Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit E5CSV-U du fabricant Omron
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E5CSV/E5CS-U Digital T emperature Controller Digital T emperature Contr oller E5CSV E5CSV E5CS-U E5CS-U E5CSV E5CSV E5CS-U E5CS-U E5CSV E5CSV E5CS-U E5CS-U User's Man ual Cat.
Introduction OMRON products are manufactured f or use ac cordin g to proper proced ures by a qualif ied opera tor and only for the purpos es desc ribed in this manual. The E5CSV and E5C S-U are Compac t Digita l T emperature Controll ers. The E5CSV features screw ter minal c onnectio ns, and the E5C S-U features so cket pin connect ions.
Warranty and Limita tions of Liability WARRANTY OMRON's ex clusive war ranty is that the pr oducts are fr ee from defects in mater ials and workmanship for a period of one year (or other period if s pecified) from date of s ale by OMRO N.
Disclaimers CHANGE IN SPECIFICATIONS Product spec ifications and ac cessor ies may be c hanged at any time based on improv ements and other reasons . It is our prac tice to change model numbers when published ratings or features are c hanged, or when significant cons truction changes are made.
Safety Precautions Definition of Precauti onary Information The following notat ion is us ed in this ma nual to provide pr ecauti ons re quire d to e nsur e safe usage of the product. The safety precautions that ar e provided are extremely impor tant to s afety .
● Saf ety Precautions CA UTION Do not touch the terminals while pow er is being s upplied. Doing so may occasionally result in minor injury due to electric s hock. Do not allow pieces of metal, wire clippings , or fine metallic shavings or filings from installat ion to enter the product.
Precautions for Safe Use Be sure to obser ve the following precautions to prevent operation failur e, malfunction, or adv erse affects on the performance and func tions of the product. Not doing s o may occ asionally res ult in unexpected events. 1 ) The product is desig ned for indo or use only .
13) A switch or circu it break er shou ld be prov ided cl ose to this Unit. The s witc h or circ uit breaker shoul d be within easy reac h of the operator, and must be mar ked as a dis connecting means for this unit.
Installation Precautions Service Life Use the Temperatur e Controller within the following temperature and humidity ranges: Temperature: − 10 to 55 ° C ( with no icing or condens ation), Humidi.
Precautions for Operation 1 ) It takes approximately two seconds for the output s to turn ON from after the power supply is turned ON. Due consideration must be giv en to this time when incorpor ating Temperature Controllers into a c ontrol panel or similar devic e.
Revision History A manual revision code appear s as a s uffix to the catalog number on the bac k cov er of the manual. Cat. No. H140-E1-01 The fol lowing tab le ou tlines the chan ges made to th e manu al dur ing each revis ion. Page n umbers refer t o the previous v ersion.
Conventions Used in This Manual Model Notat ions “E5CSV and E5CS- U” or “E5CSV/E5C S-U” ar e use d when th e informa tion b eing prov ided applies to all E5CSV and E5CS-U Digital Te mperature Controller s. Meanings of Abbrev iations The following abbreviations are used in parameter names, figures and in tex t explanations.
About this Manual: Pur pose Relev ant s ection Details ● Overview Section 1 Over view Section 1 introduces the features, components, and main specifications of the E5CSV/E5CS-U Digital Temperature Controller s.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................. i Warranty and Li mitations of Lia bility .......................... ii Safety Pr ecau tio ns ................................................... iv Precaut ions for S afe Use .
■ Changing th e SP ................................................................................ 3-7 3.6 Using ON/O FF Contr ol ....................................................................................... 3-8 ■ ON/OFF Control .......
Section 1 Over vie w 1.1 Names of P ar ts ................................................................. 1-2 ■ F ront Panel ..................................................................1-2 ● E5CSV ..........................................
Section 1 Over view Ov er view 1.1 Names of Parts ■ Front Panel ● E5CSV ● E5CS-U Lock Release Key Mode Ke y Mode indicat ors Deviation indicat ors T ool inser t ion hole Down K ey キ Alar m ind.
