Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit TRAIL BLAZER 330 du fabricant Polaris
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A car d cont aining import ant A TV saf ety infor mat ion should be at tac hed to t he owner ’s manual on t he next page. If you c annot loc ate t his c ard, or if it has been rem oved, please call 1- 800-342-3764 f or as sist ance.
1 WELC O ME Thank you f or pur cha sing a Pola ris ve hicle , and welc ome to our wor ld-wide f amily of Polaris owne rs. W e proudly produc e an exc iting line of utility an d re c re a tional pr oducts.
2 Copyr i ght 2007 Pol a r i s Sa l e s I nc . A ll i nfor mat ion c onta ine d wi t hi n t hi s publ ic at ion i s ba se d on t he la te st pr oduct i nfor ma ti on at t he ti me of publi c a ti on.
3 TABLE OF CONTENTS KNOW YOUR VE HICLE 5 ..................... SA FE TY 6 ................................... FEA TURES AND CONTROL S 31 ............... OPE RA TION 41 .............................. EMI SSION CONTRO L SYSTEM S 59 ............ MAINT E NANCE 60 .
5 KNOW YOUR VEHICLE As the operator of the ve hicle, you are re sponsible for your personal saf ety , the saf ety of others, and the prote ction of our environme nt. Read a nd understand your owner ’ s manual, which include s valuable infor mation about all aspec ts of your vehicle , including saf e oper ating proce dures.
6 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING Failur e to f ollow t he warnings c ontained in t his m anual can res ult in serious injury or deat h. A Polar is A T V is not a t oy and can be haz ardous t o operat e. This vehicle handles differ ently t han ot her vehic les, s uch as motorcycles and cars.
7 SA FETY Operator S afety The f ollowing signal wor ds and symbols appe ar throughout this manua l and on your A TV . Y our saf ety is involved whe n these words and symbols ar e used. Beco me fa miliar with their mea nings bef ore re ading the manual.
8 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING Serious injury or deat h can r esult if you do not f ollow thes e inst ruct ions and pr ocedures , whic h are out lined in fur ther det ail within y our owner ’s manual. S Rea d this manual and a ll l ab els c aref ully , and follow the opera ting proc edure s descr ibed.
9 SA FETY Operator S afety S Alway s have t he A TV i ns pected b y an aut hor ized P ol aris d ealer i f it ’ s been i nvolved i n an accident. S Ne ver ope rate on hills too steep for the A TV or for your a bilities. Pra ctice o n smalle r hills bef ore atte mpting lar ger hills.
10 SA FETY Operator S afety S W et bra kes may ha ve reduc ed stopping ability . T est your br akes a fter lea ving wate r . If ne cessa ry , apply them lightly seve ral time s to allow frict io n to d ry out t he pad s. S Always che ck for obstacles or people be hind the A TV before ope rat- in g in rev erse.
11 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating t his A T V wit hout pr oper inst ruc tion. WHA T CA N HAPPEN The r isk of an acc ident is great ly inc reased if t he operator does not k now how to oper ate t he A T V proper ly in differ ent s ituat ions and on different t ypes of t err ain.
12 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Carry ing a passenger on an AT V. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Carry ing a passenger great ly reduces t he operat or ’s ability to balance and cont rol t he A TV , which could caus e an accident and injury t o t he operat or and/or pas senger .
13 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating t his A T V on public st reet s, r oads or highways. WHA T CA N HAPPEN The A T V c ould collide with anot her v ehicle. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Never oper ate t he A T V on any public st reet , road or highway , including dirt and gr avel roads .
14 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating t he A T V af ter c onsuming alcohol or dr ugs. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Consumpt ion of alcohol and/ or drugs could ser iously aff ect operat or judgment . Reac tion t ime m ay be slower and operat or balance and per cept ion could be affec ted.
15 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD At tem pting wheelies , jum ps and other st unts . WHA T CA N HAPPEN At tem pting s tunt s inc reases the c hance of an acci dent, including an over tur n. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Never at tem pt wheelies, jumps, or ot her st unts .
16 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Removing hands f rom t he handlebars or f eet fr om t he foot res ts during operat ion. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Removing ev en one hand or f oot c an reduce abilit y t o cont rol t he vehicle or could c ause loss of balance and ejec tion f rom t he A T V .
