Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Predator du fabricant Polaris
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W ARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemic als known to cause cancer , birth de - fects or other reproductive harm. A car d cont aining impor tant A T V s af ety inform ati on should be at tac hed to t he owner ’s manual on the next page.
1 We’ve created a web site just for Y OU! S T echnical tips S New product intr oductions S Event schedules S Parts and Servic e M anual information S Exciting details about The W ay Out Check it ou t.
2 Pola r is , Pola ri s The W ay Out , and W orkm obil e s ar e re gis te re d tr a de ma rks of Pol ar is I ndust ri e s Inc . Copyr ight 2003 Pola r is Sa le s I nc. All inf orm a t ion c onta ine d wi thin t his publi ca ti on is ba se d on the la te st produc t in form atio n at the time o f p ub licatio n .
3 WELC OM E Tha nk you for purcha sing a Polaris ve hicle, and w elcome to our world-w ide family of Polaris ow ners. W e pr oudly produc e an e xciting line of utility and r ecr ea tional products.
4 WELC OM E W e belie ve Polaris sets a standa rd of exc ellenc e for all utility and rec rea tional vehicle s manuf ac t ure d in the wor ld toda y . Many years of expe rience ha ve gone into the engineer ing, design, and deve l opment of your Polaris vehic le, ma king i t the finest machine w e’ ve ever produce d.
5 TABL E OF CONTENT S WELCO ME 3 ....................................................... VEHICLE I DENT IF ICA T IO N NUMBERS 6 .............................. SAF ETY 8 ......................................................... FEA T URES AND CONTROL S 52 .
6 VEHICLE IDENT IFI CATION NUMBERS The fra me vehicle identif ication number (VI N)(1 ) and engine se rial number (2) a re importa nt for mode l identific ation whe n registe ring your vehic l e, when obta i ning insura nce, and when orderin g repl acement p arts.
7 VEHICLE IDENT IFI CATION NUMBERS Frame VIN: Engine Ser ial Number : V ehic le Model Number: Key N umber:.
8 SA FE TY Safety D ecals an d Locatio ns W arnin g decals h ave been placed on th e A TV fo r your protection. Read and foll ow the in st ruct i ons o f th e decals o n th e A TV careful l y .
9 SA FE TY Safety D ecals an d Locatio ns Locat ion B 7079083 E 1997, 2000 IF OWNE R’S MANUAL IS MISSI NG, CONT ACT A POLARIS DEALER FOR A REPL ACEMENT . W ARNING D Never operate this vehicle on HILLS steeper than 25 degrees 25 ° . T o prevent flipover on hilly terr ain, when going up or down, use thr ottle and brakes gradually .
10 SA FE TY Safety D ecals an d Locatio ns E D F Locat ion F 7077920 Locat ion E H G I.
11 SA FE TY Safety D ecals an d Locatio ns A TTENTION S Oper ati on of this vehi cl e without the air filter element wil l sev erely damage the engine. S Clean pre-filter element often, more frequent cl eaning required in dusty conditi ons. Do not operate vehi cle without pre-filter .
12 SA FE TY Sa fe Riding Gea r Always we ar c lothing suited to the type of r iding. A TV riding re quires spec ial protec tive clothing for comfor t and to reduc e t he cha nce of injury . 1. Helmet Y our helme t is the most important piece of pr otective ge ar for s afe rid in g.
13 SA FE TY Sa fe Riding Gea r 2. Eye Prot ection Do not depe nd on sunglasses for prope r eye protec tion. A pair of goggle s or a helmet fa ce shield of fer the best protec tion for your e yes. The y s hould be ke pt clea n and be of shatte rproof de sign (be aring the mar kings z2.
14 SA FE TY Operator S afety Operat or Rest rict ion s This vehicle is an ADUL T VEHICLE ONL Y . Operation i s prohibit ed for a nyone under 16 yea rs of age.
15 SA FE TY Operator S afety Know Y our V ehi cle As the opera tor of the A TV , you are re sponsible for your safe ty , the safe ty of others, and the prote ction of our environme nt. Read and unde rstand your owne r ’ s manual, which inc ludes valua ble informa tion about all aspec ts of your A TV , including saf e opera ting procedur es.
16 SA FE TY Operator S afety The f ollowing two page s identify signa l words a nd symbols that appe ar in this manua l. Y our sa fe ty is involved whe n these wor ds and symbols ar e used. Bec ome f amiliar w ith their mea nings before r eading the manua l.
17 SA FE TY Operator S afety The safet y alert caut ion indicat es a pot ent ial hazard t hat m ay r esult in minor per sonal injury or dam age to t he vehic le. CAUTION A caut ion indicat es a s ituat ion t hat m ay r esult in dam age to t he vehicle.
18 SA FE TY Operator S afety S Read this ma nual and all labe ls care fully , and follow the opera ting proce dures desc ribed. S Neve r operate a n A TV without proper instruc tion. T ake a training c ourse . Beginner s should recei ve traini ng from a certifi ed inst ructor .
19 SA FE TY Operator S afety S Neve r operate a n A TV on a public street, road or highway , i ncluding a dirt or grave l road. S Neve r operate an A TV without wear ing an a pproved helme t that fits proper l y . Always wea r eye prote ction (goggles or fac e shield), gloves, boots, a long-slee ved shirt or jacket, and long pa nts.
20 SA FE TY Operator S afety S Neve r operate on exc essively rough, slippery , or l oose ter ra in. S Always follow proper tur ning procedur es a s desc ribed in this manua l. Practic e turning at lo w speed s befo re att emp ti ng t o tu rn at fas ter s peeds .
21 SA FE TY Operator S afety S Alwa ys follow pr oper pr ocedur es for crossing the side of a hill. A void hills with exce s- sivel y sli ppery or loose su rfaces.
22 SA FE TY Operator S afety S A void opera ting the A TV through de ep or fast-f l owing wa ter . If it’ s unavoidable , travel slowly , balanc e your weight ca refully , a void sudden moveme nts, and mainta in a slow and ste ady f orwar d motion. Do not make sudden turns or stops, and do not make sudde n throttle c hanges.
23 SA FE TY Operator S afety Equipme nt Modifi ca tions W e are c oncer ned for the saf ety of our customers and for the gene ral public. Theref ore, we strongly r ec ommend that consume rs do not ins.
