Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit BCM 1000 du fabricant Nortel Networks
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BCM 4. 0 Busine ss C ommunic ations Manager Docume nt S tatus: St anda rd Document V ersion: 02 Part Code : N0060603 Date: J une 2006 BCM 4 . 0 f or BCM1000 Inst allation and Maint enance Guide A dden.
Copyright © 2006 Nor tel Netw orks, All Rights Reserved All rights reserved. The information in this document is subj ect to change without notic e. The statements, configur ations, techni cal data, and recommendations in this document are belie ved to be accurate and re liable, but are presented wi thout express or implied warranty .
3 BCM 4.0 for BCM100 0 Installati on and Maintenance Gu ide Addendum Subject to the terms hereinafter set forth, NORTEL NETWORKS grants to CUSTOMER and/or its representa tives, with a "need to kn.
N0060603 4 Except for Java Product (as defi ne d herein below), C USTOMER may assign collectively its rights under this License to any subsequent owner of the associated hardware, but not otherwise, subject to the payment of the then current license f ee for new users, if any.
Contents 5 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Contents Chapter 1 About this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 How to use t his addendum . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Contents N0060603 N0060603 Appendix A Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 About this g uide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 7 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Appendix F Completing the initial installation (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Configuring the media bay module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Contents N0060603 N0060603.
9 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Chapter 1 About this document The purpose of this addendum is to provide updates to the BCM1000 Installation an d Maintenance Guide (N0008587 01) for the rel ease of BCM 4.0 software. For information on upgrading to BCM 4.
10 Chapter 1 About this document N0060603 N0060603 • UPS support over USB: UPS connecti vity through the USB port is supported in BCM 4.0 for the BCM200/400 system for g raceful shutdown (not supported on BCM1000).
11 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Chapter 2 Documentation updates for BCM 4.0 This section provid es updates to the BCM100 0 Installation and Ma intenance Guide (N0008587 01).
12 Chapter 2 Documentat ion updates f or BCM 4.0 N0060603 N0060603 P a ge 33, Chapter 2, T elephony har dware The following informatio n should be deleted . BCM 3.0 software i ntroduced th e concept of Full Double Dens ity (FDD) and Partial Double Density (PDD).
Chapter 2 Documentat ion updates f or BCM 4.0 13 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum P a ge 52, Legacy mobility equipment This section should be removed. The listed equipment, NetVision, Companion, and DECT, is not supported in BCM 4.
14 Chapter 2 Documentat ion updates f or BCM 4.0 N0060603 N0060603 • Element Manager access is also supported through a Citrix server For information on downlo ading and installing Element Manager, refer to “Using Element Manager to set the basic parameters” on page 45 .
Chapter 2 Documentat ion updates f or BCM 4.0 15 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum P a ge 110, Shutting down the system The procedure abou t how to shut down the system should be replaced with the following section.
16 Chapter 2 Documentat ion updates f or BCM 4.0 N0060603 N0060603 To shutdown the system hardware 1 Remov e the DS256 cables from the front of the BCM main unit and, if present, the e xpansion unit. This includes the da ta connections on the MSC. Mark the cables to ensure correct reco nnection.
Chapter 2 Documentat ion updates f or BCM 4.0 17 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum In Tables 37 and 38 on pag e 145 and 146 respec tively, the references to PDD shoul d be deleted.
18 Chapter 2 Documentat ion updates f or BCM 4.0 N0060603 N0060603 P a ge 182, Initializing the hard disk (single-disk system BCM 3.0) This section should be removed. P a ge 184, Initializing the hard disk (single-disk system BCM 3.01 and newer systems) This section should be removed and re placed with the following information.
Chapter 2 Documentat ion updates f or BCM 4.0 19 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum You can monitor and co ntrol di sk mirroring through a contro l screen in Element Manager.
20 Chapter 2 Documentat ion updates f or BCM 4.0 N0060603 N0060603 P a ge 229, Determining the status of a telephone The procedure, “To find out the status of a set,” should be modified as follows. To find out the status of a set 1 Open Element Manager and co nnect to your BCM system.
