Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 9919510 du fabricant Polaris
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W ARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemical s known to cause cancer , birth de- fects or other reproductive harm. A car d containing im port ant A TV saf et y inf ormat ion should be at t ached t o the owner ’s manual on the next page.
2 Copyri ght 2004 Pola r is Sa l e s I nc . A ll i nfor ma t ion c ont a ine d wi t hin t hi s publ i c at i on is ba s e d on the l at e s t pr oduc t info rm ation at the time of pu blicatio n .
3 WELCO ME Thank you f or purc hasing a Polaris ve hicle , and we lcome to our world-wide family of Polaris owne rs. W e proudly pr oduce an exc iting line of utility a nd re cr ea tional produc ts.
4 WELCO ME W e believe Pola ris sets a standar d of exce llenc e for a ll utility and recr ea tional vehic les manufa cture d in the world today . Many years of exper ience ha ve gone into the enginee ring, design, and developme nt of your Polaris vehicle , m aking it the finest machine we ’ve ev er produce d.
5 TABLE OF CONTENT S WELCOM E 3 ....................................................... VEHICLE I DENTI FICA TI ON NUM BERS 6 .............................. SAFET Y 8 ......................................................... FEA T URES AND CONTROL S 48 .
6 VEHICLE IDENTI FICAT ION NUMBERS Record your A TV’ s ident ificat ion numbe rs and key num ber in the spaces pr ovided. Remove t he spare key and store i t i n a safe pl ace. Y our key can be duplicat ed onl y by mating a Pola ris key bla nk with one of your existing k eys.
7 VEHICLE IDENTI FICAT ION NUMBERS V ehicle Model Number : Frame VI N (1) (left side): Engi ne Seri al Num ber (2)(ri ght side ): Key N umber (3) :.
8 SA FETY Safety Decals and Locations W arni ng decal s have been placed on t he A TV fo r your protection. R ead and fol low the ins t ructi on s of t he decals o n th e A TV carefull y .
9 SA FETY Safety Decals and Locations Location B D Never oper ate this vehicle on HILLS steeper than 25 degrees 25 ° . T o prevent flipover on hilly ter rain, when going up or dow n, use throttle and br akes gradually . D REVERSE operation can be danger ous, even at low speeds.
10 SA FETY Safety Decals and Locations E D F Location F H G I 7172566 W ARNING Location E.
11 SA FETY Safety Decals and Locations A TTENTION S Operation of this vehic le without the air fil ter element will sev erely damage the engine. S Clean pre-filter element often, more frequent c leaning required in dus ty conditi ons. Do not operate vehic le without pre-filter .
12 SA FETY Safe R iding Gear Always wea r clothing suite d to the type of r iding. A TV riding re quires spe cial protective clothing for comfort a nd to reduce the c hance of injury . 1. Helmet Y our helmet is the most important piece of prote ctive ge ar for safe ri di ng .
13 SA FETY Safe R iding Gear 2. Eye Prot ectio n Do not depend on sunglasses for prope r eye prote ction. A pair of goggles or a helme t face shield of fer the be st protection for your eyes. The y should be ke pt clea n and be of shatter proof design (be aring the markings z2.
14 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING Failur e to f ollow the war nings cont ained in t his manual c an result in s erious injur y or death. A Polar is A TV i s not a t oy and c an be hazardous t o operat e. T his v ehicle handles differently t han other vehicl es, such as mot orcycles and ca rs.
15 SA FETY Operator Safety Know Y our V e hicl e As the operator of the A TV , you are re sponsible for your saf ety , the safety of others, and the protec tion of our environmen t. Read and unde rstand your owner ’ s manual, which includes valuable informa tion about all aspe cts of your A TV , including safe ope rating proce dures.
16 SA FETY Operator Safety The following two pa ges identify signa l words and symbols tha t appea r in this manual. Y our safety is involve d when these w ords and symbols a re used.
17 SA FETY Operator Safety CAUTION The safety aler t caut ion indicat es a pot ent ial hazard t hat may r esult in minor pers onal injury or damage t o t he vehicle. CAUTION A caution indic ates a s ituat ion that may r esult in damage t o t he vehicle.
18 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING Serious injury or deat h can r esult if you do not follow t hese inst ruc tions and procedur es, which ar e outlined in f urt her det ail wit hin your owner ’s manual. S Read this ma nual and a ll labels ca refully , and follow the ope rating proc edure s describe d.
19 SA FETY Operator Safety S Never ope rate an A TV on a public street, road or highway , including a dirt or gravel road. S Never operate an A TV without wearing a n approved helme t that fits proper l y . Always wear e ye protection (goggle s or face shie ld), gloves, boots, a long-sleeve d shirt or jacket, and long pants.
20 SA FETY Operator Safety S Never ope rate on excessive ly rough, slippery , or loose terra in. S Always follow pr oper turning proce dures as descr i bed in this manual. Prac tice tur ning at low s peeds b efore att emp ti ng t o tu rn at fast er sp eeds.
21 SA FETY Operator Safety S Alwa ys follow proper pr ocedure s for crossing the side of a hill. A void hills with exce s- sively s lippery or loose su rfaces.
22 SA FETY Operator Safety S A void opera ting the A TV through deep or fast-f l owing wate r . If it’ s unavoida ble, trave l slowly , balance your we ight ca refully , a void sudden move ments, and mainta i n a slow and stea dy forward motion. Do not make sudde n turns or stops, and do not make sudde n throttle c hange s.
23 SA FETY Operator Safety Equipme nt Modific ations W e are conc erne d for the safe ty of our customers and for the gene ral public. There fore, we strongly re commend that consume rs do not install.
24 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper ating t his A T V without proper ins tr uction. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : The ris k of an acc ident is gr eatly incr eased if t he operat or does not know how t o operat e t he A T V pr operly in diff erent sit uat ions and on differ ent types of ter rain.
25 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Failur e to f ollow t he skill and ex perience r ecomm endations for th is A TV . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Severe injur y and/ or deat h could occ ur if a beginner or inexperienc ed driver operat es t his A T V .
26 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Failur e to f ollow the age r ecomm endations f or t his A TV . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Severe injur y and/ or deat h could occ ur if a child under t he minimum age rec ommendat ion operat es t his A T V .
