Action in Se quence Fail ure F ixed Dis k Re conn ec t ha rd disk driv e conn ecto r . “L oad Defa ult S ett ings ” in B IO S Se tup Util ity . Ha r d di sk driv e Syst em boa r d St uck Key see “Ke ybo ard or Auxi li ary In put D ev ice C he ck” o n page 58 .
Chapte r 4 63 De vi ce Addr es s C on fli ct R u n “ Lo ad De fau lt S et tin gs ” in B IO S S et up Uti lit y . RTC battery Syst em boa r d Allo cation Erro r for d evice Run “ Load De fault Set tings” in BIOS Setup Uti lity .
64 Chapter 4 Ind ex of Symp tom-t o- FR U Err or Mes sage LCD-Rel ated Symptoms Symp tom / Error Act i on in S eq ue nc e LCD ba ck li ght doe sn't wor k LC D is too dar k LCD br i gh t ness ca n.
Chapte r 4 65 PCMCIA -Relat ed Symptom s Symp tom / Error Act i on in S eq ue nc e Sys tem ca nnot dete ct the P C Car d (P CMC IA) PCM CIA slo t ass emb ly Syst em boa r d PCMC IA sl ot pi n is dama ge d.
66 Chapter 4 NOTE: If you c annot fi nd a s ympt om or an e rror i n thi s li st and the pr oblem remai ns, see “Undete rmi ned Proble ms” on page 68. Syst e m ha ngs in te r mi tte nt ly . See “The r m al an d F an Uti li ty” on p age 32 . Re conn ect ha rd dis k/ CD-R OM d riv es.
Chapte r 4 67 Int ermi tte nt Prob lems Int ermi tt ent syst em hang pr oblem s can be cause d by a vari ety of re asons that have not hi ng to do with a hardwar e defect , such as: cos mic radi ati on , el ect rostat ic dis charge, or softwar e err ors.
68 Chapter 4 Un dete rmine d Pro ble ms The di agnos tic pr oblems do es not ident ify whi ch adapt er or d evi ce fai led, which ins talled de vi ces are i ncorr ect , whethe r a short ci rcu it is suspected, or whether the system is inoperat i ve. Foll ow the se pro cedur es to isol at e the fai li ng FRU (do not isola te non-def ect i ve FRU).
Chapte r 4 69 Inde x of AFla sh BI OS Erro r Me ssage Error M essage Acti on in Seq uen ce Hardware Error See “Sys tem Diagnos tic Diskette ” on page 33 VPD C heck su m Er r o r Re bo ot th e sy stem and th en re st es t w i th th is di ske t te .
70 Chapter 4 Inde x o f PQ A Dia gno sti c Er ror C ode , Me ssag e Error Code M essag e Ac t i on in S eq ue nce 16XX X Ba ckup b atte ry error Bac kup ba ttery 01X XX C PU or main boa rd erro r Re load BIO S de fa ult s ettin g.
Chapte r 5 71 To p V i e w PCB 99202-SB CN1 Serial Port CN16 C ardbus Socket CN2 Parallel Port CN1 7 T ouchpad Co nnector CN3 VGA Po rt CN18 Internal Ke yboard Connec tor CN4 LAN Connector (RJ45) CN19.
72 Chapter 5 SW4 Se ttin gs SW 4 Setting Swi tch 1, Switc h 2 OFF , OFF: US Int ern at ion al keyb oa rd ON, OFF: Jap anese keybo ard OFF , ON: Germa n keyb oard Switc h 3 ON: En able Bo otBlock Era sable OF F: Di sa ble B oot Bloc k Er asa ble Swit ch 4 ON : Di sab l e passw or d ch ec k OF F: E nab le p as swo rd che ck 730s g- 1 .
Chapte r 5 73 Bottom View CN15 Exte rnal CD/DVD-ROM Module Co nnec tor C N2 6 Po wer Swit ch Co nnec tor CN 2 1 Mod e m C onnec tor CN 28 Bat t er y Conn ect or CN22 Do cking Station Connector CN32 FD.
74 Chapter 5 730s g- 1 . bo o k Page 74 W e dn e sd a y, De c em b e r 1, 19 99 6:0 3 PM.
Chapte r 6 75 This ch apter giv es you th e FRU ( Field Re placeabl e Unit) lis ting in global c onfigurati ons of T ravelMate 7 30. Refer to this ch apter whenev er ordering for par ts to repai r or for RMA (Ret urn Mercha ndise Auth orization ).
76 Chapter 6.
Chapte r 6 77 Pictu re No. Partname Description Part No. Processor NS CPU 450 MHz INTEL IC CPU COPPERM-450 1.3V UPGA2 01.COPRM.450 NS CPU 500 MHz INTEL IC CPU COPPERM-500 W/GEYS B GA2 01.COPRM.50A NS CPU 600 MHz INTEL IC CPU COPP600 W/GEY UPGA2 01.COPRM.