21 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Appendix A Getting started About this guide The BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Main tenance Guide Addendum describes how to install, conf igure, and ma intain the BCM2 00 and BCM400 hardware ru nning Business Communications Manager (BCM) 4.
22 Appendix A Getting started N0060603 N0060603 ASM Analog station module (anal og station media bay module) A T A Analog ter minal adapter BCM Business Communications Manager BRIM Basic rate interfac.
Appendix A Getting started 23 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Symbols and con ventions used in this guide These symbo ls are used to highlight cr itical information for the BCM system.
24 Appendix A Getting started N0060603 N0060603 These conventions and symbols are used to repres ent the Busine ss Series Terminal display and dialpad. These text co nventions ar e used in thi s gui de to indicate the information described: Tip: Alerts you to additional information that can help you perform a task.
Appendix A Getting started 25 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Related publications This section provides a list of ad ditional documents referred to in this guide. There are two types of publication: Technical Do cuments on page 25 and User Guides on page 26.
26 Appendix A Getting started N0060603 N0060603 Call Pilot CallPilot Mana ger Set Up and Operation Gu ide (N0027247) CallPilot Telephone Administration Guide (N0060618) User Guides There are no references to specific user guides. How to get help This section explains how to get help fo r Nortel products and services.
Appendix A Getting started 27 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Getting Help through a Nortel distributor or reseller If you purchased a service contract for your Nort el product from a distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller.
28 Appendix A Getting started N0060603 N0060603.
Appendix B Initializing the system 29 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Appendix B Initializing the system After you start the BCM system, you are ready to set the initial conf iguration parameters. The initial configuration defines your BCM system to the network.
30 Appendix B Initializing the system N0060603 N0060603 If you must change the IP addres s (due to a conflict with your network), connect to the BCM system using an Ethernet crossov er cable (see “U.
Appendix B Initializing the system 31 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum 4 Start the computer . To configure your computer 1 From the Start menu, choose Settings then choose Control Panel . 2 Double-click the Network icon.
32 Appendix B Initializing the system N0060603 N0060603 Null modem cable setup Ta b l e 3 and Figure 2 show the correct wiring for the BCM serial port of the null modem cable.
Appendix B Initializing the system 33 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum a If using a terminal emulation pr ogram (Hypert erminal), attach a conf iguration comp uter to the BCM main unit serial port (recommended meth od).
34 Appendix B Initializing the system N0060603 N0060603 Software ke ycode You require a keycode to enab le software feat ures on the BCM system. You receive only one keycode whether you purchase one feature or a bundle of features. To generate a keycode, you re quire an authorization cod e for each feature you purchase .
Appendix C Configuring the BCM system 35 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Appendix C Configuring the BCM system This section provides informa tion on config uring the basic BC M parameters. You can config ure more advanced parameters us ing Element Manager or Telset Administration after the BCM system is operational.
36 Appendix C Configuring the BCM system N0060603 N0060603 Initial parameters o ver view The initial parameters are the required parame ters that can be configured using Telset Administration or Element Manager. See Table 4 for a list of the initial parameters.
Appendix C Configuring the BCM system 37 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Star tup parameters o ver view The startup parameters are the re maining required parameters that cannot be configured using Telset Administration.
38 Appendix C Configuring the BCM system N0060603 N0060603.
Appendix D Using Telset Administration to set the basic parameters 39 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Appendix D Using Telset Administration to set the basic parameters Telset Administration allows you to use a digi tal telephone with a two- line display to set the BCM configuration parameters .
40 Appendix D Using Telset Administration to set the basic paramet ers N0060603 N0060603 Configuring the initial parameters Use the following procedures to configure the initial parameters for the BCM.
Appendix D Using Telset Administration to set the basic parameters 41 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum 4 Press OK . 5 Press CHNGE to modify the IP settings. The display screen sho ws if DHCP is enabled or disabled. 6 Do one of the follo wing: a If DHCP is currently enabled: • Press DIS to disable DHCP .