24 SA FE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper at ing this A T V wit hout pr oper ins tr uct ion. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : The r isk of an acc ident is great ly incr eased if t he operat or does not k now how to oper ate t he A T V proper ly in diff erent s ituat ions and on different t y pes of terr ain.
25 SA FE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD : Failur e t o follow t he sk ill and exper ience rec ommendat ions for th is A TV . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Sever e injury and/ or deat h could occ ur if a beginner or inexperienc ed driver oper ates t his A T V .
26 SA FE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD : Failur e t o follow t he age rec ommendat ions f or t his A T V . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Sever e injury and/ or deat h could occ ur if a c hild under t he minimum age r ecomm endat ion operat es t his A T V .
27 SA FE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD : Carr ying a pass enger on an A T V . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Carry ing a passenger great ly reduc es the operat or ’s ability t o balance and cont rol t he A TV , whic h could caus e an acc ident and injury t o t he operat or and/ or pas senger .
28 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper at ing an A T V on paved sur fac es, inc luding sidewalk s, pat hs, parking lot s , and dr iveways .
29 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Operat ing this A T V on public st reet s, r oads or highways. WHA T CAN HAPPEN :T h e A T V could collide wit h anot her v ehicle. HOW TO A VOI D THE HAZARD : Never oper at e the A T V on any public st reet , road or highway , inc luding dirt and gravel r oads.
30 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper at ing this A T V wit hout wearing an approv ed helmet , eye pr ot ect ion and prot ect ive c lothing. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Oper ating an A T V wit hout an approved helm et incr eases t he r isk of a s ever e head injury or deat h in t he event of an ac cident .
31 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper at ing the A T V af t er cons uming alcohol or dr ugs. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Consumpt ion of alc ohol and/or dr ugs could s eriously aff ect operat or judgm ent. Reac t ion tim e may be s lower and oper ator balance and percept ion c ould be affect ed.
32 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper at ing the A T V at ex ces sive s peeds. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Exc essiv e speed inc reases t he operat or ’s chance of losing cont r ol of t he A T V , which can r esult in an ac cident c ausing sev ere injury or death.
33 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : A ttemp ting w he eli es, jumps and ot her st unt s. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : A ttemp tin g stu nts increas es t he chanc e of an ac cident , i ncluding an overt ur n. HOW TO A VOI D THE HAZARD : Never att empt wheelies , jumps , or other st unts .
34 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Failur e t o inspect t he A T V bef ore oper ating. Failur e to pr operly maint ain t he A TV . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Poor m aintenanc e incr eases t he poss ibility of an ac cident or equipment dam age.
35 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Remov ing hands from t he handlebars or f eet f rom t he foot pegs dur ing operat ion. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Removing ev en one hand or f oot can r educe abilit y t o cont rol t he vehic le or could c ause loss of balance and eject ion f rom t he A TV .
36 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Failur e t o use ext ra c aution when oper ating t he A T V on unfam iliar ter rain. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Unfamiliar terrain may cont ain hi dden rocks, bumps, or holes t hat c ould caus e loss of cont rol or over tur n.
37 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Failur e t o use ext ra c aution w hen operat ing on exces sively rough, s lippery or loos e ter rain. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Oper ating on ex cess ively rough, slippery or loose t er rain could c ause loss of t rac t ion or loss of cont rol, whic h could res ult in an acc ident or overt ur n.
38 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : T ur ning improper ly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Im proper t ur ns could c ause loss of c ontr ol and lead t o a collision or ov ert urn. HOW TO A VOI D THE HAZARD : Alway s follow proper pr ocedur es for t urning as descr ibed in t he owner ’ s m anual.
39 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper at ing on exces sively s teep hills . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : The v ehicle may ov ert urn. HOW TO A VOI D THE HAZARD : Never oper ate on hills t oo st eep f or t he A T V or for y our abilit ies.
40 SA FE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD : Climbing hills im proper ly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Im proper hill c limbing could cause los s of c ontr ol or ov ert urn. HOW TO A VOI D THE HAZARD : Alway s f ollow proper procedur es f or c limbing hills as des cribed in t he owner ’s manual.
41 SA FE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD : T r aveling downhill impr operly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Im properly des cending a hill could caus e loss of c ontr ol or over t urn. HOW TO A VOI D THE HAZARD : Alway s f ollow proper procedur es f or t rav eling down hills as des cr ibed in the owner ’s manual.
42 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Im proper ly cr ossing hills and t urning on hills . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Im properly c ross ing or t urning as hills could cause loss of cont rol or over tur n.
43 SA FE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD : St alling, rolling or im properly dism ount ing while climbing a hill. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : The v ehicle could ov ert urn. HOW TO A VOI D THE HAZARD : Maint ain st eady speed when clim bing a hill. If all for ward s peed is lost : Keep your weight uphill.
44 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Im proper ly operat ing over obs tac les. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Oper ating ov er obst ac les could c ause loss of c ont rol or overt ur n. HOW TO A VOI D THE HAZARD : Bef ore oper at ing in a new area, c heck f or obst acles .
45 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Skidding or s liding. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Skidding or s liding can caus e loss of cont rol. If t he tir es regain t rac tion unex pect edly , the A T V c ould over tur n.
46 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper at ing the A T V t hrough deep or f ast -f lowing wat er . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : T ires m ay float , c ausing loss of t rac t ion and loss of c ontr ol, which could lead t o an ac cident or ov ert urn.
47 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper at ing this A T V wit h improper t ires , or wit h impr oper or uneven t ire pr essur e. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Use of im proper t ires , or oper ation of the A T V wit h im proper or uneven t ir e press ure, c ould cause los s of c ontr ol or ac cident .
48 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper at ing the A T V wit h impr oper modif ic ations . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Im proper ins t allation of ac ces sories or modif icat ion of t he A T V m ay c ause changes in handling, whic h could lead t o an acc ident.
49 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Ov erloading t he A T V or c arry ing/t owing c argo. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Ov erloading or c arr ying/ towing c argo can c ause c hanges in vehicle handling, which c ould lead to los s of c ontr ol or an acc ident.
50 SA FE TY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper at ing on fr ozen bodies of water . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Sever e injury or deat h can r esult if t he A T V and/ or t he operat or fall t hrough t he ic e. HOW TO A VOI D THE HAZARD : Never oper ate t he A T V on a f rozen body of water .
