Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit AT3111-2 du fabricant AT&T
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U s e r ’ s m a n u a l A T 3 1 11 - 2 D E C T 6 . 0 c o r dl e s s t el ep ho n e / caller ID/call waiting.
Model #: A T3111-2 Type: DECT 6.0 cor dless telephone Serial #: (found on the bott om of the telephone base) Purchase dat e: P l a c e o f p u r c h a s e : Congr at ulations on purchasing your new AT&T product. Before using this AT&T product, please read the Important safety instructions on pages 45-47 of this manual.
Getting started Se e pa ge 5 for easy instructions. Y ou mu st i ns t al l an d ch ar g e th e ba t te ry b e fo r e us in g th e t el ep ho ne . Ad d ne w h a n ds e t s t o ma k e y o ur t e l e ph o ne m or e v e rs a t il e ( se e p a g e 3 5) Y our telephone can ac commodate up to fiv e cordless handsets.
Par ts checklist Y our teleph one contai ns the follow ing items . Save your s ales receip t and ori ginal pac kaging in th e event war ra nt y se r v ice is ne ces sar y.
U s e r ’ s m a n u a l A T3 1 11 -2 D E C T 6 . 0 c o r dl es s t e l e p h on e / caller ID/call waiting T able of c ontent s Getting s tart ed Handset layout ......................................... 2 T elephone base layout .....................
Getting started Handset lay out 1. Earpiece 2. MENU/SELECT SKIP (page 9) 3. Headset jack (2.5mm) (page 6) 4. CID (caller ID) (page 27) PLAY (page 9) 5. /FLASH 6. Dialing keys ( 0 - 9 , * , # ) 7. VOICEMAIL (page 9) 8. REDIAL/PAUSE (page 12) 9. Microphone 10.
Getting started T el ephon e bas e layo ut 1. CHARGE light (page 34) 2. IN USE light (page 34) 3. VOICEMAIL light (page 34) 4. FIND HANDSET (page 13) 1 2 3 4 3.
5 Getting started Bat ter y installation & char ging Th e bat ter y may have e noug h cha rge fo r shor t c all s . For optimal performance, we recommend that you charge the handset for 16 hours. You can keep the battery charged by returning the handset to the telephone base or cha rge r after each use.
6 Getting started IC:xxxxX-xxxxxxxx FCC ID: XXxxx-xxxx-xx IC:xxxxX-xxxxxxxx FCC ID: XXxxx-xxxx-xx Belt clip & o ption al headse t F o r h an d s -f r e e t el ep h o ne c on v e r sa t io n s, u se an y in d u st r y s t an d a r d 2 . 5m m h e a ds e t (p u r c ha s e d s ep a r a t el y) .
T elephone operation 7 Ringer volume The ringer volume can be adjusted either by the volume control on the right side of the handset, or in the handset menu. To change the ringer volume: 1. With the handset idle, press the volume button VOL or VOL to disp lay t he cur ren t volume level on th e scre en .
T elephone operation 8 <KEY TONE LANGUAGE <LANGUAGE CLR VOICE MAIL LANGUAGE ENGLISH KEY TONE ON 2. P r e s s CID o r t o s e l e c t > R I N G E R T O N E , t h e n p r e s s M E N U / S E L E C T . 3. Press CID o r to choose the desired ringer tone.
T elephone operation 9 Pr ogramming voic email navigation k eys This feature allows you to use the VOICEMAIL , PLAY , SKIP and ERASE buttons to access your voicemail. Before you begin, be sure to have your access number and password available to access your voicemail.
T elephone operation 10 To program a pause: 1. Press MENU/ SELECT from the idle mode. 2. P r e s s CID o r t o s e l e c t > V O I C E M A I L S E T U P t h e n p r e s s M E N U / S E L E C T t w i c e . 3. The blinking cursor should be at the end of your access number.
T elephone operation 11 V oic email If you su bsc rib e to voicem ail s er v ice and yo u have a new voice mail m es sag e, th e VOIC E M A IL indi ca tor on the tele pho ne ba se w ill f l as h , the VOIC E M A IL b ut ton w ill l ight a nd the h and set w ill dis pl ay NE W VO IC E M AI L .
