Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KX-TG6643 du fabricant Panasonic
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Operating Instructions Digital Cordless Answering System Model shown is KX-TG6632. Model No. KX-TG6632 KX-TG6633 KX-TG6641 KX-TG6643 KX-TG6644 KX-TG6645 Before initial use, see “Getting Started” on page 9. Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product.
Introduction Model composition .. ............................3 Accessory information .. .......................4 Important Information For your safety .. ..................................6 Important safety instructions .. .............7 For best performance .
Mode l com posit ion n K X-T G6631 serie s n K X-T G6641 serie s R M ode l sho wn is KX-TG 6632. R Mode l sho wn is KX-TG 6643. Seri es Mode l No. Base unit Hand set Part No.
Acce ssory infor matio n Supp lied access ories No. Supp lied hands et qty . 1 un it * 1 2 unit * 2 3 unit * 3 4 un it * 4 5 u nit * 5 Acce ssory item/ O rde r num ber Acce ssory quant ity A AC a dapt.
*1 Repl acemen t bat teries may have a diff erent capac ity f rom th at of the s uppli ed b att eries . *2 By i nstal ling t his u nit, y ou ca n ext end th e rang e of your p hone system to i nclude area s whe re rec eption was previo usly not av ailab le.
For your sa fety T o p revent severe injury and l oss of life/ prop erty, r ead th is sec tion ca refull y befo re usin g the p roduct to en sure pr oper a nd saf e oper ation o f your produc t. WARN ING Powe r conn ection R U se only th e powe r sourc e mark ed on the prod uct.
R D o n ot open or mu tilate the ba tterie s. Rele ased el ectrol yte fro m the batter ies is corr osive a nd may cause burns or inj ury to the eyes or skin. The e lectrol yte is toxic and may be harm ful if swall owed. R Exer cise ca re whe n handl ing th e batt eries.
foll owing p laces: Near o bstacl es suc h as h ill s, tunn els, u ndergro und, n ear me tal obje cts suc h as w ire fe nces, e tc. R Oper ating t he pro duct n ear ele ctrica l appl iances may ca use int erfere nce. M ove away from t he ele ctrica l appli ances.
Sett ing u p Conn ectio ns R U se only the su pplie d Pana sonic AC adap tor P NLV226 . n Base unit DSL/ADSL filter* “Click” Press plug firmly . (120 V AC, 60 Hz) To single-line telephone jack (RJ11C) “Click” Correct Wrong Hooks *DSL /ADSL filte r (no t supp lied) is requ ired i f you have DSL/A DSL s ervice .
Note when sett ing up Note for connec tions R T he AC ad aptor must remain conn ected at al l tim es. (I t is normal for the adapt or to feel warm d uring use.) R The AC ad aptor shoul d be c onnec ted to a vert ically orie nted o r floo r-moun ted A C out let.
Cont rols Hand set B C M A G F D E J K I H L A B Char ge in dicato r R ing er in dicato r Mess age i ndicat or Nons lip p ad R N ons lip p ad off ers s upport when you cradl e the hands et bet ween your shou lder a nd ear .
M S P- PHONE N (Sp eakerp hone) SP-P HONE indic ator M E RA SE N M MUTE N M n N (STOP ) M FL ASH N MjN M kN (V olume up/d own) M N / M N (Repe at/Ski p) M N (P LAY) Mess age i ndicat or Micr ophon e M.
Disp lay Hand set d isplay item s Item M eanin g With in ba se uni t ran ge Out of ba se uni t ran ge The line is in use. R W hen flas hing: The call is put on h old. R When flas hing r apidly : An i ncomi ng cal l is now bein g rec eived. Eco mode is on.
n Sy mbol meani ng: Symb ol Mean ing Perf orm w ith t he ha ndset. Perf orm w ith th e bas e u nit . Exam ple: M b N : “ Off ” Pres s M C N or M D N to selec t the words in qu otati ons. Date and time I mpo rtant : R When you instal l the batte ries for th e firs t tim e, the hand set ma y pro mpt you to se t date and time.
