Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit M1 du fabricant Phicomm
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W ireless N ano R outer M1 User Ma nual User Man ual / V1.0.
2 Copyright Stateme n t PHICOMM is t he registered trademark of Shan ghai Feixun Communication Co., Lt d. O ther trademark or trade name men tioned herein are the trademark or registered trad emark of the company .
i Tabl e of Cont ents Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................. 1 Product O verview ........................................................................................
ii Tabl e of Cont ents Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com NAT ............................................................................................................................................ 33 Securit y Optio ns ....................
Wir eless Nano Ro uter www.phico mm .com 1 Chapter 1: Introd uc tion C hap ter 1: Introdu ct ion Pr od uct Overv iew Thank yo u f or choosing M1 Wireless Nano Ro uter . The Wir eless Nano Router is a n all-in- one router , id eal for creat ing a highly ecient mobile oce or enter ta inment n etwork at an y t im e.
Wir eless Nano Ro uter www.phico mm .com 2 Chapter 1: Introd uc tion Rear Pa nel L A N / W A N : This Eth ernet po rt can be used as a LAN or WAN po r t. U S B : Co nn ec t to y our US B device. R e s e t : Long press a nd hold t he bu tt on f or 8 secon d s, t he Router will reboot to its f actory de fa ult se tt ings.
Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 1 Chapte r 2: Operating Mode Introduction Chap ter 2: Oper ating Mode Introduction Th is W irele ss Nano Router suppor ts f ive o peratio n modes: AP ( Access Poin t ) , Router , Repeater , Bridge and Cl ient. By def ault, the operation mode is AP .
Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 2 Chapte r 2: Operating Mode Introduction I n Rep eater mode , it can ex tend the cover age of your root wireless router , boost the w ireless sig nal stre ngth. I n B ridge mo de, it can wireless ly connect t wo or m ore rem ote LANs which also suppor t Bridge mode together .
3 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Chap ter 3 : Insta llation Physical Con nec tion P lease refer t o Chapter 2. Config ure th e C ompu ter ’ s IP Address 1) Click Start > Co ntrol Panel .
4 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 2) Select and double click Network Connections . 3) Right cli ck Wireless N etwork Co nnectio n and then select Properties .
5 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 4) Select Internet Pr otocol (T CP/IP) and cl ick Properties . 5) Select Use the following IP address and Use the follo wing DNS S erver addresses . T he IP address put in 192.168. 0.
6 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 6) Right click on Wir eless Network Conn ection again, choose View Av ailable Wir el ess Networks . 7) C lick R efresh net work list , searc h for PHIC OMM_X XX XXX , hig hlig ht on it and t hen clic k Connec t button.
7 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 8) Y ou can see a windows pop up requires for a Network key , you can find the n etwork key from the label attach ed on the Wireless Nano Router or the pack age box. P ut in the network k ey and t hen click Connect .
8 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 1) Click Start > Control P ane l . F or Windows Vista/ 7 2) Click Network a nd Internet .
9 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 3) Click Net work and Sharing Center . 4) Go to Change Ada pter Settings (win7)/ Manage Netw ork Con nection s ( Vis t a ) .
10 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 5) Right click W ireless Net work C onnec tion , cho ose Properties . 6) Select I ntern et P rot ocol V ersion 4 ( T CP/IPv4) and c lick Pr operties .
11 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 7) Select Use the followin g IP address and Use the fo llowing DNS S er ver addresses , the IP address put in 192.168. 0.X (lik e 192.168. 0.100), t he Subn et mask put in 255.255. 255.
12 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 9) C lick R efresh net work list , searc h for PHIC OMM_X XX XXX , hig hlig ht on it and t hen clic k Connec t button.
13 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 11) A fter you put in the correc t net work s ecurity key, y o u can see it showing conn ected.
14 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 2) Y ou are prompt to enter the Username/P assword (preset as admin / admin ) which y ou can found on the label attached to the rout er , click Lo gin .
