Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FIR303B du fabricant Phicomm
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FIR151B/300B/302B/303B Wireless Router User Manual.
Copyright @ 2014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – print onl y f or private use! page 1 of 49 Conte nts Important notes and inf o rma tion 1. About the user manual 1.1 Structure of the user manual 1.2 Used symbo ls an d f onts 1.3 Standar d compliance (CE, FCC) 2.
Copyright @ 2014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – print onl y f or private use! page 2 of 49 LEGAL INFOR M A TION AB OUT INTEL L EC TUAL PROPERTY All c o mpan y , prod uct a nd s e rvi ce name s ment i oned here in are tr ademarks, re g i stered tr ad e marks or se r vice marks of their respective owners.
Copyright @ 2014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – print only for private use! page 3 of 49 LIMITATION OF DAMAGES T o the maximum extent permitte d by applicable law , in no eve n t shall Shanghai Feixun Communic ation Co.
Copyright @ 2014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – print only f or private use! page 4 of 49 Hearing expert s s ugges t that to protect y our h earing: • Limit the amount of time you use receiver, headphones, speakerphone or earpieces at high volume. • Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings.
Copyright @ 2014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – print only f or private use! page 5 of 49 SAFETY PRE CAUTIONS FOR RADIO FREQUE NCY E XPOSUR E • A void using your device near meta l structures (e.
Copyright @ 2014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – print only f or private use! page 6 of 49 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS AVOID APPLYING EXCESSIVE PRESSURE TO THE DEVICE Do not apply e xcessive pressu re on the device to pre vent damaging them. DEVICE IS GETTING WARM AFTER PROLO N GED USE When using your device fo r pr olonged periods the d evice ma y becom e warm.
Copyright @ 2014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – print only f or private use! page 7 of 49 NOTICE: When takin g the device from low-tem peratur e co nditions i nto a w ar mer en v ir onment o r f ro m high -t emperat ure conditions into a cooler e nvir onm ent, a llow th e device to acclima te to ro o m temper ature befo re turning on powe r .
Copyright @ 2014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – print only f or private use! page 8 of 49 CA UTION Updat e your opera ting sys tem with caution. • Improper operation or u nforeseen exte r nal factors may cause an o pe r ating system update fails; the d ev ic e will not work properly.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 9 of 49 Summary of chang es Issue Issue dat e Remark s 1 Septem ber 20 14 Initial release.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 10 of 49 1. About the us er m anual This user manual in cludes a comple te overview of the con figura ti on a n d functions of PHICOMM r outer s of the FIR series. 1.1 Structur e of the user manual The document is stru ctured as follow s: 1.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 11 of 49 The fo llowing editorial con ventions are us ed in the manual: Con vention Explana ti on Bold Field names / butt on nam es a re written in bold Ex ample: click menu Vi ew Italic Commands, screen output , f ile names and path s are writt en in Italic .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 12 of 49 1.3 st andard c om p li a n c es (CE, FCC) Declar ation of Conformity For CE mar king in the EU (Eur opean Union) Shanghai Fei xun Commu nic ation Co., L td. No.3666 , Sixian Rd.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 13 of 49 FCC ST A T EMENT This device has been tested and complies with Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rul es for Class B . These regulations ar e intended to protect a gainst advers e eff ects of d evic e oper atio n in a home en vironment.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 14 of 49 2. Intro duction The rout ers of the FIR ser ies ar e all-in-one route r fo r home and SOHO users t o sh are broadband in ternet con n ection ove r a wired or a wireless network.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 15 of 49 3. Hardw are co nnections T o es tablish a conn ection using a mode m, ple ase follow the steps 1 -1 to 4 of the chart below .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 16 of 49 4. Wireles s route r co nfigur ations This section gives instruc t i o ns of the procedures that m ust be performed to e na b le the wire l ess r outer . After completion of the third p o i n t the ro uter i s connected wit h the inte rnet.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 17 of 49 3. Select both Obtain an IP address aut omatically and Obta in DNS server addr ess automa ti ca ll y .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 18 of 49 4.2 Rou ter co nfigura tions Open the w e b br owser and ente r in the addre ss ba r . Ent er Username and P assword (preset as admin/admin ). Y ou can find this inf ormation also at t he bot tom of the label on your router .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 19 of 49 4.2.1 Setup Wiz ard The setup wiz ard simplifies inst all at ion and configuration st eps. Menu item Explana ti on Networ k S e ttings W AN pr otoco l PPPoE PPPoE is typically used for DSL services.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 20 of 49 Menu item Explana ti on Wire l ess pass word Set a wire l e ss passwo rd (more than 8 char acter s) to prev ent other s f r om accessing y our netwo r k without permission.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 21 of 49 W AN settings Select Access Mode Of W AN and W AN Pro tocol on W AN Settings page . If y our inte r n et ser vice p r ovider is runni n g on a D HCP s erver , s e l ect Dynamic I P as connection type.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 22 of 49 LAN Settings Note If y ou change t he LAN I P addre ss of t he rou ter , log i n the web management page with the new IP address. MAC C l one Some internet ser vice provider s require the reg i strat i o n of your computer ’ s M AC addre ss.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 23 of 49 4.2.3 Wireless Settin gs There ar e two submenus under the Wireless Set ti ngs menu : • Wire l ess Ba sic S et tings • Wire l ess MAC Fil t ering Click an y of them t o configure the co rresponding f unct i on.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 24 of 49 Menu item Explana ti on Wireless Security Se ttings Security Options Disabled WEP: Wire d Equivalent Priv acy WP .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 25 of 49 4.2.4 Health and P ower Sa ving Set to t urn on/ off the wireless rout er according to y o ur actual needs (f or examp l e res t times or limit surfing time fo r children).