42 Appendix D Using Telset Administration to set the basic paramet ers N0060603 N0060603 To select the telephony st artup template and start DN You set the template and start DN using Featur e **STARTUP from a two-lin e display telephone. Refer to the BCM 4.
Appendix D Using Telset Administration to set the basic parameters 43 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum 12 Press CHNGE to change the password for the selected account. 13 Enter the ne w password for the account. 14 Enter the ne w password again to conf irm it.
44 Appendix D Using Telset Administration to set the basic paramet ers N0060603 N0060603.
Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the ba sic parameters 45 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the basic parameters The Elemen.
46 Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the basic paramete rs N0060603 N0060603 Prerequisites Element Manager has the follo wing system requirements: • W indows: W indows 98 SE, W indo ws 2000, W.
Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the ba sic parameters 47 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum To connect to th e BCM system 1 Open BCM Element Manager . 2 From the Network menu, select New Network Element , and then select Business Communications Manager .
48 Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the basic paramete rs N0060603 N0060603 To configure the LAN IP address 1 From the Configuration tab, click the Resources folder to e xpand it. 2 Select Network Interfaces . 3 Select the Interfaces tab . It is normally sel ected by default .
Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the ba sic parameters 49 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum To configure the startup tem p late for telephony services 1 From the Administration tab, click the Utilities folder to ex pand it.
50 Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the basic paramete rs N0060603 N0060603 5 Click Instal l . Configuring the star tup parameters Use the following procedures to configure the startup paramete.
Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the ba sic parameters 51 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum 3 Configure the Date and T ime attrib utes (see Ta b l e 9 ). To configure DHCP server setting s 1 From the Configuration tab, click the Data Services folder to e xpand it.
52 Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the basic paramete rs N0060603 N0060603 8 Click the IP T erminal DHCP Options tab . 9 Configure the DHCP server attrib utes (see Ta b l e 1 1 ). To configure IP Phones 1 From the Configuration tab, click the Resources folder to e xpand it.
Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the ba sic parameters 53 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum 4 Configure the IP T erminal Global Settings attributes (see Ta b l e 1 2 ). Y ou can configure other attrib utes on the IP T erminal Global Settings tab depending on the requirements for your system.
54 Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the basic paramete rs N0060603 N0060603 5 Configure the attributes for Modify SNMP Settings (see Ta b l e 1 3 ). 6 Click Ok . To configure SNMP community strin gs 1 From the Configuration tab, click the Administrator Access folder to expand it.
Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the ba sic parameters 55 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum To create user accounts 1 From the Configuration tab, click the Administrator Access folder to expand it. 2 Select Accounts and Privileges from the Administrator Access folder .
56 Appendix E Using Element Manager to set the basic paramete rs N0060603 N0060603.
Appendix F Completing the init ial installation (optional) 57 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Appendix F Completing the initial installation (optional) This section provides information on completing the initial installation of your BCM system.
58 Appendix F Completing the init ial installation (optional) N0060603 N0060603 After the basic configuration is completed, you can further customize your system by u sing the following configuration .
Appendix F Completing the init ial installation (optional) 59 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum You can set other parameters fo r the MBMs depending on the typ e of MBM you installed.
60 Appendix F Completing the init ial installation (optional) N0060603 N0060603 Refer to the BCM 4.0 Administration Gu ide for information on performin g a backup and re store of your system.
61 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Appendix G Market profile attributes This section describes some of the differences in the market profile attributes. These attributes are based on the market profile that you select when you configure the system.
62 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 FEM MBM–Norstar trunk cartridg e combinations Norstar trunk cartridges can be connected to th e BCM system using the fiber expansion module (FEM). The following table provides a cross-re ference between market profiles and the Norstar trunk cartridges you can connect to the FEM.
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 63 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Time zones and language inf ormation This section provides informatio n about time and d ate format and language support for Central America and South America.
64 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 The format of th e time and dat e changes are based on the prime language of the market profile.
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 65 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Caller ID displa y f ormats The Caller ID function is supported o n telephones that provi de a display window. Caller ID formats consist of the name an d number of the calling party.
