Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DS250 du fabricant Can-Am
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Vmo2008-009_DS250_219000504_CANADA_ANG.FH10 Thu Mar 29 15:29:56 2007 Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K.
This O per ato r’s G uide ut iliz es the fo llow ing s ymb ols to emp ha size p arti cu lar in- formation: The S afe ty Alert S ymb ol ind icat es a poten t ial per sonal inju ry haza rd. WA R N I N G I nd icat es a po tenti al ha za rd th at, if not av oide d, cou ld res ul t in s eri ous inj ury o r dea th.
FOREWORD Congratulations on y our purch ase of a new Can-A m ™ A TV . It is backed by the BRP warra nty and a netw ork o f autho- rized Can-Am dealers ready to provide the parts, service or accesso ri es you may requi re. Y our dealer is committed to your satis- faction.
T ABLE OF CONTENTS While rea ding this Operator’s Gui de, reme mber that : WAR NIN G Indi cate s a p otent ial ha za rd tha t, if not a vo ided, co uld r es ult in s eri ous in - jury or deat h. N O T I C E ........ ........ ........ ........ ..
2 ) F r o n t B r a k e L e v e r . ............ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... 6 5 3 ) R e a r B r a k e L e v e r .. ........ ............ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... 6 5 4 ) P a r k i n g B r a k e ...... .....
C A R G O A N D T R A N S P O R T A T I O N .... ........ ........ ........ ............ ....... 8 4 T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G ........... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ... 8 6 S P E C I F I C A T I O N S ........ ........ .
B O D Y / F R A M E ........ ........ ........ ............ ........ ........ ........ ........ . 1 1 9 E n g i n e A r e a ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ..... 1 1 9 Hitch/T ra iler Ball C o ndition (if so equipped) .
6 ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ____ ___ __.
NOTICE This Operator's Guide has been pre- pared to acquaint the owner/ operator of a new vehicle with the various ve- hicl e controls, mainte n ance and safe operating instructions . It is indispens- able for the p roper use of the produ ct. This Operator's Guide uses the follow- ing symb ols.
INTROD UCTION Y our dealer should hav e provided you with some basic information on the particular controls and features of your new vehicle. Pleas e take the time to study this Operator's Guid e and all on-product warning labels a s wel l as the SAFETY V ID EO that came with this vehicle.
SA FETY INFORMA TION ____ __ __ ___ _ SAF ETY INFORMA TION _ __ _____ __ __ 9.
SPECI AL SAFET Y MESSAGES THIS VEHICLE IS NOT A TOY AND CAN BE HAZAR DOUS TO O PERA T E. This vehicle handles differently from other ve h icles inclu ding motorcycles and c ars.
Never operate thi s vehicl e on hi lls too steep for the vehicle or for y our abili ti es. P r acti ce on sm a lle r hills before attempting larger hil ls. Always follow proper p rocedures for c lim bin g hil ls a s de scr ib ed further in thi s Operat or's G uide.
Never modify this vehicle through improper installation or use of a c - cessori es. Only use BR P's ap- proved accessories. NEVER i nstall passenger s eat. Never exceed the stated load lim- its for this vehicle including opera- tor , all other loads and added acces- sories.
OPER A TION W ARNI NGS While reading this Operator’s Guide, reme mber that: WAR NIN G Indi cate s a p otent ial ha za rd tha t, if not a vo ided, co uld r es ult in s eri ous in - jury or deat h.
WAR NIN G V00A01Q POTENTIAL HAZARD Fa il ure to f oll ow the age r ecom me ndat ions fo r thi s veh icl e. WHA T CAN HAPPEN A l a ck of respect for this age recommen dation can lead to severe injury or de ath of t he ch ild.
WAR NIN G V00A02Q POTENTIAL HAZARD Carrying a passen ger on this ve hicle. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Gr ea tly re duce s you r a bil ity t o bal ance a nd co ntro l this v ehi cle. Could cause an ac cident , resulting in harm to yo u and/or yo ur passenger .
WAR NIN G V00A03Q POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating th is veh icle on paved surfac es. WHA T CAN HAPPEN The ti r es are designed for off-road use only , n ot fo r u se on p avement. Paved surfaces m ay serio usly affect handling and con trol of this vehicle, and m ay ca us e the v ehic le to g o ou t of con trol .
WAR NIN G V00A04Q POTENTIAL HAZARD Op era ting thi s veh icl e on pu blic s tre ets , ro a ds or hi ghway s. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Y ou can co llide with another vehicle. HOW TO A V OID THE HAZ ARD Never oper ate this vehicle o n any public street, road or h ighway , even a dirt or gra v el on e.
WAR NIN G V00A06Q POTENTIAL HAZARD Riding this vehicle without wearing an approved helm et, eye protection and prot ective clothi ng. WHA T CAN HAPPEN The fo llow ing i tem s co ncern a ll A T V &.
