Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KX-TG722AL du fabricant Panasonic
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Operating Instructions Digital Cordless Answering System Model No. KX-TG2721AL KX-TG2722AL Model shown is KX-TG2721. Before initial use, see “Getting Started” on page 9. Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product. Please read these operating instructions before using the unit and save them for future reference.
Introduction Model composition .. .....................................3 Accessory information .. ................................3 Important Information For your safety .. ...........................................5 Important safety instructions .. .
Mode l co mpos itio n Seri es Mode l No . Base uni t Hand set Part No. Part No. Quan tity KX-T G272 1 seri es KX-T G272 1 KX-T G272 1 KX-T GA27 7 1 KX-T G272 2 KX-T G272 1 KX-T GA27 7 2 R Inte rcom call s an d th e ph oneb ook copy fea ture are onl y av aila ble for KX-T G272 2.
Addi tiona l/re plac emen t ac cesso ries Plea se c ontac t y our n eare st P anas onic dea ler for sale s in form atio n. Acce ssory ite m Mode l nu mber Rech argea ble batt erie s HHR- 4MVT /2B or H.
For your saf ety To p reve nt s evere inj ury and loss of life / prop erty, rea d t his s ecti on c aref ully bef ore usin g th e pro duct to ensu re p rope r an d sa fe oper ation of your pro duct . WARN ING Powe r con nect ion R Use only the powe r so urce mar ked on t he prod uct.
R Use caut ion w hen inst alli ng o r mo dify ing tele phone lin es. R The AC a dapt or i s us ed a s th e ma in disc onnec t de vice . En sure tha t th e AC outl et i s in stal led n ear the prod uct and is easi ly ac cess ible . R This pro duct is unabl e to mak e ca lls when : – the hand set batt eries nee d re char ging or have fai led.
– away fro m ele ctro nic appl ianc es s uch as TVs, rad ios, per sonal com pute rs, wire less devi ces, or othe r ph ones . – faci ng a way f rom radi o fr eque ncy tran smit ters, su ch as ext erna l an tenn as of m obil e pho ne c ell stat ions .
Maxi mum: Appr ox. 1.8 W R Oper atin g co ndit ions : 0 °C – 4 0 °C , 20 % – 80 % re lati ve a ir humi dity (dry ) Note : R Desi gn an d sp ecif icat ions are sub ject to chan ge wi thou t no tice . R The illu strat ions in thes e in stru ctio ns m ay vary slig htly fro m th e ac tual pro duct .
Sett ing up Conn ectio ns R Use only the supp lied Pan ason ic A C adap tor PNLV 226A L. R When mou nting th e uni t on a wall, see page 39. n Base uni t Use only the supplied telephone line cord. Hook “Click” Press plug firmly. *DSL/ADSL filter (not supplied) is required if you have DSL/ADSL service.
Note whe n se ttin g up Note for conn ecti ons R The AC a dapt or m ust remai n c onnec ted at all time s. ( It i s no rmal for the adap tor to feel warm duri ng u se.) R The AC a dapt or s hould be conn ecte d to a vert icall y or ient ed o r fl oor- moun ted AC outl et.
Cont rols Hand set A E F G I J L M K A B C D H Spea ker M N (P hone book /Cle ar) M N (S peak erph one) M N (T alk) Dial key pad Rece iver Disp lay M N (M enu/ OK) M N (M ute/ Paus e) M R/E CO N R: R .
Disp lay Hand set d ispl ay i tems Item M eani ng Rang e st atus: Th e mo re bars visi ble, the clo ser the hand set is t o th e ba se un it. R When is flas hing : Hand set is se arch ing for base unit . (pag e 35) Hand set is ac cess ing base unit (in terco m *1 , pa ging , chan ging base uni t sett ings , et c.
R You can selec t 2 4-hou r or 12- hour cloc k fo rmat ( “ AM ” or “ PM ” ) by pres sing * . 6 M N a M N Note : R The date and tim e ma y be inc orrec t a fter a powe r fa ilure .
Maki ng c alls 1 Lift the han dset and dial th e pho ne numb er. R To c orre ct a dig it, pres s M N . 2 M N 3 When you fin ish talki ng, pres s M N o r plac e th e han dset on the base uni t or char ger. Usin g the spe aker phon e 1 Dial the phon e nu mber and pre ss M N .
