Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 5170i du fabricant Nokia
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User Guide.
Ke y s Menu Pow e r k e y See p. 6. Scroll keys See p. 7. Emergency 9 key See p. 28. Number keys See p. 1 1. Retractable antenna (pull here to extend) See p. 15. Earpiece See p. 16. Screen Current function of Navi™ key Case key See p. 12. Navi™ key See p.
Indicators and icons Acti ve c all - A c all is in prog ress. Alar m - The alarm cloc k is set. Ke yg u a r d - Keyguard is on. Your phone will not accept any key presses. T o turn it off, press Unlo ck , the n . Letter mod e (lowe r case) - Characters entered will be lower case letters .
i Conten ts 1. For your safety 1 FCC/Industry Ca nada No tice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Using this G uide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Battery insta llation and char ging 3 Attaching the batter y . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii Saving a na me and n umber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Finding a n ame and nu mber . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Answering a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Silencing an incoming call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5. Phone book 1 9 Saving names and numbe rs .
iii Calling cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 Call forw arding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 V oice privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 1-touch dia ling . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Sending a message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Resending a messa ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Forwarding a messa ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Erasing mes sages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 12.
1 1. For your safety Read these simple guidelines before using your phone. Failure to comply with thes e guidelines may be dangerous or illegal. Road Sa fety C omes Fir st Don’t use a hand-held phone while driving; park the vehicle fir st. Switch O ff In Hospita ls Follow any regulations or rules.
2 FCC/Industry Canada Notice Y our phone may cause TV or radio interference (for example, when using a telephon e in close proximit y to receiv ing equipment). The FCC or Industry Canada can require you t o stop using your telephone if such inte rference cann ot be eliminated.
3 2. Battery installation and char ging Before you can use your new phone, you need to att ach and charge the battery . Attaching the battery To attach the batte ry , place it on the back of the ph one as shown and s lide it towa rd the top of the phone u ntil it click s into place.
4 Prob lem s char gin g If your phone displays Not char ging , c harging is suspended. Check that the battery is connected to an appro ved charging device. If the battery is very hot or cold, wait for a whi le; charging w ill automa tically resu me after the battery i s restored to its normal operatin g state.
5 Removing the battery Note: Switch off the phone before removing the battery! 1 Press and hold the button at the top of th e battery . 2 Slide the battery toward the bottom of the phone. 3 Lift the battery off the phone. Important battery information • The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of t imes but it will eventually wear out.
6 3. About th e phone, keys an d menu Power key Y ou can use th e power k ey to: • turn the phone on or off (press and hold ) • turn the phone’ s lights on for 30 seconds • select a qui ck alert setting (see page 25) (if K eygua rd is off and the phon e is not conn ected to a headset or ot her handsfree de vice.
7 Scroll keys The scroll key s are locate d to the right of the Navi™ ke y . Use the scroll ke ys to: • brows e menu s • mov e the cursor (see page 1 1) to the right or the left • a djust the .
8 Menu Using your phone’s men u you c an easily a ccess the ma ny powerful features in your phone. Scrol l ba r When you use your phone ’s menu, a scroll bar appears at the far right of the screen. This bar indi cates wh ere you are in th e menu; eac h tab location on the bar represents a different menu item.
9 Menu sho rtcuts When you select a menu item, numb ers appear on the screen above the scroll bar . If you become familiar with these numbe rs, you c an use th em as shortcuts for acc essing different m enu items. For example, to access the Phon e s ettin gs menu, you can simply pre ss Menu 4 2.
10 4 Settin gs 41 Call settin gs 4 1 1 Emergency ke y 9 4 12 Automatic redial 4 13 Calling card 4 14 Automatic answer A 4 15 Anykey answer 42 Phone settings 42 1 Touch tones 422 Restore factory settin.
11 Entering letters and numbers Curs or The cursor is a blinking vertical line that appears on the scre en when y ou are enteri ng te xt or n umbers. Charact ers you enter appear to the righ t of the cursor . Press to delete th e characte r to the le ft of the curs or .
12 Changi ng letter case Press the k ey (the Case key , shown on the phone diagram on this guide’s inside front cover) to switch betwe en upper- and lower-cas e letters.