WAR NIN G V00A07Q POTENTIAL HAZARD Riding t h is vehi cle aft er cons um in g alco ho l or drugs . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Coul d seri o usly affect y our judg men t. Could cau se you t o react m ore sl owly . C ould a ffe ct your b ala nce an d perc epti on.
WAR NIN G V00A08Q POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating this vehicle a t ex cessive spee ds. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Increases y our ch ances of losing control o f the vehicle, w hich c a n result in an acciden t.
WAR NIN G V00A09Q POTENTIAL HAZARD Atte mpt ing w h eelie s, ju mps an d ot he r stu nts. WHA T CAN HAPPEN I ncre ase s th e cha nce o f an a cci den t, in clu ding an ov ert urn . HOW TO A V OID THE HAZ ARD Never attem pt stunts, such as wheelies o r jumps.
WAR NIN G POTENTIAL HAZARD Failure to inspect the vehicle before operati ng. Fai lure to proper ly main tain the veh icle. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Increases the p ossibility of an ac cident or eq uipme nt damag e.
WAR NIN G V00A0BQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Rem oving hand s fr om h and leba r or fe et fro m th e f oot rest s dur ing o pera - ti on . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Removing even one hand or foot can reduce your ability to con trol the vehi cle or coul d c au se you to lose your bal an ce and fall off t h e vehicl e.
WAR NIN G V00A0CQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Failure to u se extra c are when o perating th is veh icle on un familiar ter rain. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Y ou can co me upon hidden rocks, bumps, or holes, without enough t ime to re a ct. C ould r esu lt i n the vehi cle ov ert urn ing o r l oss of con trol .
WAR NIN G V00A0DQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Failure to u se extra c are when o perating o n exces sively rough, sl ippery or lo os e te rr a in . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Coul d caus e loss of trac ti on or veh icle co ntro l, w h ich c ould res ult in an accident, incl uding an o verturn.
WAR NIN G V00A0EQ POTENTIAL HAZARD T u rning imp ro perly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN V e hicle coul d g o ou t of c on trol , c ausi ng a colli sio n or over turn . HOW TO A V OID THE HAZ ARD Alwa ys f oll ow pr op er p roc ed ure s for t ur ning as de scribe d fu rt her in thi s Operator's Gu ide.
WAR NIN G V00A0QQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating o n ex cessively s teep hi lls. WHA T CAN HAPPEN The vehicle ca n overturn mo re easily on extr emely steep hills than on le vel surfaces or s mall hills. HOW TO A V OID THE HAZ ARD Never ope rate this vehi cle on hills too steep for the vehicle or fo r your abil - iti e s.
WAR NIN G V00A0FQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Clim bing h ills im pro per ly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Could cause loss of control or cause vehicl e to overturn. HOW TO A V OID THE HAZ ARD Alwa ys fo llow proper pr oc ed ures for clim bing h ill s as d es crib ed f urth er in th is Op e rat o r 's Gu id e .
WAR NIN G V00A0GQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Go ing down a h ill improp erly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Could cause loss of control or cause vehicl e to overturn. HOW TO A V OID THE HAZ ARD Alwa ys f ollo w p rop er p roc ed ure s fo r goi ng down hills a s d es crib ed f u rther in th is Op e ra t or 's Gu i de .
WAR NIN G V00A0HQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Im p rope rly crossin g h ills o r tur ning on hills . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Could c ause lo ss of cont r ol or ca use vehicl e to over tu rn.
WAR NIN G V00A0IQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Stall ing, r olli ng ba ckwa rds or im pro pe rly dism ou nting w hi le climb in g a hill. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Coul d r esul t in ve hicle ove rturn ing. HOW TO A V OID THE HAZ ARD Use prope r gear and maintain steady s peed when cl imbing a hill.
WAR NIN G V00A0JQ POTENTIAL HAZARD I mprop er ly ope rati ng over ob sta cl es. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Cou l d caus e loss of contro l or a colli sion. Could cause the vehicle to ove rturn. HOW TO A V OID THE HAZ ARD Before operati ng in a new area, c heck for obstacle s.
WAR NIN G V00A0KQ POTENTIAL HAZARD S kiddi ng or sli ding im prop erl y . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Y ou may lo se control of this veh icle. Y ou may also regain traction unexpected ly , wh ich may cause the vehicle to ov er t ur n .
WAR NIN G V00A0LQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating this vehicle throug h deep or f a st flowing water . WHA T CAN HAPPEN T ire s may floa t, c au sin g los s of t ract ion an d l oss of contr ol , w hi ch c ould lead t o an accident.