51 SA FE TY Operator S afety Oper ating a dam aged A TV c an result in an accident wit h serious injury or deat h. Af t er any over t urn or ac cident , hav e a qualif ied serv ice dealer ins pect t he ent ire m achine f or possible damage, including ( but not limit ed t o) brakes, t hrott le and steering syst ems.
52 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Engine Electr ical Switches 1 2 3.
53 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Engine Electr ical Switches 1 . Sta rt But ton - The start button engage s the starte r . Always re lease the star t button as soon as the engine sta rts. 2 . Engine St op Swit ch - The purpose of this switch is to provide the ope ra tor with a quick mea ns of engine shutdown in case of a n eme rge ncy .
54 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Lights 1. Headlight HI/ LO Swit ch 2. Neutr al Indic at or Lamp 3. High T emp I ndicat or Lam p 1 3 2.
55 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Light S witche s The light switch is loca ted on the lef t handleb ar . It’ s use d to turn the lights on and of f and to switc h t he lights f rom HI to LO. NOTE: The lights won’ t work unless the ke y is in the ON position and the engine stop switc h is in t he RUN position.
56 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Throttle Lever Engine spee d and veh icle move ment are contr olled by pre ssing the throttle le ver (1) towa rd the handle bar . The throttle leve r is spring loaded. Engine spee d retur ns to i dle and the A TV will slow down when the lever is re leased.
57 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S El ectr onic Thr ottle Contr ol This A TV is equipped w ith Polaris Ele ctronic T hrottle Control (ETC) , which is de signed to re duce the r isk of a f roze n or stuc k throttle.
58 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Foot Br ake Y our Polar is A TV has a foot pedal ( 1) that ac tivates the r ear bra kes. It’ s located in f ront of the right- hand footpeg ( 2) and is opera ted by the r ight foot. If the re ar whe els slide while using the foot brake, r educe bra ke peda l pressur e to brake the whee ls without skidding.
59 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Br ake L ever The Preda tor A TV has a single bra ke leve r for the fr ont bra kes. It’ s locate d on the right handle bar . The front brak es are ap pl ied b y sq ueezi ng t he b rake l ever (1 ) towar d the handleba r . The fr ont brake s are hydr aulically acti vat ed di s c ty pe b rakes .
60 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Master Cylinder The maste r cylinde r (2) is located on the right-ha nd handleba r . The bra ke fluid level should be checked before each ride. T he flui d level can be seen t hrough the indi cator window (3) on the top of the m aste r cylinder .
61 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Park in g B rak e Sett ing t he Parking B rake 1. Plac e the tra nsmission in first gear or ne utral. 2. S q ueeze and rel ease t he b rake l ever (1 ) t wo or t hree times, then squ eeze and ho ld . 3. Push the par k brake loc k (2) for ward to enga ge the lo ck.
62 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Park in g B rak e Importa nt Sa fegua rds S The pa rking bra ke ma y relax if le ft on for a long period of time . Always bloc k the whee ls to pre vent rolling. S Alwa ys block the whee ls on the downhill side of the A TV if leav ing it parke d on a hill.
63 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Fuel V alve The fuel valve (1 ) is l oca t ed under the fue l tank on the l ef t side of the A TV . It has three positions: OFF: F or vehic le storage and whe n transpor ting. ON: For normal opera tion. RES: F or r ese rve supply if main supply is exhauste d.
64 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Fuel T ank The f uel tank fille r ca p is loca ted dir ec tly below the ha ndlebar . Use e ither le aded or unlea ded gasoline with a minimum pump octa ne number of 87=(R+ M/2) octane . Fuel Fil ter The f uel valve has an inte rnal fue l filter .
65 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Manual S hift Shif t Pedal The gear sh ift p edal i s lo cated i n front o f the left -han d footpe g. One full stroke of the peda l shifts the transmission to t he n ext g ear in t he s hi ft in g s equ ence. Th e ped al automa tically r eturns to a hor izontal position whe n rele ase d.
66 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Manual S hift The e ngine ca n be started whe n the transmission is in neutra l, or while in gear if the c lutch is disenga ged. Plac e the stop sw itch in the RUN position, the n turn the k ey to ON . If sta rting while in neutr al, the neutra l indica tor light should be on.
67 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Manual S hift Shi fting G ea rs NOT E : Always allow the e ngine to war m up befor e shifting gea rs. 1. W hen sta rting fro m a stopped position w ith the transmission in ne utral, squ eeze and hold the brake leve r .
68 FEAT URES AND CONTROL S Manual S hift Deceler atio n T o slow or stop the A TV , relea se t he throttle le ver and apply the brak es smoothly and eve nly . As the vehicle slows and engine RPM decre ases, disengage the c lutch and shift t o a lo wer gear .
69 OPERATION Fuel Safety Gas oline is highly f lam mable and explos ive under c ert ain condit ions. S Always ex ercis e ext rem e caut ion whenever handling gas oline. S Always r efuel wit h t he engine st opped, and out doors or in a well v ent ilated ar ea.
70 OPERATION Br eak - In Period Car eful tre atment of a ne w engine and tra nsmission will re sult in more e f ficien t per for manc e and longer life f or both.
71 OPERATION Br eak - In Period 1. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline . See page 64. 2. Check t he oil l evel on the dipst ick. S ee page 105. Add oil i f necessary to main tain th e lev el bet ween t he safe and add m arks . 3. Allow the engine suf ficie nt time to warm up befor e operating.
72 OPERATION Pr e - Ride Insp ection Use the following che cklist to verif y t hat your ve hicle is in proper working condition before each u se. Item /Insp ectio n Procedu re 1. Fuel tank a nd engine oil leve l - Fill both to their prope r levels. See pa ge 105.
73 OPERATION Pr e - Ride Insp ection 5. Throttle - Chec k for fre e oper ation and closing. See pag e 156. 6. Steer ing - Check for free opera tion, noting any unusual loosene ss in any ar ea. 7. He adlight/T aillight/Br akelight - Chec k opera tion of a ll indicator lights and switc hes.
74 OPERATION St ar ting a Col d Engine 1. Plac e the transmission in ne utra l, lock the pa rking brak e and disenga ge the clutch. Make sur e the fuel valve is on.