27 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Carry ing a passenger on an A T V . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Carrying a pas senger great ly reduces t he operator ’s ability to balance and contr ol t he A T V , whic h could caus e an accident and injury t o the oper ator and/ or pas senger .
28 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper ating an A T V on paved sur faces , inc luding sidewalk s, pat hs, parking lot s, and dr iveways .
29 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Operat ing this A TV on public st reet s, r oads or highways. WHA T CAN HAPPEN :T h e A T V could collide wit h another v ehicle. HOW TO A VOID T HE HAZARD : Never oper ate t he A T V on any public str eet, road or highway , including dir t and gravel r oads.
30 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper ating t his A T V without wear ing an approved helm et, ey e prot ecti on and prot ect ive clot hing. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Operat ing an A TV without an appr oved helmet inc reases t he risk of a sever e head injury or deat h in the ev ent of an accident .
31 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper ating t he A TV af t er cons uming alcohol or dr ugs. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Consumpt ion of alc ohol and/or drugs c ould serious ly affec t operat or judgment . R eacti on tim e may be s lower and operat or balanc e and percept ion could be affec ted.
32 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Atte mptin g whe eli es, jumps and ot her s tunt s. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : A ttemp ting s tun ts increas es t he chance of an ac cident , inc luding an overt urn. HOW TO A VOID T HE HAZARD : Never at tem pt wheelies, jumps , or other st unts.
33 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Failur e to ins pect t he A T V bef ore oper ating. Failure t o proper ly maint ain t he A T V . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Poor maint enance inc reases t he possibilit y of an accident or equipment damage.
34 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Removing hands f rom t he handlebars or feet f rom t he foot pegs during oper ation. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Removing even one hand or f oot c an reduce abilit y t o cont rol the vehic le or c ould cause los s of balance and ejec tion f rom t he A T V .
35 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Failur e to us e extr a caut ion when operat ing the A T V on unfamiliar t err ain. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Unfamiliar t err ain may cont ain hidden rocks, bumps, or holes that could caus e loss of c ontr ol or overt urn.
36 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Failu re t o use extra caution w hen operat ing on excess ively rough, slipper y or loos e ter rain. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Operat ing on excess ively rough, slippery or loos e terr ain could caus e loss of t rac tion or loss of contr ol, whic h could res ult in an ac cident or overt urn.
37 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : T urning improper ly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Impr oper t urns c ould cause los s of cont rol and lead t o a collision or ov ert urn. HOW TO A VOID T HE HAZARD : Always f ollow proper proc edures f or tur ning as descr ibed in the owner ’s manual.
38 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Climbing hills improper ly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Impr oper hill clim bing could caus e loss of c ontr ol or over tur n. HOW TO A VOID T HE HAZARD : Always f ollow proper proc edures f or climbing hills as descr ibed in the owner ’ s manual.
39 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : T raveling downhill improper ly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Impr operly desc ending a hill could caus e loss of c ontr ol or over tur n. HOW TO A VOID T HE HAZARD : Always follow proper pr ocedures f or tr aveling down hills as des cribed in t he owner ’ s manual.
40 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Im properly c ross ing hills and tur ning on hills. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Impr operly c ross ing or turning as hills could c ause loss of cont rol or overt urn.
41 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : St alling, rolling or improper ly dism ounting while clim bing a hill. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : The vehic le could over tur n. HOW TO A VOID T HE HAZARD : Maint ain st eady speed when clim bing a hill.
42 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Im properly operat ing over obst acles . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Operat ing over obst acles c ould cause los s of c ontr ol or overt urn. HOW TO A VOID T HE HAZARD : Bef ore operat ing in a new area, c heck f or obst acles.
43 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper ating t he A TV t hrough deep or f ast -f lowing wat er . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : T ir es may f loat, c ausing loss of t rac tion and loss of c ontr ol, which could lead t o an acc ident or over tur n.
44 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper ating t his A TV wit h impr oper t ires, or wit h improper or uneven t ire pres sure. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Use of im proper t ires , or oper ation of t he A TV wit h im proper or uneven t ire pr essur e, c ould cause los s of cont rol or acc ident.
45 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper ating t he A TV wit h im proper m odific ations . WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Impr oper inst allat ion of ac cess ories or modif icat ion of t he A T V may c ause changes in handling, which c ould lead to an ac cident .
46 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZARD : Oper ating on f roz en bodies of wat er. WHA T CAN HAPPEN : Severe injur y or deat h can r esult if t he A T V and/ or t he operat or fall t hrough t he ice. HOW TO A VOID T HE HAZARD : Never oper ate t he A TV on a f rozen body of wat er .
47 SA FETY Operator Safety W ARNING Oper ating a damaged A T V can r esult in an ac cident wit h serious injury or deat h. Af t er any over tur n or acc ident, hav e a qualified s ervic e dealer inspec t t he ent ire mac hine for poss ible damage, including ( but not lim ited t o) br akes, t hrot t le and st eering systems.
48 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Engine Electr ical Switches 1 2 3.
49 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Engine Electr ical Switches 1 . Sta rt But ton - The start button engages the star ter . Always rele ase the start button as soon as the engine star ts. 2 . Engine St op Switc h - The purpose of this switch is to provide the oper ator with a quick mea ns of engine shutdown in case of a n emer gency .
50 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Lights 1. Headlight HI/ LO Swit ch 2. High T em p Indicat or Lam p 3. Neutr al Indicat or Lam p 4. Revers e Indic ator Lam p 1 2 3 4.
51 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Light S witc hes The light switch is loca t ed on the le ft handle bar . It’ s used to turn the lights on and of f and to switch the lights from HI to LO. NOT E: T he lights won’t wor k unless t he key is in the ON posit ion and the engine s top switc h is in t he RUN posit ion.
52 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS W ARNING Operat ing an A TV wit h st icking or im properly operat ing t hrot tle c ontr ols could c ause an accident and lead t o sev ere injury or deat h. Never s tart or operat e an A T V wit h a st ick ing or impr operly oper ating t hrot t le.