13 Keyguard (loc king the k eypad) Using the Keyguard feature you can “lock” your p hone’ s ke ypad s o that accident al keypress es have no effect. This is han dy when y our phone is in a pocket or purse. Note: K eyguard is n ot a security feature and will not prevent unauthorized use of your phon e.
14 Notes about K eyguard • Wh en Keyguard is on, the only w ay to answer a ca ll is to press Answe r . Once the call is termina ted, keygua rd is reactivate d. • Wh en K eyguard is on, press the power key briefly to turn your phone’s lights on for 30 seconds.
15 4. Basic functions Turning the phone on Press and hold for one second. Note: Pressing briefly turns your phone’s lights on for fifteen seconds. If the phone asks for a lock code, see ‘Lock code’ on page 63. If the phone asks for a security code, see ‘Security code’ on page 63.
16 Get a stro ng signal When you are at the start screen or in a call, the strength of the radio signal is indicated by the sign al str engt h in dicat or o n the left side o f you r phone’s screen. This indicator scrolls up and down as the signal strength increases and dec reases.
17 Last number redial The las t 1 0 number s you dialed are stor ed in the dial ed calls list. Use this l ist to redial a n umber you have calle d recently . 1 From th e start screen , press to access th e dialed calls list. 2 Scroll to the d esired number .
18 Cal ler ID Caller ID is a net work ser vice th at d isplays t he phon e num ber of the person c alling you, if it is available. Check w ith your service provider for de tails. If the caller can be identified, the phone displays the caller's phone number an d calling .
19 5. Phone boo k For conveni ent and e asy dialing , you c an save 99 phone numbers and associat ed names in your phone. Saving names and numbers Saving a name and number is easy! Just en ter the phon e numb er , pres s or , then pre ss Save . Ente r a name if you wish, then press OK .
20 T o save an email address, press Menu 1 4 ( Phone book - E-mail ). Pre ss Sele ct . Scroll to a phone book entry . Press Edit e-m ail . E nter th e em ail addr ess, t hen p ress OK . The presence of an email symbol ( @ ) in the top right corner of the screen indic ates that an email addres s is associated with the sel ected entry .
21 Editing names and numbers To edit phone book entries, press Men u 1 3, scro ll to the entry yo u want to edit, the n press Edit . Edi t t he n am e an d numbe r as needed . Erasing names and numbers Use Menu 1 7 to erase entries from your phone book.
22 6. Settings This section describes some phone settings that allow you to customize your phon e to suit your pre ferences and that you probably won’t change v ery often. Automatic redial Use Menu 4 1 2 to turn th is feature on or off. Whe n this feature is on and the wireless network is busy , your phone redials a number u p to three time s.
23 Select in g time form at Use Menu 7 2 3 to s et the cl ock’s format to am/pm or 24-ho ur . Displa ying or hiding the cloc k Press Menu 7 2 1 t o display the clock on the phone’s screen if it is curre ntly hidden, or vice vers a.
24 Ringin g opti on Use Menu 8 1 to tell your phone how to notify you that you have a c all. Note : If yo u cho ose Beep once or Silent , the alarm clock only sounds a quiet beep. Ring The phone rings normally using th e currently s elected ringing tone.
25 Warnin g an d game to nes Use Menu 8 6 to turn your phone’s wa rning and game tones on or off. Warning tones are c reated by events su ch as confirmations, errors, power on, battery low , and recharge battery .
26 Headset Y our phone aut omatically s elects this when it is connected to a headse t. Y our phone remembers any changes you make to setting s in Menu 8, T ones, and uses them the next time you c onnect the phone to a heads et. Handsfree Y o ur phone autom atically selects this w hen it is connected to a handsfree device.
27 7. Emerg ency ca lls 1 If the phone is no t on, switch it on. 2 Press and hold for several seconds to ready the phone for calls. 3 Ke y in th e emerge ncy nu mber for y our pr esent locati on (e.g. 9 1 1 or othe r official emergency num ber). Emergency numbers va ry by location.
28 Emergency ke y 9 Use Menu 4 1 1 to tu rn on this fe ature. Whe n this feature is on, the phone attemp ts to make an e mergency call when you: • press and hold th e 9 key , or • press 9, then press Cal l . Note: When Keyguard is active , the only way to make an emer gency ca ll is to dia l the emergenc y numb er , then press Call .
