Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit kx-tea308 du fabricant Panasonic
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Model No. KX-TEA308 Thank you f or purchasing a P anasonic Adv anced Hybrid System. Please read this manual carefully bef ore using this product and sav e this manual f or future use.
2 F eature Guide Intr oduction About this Feature Guide The Feature Gu ide is d esigned t o ser ve as an overall ref ere nce de scrib ing the features o f the P a nasonic Advanced Hybr id Sy stem. It explains what the PBX ca n do , as well as how to obtai n the most of its many features and facilities.
F eature Guide 3 • Install ation Manual References • Feature Guide Re f erenc es • User M anual References • PT Programm ing References Notes • Cer tain PTs, f eatu res, and opti onal ser v ice card s are not av aila b le i n some ar eas. Consult your cer tifie d P anasoni c dealer f or mo re inform ation.
4 F eature Guide List of Abbreviations A AA A u tomated At tendant APT Analog ue Propr ieta r y T elephone ARS A u tomatic R oute Selec tion B BGM Background Music BSS Busy Station S ignalli ng BV Bu .
F eature Guide 5 Feature Highlights Built -in V oice Message ( BV) (Opt ional voice message card required) Built-i n V oice Mess age (BV) all ows a caller to leave a v o ice mess age in a user's per sonal mes sage are a or the PBX 's commo n mes sage area ( 1.
6 F eature Guide T able of Contents 1 Cal l Handling Features ...... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ........ ....... ..... ....... .. 13 1.1 Incoming Call Featur es ...... ......... ......... ........... ......... ......... ......... ....
F eature Guide 7 1.7 Busy Line/Busy P arty Features............. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ..... 61 1.7.1 A ut oma tic Ca llback Bu sy ( Camp -on) ....... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... ..... ...
8 F eature Guide 1.18 Propr ietary T elephone ( PT) Features . ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ..... 134 1.1 8.1 F ix ed Butto ns ... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... .
F eature Guide 9 Time Service Swit ching Mode [006] ... ....................... ................. ................. ................ .................. ................ 200 Time Service Start Time [007] ............ ................. .................
10 F eature Guide Common/ P ersonal BV OG M Recording T ime [215] ......................... ................. ................ ................. ......... .. 215 Carrier Excepti on Code [300] ........ ....................... ................. ........
F eature Guide 11 DISA Incoming Assignment [516] ................... ................. ................ ....................... ................. ..... ........... ...... 236 DISA AA W ait Time [517]............... ................. ..................
12 F eature Guide Caller ID Are a Code [901] ................... ................. ...................... ................. ................. .......... ....... ................ 255 Caller ID M odification for Loc al Calls [90 2] ................ ....
F eature Guide 13 Section 1 Call Handling Features.
1.1 Incomi ng Call Features 14 F eature Guide 1.1 Incoming Call Features 1.1.1 Incoming Outs ide (CO) Line Call Featu res Direct In Line ( DIL) Description Direct s incom ing outsi de (CO) line call s to a pr eprogrammed des tination based on the outsid e (CO) li ne carr yin g the cal l.
1.1 Incomin g Call Features F eature Guide 15 Intercept Rout ing Description Redi rects i ncoming outside ( CO) li ne call s via th e Direct Inward Syste m Acces s (DIS A) or Un if or m C all Distr ibution (UCD) feature to a preprogrammed destination when the or igin al destinati on does n ot, or cannot, answ er th e call.
1.1 Incomi ng Call Features 16 F eature Guide 1.1.2 Internal Call Featu res Description There ar e 2 types of inter na l calls, des crib ed below . Feature Description Details in Intercom Call A call from one extension to another .
1.1 Incomin g Call Features F eature Guide 17 1.1.3 Incomin g Call Indic ation Features Incoming Call In dication Feat ures—O VER VI EW Description Extens ion tele phones c an indicate an incomi ng ca ll in variou s wa ys, descr ibe d below .
1.1 Incomi ng Call Features 18 F eature Guide 1.1.3 .2 Out side (C O) Line Ringin g Selecti on Description An extension user can select whether the telepho ne will r ing or not wh en receivi ng call(s) from assign ed or all out side (CO ) lines t hrough pe rsonal programming.
1.1 Incomin g Call Features F eature Guide 19 Ring T one P attern Selectio n Description A different r ing ton e patter n ca n be ass igned to ea ch in coming c all type, such as in tercom cal.
1.1 Incomi ng Call Features 20 F eature Guide 1.1.3 .4 Dist inctive Ring Detect ion (DRD) f or New Zealand Description Distin ctiv e Rin g Detectio n (DRD) is only available in New Zealand. The P BX can d etect the following 4 r ing tone patter ns se nt from th e telephone company for each outsid e (CO) li ne.
1.1 Incomin g Call Features F eature Guide 21 1.15 .6 Direct Inward Syst em Acce ss (DIS A) 4.2.1 T one s/Ring T one s.
1.1 Incomi ng Call Features 22 F eature Guide Call W aitin g Description A busy extension use r can be aler ted to a new call by Call Waiting. The busy extension use r can then an s wer the sec ond call either by discon necting th e current call or placing it on hol d.
1.2 Rece iving Gr oup Features F eature Guide 23 1.2 Receiving Gr oup Features 1.2.1 Idle Extensio n Hunting Description If a cal led extension is busy , Idle Ext ension Hun ting red irects the call t.
1.2 Receiv ing Gro up Features 24 F eature Guide not funct ion an d the ca ll will be forwarded to t he prepr ogrammed desti nation ( when FW D is s et) or wi ll not be rec eiv e d at all (whe n DND is set). • Mess age W aiti ng A messa ge waiting ind ication will n ot be sent to an idle extension huntin g dest ination.
1.2 Rece iving Gr oup Features F eature Guide 25 1.2.2 Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) Description Uniform Call Distri bution (UC D) dist ributes inc oming c alls t o an idl e member of the same e xtens ion group, if that gr oup has be en assigned as a UCD group t hrough s ystem programming ( UCD G roup [520 ]).
1.2 Receiv ing Gro up Features 26 F eature Guide [Flowc hart] UCD Busy Mode When al l e xte nsions in a UCD group are busy , a c all will wait for a preprogrammed length of tim e ( UCD Busy W aiting T ime [521]).
1.2 Rece iving Gr oup Features F eature Guide 27 UCD Inter cept Mode When extensions in a UCD grou p are av aila b le but do no t answ er a n outside (CO) line c all within a preprogrammed l ength of .
1.2 Receiv ing Gro up Features 28 F eature Guide 1.2.3 Direct Inward System Access (DISA) Ring Description A Dire ct Inward Sy stem Ac cess (D ISA) r ing group is a speci fic extension group that rece ives DISA calls directed to the group.
1.2 Rece iving Gr oup Features F eature Guide 29 1.2. 4 Log- in/Log -out Description Member s of an i dle extension hunti ng group, Direct Inward Syste m Acces s (DISA) ring gro up , or Uni f or m Call Di stri bution (UCD) group can joi n (Log-in) or leave (Log-out) gro ups manuall y .
1.3 Call Forwar ding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND) Features 30 F eature Guide 1.3 Call Forwar ding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND) Feature s 1.3.1 Call Forwarding (FWD)/Do No t Disturb (DND) 1.
1.3 Call Forwar ding (FWD)/Do No t Disturb (DND) Features F eature Guide 31 Call Forwar ding (FWD) Description Extens ion users can forw ar d their ca lls to pr eset desti nations. Ther e are 4 Call F orwarding (F WD) mode s, descr ibed below .
1.3 Call Forwar ding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND) Features 32 F eature Guide • The t ypes of c alls that ar e f orwarde d by this feature are: • Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) When se arching for an av ailable extension within a UCD group, any e xtension that has set FWD will be skipped .
1.3 Call Forwar ding (FWD)/Do No t Disturb (DND) Features F eature Guide 33 b) DISA (o nly when the call is direct ly se nt to an extension , not interc epted) c) UCD (when only one member b elongs to.
1.3 Call Forwar ding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND) Features 34 F eature Guide 1.3.1 .3 D o Not Disturb (DND) Description Extens ion users can use this feature to prevent calls from rin ging at the ir extension. Th e calling extensi on will he ar a Do Not Disturb (D ND) tone.
1.4 Ans wering Features F eature Guide 35 1.4 Answering Featu res 1.4.1 Answering Features Answering Featur es—O VER VIEW Description An extension user ca n answ e r incoming calls using the.
1.4 Ans wering Featu res 36 F eature Guide 1.4. 1.2 Line Prefer ence—In coming Description A propr ietar y te lephone ( PT) user can select the method used to ans wer inc oming ca lls from the follo wing 3 line preferences.
1.4 Ans wering Features F eature Guide 37 1.4.1 .3 Call Pic kup Description An extension user can an s wer a c all r inging a t another e xtensi on by enteri ng the a ppropr iate feature numbers.