WAR NIN G V00A0MQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Improperly o perating in reverse. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Y ou cou ld hit an obst acl e or perso n behi nd the ve hic le, resu lting in ser iou s in ju ry. HOW TO A V OID THE HAZ ARD When you selec t r ever se gear , make sure there are no obs tacles or p eople be hind t he vehi cle .
WAR NIN G V00A0OQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating this vehicle w ith im proper ti res, o r w ith imp roper o r une ven tire pre ssure. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Use o f im prope r ti res o n th is vehic le, or .
WAR NIN G V00A0NQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Ope ratin g this vehic le w i th i mp rop er modi fica ti ons. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Improp er installatio n o f accesso ries or modifi cation o f this vehicl e may caus e cha nge s in hand ling w hic h in some s itua tio ns cou ld lead t o an acci - den t.
WAR NIN G V00A0PQ POTENTIAL HAZARD Ove rloading t h is vehicl e o r carr ying or towing cargo imp roperl y . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Could cause c hanges in vehic le handling whic h could lead to an a ccident.
WAR NIN G V03M01Q POTENTIAL HAZARD T ra ns port ing f lam ma ble o r dan ge rou s ma teri al can l ead to e x plos ions . WHA T CAN HAPPEN This c an cau se se rious i njury or deat h. HOW TO A V OID THE HAZ ARD Never tran spo rt flamma ble o r d angero us material.
RID ING THE VEHI CLE T o fully appreciate the pleasures and excitement of riding this vehicle, there are som e ba sic rules and tips t h at y ou MUST follo w.
– Check locat ion of contro ls and en- sure they w ork properly . – V erify if steering operates freely . – Activate throttle control lever sever- al times to ens ure it operates freely . It m u st retu rn to idle pos ition wh en released. – Ac ti vate th e brake l evers and brake pedal to make sure the bra kes fully apply .
Clothi ng Actual w eather condi tions shou ld he lp you dec ide how to d res s. How ever , it is important that the op erator alwa ys wear the app ropriate protective clothi ng and app arel, including an approved helmet, eye protection, boots, gloves, long sleeve d shirt and pa n ts.
Car ryi ng Lo ad s An y load ca rri ed on the ve hicle wi ll affe ct the s ta bility and con tro l of the veh i- cle. For this reason, do not exc eed the load limits of the vehicle's manufa cturer . Always mak e sure th e load is sec ured and canno t interfere with you r proper con- trol.
Always keep a safe distanc e from other riders. Y our judgment of speed, ter - rain conditions, weather , mec hanical condition of your vehicle and the “trust in judgment” yo u have in others a rou nd you will help you make a better choice of appropriate safe distance.
An operator wh o takes a vehicle off-road should alwa ys exercise the utmo st care in selectin g t h e safest path and keeping close watch on the terrain ahead of him.
Side Hi lling Whenev er possible, such operation should be avoide d. If necessary , do so with ext rem e ca ut ion. S ide h illi ng o n st eep i nc line s cou ld r es ult in ro llo ver . I n add i- tion, s lippery or unfi rm surfaces c ould result i n uncon trollable side sli ding.
V00A0UL Even though there i s an adequate suspens ions system on this vehi cle there are “washboa rd” or rou gh terrain con ditions that will ma ke you feel un comfortable and e ven cause ba ck in jury . “Posting” or ridin g in a c rouched position will often be required.
Water can be a unique hazard. If it i s too deep the vehicle may “float ” and topple. Check t he w ater dep th and c urrent before yo u attempt to c ross an y wa ter . Water should not go above the fo otrest. Be wary of slippery surfa ces such as roc ks, grass, logs, etc.
Sand and ri ding on sand d unes or on snow is a nother unique ex perience but there are some ba sic precautions that s hould be observ ed. We t, deep o r fine sand/sno w ma y create a loss of tra ction and cause the vehicle to sli de, drop off or beco me “bog ged” dow n.
Obstacles in the “trail” should be traversed w ith c a ution. This incl ud es loose rocks, fa llen trees, slippery surfa ces, fences, posts, and embankments and de- pressions. Y ou shoul d avoid the m when ever p os sible. Remem be r that some obstacles a re too large or dang erous to cros s and should b e avoided.
Downhill Keep your body weigh t rearwards. Apply the bra ke gradually to preven t skidding. Do not “coast” down the slope using solely engine compression or in neutral gear . V00A0YL Side Hilling This is one of the most risky types of r i ding since it may dra stically change the balance of the veh icle.
V00A0ZL Ro uti ne Mai nten anc e Once your ride completed, it i s wise to remo ve any build up of snow , ice , mud and grime. Not only will this help you keep your vehicle longe r and in good condition for resale but will elim inate potential haz ards the ne xt time y ou us e the ve hicle.
HANG T AG This vehicle comes w ith a hang tag and labels co ntaining important safety infor - mation. Any person who ride s this vehicle should read and understand this inform ation before riding.