T elephone operation 12 Handset ope r ation Redial Th e teleph one s tores t he f ive mo st re cently diale d numb er s in t he red ial li s t. You can revi ew or red ial th ese nu mbe r s . • W hen t here a re alre ady f i ve entr ies i n the redi al li st , th e olde st e ntr y is de leted to make room fo r the newe st e ntr y.
T elephone operation 13 Handset ope r ation Mak e, answer and end calls with the handset • T o make a ca ll , p res s T o make a call , pres s / FL A S H or , the n dial the num ber. - OR - • D ial th e numb er an d then p res s / FL A S H or . • T o ans wer a c all , pres s / FL A S H , or a ny dial ing keys ( 0 -9, #, * ).
T elephone operation 14 NOTE: If a headset is plugged in to the handset, the handset speakerphone will be disabled. Hands-fr ee speak erphone calls T o answe r a cal l , pre ss . T o make a cal l , pre ss , then d ial a nu mbe r . Dur ing a c all , pres s to altern ate bet wee n han ds -fr ee sp eaker pho ne and nor mal ha nds et us e.
T elephone operation 15 Option s whil e on call s V olume Dur ing a c all , Pres s VOL or VO L o n the r ight on the r igh t side o f the han ds et to adju s t the li ste ning vo lume to a comfor t ab le level .
T elephone operation 16 Las t number r edial While on a call, you can press REDIAL /P AUSE to review the most recently called number . T o return to your call, press REDIAL / PAUS E . If you don't press REDIAL /P A USE within two seconds, the most rece nt ly c al led n um be r di sp la ye d w i ll be d ia le d automatically .
T elephone operation 17 Caller ID l og Wh i l e on a ca l l , y ou c an pr es s CID t o re v ie w th e call er ID log. To dial the displ aye d numbe r , pre ss ME NU/ SE LE CT . T o cl ea r the ent ry fr o m the di sp la y , pr es s a n d h o ld O FF / CL EA R .
T elephone operation 18 Inter com Th e intercom f eatur e allow s conver sa tion bet we en han ds et s . 1. Pr ess I N T to ini tiate the i ntercom fe ature . 2. T he o rig inat ing ha nds et sc ree n dis pl ays IN T E RCOM T O: 3. E nter the n umb er a ss ocia ted wi th the ha nds et you are tr yi ng to interco m .
T elephone operation 19 T r ansfer an e xt ernal call You can transfer an external call from one handset to another handset. 1. Press INT to initiate the intercom feature. 2. The originating handset screen displays TRANSFER TO: 3. Enter the number associated with the handset you are trying to intercom.
T elephone operation 20 Swit ch between ext ernal and internal calls When on an external call and you wish to make an intercom call to another system handset without ending the external call: 1. Press INT to initiate the intercom feature. 2. The originating handset screen displays TRANSFER TO: 3.
21 Directory Shar ed direct ory Th e dire c tor y i s sha red by al l han dse ts . Cha nge s made to th e dire c tor y o n any one h and set w ill b e app lie d in all . NOTE: Only one handset can review the directory or caller ID log at a time. If another handset attempts to enter the directory, the screen will display NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME .
22 Directory New dir ec tory entries Stor e a dir ectory entry 1. Pres s Pres s ME N U / SE LE C T t w ice whe n in id le mod e. 2. Pres s CID o r to reac h >ST OR E , and t hen pres s M E N U /SE LE C T . 3. Th e scre en di spl ay s E NT E R N UM B E R .
23 Directory NOTE: The first letter of every word will be capitalized. The remaining letters in a word begin with lower case letters shown in the chart to the right. 6. Th e scre en di spl ay s E NT E R N A ME . 7 . U se th e dial p ad to enter a n ame (up to 16 char ac ter s).
24 Directory Dir ec tor y search Sear ch the direct ory Entries are sorted alphabetically, and names beginning with numbers are presented first. To search for directory entries in alphabetical order: 1. Press in idle mode to displa y the first listing in the directory .
25 Directory Dial a dir ectory entry 1. Press to enter the directory. 2. Press CID o r to scroll to the desired entry, or use the alphabetical search to find it. 3. Press /FLASH or to dial the selected entry. Edit a dir ectory entry Whe n a dire c tor y entr y is d isp laye d.