1.4 Ans wering Featu res 38 F eature Guide 1.4.1 .4 Han ds-free A nsw erbac k Description A user wi th a speaker phon e-equipp ed propr ietar y te lephon e (PT) ca n answ er i ntercom cal ls autom atically without li fting the hand set.
1.5 Makin g Call Features F eature Guide 39 1.5 Making Call Features 1.5.1 Intercom Call Features 1.5. 1.1 Intercom Cal l Description An extension user can c all anoth er extension user.
1.5 Makin g Call Features 40 F eature Guide User Manual References 1.2. 1 Bas ic Cal ling 1.2.5 Swi tching th e Calling Method ( Alter nate Ca lling—Ri ng/V oice) 3.
1.5 Makin g Call Features F eature Guide 41 1.5.2 Outsid e (CO) Line Call Fe atures Outside (CO) Line Call Features—O VER V IEW Description An extension user can us e the following features .
1.5 Makin g Call Features 42 F eature Guide 1.5.2 .2 E mergen cy C all Description An extension u ser can di al prepro grammed emerg ency numbers ( Emergenc y Number [3 09]) a fter seizing an outsid e (CO) line regar dless o f the res tricti ons impos ed on the e xtensi on.
1.5 Makin g Call Features F eature Guide 43 1.5.2 .3 Acc ount Cod e Entry Description An acc ount cod e is used to identify outgoing o utside ( CO) line c alls for accounting and bi lling pu r poses. Acco unt codes are appen ded to SMDR call records ( 1.
1.5 Makin g Call Features 44 F eature Guide Dial T ype Sele ction Description The dia lling mod e can be se lected for each outsi de (CO) line through sy stem pro gramming ( Dia l Mode [401]) regar dless of the ori ginating e xtensi on (depe ndent on the contract with the tel ephone co mpany).
1.5 Makin g Call Features F eature Guide 45 1.5. 2.5 Re verse Ci r cuit Description The P BX can d etect the rev ers e signa l sent fr om the tele phone com pany when an e xten sion use r tr ies to make an outs ide (CO ) line cal l.
1.5 Makin g Call Features 46 F eature Guide 1.5. 2.6 P ause Inser tion Description A dial ling paus e of a pr eprogrammed len gth can be inser ted manual ly or a utomatica lly when dialling . Manual P ause Inser tion: A pau se ca n be manuall y inser te d by pressing the P A U SE button.
1.5 Makin g Call Features F eature Guide 47 1.5.2 .7 Hos t PBX Ac cess C ode (Acces s Cod e to the T elephone Company fr om a Ho st PBX) Description This PBX can be installe d behin d an e xis ting host P BX. This is performe d by connecti ng extension jacks of the h ost PBX to o utsid e (CO) li ne por ts of this P BX.
1.5 Makin g Call Features 48 F eature Guide Conditions • Acc ess to the host PBX d urin g a conversation is a lso pos sible ( 1.10.7 Ex ter nal Feature Acc ess (EF A )). • TRS TRS ch ecks only t he diall ed tele phone number, e xclud ing the Ho st PB X Acce ss cod e, when acces sing the telepho ne co mpany throug h the host P BX ( 1.
1.5 Makin g Call Features F eature Guide 49 1.5.3 Seizing a L ine Features Seizing a Line Fea tures—O VER VIEW Description A pro prie tar y telep hone (P T) user can sel ect the line that is.
1.5 Makin g Call Features 50 F eature Guide 1.5. 3.2 Line Prefer ence—Out goin g Description Through persona l programming, a propr ietar y tel ephone ( PT) user can s elect th e preferred method of seizing a line ( Line Preference—Out going) to be used e ach time the user goes off-hoo k.
1.5 Makin g Call Features F eature Guide 51 Out side (CO) L ine Acce ss Description There ar e 3 metho ds of acc essing an outside ( CO) line. Line Access Using the Other-CO (O-CO) Button T o .
1.5 Makin g Call Features 52 F eature Guide operation mode. The u ser can dial wit hout l ifting th e handse t or pr essing th e SP-P HONE or MONITOR button.
1.6 Memo ry Dialling Features F eature Guide 53 1.6 Memory Dialling Features 1.6.1 Memor y Dialling Featu res Memor y Dial ling Fe atures —O VER VIEW Description An extension user can s tore fre quently d ialled numb ers in the PBX. A stored number can be diall ed by a simpl e operation .
1.6 Memo ry Dialling Features 54 F eature Guide [Example of Se cret Dialling] When sto ring the numbe r "9123 4567890", to prev ent the telep hone number "1234567 890" from being d.
1.6 Memo ry Dialling Features F eature Guide 55 One-touch Dialling Description A pro priet ary telep hone (PT) us er can make a call or ac cess a feature w ith a one- touch ope ration.
1.6 Memo ry Dialling Features 56 F eature Guide KX-T771 0 One-touch Dialling Description The ME SSAGE button and each o f the 8 On e-touch b ut tons on the KX-T771 0 single line tele phone (S .
1.6 Memo ry Dialling Features F eature Guide 57 Redial Description There ar e 2 type s of Red ial, des cribed below . Automatic Redial If La st Number Redial or S av ed Num ber Redia l is perf.
1.6 Memo ry Dialling Features 58 F eature Guide Speed Dialling—P ersona l/System Description An extension u ser can us e shor t numbers t o frequen tly dial led numbers th at are st ored in th e PBX, e ither in the extension's P e rsonal Speed Dial ling or in System Speed Dialling .
1.6 Memo ry Dialling Features F eature Guide 59 Quic k Dialling Description Using Q uick Dialling, an extension user can make a call or access a f eatur e easily .
1.6 Memo ry Dialling Features 60 F eature Guide 1.6.1 .7 Hot Line Description A singl e line telep hone (SL T ) user can make an outgoing ca ll to a previously stored tele phone numbe r (up to 32 digits ) simply by going off-ho ok.
1.7 Busy Li ne/Busy P arty Features F eature Guide 61 1.7 Busy Line/Busy P ar ty Features 1.7.1 A utomatic Ca llbac k Busy (Camp-on) Description If the di alled extension or ou tside (CO ) line is bus.
1.7 Busy Lin e/Busy P arty Features 62 F eature Guide 1.7.2 Executive Busy Override Description An extension u ser can i nterr upt an existing ca ll to est ablish a 3-par ty co nf erenc e call. Executive Busy Ove rride Deny It is po ssible for e xtens ion users to prev ent the ir calls from bei ng interr upted by anoth er extension user.
1.7 Busy Li ne/Busy P arty Features F eature Guide 63 1.7.3 Call W aiting T one Description When an ex t ension user attempts to call a busy extension (i.e., an extension that is ringin g or having a conversation), a c all waiting tone will be sent to the calle d extension to in dicate an other ca ll is waitin g.
1.8 T oll Res triction (TRS) Featu res 64 F eature Guide 1.8 T oll Restriction (TRS) Features 1.8.1 T oll Restriction (T RS) Description T o ll Res trictio n (TRS) can prohib it cer t ain extension u sers from m aking una uthor ised outsid e (CO) l ine call s.
1.8 T oll Restric tion (TRS) Features F eature Guide 65 TRS for System Speed Di alling ( TR S—System S peed Dial ling Clas s [301] ) Calls made usi ng Syste m Speed Di alling a re restr icted dep ending on the CO S of Sys tem Speed Dialling numbers and the CO S assigned to each extension.
1.8 T oll Res triction (TRS) Featu res 66 F eature Guide [Flowc hart] Conditions W ARNI NG The software contained in the TRS feature to allow user access to the network must be upgraded to recognise newly established network area codes and exchange codes as they are pla ced into servic e.
1.8 T oll Restric tion (TRS) Features F eature Guide 67 Ho st P BX Acce ss Code (Acces s Code to the T el ephone C ompany from a H ost PBX) ) or C arri er Excepti on code. • The inter-digi t timer ( Inter-d igit Time [208]) ap plies un til the TRS check is com pleted.
1.8 T oll Res triction (TRS) Featu res 68 F eature Guide 1.8.2 T oll Restriction (T RS) Override b y Accou nt Code Description An extension us er can ov err ide TRS te mporar ily to make a toll ca ll from a toll -restri cted teleph one ( 1.8.1 T o ll Restr iction ( TRS)).
1.8 T oll Restric tion (TRS) Features F eature Guide 69 Conditions • This f eat ure functio ns only f or extensions wh ose: – A ccount c ode mo de is set to "V eri fy-T oll" ( Acc ount Code Mo de [605 ]). – C lass of s er vice (CO S) numbe r is set to 3 through 5.
1.8 T oll Res triction (TRS) Featu res 70 F eature Guide 1.8.3 Extens ion Lock Description Extensio n users can lock their te lephones to prev ent una uthor ised use. This is useful for situations when extension use rs must leav e thei r desks t emporar ily .
