Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 120 Pro X du fabricant Polaris
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W ARNING W ARNING Read, understand, and follow al l of the instructions and safety precautions in thi s manual and on all product labels. Failure to follow t he safety precautions could result in serious inj ury or death. The engine exhaust from this product contains chemical s known to cause cancer , birth defects or other reproductive harm.
2 Copyri ght 2004 Pola r is Sa l es I nc . Al l inf or ma ti on c onta i ned wi t hin t hi s publ i ca t ion i s bas e d on the l a te s t produc t i nfor ma t ion at t he ti me of publ ic ati on.
3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Wel com e 4 .................................. Introducti on 5 ............................... Important Notes for Owners and Drivers 6 ........... Preservation of the E nvironment 7 .................. V ehicl e Identificati on Numbers 9 .
4 WELC OME Dear Par ents: W e belie ve your c hildre n should have the opportunity to enjoy The W ay Out expe rienc e along with you. W e’ve provided this owner’ s manual to a ssist you and your ch ildren in lea rning about the safe opera tion and car e of your new Polaris snowmobile.
5 INTRODUCTION After r eading this manual, store it in the snowmobile for conve nient ref ere nce . It should remain with the snowmobile when sold. n This manual conta ins the latest information at the time of printing. W e rese rve the right to make product cha nges and improveme nts without notice.
6 INTRODUCTION Impor tant Notes for Ow ners and Dr iver s P ARENT S: Do not allow anyone unde r the age of six (6) to operate this mach ine. Revie w the infor mation in this manua l with any c hild who may b e operati ng t he snow mob ile. It i s up t o you t o teach any opera tor the proper and saf e way to ride a snowmobile.
7 INTRODUCTION Pr eservation of the E nvironm ent T each your child to dri ve their s nowmobile w i th considerat ion for the protec tion and pr eser vation of the environme nt. Noise Level One of the most publicize d subjects w ith rega rd to snowmobiles is noise.
8 INTRODUCTION Pr eservation of the E nvironm ent Environm ental Protection As part of the continuing environmenta l education ca mpaign, we are enc ouraging state a nd provincia l governme nts across the snowbelt to adopt rigorous sa fety tr aining progr ams which a lso encour age protec tion of our environme nt, wildlife and vege tation.
9 INTRODUCTION V ehicl e Identification N umber s The fra me vehicle ide ntifica tion number (VIN) and e ngine serial number a re impor tant for model identific ation whe n re gistering your vehi cle, when o btai ni ng in suran ce, and wh en orderi ng repl acement parts.
10 SAFE TY W ARNING Failur e to follow the war nings in this manual can r esult i n severe injury or death. Read and unders tand t he owner ’s manual and all warnings bef ore operat ing a Polaris snowmobile. Adult s mus t thoroughly explain t his inf ormat ion to all operat ors of t he snowmobile.
11 SAFE TY Maintenance Pr ogram As with all snowmobiles, caution must be obse rve d to ensure ope rator safe ty . Partic ular c aution must be taken to make sure tha t the snowmobile is in e xce llent oper ating c ondition at all time s.
12 SAFE TY Safety Decals Safet y and warni ng d ecals hav e been placed o n the veh icl e for the opera tor ’ s protec tion. Make sure the oper ator under stands the info rmat ion o n all d ecals. If any d ecal becom es illegible or c omes of f, contact your P olari s deal er for a replacement .
13 SAFE TY The following signa l words and symbols a ppear throughout this manual a nd on your vehic le. Y our sa fety is involve d when the se words and symbols are use d.
14 YOU TH SECT IO N Know Y our S nowm obile Befor e you have an adult star t the engine for you for the first time, let’ s lear n about the c ontrols on your ne w mach ine. 1. Engine St op Switc h - When the e ngine is running, you ca n push this button down and the e ngine w ill stop.
15 YOU TH SECT IO N Know Y our S nowm obile Always tak e your t humb off t he throt tle lev er when you s queeze the brake l ever . 6. Bra ke L ever - S queeze t he brak e lever t oward th e hand lebar t o make your snowmobile slow down or stop.