ON-PRODUCT L ABELS The following labels are on yo ur vehicle and they should be cons idered perma- nent parts of the vehicle. If missing or da maged, th ey can be replaced free of charge. S e e an aut h oriz e d Can-Am deal er . NO TE: Th e followin g illustrations used in th is Operator's Guide are a ge neral representation only .
Lab el 1 V01M01Z Lab el 2 V01M02Z Lab el 3 V01M07Z Lab el 4 vmo 2006- 007- 002_a en Lab el 5 vmo 2006- 014- 002_a en Lab el 6 V06M0EY ____ __ __ ___ _ SAFETY INFO RMA TION ___ __ ___ __ _ 55.
Lab el 7 vmo 2006- 005- 012 Lab el 8 vmo 2006- 014- 003_a INT ERNA TI ONAL MODELS O NL Y 56 ____ __ ___ __ SA FETY I NFORM A TIO N ___ ___ __ __ _.
VE HI CL E INFORMA TION _____ __ __ __ __ __ _____ _ 57.
HOW T O IDENT IFY YOU R VEHICLE The main components of your vehicle (engine and fra me) are identified by differ - ent serial num bers. It may sometimes bec ome ne cessary to locat e these num- bers for warranty purpos es or to trac e your vehicle in the event o f loss.
En gine I denti ficati on Nu m be r Loc at ion vmo 2006- 014- 005_a TYP ICAL _____ __ __ __ __ __ _____ _ 59.
Co mp li an ce L ab el This label i ndica tes vehicle's c o mpli- ance in ma ny countries . LA B EL L OC A T I O N All DS 250 Right f ront lower tube of t he f ram e (bet w een A- arm) V00M02Y US.
NOISE EMI SSION CONT RO L SYSTEM REG U LA TIO N USA and Canada Only T am p ering w ith No ise Con tro l Syste m Is Pro hibi ted ! U.S. Federal law and Canadian provincia l l aws may prohibit the following acts or the causing there of: 1.
EMISSI ON RE Q UI REMENTS USA O nly The Ca l if ornia Ai r Res o urc es Board (C ARB) r equires that your vehi cle compl ies with applicable exhaust em issions standards during its useful life, whe n operated and maintained accord ing t o the instruct ions supplied.
BREAK-I N PERIOD Engi ne A break-in perio d of 10 operat ing hours is required before running the vehicle at sustained full throttle. CAUT ION: Never mix oil with fue l. This vehicle has a 4-str oke engine. Oil mu st be ad ded to e ngi ne ba se only .
CONTRO LS/INSTRU MENTS/EQUI PMENT NO TE: Some controls/instruments /equipmen t are optiona l. 12 11 14 17 3 6 7 4 2 5 15, 13 10 8 9 16 6 7 1 5 19 20 20 21 18 vmo 2006- 013- 005_b 64 ____ __ ___ __ __ .
While reading this Operator’s Guide, reme mber that: WAR NIN G Indi cate s a p otent ial ha za rd tha t, if not a vo ided, co uld r es ult in s eri ous in - jury or deat h. NO TE: This sectio n give s basic func- tions of the v a rious c ontrols of your v e- hicle.
4) Park ing B rake When a pplied, it prevents the vehicle from moving. Usefu l when the brak e needs to be locked for example such as doing a K-turn, during transportation or when the veh icle is not in operation.
N: Neutral This position diseng ages th e transmis- sion to allow manual veh icle move- ment o r towing. F: Forw ard It is the normal driving range. It al- lows the vehi cle to reach its maximum speed.
NO TE: Th e engin e will not turn if the engine stop switch is turned to OFF position. Over ri de B utt o n This button i s used to override the re- verse speed limiter syst e m wh ile pow- er backing up. Press and hold the override button then depres s throttle leve r g rad ua lly .
7) Indi cator L am ps vmr 2006- 083 -011_ b 1 . R e v e r s el a m p( R E D ) 2. Neutr a l lam p ( GR EEN) 3. En gine tem p erat ur e (R ED ) Engi ne T emper ature (R ED) This light turns on when the ignition switch i s turn ed ON and rema ins on for approximately 1 second.
WA R N I N G Alwa ys st op engi ne b efore re - fueling. O pen cap slowly . I f a differential pres sure cond ition is noti ced ( whi st ling so und h ea rd when loo sening fu el tank cap ) have vehicle inspected an d/or re- paire d bef o re furth er o pera tion .
11) Re ar Bra ke Pe dal When press ed down , the rea r brake is applied. Wh en released, it should re- turn to its original position. Braking ef- fect is proportional to the forc e applied on the pedal and to the type and c on- dition of the terrain. vmo 2006- 014- 014_a 1.
