Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DV-SP301 du fabricant Onkyo
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DVD Player DV-SP301 Instru ction Manual Thank you for purchasing the Onkyo DVD Player . Please read t his ma nual thorou ghly bef ore making con- nections and turning on the power . Following the in structions in this man ual will enable you to obtain optim um performance and listening enjoyment from your new DVD Player .
2 Important Safeguards 1. Read Instructions – All th e safety an d operati ng instruct ions should be read before the appliance is operated. 2. Ret ain In struction s – The safety and op erating instructions should be ret ained for futu re referen ce.
3 Precautions For U.S. mode l The la ser is co vered by a housin g whic h prevent s exposu re duri ng operation or m aintena nce. Ho wever, this pr oduct i s classif ied as a Las er Pro duc t by CDRH (Cent er for Dev ices and Ra diol ogi cal Health) which is a depa rtment of th e Food and Drug Administ ration.
4 Precautions 1. Regional Restric tion Codes (Region Numb er) Regional restriction code s are buil t into D VD Pla yers and DVD-V ideo medi a for each sales re gion. If the regional code of the DVD Player d oes not match o ne of the region al codes on the DVD-V ideo, playback i s not possibl e.
5 Table of Contents Important Safe guards / Precautions / T able of Content s ..................... ................. ............... 2 Notes on Disc s ..................... ............................ ............................. ..................
6 Notes on Discs This section shows you how to handle, clean, and store discs. This DVD P laye r can pl ayback the foll owing dis cs. * The DVD Player can play CD-R/RW discs recorded in CD-DA format, with MP3/WMA au dio file s, or with JPEG image files.
7 • This system is not compatible w ith multi-session discs. If you try a multi-session disc, only the first session will be played. • Use CD-R or CD-R W media for recordin g your CD audio files, MP3/WMA files or JPEG image files. • The discs must be in ISO9660 Level 2 format (folders can be up to eig ht levels deep ).
8 Features/Supplied Accessories • Plays DVD-V ideo Discs, V ideo CDs, CDs • 10-bit Vi deo DAC • Simulta neous outp ut to all vide o connect ions • Dig ital Ou tput s pa ss DTS ® * 1 , Dol by .
9 Preparing the Remote Controller 1 Remove the battery compartment cover by pressing the t ab and lifting up the cover . 2 Insert the two batteries (siz e AAA/R3). Be sure to mat ch the + and – ends of the ba tteri es with the diagram inside the ba ttery com partm ent.
10 Control Position and Names For operat ion al in stru ctio ns, se e the pa ge indic ated in bra cket s [ ]. 1 POWER button [17] T urns on t he main p ower suppl y . 2 ST ANDBY/ON button [17] T oggle for sta ndby and on. 3 ST ANDBY indicator [17] Lights in the stan dby mod e.
11 1 Disc indicators Indica te the type of disc currently loade d. 2 Play/Pause indicators Illuminat e in play or pause mod e. 3 PRO GRESSIV E ind icator Illuminates wh en the DVD pla yer is set t o progressiv e mode. 4 PBC indicator Illuminat es when PBC is on for V ideo CD.
12 Control Positi on and Names For oper ational inst ructions, see the pa ge indica ted in bracket s [ ]. 1 ST ANDBY/ON button [17] T oggle for standb y on and off. 2 DIMMER butt on [19] T oggle t o control the li ghtness of the d isplay (3 steps). 3 RANDOM button [22] Press to do rando m playba ck.
13 Making Connections T o accom modate a wide range of hom e enterta inment syste ms, this play er feature s numerous c onnecti on types for both au dio and vi deo. Plea se re fer to th e ins tructi ons on th is an d the fol lowing pages to deter mine th e be st po ssibl e type of conn ection s fo r you r sy ste m.
14 Making Co nnections ■ If your TV has S-V ideo Input connector If the TV or m onitor has an S-video input , making thi s type of vide o connect ion will pr oduce impro ved pictu re quality. Using an S-video cable (sold separately ), connect th e VIDEO OU TPUT S VIDEO jack to the corre sponding S-v ideo input ja ck on the TV .