17 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Failu re t o use e xt ra caut ion when operat ing on exces sively r ough, slippery or loos e ter rain. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Operatin g on excessi vely rough, s lippery or loose ter rain could c ause loss of tr act ion or loss of c ontr ol, which could r esult in an accident or ov ert urn.
18 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating on ex cess ively s teep hills . WHA T CA N HAPPEN The v ehicle may over tur n. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Never oper ate on hills too s teep f or t he A T V or f or y our abilit ies. Never oper ate t he A T V on hills s teeper t han 25 _ .
19 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD T rav eling downhill improper ly . WHA T CA N HAPPEN Im properly descending a hill could caus e loss of cont rol or overt urn. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Always follow pr oper procedur es for t rav eling down hills as des cribed in the owner ’ s manual.
20 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Im properly c ross ing hills and tur ning on hills. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Im properly cr ossing or tur ning as hills c ould cause loss of cont rol or overt urn.
21 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD St alling, r olling backwar ds or improper ly dismount ing while climbing a hill. WHA T CA N HAPPEN The v ehicle could ov ert urn. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Maint ain st eady speed when climbing a hill.
22 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Im properly operat ing over obs tac les. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Oper ating ov er obst acles could c ause loss of cont rol or ov ert urn. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Bef ore operat ing in a new ar ea, chec k f or obst acles .
23 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating t he A T V t hrough deep or f ast -f lowing wat er . WHA T CA N HAPPEN T ires m ay float , c ausing loss of t rac tion and loss of c ontr ol, which could lead t o an accident or ov ert urn.
24 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating t he A T V wit h improper modif icat ions. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Im proper ins tallat ion of acces sories or m odific ation of t he A T V may c ause changes in handling which c ould lead to an ac cident .
25 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING Leaving t he keys in the ignit ion can lead t o unaut horized us e of the v ehicle res ulting in s erious injur y or deat h.
26 SA FETY Fuel Safety W ARNING Gas oline is highly f lamm able and explosiv e under cer tain condit ions. S Always exerc ise ex tr eme caut ion whenever handling gas oline. S Always ref uel with t he engine st opped, and outdoor s or in a well vent ilated ar ea.
1 2 27 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations W arning d ecals have been pl aced on the A TV for your protecti on. Read and fo ll ow t he i ns tru cti on s of t he d ecals o n t he A TV carefu ll y .
3 28 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations Gene r al W arni ng (3) W ARNING Im proper A TV use can r esult i n SEVERE INJUR Y or DEA TH AL WA YS USE AN APPROVED HELMET AND PROTECTIVE GEAR NEVER USE ON .
4 6 5 29 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations No P assen ger W arning (4) W ARNING NEVER r ide as a passenger . Passenger s can cause a los s of c o ntro l, re su ltin g in SEVERE INJUR Y or DEA TH. A g e1 6W a r n i n g( 5 ) W ARNING Oper ating thi s A TV if you are under the age of 16 incr eases your chance of severe inj ury or death.
30 SA FETY Safe Riding G ear Always we ar clothing suited to the t ype of r i ding. A TV riding require s spec i a l protec tive clothing for c omfor t and to reduc e the chanc e of injury . 1. Helm et W eari ng a h elm et can prev ent a s evere h ead injury .
31 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Electr ical S witches W ARNING Act ivat ing t he overr ide swit ch while t he thr ott le is open c an cause loss of cont rol, res ulting in s evere injur y or deat h. Do not ac tiv ate the ov erride s witc h while the t hrot t le is open.
32 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Light S witches W ARNING Oper ating t he A T V on st reet s or r oads, especially in dark ness, could res ult in an ac cident and ser ious injury or deat h. Y our A T V is not equipped wit h highway-appr oved light s. I t’s designed f or and mus t be us ed for of f -road use only .
33 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Throttle Lever W ARNING Do not s tar t or oper ate an A T V wit h st ick ing or impr operly operat ing thr ott le cont rols , whic h could caus e an accident and lead to s evere injur y or deat h. Always c ontac t your dealer f or ser vice repair s if t hrot tle problem s arise.
