Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DL-L1 du fabricant Novatel
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DL TM User Manual.
2 DL™ User Manual R ev 3 DL TM User Manual Publication Number: OM-20000035 Revision Level: 3 June 9, 2000 • MiLL ennium, Na rrow Corr elator , N ovAtel, Pr oPak, RT- 2, RT- 20 and SoftSur v are registe red tr adem arks of NovAtel Inc. • DL, G PSA ntenna and G PSCard ar e tra de mar ks of NovAtel I nc.
Table of Contents DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS WARRANTY POLICY 7 CUSTOMER SERV ICE 8 NOTICE 9 FCC Notice..................................................................................................................... .............
Table of Contents DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 5 APPENDIX G - CONVER SIONS 86 APPENDIX H - REP LACEMENT PARTS 87 APPENDIX I - OP TIONAL MOUNTING BRACKET 88 APPENDIX J - COMMAND P ROMP T INTERFACE 90 TABLES 1: Pos itionin g Mod es of Operatio n............
Table of Contents 6 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 FIGURES 1: NovAte l DL – Front & Rear ..........................................................................................................................................11 2: Typic a l DL Conf igurat ion – Office .
Warr ant y Poli cy DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 7 WARRANTY POLICY NovAtel Inc. wa rra nts that its G lobal Positioni ng System ( GPS) produc ts are fre e from defe cts in materi als and workm a nship, sub.
Customer Serv ice 8 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 CUSTOMER SERVICE For c ustomer support contact your loca l NovAte l deale r fir st. I f the pr oblem r emai ns unresolve d, conta ct NovAt el direc tly by any of t he foll ow ing ways: • toll-free hotline: 1 800 NOVATEL (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM MST, Canada and U.
Notice s DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 9 NOTICE FCC NOTICE The United Sta tes Federal Communi cations Commissio n (in 47 CFR 15 ) has specified tha t the following notices be brought to the att e ntion of users o f thi s product.
Foreword 10 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 FOREWORD Congratulations on your purchase of the DL , a GPS receiver with exceptional fl exibility. NovAtel is an industry leader in state-of -the-art GPS r eceiver design.
1 – Overv iew DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 11 1 - OVERVIEW The NovAtel DL is a high-perform ance GPS receiver. I n applications when continuous user interaction is requir ed, such as i n GIS surve ying, a sim ple handhe ld control ler, that does not r equire its own da ta logging m emory, can be use d with DL.
1 – Overv iew 12 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 MODELS & FEATURES Table 1 lists the four available DL mo dels available, each capable of mu ltiple positio ning modes of op eration: Table 1: Positionin.
1 – Overv iew DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 13 Table 2: Feature S ummary - DL Models Genera l DL-L1 DL-RT20S DL-L2 DL-RT2 L1 Channels (C/A c ode) & L2 Channels (P code) 12 & 0 12 & 0 12 &.
1 – Overv iew 14 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS The NovAtel DL can be used with the follo wing accesso ries: • SoftSu rv so ftware – a suite of progra ms that allows you t o pl.
2 – Set Up DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 15 2 - SET UP Setting up the DL is a str aightfor ward pr ocess, whether you are in the fie ld (col lecti ng data) or back at the off ice (conf i guring the D L, or t r ansfe r ring col lecte d data to your PC for post- proce ssi ng) .
2 – Set Up 16 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 SETTING UP IN THE FI ELD Figure 3 displ ays how you mi ght typica lly use the D L in the fiel d – for ex ample, collectin g data while receiv ing diffe rentia l infor m ation ove r a ra di o m odem f rom a ba se stati on.
2 – Set Up DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 17 4. The r eceiver provides battery power output (BAT) thr ough COM2. It is possible to turn the supply On or Off using the VOUT command , see Page 63 . The BAT output is the switche d output of the input power supply so that 12V output re qui res 12V i nput .
2 – Set Up 18 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 • Model 503 - f or use with high-pe rform ance position- refe rence sta tions (fea tures a built- in choke-r ing ground plane to minimize the effects of mult.
2 – Set Up DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 19 CONNECT CABLES As shown in Figure 4 , on the rear end-cap there are four lab eled ports – I/O, C OM2/PWR, C OM1, and R F.
2 – Set Up 20 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 system composed of devices that need to be synchr onized with each other. For exam ple, you could connect the DL to an aerial camera in such a way that the DL reco rded its po sition wh enever the sh utter butto n was press ed.