53 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS El ectr onic Throttle C ontrol This A TV is equipped w ith Polaris Ele ctronic Thr ottle Contro l (ETC), whic h is designed to reduc e the risk of a f roz en or stuc k t hrottle.
54 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Foot Br ake Y our Polaris A TV has a foot pedal ( 1) that a ctivate s the rear brake s. It’ s loca ted in fr ont of the right- hand f ootpeg (2) and is opera ted by the right foot. If the re ar whe els slide while using the foot brake, r educe brake pe dal pressur e to brake the whee l s without skidding.
55 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Brake Lever The Predator A TV has a single brake leve r for the front brake s. It’ s located on the right handleba r . The front brakes are ap pl ied by s queezi ng t he brak e lev er (1) toward the handle bar . The front brakes ar e hydraulic ally acti vat ed d is c ty pe brak es.
56 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Master Cylinder The mas ter cyl i nder (2 ) is lo cated o n th e righ t-h and h andl ebar . C h eck the brak e flui d l evel before each ride. The flui d level can be seen t hrough the indi cator window (3) on the top o f the master c ylinder .
57 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Park in g Bra ke W ARNING Oper ating t he A T V while t he park ing brake is engaged c ould result in an ac cident and serious injury or deat h. Always c heck t o be sur e the par king brak e is disengaged befor e operat ing.
58 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Park in g Bra ke Importa nt Sa fegua rds S The pa rking brake ma y rela x i f lef t on for a long pe riod of time. Always bloc k the wheels to preve nt rolling. S Always block the whe els on the downhill side of the A TV if leaving it parked on a hill.
59 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Fuel V alve The fuel valve (1) is located under the fu el tank on the left side of the A TV . It has three positions: OFF: F or vehicle stor age and when transpor ting. ON: For normal operation. RES: For reser ve supply if main supply is exha usted.
60 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Fuel T ank The f uel tank f iller cap is loc ated direc tly below the handle bar . Use e ither lead ed or unlead ed gasoline with a minimum pump octane numbe r of 87=(R+ M/2) octane . Fuel Filt er The fue l valve has a n internal fue l filter .
61 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Manual S hift Shif t Pedal The gear shi ft ped al is l ocat ed in fron t of the left -h and footpeg. One full stroke of the pe dal shifts the transmission to t he nex t g ear in t he s hi fti ng seq uen ce. T he ped al automa tica lly retur ns to a horizontal position w hen re leased.
62 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Manual S hift Shi fting Ge a rs NOT E: Alway s allow a cold engine t o warm up bef ore shif t ing gears. 1. Whe n starting from a stopped position, place the transmission in ne utral. 2. S qu eeze and ho ld t he b rake l ever .
63 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Manual S hift Reverse Lock- Out Switch The rev erse l ock-o ut s wit ch (1 ) preve nts the opera tor from shifting into re verse unintentiona lly . 1. Place the tr ansmission in first gear . See page 61. 2. Rotate the lock- out switch forwa rd to unlock the tran smission.
64 FEATURES AND CONT ROLS Manual S hift Decelerat ion T o slow or stop the A TV , relea se the throttle leve r and apply the brakes smoothly and eve nly . As t he vehicle slows and engine RPM decr ease s, disengage the clutc h and shift to a lower g ear .
65 OPERATION Fuel Safety W ARNING Gasoline is highly f lammable and ex plosive under cer tain c onditions . S Always exer cise ex tr eme caut ion whenever handling gasoline. S Always ref uel wit h the engine s topped, and out doors or in a well v entilat ed area.
66 OPERATION Break - In Period Care ful trea tment of a new engine a nd transmission will r esult in more e ffic ient perf ormanc e and longer life for both. The brea k-in period for your new Polar is Predator is define d as the first one hour of operation, or the time it takes to use the first full tank of gasoline.
67 OPERATION Break - In Period 1. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline . See pa ge 60. 2. Check th e oil level on t he dipstick. See page 103. Add oil if necess ary to maint ain the level b etween t he safe and ad d mark s. 3. Allow the engine suf ficie nt time to warm up before ope rating.
68 OPERATION Pr e -R ide Inspectio n W ARNING If a pr oper inspec tion is not done bef ore each us e, s evere injur y or deat h could r esult . Always inspec t t he vehic le befor e each use t o ensur e it’s in proper oper ating conditi on.
69 OPERATION Pr e -R ide Inspectio n Pre - Ride Che ck li st Frame nuts, bol ts, fast eners Inspect , ensure tight ness -- Fuel and oil Ensure proper l evels 103 Coolant l evel (i f applicable) Ensure.
70 OPERATION Sta rti ng a Col d Engi ne The engine c an be started whe n the transmission is in neutral, or while in gear if the c lutch is disengage d. W ARNING Engine exhaus t cont ains pois onous car bon monoxide and c an cause los s of consc iousness res ulting in s evere injur y or deat h.
71 OPERATION Sta rti ng a Col d Engi ne 2. Sit on the A TV and pull the choke knob ( 1) out until it stops. NOT E: I f t he knob does n’t s tay where pos itioned, inc rease t he tension by r otat ing t he tension adjus ting nut clock wise. NOT E: T he variable c hoke is f ully on when t he knob is pulled complet ely out .
72 OPERATION Sta rti ng a Col d Engi ne NOT E: I f s tar ting t he engine while in neut ral, t he neutr al indicat or light should be on. If it isn’t, disengage the c lutc h and shif t t he f oot pedal t o f ind neutr al.
73 OPERATION Sta rti ng a W arm E ngine Follow the procedure f or starting a cold engine , but do not use the choke. If the engine ha s cooled to a point where it does not readily star t, intermittent use of the choke (pulled half way out) m ay be necessary .
74 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivin g Procedu res 1. Sit upright with both feet on the footpegs and both hands on the handlebar s. 2. Start the e ngine and a llow it t o war m up, then shift the transmission into gear . See page 62. 3. Check your surroundings and de termine your path of tra vel.
75 OPERATION Driving Safely Makin g T urn s Y our A TV is equipped w ith a solid rear axle, whic h drives both r ea r whee ls equally at all times. The whe el on the outside of the turn trav els a great er di s tance t han t he i ns id e wheel when t urn in g, and the inside tire slips trac tion slightly .