75 OPERATION St ar ting a Col d Engine NOTE: The varia ble choke is f ully on when the knob is pulled c ompletely out. The c hoke is of f when the knob is pushed comple tely in. The choke can be adjusted gr adua lly , depe nding on how much choke is needed for sta rting.
76 OPERATION St ar ting a W arm E ngine W ar m engines do not normally re quire the use of the choke. Exc essive use of the choke can caus e the sp ark pl ug t o beco me wet fou l ed. 1. Place the tra nsmission in neutral a nd lock the pa rking bra ke.
77 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivin g Procedures 1. Sit upright with both fee t on the footpe gs and both hands on the handleba rs. 2. Start the e ngine and a llow it to warm up, then shif t the transmission into gea r . See page 67. 3. Chec k your surr oundings and deter mine your path of tra vel.
78 OPERATION Driving Safely Makin g T urns Y our A TV is equipped w ith a solid rea r axle , which drive s both rea r whe els equally at all times. The whe el on the outside of the turn trav els a g reat er di st ance t han t he i ns id e wh eel wh en t urni n g, and the inside tire slips tra ction slightly .
79 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivin g on Slipper y Surfaces Whenev er rid in g on sl i pp ery surfaces s uch as wet trai l s or lo os e grav el, or du rin g freezin g weath er , fol l ow th ese precau ti on s: 1. Slow down when e ntering slipper y area s .
80 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivin g Uphill Whe never tr aveling uphill, follow these pr ecauti on s: 1. Alwa ys trave l straight uphill. 2. A void ste ep hills ( 25 _ ma ximum). 3. Kee p both feet on the footpegs and tra nsfer your weight for ward. 4.
81 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivin g Across Hills If you e nter into a situa tion wher e side hilling i s unavoida ble: 1. Slow down. 2. Lea n into the hill, transf erring your uppe r body weight towar d the hill while kee ping your fee t on the footpegs.
82 OPERATION Driving Safely T urning Around on a Hil l If the ve hicle stalls while c limbing a hill, never ba ck it down the hill! One ma neuver tha t ca n be used wh en it’ s nece ssary to turn a round while climbing a hill is the K -turn: 1. Ke ep your body we ight uphill.
83 OPERATION Driving Safely T urning Around on a Hil l 5. Staying uphill of the A TV , turn t he handle bars full left. Reach acro ss t h e handl ebar an d appl y t he front brak es to unlock the pa rk brake . 6. W ith the front bra kes applied, pull in t he clutc h leve r .
84 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivin g Downh ill Whe never de scending a hill, follow these precau ti on s: 1. P ro ceed di rectl y do wn h ill. 2. T ran sfe r your weight to the rear of the ve hicle. 3. Slow down. 4. Shift to the lowest gear possible while mainta ining a safe spe ed.
85 OPERATION Driving Safely P a r k i n go na nI n c l i n e A void par king on an incline if possible. If it’ s unavoida ble, fol lo w t hese p recaut i ons : 1. T urn the engine of f. 2. Plac e the t ra nsmission in firs t gear . 3. Lock the parking br ake .
86 OPERATION Driving Safely Driv ing Through W a ter Y our A TV can ope rate thr ough water w ith a maximum re commende d depth e qual to the leve l of the footpegs (1). Follow these proce dures when ope rating through wate r: 1. Dete rmine water de pths and curr ent before cr ossing.
87 OPERATION Driving Safely Driv ing Through W a ter NOTE: A void operating the vehicle through de ep or fa st-flowing wate r . If you ca nnot avoid wat er that exceeds t he recommended m aximu m depth, go slowl y , bal ance your weight ca refully , avoid sudden moveme nts, and maintain a slow and stead y forwa rd motion.
88 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving Over Obst acles Be al ert ! Loo k ahead an d learn t o read t he terrai n you’r e tra veling on. Be consta ntly aler t for hazard s such as l og s, ro cks and l ow han gi ng bran ches . Sever e injury or deat h can r esult if y our v ehicle com es in cont ac t wit h a hidden obst acle.
89 EMI SSION CONTROL SYST EMS Noise E m ission Contr ol S ystem Do not modify the engine, intake or exha ust c omponents, as doing so may af fec t complia nce with state a nd loca l noise level re quireme nts.
90 EMI SSION CONTROL SYST EMS Exhaust Em ission C ontr ol System The emissions fro m t he exha ust of this vehic le a re controlle d by engine de sign, including fa ctory- set car buretion and ignition. The e ngine and re lated compone nts must be mainta ined at Pola ris specif ications to a chieve optimal per forma nce.
91 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION P er iodic Mai ntenance S chedule Care ful periodic mainte nance will help kee p your vehicle in the safe st, most relia ble condition. Inspe ction, adjustment a nd l ubric a tion of important components ar e explaine d in the following pa ges.
92 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION P er iodic Mai ntenance S chedule Hours of opera tion ar e base d on a 10 mph aver age. F or exa m ple, if a service is due at 20 hours, the e quivale nt odometer rea ding would be 200 miles. Perfor m all servic es a t whichever reading i s reached fi rst : hours o f operation, miles logged, or time elapse d.
93 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION P er iodic Mai ntenance S chedule Item Hours/Miles Frequency Re ma rks Br ake syst e m s/fl ui d Pre- Ride Pre- Ride Ins pec t; maintain fluid lev el bet ween fill lines (s ee page 60) ; c hange ev ery 200 mi.
94 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION P er iodic Mai ntenance S chedule Item Hours/Miles Frequency Re ma rks " Steer ing Pre- Ride Pre- Ride Chec k for fr ee operation and loos e c om- ponents " A.
95 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION P er iodic Mai ntenance S chedule Item Hours/Miles Frequency Re ma rks " L Air filter , main element W eek ly W eek ly Ins pect ; replac e as needed " Oil C hange 10 hrs .
96 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION P er iodic Mai ntenance S chedule Item Hours/Miles Frequency Re ma rks " F A-Arm (A) 50 hrs . 3 months Ins pec t; tighten f as teners ; gr ease ( als o after w as hing A TV or driv ing in w ater) " F Rear ax le/ Rear ec c entr ic (B ) 25 hrs .
97 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION P er iodic Mai ntenance S chedule Lubric ation P oints A A C B.