Maki ng ca lls Usin g the hands et 1 L ift the handse t and dial the p hone numb er. R To co rrect a digit, press M CLEAR N . 2 Pres s M N o r M CA LL N . 3 When you finish talk ing, p ress M OFF N or place the h andset on t he base unit or ch arger. Usin g the speak erpho ne 1 D ial the phone number and press M N .
Adju sting the speake r vol ume n K X-T G6631 serie s: pa ge 3 Pres s M j N or M k N re peated ly wh ile talk ing. n KX-T G6641 serie s: pa ge 3 Pres s M D N or M C N re peated ly whi le talk ing.
Adju sting the handse t rin ger vo lume n W hil e the hand set is ring ing f or an inco ming call: Pres s M D N or M C N re peated ly to selec t the desir ed vol ume. n Prog rammi ng the volu me befo rehan d: 1 M MEN U N#16 0 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red v olume.
R W hil e an outsid e cal l is o n hol d, the SP-P HONE indica tor o n the base unit flas hes. Mute W hil e mut e is t urned on, y ou ca n hear the other party , but the o ther party cann ot he ar you . Han dset 1 P res s M MU TE N d uring conve rsatio n.
Hand set eq ualiz er T his feat ure cl arifi es the voic e of t he pers on yo u are talki ng to, produ cing a more natu ral-so unding voic e that is easi er to hear and un derst and. 1 Pres s M ME NU N w hile t alkin g. 2 M b N : “ Equ alizer ” a M SELE CT N 3 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red s etting .
Pana sonic Ni-MH batt ery p erf orman ce (su pplie d batt eries ) duri ng po wer b ack-up mode When the batter ies a re ful ly ch arged, oper ating time of th e hand set i n powe r back -up m ode va ries depend ing on usag e. – Cont inuous use of th e hand set i n powe r bac k-up m ode: 2 hour s max.
Maki ng a call u sing the s hared p hon ebook Only when 2 or more hands ets ar e regi stere d to t he ba se uni t, yo u can use the s hared phone book featur e duri ng a power failu re. You shoul d leav e one hands et on the base unit for s upply ing th e powe r, an d use anoth er han dset for ma king c alls.
Shar ed ph onebo ok T he share d phon ebook allow s you to make call s with out h aving to di al manu ally. The b ase u nit *1 and any hand set r egiste red t o the base unit c an use the s hared phoneb ook. You c an add 50 n ames and ph one nu mbers to th e shar ed pho neboo k, and assi gn eac h phon ebook entry to t he des ired group.
(“Fr iends ”, “Fa mily” , etc. ) and then s ear ch fo r phon ebook entri es by group . The group ringe r tone feat ure is avai lable for C aller ID su bscrib ers (pag e 35). Chan ging group names T he defau lt gro up na me is “ Gro up 1 ” to “ Group 9 ” .
2 E dit the name i f nec essary (16 char acter s max. ; pag e 22). a M OK N 3 Edit the phone numbe r if n ecess ary (24 digit s max. ). a M OK N 4 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red gr oup (pag e 22). a M S ELECT N 2 t imes 5 M OFF N Eras ing e ntries Eras ing a n entr y Han dset 1 F ind the desire d ent ry (pa ge 23) .
Spee d dia l Avai lable for: K X-T G6631 serie s (pa ge 3) You can m ake sp eed d ial ca lls w ith th e b ase unit by as signi ng a p hone n umber to e ach o f the 3 spe ed dia l key s ( M A N to M C N ) usin g the hands et.
Prog rammab le se tting s Y ou can c ustom ize th e uni t by progra mming the f ollowi ng fe atures usin g the hands et. To a ccess the featur es, t here a re 2 method s. n Scro lling thro ugh th e dis play menus 1 M MEN U N 2 Pres s M C N or M D N to selec t the desir ed ma in men u.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Gree ting Rec ord g reetin g * 1 – #30 2 39 Chec k gree ting – #303 39 Pre- record ed * 1 (Res et to pre-r ecord ed gree ting) – #304 39 Sett ings Rin g co.