16 YOU TH SECT IO N Know Y our S nowm obile Let’ s lear n more about the parts of your snowmobile befor e we talk about riding. 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 8 10 7.
17 YOU TH SECT IO N Know Y our S nowm obile 1. Hood - The hood covers the moving and hot parts of t he engine and must be secure ly latche d befor e you ride the snowmobile.
18 YOU TH SECT IO N Know Y our S nowm obile Let ’ s review t he t hree w ays to st op you r sn ow mob il e: 1. Push the stop switch dow n. 2. Pull of f the tethe r strap.
19 YOU TH SECT IO N Pre-Rid e Chec k Y ou’re almost re ady to ha ve an a dult start your snowmobile . Before the snowmobile is starte d for the first time, you must do a PRE-RIDE CHECK. In fa ct, ever y time you ride your snowmobile you must have an adul t hel p you ch eck thes e thin gs befo re start ing i t.
20 YOU TH SECT IO N Pre-Rid e Chec k Always have an adult put gas in your snowmobile. Nev er tr y to do it yours elf. n Have an adult che ck the gas leve l to see if your snowmobile nee ds more. Childre n should never add their own gasoline . This must always be done by an adult.
21 YOU TH SECT IO N Ridi ng Rules Now you’re ready to lear n about driving your Pola ris snowmobile. There a re some things you can do and there ar e some things you must never do. Rules are ve ry important when you’r e driving a snowmobile. Adults have r iding rules, too.
22 YOU TH SECT IO N Ridi ng Rules " Always wear the right kind of clothing when you’re riding your snowmobile. Y ou’ll need a good he lmet with a fac e shie ld or goggles. W ear a wa rm jacket and snowpants. Make sur e your cloth- ing fits prope rly .
23 YOU TH SECT IO N Ridi ng Rules " Always drive your snow mobile while sitting down. Keep both hands on the ha ndlebar s and kee p both fe et on the running boa rds. " Neve r follow anothe r snowmobile too close ly . Alwa ys allow lots of time an d space to stop your snowmobile.
24 YOU TH SECT IO N Ridi ng Rules Lear n how to ride sa fe ly and cor rec tly . Lea rn how to use your hands and ar ms as signals. Read a nd understa nd your Owner’ s Manual.
25 ADULT SECTION Pre-Rid e Chec k It’ s up to you, t he adult, to teach your chi ld the proper and safe way to ride a snowmobile. Y ou must set boundaries and adhe re to them, keeping your child’ s safe ty fore most in your mind. Never allow your child to opera te this machine w ithout adult supervision.
26 ADULT SECTION Pre-Rid e Chec k Befor e S tar ting The Engi ne n Re ad a nd Unde r sta nd Y our Owner’ s M anua l Read and make sure the oper ators under stand the Owner ’ s Manual comple tely befo re allowing anyone to oper ate this snowmobile.
27 ADULT SECTION Pre-Rid e Chec k n Check t hro ttl e safety sw itch T est the throttle sa fety switc h system on a daily basis befor e the machine is used.
28 ADULT SECTION Pre-Rid e Chec k n Check en gi ne st op swi tch T est the engine stop switch bef ore each us e of t he sn owmo bi le. T o stop the engine in an emer genc y , push down on the stop switch (A) . This will ground out the ignition and bring the engine to a quick stop.
29 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings n Do n ot carry passen gers This snowmobile is designed for a single opera tor . n Do n ot op erate w ith i nt ake sil encer remo ved CAUTION If t he engine is operat ed with t he intake s ilencer rem oved, damage t o the engine may occur.
30 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings n Do not touch the engine a ft er it’ s bee n running W ARNING Hot com ponents can caus e serious bur ns to s kin.
31 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings n Check b rake lever t ravel Measu re th e clearance betw een the l ever and brak e block. Inspec tion should be made with the lev er firmly de presse d. Distanc e A should be no more than 3/4 ″ (1.9 cm ). Exces si ve trav el i ndi cates a need t o adj us t th e brake cab le.