29 8. Adva nced func tions Network feature sett ing Call forwarding , call waitin g , and sen d own caller ID with next call are network servi ces available through your service provider . These features do not appear in your ph one’s Network serv ice s m enu until you sa ve the related fe ature c ode(s) give n to you by your serv ice provider .
30 Note: I f you have an active call and an in coming or held call, pressing isn’t necessary; Options ap pears au tomatica lly . If you rece ive a cal l while in a call, the Navi™ key function changes to An swer .
31 Call wa iting Call wait ing is a netw ork servic e that allow s you to re ceive an incoming call when you’re already in a call. Con tact your service provider for de tails. Answe ring a wa iting ca ll When you receive a call while a lready in a call, th e Navi™ key function changes from End to Answer .
32 3 Scroll to Edi t , then pr ess OK . 4 Enter your security code (see page 63), then press OK . 5 At Dialing sequ ence , press Sele ct . Press to choose the dialing sequence your card uses, then press Select . Note: The order of the following steps may vary , depending on which dialing sequence your card uses.
33 Call ing card calls To make a call using a calling card: 1 Enter the phone number , including any prefix ( such as 0 or 1) that you r callin g card may re quire whe n you m ake a calling card ca ll (see your calling c ard for instruct ions). 2 Press and hold Call for a few seco nds until your phone displays Card call .
34 Cancel ling c all forwardi ng Standard meth od To cancel call forwarding, you mu st get the c all forwarding cancellation code from yo ur service provider .
35 Assigning numbers to keys Before you can assign a phone numbe r to a key , the phone number must be save d in your phone book (see page 17) . Then follow th e step s below . 1 Press Men u 1 6. 2 Scroll to the d esired key , then press Assign . 3 Press or to c hoose the name you want to assign to the se lected key , then press Se lect .
36 Send own caller ID wi th next call Send o wn caller ID with next call is a network s ervice that let s you hide you r phone num ber from a pe rson you ar e calling wh o h as Ca ll er ID.
37 In some cases, w hen you try to connect to your service provider , the following message may appear on the screen: ‘LOCK’ prevents the service provider from changing your carrier l ock code. ‘UNLOCK’ a llows the provider to change the code and restrict others from activating your phone.
38 Roam ing i ndic ator s When y our ph one beg ins ro aming, Roaming appears. If roamin g in a non-preferred system, the roaming in dicator ( ) also appears.
39 By setting your phon e to use a home or prefer red system, it’s possible for yo u to recei ve disco unted ro aming charge s. Check with your service provider to ma ximize use of this featur e. In non-preferred systems, normal roaming charges are determined by the host system.
40 Touch tones can be used for many automated services s uch as check ing voice mail, movie tim es, and ai rline arrival/ departure times. Note: Sendin g confidential information over the air using touch tone s is no t recomme nded.
41 Downloadable ringing tones Depending on you r service provider , you can download (over the air) ringing tones and save the m in your ph one. Note: The m ethod that you use to download a ringing t one to your phone varies among wireless service pro viders.
42 9. Call log For your convenience, the call log (Menu 3) saves a list o f phone numbers you have dialed, and can show you approx imately how much time you have spent on the phone . If you subsc ribe to the caller I D network s ervice, the c all log also records the phone number s of misse d calls and received calls.
43 Received calls If you su bscribe to the calle r ID netwo rk servic e, your p hone automatically stores the phone num bers of the 10 most recent calls you ’ve answe red. U se Menu 3 2 to v iew th e r eceived calls list. To dial a n umber , press Options , t hen choose Call .
44 Setti ng ti mer s ba ck to 0 Use Menu 3 5 4 to clear call timers. You are required to enter your se curity code . Displayin g the current call timer during call s 1 Press Men u 3 5 1. 2 Press Details . 3 Press Se lect . 4 Scroll to On , then press OK .
45 1 0. Voice messages V oice mail is a network se rvice tha t allows ca llers to record a mes sage wh en you c annot be rea ched. Y ou c an then call your voic e ma ilbox and retrieve your me ssage s. Saving your voice mailbox number When you subs cribe to voice mail , your service provi der gives you a voice ma ilb ox num ber .