1.8 T oll Restric tion (TRS) Features F eature Guide 71 1.8.4 W alkin g COS Description Extens ion users can temp orarily as sign the ir own class of ser vi ce (COS) to another e xtens ion, all owing them to m ake calls a s if from the ir own teleph ones.
1.9 A utomatic Rou te Selection (ARS) Features 72 F eature Guide 1.9 A utomatic Ro ute Selectio n (ARS) Featur es 1.9.1 A utoma tic Route Selection (ARS) Description The PB X autom aticall y select s .
1.9 A utomatic Route Selection (ARS) Features F eature Guide 73 [Flowc hart] Yes No No The dialled number is sent to the telephone company. Yes A long-distance call is made. No Yes Reorder tone No Yes Yes No A The dialled number (other than the First Carrier Access code) is sent to the telephone company.
1.9 A utomatic Rou te Selection (ARS) Features 74 F eature Guide [Pr ogramming Pr ocedures] 1. ARS Mode ( ARS Sel ectio n [350] ) T ur n on ARS for each outside (CO) line.
1.9 A utomatic Route Selection (ARS) Features F eature Guide 75 [Progr amming Example: Routing Plan T able] In this example: 4. A uthorisation Code & Itemised Billing Code T able A uthorisation Co.
1.9 A utomatic Rou te Selection (ARS) Features 76 F eature Guide Sequence of T ransmitted Code ( Authorisa tion and Ite mise d Billing Co de Orde r [390]) The sequenc e of transmitted codes (C : Carr ier Access Code; A: Authoris ation Code; I: I temised Bil ling Code; H: T ele phone Numbe r) can be s elected .
1.9 A utomatic Route Selection (ARS) Features F eature Guide 77 Conditions W ARNI NG The software contained in the ARS feature to allow user access to the network m ust be upgraded to recognise newly established network area codes and exchange codes as they are pla ced into servic e.
1.10 Con versatio n Features 78 F eature Guide 1.10 Con ver sation Features 1.10.1 Hands-free Op eration Description A prop rietar y telephone (PT) user can tal k to anothe r par ty without lift ing the handset. P ressing specifi c buttons automa tically activates hands- free mode.
1.10 Con versatio n Features F eature Guide 79 1.10.2 Roo m Monitor Description An extension user can monitor a room o r a door th rough an other propr ieta r y telephone (PT) o r a door p hone without t he des tination p ar ty knowing.
1.10 Con versatio n Features 80 F eature Guide 1.10.3 Micr opho ne Mute Description Dur ing a conversation, a propri etar y teleph one (PT) user ca n disable the built-in m icrophone to consult pr ivately with ot hers in the room whi le list ening to th e other par ty on the ph one throu gh the built-i n speaker .
1.10 Con versatio n Features F eature Guide 81 1.10.4 Headset Operation Description This PBX su ppor ts headset- compatible pr opr ietar y teleph ones (PTs). A P T user ca n talk to another p ar ty without l ifting the handset by us ing an op tional hea dset.
1.10 Con versatio n Features 82 F eature Guide 1.10.5 Data Line Sec urity Description Once Da ta Line Secur ity i s set on an extension, co mmunicatio n between the extension and the other par ty is protec ted from s ignals suc h as Call Waiting, Hold Recal l, and Executive Busy Override.
1.10 Con versatio n Features F eature Guide 83 1.10.6 Flash/Recall Description A pro prietar y telephon e (PT) us er can us e the FLASH /RECALL b utton to disc onnect the curren t call and star t anot her ca ll witho ut hangin g up.
1.10 Con versatio n Features 84 F eature Guide 1.10.7 External Featu re Access (EF A) Description An extension user can acce ss features of a hos t PBX or the te lephon e company , s uch as Call Waiting. An EF A (Ex ter nal Feature Ac cess) signal is sent to the hos t PBX or the tel ephone company .
1.10 Con versatio n Features F eature Guide 85 1.10.8 Ou tside (CO) Line Call Limita tion Description Outsi de (CO) l ine calls are limited by the f ollowing f eature s: Conditions • Loc kout If one par ty in a conversation goes on-hook, the call be tween both p ar ties will be d isconnecte d.
1.10 Con versatio n Features 86 F eature Guide 1.10.9 P a rallelled T elephone Description Any propr ietar y telephone (PT) can be conne cted i n parallel with a single line device, such as a singl e line telepho ne (SL T ), f ax m achine, or m odem.
1.10 Con versatio n Features F eature Guide 87 1.10.10 Callin g P ar ty Control (CPC) Signal Detect ion Description A CPC (Cal ling P ar ty Contr ol) sign al is an on-hook indicati on (discon nect signa l) sent from an ou tside (CO) line w hen the other p ar ty h angs up .
1.11 T ran sfer ring F eatu res 88 F eature Guide 1.11 T ransfe rring Features 1.11.1 Call T ransfer Description An extension u ser ca n transfer a call to a nother extensio n or to an outside p ar ty . The following features are available: Call T ransfer with Anno uncem ent is also known as C all T ransfer—Screened.
1.11 T ra nsferrin g Features F eature Guide 89 • Consultation Hold When a transferrin g par t y presses the TRANSF ER button on a PT or the Recal l/hookswitch on an SL T , the transferred par ty is a utomatica lly placed on cons ultation h old ( 1 .
1.12 Hold in g Feat ure s 90 F eature Guide 1.12 Holding Features 1.12.1 Call Hold Description An extension u ser ca n put a call on hold . The following Call Hold features are available: Pressi ng the H OLD button multipl e times a lter nates b etween Ge neral and Exc lusive Call Hol d.
1.12 Ho lding Features F eature Guide 91 In some c ases, a call i s not disc onnected when an SL T user g oes on-hook . Instead , the ca ll is mistakenly plac ed on hold. Af ter a specif ied time expires, the Hold Rec all tone is heard. When the SL T user answers this, the user hears a cyclic tone (l ike a reorder tone).
1.12 Hold in g Feat ure s 92 F eature Guide 1.12.2 Call P ark Description An extension u ser can ho ld a c all by placing it into a c ommon par ki ng zone of the P BX.
1.12 Ho lding Features F eature Guide 93 1.12.3 Call Spli tting Description An extension user can s peak alt er nately with 2 par ties. Plac ing the cur rent ca ll on hol d allows the u ser to speak with the oth er par ty . Conditions • This f eatur e does no t apply to calls f rom door p hones or paging an nounceme nts.
1.12 Hold in g Feat ure s 94 F eature Guide 1.12.4 Music on Hold Description An outs ide par ty on h old will hear audio t o inform th e par ty that the call is still on hold.
1.12 Ho lding Features F eature Guide 95 1.12.5 Con sultation Hold Description When an extension us er is on a call and performs Call T ransfer ( 1.11.1 Call T ransfer), Call S plitting ( 1.12 .3 Call Sp litting) , or tri es to es tablish a conference call ( 1 .
1.13 Conf erence Feature s 96 F eature Guide 1.13 Conf erence F eatures 1.13.1 Conference Features 1.13 .1.1 Confere nce Feat ures—O VER VIE W Description The following features ar e av ailable to establish a conference ca ll: Feature Description Details in Confer ence An e xtens ion user can est ab lish a 3- par ty o r 5-party conference ca ll.
1.13 Confe rence Features F eature Guide 97 1.13. 1.2 Confer ence Description An extension user can es tablish a co nference call. T he f ollowing Conference features ar e av ailable: Conditions [Ge n.
1.13 Conf erence Feature s 98 F eature Guide timer wil l be cancel led. If not, the r ing tone or alar m t one and the war nin g tone will continue to b e heard until the unattend ed conference call i s disconn ected ( 1.10.8 Ou tside (C O) Line Cal l Limita tion).
1.14 P aging Features F eature Guide 99 1.14 P aging F eatures 1.14.1 P aging Description An extension user can m ake a pagin g announce ment to se veral people at once.
1.15 Opti onal Devi ce Features 100 F ea ture Guide 1.15 Optional De vice Fea tures 1.15.1 Doorp hone Call Description A visi tor can use a door phone to c all its prepr ogrammed desti nation. Ex tension us ers can cal l a door phone. Door phon es can al so be us ed f or t he Room Mon itor feature ( 1.
1.15 Op tional De vice Features F eature Guide 101 1.15.2 Doo r Open Description Using a n extension tele phone, an extension u ser can unl ock a door for a visitor.
1.15 Opti onal Devi ce Features 102 F ea ture Guide 1.15.3 Doorbell/Door Ch ime Description Extens ion users can cho ose how their telephone s rece ive door phone c alls, by select ing to hear ri nging, a chime, or both, pr ovided a door bell/doo r chime conn ected to a doo r opener is c onnected to the PBX.
1.15 Op tional De vice Features F eature Guide 103 User Manual References 1.8.1 If a Door phone/D oor Ope ner is Conne cted.
