Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 4 HD du fabricant Olive Media Products
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2 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE A nd tha nk you for your purchase. Y ou’re about to experience digital music in true high delity . W ith easy , intuitive access to your complete music collection and no compromise in sound quality , now you can experience all of it.
3 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE The Olive 4/4HD and Olive 2 wer e designe d to work togeth er so you can enjoy your music library thr ough out your home.
5 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE Setup 06 Oli ve 4/ 4HD Co mpo nen t s 07 Oli ve 2 Co mpo nent s 08 Con ne ct Ol ive 4 09 Con ne ct Ol ive 4HD 1 0 Oli ve 4HD HDM I 1 1 Con ne ct Ol ive 2 Navig.
6 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE SETUP Olive 4 & 4HD Components Olive 4 User Guide Wireless Antenna Remote + Batteries Olive 4HD Power Cable Power Cable Wireless Antenna Remote + Batteries.
SETUP Olive 2 Components 7 OLIVE 4 & OLIVE 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE Olive 2 Power Cable User Guide Wireless Antenna Remote + Batteries Unp ack you r box and yo u nd th e foll owin g items:.
8 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE 4. M as te r Powe r Swi tch on you r Oli ve 4 usi ng the Mas ter Power Sw itch an d pres s the Wake/Sl ee p But ton on th e fro nt to activate the T ou chsc ree n. 2 a. W ir el e ss A nt en n a Screw t he wi rele ss anten na onto the W iFi por t for a wire les s con ne ctio n.
SETUP Connect Olive 4HD 9 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE 6. M as te r Powe r Switch on yo ur Oli ve 4H D usin g the Ma ster P ower S witch and pr ess th e W ake/Slee p Button on the fr ont to acti vate t he T ouchscr een.
10 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE Co nn ec t HD MI Th e Oli ve 4HD inc lud es a n HDMI i nter fac e so you c an v iew a f ull c olo r dis play of al l your m usi c deta ils o n the bi g scre en! S imp ly co nne ct a n HDMI c abl e fro m the HD MI por t on your T V to th e HDMI p or t o n the bac k of your O live 4HD.
SETUP Connect Olive 2 11 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE 2 a. W ir el e ss A nt en n a Screw t he wi rele ss anten na onto the W iFi por t for a wire les s con ne ctio n. 3. Po wer C ab le Att ach th e Power Cab le to the powe r por t and the n to a wall s ocket.
12 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE SETUP Audio Op t io n 2: C onn ect p owered s pea kers d irec tly to your Ol ive us ing th e ana log au dio outp uts.
NAVIGA TE Buttons 13 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE Pl aye r Bu t to ns Th e Playe r Bu t tons a re us ed like a CD pl ayer . Wh en you p ush on ce, Pl ay / Paus e, For wa rd and B ack bu tton s all ow you to navig ate tracks w ithi n an al bum o r play list whi le p layi ng m usi c.
14 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE NAVIGA TE Buttons Pl ay/Pa us e Bu t t on Pres s the Pl ay / Paus e But ton f rom the m enu s bel ow for a var io us fu ncti ons: Nav i ga ti on B ut tons Th e Navi gatio n But tons a llow yo u to move throug h the touc hsc ree n conve nie ntly .
NAVIGA TE Navigation Bar 15 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE 10:25PM -03:29 Th e T o uc hscre en i co ns in th e Nav igati on B ar al so f unc tion a s bu tton s. T a p the i co n to ac ces s th e s et ting s. Adj ustm ents may a lso be m ade unde r G en era l o r N etwo rk Set tin gs.
16 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE NAVIGA TE Remote Control Navigation Buttons Shortcut Buttons W ake/Sleep Button Player Buttons Ol iv e 4 & Ol ive 2 R em ote Th e b ut tons on the Re mote C ontro l d upli cate thos e o n your Ol ive devi ce.
17 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE Ol iv e 4H D Rem ot e Th e b ut tons on th e O live 4HD R emote Control repl ica te tho se on th e th e O li ve 4 & Oli ve 2 Re mote Contro l (see op pos ite pag e) , wi th a few execpti ons: PLA YLIST Shortcut to your Olive 4HD playlists.
18 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE NAVIGA TE Music Library Sea rch, nd a nd pl ay your mu sic e as ily w ith the i ntui tive cate gor iza tion. GENRES Browse your music collection alphabetically in pr eset genres. ALBUM ARTWORK Flip through album covers to select music.
19 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE NAVIGA TE Create Playlists Music Library > Playlists > Add Playlist 1 . Unde r Play list i n your M usi c Lib rar y , se le ct Add P layl ist. 2 . Enter a na me for yo ur pl ayli st an d pres s Save. 6. The R ate T r ack sc ree n wil l app ea r with th e optio n Add T o Playl ist.
20 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE NAVIGA TE Music Sources OLIVE 4 LIBRARY Fr om your Olive 2, you can access your Olive 4/4HD Music Library . Y ou can aslo access another Olive 4/4HD Music Library . UPnP Device Access music on your PC or other music libraries: 1 .
21 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE NAVIGA TE Internet Radio Internet Radio > Add New Station 1 . Con nec t to the inter net, sel ec t Inter net Rad io, then A dd New S tatio n. 2 . Whe n pro mpted, enter th e stati on na me fol lowed by th e stati on UR L.
22 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE NAVIGA TE Settings Th e Set ting s Me nu for O live 2 i nclu de s Ge ner al Set tin gs, Net wor k Set tin gs, Sy stem Ser vice s an d Ab out Y ou r Oli ve 2 . T he O li ve 2 doe s not have CD c apa bil itie s.