34 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Br ake Lever W ARNING Oper ating t he A T V wit h a spongy br ake lever c an res ult in los s of braking, which c ould cause an ac cident . Never oper ate t he A T V with a s pongy-f eeling brak e lever . The fro nt and rear b rakes are app li ed by s queezi ng t he brak e leve r (1) toward the ha ndleba r .
35 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Br akes Ch eck th e brake flu id l evel i n t he mas ter cy li nd er befor e each us e of the A TV . The maste r cylinde r (1) is lo cated o n th e left h andl ebar . The f luid leve l can be see n through an indica tor window (2) on the top of the maste r cylinder .
36 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Park in g Brak e W ARNING Oper ating t he A T V while t he parking br ake is engaged c ould result in an accident and ser ious injury or deat h. Always c heck t o be sure t he park ing brake is disengaged bef ore oper ating.
37 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Auxiliary Brake W ARNING Aggres sively applying t he rear br ake when back ing downhill may cause r ear t ipover , which could r esult in ser ious injury or deat h. Use caut ion when applying t he auxiliar y brak e. Do not aggress ively apply t he auxiliary br ake when going f orward.
38 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Choke The choke a ssists in star ting a cold engine . Refe r to the engine star ting proc edure on page 43 for co rr ec t choke and throttle settings during star ting. Fuel V alve The f uel v alv e (1) i s l ocat ed o n t he left s ide o f the vehic le, below the fe nder .
39 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Autom atic T r ansm ission Gear Selector The tra nsmission gear se lector ( 1) is locate d on the right side of the vehic l e. F: For wa rd N: Neutral R: Rev er se CAUTION Shif ting gear s wit h the engine s peed above idle or while t he vehicle is mov ing could caus e tr ansmis sion damage.
40 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Recoil S tarter If the batter y has bee n dra i ne d or dama ged and ca nnot start the engine , use of the reco il starte r (1) will allow ve hicle ope ration until re pairs ca n be made. The re coil star ter is locate d on the right side of th e mach in e.
41 OPERATION Br eak - In P er iod The br ea k-in period for your new Polar is A TV is the first ten hour s of oper ation, or the time it take s to use the first two full tanks of gasoline. No single a ction on your par t is as important a s following the proc edur es for a prope r break- in.
42 OPERATION Pr e -Ride Inspection W ARNING If a proper inspec tion is not done bef ore each us e, s evere injur y or deat h could res ult. A lways ins pect t he vehic le befor e each use to ens ure it ’ s i n proper oper ating c ondition.
43 OPERATION Star ti ng the Engi ne W ARNING Engine exhaus t c ontains pois onous car bon monox ide and can cause los s of consc iousnes s res ulting in s evere injur y or deat h. Never r un an engine in an enclosed ar ea. 1. Position the vehicle on a leve l su rface.
44 OPERATION Star ti ng the Engi ne 7. Move the engine stop switch to R UN. NOT E: Do not pres s t he thr ott le while st art ing t he engine. 8. T urn the ignition ke y past the ON position to e ngage the sta rter . Activa t e the star ter for a maximum of five sec onds, relea sing the key whe n the engine star ts.
45 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Pr oced ures 1. Sit upright with both feet on the footrests a nd both hands on the handle bars. 2. Start the e ngine a nd allow it to warm up, then shif t the tra nsmission into gear . 3. Check your surroundings and de termine your path of tra vel.
46 OPERATION Driving Safely Hauling Cargo Acc essory r ac ks and hitche s are availa ble from your Polaris de aler . Always re ad and unde rstand the loa d distribution war nings on all warni ng l abel s, and n ever exceed t he sp ecifi ed weig ht cap ac itie s for the vehic l e.
47 OPERATION Driving Safely Hauling Cargo W ARNING Hauling cargo im properly can alt er vehic le handling and may cause los s of cont rol or br ake inst abilit y and res ult in s erious injury or deat h. Always f ollow thes e precaut ions when hauling cargo: S REDUCE SPEED AN D ALLO W G REA T ER DIST ANCE FO R BRAKING WHEN HAULING C ARGO .
48 OPERATION Driving Safely Making T urns Y our Polar is A TV is equipped w ith a solid rea r axle , which drive s both re ar w hee ls equally at a l l time s. This mea ns that the w heel on the outside of the turn must trave l a greate r distance tha n the inside wheel whe n turning and the inside tire must slip tr ac tion slightly .