15 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com C lick on Manually Setti ng . C lick on Wizar d setting . a) Choose AP mode . T he SS ID is the wire less network name of the AP , you can gi ve it a differen t na me, a nd we recommend y ou choose W PA - Personal/WP A2 - Personal as your S ecurity M ode.
16 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com D yn amic IP(D HCP ) S tatic IP PPP oE C lick on Next . T he SS ID is the wire less network name of the router , you can give it a dif ferent na me, a nd we recommend y ou choose W PA - Personal/WP A2 - Personal as your S ecurity M ode .
17 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com c) Choose Rep ea ter mode . C lick on Scan butt on, it wi ll show t he sit e list of scanni ng re sult, p lease f ind y our main AP ’ s SSID, then hig hlight the c orresp ondi ng ro w , and t hen cli ck S ave .
18 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com d) Choos e Bridge mode . T he SSID is the wireless network name of the bridge, you can give it a di fferent na me, a nd we recommend y ou choose W PA - Personal/WP A2 - Personal as your S ecurity M ode .
19 Chapte r 3: Instal lation Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Click on Next , and then click F inish ..
20 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Chap ter 4 : Route r Configur a tion Basic Setting The Basic Setting section helps you to con figure the Wireless Nano Router to acces s the Internet. T he submenus are different un der different operating mode.
21 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Oper ating Mod e Please choose th e appropriat e mode according to your requirem ent, it suppor t AP , Router , Repeater , Bridge and Cli ent mode. AP : In this m ode, t he devi ce allows wirele ss communication devices to con nect to a wireless network b y using WIFI.
22 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Static IP : Connections use static IP address assign ment, it means your ISP provides a static or fixed IP Ad dress, Subnet Mask , Gateway and DNS setting. PPP oE: Connec tions requires a username and a password.
23 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com devices whic h use a dif fere nt tran smiss ion mode , cho ose th e appropr iate "Mixe d" mode. Channel Bandw idth : The ban dwidth of the wireless channel, you can s elect 20MHz or 20/40MHz .
24 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com c) Bridge mode Network Na me ( SSID) : Enter a value of up to 32 character s. This is the wireless net work name of your main AP. Channel : The r outer can choose th e best channel automatically in mos t case s .
25 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com W ireless Sec urity Settin gs T his submenu comes up under AP , Bridge and Router mode.
26 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Mode 3 : Sec uri ty M ode > WPA - Enterp rise, WPA 2 - Enterprise, W PA/ WPA2 - Enterp rise WPA - Ente rprise: Wi - Fi P .
27 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Running Status The R unning Status page sh ows the current status of the Router .
28 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com F or AP , Repe ater , Bridge and Client mode : Click any of them , you w ill be able to co nfigure the corr esponding function. Network S ettings LAN MAC Add ress : The physical address of the router .
29 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com W ireless Setti ngs W ireles s MA C Addr ess F ilter You can allow/deny the computers connect in g to the router wirelessly by entering the MAC address with this feature .
30 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Advance d W ireless S ettin gs This section is to configure the advanced wireless setting of th e Router , if yo u are not f.
31 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com recommended to select this option. Wireless Client s List This list sho ws the wireless cl ients of the router. WDS Settings T he WDS func tion can help you extend the wireless ra nge ; it suppor ts L az y M o de , Re pea ter Mode an d Bridge Mo de .
32 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com DHCP Ser ver DHCP If you enable DHCP s erver of the router , the DHCP server automatically c onfigures the TCP/IP protocol fo r each computer in the LAN. DHCP Ser ver: I f you disable the se r ve r , please make sure you have another DHCP ser ver in your net wor k.
33 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Address Re se r vat i on When you s pecify a reserved IP address for a PC in the LAN, th at PC will always receive the s ame IP address each time w hen it access es the DHCP ser ver.
34 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com P or t F or wardin g Rule’ s Na me : Y ou can give this r ule a name . IP Address : The IP address of the ser ver you want t o open the por t, it is like 192.168.0.X . P or t Range : The por t range of the ser ver you want to open the por t .