Main menu : “ I n itial settin g ” Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Ring er set ting Ring er vol ume * 4 (Han dset) 0–6: O ff– 6 <6> #160 17 Ring er ton e *5, *6, *7 (Han dset) 1.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Set tel li ne Set dial m ode * 1 1: P ul se 2: < Tone > #120 14 Set flash time * 1, *1 3 0: 9 00 m s 1: < 700 m s > 2: 6 00 ms 3: 4 00 ms 4: 3 00 ms .
*6 If y ou se lect o ne of the melody ringe r ton es, th e rin ger to ne co ntinue s to play f or s eve ral s econds even if th e cal ler ha s alre ady h ung up .
Spec ial p rogram ming Alar m A n a larm sounds at t he set time for 3 minu tes o nce or dail y. Ala rm ca n be s et for each handse t. Impo rtant : R Set the d ate an d tim e befo rehan d (pag e 14). 1 M MEN U N#72 0 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red al arm o ption.
Chan ging the h andset name E ach hand set ca n be given a cust omize d name (“Bob ”, “K itchen ”, etc. ). Th is is usefu l when you make inte rcom calls betwe en han dsets . You can also select whet her or not the hand set n ame is disp layed in st andby mode .
2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red s etting . a M SAV E N a M OFF N View ing/e ditin g/eras ing c all b lock numb ers 1 M MEN U N#21 7 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red en try. R To e xit, press M OFF N . 3 To e dit a numb er: M EDI T N a Edit the ph one n umber.
Usin g Cal ler ID serv ice I mpo rtant : R This unit is Ca ller ID com patib le. To use Caller ID f eatur es, yo u mus t subs cribe to a Calle r ID s ervic e.
R T he annou ncemen t is heard at th e same leve l as t he ri nger v olume (pag e 17, 28 ). R If y ou tu rn on the a nsweri ng sy stem and set t he num ber o f ring s “ 2 ring s ” (p age 43) , the unit does not anno unce the ca ller inform ation.
Base unit : P res s M N . To re turn t o the previ ous scre en, p ress M N . Edit ing a call er’s p hone n umb er be fore c allin g back You can e dit a phone numbe r in t he call er lis t by remov ing it s are a code and/ or t he lo ng dis tance code “1”.
Eras ing s electe d cal ler i nfo rmati on Han dset 1 M F N CID 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red en try. 3 M ERA SE N a M b N : “ Yes ” 4 M SEL ECT N a M OF F N Bas e uni t * 1 *1 KX-T G6641 serie s: pa ge 3 1 M N CI D 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red en try.
Answ ering syste m T he answe ring s ystem can a nswer and reco rd ca lls fo r you when you a re unav ailabl e to answer the phone. You can a lso se t the unit to pl ay a gree ting messag e but not t o rec ord call er mes sages by s electi ng “ Gre eting only ” as the re cordi ng time sett ing (p age 43 ).
Bas e uni t n K X-T G6631 serie s: pa ge 3 To a djust the s peake r volu me, p ress M j N or M k N rep eatedl y. Yo u can answ er th e call by p ressin g M SP- PHONE N . To t urn o ff whi le sc reenin g a c all, pres s M k N repe atedly unti l the soun ds go es off .
Pres s M N . R I f n ew me ssages have been recor ded, the base unit p lays back n ew mess ages. R If t here are no new messag es, t he base unit plays back all m essag es.
Key Op erati on 4 Play new messag es 5 Play all messag es 6 Play gree ting m essag e 76 Rec ord g reetin g mess age 8 Turn answ ering syste m o n M P AU SE N Pau se me ssage * 2 9 or M STO P N Stop re.