49 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr ivin g on Slippery S u rfaces When ever ridi ng o n sl ip pery su rfaces su ch as wet t rail s or lo os e gravel, or du rin g freezing weat her , fol lo w th ese precaut io ns : 1. Slow down when e nter ing slipper y ar ea s.
50 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Uphill W ARNING Brak ing and handling are great ly aff ect ed when operat ing in hilly ter rain. I mproper procedur e could c ause loss of cont rol or overt urn and r esult in seri ous injury or deat h. Avoid climbing st eep hills ( 25 _ maximu m).
51 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Uphill Whe neve r tra veling uphill, follow these pr ecauti on s: 1. Alwa ys trave l straight uphill. 2. A void stee p hills (25 _ maximum) . 3. Kee p both feet on the footre sts. 4. T ransfe r your weight forw ar d.
52 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Downh ill Whe never de scending a hill, follow these pr ecaut io ns: 1. P roceed di rect ly d ownh ill. 2. T ransf er your we ight to the re ar of the ve hicle. 3. Sl ow down. 4. Apply the brakes slightly to aid in slowing, using the single bra ke leve r .
53 OPERATION Driving Safely Sidehilling W ARNING Im properly cros sing hills or t urning on hills c an result in loss of cont rol or v ehicle over tur n, r esult ing in sever e injury or deat h. Avoid cross ing the s ide of a hill when pos sible. F ollow proper procedur es as out lined in t he owner ’s manual.
8’ (2. 4 m) 54 OPERATION Driving Safely T urni ng Ar ound on a Hi ll If the ve hicle stalls while c limbing a hill, neve r back it down the hill! Use the K- turn to turn ar ound. 1. Stop and lock the pa rking bra ke while ke eping body weight uphill.
55 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving Thr ough W ater Y our A TV can ope rate thr ough water with a maximum re commende d depth e qual to t he bottom of the footr ests (1) . Follow th ese pro cedu res when oper ating through wa ter: 1. De termine wa ter depths a nd cur re nt bef ore c rossing.
56 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr ivin g Over Obstacles Be al ert! L ook ah ead and l earn to read t he t errain yo u’re trav eli ng o n. Be con st ant ly al ert fo r hazards s uch as l og s, r ocks an d lo w hang in g bran ches . W ARNING Sever e injury or death c an result if your v ehicle com es in cont act with a hidden obs tac le.
57 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr ivin g in Rever se F ol lo w th ese p recaut io ns when op erati ng i n revers e: 1. Always avoid ba cking downhill. 2. Back slowly . 3. When i n reverse, apply the brake s lightly for stopping. 4. A void turning at shar p angle s in reve rse .
58 OPERATION Driving Safely P a r k i n go na nI n c l i n e A void par king on an inc line if possible. If it’ s unavoidable , follow th ese p recaut io ns: 1. T urn the engine of f. 1. Place the tr ansmission in gea r . 2. Set t he par king brake .
59 EMISSION C ON TR OL SYSTEMS Noise E mi ssion Contr ol System Do not modify the engine, intake o r exhaust compone nts, as doing so may af fect complia nce with U.S .A. EP A noise control requir ements (40 CFR 205) and loc al noise le vel re quirements.
60 MAINTENANCE Per iodic Maintenance C hart Care ful periodic mainte nance will help kee p your vehicle in the safe st, most relia ble condition. Inspe ction, adjustment a nd lubrica tion of importa nt components ar e expla ined in the periodic mainte nance c hart.
61 MAINTENANCE Per iodic Maintenance C hart Maintena nce Char t Key " P erform t hes e proced ures m ore freq uent ly for v ehicl es s ub ject ed t o seve re use. E Emission-r elate d servic e (Failure to conduc t this mainte nan ce will not void the emissions warra nt y but may a f fe ct e missions.
62 MAINTENANCE Per iodic Maintenance C hart Item Maint enance Int er val (w hichev er c omes f irs t) Remarks Hours C alendar Miles (Km) " J Brak e pad w ear 10 H Monthly 100 (160) Ins pec t peri.