23 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE NETWORK SETUP Wired & Wireless By co nn ecti ng to the inte rnet t hroug h your h ome n et work yo u can: Down loa d albu m ar t wor k autom atic all y wh.
24 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE NETWORK SETUP Wired & Wireless Both W ire d an d W irel es s o ptions requi re you to sel ect a Ma nua l or Automati c con ne ctio n. Automati c en abl es yo ur rou ter to dy nam ica lly assi gn an IP a ddre ss to con ne ct.
25 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE OLIVE 4 & 4HD FEA TURES Importing Settings > CD Settings > CD Import Quality 1 . Sel ect th e CD Imp or t Q ua lit y you d esi re. 2 . Inse r t you r CD into the O live 4/ 4HD d isk d ri ve. Sele ct Im por t when p rompted.
26 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE OLIVE 4 & 4HD FEA TURES Import From PC 1 . If pos sib le, con ne ct your O li ve 4/ 4HD to your net wor k usi ng an eth er net c abl e. Th is wi ll res ult i n faster m usi c tran sfer f rom you r PC to your O live 4/ 4HD.
27 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE 1 . If pos sib le, con ne ct your O li ve 4/ 4HD to your net wor k usi ng an eth er net c abl e. Th is wi ll res ult i n faster m usi c tran sfer f rom you r Mac to your O li ve 4/ 4HD . 2 . Go to Net wor k Infor mati on on you r Ol ive 4/ 4HD an d note the IP ad dre ss.
28 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE OLIVE 4 & 4HD FEA TURES Burn CDs Music Library > Playlist > Select Playlist Playlist Option Menu Bur n a pl aylis t or an a lbu m from th e Ol ive 4/ 4HD to a CD for mu sic to go. 1 . Locate the p layl ist o r alb um that you w is h to burn f rom you r Oli ve col le ctio n.
29 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE OLIVE 4 & 4HD FEA TURES Maestro Overview Mae stro i s a m usi c ma nag em ent s of t ware p rogr am w hic h al lows you to f ur the r orga nize and edit your m usi c c oll ect ion. Manag e th e mus ic on your O li ve 4/ 4HD ( not Oli ve 2) from you r com puter u sin g the fe ature s bel ow .
30 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE OLIVE 4 & 4HD FEA TURES Maestro Connection 1 . Sel ect G en re, Albu m Ar t wor k, Al bum N ame, A r tists o r Play list to exp and c ontents. Con tinu e to expand yo ur se le ctio n until th e edi ting b ut tons a ppe ar .
31 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE OLIVE 4 & 4HD FEA TURES Maestro Playlists 1 . Sel ect G en re to expand c onten ts and c onti nue ex pan ding u ntil e diti ng ic ons a ppe ar . 2 . Onc e the tr acks a re dis playe d, clic k + New to crea te and titl e a new su b- gen re.
32 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE OLIVE 4 & 4HD FEA TURES Maestro Metadata Editing Befo re sta r ting you sh oul d de cid e wh ethe r you wa nt to ed it ta g info rma tion fo r a sin gle t.
33 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE MAINT AIN Backup We highl y rec omm en d back in g up your m usi c as you r col le ctio ns grows. Th is pro ces s ca n take up to 1 0 h our s so we sug ge st do ing i t overn ight.
34 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE MAINT AIN Update Software Oli ve en gin eer s reg ula rl y upd ate our sof t ware to of fe r you mor e feature s. We rec - omm en d that you ch ec k for up dates eve r y t wo m on ths. T o be n oti ed a bo u t sof t ware upd ates, ple as e regi ster you r prod ucts at w w w.
35 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE MAINT AIN Safety & Care PL ACE Y OUR O LIV E on a se cure, leve l sur face. Do not p ut he av y obj ec ts on top.
36 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE RESOURCES Q & A IS YOUR O LIV E NOT RESP OND ING? Pres s a nd h old the Wake/Sl ee p Bu t ton on the fro nt for abo ut 5 seco nds. T he system wil l re star t . Allow 40- 6 0 se con ds fo r the main me nu to reap pea r an d for net wor k co nne ctio ns to re- esta bli sh.
37 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE RESOURCES Regulation Information Th is e qu ipm en t ha s be e n tes ted a nd foun d to c om ply wi th th e li mi ts fo r a C la ss B di git al de - vi ce, pur su ant to pa r t 1 5 of the FC C Rul es.
38 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE RESOURCES Legal Notices Th e ma nuf actu rer of t his dev ice sha ll not b e liab le for d am age or loss of d ata incl ud ing but not lim ite d t o musi c rec ord ed to s tora ge dev ic es.
39 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE RESOURCES Legal Notices Th is p rod uct co nta ins Li nux 2.6. 1 2, whi ch i s m ade avail ab le und er the GNU GPL l ic en se ve r - si on 2 (h ere af ter ca lle d “ Th e Pro gr am”). O li ve Me di a, I nc.
41 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE RESOURCES Copyright Both the p rodu ct desc rib ed in t his user guid e and this d ocu me ntatio n are protected by co pyri ght l aw .
43 OLIVE 4 & 4HD | OLIVE 2 USER GUIDE Olive Media Inc. 555 Howard Str eet San Francisco, CA 94105 T +1.877.296.5483 F +1.415.908.3680 E care@olive.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Olive Media Products 4 HD c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Olive Media Products 4 HD - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Olive Media Products 4 HD, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Olive Media Products 4 HD va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Olive Media Products 4 HD, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Olive Media Products 4 HD.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Olive Media Products 4 HD. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Olive Media Products 4 HD ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.