Impo rtant : R T o p reven t unau thori zed ac cess to this prod uct, w e rec ommend that you regu larly chang e the remot e code . 1 M MEN U N#30 6 2 Ente r the desir ed 3- digit remote acce ss co de. 3 M SAV E N a M OFF N Deac tivati ng re mote operat ion Pres s * i n ste p 2 on “Rem ote ac cess code ”, pa ge 41.
3 E nte r you r remo te ac cess c ode with in 10 secon ds af ter th e lon g beep . R The greet ing me ssage is pl ayed back . R You can e ither hang up, or ente r your remot e acc ess c ode ag ain and begin remot e oper ation (pag e 41).
Note : R W hen you select “ Gr eeting only ” : – If y ou do not r ecord your own mess age, the un it wi ll pla y the pre- record ed gr eeting -only mess age a sking calle rs to call agai n lat er. – If y ou us e your own messag e, reco rd th e gree ting-o nly m essage aski ng ca llers to ca ll aga in lat er (pag e 39).
Voic e mai l serv ice V oic e mai l is a n aut omatic answ ering serv ice o ffered by y our se rvice provi der/ tele phone compa ny. A fter y ou su bscrib e to t his s ervice , you r ser vice p rovid er/ tele phone compa ny’s voice mail s ystem answ ers c alls f or yo u when you are unav ailabl e to answer the phone or when your line is bu sy.
If y ou ar e not sure which setti ng is r equ ired, conta ct yo ur ser vice provid er/ tele phone compa ny. Turn ing V M ton e dete ction on/o ff T he defau lt set ting is “ On ” .
Inte rcom I nte rcom calls can b e made : – betw een h andset s – betw een a hands et an d the base unit Note : R If y ou re ceive an ou tside call while talk ing o n the inter com, y ou he ar 2 tone s. – To a nswer the c all w ith th e hand set, press M OFF N , th en pre ss M N .
Han dset 1 D uri ng an outsi de ca ll, pr ess M INT N to p ut th e call on h old. 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red un it. a M SEL ECT N 3 Wait for the pa ged p arty t o ans wer. R If t he pa ged pa rty d oes no t answ er, p ress M N to return to the outsi de cal l.
Wall moun ting T he base unit c an be mount ed on a wal l by r evolv ing th e bra cket t o “WA LL” posi tion (defau lt: “ DESK” stand posit ion). Note : R Make sure that the w all an d the fixin g meth od ar e stro ng en ough t o supp ort the weigh t of t he un it.
Char ger D riv e the screw s (no t supp lied) into the wall . 25.4 mm (1 inch) Screws Hooks 50 For assis tance, plea se vis it ht tp:// nason ic.
Erro r mess ages Disp lay m essage Cause/ soluti on Base no po wer o r No l ink. R e-con nect base AC ad aptor . or No l ink. R T he hands et has lost commu nicat ion wi th th e base unit . Move clos er to the b ase un it an d try agai n. R Unpl ug th e base unit ’s AC adapt or to reset the unit .
Trou blesh ootin g I f y ou st ill ha ve di fficul ties after follo wing t he in struct ions in thi s sec tion, disco nnect the base unit’s AC a daptor , the n reco nnect the b ase u nit’s AC ad aptor. Remo ve the batt eries from the h andset , and then inser t the batte ries i nto t he han dset again.
Batt ery re charg e Prob lem Cau se/sol ution The hands et bee ps an d/or fla shes. R B att ery c harge is lo w. Ful ly ch arge t he ba tterie s (pag e 9). I fu lly c harged the batter ies, b ut – sti ll fl ashes, – is d ispla yed, o r – the opera ting t ime seem s to be sho rter.
Call er ID /Talki ng Ca ller ID Prob lem Cau se/sol ution Call er inf ormat ion is not d isp layed. R You must subscr ibe t o Call er ID servi ce. C ontact your serv ice pr ovide r/tele phone compa ny for deta ils.