15 ■ If your TV has Component Input connector If the TV or monitor has compo nent video i nputs, m aking this type of video co nnectio n will produc e ideal pic ture qual ity for the presen tation of DV D-V i deo.
16 Making Connections Althoug h you ca n reproduc e the DVD Player ’ s sound from the T V speakers with the connecti ons on pages 1 3, 14, a nd 15, c onnecting with an amp lifier provid es you high qua lity dynam ic sounds.
17 Turning on The DV -SP301 is shipp ed with t he main power ( POWER ) switch in the o n positi on ( _ O N). Whe n the powe r cord is plug ged in for the fir st t ime, th e DV -S P301 will automa ticall y ente r the standby mode and the ST ANDBY ind icator will light (same condition afte r step 2 below).
18 Basic Playback Bef ore pl ayi ng • Turn on the TV and se t the TV to the DVD Play er's input. • T urn on the au dio system and set it to the DV D Playe r’s input, if an aud io system is co nnected to the DVD Player .
19 VCD CD DVD MP3 ■ T o play in fast reverse (FR) or fast forward (FF) Press FR/FF 1 / ¡ during playback. Each press of t he same button change s the p layback speed. T o resume nor mal playbac k, press PLA Y £ . Note The DVD Player mu tes sounds a nd omits subtit les during fast revers e and fast forwa rd of DVD -V id eo and V ideo CD.
20 Basic Playback When CD playback is st arted, this display appears on the screen. 1 Displays the track number and th e tot al playing time. Press 5 / a to highl ight the track you de sire. Press ENTER to start pla ying the trac k. 2 Displays the curren tly playi ng track number .
21 Y ou can play JPEG images on a CD-R or CD-RW which you recorded the images from digit al camera using a PC, etc. Y ou can switch b etween 3 types of display by pressing TOP MENU. • Thumbna il disp lay • Directory and track display Y ou can use ANGLE to select ei ther trac ks or directo ries.
22 Other Operations The f ollowing ope rations can be perf ormed d irectl y from the remote contro ller . • Random Play • Repea t Play • A-B Repeat Play • Memor y Edi t Play The chap ters o r tracks of the disc are play ed in rando m order . Press RANDOM RANDOM indicator lig hts up.
23 The A -B re peat func tion l ets you mark a segme nt to repeat betw een the be ginn ing “ A” and the e nd “B” of the s egme nt yo u want to repl ay . 1 Press A-B when y ou want to choose a sc ene (sound) as the begi nning point. 2 Press A-B agai n to choose a scene (sound) as the en d point.
24 DVD settings The f ollowing ope rations can be perf ormed d irectl y from the remote contro ller . • Selec ting a Playbac k Audio Set ting • Chang ing the Subtit le Languag e • Changin g the Camera Angle Y ou ca n select th e pref erred aud io langua ge and sou nd system a s a set from tho se include d on the disc.
25 Y ou can disp lay subtitles on the T V screen and se lect a subtitle language from those included on the DVD-V ideo. 1 Press SUBTITLE o n the remote c ontroller during play back. 2 Press SUBTITLE re peatedly to s elect the subtitle la nguage. 3 Press SUBTITLE O N/OFF to se lect subtitle on or off.
26 Using On-Screen Display The On-screen d isplay contains many playback featu res. The On-screen d isplay is available for DVD, video CD, C D and M P3. Press ON SCREEN. The con tents o f On-sc reen di splay de pend on the t ype of disc being playe d.
27 T o play from a specific T rack . 1 Press ON SCREEN. 2 Press 5 / a to s elect T rack. 3 Press ENTER. “__/ 12” appears. The num ber after “/” means the nu mber of Tr ack in tot al.
28 Using On-Screen Display Y ou c an select normal pl ay mode , random play mode or Intro sc an play mode . In random play mode, you ca n listen to the tra cks in random order . In intro scan pl ay mode, you can liste n only the fi rst 10 second s of each t rack.