32 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings n Che ck s urr oundings to ve rif y cle ar ope r ating ar e a It’ s important to make sure the re ’ s a clea r are a all around the snowmobile, including an area c lear of bysta nders. Some sidewa ys movement is possible when sta rting out, and debr is may be thr own by the t rack.
33 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings n Stop engine be for e att em pting adjus tm ents W ARNING The s nowmobile engine compar tment cont ains mov ing parts . Shields and guar ds have been prov ided for s afet y , but it is st ill possible t o careles sly get your hands or f ingers int o a moving chain or a r otat ing shaft .
34 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings n Know limita tions of m ac hine and sk ills of driv er The opera tor should be aware tha t there are sta te and local laws governing snowmobile operation and tha t these la ws should be followe d. They have been esta blished for the pro tection of all snowmobile rider s.
35 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings W i re fences are a s erio us h azard. T each your child to a lways be on the aler t for fences. S in gle s tran ds are es pecial ly dang erous , s ince t here can b e a great distance between posts. Guy wire s on utility poles a re a lso dif f icult to distinguis h.
36 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings Windchill/T emper ature Charts The following informa tion is provide d as a guide to determine wha t temper ature s are danger ous when riding your snowmobile .
37 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings WIND CHILL CHAR T ( ° C) Est i- m a t e d Actual Ther mometer Reading ( ° C) ma t e d Wind S p e e d 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -2 0 -25 -3 0 -35 -40 S pee d in KPH Equivalen.
38 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings Cold Weather Dr ive - A way Whe neve r the machine h as been par ked for some le ngth of time, espec ially overn ight, alwa ys shake loose the skis and track for the opera tor bef ore atte mpting to put the machine into motion.
39 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings Snow and Ice Build - Up Snow and ice buildup in the under hood are a c an inter fer e with the st eering . W ARNING Befor e allowing your c hild to driv e the mac hine, be sur e that ice and snow are not int erfer ing with t he steer ing.
40 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings Driving on Ice It is dangerous to opera te on ice or under slipper y conditions. If ice or slippery conditions ar e unavoida ble, use extreme c aution and oper ate a t speed s no fast er than a wal k. Never att emp t an abrup t chang e of direct io n on a s li ppery surface.
41 ADULT SECTION Operation Warnings Driving Downhill Whe n riding downhill, the oper ator must ke ep the spe ed a t a minimum. It is importa nt to apply just enough throttle to keep the clutc h enga ged while desc ending the hill.
42 ADULT SECTION Com ponent Identification 1. Hood 8. Rear Suspension 2. Headlight 9. Nosepan 3. W indshield 10. T railing Arm 4. Handleba r 1 1. S kis 5.
43 ADULT SECTION Com ponent Identification 1. Stop Switch 2. T ethe r Strap 3. Thro ttle Control 4. R ecoi l S tart er Handl e 5. Hood Hold-Down 6. Choke Button 7.
44 ADULT SECTION Br eak-In Per iod Engi ne Br eak- In The brea k-in period for your new snowmobile is define d as the first ten hours of opera tion, or the time it takes to use the first two tanks full of gasoline. No single a ction on your pa rt is as impor tant as a pr oper brea k-in pe riod.
45 ADULT SECTION Br eak-In Per iod CAUTION Mixing br ands or using a non- recomm ended oil may c ause serious engine damage. We recomm end the use of P olaris Prem ium 4 All Seas on Synt hetic oil.
46 ADULT SECTION Operation Fuel When refuel in g, us e eith er leaded o r unlead ed gaso li ne wit h a minimum pump octane number of 87=( R+ M/2) octane. Fuel Safety W ARNING Gas oline is highly fla mm able a nd explos iv e under c er ta in conditi ons.
47 ADULT SECTION Operation Speed/Per form ance Regulation Adults have the re sponsibility for t eachin g chil dren t he proper and s afe way to ride a snowmobile. Please set boundarie s and adhere to them, keep ing your child’ s safety f ore most in your mind.