76 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivin g on Slipp e ry Surfaces Whenev er ridi ng o n sl ipp ery su rfaces such as wet t rail s or l oos e gravel , o r duri ng freezi ng weat her , foll ow t hes e precaut ion s: 1. Slow down when ente ring slippery ar eas.
77 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving U phill Whe neve r tra veling uphill, follow these pr ecauti ons : 1. Alwa ys travel str aight uphill. 2. A void stee p hills (25 _ maximum). 3. Kee p both fee t on the footpegs a nd t ransf er your weight forw ard.
78 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving A cross Hills W ARNING Impr operly cr ossing hills or t urning on hills can r esult in loss of c ontr ol or vehic le overt urn, r esult ing in sever e injury or deat h. Avoid cr ossing t he side of a hill when possible.
79 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving D ownhill Whe neve r desce nding a hill, follow these precaut i ons : 1. P roceed d irect ly d own h ill. 2. T ransfer your we ight to the rea r of the vehic le. 3. Slow down. 4. Shift to the lowest gear possible w hile mainta ining a safe spe ed.
80 OPERATION Driving Safely T urning Around on a Hil l W ARNING Impr oper hill c limbing proc edures c ould cause los s of cont rol or over tur n and result in serious injury or deat h.
81 OPERATION Driving Safely T urning Around on a Hil l 5. Staying uphill of the A TV , turn the handlebar s full left. Reach acro ss t he hand leb ar and app ly t he fron t brak es to unlock the pa rk bra ke. 6. W ith the front bra kes applied, pull in the clutch lever .
82 OPERATION Driving Safely P a r k i n go na nI n c l i n e A void parking on a n incline if possible. If it’ s unavoidable , foll ow t hese p recaut io ns: 1. T urn the engine off . 2. Place the tr ansmission in first g ear . 3. Lock the parking bra ke.
83 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivin g Over Obst acles Be al ert! Loo k ahead and l earn to r ead th e terrain you’re tr ave ling on. Be constantly alert for hazards s uch as l ogs , ro cks an d low han gi ng branch es. W ARNING Severe injur y or deat h can res ult if y our vehicle c omes in c ontact with a hidden obstac le.
84 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivi ng Through W ate r Y our A TV can ope rate through wa ter with a maximum re comme nded depth equa l to the level of the footpegs (1) . Follow these proce dures whe n opera ting through water : 1. Dete rmine wate r depths and curr ent before crossing.
85 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivi ng Through W ate r CAUTION Major engine dam age can res ult if t he vehic le is not t horoughly ins pect ed aft er operat ion in water.
86 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivin g in Reverse Fo ll ow th ese precaut i ons wh en operat in g in reverse: 1. A void bac king downhill. 2. Back slowly . 3. Apply the brakes lightly for stopping. 4. A void turning at shar p angles. 5. Ne ver open the throttle sudde nly while backing.
87 OPERATION Driving Safely Drivin g in Reverse W ARNING Failur e to use c aution when oper ating in r ever se can r esult i n serious injury or deat h. Befor e shif ting int o rev erse, alway s chec k f or obst acles or people behind t he vehicle. Do not use t he over ride swit ch unles s addit ional power is r equired f or vehic le movem ent.
88 EMISSI ON CONTRO L SYSTEMS Noise Em ission C ontrol System Do not modify the engine, intake or exha ust c omponents, as doing so may a ffe ct complia nce with sta te and local noise leve l requir ements.
89 EMISSI ON CONTRO L SYSTEMS Exhaust E m ission Contr ol S ystem The emissions from the exhaust of this vehic le a re controlled by engine de sign, including fac t ory-se t fuel delive ry and ignition. The engine a nd related co mponents must be mainta ined a t Polaris spe cif ications to a chieve optima l perf ormance .
90 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Pe ri odic Mai ntenance S chedule Care ful periodic ma i ntena nce will help keep your vehic le i n the safest, most reliable condition. Inspe ction, adjustme nt and lubric a tion of important compone nts are e xplained in the following pages.
91 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Pe ri odic Mai ntenance S chedule Maintena nce interva ls in the following cha rts ar e based upon av era ge riding conditions and an a vera ge vehic le spee d of approximate ly 10 miles per hour . V ehicles subje cted to seve re use must be inspected and ser viced more f requently .
92 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Pe ri odic Mai ntenance S chedule W ARNING Im properly perf orm ing the pr ocedures mar ked wit h a J could res ult in c omponent failur e and lead to ser ious injur y or deat h. Hav e an author ized Polar is dealer perf orm these servi ces.
93 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Per iodic Mainten ance Chart Item Maintenance Interva l (whic hev er c omes fir s t) Rema rks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) Bra ke syste ms/ flu id -- Pre- Ride -- Ins pec .
94 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Per iodic Mainten ance Chart Item Maintenance Interva l (whic hev er c omes fir s t) Rema rks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) Engine s top s witc h -- Pre- Ride -- C heck ope.
95 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Per iodic Mainten ance Chart Item Maintenance Interva l (whic hev er c omes fir s t) Rema rks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) " E Air filter , main element -- Weekly -- .
96 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Per iodic Mainten ance Chart Item Maintenance Interva l (whic hev er c omes fir s t) Rema rks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) Carbur etor float bowl 50 H 6M 500 (800) Drain b.
97 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Per iodic Mainten ance Chart Item Maintenance Interva l (whic hev er c omes fir s t) Rema rks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) " F A-Arm (A) 50 H 3M 500 (800) Inspec t; t.
98 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Per iodic Mainten ance Chart Item Maintenance Interva l (whic hev er c omes fir s t) Rema rks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) Coolant s trength 50 H 6M 500 (800) Inspec t s t.
99 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Per iodic Mainten ance Chart Item Maintenance Interva l (whic hev er c omes fir s t) Rema rks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) Radiator 100 H 12 M 1000 ( 1600) Inspec t; c lea.
100 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Per iodic Mainten ance Record Use th e fol lo wing ch art t o record p eriod ic m ain ten ance. Maint enance Int erval Perf ormed Se rv icin g Date Se rv icin g Dealer or Person Remarks 10 hrs. 20 hrs. 50 hrs. 100 hrs.