1.15 Opti onal Devi ce Features 104 F ea ture Guide 1.15.4 Bac kgr ound Music (BGM) Description A propr ieta ry te lephon e (PT) user can l isten to background musi c (BGM ) through the built- in speaker while on-hoo k and i dle.
1.15 Op tional De vice Features F eature Guide 105 1.15.5 Ou tgoing Message (OGM) for DISA/UCD Description An extension assigne d as the op erator or ma nager extension ca n record outgoin g messag es (OGMs ) for the f ollo wing f eatur es: Conditions • This feature func tions differently from personal/c ommon BV O GMs used by the BV feature ( 1.
1.15 Opti onal Devi ce Features 106 F ea ture Guide 1.15.6 Direct Inwa r d System Access (DISA) Description Direct Inwa rd System Access ( DISA) a llows outside c allers to be connec ted to thei r desired PBX destin ations wi thout the us e of the operator .
1.15 Op tional De vice Features F eature Guide 107 [Programming Example: 1-level (DISA ) AA T able] In orde r f o r a caller to be able to ac cess Mike Sm ith (extension 102 ) using 1-lev el (DI SA) A.
1.15 Opti onal Devi ce Features 108 F ea ture Guide In this example: 1) After o r while listeni ng to th e AA firs t-lev el DISA OGM (e.g., "Pre ss 1 to speak to Sale s. Press 2 to speak t o Ser vic e. Press 3 to s peak to S uppor t."), c aller dial s a DISA AA number , "3 ", as direc ted by the DISA O GM.
1.15 Op tional De vice Features F eature Guide 109 DISA Busy Mode If the destination o f a DISA cal l is busy , the c all will be redirec ted to an id le extension ( Hunting Group S et [100 ]) in the desti nation's idle extensi on hunting gro up ( 1.
1.15 Opti onal Devi ce Features 110 F ea ture Guide P er mitted Outside-to- Outside (CO-to-CO) Line Calls t hrough DISA DISA c allers ca n use DISA to make out side (CO) line ca lls when allowed by the DISA s ecuri ty mode.
1.15 Op tional De vice Features F eature Guide 111 [Flowc hart] Busy tone A DISA call from an outside party is received. The PBX answers the call. Is a security code required? A number is dialled. Make an outside (CO) line call. No One short beep Nothing is dialled.
1.15 Opti onal Devi ce Features 112 F ea ture Guide Conditions W ARNI NG There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made using the Outside-to- Outside (CO-to-CO) Line Call feature of DISA. The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX.
1.15 Op tional De vice Features F eature Guide 113 is sent bef ore t he PBX r ecognises the inco ming s ignal as fax data ( F AX T one Detecti on [514]) . If the DISA OGM i s shor t (0– 5 s), in s ome case s the fax (CNG) ton e may not be det ected.
1.15 Opti onal Devi ce Features 114 F ea ture Guide 1.15.7 Built-in V oice Message (BV) Description If an optional voice me ssage c ard is ins talled i n the PBX , a caller can leave a v oic e messa ge in a us er's perso nal messag e area or the PBX 's common message ar ea.
1.15 Op tional De vice Features F eature Guide 115 [Example: P attern A] [Example: P attern B] BV Resource 1 Common Message Area • Common BV OGM • Common V oice Message • P ersonal BV OGM • P ersonal V oice Message P ersonal Message Area Operator or Manager (Extn.
1.15 Opti onal Devi ce Features 116 F ea ture Guide [Example: P attern C] If there are new voice messag es in a user 's persona l messa ge area or t he common messag e area ( if access ible), the user will h ear a spec ial dial tone (dial ton e 4) when goi ng off-hoo k.
1.15 Op tional De vice Features F eature Guide 117 In this example: If an ou tside (C O) line c all is r eceived on outs ide (CO ) line 1: a) In day mode: The common BV OGM to be pla yed ("BV01 ") for BV distr ibution is assign ed. The ca ller hea rs the s pecified common B V OGM and leaves a voice messag e in the common m essage a rea.
1.15 Opti onal Devi ce Features 118 F ea ture Guide Conditions • Hard ware Requirement: A n optiona l voice message card. • The B V f eatur e does not us e OGMs for DISA/Unifor m Call Dis tribution (UCD) on the pr einstalled DISA/ UCD OGM card ( 1.
1.15 Op tional De vice Features F eature Guide 119 • A voice mess age area cannot be include d as a mem ber of a c onf e rence cal l. • Even if a c aller does not le a ve a voice messag e in eithe.
1.16 Caller I D Features 120 F ea ture Guide 1.16 Caller ID F eatures 1.16.1 Caller ID Description The PB X can rece ive Caller ID informati on (teleph one numbers an d caller s' names) from calls rece ived on outsid e (CO) lines.
1.16 Calle r ID Features F eature Guide 121 3. A utomatic Calle r ID Number Modification When Cal ler ID informat ion is c hecked, the PBX can autom aticall y mod ify the c aller's te lephone num ber accord ing to a pre programmed set of r ules (Caller ID M odificati on T a ble).
1.16 Caller I D Features 122 F ea ture Guide < Modification Flowchart > 4. Displaying the Caller's Name When a ca ll contain ing Caller ID inf or mati on is rece ived, the PBX will se arch for the caller 's name in the f oll owing order , then show that name on the dis pla y .
1.16 Calle r ID Features F eature Guide 123 Access ( DISA) r ing groups, forwarded calls, inter cepted c alls, or calls from extensions th at placed outside ( CO) l ine call s on con sultation hold. • SL T Ca ller ID signal ling type can be selec ted throug h system programming ( SL T Ca ller ID Signal ling T yp e [150]).
1.16 Caller I D Features 124 F ea ture Guide 1.16 .2 Incomi ng Cal l Log Description When a c all co ntaining C aller ID infor matio n is received by an extension, the inform ation is sh own on the telepho ne displ a y , no tifying th e e xtens ion use r of the cal ler's identi ty .
1.16 Calle r ID Features F eature Guide 125 The Call er ID Indica tion—Personal/Common button will al er t an extension us er to any mis sed (unanswered) ca lls.
1.16 Caller I D Features 126 F ea ture Guide (Extensi on Lock—CANCEL AL L). The Incom ing Call Log f or the com mon area ca n only be locked or unlocked b y the ope rator or manage r .
1.17 Mess age Features F eature Guide 127 1.17 Messa g e Feat ures 1.17.1 Message W aiting Description When an extension user calls anoth er e xtens ion user who doe s not answer the call, he or she ca n leav e a messa ge waiting ind ication.
1.17 Messag e Fea tur es 128 F ea ture Guide • Mess age waiting indicat ions a re alwa ys left on the ori ginally called e xtensi on. Me ssage waitin g indicati ons can not be sen t to an FW D destina tion ( 1.3.1 .2 Call Forwarding (FW D)) or an idle e xtens ion hun ting dest inatio n ( 1.
1.17 Mess age Features F eature Guide 129 1.17.2 Abse nt Message Description Extens ion users can prepa re a br ief text message (Absent Message ) that will b e displayed to other extension us ers when t hey are cal led. This messa ge can explain the rea son for their ab sence, an d can be used by any extension user.
1.17 Messag e Fea tur es 130 F ea ture Guide 1.17.3 Fixed Line SMS T erminal Suppor t Description When outs ide (CO ) line calls are received from a Shor t Mes sage Ser vic e (SMS) ce ntre, the PBX ca.
1.17 Mess age Features F eature Guide 131 2) SL T setting In this example: a) T o s end an SMS messag e to the SL T connected to extension jack 01, en ter "384 70011" as the destin ation. b) T o s end an SMS messag e to the SL T connected to extension jack 02, en ter "384 70012" as the destin ation.
1.17 Messag e Fea tur es 132 F ea ture Guide 2) SL T setting In this example: a) T o send an SMS messag e to the S L T con nected to e xtens ion jack 0 1, enter "3847001 " as the destin ation. b) T o send an SMS messag e to the S L T con nected to e xtens ion jack 0 2, enter "3847002 " as the destin ation.
1.17 Mess age Features F eature Guide 133 Installation Manual References 2.3.2 3- P o r t Caller ID Card (KX-TE 82493).
1.18 Pr oprietary T elephone (PT) F eatures 134 F ea ture Guide 1.18 Pr oprietary T elephon e (PT) Features 1.18.1 Fixed Buttons Description Propr ietar y te lephon es (PTs) an d Direct S tation Selec tion (DSS ) Consol es f eatur e a wide variet y of feature buttons and Li ne Acc ess buttons, explained below .
1.18 Pr oprietary T elephone (PT) Fe atures F eature Guide 135 [DSS Console] Conditions • Cer tain buttons a re equip ped wit h a light t o indica te the statu s of th e corresp onding li ne or feature.