29 Desired disc, title, chapter, track or playli st can be played ba ck repeat edly . 1 Press ON SCREEN. 2 Press 5 / a to s elect Rep eat Mode a nd press ENTER. Repeat Mode subm enu appe ars and th e availa ble repe at modes ar e liste d. 3 Press 5 / a to s elect repeat mode and press ENTER.
30 Customizing the Settings Y ou c an customize th is setting menu accord ing to your pre ference s. 1 Press MENU during stop mode. The setup men u display appea rs. 2 Press 5 / a / 2 / 3 to sele ct the item yo u want to change, th en press ENTER. Some settings wi ll change when you press ENTER .
31 This sets t he initia l setup o f langua ge as wel l as the language used in On-screen messages such as “PLA Y”. English : T o displa y set up menu s in Engli sh. Français: T o display set up menus in Frenc h. Esp añol: T o displ ay setup menus in Spanish.
32 Customizing the Settings T able of Languages and Their Code No. Code No. Language 6566 Abkhazian 6565 Afar 6570 Afrikaans 8381 Albanian 6577 Ameharic 6582 Arabis 7289 Armenian 6583 Assamese 6588 Ay.
33 ■ LPCM PCM ⇔ Off This pl ayer i s cap able of outputti ng the LPCM audio signal. T o outpu t the LPCM audi o signal, Selec t [PCM]. When yo u do not want t o output the LPC M audi o signal, se lect [Off]. ■ Dolby Digit al Bitstream ⇔ PCM This pl ayer is cap able o f output ting t he Do lby D igital surr ound so und aud io si gnal .
34 Customizing the Settings Y ou c an set the V ideo Standa rd with this opt ion. Content Sp ecific: The pla yer auto matical ly selects NTSC or P AL depend ing o n the disc. NTSC: Plays the N TSC disc only . PA L : Play s the P AL disc onl y . Thi s sets the sc ree n size (4:3 or 16 :9 asp ect r atio ) acco di ng to th e connec ted TV .
35 Y ou can enjoy th e progr essiv e vid eo images when comp onent video con nect ion is used to c onnec t this play er and T V comp atible with progre ssive . Comp ared to a stan dard i nterla ced TV p ictur e, a prog ress ive s can TV is capa ble of s table, flic ker -free images.
36 Customizing the Settings This player l ets you set the Parental Setting if th e DVD has a parent al lock le vel reco rded on it. W ith Parent al Lock capab le discs , you can bl ock access to m ateria l you feel i s ina ppropr iate for you r child ren.
37 Troubleshooting Check the follo wing guide for the pos sible cause of a pro blem before contacting servi ce. Refer also to the respective instruct ion manu als of the c onne cted compon ents and T V . DVD Pla yer Sympt oms Ca uses Remed i es Page s The DVD Pla yer doesn’ t swit ch on .
38 Troubleshootin g Remote Controller Symp toms Ca use s Reme die s Pag es The bu ttons on the D VD Play er oper ate but the butto ns o n the re mote controll er do not ope rate. • No bat terie s are inser ted in the re mo te controlle r . • The batt eries are worn out.
39 Specifications ■ DVD Player Powe r supp ly AC 12 0 V , 60 H z (N orth Amer ica m ode ls) AC 1 10-240 V , 50/6 0 Hz (Oth er models) Power consum ption 16 W W eight 6.6 lbs, 3.0 kg External d imensions (W × H × D) 17-1/8" x 3-3/16" × 11 - 1 / 8" 435 × 8 1.
Sales & Product Planning Div. : 2-1, Nisshin-cho, Neyagawa-shi, OSAKA 572-8540, JAPAN Tel: 072-831-8111 Fax: 072-831-8124 ONKYO U.S.A. CORPORATION 18 Park Way, Upper Saddle River, N.J. 07458, U.S.A. Tel: 201-785-2600 Fax: 201-785-2650 http://www.onkyousa.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Onkyo DV-SP301 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Onkyo DV-SP301 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Onkyo DV-SP301, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Onkyo DV-SP301 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Onkyo DV-SP301, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Onkyo DV-SP301.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Onkyo DV-SP301. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Onkyo DV-SP301 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.