1.1 Names of Parts Ov er view ■ Using t he Keys This section desc ribes the bas ic func tions of the f ront panel k ey s. ● M (Mode) Ke y Press this key to change param eters within a setting level. ● U (Up) K ey Each press of this key increm ents the setting value.
Section 1 Over view Ov er view 1.2 I/O Configurati on and Main Functions ■ I/ O Configur ation ● E5CSV and E5CS-U Control out p ut Alar m output 2 Alar m output 1 Alar m 1 func tion Alar m 2 func .
1.2 I/O Configuration and Main Func tions Ov er view ● Control Outputs • • • A contro l output can be relay or voltage out put, depe nding on the model. ● Alarms Alar ms ar e suppor ted by E5CS V - @ 1 @@ - @ , E5CSV - @ 2 @@ - @ , E5CS- @ 1 @@ U- @ , and E5C S- @ 2 @@ U- @ .
Section 1 Over view Ov er view 1.3 Setting Level Configur ation and Key Ope rations P arameters are divided into groups, each called a “le vel . ” Ea ch of the s et v alues (setting items) in these lev els is c alled a “parameter .
1.3 Setting Level Configuration and Key O perations Ov er view ■ Selectin g Parameters • • • • • Within e ach lev el, th e parameter is c hang ed each tim e the M Key i s pressed. The parameter changes immediately after pressing the M key .
Section 1 Over view 1-8 Ov er view 1.4 Setting Switches ● E5CSV Inser t the t ool ( refer to the diagram) into the two t ool ins er tio n holes (one on the top a nd one on the bottom) and r elease t he hooks. Then, grip the front panel and pull out towards you to remov e it.
1.4 Setting Switches Ov er view ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 ON INIT switch Protect switch P X Control mode swi tches Temperature ra nge switch Alarm mode s witch 0 4 3 2 1 5 9 8 7 6 0 4 3 2 1 5 9 8 7 6 ● Protect Switch • • • • • When the pr otect switch is ON, Up Ke y and Down Ke y operati ons are prohibited to prevent setting mistakes.
Section 1 Over view Ov er view • Set the tem perature range us ing the temperat ure range switch numbers. Thermocouple input (E 5CSV - @ KJ, E5CS- @ KJU) Set rang e Speci- fica- tions Te m - per.
1.4 Setting Switches Ov er view Thermistor input ( E5CSV - @ G , E5CS- @ GU) Setting range Speci- fica- tions Te m - per - ature range ° C ° F 0 − 50 to 50 − 50 to 100 1 0 to 100 0 to 200 2 .
Section 1 Over view Ov er view ● Alarm Mode Switch • Sel ect the a lar m mode switch number w hen cha ngin g to the alar m mode. This switch is not provided in models without alar ms.
Section 2 Preparations 2.1 Insta llati on ................................................................................2-2 ■ Exter n al Dimensio ns (Unit: mm) .................................2-2 ● E5CSV ........................................
Section 2 Preparations 2.1 Installation ■ External Di mensions (Unit: mm) 2-2 Prepar ations ● E5CSV 48 X 48 84 78 6 1.5 44.8 X 44.8 48 58 ● E5CS-U 48 X 48 94.45 (7.75) 6.25 72.5 14.2 58 44.8 X 44.8 48 ■ Panel Cutout Di mensions (Unit: mm) ● E5CSV and E5CS-U Individual Mounting Group Mounting 60 min.
2.1 Installation Ada p te r Panel Waterproof pack ing Term inal co ve r Prepar ations • G roup mounting is pos sible in one direction only , either ver tic al or hor izontal. ■ Mounting For the Wiring Sock et, separately purchase the P2CF-08 or P3G-08 fo r models without alar ms, or the P2CF-11 or P3G A-11 f or models with alar ms.
Section 2 Preparations (1) Inser t the tool into the two tool inse r tion holes (one on the top and one on the bottom) and release the hook s. (2) Inser t the tool in the gap between the front panel and rear case , and pull out the front panel slightly .