26 Directory Delet e from the dir ectory 1. Press to enter the directory, or press MENU/ SELECT three times to enter the directory. 2. Press CID o r to scroll to the desired entry, or use the alphabetical search to find it. 3. Press MUTE /REMOVE to delete the selected entry and you’ll hear a confirmation tone.
27 Caller ID operation C all er ID operation Informa tion about caller ID with call waiting Th is pro duc t ha s a ca ller I D fu nc ti on wi th ca ll wai tin g featu re whi ch wor k s wit h ser vi ce from your loc al tele pho ne comp any.
28 Caller ID operation CALL LOG EMPTY HANDSET X XX MISSED CALLS How caller ID works If you subscribe to caller ID service, information about each caller will be displayed after the first or second ring. This information will be stored in the call log and shared by all handsets.
29 Caller ID operation C all ID operation Ca ll log d is pl ay scree n mes sag es Dis pl ay : PR IVA TE NA M E PR IVA TE N U M BER PR IVA TE C A LL E R UN K N O WN N A M E U NK NO W N NUM B E R U NK NO W N C AL L E R LO N G D ISTAN CE Mea ns : Th e cal ler is b loc kin g the na me info rma tion .
30 Caller ID operation T o access the call log • Pr ess C I D . - OR - • Pres s ME N U / SE LE C T f rom the i dle mo de. • Pr ess CID o r to selec t > C A LL LOG , th en pres s M E N U /SE LE C T . T o review the call log • When in the call log, press CID o r to scroll through the record.
31 Caller ID operation SAVED Save an entry t o the direct ory 1. Whe n in the c al l log , pre ss CID o r to scro ll to the d esir ed ent r y. 2. Pres s # rep eatedly to di sp lay th e pos sib le dial ing o ptio ns . 3. Pres s ME NU /SE LEC T to save th e entr y.
Appendix 32 Handset d isplay scree n mess ages AL RE ADY SAVE D T he tele pho ne num ber e ntere d is al read y stor ed in th e dire c tor y . C AL L LO G E MP TY The re are no c al l log en trie s . C AL L IN G HAN DS E T X C all ing a nothe r han dse t .
Appendix 33 NEW VOICE MAIL There are new voicemail message(s). NO LINE There is no telephone line connected. NO SIGNAL, CALL ENDED Communi cation between handset and telephone base is lost during an external call. NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME Access is denied when the handset is out of range from the telephone base.
Appendix 34 Screen i cons & in dicat or lights T e lep hon e ba se in dic ato r lig ht s Han ds et di sp lay in dic ato rs On wh en the h and set s pea kerph one i s in us e. MU T E M icro pho ne is mu ted . Rin ger of f. NE W New c all lo g ent rie s .
Appendix 35 Addi ng and r eplacing han dsets Y our teleph one c an accom moda te u p to f i ve co rdle ss ha nds et s . Y ou ca n a dd three new hand set s ( mo del A T3101 , purcha s ed sepa ra tely) to the A T 3111 -2 at any ti me, b ut e ach mu st b e reg is tered w ith th e telep hone b as e befo re us e.
Appendix 36 You may need to de-register your handsets if: You have the maximum number of registered handsets (five) and need to replace a handset. -OR- You wish to change the designated handset number of your registered handsets. You must first de-register ALL the handsets, and then re-register ALL the handsets you wish to use.
Appendix 37 T r oubleshooting If you ha ve diff icu lty wit h your te lep hone , plea se try the sug gest ion s below . My phone doesn’t work at all • Make sure the power cor d is securely plugged in. • Make sure that the batt ery connector is secur ely plugged into the cor dless handset.
Appendix 38 T r oubleshooting My cordl ess handset isn’t performing normally • Make sure the power cor d is securely plugged int o the telephone base. Plug the unit into a diff erent, working electrical outlet not contr olled by a wall switch. • Move the cordless handset closer t o the telephone base.
Appendix 39 T r oubleshooting C ONNECTING... displays on my cordl ess handset The batteries will not hold a charge • If the cordless handset is in it s telephone base or charger and the char ge light does not come on, ref er to The char ge light is off in this T r oubleshooting guide.
Appendix 40 T r oubleshooting • If you subscribe to DSL servic e and if you hear noise during conversations and/or your call er ID features are not functioning pr operly , install a DSL filt er to the telephone line between the tel ephone base and the telephone line jack.