15) Fus e The electrical system is protected with a fuse. Refer to MAINTENANCE sec- tion for details. The fuse holder is located in the ser - vice compartm ent undernea th the seat.
Do not exc e ed the rating capacity . See SPECI FICA TI ONS . An auxi liary su p ply i s availabl e to connect a dditional ac cessories. T w o wires are hidden in the wiring harness at the rear of vehicle. See an autho- rized Can-A m de aler for more details.
vmo 2006- 014- 022_a COO L ANT R ES ERVOIR vmo 2006- 014- 031_a UNDER NE A TH FRONT ACCESS COVE R 1. Ra diato r c ap 2. Co olan t re se rv oir c ap 74 ____ __ ___ __ __ __ _____ __.
LIQUIDS While reading this Operator’s Guide, reme mber that: WAR NIN G Indi cate s a p otent ial ha za rd tha t, if not a vo ided, co uld r es ult in s eri ous in - jury or deat h. NO TE: This sec tion s p ecifies the rec- ommend ed liquids and p roce dures to check their levels.
However durin g the hottest da ys of the sum mer the BRP XP-S™ 10W 40 mineral o il (P/N 219 70 0 346) c an be used. NO TE: For impro ved ov erall perfor - mance a nd all sea son appli cation, use XP-S 5W 40 synthetic oi l (P/N 293 6 00 039).
Ge arbox Oi l Recom m ende d Oil Use XP-S chain case oil (P/N 41 3 8 01 900) or an equiva lent. CAUT ION: Do n ot use unrecom- men ded o ther t ype s of oi l wh en serv ic ing. Do not mi x wi th o ther types of oil. Gea rbox O il Lev el See a n autho rized C an- Am dealer .
If the coolant is added in the coolant reservoir , ch eck the level in the ra dia- tor too. Add cool ant if nece ssary . WA R N I N G In ord er t o av oid po t enti al bur ns , do not r emov e t he r adi ator ca p if t h ee n g i n ei sh o t .
vmo 2006- 014- 032 UNDER NE A TH RH REAR FE NDER While reading this Operator’s Guide, reme mber that: WAR NIN G Indi cate s a p otent ial ha za rd tha t, if not a vo ided, co uld r es ult in s eri ous in - jury or deat h.
OP ER A TI NG I NST RUC TI ONS Ge nera l T ransmissi on lever must b e on NEU- TRAL to allo w engine starti ng . T o start engine, p lace the e ngine stop swi tch to R UN pos ition , ins ert k ey i n ignition switch a nd turn to the O N po- sition then press the engine start but- ton.
Co rrec t any p rob lem y ou may h ave fo und b efor e rid ing . See an a utho - rized Can -Am dea ler as necessar y . Sta rting t he Eng in e Initial Cold Starting Ins e rt key i n ignit i on swit ch and turn to ON position. NO TE: Do no t forget, place the engine stop switch to RUN positi on and a p ply brakes (front or rear).
At the opposite, w hen th e throttle lever is released, the engine spe ed decreases. NO TE: E ngine wil l s t op if an y shifting is done at high RPM. Usi ng the Re vers e CAUT ION: W hen ch anging from forward to rever se, or vi ce-versa, alwa y s completely st op th e vehicl e an d appl y the br ake pr ior t o mov ing the trans mission lever .
SPECI AL PROCEDURES Engi ne Ove rheat If engine overheats and indica tor l i ght turns on, try the fo llowing: – Check and cl e an radiator fi ns. S ee MAINTENANCE section. WA R N I N G The ra dia tor can be v e ry hot , w ear glove s be fore touc hing r adi at or .
CARGO A ND TRAN SPORT A TION While rea ding this Operator’s Gui de, reme mber that : WAR NIN G Indi cate s a p otent ial ha za rd tha t, if not a vo ided, co uld r es ult in s eri ous in - jury or deat h.
CAUT ION: A ttach ing vehi cle at oth- er loc ati ons ma y da ma ge the v e hi- cle . Fron t Locat ion vmo 2006- 014- 063_a FRONT BUMPER STRAP LOCA TIONS Re ar Locat ion vmo 2006- 014- 064_a REAR BU MPER ST RAP LO CA TION WA R N I N G Do no t t ow t his ve hicl e behi nd a c ar or ot her ve hic l e.
TR O UBLE SHOOTIN G EN GINE DO ES N OT TU RN 1. Ig niti on switc h is i n th e OFF posi tion. – Place switch to the ON pos ition. 2. En gi ne sto p s witch – Make sure that the eng ine stop switch is in ON p osition. 3. T ransm ission is no t set on NE UTRAL .
E N G I N ET U R N SO V E RB U TF A I L ST O S T A R T( c o n t ’ d ) 4. Sp ark plu g/i gni tion ( no spar k). – Check m ain fuse c ond ition. – Remove s park p lug th en reconn ect to s park pl ug cap. – Check that ignition swi tch and/or engine sto p switch is/are at the ON posi- tion.