2 – Set Up DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 21 See Appendix H - Re placem e nt Parts, P age 87, if you need to c onsult the l i s t of NovAt e l and LE MO par t numbe rs. PERIPHERAL PO WER SUPPLY VIA C OM2 PORT The receiver provides batter y power output (BAT) thr ough the COM2 port.
2 – Set Up 22 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 NOTE: The coa xial ca ble should be connecte d to the ant enna and D L before pow er is supplied. If the ant enna cabl e becomes d isconn ected from the an ten.
2 – Set Up DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 23 For fur ther i nf orma tion on the f ollowing topi cs, see the fol l ow ing secti ons of this m anual: • For a li sting of the requir ed input supply vol tages, and the typical power consumption in logging and “ sleep ” modes, see th e Power Requireme nts se ction of A ppendix B , Page 37 .
2 – Set Up 24 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Figure 6: O pening th e Cover Figure 7 illustr ates the proc edure to r emove the PC Ca rd. In the photo on the left, below, the cover has been unlocked and ope ned, a nd the PC Ca rd is visi ble. Not e the ar row point ing to the e ject butt on to the le ft of t he car d in this view .
2 – Set Up DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 25 The dat a logging me chanism is designe d to be robust a nd to endure power i nterr uptions (a nd simila r disruptive events) with minimum loss of data. In these situ ations, less than 5 minutes of d ata (prior to the disruptive event) are lost.
2 – Set Up 26 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 STATUS INDICATORS As shown in F igure 8 , the DL ’ s front endcap has three multico lor lights to ind icate the status o f Power, Position , and Logging, r espect i vely, f rom le ft to r i ght. For a labele d view, se e also F igure 1 , Page 11 .
3 – Using the DL DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 27 3 - USING THE DL Befor e using the DL for the firs t time , ensure that you have followed the installa tion instruct ions of Chapter 2 - Set U p, Page 15 . See CAUTIO N! , Page 9 , for a l ist of i t e ms of w hich you should be a ware as you use the DL.
3 – Using the DL 28 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Appendix F - DL Logs, Page 64 or refer to th e MiLLennium Com mand Descript ions Manual for pr ocedur es and explanations related to data logging and for f urther inform ation on each of these logs.
3 – Using the DL DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 29 • log types and r ates Site record logs support kinematic sur veying. The site record log (SITELOGA, described in detail on Page 81 ) records this info.
3 – Using the DL 30 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Table 5: Auto -Generated F ile Name Convention ####$$$%.PDC Comments #### last 4 dig its of the D L ’ s serial number $$$ UTC day of the y ear (001 – 366) % Sessi on ID ass igned i n sequ ence (0 .. 9, A .
3 – Using the DL DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 31 Table 7: Memory Consumption – Typical Case for RTK Survey (2 Second Rate) L1-only L1 & L2 Single-point Observations (kBytes/hour) Single-point or D.
4 - Firmware Upgrades & U pdates 32 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 4 - FIRMWARE UPGRADES & UPDATES The DL includes tw o distinct pr ocessor s i n i t s enclosur e : • a GPS receiver (MiLLenniu m G.
4 - Firmware Upgrades & U pdates DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 33 Syntax: $AUTH auth-co de where $AUTH is a spec ial c om mand t ha t allow s progra m mode l upgrade s auth-c ode is the upgrade aut hor.
4 - Firmware Upgrades & U pdates 34 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Figure 9: LOADER Options If you a re r unning Loader for the first time, be su re to access th e Setup menu (step 3 b elow) before p roceedin g to Program Card (s t e p 4 below) ; other w ise, you c an go dire ctly f r om step 2 be low to ste p 4.
4 - Firmware Upgrades & U pdates DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 35 UPGRADE OR UPDATE THE PDC CARD Ensure your PC and DL are proper ly connected, se e Setting Up A t The Office, Page 15 . The se rial dat a cable should go from any COM port on the PC to COM2 on the DL.
Appendix A – DL Drawings 36 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 APPENDIX A - DL DRAWINGS Figure 10: View s 130.0 252.2 117.45 SECTION A-A 82.1 A All dimensions are expressed as millimeters.
Appendix B – DL Specific ations DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 37 APPENDIX B - DL SPECIFICATIONS PHYSICAL Size 245 mm x 130 mm x 59 mm Description of Enclosure The enclosure is construc ted of extruded anodized aluminum . It is sealed by two end-caps, m ade of molded ABS plastic.
Appendix B – DL Specific ations 38 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 REAL-TIME CLOCK A real-time internal cloc k allows the DL to go into low -power “ sleep mode ” betw een scheduled data-c ollection sess ions.