63 MAINTENANCE Per iodic Maintenance C hart Item Maint enance Int er val (w hichev er c omes f irs t) Remarks Hours C alendar Miles (Km) " Cooling hos es (if applic able) 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) I.
64 MAINTENANCE Lubr ication Recom m endations Chec k and lubric ate all c omponents at the inte rvals outline d in the Periodic Ma intena nce Chart beginning on page 60. Items not listed in the cha rt should be lubrica ted at the Gene ral Lubrica tion interva l.
65 MAINTENANCE Lubr ication Recom m endations (1) (2) (3) (4).
66 MAINTENANCE Engi ne Oil Alwa ys chec k and cha nge the engine oil at the interv als outlined in the P eriod ic M ain ten ance C hart beg i nning on page 60.
67 MAINTENANCE Engi ne Oil Oil an d Filter Change 1. Position the vehicle on a leve l surf ace. 2. Clean the ar ea around the dr ain plug. 3. Run the engine for two to three minutes until warm. S top the engine . CAUTION Contac t with hot oil may result in serious burns.
68 MAINTENANCE T r ansmission Oil Alwa ys chec k and cha nge the transmission oil at the interva ls outlined in the Periodic Mainte nance Cha rt beginning on page 60. Mainta in the oil level at the bottom of the fill hole threa ds. W e rec ommend the use of Premium AGL S ynthetic Ge arca se Lubrica nt.
69 MAINTENANCE T r ansmission Oil Oil Chan ge 1. P lace a drain p an beneat h t he tra nsmission oil drain plug area. 2. Loosen the j am nut ( A). 3. T urn the adjuste r bolt (B) in to allow the re moval of the drain plug (C). 4. Remove the dra in plug and wipe the magne tic end cle an to remo ve accu mu lat ed m eta llic filings.
A B 70 MAINTENANCE T oe A lignm ent W ARNING Sever e injury or death c an result f rom im proper t oe alignment and adjust ment . Do not at t empt t o adjust t ie rod alignment . All t ie rod adjust ment s should be per for med by an aut horiz ed Polaris dealer .
71 MAINTENANCE Br akes The front and re ar brake s are hydr aulic disc bra kes, activa ted by moving the single brake le ver toward the handleba r . These bra kes are self -adjusting. The fo ll owi ng ch ecks are reco mm ended t o k eep t he brak e sy st em i n good oper ating condition.
72 MAINTENANCE Br akes 1. Ch eck t he b rake sy st em fo r flu id leak s. 2. Ch eck t he b rakes f or exces si ve t ravel or spongy fe el. 3. Ch eck th e fricti on p ads fo r wear , dama ge and looseness. 4. Ch eck th e securi ty an d su rface condition of the disc.
1 2 3 73 MAINTENANCE Thr ottle Cable Fr eepla y Thr ottle ca ble fre epla y is adjuste d at the handleba r . 1. Loc ate the throttle c able adj us ter o n t he handle bar . 2. S queeze t he en d o f th e rubbe r boot (1) and slide it far enough to expose the end of the inline cabl e adj ust er (2).
74 MAINTENANCE Handlebar s W ARNING Im proper adjust ment of t he handlebars or inc orrec t tor quing of the adjus ter bloc k t ightening bolt s c an cause lim ited s teer ing or loosening of the handlebar s, result ing in los s of c ontr ol and possible s erious per sonal injur y or deat h.
75 MAINTENANCE Car bur etor IMPOR T ANT : Y our Polar is A TV is ca librate d at the f actor y for optimal pe rforma nce a t altitude s ra nging fr om ze ro to 6, 000 fe et (1800 m) and temper atures of +40 degre es F .
76 MAINTENANCE Wheels W ARNING Oper ating y our A T V wit h worn t ires, impr operly inf lat ed tir es, non-st andard t ires or impr operly inst alled tir es will affect v ehicle handling and could caus e an accident res ulting in s erious injur y or death.
77 MAINTENANCE Wheels Wheel Installation 1. Place the tra nsmission in gear and loc k t he pa rking bra ke. W ARNING Im properly inst alled wheels c an advers ely affec t t ire wear and vehicle handling, which c an result in ser ious injury or deat h.