Temp orary han dset rin ger off Whil e th e ha ndset is ring ing for a ca ll, you can turn the rin ger off temp orari ly b y pr essi ng M N . Usef ul f eatu res duri ng a call Hold This fea ture all ows y ou t o pu t an out side cal l on h old. 1 Pres s M N duri ng a n ou tsid e ca ll.
Hand set phon eboo k The phon ebook all ows you to m ake call s with out havin g t o dia l ma nual ly. You can add 50 n ames and phon e nu mber s. Addi ng en trie s 1 M N a M N 2 M b N : “ Ne w En try ” a M N 3 Ente r th e pa rty’ s na me ( 16 c harac ters max.
3 Ente r th e ha ndse t nu mber you wish to send the phon eboo k en try to. R When an entr y ha s be en c opied , “ Com plete d ” is d ispl ayed . R To c onti nue copyi ng a noth er e ntry : M b N : “ Ye s ” a M N a M b N : Sele ct t he d esir ed en try.
Prog ramm able set ting s You can cust omise the uni t by pro gram ming the fol lowi ng f eatu res usin g th e ha ndse t. Scro lling thr ough the dis play menu s 1 M N 2 Pres s M C N or M D N to sel ect the desi red main menu . a M N 3 Pres s M C N or M D N to sel ect the desi red item in sub- menu 1.
Main men u Sub- menu 1 S ub-m enu 2 Ph.B ook S etup New Entry – 16 Copy All *2 – 17 Hand set S etup Set Date & Ti me * 1 – 12 Alar m < Off > – 20 Ring er Se tup Ring er Vo lume <L.
*6 If y ou s ubsc ribe to a Cal ler ID s ervi ce a nd w ant to v iew the call er’s inf orma tion aft er l ifti ng u p the hand set to a nswer a c all, tu rn of f t his feat ure. *7 If y ou d o no t wa nt t he u nit to r ing befo re t he c alle r inf orma tion is rece ived , se t t o “ Off ” .
4 Ente r an are a co de (5 dig its max. ). a M N a M N Incr easin g th e ra nge of t he ba se unit You can incre ase the sign al r ange of the base unit by using a DECT repe ater . P lease use only the Pan asoni c DE CT r epea ter note d on page 4. C ontac t y our P anas onic dea ler for deta ils.
Usin g Ca ller ID serv ice Impo rtan t: R This uni t is Cal ler I D c ompat ible . To use Call er I D fe atur es (s uch as displ ayin g ca ller phon e num bers ), y ou m ust subs crib e to a Call er I D ser vice . Co ntac t y our s ervi ce prov ider/ tele phon e co mpan y fo r de tail s.
View ing t he c alle r li st a nd ca llin g back 1 M F N ( ) 2 Pres s M C N to sea rch from the mos t re cent call , or pres s M D N to s earc h fr om t he olde st c all.
Answ erin g sy stem The answ ering sys tem can answ er a nd r ecor d call s fo r yo u wh en yo u ar e un avai labl e to answ er t he ph one. You can also set the unit to pla y a greet ing mess age b ut n ot to r ecord ca ller mess ages by sele ctin g “ G reet ing Only ” a s th e re cord ing time set ting (pa ge 28) .
Reco rding you r gre etin g mes sage 1 M N 2 M b N : “ An swer Sys tem ” a M N 3 M b N : “ Gr eeti ng ” a M N 4 M b N : “ St art REC ” a M N 5 M b N : “ Ye s ” a M N 6 Afte r a beep sou nds, hol d th e ha ndset abou t 20 cm away and spea k c learl y in to the micr ophon e (2 min utes and 30 seco nds m ax.
List enin g to mes sage s usin g th e ha ndse t When new mess ages hav e be en r ecor ded, “ Mes sages ” i s di spla yed on t he h ands et w ith the tota l nu mber of new mess ages . 1 M N 2 M b N : “ An swer Sys tem ” a M N 3 M b N : Sel ect “ Pla y Ne w Ms g.
Remo te ac cess cod e A 3- digi t re mote acce ss code mus t be ent ered when oper atin g th e an swer ing syst em remo tely. Th is c ode p reve nts unau thor ised part ies from list enin g to you r me ssag es remo tely. Impo rtan t: R In o rder to oper ate the answ ering sys tem remo tely, you mus t f irst set a r emot e acce ss co de.
3 Ente r yo ur r emot e acc ess cod e wi thin 10 seco nds a fter th e lon g be ep. R The gree ting mess age is p laye d ba ck. R You can eith er h ang u p, o r en ter your remo te a ccess co de ag ain and begi n remo te o perat ion (pag e 26) .