101 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Per iodic Mainten ance Record Maint enance Int erval Perf ormed Se rv icin g Date Se rv icin g Dealer or Person Remarks.
102 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Lubri cation R ecomm endations Perfo rmance Synth etic 4 - Stroke ( PS - 4) Oil Polaris highly re comme nds the use of Polaris PS-4 or a similar oil designe d for use in 4-stroke manual c lutch A TV and motorc ycle a pplications.
103 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Engine Oil Level Ch eck t he oi l l evel b efore each u se of t he v ehi cle. The dipstick (1) is loca ted on the left side of the A TV . 1. Position the A TV on a level surf ace. 2. Start the engine an d let it idle for one minute.
104 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Engine Oil Level If the A TV is use d yea r-r ound, chec k the oil level f requently . A rising oil le vel c ould ind icat e t he accum ul at io n of co nt ami nat es s uch as wat er or ex cess f uel i n t he bo tt om o f th e oil tank.
105 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Oil and Filter Chang e CAUTION If t he A TV is left wit hout oil i n the system for ext ended periods, t he oi l pump may lose its pr ime, whic h could res ult in engine dam age. Do not allow t he vehic le to be wit hout oil and filt er over night.
106 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Oil and Filter Chang e 1. P lace t he v ehi cle o n a l evel s urface. 2. Clean the ar ea around the oil tank (1) and crankcas e (2) drai n plu gs wi th cl ean sh op towels. 3. Run the engine for two to three minutes until warm, then stop the engine .
107 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Oil and Filter Chang e 7. Place a dr ain pan bene ath the cra nkcase a nd remove the dra in plug. 8. Allow the oil to drain c omplete ly . 9. Replac e the sealing w asher and re install the plug. T orque to 14 ft. lbs.
108 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Oil and Filter Chang e 16. Reinstall the spr ing and install the new filte r with the open e nd fac ing outward. 17. Install the cove r and torque the bolts to 72-78 in. lbs. (8-9 Nm). NOT E: T he long bolt m ust be placed in t he f orward hole.
109 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Oil and Filter Chang e 20. Pr ime the oil pump using the pr oce dur e on page 1 10 . Then stop the engine and ins pect fo r leak s. 21. Re-che ck the oil level on the dipstic k and ad d oil as nec essary to bring the level to the upper ma rk on the dipstic k.
11 0 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Oil Pump Pr iming This priming proce dure must be perform ed when ever t he oi l ho se conn ecti on b etween t he oi l tan k and pump inlet has bee n disconnected. 1. Clamp or pinch of f the vent line (1) appr oximately 2 I (5 cm) from the oil ta nk.
111 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Air Filter System s 1. Unlatc h and remove the se at. 2. Loosen the intake duct c lamp (1) on the car buretor . 3. Pull the duct (2) off the ca rbure t or . 4. Relea s e the eight airbox cover clips (3) a nd remove the c over (4).
11 2 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Air Filter System s 7. Reinsta ll the air filter . 8. Reinstall the airbox cove r and secu re the clips. 9. Reinstall the intake duct to the carbur etor and secure the c lamp. 10. Ch eck the hos es for cracks, det erio rati on , abrasi on , or leaks .
11 3 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Engi ne Cooli ng S ystem The engine coola nt level is controlled or maintaine d by the recove ry system. The rec overy system compone nts are the re covery bottle, radia tor filler nec k, radiator pr essur e cap a nd connec ting hose.
11 4 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Engi ne Cooli ng S ystem Co olan t Level The re cover y bottle (1) is located on the left side of the machine unde r t he front fende r . The fluid level must be mainta ined betw een the minimum and ma ximum marks on the bottle (whe n the fluid is cool).
11 5 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Engi ne Cooli ng S ystem W ARNING Esc aping steam c an cause s evere bur ns. Never rem ove t he press ure cap while t he engine is warm or hot .
11 6 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Lights Whe n servic ing a halogen lamp, don’ t t ouch the la mp with bare fingers. Oil f rom your skin leav es a residue , causing a hot spot that will shorten the life of the lamp. W ARNING Poor light ing while driv ing can result in severe injur y or deat h.
11 7 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Lights Head light L amp Replacemen t 1. Remove the wir e harne ss connector f rom the back of the he adlight. 2. On the lef t headlamp, gra sp the bulb housing and turn it counte rc lockwise (1) to remove the bulb. On the right hea dlamp, turn the bulb housing clo ckwi se (2) to remove the bulb.
11 8 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Lights Head light A ssembly Replacemen t 1. Remove the wir e harne ss connector f rom the hea dlights. 2. Remove the front ca b (see page 122) . Position the ca b upside down on a soft prot ect ive s urface t o p reven t s cratch ing .
11 9 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Lights Head light A ssembly Replacemen t 5. Insta ll the new he adla mp by inserting the outboard pivot pin in the hole of the mounting tab on the c ab. 6. Insta ll the adjuster brac ket onto the inboard pivot pin of the headla mp.
120 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Lights Headlig ht Adjust ment 1. Position the A TV on a level surf ac e with the head light approxima tely 25 ft. (7.6 m) fr om a flat wa ll. 2. Mea sure the distanc e from the floor to the ce nter of the h eadl ig ht and m ake a m ark o n t he wall at t he same he ight.
121 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Si de Pane l Remova l 1. Unlatc h and remove the se at. 2. Remove the four scr ews (1) securing the side panel. 3. Remove the side pan el.
122 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Front C ab Rem oval 1. Remove the scre ws and washers (1) fr om the fron t left -han d and rig ht -hand cab mounts. 2. Remove the wir e harne ss connector f rom the hea dlights. 3. Lo os en t he screw (2) l ocat ed i ns id e th e cab under the front cover .
123 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Spa rk P lugs S Use NGK DCP R8E spark plugs . S Proper ele ctrode gap is .035 ″ (.90 mm). S Spark plug torque is 14 ft. lbs. (19 Nm). CAUTION Using non-r ecomm ended spark plugs m ay res ult in s erious engine dam age and may void your emis sion-r elated war rant y .
124 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Spa rk P lugs 1. Normal The normal insulator tip is gray , t an or light brown. There will be few combustion deposits. The elec t rodes ar e not burned or eroded. This indicate s the proper type and hea t range f or the engine and the servic e.