1.18 Pr oprietary T elephone (PT) F eatures 136 F ea ture Guide 1.18.2 Flexib le Button s Description Flexib le buttons are buttons wh ose funct ions can be cu stomise d through either sys tem or p ersonal programming.
1.18 Pr oprietary T elephone (PT) Fe atures F eature Guide 137 Conditions • Extension butto n confirmation A displ a y PT us er can confir m the button settings, s uch as the fle xi b le CO button, by pressing the correspo nding button whi le on-ho ok.
1.18 Pr oprietary T elephone (PT) F eatures 138 F ea ture Guide 1.18.3 LED Indication Description The LE D (Light Emi tting Diode) of the Mes sage/Ring er Lamp an d the following buttons (Line Status Bu ttons and Co rres pondi ng Ext ensio n Statu s Butt on) can indic ate li ne stat us wit h a v ariety o f ligh t patt erns.
1.18 Pr oprietary T elephone (PT) Fe atures F eature Guide 139 3. Light P attern of the Corresponding Ex tension Status Button 4. Flashing Light P atterns Conditions • Incom ing out side (CO) line call s arr ive on av ailable buttons i n the following pr iority : S-CO G-CO O-CO Feature Guide References 1.
1.18 Pr oprietary T elephone (PT) F eatures 140 F ea ture Guide 1.18.4 Display Inf ormation Description A displ a y prop riet ar y telepho ne (PT) can relay the f ollowing infor mation to the user whi.
1.18 Pr oprietary T elephone (PT) Fe atures F eature Guide 141 manager ser vice features. The ti me format s hown on the di splay PTs while on-hook, " 12 h" or "24 h", can als o be sele cted thro ugh sys tem programming ( LCD Tim e Display [010]).
1.19 V oice Mail Fe atures 142 F ea ture Guide 1.19 V o ice Mail F eatures 1.19.1 V oice Mail APT Integration Description A P ana sonic V oice Processi ng System (VPS) that suppor ts AP T Integration .
1.19 V oice Mail Fe atures F eature Guide 143 3. VM Se rvice Allows cal lers to leav e voice me ssages for spec ific par ties, su ch as a n e xtens ion u ser . E xtensi on users can then l isten to the mess ages left in t heir mai lbo xes at thei r conv enienc e.
1.19 V oice Mail Fe atures 144 F ea ture Guide VM Service 1. Accessing a Mailbox The PBX sends special messag es to th e VPS to indicate which ma ilbox should be acce ssed ( Follow- on ID ). 2. FWD to a Mailbo x of the VPS An extension user can set his or her calls to b e forwarded to the VP S ( 1.
1.19 V oice Mail Fe atures F eature Guide 145 b utton w hen cr eating it. 5. Lis teni ng to Re cor ded Messa ges After th e VPS rec ords a messag e, it will lig ht the appropr iate lamp or butto n on the extension f or which the me ssage was intend ed, to in dicate th at the re is a new messag e ( 1.
1.19 V oice Mail Fe atures 146 F ea ture Guide • If an extensio n user is screening a call a nd then goe s off-hoo k to an s wer it, th e VPS will either st op or continue r ecordin g the mess age, accordi ng to sys tem programm ing ( L CS Recor ding Mode Set [620]).
1.19 V oice Mail Fe atures F eature Guide 147 1.19.2 V oice Mail Inband (DTMF ) Integration Description A P anas onic V oi ce Proces sing Sys tem (VPS ) or sim ilar produ ct from a nother ma nuf actu rer ca n provide A u tomated At tendant (AA) and V o ice Mail ( VM) se r vices when connect ed to the PBX.
1.19 V oice Mail Fe atures 148 F ea ture Guide System Programming The following set tings to e nable Inband (DT MF) Integration must be program med throu gh system programmi ng to match the se ttings of the V PS. This example uses a P anas onic KX-T VP ser ies VPS, which can be connecte d to up t o 2 e xten sion jacks of t he PBX.
1.19 V oice Mail Fe atures F eature Guide 149 – F WD—All Calls –F W D — B u s y / N o A n s w e r – D ISA Intercep t Routin g—No Answer (IRNA) ( 1 .
1.20 Admini strative Inf ormation Output Fea tures 150 F ea ture Guide 1.20 Administrative Inf orma tion Output Features 1.20.1 Station Message De tail Recording (SMDR) Description A u tomatically logs de tailed in f or mati on f o r the PBX.
1.20 Administrative I nformati on Output Features F eature Guide 151 [Explanation] The following table e xplain s the types of da ta logged by SMDR. The sec tion numbers bel ow ref er to the field indicate d by the numbers ab ov e. Section Number Data Description (1) Date Shows the date (Mo nth/Day/Y ear) of the ca ll ( Date & Tim e [000]).
1.20 Admini strative Inf ormation Output Fea tures 152 F ea ture Guide (5) Dia l Number [ Outside (CO) Line Call] Outgoing Outside (CO) Line Call Shows the d ialled tele phone numb er (max. 3 2 digits ). Digits sho wn ar e as f oll ows: 0 thro ugh 9 ,, # , - (h y phen) F/ : Flash/rec all sign al ( 1.
1.20 Administrative I nformati on Output Features F eature Guide 153 The following data can be contro lled thr ough system programming to adjust wh ether (o r how) they are pri nted or disp lay ed by SMDR.
1.20 Admini strative Inf ormation Output Fea tures 154 F ea ture Guide • The P BX waits for a preprogrammed le ngth of ti me ( C all Duration Counter St ar t [204]) after the e nd of seiz ing a n outsid e (CO) l ine o r diallin g before star ting the SMDR t imer for outgo ing ou tside (C O) line calls.
1.20 Administrative I nformati on Output Features F eature Guide 155 1.20.2 Call L og Printout for Eac h Ex tension Description An extension assigne d as the m anager extension c an use the following .
1.21 Extens ion Contro lling Features 156 F ea ture Guide 1.21 Extension Contr olling Features 1.21.1 Extens ion Feature Clear Description Extens ion users can simultan eousl y clear a ll of th e f ollowing f eatur es set on th eir own te lephone: This f eature is also known as Sta tion Feature Clear or Station Programme Clear.
1.21 E xtension Contr olling Features F eature Guide 157 1.21.2 Tim ed Reminder Description Each extension user ca n set an al ar m to be us ed as a wake-up call o r reminder. This f eatu re can b e programme d to activate daily o r one time only . If th e user goes off-hook d uring th e alar m, a spe cial dia l tone (dial ton e 3) w ill be he ard.
1.22 A udible T one Feature s 158 F ea ture Guide 1.22 A udib le T one Features 1.22.1 Dial T one Description The following dia l tones infor m e xtens ion use rs about features a ctiv ated on thei r .
1.22 A udible T one Features F eature Guide 159 1.22.2 Con firmation T one Description At the end o f a f eat ure operation, the PBX conf irm s the succ ess of the op eration by sending a co nfir mation tone to th e extension user .
1.22 A udible T one Feature s 160 F ea ture Guide.
F eature Guide 161 Section 2 System Configuration and Administration Features.
2.1 System Configuration—Har dware 162 F ea ture Guide 2.1 System Configuration —Har dware 2.1 .1 Exte nsio n Jac k Con fig urati on Description Extens ion jacks are used to con nect prop rie tar y telep hones (PT s), singl e line te lephones (SL Ts), Direct Station Selecti on (DSS) Consol es, and V oice Pr ocessing Systems (VPSs) to the PB X.
2.2 System Configuration—Softwa re F eature Guide 163 2.2 System Conf iguration—Software 2.2.1 Class of Ser vice (COS) Description Each extensi on is as signed a class of ser vi ce (COS ) number ( T RS-COS—Day/Night/L unch [6 01-603]). The following f eatures operate differently depending on an extension's COS.
2.2 System Configuration—Software 164 F ea ture Guide 2.2.2 Gr oup Description This PBX suppo r ts variou s types of groups. 1. Outside (CO) Line Gr oup Outside (CO) li nes can be grouped into 3 outs ide (CO) li ne groups bas ed on proper ties s uch as car rie r or outsi de (CO) line type ( CO Line Grou p Number [ 404]).
2.2 System Configuration—Softwa re F eature Guide 165 2.5. Direct Inward System Acce ss (DISA) Ring G roup A DISA ring group is a s pecific extensi on group tha t receives DISA ca lls dir ected to the group. All extensions in the group assig ned as an Automated Attendant (AA) dest ination ( DISA Bui lt-in AA [501 ]) r ing simulta neously .
2.2 System Configuration—Software 166 F ea ture Guide 2.2.3 Time Ser vice Description Time ser vice mo des are us ed by many PBX features to d eter mine how they wil l function du ring different times o f day .
2.2 System Configuration—Softwa re F eature Guide 167 [Visualisation of Time Schedule] Note that time ser vic e modes c an be arranged a s they are needed ( f or example, night mo de can oc cur in the mor n ing and after noon, i f necess ar y) an d not all t ime ser v ice mode s need to b e used in a time schedul e.