78 MAINTENANCE Wheels Fr ont W heel Hub T ightening Front whee l bear ing tightness a nd spindle nut rete ntion are c ritica l compone nt opera tions. All servic e must be p er formed by your aut ho rized P ol aris deal er . Ti re T read Depth Alway s repl ace t ires wh en tread depth is wor n t o 1/8 ″ ( .
79 MAINTENANCE Drive Chain Polaris A TV drive cha ins are e quipped with o-ring-se aled, perma nently greas ed pi ns and r ol lers . Howev er , t he o ut er su rfaces of t he ro ll er m ust be lubric ated. Always inspe ct the dr ive chain pr i or to ope rating the ve hicle.
80 MAINTENANCE Drive Chain Rear Dr ive Chain Slack CAUTION Adjust ing or oper ating t he A T V wit h improper r ear driv e chain slack can r esult in s evere dam age to t he t ransm ission and dr ive component s. Alway s mak e sure t he slac k is wit hin t he st ated specif icat ions.
81 MAINTENANCE Drive Chain Rear Dr ive Chain Slack 6. R ol l t he A TV forward o r backward to adjust the chain sla ck to the prope r t en sion. See the illustra tion for pr oper splice link c lip opening position (1) . 7. T ig ht en t he eccent ri c lo cki ng b ol ts to 30 ft.
82 MAINTENANCE Lights Whe n servic ing a halogen la mp, don’ t touch the lamp with ba re finger s. Oil fr om your skin lea ves a residue, c ausing a hot spot tha t will shorten the life of the la mp. W ARNING Poor light ing while driv ing can res ult in s evere injur y or deat h.
83 MAINTENANCE Lights T aillight/Brakelight L am p Replacement If the taillight/bra kelight doe s not work the l amp ma y need to be repl aced. 1. Remove the ta illight lens cover mounting scre ws. Remove the lens c over and ga sket and set aside f or reasse mbly .
84 MAINTENANCE Air Filter 1. Rem ov e th e seat , rel ease t he clips, and remove the a ir box cove r . 2. Loosen the clamp a nd re m ove the filte r . 3. If equippe d, remove the fa bric type pre -filter ( 1) from the main filte r (2). W ash the pre -filte r i n so apy wat er , t hen ri ns e and let dry .
85 MAINTENANCE Spar k P lugs S par k Plug R ecomm endations CAUTION Using non-r ecomm ended spark plugs c an result in ser ious engine damage. Alway s use P olaris- recom mended spar k plugs. Ref er to t he spec ific ations s ect ion beginning on page 104 .
86 MAINTENANCE Spar k P lugs Spar k Plug Inspectio n Normal Plug The norma l i nsulator tip is gray , tan or light brown. There will be fe w combustion deposits. The ele ctrodes ar e not burned or erode d. This indica t es the prope r t ype and he at range f or the engine and the servic e.
87 MAINTENANCE V eh icl e Imme rsio n CAUTION If your vehic le becomes im mers ed, m ajor engine damage c an result if the m achine is not t horoughly ins pect ed. T ake t he vehicle t o your dealer bef ore s tart ing t he engine. If it’ s impossible to take your A TV to a deale r befor e starting it, follow the steps outlined below .
88 MAINTENANCE PV T System The basic ope ration of the P ola ris PVT system is depende nt on engine sp eed and v ehi cle t orq ue requ irem ent s. As en gi ne sp eed i ncreas es, t he forc e exer t ed on the movable drive shea ve by the flyweights also incr ease s.
89 MAINTENANCE PV T System W ARNING Failur e to c omply wit h t he inst ruct ions in t his warning c an result in sever e injury or deat h. Do not modify any component of th e PVT syst em. Doing so may reduce it s s tr ength s o that a f ailure may occur at a high s peed.
90 MAINTENANCE Spar k Ar r estor W ARNING Failur e to heed t he f ollowing warnings while s ervic ing the s park arres tor could res ult in s erious injur y or deat h. Do no t perform service o n the spa rk arrestor whi le the system is hot. Exhaust syst em tem perat ures ca n reach 1000 ° F .
91 MAINTENANCE Batter y Y our A TV may ha ve e ither a se aled ba ttery , which re quires little mainte nance , or a c onventional ba ttery . A seale d batter y ca n be identif ied by its flat c overs on the top of the batte ry . A conventiona l batte ry has six f iller caps on the top of the batte ry .