48 ADULT SECTION Operation Sta rti ng the Engine Never sta rt the snowmobile without checking all compone nts to be sure of prope r opera tion. Refer to the Pre -Ride Chec k beginning on page 25. Star ting a Cold E ngine 1. T urn the key to O N. 2. Pull the engine stop switc h (shut-of f switch) up to the RUN position.
49 ADULT SECTION Operation Em er gency S topping P r ocedur es The following cha rt lists methods for stopping the engine in the event of an em ergency .
50 ADULT SECTION Operation Pre - Ride W arm -Up Always war m up the engine, drive train and tr ack be fore opera ting the snowmobile. W ith the snowmobile sec ure ly supported b y the re ar bumper with a minimum clea ra nce of 4 ″ (10 cm) f rom the ground, use the following pr ocedur e to prope rly war m up the snowmobile.
51 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Polaris R ecommended Maintenance Program Y our Polaris snowmobile has bee n engine ere d and manuf acture d by skilled Polaris personne l to the highest degre e of perf ormanc e and relia bility possible.
52 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Care ful periodic ma intenanc e will help keep your vehic le in the safest, most relia ble condition. In spection, adjustme nt and lubr ication of important c omponents ar e expla ined in the f ollowing char t and in the mainte nance se ction of this manual.
53 ADULT SECTION Maintenance ITEM DAIL Y WEEKL Y OR BEFORE EXTEND ED PERIO D OF OPER A TIO N 50 HRS 100 HRS 150 HRS SEE PA G E Check tr ack ali gnment X 69 Che ck driv e ch ain ten sio n X 60 Check an.
54 ADULT SECTION Mai ntenanc e Present thi s sect ion of your m anual to your dealer each time your snowmobile is service d. This will provide you and future owner s with an accurate l og of mai nt enance and s ervices p erformed o n the snowmobile.
55 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Spa rk P lugs A new e ngine c an ca use te mporar y spark plug f ouling even though the heat ra nge is proper , due to the prese rvative w hich has bee n added during asse mbly of the e ngine to c ombat rust an d corr osion.
56 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Spa rk P lugs Spark Plug R emoval an d Replacem ent 1. Remove the spark plug ca p. 2. Using the spec ial wrenc h provided in the tool pouc h, rotate the spark plug c ounterc lockwise to re move. 3. Rever se the procedur e for spar k plug installation.
57 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Car bur etor Proper c ar buretor a djustment is critic al, since a mixture too lean (too much a ir , too little fue l) will r esult in over hea ting of the c ombustion cha mber c ausing pre -ignition of the fue l. This results in piston burning, bearing fa ilure , or complete engine fa ilure.
58 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Throttl e Cabl e Lubri cation W ith the engine of f, lubricate the thr ottle cable o ccasi onal ly . Turn the h andl ebars to the lef t and lubric ate liber ally with Po laris Al l Seas on Grease. Choke /Ca ble Lubr icati on Lubrica te the choke slide and ca bles occasional ly as shown.
59 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Brake A djustment If excess iv e brake l ever t o brak e blo ck clearan ce is ev id ent, t he brak e cab le should be adjusted. If prope r adjustment ca nnot be achieve d by using the following methods, check the brake ba nd for exce ssive wea r .
60 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Chain T en sioner Inspec t the chain. The cha in should have 1 ″ of de flec tion as shown. If not, loosen the nut on the cha in tensione r (A) a nd ra ise until 1 ″ (B) of defle ction is atta ined. T ighten nut to 15-18 ft.
61 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Lubri cati on NOT E: Driveline nois e is norm al and inherent in a c hain drive system such as this machi ne uses. T o ensure long life of the snow mobile’ s drive line, lubricate a s follows: S Lubrica te Point A ever y 15 hours of ope ration w ith a small a mount of Pol aris P remi um Al l Seaso n Grease.