Appendix B – DL Specific ations DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 39 PERFORMANCE (Subject To G PS System Characteristic s) RT-2 Pseudorange & carrier-phas e double differencing (fixed < 2 cm RMS acc uracies with RTK carrier-phas e positioning).
Appendix C – PC Card Spec ifications 40 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 APPENDIX C - PC CARD SPECIFICATIONS PC CARD SOCKET The socket on the DL accommodates on e Type II or Typ e III PC Card. Th e socket sp ecification co nforms to the PC Card Standar d rel ease 2.
Appendix D – Port & Cable Pinouts DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 41 APPENDIX D - PORT & CABLE PINOUTS POWER POWER CONNECTOR The powe r conne ctor on t he DL i s a LE MO HG M.0B.304. CLAP, with t he pins assigne d as shown in t he follow ing table.
Appendix D – Port & Cable Pinouts 42 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 DATA COMMUNICATIO NS SERIAL PORT CONNECTORS The tw o serial ports (CO M1 and COM 2) on the DL use LEM O EEG .
Appendix D – Port & Cable Pinouts DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 43 STRAIGHT SERIAL CABLE Figure 11: Straight Serial Cable - Illustrat ion Reference Description Reference Description 1 B r o w n 8 V i.
Appendix D – Port & Cable Pinouts 44 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 NULL-MODEM SERIAL CABLE Figure 12: Null-Modem Serial Cable - Illustration Reference Description Reference Description 1 B r o w n 8 .
Appendix D – Port & Cable Pinouts DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 45 INPUT / OU TPUT I/O CONNECTOR The input /output (I /O) por t on the DL uses a L EMO E EG.
Appendix D – Port & Cable Pinouts 46 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Table 15: I/O Cab le – Pin Assi gnment LEMO Pin Number Pin Description Wire Color Code Pin 1 VARF, variable frequenc y Brown Pin 2.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 47 APPENDIX E - DL COMMANDS The DL firm war e imple m ents the followi ng c omma nds i n addition to t he MiLL ennium G PSCa rd com mand set .
Appendix E – DL Comm ands 48 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 BATTERY This comma nd allows you t o select the power source f or the syst em and displ ay batte ry status. For exam ple, you c an overr ide the D L ’ s me thod of sele ct ing the ac tive bat ter y, when t wo ba tte ri es a re conne ct ed.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 49 DIR This command either displays a list of stored files on the PC Card, or the file header in formation for the specified log file. It also displa ys a dditional group infor mation when it has be en supplied as par t of a gr oup de finition.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands 50 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 GROUP This command is used to maintain a set of log sp ecifiers that woul d normally b e used tog ether in a sp ecific scenario, e.g . for base- station logging. Up to te n groups c an be def ined.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 51 GROUP ADD groupname [arguments & data] Command Option Description Default GROUP ADD - Command groupname group name The name of a group (e.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands 52 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Exampl es: group add alpha group add alpha com1,p20a,ontime,5 group add alpha ecutoff,3 group add alpha satlimit,6 group add alpha asn,25674337 group add alpha atype,502NK group add alpha aheight,1.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 53 GROUP DEL groupname [log name] Command Option Description GROUP DE L - Command groupname group name The name of a group (e.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands 54 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Exampl es: loggroup alpha loggroup alpha test loggroup alpha com2 Syntax 2: This f orm of the com mand te rmina tes m anual logging, allow ing schedule d logging to resume. If no argume nt is given, all logging is disable d, a nd sche duled ope ration resum es.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 55 PDC The PDC LO G, PDC UNL OG and PDC U NLOGA LL com mands ar e used to contr ol logging of PD C param eters t o either a COM por t or to a data fil e.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands 56 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Syntax 4: This comman d restores th e factory con figuration of the PDC p arameters and caus es the receiver to enter power-d own mode.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 57 PSN This com mand displ a ys seria l number inform ation by issui ng a PSNA log. Syntax: PSN PVERSION This com mand displ a ys PDC seri a l, ver sion and mode l number s by issuing a PDCV E RA log.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands 58 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Syntax 1: SCHEDULE [keyword] Command Option Description SCHEDULE - Command keyword ABOR T Terminate a sc heduled logging operation prior to its normal c ompletion. The DL then resumes normal operation at the completion of the aborted ev ent.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 59 SCHEDULE ADD groupname scheduling [filename] Command Option Description Default SCHEDULE ADD - Command groupname group name The name of a group (e.g. “ alpha ” ) which is being modified scheduling dddddddhhmm,dhhm m The start and stop tim e between which logging is to occur.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands 60 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 SITE This comm and i s used to c ontrol the display a nd logging of sit e logs, a nd to contr ol site i nform ation. It ca uses data fiel ds to be record ed in the SITELOGA messag e. Use of the LEAVE o ption cau ses the site d ata to be record ed in th e form of a SITELOGB log .