66 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 T elephony f eature setti ngs Conference tone suppor ted Ye s Ye s Ye s N o Ye s N o Held line reminder After 30 seconds Off Off Off Off Off .
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 67 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Service modes Ringing ser vice mode Off Off Off Off Off Off Ringing ser vice trunk ans Ye s Ye .
68 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 Note: The field for n umber of rings is hid den in default mode (disabled). When y ou enter a value f or call f orward dela y , the field for number of rings becomes visible with the given def ault v alue.
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 69 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum T elephony f eature setti ngs Conf erence tone suppor t ed N oY e s N oN oN oY e s Held line re.
70 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 Service modes Ringing ser vice mode Manual Manual Off Off Off M anual Ringing ser vice trunk ans Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Restriction se.
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 71 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Note: The field for n umber of rings is hid den in default mode (disabled). When y ou enter a value f or call f orward dela y , the field for number of rings becomes visible with the given def ault v alue.
72 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 Protocols Digital trunking protocols ISDN D ASS2 DPNSS ISDN D ASS2 DPNSS ISDN ISDN D ASS2 DPNSS ISDN D ASS2 DPNSS ISDN D ASS2 DPNSS BRI trunk.
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 73 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Service times Night Star t 23:00 End 07:00 Star t 23:00 End 07:00 Star t 23:00 End 07:00 Star t.
74 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 Public OLI Unknown number length V ar iable V ariable N/A V ar iable V ar iable V ariable Local number length V ar iable V ariable 7 V ariabl.
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 75 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Protocols Digital tr unking protocols ISDN D ASS2 DPNSS ISDN D ASS2 DPNSS ISDN D ASS2 DPNSS ISD.
76 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 Service times Night Star t 23:00 End 07:00 Star t 23:00 End 07:00 Star t 23:00 End 07:00 Star t 23:00 End 07:00 Star t 23:00 End 07:00 Evenin.
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 77 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Public OLI Unknown number length V ariab l e V ariab le V ariab l e V ariab le V aria b le Loca.
78 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 Global analog trunk parameters This section contains information for the GAT M4 and GATM8 MBMs. Th e information in the tables applies to downloaded profiles only ; it is not applicabl e to DIP switch modes.
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 79 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Nor th Amer ica Y es N/A 60 40 700 P o land Y es [1] Po lish ASS_1_v1.
80 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 T able 26 Call supervision paramete rs Market prof ile Call supervision Link/flash time (ms) OSI time (ms) Force on-h ook time (ms) We t t i .
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 81 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum GASM8 parameter s This section contains information for the GASM8 MBM.
82 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 Global No (Nor th American based A-law) Nor th America N/A 600 Ω 3 dB CCITT A-law Hong K ong No (Nor th American based mu-l aw) Nor th Ameri.
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 83 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum T able 29 Loop interf ace and call super vision parameters Market prof ile Loop interface Call supervision Loop current limit Ringing frequency Ringing amplitude Min.
84 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 ISDN line services Table 31 shows the ISDN private network services that are su pported by BCM 4.0. Table 32 shows the network-based ISDN su pplementary serv ices and the features available for each.
Appendix G Market profile attr ibutes 85 BCM 4.0 for BCM1000 Installation and Maintenance Guide Addendum Analog and digital trunk types Table 33 provides a descriptio n of the ty pes of analog and digital trunks. Note that some of the analog and digital trunks ar e available only whe n you select specific market profiles.
86 Appendix G Market profile attribute s N0060603 N0060603 DPNSS A digital pr ivate network signaling syst em, which allows phone systems from different manuf acturers to be tied together ov er E1 lin es, off ering sign ificant enhancements to BCM networking capabilities.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nortel Networks BCM 1000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nortel Networks BCM 1000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nortel Networks BCM 1000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nortel Networks BCM 1000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nortel Networks BCM 1000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nortel Networks BCM 1000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nortel Networks BCM 1000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nortel Networks BCM 1000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.