98 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION P er iodic Mai ntenance S chedule Item Hours/Miles Frequency Re ma rks Car buretor float bow l 50 hrs . 6 months Dr ain bowl per iodically and prior t o st or- age J Thrott le Cable/E TC S wit ch 50 hrs . 6 months Ins pec t; adjus t; replac e if nec es s ary L Chok e (enr ic her) c able 50 hrs .
99 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION P er iodic Mai ntenance S chedule Item Hours/Miles Frequency Re ma rks Coolant s tr ength 50 hrs . 6 months Ins pec t s trength s eas onally ; pr es sur e tes t s ys tem annually Co ol an t syste m pr essu re test 100 hr s.
100 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION P er iodic Mai ntenance S chedule Item Hours/Miles Frequency Re ma rks Radiator 100 hr s . Annually Inspec t; c lean ex ter nal sur fac e; c hange c oolant ev ery 2 y ears " Cooling s y s tem hos es 100 hrs . Annually Ins pect Engine mounts 100 hrs .
101 NOTES.
102 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iod ic Mainten ance Record Use t he fol l owi ng ch art t o record p erio di c mai nt enance. Mai ntenance Int erval Perf orm ed Se rv ic ing Date Se rv ic ing Dealer or Person Remarks 10 hrs. 20 hrs. 50 hrs. 100 hrs.
103 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iod ic Mainten ance Record Mai ntenance Int erval Perf orm ed Se rv ic ing Date Se rv ic ing Dealer or Person Remarks.
104 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubr ication R ecomm endations Perf ormance Syn th etic 4 - Str oke ( PS - 4) Oil Polar is highly rec ommends the use of Polaris PS-4 or a similar oil designe d for use in 4-str oke ma nual c lutch A TV and motorc ycle a pplica tions.
105 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engine Oil Level Ch eck t he o il lev el b efore each u se o f th e veh icl e. The dipstic k (1) is locate d on the left side of the A TV . 1. Position the A TV on a level surf ace. 2. Start the engine a nd let it idle for one minute.
106 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engine Oil Level If the A TV is use d year -round, che ck the oil le vel fr equently . A rising oil le vel could in di cate t h e accum ul ati on o f con tam i nat es s uch as wat er or ex cess f uel i n t he b ot to m o f t he oil tank.
107 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Oil an d Filter Chan ge The suggeste d brea k-in oil change should be pe rfor med after one hour of ope ra tion, or after the f irst tank of fuel, whic hever come s first. Perf orm the ne xt oil and f ilter c hanges e very 10 hours or e very six months, whiche ver c omes first.
108 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Oil an d Filter Chan ge 1. P l ace th e veh icl e on a l evel su rface. 2. Clea n the are a around the oil tank (1) and crankcas e (2) drai n pl ug s wit h cl ean sh op towe ls. 3. Run the engine for two to three minutes until warm, then stop the engine .
109 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Oil an d Filter Chan ge 7. Place a dr ain pan benea th the cra nkcase and re move the drain plug. 8. Allow the oil to drain c omplete ly . 9. Repla ce the se aling washe r and re install the plug. T orque to 14 ft. lbs.
11 0 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Oil an d Filter Chan ge 14. Replace the o- ring in the cove r . 15. Lubrica te t he gaske t on the new filte r with a film of fresh e ngine oil. 16. Reinstall the spr i ng and insta ll the new f ilter with the open end f acing outwa rd.
111 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Oil an d Filter Chan ge 18. Remove the dipstick and f ill the oil tank with 2 qua rts (1.9 l) of re commende d oil. 19. P lac e the transmission in ne utral and se t t he pa rking brake . 20. S tar t t he engine a nd l et it idle for one to two minutes.
11 2 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Air Filter System s 1. Unlatc h and remove the sea t. 2. Loosen the intake duc t clamp ( 1) on the ca rbure t or . 3. Pull the duct (2) of f the car bure tor . 4. Rele ase the eight airbox cove r clips (3) and re move the cove r (4).
11 3 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Air Filter System s 7. Re install the air filte r . 8. Reinsta l l the airbox cover a nd secu re the c lips. 9. Reinsta l l the intake duct to t he ca rburetor a nd secur e the clamp. 10 . Check th e ho ses for cracks, d eteri or ati on , abras io n, o r l eaks.
11 4 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION E ngine C ooling S ystem The engine c oolant level is controlled or mainta ined by the recove ry system. The rec overy system compone nts ar e the recove ry bottle, radia tor fille r neck, rad iator pr essure c ap and conne cting hose.
11 5 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION E ngine C ooling S ystem Co olant L evel The re cover y bottle (1) is l oca ted on the left side of the mac hine under the front fende r . The fluid level must be mainta ined betw ee n the minimum and maximum ma rks on the bottle (whe n t he fluid is cool).
11 6 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION E ngine C ooling S ystem Rad iato r Co olant L evel NOTE: This pr ocedure is require d only i f the c ooling system has bee n drained for mainte nance a nd/or repa ir . Howev er , if the recove ry bottle has run dry , inspect the leve l in th e radi ato r and ad d coo lan t i f neces sary .
11 7 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Whe n servic ing a ha logen la mp, don’t touc h t he la mp with bare f i nger s. Oil from your skin lea ves a residue , causing a hot spot that will shorte n the life of the lamp. W ARNING Poor light ing while dr iving can r esult in s evere injur y or deat h.
11 8 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Head light L amp Rep lacement 1. Remove the wir e harness conne ctor from the bac k of the hea dlight. 2. On the le ft headla mp, grasp the bulb housing a nd turn it c ounter cloc kwise (1) to remove the bulb. On the right he adlamp, turn the bulb housing clo ckw is e (2) to remove the bulb.
11 9 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Head light A ssembly Replacem ent 1. Remove the wir e harness conne ctor from the hea dlights. 2. Remove the fr ont cab (se e page 124). Position the ca b upside down on a soft pro tect i ve su rface t o prev ent s crat chi ng.
120 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Head light A ssembly Replacem ent 5. Insta ll the new he adlamp by inse rting the outboar d pivot pin in the hole of the mounting tab on the c ab. 6. Insta ll the adjuster br acket onto the inboard pivot pin of the headla mp.
121 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights T aillight /Brakelight L amp Replacemen t If the taillight/bra kelight does not work the lamp may nee d to be repl aced. 1. Remove the ta illight lens cove r mounting screw s (1). Remove the lens cove r (2) and gasket and set aside for re assembly .