– If y ou u se y our own mess age, rec ord t he gree ting- only mes sage ask ing call ers to call agai n la ter (pag e 25) . 29 Answering System TG2721_22AL(en)_0730_ver001.
Voic e ma il s ervi ce Voic e ma il is an auto mati c an swer ing serv ice offe red by y our servi ce p rovi der/ tel epho ne comp any. Aft er y ou s ubsc ribe to this ser vice , your ser vice prov id.
Inte rcom Avai labl e fo r: KX-T G272 2 Inte rcom call s ca n be mad e be twee n hand sets. Note : R When pag ing t he hands et, the page d hand set beeps for 1 m inut e. R If y ou r ecei ve a n out side ca ll wh ile talk ing on t he i nter com, you hear 2 t ones .
Char acte r en try The dial keys are use d to ent er c hara cter s an d nu mber s. E ach dial key has mul tipl e ch arac ters assi gned to i t. The chara cte rs t hat can be e nter ed de pend on the char acte r en try mode (pag e 32). – Pres s M F N or M E N to mov e th e cu rsor lef t or rig ht.
Exte nded 1 c hara cter tab le ( ) R The foll owing are use d fo r bo th u pper case and low erca se: Exte nded 2 c hara cter tab le ( ) R The foll owing are use d fo r bo th u pper case and low erca se: Cyri llic cha ract er t able ( ) 33 Useful Information TG2721_22AL(en)_0730_ver001.
Erro r me ssag es Disp lay mess age Cau se/s olut ion Erro r R Recor ding was too sho rt. Try agai n. Fail ed R Phon eboo k co py f aile d (p age 16 ). Conf irm the othe r ha ndse t (the rec eiver ) is in stan dby mode and try aga in. Inco mplet e R The rece iver ’s p hone book mem ory is f ull.
Prob lem Ca use/ solu tion I ca nnot hea r a dial tone . R Make sure tha t y ou ar e us ing the supp lied tel epho ne l ine cord . Your old tel ephon e li ne c ord may have a d iffe rent wir ing conf igura tion . R The base unit ’s AC a dapto r or tel epho ne l ine cord is not conn ected .
Prob lem Ca use/ solu tion Nois e is hear d, s ound cut s in a nd o ut. R You are using th e han dset or base uni t in an area wit h hi gh elec trica l in terf eren ce. Re-p osit ion the base uni t an d us e th e hand set away from sou rces of inte rfer ence .
Answ ering sys tem Prob lem Ca use/ solu tion The unit doe s no t re cord new messa ges. R The answ ering sys tem is t urne d of f. T urn it on (p age 24). R The mess age m emor y is ful l. E ras e unw ante d me ssag es (pag e 25). R The reco rding tim e is set to “ G reet ing Only ” .
Regi steri ng a han dset to the base uni t 1 Hand set: M N 2 M b N : “ Ha ndse t Se tup ” a M N 3 M b N : “ Re gist er H .set ” a M N 4 Base uni t: Pres s an d hol d M N fo r ab out 5 se cond s, u ntil the reg istr atio n to ne s ounds . R If a ll r egis tere d han dset s s tart rin ging, pre ss M N agai n to st op, then rep eat this ste p.
Wall mou ntin g Note : R Make sure tha t t he w all a nd t he f ixin g me thod are str ong enou gh t o su ppor t th e we ight of the unit . R Driv e th e scr ews (not sup plie d) i nto the wall .
Index A Alar m: 20 Answ ering cal ls: 14 Answ ering sys tem: 24 Call scre enin g: 24 Eras ing messa ges: 25 , 26 , 27 Gree ting mess age: 24 Gree ting only : 28 List ening to mess ages : 25 , 26 , 27 .
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For your fut ure refe renc e We r ecom mend keep ing a re cord of the foll owin g in form atio n to ass ist with any rep air unde r warr anty. Seri al N o. Date of purc hase (fou nd o n th e bo ttom of the base uni t) Name and addr ess of d eale r Attach your pur chase receipt here.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Panasonic KX-TG722AL c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Panasonic KX-TG722AL - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Panasonic KX-TG722AL, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Panasonic KX-TG722AL va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic KX-TG722AL, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic KX-TG722AL.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic KX-TG722AL. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic KX-TG722AL ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.