2.2 System Configuration—Software 168 F ea ture Guide Feature Guide References 1.18. 2 Flexib le Buttons User Manual References 1.7.7 Checking the Time Ser vice Mode 2.
2.2 System Configuration—Softwa re F eature Guide 169 2.2.4 Operato r/Manager Features Description This PBX su ppor ts one operator a nd one m anager . Any extension ca n be de signated as the ope rator throug h syste m programming ( Operator Ass ignment [008]).
2.2 System Configuration—Software 170 F ea ture Guide Operator Ca ll An extension u ser can c all the op erator by enter ing the O perator Call number ( A utomat ic Line A ccess [121]), often si mply , "0 ". If no operator is assig ned, the calle r will hear a reorder tone.
2.2 System Configuration—Softwa re F eature Guide 171 User Manual References 1.2. 1 Basic Calling 2.1 C ontrol Features 3.2.2 Printi ng and Cle arin g Call Log s.
2.3 S yste m Dat a Con trol 172 F ea ture Guide 2.3 System Da ta Contr ol 2.3.1 PC Programming Description Syste m programmin g setting s can be acce ssed using a PC an d the P a nasonic KX-TEA 308 Mainte nance Consol e software as well as by using a propr ieta r y telephone (PT) ( 2.
2.3 Sy stem Dat a C ontrol F eature Guide 173 2. Connection Methods for Remote Pr ogramming Conditions • Only one sy stem pr ogramming sessi on is pe rm itted a t a time. Ac cess wi ll be de nied to a se cond par ty who tr ies t o perform sy stem pr ogramming, in cluding system pr ogramming vi a a PT .
2.3 S yste m Dat a Con trol 174 F ea ture Guide 3.2 PC Prog ramm ing.
2.3 Sy stem Dat a C ontrol F eature Guide 175 2.3.2 PT Programming Description A prop riet ar y telephone ( PT) can b e used to cu stomise the setting s of the P BX or of an extension , using the foll.
2.3 S yste m Dat a Con trol 176 F ea ture Guide e) DSS para : The data assigne d on the Dir ect Stat ion Selec tion (DSS ) buttons and P rogrammable F eatu re (PF) buttons on th e DSS Cons ole f) Spee.
2.3 Sy stem Dat a C ontrol F eature Guide 177 2.3.3 A utomatic T ime Adjustme nt Description The P BX clock can be a djust ed automati cally a ccordi ng to the ti me inform ation rece ived from your tele phone com pany . Time i nformatio n can b e received when a n incomi ng call w ith Caller I D that in cludes time in f or mati on is r eceived.
2.3 S yste m Dat a Con trol 178 F ea ture Guide 2.3.4 Feature Numbering Description T o call another extension user or to access PBX features, access numbers (extension numbers or feature numbers) are requ ired. Feature numbers a re av aila ble while: 1.
2.3 Sy stem Dat a C ontrol F eature Guide 179 [Feature Numbering T able (a vailable while a di al tone is heard)] Feature Numbering Additional Number Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Absen t Message (set/canc el) 75 (1–6 [+ p aram eter ]/ 0) + #/0 Acco unt Code En tr y for an SL T or 49 acco unt code + outside p hone no .
2.3 S yste m Dat a Con trol 180 F ea ture Guide FWD to O utside (CO) L ine (set/canc el) 71 (3 + outs ide (CO ) line access no . + outside p hone no. + #)/(0 + #/0 ) FWD to V oice Proc essing System ( VPS) (set/c ancel) 71 ([1 or 2 + e xtn. no .]/ 0) + #/0 Group Call Pi ck up 40 #40 Hot Line f or an SL T ( programme) 74 2 + phone no .
2.3 Sy stem Dat a C ontrol F eature Guide 181 P ersonal B V OGM (r ecord/play/erase) 723 (1 /2/0) + #/0 P ersonal S peed Diall ing (c onfir m) 3 0–9 + # P ersonal S peed Diall ing (di al) 1 or # 1 or ## 0–9 P ersonal S peed Diall ing (pr ogramme) 2 0–9 + phon e no.
2.3 S yste m Dat a Con trol 182 F ea ture Guide 2. Feature Numbering (available while a busy tone or DND tone is heard) F eatur es that are av ailable while a busy tone or DND tone is h eard have fix ed numbers, a s shown in the f oll owing table: [Feature Numbering T able (ava ilable while a busy tone or DND tone is heard)] 3.
2.3 Sy stem Dat a C ontrol F eature Guide 183 W aiting, the f eatur e number for "Cal l W aiti ng" must be follo wed by "1" and to can cel it, the same feature num be r s ho ul d b e fol lowe d by "0 ". User Manual References 4.
2.3 S yste m Dat a Con trol 184 F ea ture Guide 2.3.5 A utomatic Co nfiguration f or Outside (C O) Line T ype Description The di alling m ode (DTMF [Dual T one Multi-F req uency]/P ulse) of connect ed.
2.3 Sy stem Dat a C ontrol F eature Guide 185 2.3.6 Countr y Setting Description The c ountr y code of the PBX can be sel ected thr ough system programmin g ( Coun tr y [995]). T he PBX will res tar t wit h the de f ault se ttings of t he user's c ountr y/area.
2.3 S yste m Dat a Con trol 186 F ea ture Guide 2.3.7 Firmware Upgrade Description It is possible to up grade the PB X software via the Ser ial Interface (RS -232C po r t) or USB por t usi ng the K X- TEA3 08 Maintena nce Conso le sof tware. Ev en if a u ser upgrades the PBX software, the sys tem data wil l not be los t.
2.4 F ault Reco very/Diagnos tics F eature Guide 187 2.4 F ault Reco very/Dia gnostics 2.4.1 P ower F ailure T ransfer Description If the power supply to the PBX f ail s, outside ( CO) line 1 will be automa tically c onnected to extension jack 01 ( P ower Fa ilure Connec tions ).
2.4 F ault Reco very/Diagnos tics 188 F ea ture Guide 2.4.2 P ower F ailure Restar t Description When the electr icit y is tur ne d back on, the PBX restar ts and a utomati cally loa ds st ored data . Conditions • In th e e vent of a power f ail ure, PBX memo r y is prote cted by a factor y-instal led lithi um batte r y .
F eature Guide 189 Section 3 Pr ogramming Instructions.
3.1 Intr oduction 190 F ea ture Guide 3.1 Intr oduction 3.1.1 Introduction These programmin g instr uctions are des igned to ser ve as an overall system p rogramming ref ere nce for the P anason ic Advanced Hybr id Syst em. The P BX has d ef ault s ettings th at can be change d to meet your needs.
3.2 PC Pr ogramming F eature Guide 191 3.2 PC Progr amming 3.2.1 Installing and Star ting KX-T EA308 Maintenance Con sole T o programme an d adminis ter the PBX by PC (P ersonal Computer ), you need to ins tall KX-TE A308 Mainten ance Cons ole onto th e PC.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 192 F ea ture Guide 3.3 PT Pr ogramming 3.3.1 Pr ogrammin g Instruction s Required T elephone PBX se ttings can be custo mised thr ough sy stem programmi ng by using a pr opri etar y telepho ne (PT ) with a disp lay , s uch as the KX-T7 730.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 193 Entering System Pr ogram ming Mode Using a PT to perform sy stem pr ogramming allows a n autho rised admin istrator to s et a wide range of P BX features and pa rameters. T o en ter system programming mode, the syste m password is requir ed.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 194 F ea ture Guide Entering Characters The PT 's diall ing buttons can be used t o enter c haracters when stor ing a name or message.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 195 T able 3 (Cyrillic alphabe t mode for R U [Russia]/U A [Ukraine] model) * Thi s character is only available f or t he KX-T77 35R U.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 196 F ea ture Guide List of Abbreviations A AA A u tomated At tendant APT Analog ue Propr ieta r y T elephone ARS A u tomatic R oute Selec tion B BGM Background Music BV Bu ilt-in .