62 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Oil Level Mainta in the oil leve l betwe en the safe ma rks (A ) on the dipstick. Oil Chang e Change the oil af ter the initial 20 hours of operatio n and again after each 50 hours.
63 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Controls and L inkage All bushings, spindle shafts, and tie r od ends should be coate d with a light coa t of oil or grea se. Thr ottle a nd bra ke c ontrols a nd ca bles should be lubric ated with Pola ris Premium All Sea son Grea se.
64 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Engi ne Proper of f-sea son prepa ration o f the engine and fuel system is vital to the pre vention of rust and co rrosion f ormation on pr ecision e ngine parts during stor age. W ithout proper stora ge, jet re striction c an c ause le an c onditions and very poor slow spee d driving quality .
65 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Car buretor P rotection During Off - Season Storage When pr epa ring your snowmobile for of f-season stor age w e recomm end t hat yo u add a fuel con dit io ner/s tabi li zer or Prem ium Carbon Clea n (2871326) to the f uel tank.
66 ADULT SECTION Maintenance T ra nspor ting the Snow mobi le Whe neve r the snowmobile is transpor ted the following mea sures should be taken: 1. T urn the fuel valve off . 2. Be sure the f uel cap is installe d corre ctly . 3. Alwa ys tie the snowmobile to the transporting unit secur ely using suitable str aps.
67 ADULT SECTION Maintenance W ARNING Y our snowmobile is propelled by a revolv ing trac k, whic h must be part ially exposed for pr oper operation. Ser ious injuries may be caused by the oper ator ’ s hands, f eet or c lothing bec oming entangled in t he trac k.
68 ADULT SECTION Maintenance T rack Adjustment If the tra ck nee ds adjustment: 1. Loosen rea r idler shaf t bolt (D). 2. Tight en or loo sen th e track adj ust ing s crews (E) as neces sary to provide equa l adjustment on both s ides of the trac k. 3.
69 ADULT SECTION Maintenance T rack Alignment A periodic c hec k should be made to see that the track is ce ntere d and running eve nly on the slide rails.
70 ADULT SECTION Maintenance T rack W arm Up When stor ing your snowmobile outside overnight, it is rec ommende d that the tra ck be warmed up pr ior to driving the snowmobile. This reduc es dr ive clut ch wear . T o warm u p the track , safe ly support the rear of the snowmobile of f the ground, start the engine and abruptly e ngage the clutch .
71 ADULT SECTION Maintenance T rack Inspection W ARNING Inspec ting t he tr ack while t he engine is running can r esult in serious personal injur y if t he tr ack should being t o mov e. Never inspect t he trac k with t he engine running Using a hoist or jac kstand, safe ly lift and suppor t the rea r of the snowmobile of f the ground.
72 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Hi - Fax Replacement The 120 PRO X uses XTRA Lit e st yl e Hi-F ax. When any are a of the Hi-Fax is worn to 7/16 ″ (1.1 cm), it should be replaced .
73 ADULT SECTION Maintenance T ra ck Lubr icati on T rack f ailur e, loss of vehic le c ontrol and br aking a bility ca n result f rom exten ded us e of thi s vehi cle on s urfaces pro vid ing m arginal l ubr icati on betwee n hi-f ax and tr ac k guide clips.
74 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Steering Inspection and Adjustment The ste er ing assembly of the mach ine should be check ed periodic ally for loose nuts and bolts.
75 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Handlebar Adjustment 6. Slide the handlebar pa d upward t o access t he adj ust er bolts. If additiona l room is requir ed, unzip one of the handleba r pad z ipper s and roll the pad to the side. 7. T o adjust, remove the upper flange nut and ca rriag e bolt.
76 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Ski S kags The s kag (A) i s a repl aceable b ar atta ched to the under side of the ski. The purpose of the skag is to assist in tur ning the snowmobile and to preven t the weari ng away of th e ski caus ed by con tact wi th road s and other ba re ter ra in.