Appendix E – DL Comm ands DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 61 If no SIT E L EAVE or SITE CANCEL comm and is issued pr ior to a t he comple tion of a l ogging session (sc hedule, POWERUP or manual ) , a SIT E LE A VE com mand is pe r form ed automa ticall y onc e the logging se ssion is comple te.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands 62 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Exampl es: site add hilltop 4 site add SW_corner_of_fence 143 1.402 tape_measure Syntax 3: Specif ic si te infor mat i on can be e nt ered or updated usi ng t his comm and. Y ou c an ente r 1 to 4 of the optional f ields in a ny order , provi ded tha t the syntax is obser ved.
Appendix E – DL Comm ands DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 63 STATUS This com mand displa ys curre nt system st a tus inform ation by issui ng a LPSTAT US log. Syntax: STATUS VOUT This comm and t urns O n or Off the batte ry (BA T) pe ripher al powe r output on t he COM2 por t.
Appendix F – DL Logs 64 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 APPENDIX F - DL LOGS The DL firm war e genera tes the f ollowing logs i n a ddition to those of the M i L Lennium GPSCar d l og se t: Log Description.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 65 Item Type Size Description Range Offset Descr iption char 60 File Desc ription. ^Z can be included to indic ate that the description is less than 60 c haracters.
Appendix F – DL Logs 66 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 DIRA/B The DI RA/B log is use d to prese nt a summ a ry of stor ed logs in the D L me m ory modul e . DIRA Structure: Field # Field type Data Description Example 1 $DIRA Log header $DIRA 2 FileName Name of stored log file (8.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 67 GROUPA Structure: Field # Field type Data Description Example 1 $GROUPA Log header $GROUPA 2 GroupName Log group DIFFBASE 3 SessionNam e Session Name 8ABC9 4 AntSN Antenna serial number CGA95040020 5 AntType Antenna type 502NK 6 AHeight Antenna height (m) 2.
Appendix F – DL Logs 68 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Table 18: Log Status W ord Encoding Field Bit M ask Description LOG_ST_CO M1 0x01 Log is being logged to CO M port 1. LOG_ST_CO M2 0x02 Log is being logged to CO M port 2. LOG_ST_FILE 0x04 Log is being logged to log file on PD C card.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 69 GRPA/B The GRPA log captur es the GPSCa rd logging conf igurat ion used to gene r ate a partic ular f ile.
Appendix F – DL Logs 70 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 GRPB Message ID = 1026; M essage byt e count = 80+ X*32 Format: Field # Data Bytes Format Units Offset 1 Sync 3 Char 0 (header) Che cksum 1 Char 3 Me.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 71 HDRA/B The HDRA/B log is us ed to capture system set-up information in a log file. HDRA Structure: Field # Field type Data Description Example 1 $HDRA Log header $HDRA 2 FileName Name of stored log file (8.
Appendix F – DL Logs 72 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 HDRB Message ID = 1025; M essage byt e count = 228 Format: Field # Data Bytes Format Units Offset 1 Sync 3 Char 0 (header) Che cksum 1 Char 3 Mess ag.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 73 LPSTATUSA/B The LPSTATUS log is used to display syst em status info rmation. The PDC State and GPSCard Status are represen ted as hexadec imal digits, w hich ar e descr ibed in Table 21: PDC St atus Word Encoding a nd Table 22: GPS Status Word Encoding ( see t he STATU SA/B l og, Page 83).
Appendix F – DL Logs 74 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 META/B The ME TA/B l og i s used to displa y mete orologic al infor mat i on. META Structure: Field # Field type Data Description Example 1 $META Log header $META 2 GPSWeek G PS week 512 3 GPSSec GPS seconds 220400.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 75 MSGA/B This log displa ys message s in response t o syst e m events or user com mands. MSGA Structure: Field # Field type Data Description Example 1 .
Appendix F – DL Logs 76 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Table 19: MSGA E rror Code Definition Code Error System event 2001 BISTFAIL Built-in Self Test failed 2002 PWRFAIL Power Failed 2003 BATTLOWA Low Voltage from battery A (< 10.7V) 2004 BATTLOWB Low Voltage from battery B (< 10.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 77 PDCVERA/B This log is use d to display PD C se rial , version a nd model num bers. PDCVERA Structure: Field # Field type Data Description Example 1 $PDCVERA Log header $PDCVERA 2 PDCVersion PDC Vers ion Number 0.