122 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Head light Ad justmen t 1. Position the A TV on a level surf ac e with the hea dlight approximate ly 25 ft. (7.6 m ) f rom a f lat wa ll. 2. Mea sure the distanc e fr om the floor to the ce nter of th e head li gh t an d m ake a m ark o n t he wal l at t he same he ight.
123 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION S ide P anel Rem oval 1. Unlatc h and remove the sea t. 2. Remove the four sc rews (1) secur i ng the side pane l. 3. Remove the side pa nel.
124 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Fr ont Cab Re m oval 1. Remove the scr ews and washers (1) fr om th e front l eft-h and and ri gh t-h and cab mounts. 2. Remove the wir e harness conne ctor from the hea dlights. 3. L oos en t he s crew (2 ) lo cated i ns i de t he cab under the front cove r .
125 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION S par k Plugs S Use NGK DC PR 8E sp ark pl ugs. S Proper ele ctrode gap is . 035 ″ (.90 mm). S Spark plug torque is 14 ft.
126 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION S par k Plugs 1. Normal The norma l insulator tip is gray , tan or light brown. There w ill be few c ombustion deposits. The ele ctrodes are not burne d or erode d. This indicates the prope r t ype and hea t ra nge for the engine a nd the servic e.
127 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION S par k Plugs Spark Plug R emoval and R eplacement 1. Remove the side pane ls and front cab (se e pages 123-124). 2. T urn the fuel valve to OFF . W ARNING A hot em ber on t he A T V could c ause f uel t o ignite. Allow all c omponent s t o cool suffic ient ly bef ore acc essing t he s park plug.
128 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION S par k Plugs Spark Plug R emoval and R eplacement 3. Move the fue l valve hose cla mp (1) for war d and gently remove the hose fr om the fue l valve fitting on t he gas tank. 4. Remove the ve nt hose (2) from the instrume nt panel, taking note of the hose routing for r einstalla tion.
129 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION S par k Plugs Spark Plug R emoval and R eplacement 7. Using the fo rked e nd of the spar k plug wrench handle , remove the spar k plug boot. IMPOR T ANT : Do not pull on the wire to re move the boot. Doing so may cause a w ire disconne ction inside t he boot.
130 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spar k Arr esto r W ARNING Failur e to heed t he f ollowing warnings while s ervic ing the s park ar rest or c ould res ult in serious injur y or deat h. Do not perf orm service on t he spark arrest or while th e system is hot.
131 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spar k Arr esto r Peri odical ly cl ean t he spark arre stor t o rem ove accu mul ated carbon. 1. Remove the thre e screws (1) a nd remove the a rre stor (2) fr om the end of the muff ler . 2. Use a non-synthe tic brush to clea n the arre stor scree n (3) .
132 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION V e h ic l e Imme rs io n If your A TV has be en subme rge d or overtur ned in wa ter dee per than the footpeg lev el, it’ s cr itical to dry it pro mptly and pr operly be fore sta rting the engine .
133 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION V e h ic l e Imme rs io n 5. In ter mittently and br iefly touc h t he sta rter button in ha lf-se cond inter vals to SLOW L Y rota te the engine thre e or four times.
134 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y The YUASA sea l ed ba ttery is al r ea dy filled w ith elec trolyte a nd has be en sea led and fully char ged at t he fact or y . N ever pry the se aling strip of f or add a ny other f luid t o this batte ry .
135 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Battery Installation 1. Set the ba ttery in the b attery holde r . 2. Conne ct a nd tighten the red ( positive) ca ble fir st, then conne ct and tighte n the blac k (neg ati ve) cab le. 3. At t ach th e hol d-d own s tr ap and rei ns tal l t he rear cab.
136 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Charging (S ealed Batter y) The most impor tant pa rt of ma intaining a sea led batte ry is keep ing it fully cha r ged. The ba ttery include d with your A TV is sea l ed a nd the sealing str ip cannot be r emoved.
137 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Charging (S ealed Batter y) NOTE: A l ways ve rify batte ry condition bef ore and 1- 2 hours after char ging. Stat e of Charge Vo l t a g e Acti on Charge T ime* (Us ing cons tant c urr ent char ger @ standar d amps spec ified on top of battery ) 100% 12.
138 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Tire s Oper ating y our A T V wit h worn t ires , im proper ly inf lated t ir es, non-s t andard t ires or improper ly ins talled t ires will aff ect vehic le handling and could c ause an acc ident result ing in ser ious injur y or deat h.
139 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Ti re T read Depth Always re place tires when tr ead depth is wor n t o 1/8 ″ (.3 cm) or le ss. See illustr ation. Wheel Rem o val 1. Stop the engine, place the tr ansmission in gear a nd lo ck th e parki ng b rake. 2.
140 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Wheel Installation 1. Place the tra nsmission in gear a nd lock the par king brak e. 2. P l ace th e wheel on t he wh eel h ub wi th t he v alv e stem towar d the outside and r otation arr ows on the tire pointing toward for ward rota tion.
141 MAINT ENANCE AND LUBRICATION Wheel Nut T orque Specifications Ch eck t he wheel n ut t o rques o ccasi on al ly an d when t hey ’ve been l oo sen ed for mai n ten ance serv ice. Bol t Si ze Sp ecif i cati on Fr ont 3/ 8 ″ 25 ft. lbs. (34 Nm) Rear 3/8 ″ 25 ft .
142 ADJUST MENTS Br akes Under normal ope ra tion, the dia phragm exte nds into the r eservoir as fluid le vel drops. If the f luid leve l is low and the dia phra gm is not extende d, a leak is like ly and the dia phra gm should be repl aced.
143 ADJUST MENTS Br akes 1. Always mainta in the brake fluid at an ade quate level (see pa ge 60). 2. C heck t he b rake s ys tem fo r fl ui d l eaks . 3. Chec k the brake s for exc essive tra vel or spongy feel. 4. C heck t h e fricti on p ads fo r wear , dam age and l oo senes s .
144 ADJUST MENTS T oe Alignm ent Use the following proce dure to check the toe alignme nt of the vehicle. The Preda tor is designe d for a ne utra l toe setting. 1. Set the handleba rs in a straight- ahea d positi on. Use tie straps to secur e the handleba rs so t hey can ’ t m ove.