ENGIN E BACKFI RE (cont’ d) 4. Im pro pe r carb ure tor s etti ng. – Contact a n a uthorized Can-A m dealer . 5. Foul ed/dam aged/wo rn spark plug. – Clean/verify sp ark plug and h eat range. Replace as required. 6. Antipollu tion system failed – Contact a n a uthorized Can-A m dealer .
TRANSMISSION LEVER IS HAR D TO MO VE (cont ’d) 2. En gi ne idle sp eed is set too hi gh . – Adjust the idle speed . Refer to the S PECIFIC A TIONS. 3. CV T di rty o r wo rn -out . – Contact a n a uthorized Can-A m dealer . THE RPM IN CRE AS ES BUT THE VE HIC LE DOE S NO T M OVE 1.
SPE C IF IC A TIO NS VEHICLE MODEL DS 250 ENGINE Ty p e 4 -stro ke. Single over head camshaf t engin e, liqui d cooled Number of cyli nder Singl e cylinder Number of v alves 4 valve s wi th m echani cal l ifters (adj ustable) Displa cement 249.4 cc ( 15.
VEHICLE MODEL DS 250 ELECTRICAL (co nt ’d) St ar ti n g s yst e m El e ct ri c st a rt Headlamp bulb 2 x 31.5 W T aill ight bulb 1 x 5/21 W Indic ator lamps 1.7 W Fan motor 10 A Headlamp 15 A Other li ghts 15 A Fuses Ma in fus e 30 A DRIVE TRAIN Rear axl e Chain dri ven/so lid axle T urni ng radi us 3.
VEHICLE MODEL DS 250 DIMENSIONS Dry mass 195 kg (42 9 lb) Overall l ength 1.830 m (7 2 in) Overall wi dth 1.030 m (40.5 in) Overall hei ght 1.105 m (43.5 in) Seat hei ght 800 mm (31.5 in) W h ee l bas e 1. 187 m ( 47 in ) Ground clear ance Center of vehic l e 260 mm (10.
MAINTENANCE INFORMA TION _____ __ __ __ __ __ _____ _ 93.
MAINTENAN CE CHART The mai ntenance is very impo rtant, if you are no t familiar with safe service prac- tices and adjustm ent proced ures, see you r authorized Can-A m dealer . PERIODI C M AINTE N ANCE CHART INI TI AL I NS PEC T ION 1 0 H OR 30 D A Y S OR 2 00 K M (12 5 m i) (T o be pe r for m ed by an aut horized Can-Am dealer .
PERIODI C M AINTE N ANCE CHART I N I T I A LI N S P E C T I O N1 0HO R3 0D A Y SO R2 0 0K M( 1 2 5m i ) (T o be pe r for m ed by an aut horized Can-Am dealer .
PERIODI C M AINTE N ANCE CHART INI TI AL I NS PEC T ION 1 0 H OR 30 D A Y S OR 2 00 K M (12 5 m i) (T o be pe r for m ed by an aut horized Can-Am dealer .
PERIODI C M AINTE N ANCE CHART I N I T I A LI N S P E C T I O N1 0HO R3 0D A Y SO R2 0 0K M( 1 2 5m i ) (T o be pe r for m ed by an aut horized Can-Am dealer .
GENER AL While rea ding this Operator’s Gui de, reme mber that : WAR NIN G Indi cate s a p otent ial ha za rd tha t, if not a vo ided, co uld r es ult in s eri ous in - jury or deat h. WA R N I N G Unles s oth erw ise spe cifie d, en gine shou ld not be runni ng fo r all ma in - t enanc e pro cedu res .
ENGINE Air F ilter Rem ova l /Cl eani ng CAUT ION: Ne ver r emo ve or m od - i fy any c ompo nen t in t he ai r fil ter hous ing . Th e en gine ca rbu rati on i s c al ib rat ed to op er at e sp ec if ic all y with t he se com po nen ts. Ot h er- wise, engin e perform a nce degra- dati on or dam a ge can o ccu r .
vmo 2006- 014- 044_a TYP ICAL 1 . A i rf i l t e rh o u s i n g 2. Dra in t ub e 3. Cl am p NO TE: If vehicle is used in dusty are a, inspect mo re frequen tly than s pecified in MAINTENANCE CHART . If liquid/depo sits are found, squeez e and remo ve the c lamp.
vmo 2006- 014- 037_a 1. Co ver 2. O-ri ng 3. Sp ring 4. Straine r Reinstall oil strainer , spring, O- ring and torque cove r to 15 N•m (133 lbf• in ). V erify dra in plug washer condition and repl ace it if nece ssary . Clean washer a rea on engine and drain plug then reinstall plug and torque it to 39 N•m (29 lb f•ft).