125 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Spa rk P lugs Spark Plug R emoval and Rep lacement 1. Remove the side pane ls and front cab (see page s 121-122). 2. T urn the fuel valve to OFF . W ARNING A hot em ber on t he A T V c ould cause f uel t o ignite. Allow all c omponent s to c ool suffic iently bef ore acc essing t he spar k plug.
126 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Spa rk P lugs Spark Plug R emoval and Rep lacement 3. Move the fue l valve hose clamp (1) forw ard and gently re move the hose from the fuel valve fitting on the gas tank. 4. Remove the vent hose (2) fr om the instrument pane l, taking note of the hose routing for re installation.
127 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Spa rk P lugs Spark Plug R emoval and Rep lacement 7. Using the for ked end of the spark plug w renc h handle, remove the spa rk plug boot. IMPOR T ANT : Do not pull on the wire to remove the boot. Doing so may ca use a wire disconnec tion inside the boot.
128 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Spark Ar restor Clean - Out W ARNING Do not per form cl ean-out imm ediately af t er t he engine has been run, as t he exhaust system becomes very hot . Seri ous burns could result f ro m cont act wit h t he exhaust component s.
129 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Spark Ar restor Clean - Out Peri odical ly cl ean the spark arre st or to remove accu m ulated carbon. 1. Remove the three sc rews (1) and remove the a rre stor (2) from the end of the muf fler . 2. Use a non-synthe tic brush to clean the ar restor sc reen (3).
130 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION V e hi c le I mmers io n If your A TV has be en submer ged or overturne d in water dee per than the f ootpeg leve l, it’ s critic al to dry it promptly and pr operly befor e starting the e ngine. CAUTION Do not st art the engine af ter an A T V has been in wat er t hat ex ceeds t he recom mended dept h.
131 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION V e hi c le I mmers io n W ARNING Fluids will be eject ed t hrough t he spark plug hole and may caus e serious injury t o f ace or ot her body par ts . St and clear of t he spar k plug while perf orm ing the f ollowing st eps.
132 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Batter y The se aled batte ry is alre ady f illed with ele ctro lyte an d has be en seale d and fully char ged at th e facto ry . Never pry the sealing str ip off or add any o ther f luid to this batter y . Keep batt ery term i nals an d conn ecti ons free of corro si on.
133 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Battery Installation 1. Set the ba ttery in the batter y holder . 2. Connec t and tighten the red ( positive) c able first, then c onnect and tighte n the blac k (negat iv e) cabl e. 3. At tach t he ho ld -dow n st rap and rei ns tal l t he rear cab.
134 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Batter y Char ging (Sealed Battery) The most importa nt part of ma intaining a se aled batte ry is kee ping it fully cha r ged. The batte ry included with your A TV is sea led and the sealing str ip cannot be removed. Use a voltmete r or multimete r to measur e DC voltage.
135 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Batter y Char ging (Sealed Battery) NOT E: Alway s ver ify bat ter y condit ion bef ore and 1-2 hour s af ter char ging. Stat e of Charge Vo l t a g e Action Char ge Time* (Us ing cons tant cur rent char ger @ s tandard amps spec ified on top of battery) 100% 12.
136 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Tire s W ARNING Oper ating your A T V wit h worn t ires, im properly inf lated t ires , non- st andard t ires or improper ly inst alled tir es will aff ect v ehicle handling and could c ause an acc ident result ing in serious injur y or deat h.
137 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Tir e T read Depth Always re place tires when tr ead depth is worn to 1/8 ″ (.3 cm) or le ss. See illustra tion. Wheel Rem oval 1. Stop the engine, place the tra nsmission in gear and lock t he park in g brak e. 2. Loosen the whe el nuts slightly .
138 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Wheel Installation W ARNING Impr operly inst alled wheels c an advers ely affec t t ire wear and vehic le handling, whic h can res ult in s erious injur y or deat h. Alway s ensur e that all nut s ar e tor qued to specif icat ion.
139 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICAT ION Wheel Nut T orque Specifications Ch eck th e wheel nu t t orqu es occas io nal ly an d when t hey’ ve been lo os ened fo r main ten ance servi ce. Bol t Si ze Sp ecifi cati o n Fr ont 3/8 ″ 27 f t. lbs. ( 36.5 Nm ) Rear 3/8 ″ 27 f t.
140 ADJUSTM ENTS Brakes Under nor mal operation, the diaphra gm exte nds into the r eservoir a s fluid level dr ops. If the fluid le vel is l ow and the diaphrag m is not extended, a le ak is likely a nd the dia phragm should be replaced.
141 ADJUSTM ENTS Brakes 1. Always mainta in the brake fluid at an ade quate level (see pa ge 56). 2. C heck t he brak e sys t em for fl ui d l eaks. 3. Check the bra kes for excessive tr avel or spongy fee l. 4. C heck t he frict io n pad s for wear , d amag e and lo osen ess .
142 ADJUSTM ENTS W ARNING Sever e injury or deat h can res ult f rom impr oper t oe alignment and adjust ment . Do not att empt t o adjust t ie rod alignment . All t ie rod adjust ment s should be per for med by an author ized Polari s dealer . T oe Alignm ent Use the following proce dure to chec k the toe alignment of the vehicle.
143 ADJUSTM ENTS T oe Alignm ent 3. T ie an elastic string (2) ar ound the stands, making sure the string just touches the side surfac e of the rear ti res o n each si de o f th e veh icl e and go es around the stands in front of the vehic le. 4. Mea sure the distance fr om the string to the rim at the fr ont and rear of the f ront rim (3) .
144 ADJUSTM ENTS Chain T ension CAUTION Never adjus t or operat e t he vehicle wit h t he rear dr ive chain t oo loose or t oo tight . Sever e damage to t he t ransm issi on and drive c omponents c an result .
145 ADJUSTM ENTS Chain T ension Check the amount of ch ain slac k by moving the vehicle slightly forwa rd to remove sla ck a t the top side of the chain. NOT E: T he chain has a pr ess- on mast er link . A chain t ool mus t be us ed if it ’s necessar y to rem ove t he chain f or ser vice.