2.2 Wiring Terminals 2.2 Wiring Terminals ■ Termin al Arrangement ● E5CSV ● E5CS-U (Without Alarms) . (With Alarms) * Purchase the P2CF-08 or P3G -08 wir ing sock et separately .
Section 2 Preparations ■ Precautions wh en W i ri n g ・ Separate input leads and po wer lines in order to pre vent e xter nal noise. ・ Use A WG24 (cross-sectional area: 0.205 mm 2 ) to A WG18 (cross-s ectional area: 0.832 mm 2 ) twisted-pair cable (stripping length: 5 to 6 mm).
2.2 Wiring Terminals ● Control Outputs • • Outputs are s ent from t er minals 1 and 2 w ith the E5 CSV , a nd from termin als 4 to 6 with the E5CS -U . The f ollo wing di ag rams sh ow the av ailable outputs and their inter nal equaliz ing circuits.
Section 3 Basic Operations 3.1 Setting the Inp ut T ype ................................................................... 3-2 ■ Input T ype ................................................................. 3-2 ● Ther mocouple ...................
Section 3 Basic Operations 3.1 Setting the Input Type The E5CS is availab le in models with ther mo couple input, models with platinum resistance ther mometer input, ther mistor input, and multi-input (thermocouple/platinum resistance thermometer) models.
3.1 Setting the Input Type Basic Operati ons Specifications Temper - ature range Input te mper ature range 6 K Ω (0 ° C) 0 -50 to 50 ( ° C) / -50 to 100 ( ° F) 6 K Ω (0 ° C) 1 0 to 100 ( ° C).
Section 3 Basic Operations 3.2 Selecting the Temperature Unit ● T emperature Unit • • Select t he tem perature uni t as e ither ° C or ° F using the contr o l mode switch 6.
3.3 Selecting PID Control or O N/OFF Contr ol 3.3 Selecting PID Control or ON/OFF Control T wo control methods are supported: 2-PID control and ON/OFF control. Switching betw een 2-PID control and ON/OFF control is performed using the control mode switch 1.
Section 3 Basic Operations 3.4 Setting Output Specifications ■ Control Per iod • • • • Set the out put per iod (contr ol per iod). Though a s hor ter per iod provides better contro l perfor mance, it is r ecommen ded that th e control peri od be set to 20 seconds or lon ger for a relay output to preser ve the ser vice l ife of the relay .
3.5 Setting the Set Point (SP) 3.5 Setting the Set Point (SP) The operation lev el is display ed when the power is turned O N. When the M K ey is us ed to light the SP indicator in the dis play , the set point is displayed.
Section 3 Basic Operations 3.6 Using ON/OFF Control In ON/OFF control, the control output turns OFF when the temperature being controlled reaches the preset set point. When the manipulated v ariable turns OFF , the temperature begins to f all and the control tur ns ON again.
3.7 Determining PID Constants ( AT, ST, Manual Setup) 3.7 Determining PID Consta nts (A T, ST, Manual Setup) ■ AT (Auto-tuning) • • • When A T is executed, the optimum PID c onstants for the set po int at that time ar e set a utomat ically .
Section 3 Basic Operations Basic Operati ons ■ ST (Self-tuning) ST (self-tuning) is a function that finds PID constants b y using step response tuning (SR T ) when Cont roller operation begins or when th e set point is changed.
3.7 Determining PID Constants ( AT, ST, Manual Setup) Basic Operati ons ● ST Stable Range Operatin g Procedure The ST s table range determines the set value under which ST (self-tuning) functions operate. This proc edure sets the ST stable range to 20 ° C.
Section 3 Basic Operations Basic Operati ons ■ Manual Setup The manual settings f or PID constants are perf ormed separately in the “propor tional band” (P), “integral time” (I), and “der iv ativ e time” (D) parameters in the initial setting le vel (2).