vmo 2006- 014- 040_a 1. Co olin g dra in p lug Unplug the by-pass h ose on the t op of thermostat hous ing. vmo 2006- 014- 041_a 1. By -pas s h ose Drain the system comp letely and rein- stall the dra in plug. Pinch h ose b etwee n radiator and ther - mostat housin g with a large hose pincher ( P/N 529 032 500).
vmo 2006- 014- 042_a 1. Remov e m uff ler en d 2. Muffle r vmo 2006- 013- 006_a 1. Sp ar k arreste r Remove carbon dep osits from the spark arre ster u sing a brush. NO TE: Use a soft brush and b e careful to avoid damaging spark arrester . Reinstal l the spar k arrester in mu ffler .
When f i nished, properly reinstall re- moved parts in the reverse order of their r e mov al. 104 ___ __ ___ __ __ __ _____ __.
CARBURET O R See an a uthorized Can-Am deal e r each year to verify and clean the fuel sys- tem. _____ __ __ __ __ __ _____ _ 105.
TR A NSMISSI ON Dri ve Belt See an authorized Can -Am dealer to inspect and/or replace the drive be lt. CVT Cove r Drain T ube Any time yo u suspect that water ha s entered the CVT cover , drain the C VT housing by removi ng the drain tube. vmr 2006- 064 -001_ a 1.
GEARBOX Oil Cha ng e P l a c et h ev e h i c l eo nal e v e ls u r f a c e . Remove the d rive chain prot e ctor . vmo 2006- 014- 038_a 1. Driv e cha in p rote c tor Clean fill and d rain plug areas. Remove gearbox fil l plug. Place a drain pan un der the gearbox d r a i np l u ga r e at h e nr e m o v ep l u g .
FUEL SYSTE M Thrott le Ca ble L ubric ation The throttle ca ble must be l ubricated with silico ne cable lubri cant (P/N 2 93 600 041) or a n equiva lent. WA R N I N G Always us e a s ilicone-based lu- bri c an t. U sin g a n ot he r lu br ic an t (like water-based lub ricant) could cause the throttle lever/cable stick- ing or stiffness.
Th rottle L ever Ad ju stm en t Slide rubber protector back to expos e throttle cable adj uster . Loosen lock nut then turn the adjuster to obtain correct throttle lever free play . NO TE: M easure throttle f ree play at th e t ip o f th ro t tl e le v er .
ELEC TRIC AL WA R N I N G Unles s o therw ise i nfor me d, al- ways tur n ign itio n sw itch to th e OFF po sition bef ore perfo r ming any maintenan ce or repair on elec- t r ical syste m. Spark Pl u g Removal Unplug spark plug cable. Unscrew spar k plug one turn.
Remove corrosion fr o m battery c a ble terminals and battery posts using a firm wire brush. Battery top should be cleaned by s oft brush and any grea se- cuttin g soap or baki n g soda sol ution. Installation Rein stall batt e ry in v e hicl e. WA R N I N G C o n n e c tR E D ( + )c a b l e f i r s tt h e n BLACK ( -) cable.
vmo 2006- 013- 007_a 1. Re leas e lo cki ng ta b 2. Pul l on co nnect or u sing a wiggl e move ment Unlock bulb h older by turning it coun- terclockw i se. Replace bulb. Properly re install removed parts in the reverse order of t h eir remov al. Adjust Beam Aiming as Fo llows: T urn knob to adjust be am heig ht ori- entation to your conv enience.
DRIVE T RAIN Dri ve Cha in Adju st and lubric ate drive chai n b efore each use. WA R N I N G Pl ace i gnit ion s wit ch to t he OFF po- sitio n be fore c heck ing , a djus ting or lu brica ting the drive ch ain.
vmr 2006- 084 -004_ a 1. Driv e ch ai n 2. Ad ju st e r lo ck 3. Sp rock et h ub 4. Ch ain ten s io ner Adju st chain defl e ction by slo w ly mov- ing th e vehicle fo rw ard or backward. The deflection on t h e top of the chain should be betw een 1 5 and 25 mm (5/8 a n d1i n ) .
V06I0SY TYP ICAL Ti r e s / W h e e l s T ire Pressure WA R N I N G T ire pressure gr ea tly affects ve hi- c le han dli ng and sta bi lit y . Under - pressu r e may cause ti re to d eflate an d r ot ate o n wh eel . O ver pre s- sure may burst the tire.
SUSPE N SION Adj ust ment WA R N I N G Adjust both springs to the same length. Uneven adjustme nt can c ause p oor h andl ing a nd loss of s tabi lit y and /o r cont rol , and in- crease the r isk of an acc ident. Spring preload may vary from r i der to rider dependi ng upon their weight.