146 ADJUSTM ENTS Chain T ension 1. Lo os en the t wo eccent ric lo cki ng bo lt s. 2. Insert a pin punch into t he eccent ric ax l e housing. 3. Roll the ve hicle ahea d or back to ad just chain sla ck to the prope r dimension. 4. T ig ht en the eccent ri c lock in g bol t s to 3 5 ft.
147 ADJUSTM ENTS Steering Assem bly The stee ring assembly of the A TV should be c hec ked per i odically f or loose nuts and bolts. If loose nuts and bolts are found, see your Polaris deale r for ser vice bef ore operating the vehicle . Camber and Caster The cambe r and ca ster ar e non-adjusta ble.
148 ADJUSTM ENTS Suspension Settings Use a fla t blade scr ewd river ( in tool kit) to make damping adjustme nts. NOT E: W hen the adjus ter sc rew is t urned c lockwis e until it s tops , t he damping is in t he fully c losed posit ion.
149 ADJUSTM ENTS Front S uspension Com pression Damp ing (T roy Lee) T o adjust the front suspension compression damping, use the adjustment proc edure s outlined for the rea r suspension compre ssion damping on page 153. Spring Prelo ad The fr ont suspension pre l oad may be adjusted to suit dif fere nt riding conditions and opera tor weight.
150 ADJUSTM ENTS Front S uspension Spring Prelo ad 1. Raise and saf ely support the front of the A TV of f the ground to allow the suspension to fu lly exte nd. 2. Loosen the jam nut (1). 3. T urn the adjusting ring ( 2) to the left to incre ase preloa d (A).
151 ADJUSTM ENTS Rear Suspension The re ar suspe nsion spring preload, shock rebound da mping and shoc k compre ssion damping may be adjuste d to suit dif ferent r iding conditions and ope rator we ight. Spring Prelo ad 1. Raise and saf ely support the rear of the A TV off the ground to allow the suspension to fu lly exte nd.
152 ADJUSTM ENTS Rear Suspension Rebound Da mping 1. Loca te the rebound damping cli cker dru m b etween t he l ower spring seat a nd the lower shoc k mount. 2. Use a scre wdriver make the adjustme nt. T urn the clicke r counter -clockwise to decr ease the rebound da mping (A).
1 A B 153 ADJUSTM ENTS Rear Suspension Com pressio n Damp ing The compre ssion damping clicke r (1) is loca ted on top of the shock rese rvoir , under the left rear fend er . Use a screwd river to m ake adjustme nts. T o incre ase compre ssion damping, turn the clic ker cloc kwise (A).
154 ADJUSTM ENTS Clutch L ever Freeplay 1. M easure cl ut ch lev er freeplay b etween the perc h and the lever (A) . This distanc e should be 1/8 ″ -3 / 1 6 ″ (3.1 mm - 4.7 mm) . 2. If a djustment is require d, slide the clutch pe rch pivot boot down the clu tch cabl e t o access t he cl ut ch adjustme nt scre w (B) a nd lock ring (C) .
155 ADJUSTM ENTS Throttl e Cabl e Fre eplay W ARNING Im proper adjus tm ent of t hrot tl e cable fr eeplay can r esult in los s of cont rol, whic h could result in ser ious injury or deat h. Polar is rec ommends t hat t his procedur e be perform ed by a Polar is dealer t o ensur e that it ’s done correc tly .
156 ADJUSTM ENTS Handlebars If desi red, the h andl ebars can be ad ju st ed for ri der p reference. W ARNING Im proper adjust ment of t he handlebars or incorrect t orquing of the adjuster block bolt s can cause lim ited s teer ing or loosening of the handlebars , whic h could res ult in los s of contr ol and serious injury or deat h.
157 ADJUSTM ENTS Car buretor /Idle RP M If the engine idle spe ed is not satisfac tory , and all other conditions are f avora ble, the carbur etor can be adjusted. 1. W arm up the engine by running the vehicle f or five minutes, or un ti l o perat in g t emp erature i s reached .
158 ADJUSTM ENTS Car buretor /Idle RP M Carbur etor re- jetting ca n be perfo rmed to c ompensate f or altitude and/or te mpera ture cha nges. If the ve hicle is to be opera ted at various altitudes and tempe ratures, cer tain adjustme nts can be made to impr ove its oper ation and drivea bility .
159 CLEANING AND STORAGE See page 173 for the par t numbers of Polaris products. Cleaning the A TV Keep ing your A TV clea n will not only improve its appe aranc e but it can also ex tend the lif e of various compone nts. W ash ing th e A T V CAUTION Do not use a high pr essur e washer f or was hing the A T V .
160 CLEANING AND STORAGE W axing the A TV Y our A TV can be waxed with any non-abr asive automotive pa ste wax. A void the use of harsh c leaners sinc e they can sc ratch the body f i nish. CAUTION Certain pr oduct s, inc luding insect r epellants and chem icals, will dam age plast ic surf aces.
161 CLEANING AND STORAGE See page 173 for the par t numbers of Polaris products. Stor age Recom mendati ons CAUTION Star ting t he engine during t he st orage per iod will dist urb t he prot ect ive f ilm cr eated by fogging and dam age could occur. Never st art t he engine during t he st orage per iod.
162 CLEANING AND STORAGE Stor age Recom mendati ons Oil and Filt er W arm the engine and cha nge the oil and filter . See page 105. Air Filt er / Air Box Inspe ct an d clea n or repla ce the pre -clea ner a nd air filte r . Clean the a ir box and dra in the sediment tube .
163 CLEANING AND STORAGE See page 173 for the par t numbers of Polaris products. Stor age Recom mendati ons Fog the Engi ne 1. Start the engine and allow it to warm up. T urn engine of f. 2. Unlatc h and remove the se at. 3. Loosen the intake duc t clamp at the carbur etor and pull the duct off the c arbur etor .
164 CLEANING AND STORAGE Stor age Recom mendati ons Inspe ct and Lubrica te Insp ect al l cabl es and l ub ricat e. F ol l ow lu bri cati on g ui del in es in t he M aint enan ce Sect io n of the servic e or owner ’ s manual to completely grea se and lubricate the entir e vehic le with Po lari s Prem iu m Al l Seas on Grease.
