Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit HC-V270 du fabricant Panasonic
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Basic Operating Instr uctions High Definitio n V ideo Camera Model No. HC-V270 HC-V260 More detai led opera ting i nstructions are ava ilable i n “Opera tin g Instruct ions (PDF for mat)”. T o read it, do wnload it fro m the we bsite. https://eww.
2 SQT0527 (E NG) Dear Customer , We would l ike to take this opp ortunity to thank you for purc hasi ng t his Pa nason ic High Definiti on Video Cam era. Ple ase rea d these Operating Instru ctions carefu lly and keep them handy for future referenc e.
3 (ENG) SQT0527 ∫ Disposal of Old Equipment and Batteries Only for Europ ean Uni on and countries with recycling systems These symbols on the products, packaging, and/ or accompanying documen ts mean t hat used electrical and electronic products and batteries must not be mixed with general household waste.
4 SQT0527 (E NG) ∫ Cautions for us e Keep this uni t as far away as p ossi ble fro m electro magnetic equipm ent (su ch as microwav e ove ns, TVs, vi deo gam es etc.) . ≥ If you use this unit on top of or near a TV , the picture s and/or s ound o n this un it may be disrup ted by electr omagneti c wave radiatio n.
5 (ENG) SQT0527 If the o perating time is very short even after the batt ery h as be en r echarg ed, the batte ry has wor n out. Plea se pu rchase a new batte ry .
6 SQT0527 (E NG) Functi on that can be use d for the Playback Mode (m otion pictures o nly): Functi on that can be use d for the Playback Mode (st ill pictu res only): ≥ Scene( s) recorde d in the r.
7 (ENG) SQT0527 Informa tion for Y our Safe ty ...... ........... .......... 2 Accesso ries ..... ........... ............... ........... .......... 9 Prep aration Power su pply... ................ .......... ................ ... 10 Inserting/ removing t he batt ery .
8 SQT0527 (E NG) For United Kingdom and I reland customer s ∫ Sales and Su pport Information Custom er Com municatio ns Centre ≥ For custo mers wit hin the UK: 0844 844 3899 ≥ For custo mers wit hin lrel and: 01 289 8333 ≥ Monda y–F riday 9:00 am – 5: 00 pm (Excluding public holida ys).
9 (ENG) SQT0527 Check the a ccessorie s before u sing this unit. Keep th e accessori es out of reach of childr en to prev ent sw allo wing. Product numbers correct as of No v . 20 14. These ma y be sub ject t o c hange. Some option al accessorie s may not be avai lab le in som e co untrie s.
10 SQT0527 (E NG) ∫ About batteries that you can use with th is unit The ba ttery that can be used wit h thi s unit is VW-VBT 190/VW-V BT 380. ≥ The unit has a fu nction for distin guishing batter ies which can be used sa fely . The dedica ted batt ery ( VW-VBT 190/VW -VBT380 ) suppo rts this fu nction.
11 (ENG) SQT0527 Charging the battery The unit is in the standby condition when the AC adaptor is con nected. The primary circuit is always “live” as lon g as the AC adaptor is connected to an elec trical outlet. Important: ≥ Do not us e the AC ad aptor/DC ca ble with any oth er equipme nt as it is d esign ed onl y for this unit .
12 SQT0527 (E NG) ≥ Do not leav e the b attery(ies) in a car exp osed to dir ect sun lig ht for a long period of time with doors an d window s close d. Charging and recording time ∫ Chargin g/Recording t ime ≥ T emper ature : 25 o C/humidit y: 60% RH ≥ Chargi ng time s in parenthes es are when cha rging f rom the U SB te rminal.
13 (ENG) SQT0527 The unit ca n record still pictures or motion pictures to an SD card. T o record to an SD card, read the following. Cards that you can use w ith this unit Use SD ca rds confor ming to Cl ass 4 or hi gher of the SD Speed Cla ss Rat ing f or m otion pictur e recor ding.
14 SQT0527 (E NG) Y ou c an turn th e unit o n and off usi ng the po wer bu tton or by o pening and clo sing the LCD mon itor . Open the LCD monito r and press the power b utton to turn on the unit. A The status i ndicator lights on . The uni t is tur ned on wh en the LCD mon itor i s opened, and un it is turn ed off when it is clo sed.
15 (ENG) SQT0527 Switching this unit between Motion Picture Recording Mode and S till Picture Recording Mode T ou ch the recor ding mod e switching icon displayed on the LCD mo n itor (tou ch screen ) to switch this unit between Motion Picture Recording Mode and Still Picture Re cording Mode.
16 SQT0527 (E NG) ∫ Slide while touching Move your finger while pressing on the to uch screen . ∫ About the opera tion icons ///: T ouch wh en chang ing a pag e or perfor ming set tings.
17 (ENG) SQT0527 The clock i s not set at the time of purchase. M ake su re to set th e clock. ≥ When yo u turn on this unit , the mess age “S et home region and da te/t ime.
18 SQT0527 (E NG) 1 T ouch th e Recordi ng Mode b utton icon. 2 T ouch th e desir ed Recor ding Mode button i con. *1 In Mo tion Pictur e Recor ding Mo de only *2 In Still Picture Recording Mode only .
19 (ENG) SQT0527 ≥ Open th e lens c over b efore tur ning on t he unit . 1 Open the LCD moni tor , and se t this unit t o Moti on Pic ture Recordin g Mode . ( l 15) 2 Press the recording start/stop button to start recording . 3 Press the recording start/stop button again to pause recording.