Swing Arm Check s wing arm for distortion, cracks or be nding. Se e an autho- rized Can-Am dealer i f an y problem i s detected. A- Arms Check A-arms f or cracks, bendin g or other d amages.
BRAKE Inspec tion The braking system is a hydraulic type and no a d justment is req uired. Check the following to keep the brakes in a good operating condition: – brake fluid level – brake sys tem.
BODY/FR A ME Engi ne Are a Check engi ne area for a n y dam age and leaks. Ens ure all hose clam ps are prope rly secured and no ho se is cracked, kinked or otherw ise dam- aged. Inspect muffler , ba ttery and reservoir fastening devic es. Check el ectrical connections for c orro- sion and tightnes s.
STORAGE AND PRESEASON PREP ARA TION WA R N I N G Have a n autho rized Can -Am d eal- er inspec t fuel system integrity as specified in MAINT ENA NCE CHAR T . When a vehicle is not in use for more than one month, proper storage is a necessity . See a n autho rized C an- Am dealer for proper proce dures.
W ARRANTY _____ __ __ __ __ __ _____ _ 121.
BRP LIMI TED W ARRANTY NOR TH AMERICA: 2008 CA N -AM TM AT V 1) SC OPE O F TH E L IMITE D WARR AN TY Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (“BRP” )* warrants its 2008 Ca n-Am A TV from defects in mate ria l or workm anship for the period an d under the conditions described b elow .
2) EXC LUSI ONS – ARE NO T WAR RANTE D The followin g are no t warranted under an y circumstan ces: • Normal wear and tear; • Routine maintenanc e items, tu ne u ps, adjustments; • Damage ca u.
4) WA RR ANTY COV ERAGE PE RIOD This warranty w ill be i n effect from the date of delive ry to the first r e tail consumer or the date the produc t is first put into use, whichever oc curs first and for a period of: SIX (6) CONSECUTIVE MONTHS, for private use o r commercia l use owners.
6) W HA T TO D O TO OBT A IN WAR RA NT Y COV E RAG E The customer mus t notify a serv icing BRP deale r within two (2) days of the a p- pearance of a defect, and provide it with reasonable access to the product and reasonable opp ortunity to repair it.
BRP INTERN A TIO N AL LIMIT ED WARRANTY : 2008 CA N -AM TM AT V 1) SC OPE O F TH E L IMITE D WARR AN TY Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (“BRP” )* warrants its 2008 Ca n-Am A TV from defects in mate ria l or workm anship for the period an d under the conditions described b elow .
BRP wil l not hono ur this limi ted warranty to a ny private us e own er or commercial use owner if the precedin g conditions h ave not been met. Such l imitations are necessary in order to al low BRP to preserve both the safety of i ts products, and also that of its con sumers and the gene ral p u blic.
For countr ies within Europe, Middl e E ast, Africa, Rus sia & CIS, pl ease contact our European of fice: BRP EUROPE N.V . Consume r Service Cent er Skald enstraa t 125 9042 G ent Be lgiu m T el.
BRP wil l not hono ur this limi ted warranty to a ny private us e own er or commercial use owner if the precedin g conditions h ave not been met. Such l imitations are necessary in order to al low BRP to preserve both the safety of i ts products, and also that of its con sumers and the gene ral p u blic.
For countr ies within Europe, Middl e E ast, Africa, Rus sia & CIS, pl ease contact our European of fice: BRP EUROPE N.V . Consume r Service Cent er Skald enstraa t 125 9042 G ent Be lgiu m T el.
PRIV ACY OBL IG A TION/DISCL AIM ER We wish to inform you tha t your coordinates will be us ed for safety and warranty purposes. Som etimes, w e also use the coordinates of our clients to inform them about our products a nd to pres ent them offers .
CHANGE OF ADDRESS/O WNERSHIP If your addre ss has changed or if you are the new owner of the A TV , be sure to notify BR P by either: – ma ilin g one o f the fol low ing c ar d below; – North A mer ica Only: callin g a t 7 15 848-4957 (USA ) or 81 9 566 -3366 (Can ada); – notifying an a uthorized Can-Am dealer .
136 ___ __ ___ __ __ __ _____ __.
AT V MODEL No. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (V.I.N.) ENGINE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (E.I.N.) Owner: Purch ase Date YEAR MONTH DA Y Warran ty Expiry Date YEAR MONTH DA Y To be completed by the dealer at the ti me of the sale. DEALER IMPRINT AREA NAME No.
Vmo2008-009_DS250_219000504_CANADA_ANG.FH10 Thu Mar 29 15:29:56 2007 Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Can-Am DS250 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Can-Am DS250 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Can-Am DS250, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Can-Am DS250 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Can-Am DS250, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Can-Am DS250.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Can-Am DS250. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Can-Am DS250 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.