3.7 Determining PID Constants ( AT, ST, Manual Setup) Basic Operati ons • When P (Propor tional Band) Is Adjusted Incr eas- ing P The cur ve rises gr adually , and a long stabilization time is created, but o vershooting is prev ented.
Section 3 Basic Operations 3.8 Alarm Outputs Alar ms c an be used w ith E5C S @ 1 @@ - @ (one alar m point) , E5C S @ 2 @@ - @ (two alar m p oints) , E5CS @ 1 @@ U- @ (one alar m point), and E5CS @ 2 @@ U- @ (two alar m points). Alar m output conditions ar e deter mined by a combinat ion of the “alar m type” and “alar m value”.
3.8 Alarm Outputs Basic Operati ons 1. Set the alar m mode switch to 2 and then tur n ON the power . 2. Press the M K ey in the oper ation le vel and select the “alar m value 1” (ALM mode) parameter . 3. Use the U Ke y to s et the parameter to 10.
Section 3 Basic Operations 3.9 Shifting Input Values ■ Shifting Inputs When the control mode switch 4 is set to ON, the input shift value is display ed in the operation le vel and the shift can be added to the input.
3.9 Shifting Input Values Basic Operati ons ● Shift Method 1. Make sure tha t the control target temper ature (C) and Controller temperature (B) mat ch, with the control target temp erature near the set point. 2. Check the control target temperature (B) and the Controller readout (A).
Section 4 Operations fo r Applications • • • 4.1 Movin g to the Initial Setting Le vel ..................................... 4-2 4.2 Assigning Outputs ............................................................ 4-3 ■ Output A ssign ment .....
Section 4 Oper ations fo r Applications 4.1 Moving to the Initial Setting Level • T o move to the initial setting le vel, turn OFF the protect s w itch, turn ON the INIT swit ch, and then hold down the U Ke y w hile tur ning ON the power . T he status of the c ontrol mode switches 1 to 6 is ignored.
4.2 A ssigning Output s 4.2 Assigning Outputs • • • By cha nging th e co ntrol out put ass ignment, alar m output 1 assignment, and alar m output 2 assignm ent settings, the func tions assigne d to each ou tput c an be chang ed in t he init ial setti ng level (3).
Section 4 Oper ations fo r Applications 4.3 Alarm Functions • ■ Alar m Hysteresis • • • • • • The hysteresis of alar m o utputs wh en alar ms are switched O N/OFF can be set as follows: Alar m hysteresis is alwa ys 0.2 ( ° C or ° F).
Operati ons f or Applications 4.3 Alarm Functions ■ Close in Alarm/Open in Alarm • • • • When “ close in alar m” is set, the status o f the a lar m fu nction wi ll be output as is. When “open in alar m” is set, the s tatus of the alar m function will be reversed bef ore being output.
Section 4 Oper ations fo r Applications 4.4 Setting the SP Upper and Lower Limit Values • ■ Set Point Limiter The setting range of the set point i s limited by the set point limiter . The set point limiter is used to pre vent the control target from reaching abnor mal temperatures.
Operati ons f or Applications 4.4 Setting the SP Upper and Lower Limit V a lues • • • Setting the S et P oint Upper-l imit V alue Operatin g Procedure Set P oint Upper Limit = 1000 1. Press the M K ey from the initial setting le vel (3) and select “set point upper limit” (SP mode).
Section 4 Oper ations fo r Applications 4.5 Alarm Delays • ■ Alarm Delays • • • Delays can be set for the alar m out puts. ON an d OFF delays can b e set separate ly for alar ms 1 a nd 2. The ON and OFF de lays f or alar ms 1 and 2 also apply to the individ ual ALM 1 and ALM2 indicator s.
Operati ons f or Applications 4.5 Alar m Delays ● Parameter s Relate d to Alarm Delays P aramete r name Setting Set (monitor ) values Alar m 1 ON Delay Initial setting lev el (4) SP mode 0 to 999 (s.
Section 4 Oper ations fo r Applications Operati ons f or Applications 4-10.