78 Chapter 6 NS PCI MODEM/LAN COMBO BO ARD MDM/ LAN 56 K AMBIT/ T60.082.C.00 54.09051.001 LCD NS LCD ASSEMBL Y MODULE(14.1") IBM A SSY LCD 14.1” 730/ IBM 6M.49C01.021 NS LCD 14.1" TF T IBM LCD 14.1" IBM/ITXG76 56.0749C.001 X12 LED BOA RD 730 7 30 LED BOARD 55.
Chapte r 6 79 NS SPEA KER TO LED CABLE W. A 4/4P 50MM SPK&LED 730 50. 49C07.01 1 X1 1 MIC C ABLE W .A 2P/MIC 40 MM 730 50.49C0 6.001 NS HINGE P ACK ASSY HINGE P ACK 730 6K.49C01.0 1 1 NS LCD BRACKET L BRKT LCD SUPPORT(L)SUS 730 33.49C10.001 NS LCD BRACKET R BRACK LCD SUPPORT SECC 730 33.
80 Chapter 6 X16 SPEA KER ASSE MBL Y MODULE ASSY SP EAKER COVER 730 60.49C10.001 NS LCD ASSEMBL Y MODULE(13.3") ADT ASSY LCD MODULE 13.3" 730/ADT 6M.49C01.051 NS LCD 13.3 TF T ADT LCD 13.3" XGA TF T ADT/ L133X2 56.0742F .001 X12 LED BOA RD 730 7 30 LED BOARD 55.
Chapte r 6 81 NS MIC CABL E MICRO PHONE WM-60A W/CAB 23.42007.071 NS HINGE P ACK ASSY HINGE P ACK 730 6K.49C01.0 01 NS LCD BRACKET L BRKT LCD L 13.3"LG SECC 520 33.41C08.001 NS LCD BRACKET R BRKT LCD-R 13.3 SECC 520 33.41C10.001 NS LCD P ANEL ASSY LCD PNL 13.
82 Chapter 6 NS LCD ASSEMBL Y MODULE(14.1") ASSY LCD MODULE 14.1" 730/CPT 6M.49C01.031 NS LCD 14.1" TF T CPT LCD 14.1 L VDS CPT/ CLAA141*B01 56.0745C.051 X12 LED BOA RD 730 7 30 LED BOARD 55.49C02.001 NS INVERTER AMBIT INVERTER T62I124.
Chapte r 6 83 X1 1 MIC C ABLE W .A 2P/MIC 40 MM 730 50.49C0 6.001 NS HINGE P ACK ASSY HINGE P ACK 730 6K.49C01.0 1 1 X6 LCD BRACKET R BRKT -R (CPT) SUS 730 33.49C12.001 X5 LCD BRACKET L BRKT -L (CPT) SUS 730 33.49C1 1.001 NS LCD P ANEL ASSY LCD PNL 14.
84 Chapter 6 NS LCD ASSEMBL Y MODULE(15") HIT ACH I ASS Y LCD MO DULE 15" 730 FP 6M.49C01.061 NS LCD 15" TF T HIT ACHI LCD 15TF T HIT ACH/ TX38D85VC1CAA 56.0749C.031 X12 LED BOA RD 730 7 30 LED BOARD 55.49C02.001 NS INVERTER AMBIT INVERTER T62I124.
Chapte r 6 85 X1 1 MIC C ABLE W .A 2P/MIC 40 MM 730 50.49C0 6.001 NS HINGE P ACK ASSY HINGE P ACK 730 6K.49C01.0 21 NS LCD P ANEL LCD PNL ASSY 15" 730 FP 60.49C04.021 NS LCD BEZE L ASSY LCD BZL 15" 730 60.49C02.01 1 X16 SPEA KER ASSE MBL Y MODULE ASSY SP EAKER COVER 730 60.
Chapte r 6 87 4A CDROM FPC CABLE C.A FPC CD-R OM 730 50.49C0 3.001 NS CHASSIS AND PLA TE CDROM ASSY DVD-ROM 730 60.49C03.001 NS DVD-ROM 6X TOSHIBA D VD ROM 6X 12.7MM TOSH/SDC2302 56.2242C.001 Mechanical Parts 9 LOWER CASE ASSY L OW CAS E BCG955 730 60.
88 Chapter 6 6 MIDDLE COVER CVR MIDDLE KU2-1518 730 42.49C05.001 7 MIDDLE HINGE CAP CVR CAP MIDDLE PC 730 42.49C10.001 3 CPU HEA T SINK HEA TSINK CPU AL 730 34.49C09.001 2 HEA TSINK PLA TE H SINK PL T AL 730 34.49C07.001 17 F AN F AN 44.5*44.5 UDQFSDH02F-ASE 23.
Chapte r 6 89 T ouchpad NS TOUCHP AD FRAM E FRAME TOUCHP AD NYLON66 730 42.49C03.001 NS TOUCHP AD LOWER BUTTON BUTTON TOUCHP AD ABS 730 42.49C04.001 NS TOUCHP AD R+L BUTTON BUTTON T OUCHP AD 2 ABS 730 42.49C22.001 Pictu re No. Partname Description Part No.