92 MAINTENANCE Batter y W ARNING Im properly connec ting or dis connect ing bat ter y cables c an result in an explosion and c ause ser ious injury or deat h. W hen remov ing the bat t ery , always dis connect t he negativ e (black ) cable f irst . W hen reins talling t he bat ter y , alway s connec t t he negativ e (black ) cable las t.
93 MAINTENANCE Batter y Battery Installation Using a ne w batter y that has not bee n fully cha r ged c an da mage the bat tery an d resu lt i n a sho rter l ife. It can al so h in der veh icl e per formanc e. F ollow the ba ttery c har ging instructions on page s 95-97 bef ore installing the batte ry .
94 MAINTENANCE Batter y Batter y Stor age Whe never the ve hicle is not used for a per iod of three months or more, remo ve t he bat t ery from th e veh icl e, en sure t hat i t’ s fu ll y ch ar g ed, and st ore it ou t of t he sun i n a cool , d ry pl ace.
95 MAINTENANCE Batter y Batte ry Fluid (C onventional B atter y) A poorly ma intained ba ttery will dete riora te ra pidly . C he ck the ba tter y fluid le vel of ten. Maintain the fluid leve l between the upper a nd lower leve l mar ks (1). Add only distille d wate r .
96 MAINTENANCE Batter y Batter y Char ging (Sealed B attery) The f ollowing batte ry cha rging instr uctions apply only to the in st all ati on o f a sealed bat t ery . R ead al l in st ruct io ns b efore proceed in g with the i nsta llation of this ba ttery .
97 MAINTENANCE Batter y Batter y Char ging (Sealed B attery) NOT E: A lways v erif y bat ter y condit ion bef ore and 1-2 hour s af ter t he end of c harging. Stat e of Char ge Vo l t a g e Acti on Charge T ime* (Us ing cons tant cur rent char ger @ s tandard amps spec ified on top of battery) 100% 12.
98 MAINTENANCE Cleaning a nd Stor age See page 107 for the pa rt numbers of Polaris products. W ashin g the V eh icle Kee ping your A TV cle an will not only improve its a ppea ranc e but it ca n also exte nd the life of various c omponents. CAUTION High water pres sure m ay damage A T V c omponent s.
99 MAINTENANCE Cleaning a nd Stor age W ashin g the V eh icle If a high pressur e wate r system is used f or clea ning (not recom men ded) , ex ercis e ext reme cau ti on .
100 MAINTENANCE Cleaning a nd Stor age Chr ome W heel C ar e (if equipped) P roper mai nt enance wil l pro tect ch rome wheel s from corro si on, pres erve wheel l ife and ens ure a ”l ike n ew” appearan ce for m any y ears.
101 MAINTENANCE Cleaning a nd Stor age Sto ra ge Ti ps See page 107 for the pa rt numbers of Polaris products. CAUTION St art ing the engine dur ing the s tor age period will dist urb t he prot ect ive f ilm cr eated by fogging and dam age could occ ur .
102 MAINTENANCE Cleaning a nd Stor age Sto ra ge Ti ps Flu id Levels Inspe ct the fluid le vels. Add or cha nge fluids as r ec ommended in the Periodic Mainte nance Char t beginning on page 60. S T ransmission f luid S Bra ke fluid ( cha nge eve ry two yea rs and a ny time the f luid looks dar k or contamina ted) Fog the E ngine 1 .
103 MAINTENANCE Cleaning a nd Stor age Sto ra ge Ti ps Inspe ct a nd Lubric ate Ins pect al l cab les and l ub ricat e al l areas o f th e veh icl e as reco mm end ed in the P e riodic Ma i ntena nce Char t beginning on page 60. Batte ry S tora ge See pa ges 94-97 for storage and char ging procedur es.
104 SPECIFIC ATIO NS 2008 T r ail Blazer 330 Capac ities & D im ensio n s Body Styl e Gen III Dr y W ei ght 488 l bs . ( 221 kg) Ma ximum W e ight Ca pa ci ty 305 l bs . ( 138 kg) F ron t Rack C ap acity (Accesso ry ) 30 l bs . ( 14 kg) Rear Rack C ap acity (Accesso ry ) 60 l bs .