145 ADJUST MENTS T oe Alignm ent 3. T ie an ela stic string (2) around the sta nds, m aking sure the string just touches the side surfa ce of the rear ti res o n each s i de o f th e veh icl e and g oes ar ound the stands in front of the vehicle . 4. Mea sure the distanc e from the string to the rim at the f ront and re ar of the front r i m (3).
146 ADJUST MENTS Chain T ension CAUTION Never adjus t or oper ate t he v ehicle wit h the r ear driv e chain t oo loose or t oo t ight. Sever e damage t o t he tr ansmis sion and dr ive com ponents c an result .
147 ADJUST MENTS Chain T ension Chec k the amount of c hain sla ck by moving the ve hicle slightly forw ard to re m ove sla ck at the top side of the chain. NOTE: The chain ha s a press- on master link. A c hain tool must be use d if it’ s nece ssary to remove the c hain for ser vice.
148 ADJUST MENTS Chain T ension 1. L oos en th e two eccent ri c lock in g bo lt s. 2. Insert a pin punch into t he eccentri c ax le housing. 3. Roll the ve hicle a head or back to a djust chain sla ck to the pr oper dimension. 4. T i gh ten t h e eccentri c lock i ng bo lt s t o 35 ft .
149 ADJUST MENTS Steer in g Assem bly The ste er ing assembly of the A TV should be che cked pe riodically f or loose nuts and bolts. If loose nuts and bolts are found, see your Polaris dea l er f or ser vice be fore oper ating t he vehic l e. Cam b er and Caster The ca m ber a nd ca ster a re non- adjusta ble.
150 ADJUST MENTS Fr ont Suspens ion The f ront suspension pr eload may be adjusted to suit dif fere nt riding conditions and oper ator we ight. W ARNING Uneven adjust m ent m ay caus e poor handling of t he A T V , which c ould result in an accident and ser ious injury or deat h.
151 ADJUST MENTS Fr ont Suspens ion Spring Prelo a d 1. Raise a nd safe ly support t he front of the A TV of f t he ground to a llow the suspension to fu lly exte nd. 2. T urn the adjusting ring to the le ft (A) to inc re ase preloa d. T urn the ring to the r i ght (B) to dec rease preloa d.
152 ADJUST MENTS Rear S uspen sion The re ar suspension spr ing preload, shock re bound damping and shoc k compre ssion damping ma y be a djusted to suit dif fer ent riding conditions a nd operator weight. Spring Prelo a d 1. Raise a nd safe ly support t he re ar of the A TV off the ground to a llow the suspension to fu lly exte nd.
153 ADJUST MENTS Rear S uspen sion Rebound Da mping 1. Loca t e the rebound damping cli cker d rum b etween t he l ower spring sea t and the lower shock mount. 2. T urn the clic ker to t he lef t (A) to dec rease the re bound damping. T urn it to the r ight (B) to incr ease re bound damping.
154 ADJUST MENTS Rear S uspen sion Co mpression D amping The c ompression damping c licker dr um i s loca t ed on top of the shoc k reser voir , under the le ft rear fe nder . It has e ight possible positions ranging from position 1 (sof test) to 8 ( firmest) .
155 ADJUST MENTS Clutch Lever Freeplay 1. M easu re clut ch l ever freepl ay bet ween the per ch and the leve r (A). This distanc e should be 1/8 ″ -3 / 1 6 ″ (3.1 mm - 4 .7 mm). 2. If a djustment is re quire d, slide the clutch pe rch pivot boot down the clu tch cab le t o acces s t he cl ut ch adjustme nt scre w (B) a nd lock r ing (C).
156 ADJUST MENTS Thr ottle C able Fr eeplay Thr ottle ca ble fre eplay is adjusted at the handle bar . 1. Slide the boots (1) of f t he inline ca ble adj us ter s leev e (2) an d l oo sen t he ad ju st er locknut ( 3). 2. T urn the adjuste r until 1/16 ″ to 1/8 ″ freepl ay is ach i eved at t he th um b l ever .
157 ADJUST MENTS Handlebars If des ired , t h e hand leb ars can b e adj us ted fo r rid er preferen ce. 1. Remove the instrume nt panel and locate the ha ndlebar bolts (1).
158 ADJUST MENTS Ca r buretor /Idl e RP M If the e ngine idle spee d is not satisfa ctory , and all other conditions ar e fa vora ble, the carbur etor can be adjuste d. 1. W arm up the engine by running the vehicle f or five minutes, or u nt il o perat in g t emp eratu re i s reached .
159 ADJUST MENTS Ca r buretor /Idl e RP M If the vehic le is to be ope ra ted at va rious a ltitudes a nd temper atur es, cer tain a djustments ca n be made to impr ove its opera tion and drive ability . Above 6000 f eet (1800 m) the engine a i r/f uel mixture be come s overly ric h.
160 CLEANING AND ST ORAGE See page 175 for the pa rt numbers of Polaris products. Cleaning th e A TV Kee ping your A TV cle an will not only improve its a ppea ranc e but it can a lso exte nd the life of various component s. W it h a few precautions, your A TV can be cleaned m uch li ke an automobile .
161 CLEANING AND ST ORAGE W axing the A TV Y our A TV can be waxe d with any non-abra sive automotive paste wax. A void the use of har s h cle aner s since the y can sc ratch the body finish. Cert ain product s , inc luding insect repellant s and c hemicals , will dam age plast ic surf aces .
162 CLEANING AND ST ORAGE See page 175 for the pa rt numbers of Polaris products. St or age Recom me ndations Clean t he Exterio r Make nece ssar y re pair s and the n clea n the A TV thoroughly a s outlined on page 160.
163 CLEANING AND ST ORAGE St or age Recom me ndations Oil and Filt er W ar m the engine and cha nge the oil and filte r . See page 107. Air F ilter / Air Bo x Inspe ct and c lean or repla ce the p re -cle aner and air filter . Clea n the air box a nd drain the sedime nt tube.
164 CLEANING AND ST ORAGE See page 175 for the pa rt numbers of Polaris products. St or age Recom me ndations Fog the E ngine 1. Start the engine and allow it to warm up. T urn engine of f. 2. Unlatc h and remove the sea t. 3. Loosen the intake duc t clamp at the ca rburetor an d pull the duct of f the carbur etor .