Section 5 P arameter s 5.1 Conv entio ns Used in this Section ................................................. 5-2 ● Meanin gs of Icons Used in thi s Sec tion .............. 5-2 ● About R elated P arameter Displ a ys ..................... 5-2 ● The Order in Which P arameters Are Descr ibed i n T his Sectio n .
Section 5 Param eters 5.1 Conventions Used in this Section ● Meanings of Icons U sed in this Section Descr ibes the functions of the parameter . Descr ibes the setting range and default of the parameter . ● About Related Parameter Displa ys P arameters are displa yed only when the conditions of use indicated for the p arameter are satisf ied.
5.2 Operation Level 5.2 Operation Level Displa y this le vel to perf or m standard control operations. The set points and alarm values are set in this lev el.
Section 5 Param eters P a rameters Process v alue Displays the proces s value (except when no PV display is selected) * The dec imal position is s et automatically by the selected Sens or . Monitor range Unit Process value Input indication range (See pages A-12 and A- 13.
5.2 Operation Level ALM2 mode Alarm v alue 2 This parameter is s et to the input values “X” or “Y” in the alar m type lis t. The ALM will flash in the dis play while the alarm value 2 is dis play ed. • T his parameter sets the alar m value f or alar m output 2.
Section 5 Param eters P a rameters IS mode (1) Manual r eset v alue h / l • • This function r esets the offs et that occurs when P (or PD) c ontrol is used. The offse t that occ urs is s et in ° C or ° F as the manual r ese t value. (This applies when manual reset is enabled.
5.2 Operation Level IS mode (3) Alarm 1 latch status a1 • • • This parameter displays the alar m 1 latc h status. The latch ca n be clear ed by pressing the U and D K eys for at least 2 s while the alar m 1 latch status is displayed.
Section 5 Param eters 5.3 Moving to the Initial Setting Level The initial setting lev el is used to mak e the settings that maximize T emperature Controller perfo r mance. Control stops when moving to the initial setting lev el. The methods f or moving to the initial setting lev el are desc ribed her e.
5.4 Initial Setting Leve l (1) 5.4 Initial Setting Level (1) Mov e to initial setting lev el (1) by selecting “ 1” in the initial setting lev el selection disp la y and pressing the M Ke y . This lev el is used to set the follo wing parameters including tuning, hysteresis for ON/OFF c ontrol.
Section 5 Param eters P a rameters SP mode PV auto reset PV/SP displa y T uning selection ST e x ecuting displa y Manual r eset enabl e/disabl e Control period selection Set whether to enable or disab le PV auto reset. Set the PV/SP display . Select the tuning method.
5.4 Initial Setting Leve l (1) 100’ s digit 10’ s di git 1’ s digit Di sp laye d num ber PV auto reset PV/SP display T uning selection ST ex ecution display Manua l reset enable/ disable Contr o.
Section 5 Param eters P a rameters ALM mod e Integr al time setting unit Hysteresis width T emperatur e width in whic h the ■ de viation indicator li ghts • • • Select the integral time setting unit. Set the hysteresis width. Set the temperature width in which the ■ deviation indicator lights.
5.4 Initial Setting Leve l (1) IS mode ST stabl e range • T he setting of this parameter deter mines when ST operates. Setting range Unit Default 1 to 999 ° C/ ° F 15 Function Setting P a rameters.
Section 5 Param eters 5.5 Initial Setting Level (2) Mov e to initial setting le v el (2) by selecting “2” in the initial setting lev el selection displa y and pressing the M Ke y . Manual PID settings can be set in this lev el. In the initial setting lev el (2), the ▲ ■ ▼ deviation indicators are lit.
5.5 Initial Setting Level (2) SP mode Propor tional band The propor tional band (P) is set in this parameter . The propor tional band f or A T (auto-tuning) and ST (self- tuning) can also be s et automatically . P operation: Ref ers to contr ol in w hich the MV is pr opor tional to the deviation.