Prob lem Cau se/sol ution The 2nd c aller’ s i nfo rmati on is not d isplay ed duri ng an outsi de ca ll. R In o rder to use Call er ID, call waiti ng, o r Call Wait ing C aller ID (C WID), you m ust fi rst c ontact your serv ice pr ovide r/tele phone compa ny and subs cribe to th e des ired s ervic e.
Liqu id da mage Prob lem Cau se/sol ution Liqu id or other form of m ois ture has en tered the hand set/b ase un it. R Disc onnect the AC ad aptor and t elepho ne lin e cord from the b ase u nit. R emove the b atter ies from the handse t and leave to d ry for at l east 3 days .
FCC and o ther i nform ation This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACT A. On the bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:ACJ----------.
WHEN PROGRAMMING EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND(OR) MAKING TEST CALLS T O EMERGENCY NUMBERS: 1) Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call. 2) Perform such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evenings.
Guía Rápi da Es pañola Instal ación Unidad base Filtro DSL/ADSL* Correcto Incorrecto Auricular Cargador O CARGUE APROXIMADAMENTE DURANTE 7 HORAS L Use solo el adaptador de corriente Panasonic PNL V226 incluido. (120 V CA, 60 Hz) A la toma de teléfono de línea única (RJ11C) L Use solo el adaptador de corriente Panasonic PNL V226 incluido.
Sugerencias de operación T e clas de fun ción El auricular incluye 3 teclas de función. Al op ri mir una te cl a de función, puede seleccionar la función que apare ce directamente e ncim a de ella en la p ant alla. { C } , { MENU } , { REMR. } y otras funciones adicionales se asigna n a las te clas de fu nción.
Fecha y h ora (Auricular) 1 { MENU } ( 1 ) 1 2 Intr oduzca el dí a, mes y año act uales. s { OK } 3 Introduzca la hora y minu to a ctuales (form ato de reloj de 24 horas). 4 { GUARDA } s { OFF } Operaci ones básicas Cómo hacer y con testar llamadas (Aur icular) Para h acer llamad as Marque el número tele fónico.
Directorio telefónico comp artido Para añadi r entrada s Auricula r: 1 { C } s { AÑAD. } 2 Introduzca el nomb re de la persona (máx. 16 caracteres) . s { OK } 3 Intr o duzca el númer o telefóni co de la person a (máx. 24 dígitos). s { OK } 4 { r } : Seleccione el grupo deseado.
Pregunta Causa y solución ¿Cómo se incremen ta el nivel de volumen del auricula r? L Oprima la tecla de n aveg ación {^} repetidamente mientras habla . ¿Por qué hay ruido o se corta la conversación? L T rate de reubicar la unidad b ase de forma que se m i nimice la distancia al auricular .
Cust omer servic es Customer Services Directory (United States and Puerto Rico) Obtain Product Information and Operating Assistance; locate your nearest Dealer or Service Center; purchase Parts and Accessories; or make Customer Service and Literature requests by visiting our Web Site at: http://www .
Warr anty (For U nited State s and Puer to Ric o) P ANASONIC CORPORA TION OF NORTH AMERICA One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Limited W arranty Coverage If your product does not work prop.
Limited W arranty Limits And Exclusions This Limited W arranty ONL Y COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage.
Index # 4 -wa y con ferenc e: 19 A Addi tiona l hand set: 33 Alar m: 31 Answ ering calls : 16 Answ ering syste m Call scre ening: 38 Eras ing m essage s: 40 , 41 , 42 Gree ting messag e: 39 Gree ting .
1 Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit. 2 Check if telephone line cord is connected. 3 Use rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. (Alkaline/Manganese/Ni-Cd batteries CANNOT be used.) 4 Read troubleshooting page in the Operating Instructions . If your product is not working properly .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Panasonic KX-TG6643 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Panasonic KX-TG6643 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Panasonic KX-TG6643, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Panasonic KX-TG6643 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic KX-TG6643, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic KX-TG6643.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic KX-TG6643. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic KX-TG6643 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.