165 CLEANING AND STORAGE T ranspor ting the A TV Follow these proc edures when tr ansporting the vehicle . 1. T urn off the engine a nd remove the key to preve nt loss during transporting. 2. T urn the fuel valve of f. 3. B e su re th e fuel cap, oi l cap and s eat are installe d cor rec tly .
166 TROUBLESHOOTING Contact your Polaris dea ler for ser vice if you’re unable to identify solutions using the following c harts. Engin e Doesn ’t T urn Over Possi bl e Cause Sol utio n Fu seab le lin k See Po laris d ealer fo r rep lacemen t Lo w b attery v o ltage Rec har ge ba tte ry t o 12.
167 TROUBLESHOOTING Engin e T urns Over , Fails t o Start Possi bl e Cause Sol utio n Out of fuel Turn fu el valv e to reserve, refuel Clogge d fuel va lve Insp ect and clean o r replace W ater is p r.
168 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine P ings or Knock s Possi bl e Cause Sol utio n Po o r q uality or lo w octan e fu el Repl ac e wi th re comme nded f uel Inco rrect ig n ition timin g See your Pol ari s dea .
169 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Runs I rregula rly , Sta ll s or Misfire s Possi bl e Cause Sol utio n Foule d or de fe ct ive s park pl ug Insp ect, clean and /o r replace spark p lu g s W orn or de fec t.
170 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Runs I rregula rly , Sta ll s or Misfire s Possi bl e Le an Fue l Mi xt ure Cause So lut io n Lo w or co n tamin ated fuel Add or change f uel , cl ea n the fue l syst em Lo.
171 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine S tops or Loses Pow er Possi bl e Cause Sol utio n Out of fuel Turn fu el valv e to reserve, refuel Kinke d or plugge d fuel ve nt li ne Insp ect an d replace W ater p resen.
172 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine S tops or Loses Pow er Possi bl e Cause Sol utio n Clogge d, dirt y or wet ai r f ilter Insp ect and clean o r replace Electro n ic th rottle co n tro l (E TC ) m alfun ctio.
173 POLARIS PRODUCTS Part # Descri ption Par t # Descri ption Engine Lubr icant Coolant 2874414 Perf ormance Synthet ic 4-St roke ( PS-4) Oil (qt .) 2871323 60/40 Coolant ( gal. ) 2874415 PS-4 Oil ( gal.) 2871534 60/40 Coolant ( qt.) Grease / Speci ali z ed Lubricant s 2871312 Grease G un Kit , Premi um Al l Season ( 3 oz.
174 SPECIFI CATIONS Predat or 500 Gro ss V eh icle W eig h t 645 lbs. /292 kg Pilot Jet 45 Fuel Capaci ty 3.25 gal ./12. 3 l Main J et 150 Overal l Lengt h 71.5 i n./182 cm Needl e Jet O- OM Overall W idth 47. 5 in./ 121 cm Jet Needl e 6CGY07-060- 3 Overal l Height 45 in.
175 SPECIFI CATIONS Predat or 500 Driv ing Sy ste m T y pe R ear T wo -Wheel Dr ive T ire Size/Pressure - Front 2 1x7-1 0/4p s i Shi ft T ype 5 - Speed Manual Shi ft T ire Size/P ressure - Rear 2 0x1 1 - 9/4p s i( S t d ) 2 0x1 0 - 9/4p s i( T r o yL e e ) Driv e Ra tio - Final 14/38 Fr ont Brake Hydraulic Disc Gear Ratio - 1st 2.
176 WARRANTY LIM ITED W ARRANT Y Pola ris Sa les Inc. , 2100 Hi ghway 55, Me dina , MN 55340, gives a SI X MONTH LIMI TED W ARRAN TY on al l com - ponent s of the Pola ris A ll T e rra in V ehi cl e (A TV) a gai nst def ec ts in mat er ia l or workma nship.
177 WARRANTY W ARRANTY COVERAGE AND EXCLUSIONS: LIMIT A TI ONS OF W ARRANTI ES AND REME DIES The Pol ar is lim it ed wa rr ant y exc lude s a ny fa il ure s t hat a re not c aus ed by a de fe ct in ma te ria l or workm anshi p. Thi s warran ty do es n o t cov er accid en tal d amag e, n o rmal w ear an d t ear, abuse o r im p rop er h an d ling .
179 WARRANTY HOW TO OBT AIN W ARRANT Y SERVICE If your A TV re quir es wa rra nty se rvi ce , you must ta ke i t to a Pola ri s dea le r aut hori ze d to re pai r Pol ar is A TVs . W hen re ques ti ng war ra nty s er vic e you m ust pre sent your c opy of the W ar ra nty Regi st rat ion f orm to t he deal er .
181 WARRANTY Exported V eh icles How to Ge t Se rv ic e In th e C o un try w h ere you r veh icle w as p u rch a sed: W ar ra nty or Servi ce Bull eti n re pai rs mus t be done by an a uthor iz ed Pol ar is dea le r .
182 WARRANTY Exported V eh icles How to Ge t Se rv ic e If Pu rch a sed Fro m A Priva te P a rty: If you purc has e a Pola ris pr oduct f rom a pri vat e ci tiz en outs ide of t he countr y in whic h the vehi cle w as or igina ll y purc has ed, a ll wa rr ant y cover age wi ll be deni ed.
183 Index A ADJ USTME NTS 140-158 ........... Air Filter Systems 111-112 ........... B Battery 1 32 ...................... Ba tt ery C hargi ng (Se ale d) 134-135 ..... Battery In stallatio n 133 ............. Ba tt ery R emoval 132 ............... Ba tt ery S tora ge 133 .
184 Index L-M Light S witche s 51 ................. Light s 50, 116- 120 ................. Lubric ati on Recomme ndati ons 102 .... MAINTENANCE AND L UB RI CA TION 90-139 ... Mai ntena nce Recor d 100-101 ......... Maki ng T urns 75 ..................
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Polaris 9919510 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Polaris 9919510 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Polaris 9919510, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Polaris 9919510 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Polaris 9919510, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Polaris 9919510.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Polaris 9919510. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Polaris 9919510 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.