Appendix F – DL Logs 78 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 PROJECTA/B The PROJEC T command, s ee Page 56 , define s project -rel ated par ame ters and c auses the i nsertion of a PROJEC TB log into the hea der of the log f ile pri or to the st art of the logging sessi on.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 79 PSNA/B The PSNA/ B log is used to displa y system se r ial num be rs. PSNA Structure: Field # Field type Data Description Example 1 $PSNA Log header .
Appendix F – DL Logs 80 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 SCHA/B The SCHA/B log is used to di splay entr y inform ation f or schedule d logging. Ref er to File Name Conven tion , P age 29 , for info rmation on fi le names. S ee also Table 16: Week day Abbrevi ations, Page 57, for a descr iption of weekda y abbrevi ations.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 81 SITELOGA/B The SITEL OGA/B log is used to display information about an observation site. SITELOGA Structure: Field # Field type Data Description Exam.
Appendix F – DL Logs 82 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 SITELOGB Message ID = 1030; M essage byt e count = 124 Format: Field # Data Bytes Format Units Offset 1 Sync 3 Char 0 (header) Che cksum 1 Ch ar 3 Me.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 83 STATUSA/B The STATUS log is used to display syste m status inf ormation a nd is an extension of the LPSTAT USA/B log.
Appendix F – DL Logs 84 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 Table 21: PDC Status W ord Encoding Field Bit Mask D escription PDC_ST_HW 0x001 Hardware status, 1 = O K PDC_ST_LINK 0x002 G PSCard link establis hed.
Appendix F – DL Logs DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 85 STATUSB Message ID = 1035; M essage byt e count = 84 Format: Field # Data Bytes Format Units Offset 1 Sync 3 Char 0 (header) Che cksum 1 Ch ar 3 Mess.
Appendix H – Replac ement Parts 86 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 APPENDIX G - CONVERSIONS Listed be low are severa l comm only used equiva lents betw een the SI (Syst è me Inter nationa le) unit s of wei ghts and measures us ed in the metric s ystem, an d thos e used in other sy stems.
Appendix G - Conv ersions DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 87 APPENDIX H - REPLACEMENT PARTS The following is a list of the replacement parts available f or the DL. Should you requir e assistance or need to order additiona l compone nt s, plea se contac t your deal e r or N ovA tel Custom er Se r vice r epres e ntative .
Appendix I – Optional Mounting Brac ket 88 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 APPENDIX I - OPTIONAL MOUNTING BRACKET This appe ndix include s drawi ngs, photogra phs, and insta llation i nstructi ons for the optional m ounting bra cket. T his bracket can be used to attach the DL to a surface or tripod.
Appendix I – Optional Mounting Bracket DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 89 These four nuts are factor y-positioned so that the mounting plate can be atta ched to the DL e nclosure using the f our flat screw s. Plea s e ensure t ha t the four flat sc rews a re m ount e d from the counte r sunk side of t he mounting pla te.
Appendix J – Com mand Prompt Interfac e 90 DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 APPENDIX J - COMMAND PROMPT INTERFACE Although the rec ommende d way of configur ing the DL is through the UTILITIES module of SoftSurv, it is possible t o comm unicate dire ctly with the DL via i ts command pr ompt, using a PC tha t is typically c onnected to COM 1 on the DL.
Appendix J – Command Prom pt Interface DL ™ User Manual Rev 3 91 1. Open a te xt editor on the PC and type in the fol lowing com mand se que nces: log com2 sata ontime 15 log com2 etsa ontime 15 log com2 rvsa ontime 60 5 log com2 posa ontime 15 log com2 dopa ontime 15 2.
OM-200000035 Revision 3 06/09/00 NovAtel Inc. 1120- 68 Avenue N.E. Calgary, Alberta, Canad a T2E 8S5 GPS Hotline ( Canada & U.S.A.): 1 800 NO VATEL Phone: 1 403 295 4900 Fax: 1 403 295 4901 E - m a il: s uppo r t@no va t e l. c a W e b s i t e : http: / / www .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Novatel DL-L1 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Novatel DL-L1 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Novatel DL-L1, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Novatel DL-L1 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Novatel DL-L1, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Novatel DL-L1.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Novatel DL-L1. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Novatel DL-L1 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.