105 SPECIFIC ATIO NS 2008 T r ail Blazer 330 Drive S ystem Dr ive Sys te m T ype Au to matic P o laris V ariab le Transm issio n (P VT ) Shi f t T ype Side Le ve r (H - N- R) Ge ar Re duct ion - Re ver se 3.
106 SPECIFIC ATIO NS 2008 T r ail Blazer 330 Jetting Chart Altitu d e AMBIENT TEMPERA TURE Below 40 ° F (B elow 5 ° C) +40 ° F and above (+5 ° C and above) Meters (F eet) 0-1800 (0- 6000) 127.
107 POLARIS PRODUCTS Part No. Descr ipt ion Engine Lubr icant 2870791 Fogging O il ( 12 oz. Aer osol) 2876244 PS-4 P LUS Per for mance Synt heti c 2W -50 4- Cycle Oi l ( qt. ) 2876245 PS-4 P LUS Per for mance Synt heti c 2W -50 4- Cycle Oi l ( gal.) Gear case / T r ansmissi on Lubri cants 2873602 Prem ium AGL Synt heti c Gearcase Lube ( qt.
108 TROUB LES HOOTING Contac t your P olar i s dea l er f or servic e if you’re una ble to identify solutions using the follow i ng c har ts. Dr ive Belt an d Cover Problems Possibl e Cause Solut io.
109 TROUB LES HOOTING Engine Doesn’t T u r n Over Po ssibl e Cause Solut io n Trip ped circu it b reak er Reset th e b reak er Lo w b attery v o ltag e Re cha r ge ba tt er y to 12.
11 0 TROUB LES HOOTING Engine Backfir es Po ssibl e Cause Solut io n W e a k spa rk f rom s pa rk pl ugs In sp ect, clean and /o r replace spark p lu g s In correct sp ark plu g g ap o r heat rang e S.
111 TROUB LES HOOTING E ngine S tops or Lose s Power Po ssibl e Cause Solut io n Out of fuel Tu rn fuel v alve to reserve, refu el Ki nked or plugge d f uel ve nt li ne Insp ect an d rep lace W ater p.
11 2 WARRANTY LI MIT ED W ARRANTY Pol a ri s Sal es I nc. , 2100 Highwa y 55, Me dina , M N 55340, gi ves a SI X MONTH LI MI TED W ARRANTY on a ll c ompone nts of t he Pola ri s All T e rr ai n V ehi cl e (A TV) aga ins t def ec ts i n ma te ri al or wor kma nshi p.
11 5 WARRANTY U. S.A. EP A Emis si o n s L imi te d W arra n t y Th is A ll T errain V eh icle (A TV ) o r Off Ro ad U tility V eh icle (O RU V) em issio ns lim ited warran ty is in add itio n to the Po laris stand ard limited w arran ty for this veh icle.
11 6 MAINTENANCE LOG Use t he fol l owin g chart t o record p erio di c mai nt enance. DA TE MIL ES ( KM) TECHNICIAN SER VICE PER FORMED / CO MM EN TS.
11 8 INDEX A Ag e R estrictio ns 6 ................ Air F ilter 8 4 ..................... Au x iliary B rak e 37 , 7 2 ............ B Ba tte r y 91- 97 .................... Ba tt e ry Cha r ging ( Convent iona l) 95 .. Ba tt e ry Cha r ging ( Sea le d) 96- 97 .
11 9 INDEX N Noi se Emi ss ion Contr ol Syst em 59 ... O Oi l Change 67 ................... Oi l Ch eck 6 6 .................... Oi l Rec omme ndat ions 66 ........... Oi l, Engi ne 66- 67 ................. Oi l, T ra nsm is si on 68- 69 ............ Ope ra tor Sa fe ty 6-25 .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Polaris TRAIL BLAZER 330 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Polaris TRAIL BLAZER 330 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Polaris TRAIL BLAZER 330, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Polaris TRAIL BLAZER 330 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Polaris TRAIL BLAZER 330, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Polaris TRAIL BLAZER 330.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Polaris TRAIL BLAZER 330. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Polaris TRAIL BLAZER 330 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.