20 SQT0527 (E NG) 1 Set this un it to Playback Mod e ( l 14). 2 T ouch the play mode select icon A ( l 16). ≥ Y ou can also set by touch ing , selectin g [VIDEO SETUP] or [PHOT O SETUP] # [MEDIA, VIDEO/ PICTURE]. ( l 22) 3 Selec t the still p icture C or the recording format of the motion picture D you wish to play back.
21 (ENG) SQT0527 ≥ The fol lowing ico ns are di splayed on thumb nails whe n [ALL AV CHD ] or [1080 /50i] is to uched: j A VCHD [1080/50p ] scene: j A VCHD [PH] scene : j A VCHD [HA] scene : j A VC .
22 SQT0527 (E NG) ≥ T o uch (left side) / (right sid e) of on the T ouc h Menu to disp lay . ( l 16) 1 To u c h . 2 T ouch th e top m enu A . 3 T ouch th e submenu B . ≥ Next (previous) page i s displayed by touching /. 4 T ouch the desired ite m t o enter the setting.
23 (ENG) SQT0527 This unit o ffers the following Wi -Fi fu nctions wh en used i n com bination with ano ther Wi -Fi compatible device. Before using any of these Wi-Fi funct ions, check the sett ings o f your device an d get it ready for use.
24 SQT0527 (E NG) ∫ Before using [Re mote Ctrl] Inst all the “I mage App” * The supp orted OS version are curr ent as of N ovember 2014 an d s u bject to c hange. ≥ Use the late st version. ≥ Refer to [ Help] in th e “Ima ge App” menu ab out how to operat e.
25 (ENG) SQT0527 Prep arations before using [Remote Ctrl] Check if the smartphone is an Android (NFC-com pati ble), Android (non-NFC- compatible), or iOS device. ≥ If the sma rtphone is NFC-com patible, the NFC ma rk is disp layed when yo u start up “Image A pp”.
26 SQT0527 (E NG) Using [Remote Ctrl] with a direc t connection ≥ Set t he N FC fu nctio n of th e sm artpho ne to on. 1 St art up the smartpho ne appli cation “Image App”. 2 T ouch th e smart phone on of t his unit . ≥ T o uch the NFC tou ch area whe n the NFC mar k is displaye d on the smar tphone scr een.
27 (ENG) SQT0527 Using [Remote Ctrl] with a wire less acces s point connection Check if the wireless access point you are using is compatible with WP S j If t he w irel ess acces s poi n t is compatib.
28 SQT0527 (E NG) ≥ Confirm Encr yption key ( Password) of the sele cted wireless a cce ss point if the net work authentica tion is encryp ted. 1 Press Wi-Fi butto n on thi s unit . ≥ When t he Wi-Fi button is pressed fo r the f irst time , a mess age is dis played.
29 (ENG) SQT0527 If the Wi-Fi c onnecti on cannot be est ablished ≥ Please r efer to th e oper ating ins truction of the device in use for details about t he setting o f the wireless acce ss point or s martphon e. Pro ble m Check points It canno t con nect to the w ireless access p oint.
30 SQT0527 (E NG) ∫ It is not a m alfunctio n in following ca ses Others T roub leshooting A clicki ng sou nd is he ard when th e unit is shaken . ≥ This is the so und of the lens mo ving and is n ot a defect .
31 (ENG) SQT0527 Please refer to “Operati ng Instru ctions ( PDF form at)” for details. Rec ord ing Proble m Check points Colour or b rightness of the image chan ges, or you may see ho rizontal bars in the imag e. The LCD moni tor fl ickers indoo rs.
32 SQT0527 (E NG) High De fin ition V ide o Ca mer a Informat ion for your safety Others S pecification s Power s ource: DC 5.0 V ( When u sing AC adaptor) DC 3.6 V ( When u sing batt ery) Power c onsumpt ion: Recording; 4.7 W Char ging ; 7. 7 W Motio n picture recordin g format : [A VCHD]; A VCHD format versio n 2.
33 (ENG) SQT0527 Lens: Auto Iris, 5 0 k optical zoom, F 1.8 to F4 .2 Focal length ; 2.06 mm to 10 3 mm Macro (Ful l r ange AF) 35 mm equi val ent; Motion pictur e; 28.0 mm to 17 40 mm (1 6:9)* S till picture; 28.0 mm to 17 40 mm (1 6:9), 34.0 mm to 17 66 mm (4 :3), 33.
34 SQT0527 (E NG) AC adapt or Informati on for your saf ety ∫ Carefully obse rve copy right laws Recor ding of pre-r ecor ded tape s or dis cs or other pu blished or broa dcast m aterial for purp oses ot her t han yo ur own priva te us e may infr inge copyr ight la ws.
35 (ENG) SQT0527 ≥ Other na mes of systems and products mentio ned in t hese instru ctions ar e usua lly the regi stered tr ademarks or tra demarks o f the manufacturers who developed the system or prod uct conce rned.
Panasonic Corporation Web site: © Panasonic Corporation 2014 Manufactured by: Panasonic Corporation Kadoma, Osaka, Japan Importer for Europe: Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Panasonic Testing Centre Winsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg, Germany SQT05 27 F 111 4 K K 0 EU HC-V270&V260EP&EB-SQT05 27_mst.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Panasonic HC-V270 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Panasonic HC-V270 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Panasonic HC-V270, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Panasonic HC-V270 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic HC-V270, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic HC-V270.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic HC-V270. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic HC-V270 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.