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 197 3.3.2 Programming Procedures Not es • means def a ult value througho ut these programm ing ins truct ions. • means to select "All" t hroughou t these programming instr uction s.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 198 F ea ture Guide • When sto rin g an accou nt code assi gned in A ccount Cod e [310], ente r and the account code after an Outside (CO) Line A ccess number.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 199 DSS Console Jack Assignment [003] Not es • T o delete (d isable) an extension jack numbe r , pr ess CLEA R in the extension j ack n u mber step. • The sa me jack number c annot be as signed to 2 DSS Consoles.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 200 F ea ture Guide Note With T ransfer : Press th e DSS button t o transfer an outside (CO) lin e call. Without T ransfer : Press the TRANSF ER button, then th e DSS button to transfer an outside (CO) line call . Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 201 Not e T o de lete (di sable) an extension ja ck number , p ress CLEA R in the extension jack number step. Feature & Programming References 2.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 202 F ea ture Guide System Speed Dialli ng Name [011] Note * A name c an be stor ed using a PT's dialling buttons. The displayed character varies dep ending on t he number of ti mes that th e dialli ng button is pres sed.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 203 KX-T7710 One-touc h Dialling [ 013] Not es • Any f eatur e number can be stored i n a One-touc h button. Howe ver , the f eature numbers for P ersonal Speed Dia lling, S ystem S peed Diallin g, and Qui ck Dialling do not func tion.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 204 F ea ture Guide Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.2.1 Idle Extens ion Huntin g DTMF Integration P or t [102] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 205 External P ager Access T one [106] Feature & Programming References 1.14 .1 P aging DTMF Receiver Chec k [107] Not e This p rogramme ena b les each DT MF recei v er (1–2: ch ecking extension jacks 0 1–08) to check whether it is op erating nor ma lly or not.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 206 F ea ture Guide Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.10 .6 Flas h/Reca ll 1.10. 7 Exter nal Feature Ac cess ( EF A) Music on Hold [111] Note Selecti ons vary dependin g on your countr y /area. Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 207 Extension Ring T one P attern [115] Feature & Programming References 1.1.3 .3 Ring T one Patter n Select ion 1.5.1 .1 Intercom C all 4.2.1 T one s/Ring T one s Conference P attern [116] Not e 3-par ty C-0 E-3: No o utside pa r ties c an att end a 3-pa r ty co nf erenc e call.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 208 F ea ture Guide Redialling after Pulse to T one Con version [119] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.5.2 .4 Dial T ype S election Bell Frequency [120] Note This pro gramme selec ts the bel l freque ncy sen t to an SL T .
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 209 TRS Chec k f or * and # [12 5] Feature & Programming References 1.8. 1 T oll Restricti on (TRS) DSS Off-hook Mode [126] Feature & Programming References 1.5.1 .1 Intercom C all Pic kup Gr oup [127] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 210 F ea ture Guide VM 1 APT P or t [130] Notes • T o c hange the curren t setting (other than "Disable"), se lect "Di sable", then sel ect the des ired setting. • This programme is no t av ailable when "Enable" is selecte d in DTMF Inte gration [103].
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 211 SMS Centre Number f or Receiving [ 145] Feature & Programming References 1.17.3 F ixed Line SMS T er minal Suppor t SMS Routing T able—CO [146] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 212 F ea ture Guide SL T Caller ID Line Access Number [151] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.16. 1 Caller ID A utomatic Time A djust ment [152] Feature & Pr ogramming References 2.3.3 A utomati c Time Ad justment Incoming Rever se [153] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 213 Feature & Programming References 1.3. 1.2 Cal l F orw ardi ng (F WD) Hot Line W aiting Time [203] Feature & Programming References Ho t Line Call Duration Cou nter Star t [204] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 214 F ea ture Guide Hooks witch Fl ash Timing Range [207] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.12. 1 Call Hold Inter -digit Time [208] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 215 Not e This p rogramme is available f or th e e xtens ion(s) e nabled in CO L ine Call Du ration Lim itation [61 3].
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 216 F ea ture Guide TRS—System Speed Dial ling Class [301] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.6.1 .5 Speed Dial ling—P ers onal/System 1.8. 1 T oll R estric tion ( TRS) TRS—COS 2-5 Deni ed Code [302-305] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 217 Feature & Programming References 1.5. 2.2 Emer gency Call 1.8. 1 T oll Restricti on (TRS) Account Code [310] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 218 F ea ture Guide ARS Selection [350] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.9.1 A utomati c Route S election (ARS) Route 1-4 S election Code [351-354] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.9.1 A utomati c Route S election (ARS) Route 1-4 E xception Code [355-358] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 219 ARS Modification—Remo ved Digits [360 ] Feature & Programming References 1.9. 1 A utomati c Rout e Selec tion (A RS) ARS Modification—Added Number [361] Feature & Programming References 1.9. 1 A utomati c Rout e Selec tion (A RS) ARS Dial T one [362] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 220 F ea ture Guide ARS CO Line Gr oup [364] Note The assig nments i n Route 1-4 Selecti on Code [35 1-354] ar e eff ect ive f or this programme. Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.9.1 A utomati c Route S election (ARS) Route 1-4 A uthorisation Code [381-384] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 221 Itemise d Bill ing Code [389] Feature & Programming References 1.9. 1 A utomati c Rout e Selec tion (A RS) A uthorisation and I temised Billing Code Or der [.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 222 F ea ture Guide Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.5.3 .2 Line Preference —Outgoin g 1.5.3 .3 Outside ( CO) Line A ccess Dial Mode [401] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.5.2 .4 Dial T ype S election Pulse Speed [402] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 223 Feature & Programming References 1.5.2 .7 Host PB X Acce ss Code ( Access Code to the T e lephone Co mpany fro m a Host PBX ) P ause T ime [417 ] CO Line Gr oup N umber [404] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 224 F ea ture Guide Flexibl e Ringing —Day/Night/Lunch [ 408-410] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.1.3 .2 Outside ( CO) Line R inging S election 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 225 Feature & Programming References 1.2. 3 Direct Inwa rd System Ac cess (DIS A) Ring 1.4.1 .2 Line Preference —Incom ing CO Line Mode—Day/ Night/Lunch [414-416] < T o select Normal, UCD, and/or MODEM > < T o select BV > < T o select DIS A > < T o select DIL > 4 X NEXT CO line no.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 226 F ea ture Guide Notes • When you sel ect "UCD", i t is nece ssar y t o assign an e xte nsion group as the UCD grou p in UCD Group [520 ]. • After you sele ct "BV" , do no t change O perator Assi gnment [ 008].
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 227 A utomatic Designat ed Line Access [419] Feature & Programming References 1.5.3 .2 Line Preference —Outgoin g 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 228 F ea ture Guide Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.10. 10 Callin g P ar ty Contro l (CP C) Signa l Detectio n Disconnect Time [422] Notes • * The d isconnect signa l lengths tha t can be s elected depend on your countr y/ area as f ollows: F or United Kingdo m: 0.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 229 P olarity Rever se Detection [424] Feature & Programming References 1.5. 2.5 R ev erse Ci rcui t Collect Call Bloc k [425] (Brazil only ) Not e This p rogramme enables the PBX to au tomatical ly rejec t collect c alls from the teleph one compa ny .
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 230 F ea ture Guide DRD Ring Pattern 2 Extension Assignment—Day/Night/Lunch [427-429] (New Zealand onl y) Note This is effective only when the DRD f eature is en abled in Distincti v e Ring De tection (DRD) [426 ] (New Zealand only).
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 231 Not e This is effective only when the DRD feature is enabled in Dist inctive Ring Detecti on (DRD) [426] (New Zealand only).
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 232 F ea ture Guide Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.15. 6 Dire ct Inward System A ccess (DIS A) DISA Built-in AA [ 501] Note If you would like to use th e A utoma tic Line .