Chapte r 6 91 NS NETWORK CABLE W .A 2/2P MODEM 185MM NAGANO-1 50.46C1 1.001 NS FDD FPC CABLE C.A FPC FDD 730 50.49C05.01 1 Power NS ADAPTER 60W/DEL T A ADT 60W ADP-60XB D 3P 730/340 25.10064.041 NS ADAPTER 60W/LITEON ADT 60W P A-1600-19 720 25.10068.031 NS BA TTERY P AC K ASSY BT Y P ACK BTP - 30A1 730 60.
Appendi x A 93 This app endix pro vides th e BASIC model number and th e config urati on to Tr ave lMat e 730 decided for Acer’s “gl obal” pr oduct of f ering. Contact your regio nal of fices or the respo nsibl e personnel /channe l to provi de you with further ext ension m odel number s and conf igura tions.
94 Appendix A 730s g- 1 . bo o k Page 94 W e dn e sd a y, De c em b e r 1, 19 99 6:0 3 PM.
Appendi x B 95 This co mputer’s compat ibi lit y is test ed and ver ifi ed by Acer’ s inter nal testi ng departmen t. All of its syst em funct ions ar e tested und er Wind ows 95, Win dows 98, Windows 200 0 and Windows NT environment .
96 Appendix B W indo ws 95 Env ir on m en t T est Item Spe cifica tio ns Pr ocess or In te l Pen t ium II I 45 0 In te l Pen t iu m II I 50 0 Memor y 64M B SDR A M 128M B S DR AM LCD 1 3. 3 T F T L C D 14.1 TFT LCD 15 TFT LCD Hard Disk IBM 6GB IBM 9 GB IBM 1 2GB IBM 1 5GB IBM 1 8GB CD-ROM 24x CD-ROM FD D Mits umi 3.
Appendi x B 97 W indo ws 98 Env ir on m en t T est Item Spe cifica tio ns Pr ocess or In te l Pen t ium II I 45 0 In te l Pen t iu m II I 50 0 Memor y 32M B SDR A M 64MB SDRAM 128M B S DR AM LCD 13. 3 T F T L CD 14.1 TFT LCD 15 TFT LCD Hard Disk IBM 6GB IBM 9 GB IBM 1 2GB IBM 1 5GB IBM 1 8GB CD-ROM 24x CD-ROM FD D Mits umi 3.
98 Appendix B W indo ws 20 00 E nvi ron men t T est Item Spe cifica tio ns Pr ocess or In te l Pen t ium II I 45 0 In te l Pen t iu m II I 50 0 Memor y 32M B SDR A M 64MB SDRAM 128M B S DR AM LCD 13. 3 T F T L CD 14.1 TFT LCD 15 TFT LCD Hard Disk IBM 6GB IBM 9 GB IBM 1 2GB IBM 1 5GB IBM 1 8GB CD/DVD ROM 24x CD-ROM 6x DVD ROM FD D Mits umi 3.
Appendi x B 99 Wind ows NT En viro nme nt T est Item Spe cifica tio ns Pr ocess or In te l Pen t ium II I 45 0 In te l Pen t iu m II I 50 0 Memor y 64M B SDR A M 128M B S DR AM LCD 13. 3 T F T L CD 14.1 TFT LCD 15 TFT LCD Hard Disk IBM 6GB IBM 9 GB IBM 1 2GB IBM 1 5GB IBM 1 8GB CD-ROM 24x CD-ROM FD D Mits umi 3.
100 Append ix B 730sg-1.b ook Page 100 Wednesday, December 1, 1999 6:03 PM.
Appendi x C 101 This se ction des cribe s online t echnica l support servi ces avail able to hel p you r epai r you r Acer Syste ms. If you are a d istrib uto r , de al er , ASP or T PM, please refer your t echnic al que ries to your l ocal Ac er br anch of fice.
102 Append ix C 730sg-1.b ook Page 102 Wednesday, December 1, 1999 6:03 PM.
Index 103 A AC Adapter 19 ACPI 1 .0a 12 Ambit 13 APM 1.2 12 Audio 12, 15 Audio Ja ck Cover Removin g 52 B Ba tte r y 1 8 Batt ery Pack 41 batt ery p ack charg ing i ndicat or 10 BIOS 12 packag e 12 pa.
104 In dex DMA Channel Assi gnmen t 22 DVD-ROM Interf ace 15 E Envir onmental Re quiremen ts 20 Error Sym pto m-to-Spa re Part In dex 61 Exter nal CD- ROM Drive Che ck 58 Exter nal Diskett e Dri ve Ch.
Index 105 Bo tto m 8 left 6 Rear 7 ri ght 9 Pan e l I D Ut il i ty 32 Paral l el Port 16 par a lle l p o rt sett i ng in BIOS Utility 28 passwor d changi ng in Setup Ut il i ty 30 PC Card 10 , 12, 17 .
106 In dex 730sg-1.b ook Page 106 Wednesday, December 1, 1999 6:03 PM.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Acer 49.49C02.001 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Acer 49.49C02.001 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Acer 49.49C02.001, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Acer 49.49C02.001 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Acer 49.49C02.001, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Acer 49.49C02.001.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Acer 49.49C02.001. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Acer 49.49C02.001 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.