Section 5 Param eters 5.6 Initial Setting Level (3) Mov e to initial setting le v el (3) by selecting “3” in the initial setting lev el selection displa y and pressing the M Ke y . The set point upper- /lower-limit values and output assignment can be set in this lev el.
5.6 Initial Setting Level (3) SP mode SP upper lim it • • • This parameter sets the u pper li mit of the set po int. T he set poi nt can be set within the range with the u pper limit set in the “S P upper lim it” par ameter.
Section 5 Param eters P a rameters IS mode (1) Control output assignm ent ot • T his parameter sets the function to be assigned to the c ontrol output.
5.6 Initial Setting Level (3) IS mode (3) Alarm 2 assignment a2 • T his parameter sets the function to be assigned to alar m output 2. Displa yed numb er Set v alue Setting range Default 0 No assignment 1 Control function 2 Alar m 1 func tion 3 Alar m 2 func tion 0 to 3 3: Alar m 2 func tion * Not displayed f or models without alar m output 2.
Section 5 Param eters 5.7 Initial Setting Level (4) Mov e to initial setting le v el (4) by selecting “4” in the initial setting lev el selection displa y and pressing the M Ke y . The settings r elated to the alar m 1 ON/OF F delay and alarm 1 c an be set in this level.
5.7 Initial Setting Level (4) SP mode Alarm 1 ON dela y Alar m 1 function is preven ted from tur ning ON until after the delay time set in this parameter has elapsed. Set the time for which the ON delay is to be enab led. T o disable the ON delay , set 0.
Section 5 Param eters P a rameters IS mode (1) Alarm 1 type al • • Select one of the follo wing nine alar m 1 types : This parame ter is disp lay ed only for mode ls witho ut alar m outputs ( i.e., models wit hout an alar m mode switch). Se ttings for models with alar m outputs are set us ing the alar m mode switch.
5.7 Initial Setting Level (4) IS mode (2) Alarm 1 open in alar m nc • • This parameter sets the output status for alar m 1. When “c lose in a lar m” is se t, the sta tus of the a lar m 1 function w ill be outp ut as is. When “ope n in alar m ” is set, the status of the alar m 1 function will be rev ersed before being output.
Section 5 Param eters 5.8 Initial Setting Level (5) Mov e to initial setting le v el (5) by selecting “5” in the initial setting lev el selection displa y and pressing the M Ke y . The settings r elated to the alar m 2 ON/OF F delay and alarm 2 c an be set in this level.
5.8 Initial Setting Level (5) SP mode Alarm 2 ON dela y Alar m 2 function is preven ted from tur ning ON until after the delay time set in this parameter has elapsed. • • Set the time for which the ON delay is to be enab led. T o disable the ON delay , set 0.
Section 5 Param eters P a rameters IS mode (1) Alarm 2 type al • Selec t one of the follo wing nine alar m 2 types : Set val u e Alarm type Alarm output operation 0 Alar m function OFF Output OFF 1 .
5.8 Initial Setting Level (5) IS mode (2) Alarm 2 open in alar m nc • • This parameter sets the output status for alar m 2. When “c lose in a lar m” is se t, the sta tus of the a lar m 2 function w ill be outp ut as is. When “ope n in alar m ” is set, the status of the alar m 2 function will be rev ersed before being output.
Appendices Specifications ......................................................................... A -2 ■ Ratings ............................................................................ A-2 ■ Characteristic s ................................
Appendices Specifications ■ Ratings Supply voltage 100 to 240 V AC , 50/60 Hz 24 V AC , 50/60 Hz/24 VDC Oper ati ng vol tag e range 85 to 110% of rated supply v oltage Power consumption 5 V A 3 V A/.
Specifications Appendices ■ Characteristics Indication accuracy (ambient temper ature of 23°C) Thermocouple: *1 (±0. 5% o f indic ation value or ±1°C, whichev er is grea ter) ± 1 di git max. (E5CSV) (±1. 0% o f indic ation value or ±2°C, whichev er is grea ter) ±1 digit max .