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 233 Feature & Programming References 1.15 .6 Direct Inward Syst em Acce ss (DIS A) DISA Busy Mode [506] < T o select Disconnect or Ca ll W aiting > < T o select DIS A > Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 234 F ea ture Guide DISA Inte rcept M ode [507] DISA Ri ng Time before Intercept [508] DISA No Dial Mode [510] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 235 d) Changing passw ords regularl y . Not es • This s etting is req uired if "T r unk S ecur ity" or "Al l Secur ity" is selected in DISA Secu rity Mode [511]. • Each DIS A secu rity c ode sh ould be un ique.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 236 F ea ture Guide DISA Incoming Assignment [516] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.15. 6 Dire ct Inward System A ccess (DIS A) DISA AA W ait Time [517] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 237 UCD Busy W aiting T ime [521] Feature & Programming References 1.2.2 Uni f or m Call Distri bution (UCD) UCD Bus y Mode [52 3] UCD OGM Message Interv al Time [522] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 238 F ea ture Guide Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.2.2 Uni f or m Call Distr ibution (UCD) UCD Int ercept Mode [524] UCD Ring Time after Inter cept [526] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 239 3-le vel AA Assignment [540-549] Not es • This programme is av ailable only when "3 -lev e l AA" is select ed for each AA number in DIS A Built- in AA [ 501]. • Only when you select " " as the t hird AA number , you can se lect "3-l e vel AA" in the next step.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 240 F ea ture Guide TRS-COS—Day/ Night/Lunch [601-603] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.8. 1 T oll R estric tion ( TRS) 2.2. 1 Class o f Ser vice (COS) Extension Name [604] Note * An extension name can be s tored us ing a PT's diall ing buttons.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 241 Feature & Programming References A ccount C ode Ent ry 1.8. 2 T oll R estrictio n (TRS) Ov erride b y Account C ode Acco unt Code [310] Call T ransfer to CO Line [606] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 242 F ea ture Guide DND Override [609] Feature & Pr ogramming References Do Not Disturb (DND) P arallelled T elephone [610] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.10. 9 P arallelled T elephone T AM Extension [611] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 243 Room Monitor [612] Not e Extensi ons t hat are t o be moni tored must hav e the ir jacks se t to "Ena ble" in th is programme i n advance. Feature & Programming References 1.10.2 Ro om Monitor CO Line Call Dur ation Limitation [613] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 244 F ea ture Guide LCD Language [615] Notes • * The following langua ges are available f or the LCD: Englis h; Spanis h; P or tugu ese; Russ ian; Gr eek; Czech; Hung aria n; Slovak; P oli sh; Itali an; Ukrainian Select ions var y d epending o n your countr y/area.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 245 Message W aiting f or Another Extension [618] Feature & Programming References 1.17 .1 Messag e W aiting SL T Message W aiting [619] Feature & Programming References 1.17 .1 Messag e W aiting LCS Recording Mode Set [620] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 246 F ea ture Guide BV Resourc e [621] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.15. 7 Built- in V oice Message (BV) BV fo r Extension [622] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 247 Feature & Programming References 1.15 .7 Built-in V oice Mess age (BV) BGM Control f or APT [626] Feature & Programming References 1.15.4 B ackground Music ( BGM) SL T Ring W ait Time f or New Call [627] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 248 F ea ture Guide SL T Fixed Bell P attern [629] Feature & Pr ogramming References Ring T one Pattern Sele ction 1.16. 1 Caller ID Doorphone Ringing—Day/Night/Lunc h [700-702] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 249 Door Opener—Day/Night/Lunch [703-70 5] Feature & Programming References 1.15.2 Do or Open Doorphone Ring T one P attern [706] Not e It is reco mmende d tha.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 250 F ea ture Guide Doorphone Access T one [707] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.10.2 Roo m Moni tor 1.15.1 Doo r phone Call Doorphone Ring Time [708] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.15.1 Doo r phone Call Door Open Duration [ 709] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 251 Doorphone Ring/Chime [710] Feature & Programming References 1.15.3 Do orbell/D oor Chime Door phon e Ringing— Day/Night/Lunch [7 00-702] Doorphone Ch ime Assignment [711] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 252 F ea ture Guide SMDR RS-232C P arameter [800] Notes • * Selec t "None" when the pr inter do es not r equire e rror checking. • The following comb inations are invalid. If any of th e abov e invalid combin ations are selected , an alar m to ne will b e heard.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 253 Not e Outgoing Call: On (Pri nt all ca lls)/O ff (No pr inting) /T ol l (Pr int toll c alls on ly) Incoming Call: On (Pri nt all ca lls)/Off ( No pr inting) Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 254 F ea ture Guide SMDR Account Code [805] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.8. 2 T oll Res trictio n (TRS ) Ov erride b y Account Code 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 255 Caller ID [900] Not e The DIS A Delay ed A ns wer T ime for the ou tside (CO ) line s enabled here will al wa ys b e 6 sec onds ev en if "0 s" or "3 s" is sele cted in DISA Delay ed Answer Time [50 4].
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 256 F ea ture Guide Caller ID Area Code [901] Caller ID Modification f or Long-distance Calls [903] Feature & Pr ogramming References 1.16. 1 Caller ID 1.16. 2 Incomin g Call Log Caller ID L og Priority [904] Note This programme is av ailable wh en the C aller ID se r vice pr ovides both a name and a number .
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 257 Caller ID SMDR Format [906] Not e Even if a name i s also sent by the Cal ler ID se rvi ce, only the number is pr inted . Feature & Programming References 1.20.1 S tation Mes sage Deta il Recordi ng (SMDR) Caller ID SMDR Printout [907] Feature & Programming References 1.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 258 F ea ture Guide Call Log Next P age [927] Note This pro gramme enables the PBX t o includ e page br eaks when prin ting out c all logs for each ex t ension.
3.3 PT Pr ogramming F eature Guide 259 Not e This p rogramme speci fies whet her the PBX checks DTMF s ignals w hen answering cal ls or not. TRS Check Time after Ans wering [967] Not e This programm e specifi es the length of time that the DTMF signa l is checked when "Ena b le" is selected in TRS C heck after An s weri ng [966].
3.3 PT Pr ogramming 260 F ea ture Guide System Data Clear [999] < T o select All par ameters, System parameter , and/or Speed dial > < T o select the CO (outside line) parame ter > < T o select the Extension par ameter > < T o select the DS S param eter > Feature & Pr ogramming References 2.
F eature Guide 261 Section 4 Appendix.
4.1 Capacity of System Resour ces 262 F ea ture Guide 4.1 Capac ity of Sy stem Resour ces 4.1.1 Capacity of System Reso ur ces Category Item KX-TEA308 System Outs ide (CO ) Line Grou p 3 Extens ion Group 8 Absent Mes sage 6 × 16 characte rs Messag e W aiti ng 8/e xtn.
4.1 Capacity of System Re sources F eature Guide 263 Call Log Inco ming Call Log 20 entr ies/extn., 300 en trie s/PBX 125 voice mes sages/ Built -in V oice Mess age (BV ) resour ce Pa s sw o rd System.
4.2 T on es/Ring T ones 264 F ea ture Guide 4.2 T ones/Ring T ones 4.2.1 T ones/R ing T ones T one P atterns Dial T one 1 Nor mal Dial T one 2 Any of the f oll owing features is set: • Absent M essa.
4.2 T on es/Ring T ones F eature Guide 265 Dial T one 5 The re maining voice mess age recordi ng time i s less tha n 5 minutes or 125 voice messa ges hav e be en recorded (Built-i n V oice Messa ge [BV]).
4.2 T on es/Ring T ones 266 F ea ture Guide Singl e (5-s interva l) Double (5-s inte r val) DND T one The di alled extensio n is ref using in comin g calls. Call W aiting T one 1 Call W aiting T one 2 Singl e Double Tr i p l e Hold Alarm T one A call has been on hold for longer than the s pecified ti me.
4.2 T on es/Ring T ones F eature Guide 267 Confirmation T one 2 The new f eatur e setting was the sam e as the p re vio us settin g, or cer tain f eatu res were successf ully pe rf ormed or acce ssed (e.
4.2 T on es/Ring T ones 268 F ea ture Guide Ring T one Patterns Ring T one P atterns The following ri ng tone pa tter ns can b e assig ned to incomi ng ca ll types (out side (CO ) line, in tercom, or door phon e calls) , or are fixed for cer tain cal l types (H old Recal l, Timed Re minder , o r Camp-on Rec all).
4.2 T on es/Ring T ones F eature Guide 269 Doorphone Chime Patt erns The following door pho ne chime patter ns ca n be ass igned to ea ch door ph one when doorbells and door chime s are conne cted t o the PBX . * Chime patter ns 1 t o 4 are pl a yed only o ne time dur ing the door phone ring ing time.
4.2 T on es/Ring T ones 270 F ea ture Guide.
F eature Guide 271 Inde x.
Index 272 F ea ture Guide Numerics 1st Carrier Se lection C ode [ 359] 218 2-way R ecording into the VPS 145 3-level AA Assignme nt [540-549 ] 239 3-level Automa ted Attend ant (AA) 105 3-party Conf e.
Index F eature Guide 273 Comm on/Person al BV OGM Rec ording Time [215] 215 Conferen ce 97 Conferen ce Fea tures 96 Conferen ce Fea tures—OVERVI EW 96 Conferen ce Pa ttern [116 ] 207 Conferen ce Ton.
Index 274 F ea ture Guide External Pager Acces s Tone [106] 205 F Fault Recov ery/Diagnostics 187 FAX Co nnecti on [503] 232 FAX T one D etection [514 ] 235 Feature G uide Referen ces 2 Feature Hi ghl.
Index F eature Guide 275 Operato r/Manager F eatures 169 Option al Devic e Featur es 100 Outgoing M essage (OGM) for DISA/UCD 105 Outside (CO) Line Access 51 Outside (CO) Line C all Feat ures 41 Outsi.
Index 276 F ea ture Guide TAM —> Call Ret rievi ng from a Telep hone Ans wering Machin e (TAM) 37 Term inat ed Hu nti ng 23 Time Se rvice 166 Time Service Start Ti me [007] 200 Time Ser vice Swit.
Index F eature Guide 277.
Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. 1-62, 4-chome, Minoshima, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-8531, Japan Copyright: This material is copyrighted by P anasonic Communications Co ., Ltd., and ma y be reproduced for internal use only . All other reproduction, in whole or in par t, is prohibited without the written consent of Panasonic Communications Co .
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Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic kx-tea308, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic kx-tea308.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic kx-tea308. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic kx-tea308 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.