165 CLEANING AND ST ORAGE St or age Recom me ndations Inspe ct a nd Lubric ate Ins pect al l cab les an d lu bri cat e. F ol l ow l ubr icat i on gu id el in es in t he M ain ten ance S ecti on of the servic e or owner ’ s manual to complete ly grea s e and lubric ate the entire ve hicle with P ol aris P remi um A ll S eas on Grease.
166 CLEANING AND ST ORAGE T rans porting the A TV Follow these pr ocedure s when transpor ting the vehic l e. 1. T urn of f the engine and remove the ke y to pre vent loss during tra nsporting. 2. T urn the fuel valve of f. 3. B e s ure t he fu el cap , oi l cap an d seat are installe d corr ectly .
167 TROUBLESHOOTING Contact your Polar is deale r for se rvice if you’r e unable to identify solutions using t he follow ing cha rts. Eng ine Doesn’t T urn Over Po ssibl e Ca use Sol uti on Fu seab le lin k S ee Po laris d ealer fo r rep lacem ent Lo w b attery v o ltag e Re cha r ge ba tt er y to 12.
168 TROUBLESHOOTING Eng ine T urns Over , Fails t o St art Po ssibl e Ca use Sol uti on Out of fuel Tu rn fu el v alv e to reserv e, refuel Clogge d fue l val ve In sp ect an d clean o r replace W ate.
169 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine P ings or Knock s Po ssibl e Ca use Sol uti on Po o r q u ality o r lo w o ctan e fu el Re pla c e wit h re comme nded f uel In correct ig n itio n tim in g Se e your Pola r.
170 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Runs I rregul ar ly , Sta lls or Mis fire s Po ssibl e Ca use Sol uti on Foule d or def ec ti ve s par k plug In sp ect, clean an d /o r replace spark p lu g s W or n or def.
171 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Runs I rregul ar ly , Sta lls or Mis fire s Po ssibl e L ea n Fuel M i xture Ca use Sol uti on Lo w o r co n tam in ated fu el Add or cha nge f ue l, cl ea n the f uel s yst.
172 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine S tops or Loses P owe r Po ssibl e Ca use Sol uti on Out of fuel Tu rn fu el v alv e to reserv e, refuel Ki nked or plugge d fue l vent l ine In sp ect and rep lace W ater p.
173 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine S tops or Loses P owe r Po ssibl e Ca use Sol uti on Clogge d, dir ty or wet a ir f ilter In sp ect and clean o r replace Electro n ic th ro ttle co n tro l (E TC ) m alfu n.
174 NOTES.
175 POLARIS PRODUCTS Part # Descr ipt ion Par t # Descr ipt ion Engine Lubr icant Coolant 2874414 Perf ormance Synt heti c 4-Str oke (PS- 4) Oil (qt. ) 2871323 60/40 Coolant ( gal.) 2874415 PS-4 Oi l (gal .) 2871534 60/40 Coolant ( qt. ) Gr ease / Special ized Lubri cants 2871312 Gr ease Gun Kit, Pr emi u m Al l Season (3 oz.
176 SPECIF ICATIO NS Pr edator 500 Gro ss V eh ic le W e ig ht 645 lbs ./292 kg Pilot J et 45 Fuel C apacity 3.25 gal ./ 12.3 l Main J et 150 Overal l Length 71.5 i n./ 182 cm N eedle Jet O- OM Overal l Wi dth 47.5 i n./ 121 cm J et Needle 6CGY07- 060 - 3 Overal l Height 45 in.
177 SPECIF ICATIO NS Pr edator 500 Driv in g Sys tem T y pe Rear T wo -W heel Drive T ire Size/Pressure - Front 2 1x7 -1 0/4p s i S hif t T ype 5 - Speed Manual S hift T ire Size/ Press ure - Rear 2 0x1 1- 9/4p s i Driv e Ratio - Fin al 14/37 F ront B rake Hy draulic Disc Gear Ratio - 1st 2.
178 WARRANTY LIM IT ED W ARRANTY Pola ri s Sa le s I nc. , 2100 Highwa y 55, Me dina , MN 55340, give s a SIX MO NTH LI MI TED W ARRANTY on al l c om- pone nts of the Pol ar is Al l T er ra in V e hic le ( A TV) a gai nst de fe ct s in mat er ia l or workm ans hip.
179 WARRANTY W ARRANT Y COVERAGE AND EXCL USIONS: LIMI T A TI ONS O F W ARRANTIE S AND REMEDI ES The Pola ri s l imi te d war ra nty e xcl udes any f ai lur es tha t a re not c aus ed by a def ec t i n mat er ia l or wor kma nshi p.
181 WARRANTY HOW TO OBT AIN W ARRANTY SERVICE I f your A TV re quir es w a r ra nty s e rvi c e , you must t ake i t to a P ola r is de al er a uthor iz ed t o re pai r Pol ar is A TVs. Whe n r e que st ing wa rr ant y se rvi ce you must pre se nt your copy of the W ar ra nty Regi st ra ti on for m t o the dea le r .
183 WARRANTY Exported V ehicles How to G et S er vi ce In th e Co u n try w h ere you r veh icle w a s p u rcha sed : W a rr ant y o r Ser vic e Bul le ti n re pai rs mus t be done by a n aut hori ze d Pola ri s de al er .
184 WARRANTY Exported V ehicles How to G et S er vi ce If P urch a sed F ro m A P riva te P a rty: I f you purc has e a Pola ri s produc t fr om a pri vat e ci ti ze n outs ide of t he count ry in whic h the ve hic le wa s ori gina ll y pur c has ed, a ll wa rr ant y c over age wi ll be de nie d.
185 Index A AD J US TMENTS 142- 159 ........... Air Filter System s 1 1 2 -113 ........... B Battery 1 34 ...................... B at tery C har ging 136-137 ............ Battery I nstallatio n 1 35 ............. B at tery R emoval 134 ...............
186 Index M MAINTE NANCE AND LUB RI C A TIO N 91-141 ........ Mai ntena nce R ecord 102-103 ......... Maki ng Tur ns 78 .................. Manua l Shift 65-68 ................. Mas ter C yli nder 60 ................ N NOISE CONTROL SYS TEM 89 -90 ....
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Polaris Predator c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Polaris Predator - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Polaris Predator, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Polaris Predator va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Polaris Predator, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Polaris Predator.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Polaris Predator. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Polaris Predator ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.