Appendices Error Displays When an error oc curs, the error contents are s hown on the display window . This sec tion descr ibes how to check error c odes on the display , and the actions to be taken to remedy the problems. Ov erflow ● Meaning (1) The process value is higher than the control temperature range.
Error Disp lays Appendices Flashing Input Sensor Error (High T emperatur e) ● Meaning (1) The pr ocess value is hig her than the overflo w temperature or a sensor error has occurred when using a ther mocouple input or platinum resistance ther mometer input model.
Appendices Appendices Displa y Range Exceeded ● Meaning This does not indicate an error . It is displa yed if the process v alue ex ceeds the display rang e when the control range is larger than the display range. • • When less than − 99 : [[[ When more than 1999 : ]]] ● Operation Control continues, allowi ng nor mal operation.
Burnout/Short-c ircuit Display and Causes Burnout/Shor t-cir cuit Displa y and Causes The display window shows the error details if an input s ensor burnout or shor t- circuit oc curs. The error display and control output operation f or burnouts and shor t-circuits is e xplained below for each input type.
Appendices Parameter Operation Lists ■ Operation Level Par a m et er s Mode indicators/ displayed text Setting (m onitor) valu e Default Unit Set val ue Process value − Sensor input indicat ion ra.
Parameter Oper ation Lists Appendices ■ Initial Setting Level (1) P aramete rs Mode indicators/ displayed text Setting (monitor ) value Default Unit Set val ue 0: No PV auto reset SP mode 100’ s d.
Appendices Appendices ■ Initial Setting Level (2) Par am e t e rs Mode indic ators /disp lay ed text Setting (monitor) value Default Unit Set val ue Propor tional band SP mode 1 to 999 8 °C/°F 0 t.
Parameter Oper ation Lists Appendices ■ Initial Setting Level (4) Par am e t e rs Mode indic ators /disp lay ed text Setting (monitor) value Default Unit Set val ue Alarm 1 ON delay SP mode 0 to 999.
Appendices Sensor Input Setting Range, Indication Range, Control Range Input type Specifica- tions T emperature range Input temperatur e range Control rang e 0 0 to 200 ( ° C)/0 to 200 ( ° F) − 20.
Sensor Input Setting Range, Indication Range, Contr ol Range Appendices Input type Specifica- tions T emperature range Input temperatur e range Control rang e 0 − 99 to 850 ( ° C)/ − 99 to 1,500 ( ° F) − 119 to 870 ( ° C)/ − 139 to 1,540 ( ° F) 1 0.
Setting Lev e ls Diagram Setting Levels Diagram This diagram show s all of the setting le vel s. Some parameters are not displ ay ed depending on the protect lev el setting and the c onditions of use. Control is st opped for each of the initial setting lev els.
Param eter Flow Parameter Flow This section descr ibes the parameters set in each le vel. Pressing the M ke y at the las t parameter in each lev el retur ns to the top parameter in that level.
Pa r a m e t e r F l o w Appendices Initial setting (5) SP mode Alarm 2 ON dela y (0: Disab led, 1 to 999 s) ALM mode Alarm 2 OFF dela y (0: Disab led, 1 to 999 s) IS mode (1) Alarm 2 type (0 to 8) IS.
Index Index 2 2-PID control.....................................................................3-5 A alar m 1 ass i gnment.......................................................... 5-18 alarm 1 latch ..................................................
Index Appendices initial setti ng le vel (1)............................................... A-9, 5-9 initial setti ng le vel (2)........................................... A-10, 5-14 initial setti ng le vel (3).........................................
Index protect switc h ................................................................1-9 tempera ture range switc h ............................................1-10 setting t he SP upper a nd lo wer li mit va lues ....................... 4-6 shift metho d.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Omron E5CSV-U c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Omron E5CSV-U - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Omron E5CSV-U, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Omron E5CSV-U va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Omron E5CSV-U, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Omron E5CSV-U.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Omron E5CSV-U. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Omron E5CSV-U ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.