77 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Sus pension Lubr ic ation T o mainta in rider comfort and to r etar d wea r of the pivot shafts, the suspension pivot shaf ts should be lubric ated with Pola ris Premium All Season G rea se se vera l times during the season a nd aga in befo re sum mer s torag e each year .
78 ADULT SECTION Maintenance Suspe nsion C ompone nts Suspension Lubric ation points ar e indica ted by a L . 1. Front Limite r Stra p 8. Rail Bumpe r 2. T orsion Spring Sleeve s 9. T orque Ar m 3. T orsion Spring 10. Rail 4. C arrier Wh eel 1 1. Hi-fax 5.
79 ADULT SECTION Accessor ies Maintenance Items and Accessories The tools and ma intena nce items mentione d in this book, as well as a long l ine of o ther P olari s access ori es, are availabl e at your Po laris deal er . Pa int Code s Colo r Descri pti on Polaris “P” No.
80 SPECIFICA TION S Jetting Chart Ambient T emperature Below -30 _ F (-34 _ C) -30 _ to -10 _ F (-34 _ to -23 _ C) -10 _ to +10 _ F -23 _ to -12 _ C +10 _ to +30 _ F -12 _ to -1 _ C +3 0 _ to +50 _ F -1 _ to +10 _ C Above +50 _ F Above +10 _ C Altitude in Meters ( F t ) 0-600 (0-2000) 75 72.
81 SPECIFICA TION S Ca pa cities a nd D imen sion s Body St yle Mi ni Indy Ri ders/ W eight 1/150 lbs . ( 68 kg) maxi mum Eng ine Oil .6 qt s. ( . 57 l) Dry W eight (est .) 147. 5 lbs . ( 67 kg) Fue l T an k .5 ga l. (1.9 l) Hei ght 31 in. (78.7 cm) Lengt h 75 in.
82 POLARIS PRODUCTS Part No. Descri pti on Engine Lubr icant 2871281 Premi um 4 Synt heti c 0W -40 E ngine Oi l ( 4- Cycle) (qt .) Gearcase / T ransmi ssion Lubri cant s 2873602 Premi um Synthet ic Gear case Lubricant ( qt. ) 2871653 Premi um Fr ont G earcase Lube ( 8 oz.
83 WARRANTY Ser vice A nd W arr anty Infor mati on Obtaining Ser vice and W ar ranty Assistance Read and unde rstand the ser vice da ta and the Polaris war ranty informa tion containe d in this manual. Contact your Polaris dea ler f or replacem ent part s, serv ice or warran ty .
84 WARRANTY Li mit ed Warran ty Pola r is S al e s Inc . , 2100 Highwa y 55, Medi na , MN 55340, provi de s a ONE YEAR LIM - ITED W ARRANTY on all c ompone nts of t he Pola ris s nowmobi le a ga ins t de fe c ts i n ma te r ia l or wor kma nshi p.
86 WARRANTY Conditions and Exc lusi ons In or de r t o qua li f y for wa r ra nty , the pr oduc t m ust ha ve bee n pr ope rl y s et up a nd te ste d by a Po laris Dealer (if ap plicab le).
87 WARRANTY Pol ar is Se cond Y ear E ngine S er vice C ontr act Sec ond Y e ar Engi ne Ser vi ce Cont r ac t is s t anda r d on al l e li gibl e ne w a nd unuse d snow mobil e s tha t we re Snow Che c ke d thr ough a n aut hor iz e d Pola r is de a le r duri ng t he Ma rc h/ Apr il Snow Chec k promot ion.
89 INDEX A- B Accessories 79 ..................... Auto C hain T ensioner 60 ............. Brake A djustm ent 59 ................ Brake L ever T ravel 58 ............... Break-In P eriod 44-45 .............. C Carburetor 57 ..................... Carburetor P rotection 65 .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Polaris 120 Pro X c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Polaris 120 Pro X - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Polaris 120 Pro X, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Polaris 120 Pro X va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Polaris 120 Pro X, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Polaris 120 Pro X.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Polaris 120 Pro X. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Polaris 120 Pro X ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.