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 26 of 49 4.2.5 Running s tatus Device Info rmation This page displa ys W AN, LAN, Wire l es s netw ork’ s par amet ers and inf ormation about the ro uter . There ar e IP addresses, subnet masks, de fault ga tewa ys, SSID , har dware- and software -versions etc.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 27 of 49 DHCP Clients Menu item Explana ti on DHCP Clients DHCP-Server DHCP server configur es the TCP /IP pro tocol fo r e a ch PC in the LAN automatic ally .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 28 of 49 T ra ff ic Stati stics Check the tra ffic sta tistic res u lts an d the pack et i nt ervals.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 29 of 49 4.2.6 S yste m T ools Check out diff erent administr ation tools: System Management , Time Management , WEB Management , Modi fy Login P assword , Sys te m Diagno stics and Sy stem Log .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 30 of 49 Time Manageme nt Set the ne twork time of your sy stem or click Sync with PC to synchr onize with t h e comput er . Note Y ou c an get GMT time after connect i ng with the inte r n et.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 31 of 49 Modify Login P assword Manage the deta ils of y our account and modify username and password . Note Username and password len gths are less than or equal to 16 char acters .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 32 of 49 Sy stem Log If yo u wan t t o set m ore deta il ed sett i ngs, select Advan ced beside the Basic butto n at the top of the scr e en .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 33 of 49 4.2.7 Wireless Advanced Se tting s There ar e WDS Settings , WPS Settings and Wire less A dv anced Settings . WDS Settings The WDS function can help you to extend the wireless r an g e.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 34 of 49 Input the MAC addre ss of the other wire less ro uter in MAC addr ess o f the wir eless access poin t . Note T wo wir eless router s must use the sam e channel, encryption type and encryption key .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 35 of 49 Menu item Explana ti on WPS Mode Supports two wa ys of con figura tion: PBC (Push-Butt on-Configurat i on) PIN Co.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 36 of 49 Menu item Explana ti on set in this field will be fragme nted. T oo many data pack ets will degr ade the w i re les s net work performance. The fra gment threshold va l u e sh ou l d not be set too low (defa ult = 2346).
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 37 of 49 Sta ti c Addre ss Reservation When you specify a reserved IP address for a PC in the LAN, the PC will alwa ys rece ive the same IP ad dr ess each time accessi n g the D HCP se r ve r .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 38 of 49 4.2.8 Security Se ttings Click Firew all to configure . Firew all Select Enabled or Disabled to enable or disable the firewa ll. If the firewa ll is enab l ed, the sy stem refuses a l l req u es ts from the int ernet.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 39 of 49 Menu item Explana ti on UDP-Flood Pa cke t Threshold If the number of UDP data p ac ket s exce e ds the thre sh old, the def ense measure s act i mm e dia tely . Open T C P-SY N-FLOOD A ttack Filt ering Select to pr otect aga inst TCP-SY N-FLOOD at tacks.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 40 of 49 URL Filtering Ent er the URL addr ess you wan t to filter in the URL bo x.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 41 of 49 4.2.10 Applica tion Virtual Server Select Enabled under Port Forward i ng f un ctio n to o pen a private port to i nt ernet that c an be acc essed by other s.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 42 of 49 DMZ Please select Enabled under DMZ Host . Menu item Explana ti on DMZ Host DMZ Sta tus Select Enabled or Disabled. DMZ-Host IP addr ess Ent er the IP address of the PC in the LAN that y o u wan t to s et.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 43 of 49 4.2.11 Dynamic DNS The dynamic DNS a llows assigning a fixed hos t and domain name t o a dynam i c inte r n et IP address . If you want to use this fea ture, plea se regi ster at a DDNS ser v i ce pr ovider for this service (e.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 44 of 49 Sta ti c Ro uting T able Sta tic routing is a form of routing that o ccurs when a r outer us es a manually - con figured ro uting entry , rat her than info rmation fro m a dy namic routing pr otocol to fo r w ard tra ffic.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 45 of 49 Note Bandwidth con ver si on: 1 Mbps = 1024 Kbps Select the type of the broadband line and the bandwidth accord ing to the actual situation. If yo u are not sure about the info r mat i o n, please consult yo ur broadband pro vider .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 46 of 49 4.2.15 Log out Click Logout to exit from the r outer ’ s configura tion page.
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 47 of 49 5. T roublesho oting Wh y I ca nnot open the man agement page? • T urn off br owser ’ s p r oxy se ttings. • Mak e sure tha t your network card h as be e n se t to o btaining an IP automatic a lly .
Copyright @ 2014 Phi comm Europe GmbH – print only f or pri va te use! page 48 of 49 Fa ctory de fault s e ttings Item Def ault Basic sett i ngs Username admin P assword admin IP address 192.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Phicomm FIR303B c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Phicomm FIR303B - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Phicomm FIR303B, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Phicomm FIR303B va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Phicomm FIR303B, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Phicomm FIR303B.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Phicomm FIR303B. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Phicomm FIR303B ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.