Appendix 41 T r oubleshooting I hear other calls while using my phone • Disconnect the telephone base from the t elephone jack, and plug in a different t elephone. If you still hear other calls, the problem is pr obably in your wiring or local service.
Appendix 42 T r oubleshooting • Other electronic pr oducts can cause interfer ence with your cor dless phone. Try inst alling your phone as far away fr om the following electr onic devices as possible: television sets, V CRs, or other cordless telephones.
Appendix 43 T r oubleshooting The charge light is off • Caller ID is a subscription service. Y ou must subscribe t o this service from y our local telephone company f or this featur e to work on your phone. • Your call er must be calling from an area that support s caller ID.
Appendix 44 T r oubleshooting Difficulty hearing messages • Press VOL UME to incr ease speaker volume. S y st em d o es no t r ec ei v e ca l l er I D w he n o n a c a ll • Make sure you subscribe t o caller ID with call waiting featur es services provided by y our local telephone company .
Appendix 45 Important safety instructions This symbol is to alert you to important operating or servicing instructions that may appear in this user’s manual. Always follow basic safety precautions when using this product to reduce the risk of injury, fire, or electric shock.
Appendix 46 Important saf ety instructions Especially About Cor dless T elephones • Privacy: The same features that mak e a cordl ess telephone convenient create some limit ations.
Appendix 47 Important saf ety instructions The RBRC ™ Seal means that the manufactur er is voluntarily participating in an industry program t o collect and recycle nick el-metal-hydride r echargeable batteries when taken out of service within the Unit ed States.
Appendix 48 F C C P art 68 & A CT A This equipment complies with Part 68 of the F CC rules and with technical requir ements adopted by the Administrativ e Council for T erminal Att achments (ACT A). The label on the back or bott om of this equipment contains, among other things, a product identifier in the format US:AAAE Q##TXXXX.
Appendix 49 F C C P art 68 and A CT A If this product is equipped with a cor ded or cordl ess handset, it is hearing aid compatible. If this product has memory dialing locations, you ma y choose to stor e emergency t elephone numbers (e.g., police, fire, medical) in these l ocations.
Appendix 50 F C C P art 15 This equipment has been tested and f ound to comply with the r equirements for a Class B digital device under P art 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FC C) rules. These requir ements are intended t o provide reasonable pr otection against harmful interf erence in a r esidential installation.
Appendix 51 Limit ed warr anty 1. What does this limited warranty cover? Th e m an uf ac tu r er of t his A T&T -b ra nd ed pr o duc t wa rr an ts t o the h ol de r o f a va li d p r oof o f pur c.
Appendix 52 Limit ed warr anty 4. What is not cover ed by this limited warranty? This limited warranty does not c over: • PR ODUCT that has been subjected to misuse, accident, shipping or other phys.
Appendix 53 Limit ed warr anty an y fur th er r ep ai r a ct iv ity . Y ou mu st p ay f or th e co st o f r e pa ir an d re tu rn sh ipp in g co st s fo r t he r e pai r of pr o duc ts t ha t a r e no t c o ve re d by t his l im it ed wa rr an ty . 6.
Appendix 54 T echnical specifications T elephone operating r ange This cordl ess telephone operat es with the maximum power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (F CC).
Appendix 55 A Answering calls, 13 B Battery char ging, 5 Battery inst allation, 5 Belt clip, 6 C Call log, 30 Call waiting, 15, 27 Call transfer , 19-20 Caller ID, 27-31 delete entries, 31 dial entrie.
Appendix 56 T T echnical specifications, 54 T elephone base indicator lights, 34 T elephone base layout, 3 T emporary ring silencing, 14 T roubleshooting, 37-44 V Volume c ontrol, 15 Voic email, 11 cl.
www .t t.c om © 2007 Advanced American T elephones. All rights reserved. AT&T and the A T&T logo ar e trademarks of AT&T Knowl edge Ventures, licensed to Advanced American T elephones. Printed in China. Issue 1 A T&T 10/07.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté AT&T AT3111-2 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du AT&T AT3111-2 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation AT&T AT3111-2, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le AT&T AT3111-2 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le AT&T AT3111-2, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du AT&T AT3111-2.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le AT&T AT3111-2. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei AT&T AT3111-2 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.