35 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com will tri gger thi s rule. T rigg er Pr otocol: The prot ocol used f or T rigger Por ts: TC P , UDP or TC P / U D P . If you are not clear about which protoc ol w as being used, TC P / U D P is recommende d.
36 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Security Options Security Set tings F ire wa ll : Selec t Enabled or Disabled to enable or disable the firewall. Advance d Secur ity Settin gs Anti DoS A ttack: Check to enable it for attack prevention.
37 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com threshold, the defense measures act immediately . Block the PING packets fr om the W AN int er face: If you select this o ption, th e PC in the W AN cannot s end the PING packets to the router .
38 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Access Con trol MA C/IP/P or t Filter This pa ge is used to enab le the firewall filtering func tion, sel ect the filterin g ser vice or manually set the parameters that n eed to be filtered , s uch as MAC address, IP addr ess and Port.
39 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com deleting, please sel ect the rules, and then cl ick Delet e S elected . No te: Please sync hroniz e the routers time first when selec ting the timing func tion. W eb URL F ilt er URL: Put in the UR L you want to filt er .
40 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com IP Bandwidth Control IP Bandwidth Contro l Enable IP bandw idth c ontrol: I f you select it, th e bandwidth control rule takes effect. T o tal Uplink Bandwidth: The rate of uploading through the W AN inter face.
41 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com You may use the ARP b inding function to control the Static ARP cac he table, for preventing th e ARP deception effectivel y. MAC Address: T he MAC addres s of the LAN PC. IP Addre ss: The IP addr ess of the LAN PC.
42 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Diagno stics Select : S elect Ping or T racer t. IP Address/Domain Name : Th e de stina tion IP a ddress or domain n ame. P ing P acket T otal : The number of trans mitted data packet when P ing operation is carrie d out.
43 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Belo w is a P ing diagnosi s example th at router has failed to connect to IP F ac tor y De fault s Click Restor e All Settings button to r eset all configuration setting s to their default values.
44 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com P a ssword Y ou can change the log in password f or this web m anagement page , not your ISP passwor d or the wir eless passwo rd.
45 Chapter 4: Router Configuration Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Logout Click to logout from the router ’ s web management page ..
46 Chapte r 5: Specifica tion Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com Chap ter 5 : Speci ficatio n Wireless Standards IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g , IEEE 802. 11b, CSMA /CA w ith ACK Data Ra te 11n: 150Mbp s 11g: 54Mb ps 11b: 11Mbp s Frequen cy Range 2.
Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 47 Appendix A: Troubleshooting Appen dix A: T rou bleshooti ng 1. How do I rest o re th e W ireless Nano Router to factory default setting s? W hen the Wireless Nano Router is powerd on, press and hold the reset button on the rear pa nel for 8~10 seconds, after the light goes off , release the reset button.
Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 48 Appendix B: Certification Appendix B : Certif ication FCC Sta tem ent This equ ipment h as been tested and foun d to compl y with the l imits for a Cl ass B dig ital dev ice, pursuant to par t 15 of the F C C Rules.
Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 49 Appendix B: Certification • This equ ipment s houl d be ins talled a nd operate d with a m inimum distan ce of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body . CE Mark W arn ing This is a cl ass B product.
Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 50 Appendix C: Glossary App endix C: Glossar y 802.11b : The 80 2.11 b standar d speci fies a wir eless networ king at 11 M bps using direct - sequen ce spread - spectr um (DSSS) technology and operating in th e unlicensed radio spectr um at 2.
Wi reless N ano Router icomm .com 51 Appendix C: Glossary W PA ( W i - F i Pr o tected Ac cess) : W P A is a securit y technol ogy for wireless networks that improv es on the authentication an d encr yption features of WEP ( Wir ed Equivalen t P rivac y).
Shanghai F eixun Co mmunicati on Co ., Ltd. E- mail: s u pport@ phico mm .c om W ebsite: www .phicom Cop yright © 201 1 Shanghai F eixun C ommun icat ion Co .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Phicomm M1 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Phicomm M1 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Phicomm M1, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Phicomm M1 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Phicomm M1, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Phicomm M1.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Phicomm M1. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Phicomm M1 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.