46 2 When your phone n otifies you t hat yo u’re able to listen to your messa ges, press Se nd . Note: The method of notification depends on your service provider . If you have an y questions abou t voice messaging, contact your s ervice p rovider .
47 11 . M o b i l e m e s s a g e s Note: Before you can send or receive mob ile messages, you may nee d to sub scr ibe to the mobile messaging service offered by your service pro vider .
48 • If the mess age i s an emerge ncy message (s ent onl y by a network operator), in addition to the messages mention ed ab ove, othe r messag es in t he In box, Outb ox, and Saved folders could be autom atically deleted if your phone’s memory is full.
49 Message deli very notification When you send a message, y ou ca n request to be notified when t he reci pient r ecei ves the m essage. This n otific atio n is called a delivery note.
50 • Use numb er allows you to quick ly call or sa ve a phone number if it w as include d in the me ssage. If more than one nu mber was included, a list of n umbers is displayed. To save the number , read the message and ensure t hat th e number you wa nt to sa ve is visi ble (if necessary , scroll the screen).
51 • When pro mpted to enter a rec ipient’ s phone nu mber , you can manually e nter it o r search for it. • When searching, the list of e ntries in your phone book is displayed. To quickl y jump to an entry , press the appropriate key . For example, if the entry is "J ohn" (j), pr ess <5 key>.
52 3 At this point, y ou can addre ss your message or begin writing it , then addr ess it later : • To address your message, scroll to Add e-mail or Add number , then press Select . See ‘ Addressing a text message’ on page 53. • To begin writing your message, s croll to Edit me ssage , then press Sel ec t .
53 Addressing a text message Note: T o address a number only message, see ‘Creating, addressing, and sending a number only message’ on page 50. Use the following procedure to address your message .
54 • Wh en entering an email address manu ally , you can quickly enter the @ symbol by pressing repeatedly until it appears. Entering text into a message A counter in the top right c orner of th e screen in dicates the number of re maining charac ters that you can enter into your mess age .
55 Predictive text input Note : The predictive text feature is based on a built-in di c ti on ar y to which you can add words. Your phone includes several different language versions of this dictionary .
56 2 Press (do not enter a space). The underline disappears from the first part. 3 Write t he secon d par t ( jay ). Deleti ng charac ters To de l e t e one charac ter to the left of the c ursor , press . To de let e all characters in the messa ge, press an d hold .
57 Adding a new w ord to th e diction ary If the ? character appears after the word, press Spell . (OR, at any time wh ile editin g, press Options , scroll to Inse rt wor d , then press OK .) Enter th e word using traditional text input, and press Select .
58 9. Meetin g change d to [ ]. <time /place> 10 . Ap point ment can celled . 11 . I love y ou! 12. Thank you! 13. I’m sor ry . 14. Call at you r con venienc e. 15. Please call ASAP. Bracket s ( [ ] ) in a te mplate represe nt a value that you can specify .
59 To sen d the message, press Options , scroll to Send , then press OK . If the net wor k can’ t se nd your mess age, a warni ng no te should appear . Try to resend the message later . See ‘Resending a me ssage’ on p age 59. Resending a message 1 Open your Outbox ( Menu 2-1-3).
60 Erasing messages Y ou can erase the message you ’re reading or several messag es at once. Eras ing the mess age y ou’ re r eadi ng Press Options , s crol l to Erase ., t hen p re ss Selec t . Erasin g multiple mess ages 1 Press Menu 2 1 5. 2 Scroll until the appropriate ite m in the list is highlighte d, then press Sel ect .
61 12. Extra features Alarm clock The alarm c lock feature sounds an alert at a time you specify . Setti ng th e alar m cloc k Use Menu 7 1 to turn the alarm c lock on or off. Note th at whe n you’re enteri ng the alarm time, use two digit s for both hours and min utes (for example , enter 1:30 as 0130 ).
62 •I f y o u p r e s s Snooze , the ph one turns itself off for ten minutes , then the alarm sounds again. REMEM BER! Do no t switc h on the ph one wh en wirel ess pho ne use is prohib ited or when it may c ause interference o r danger . Games Use Menu 6 to ch allenge y ourself or a friend to the three fun games in your phon e.
63 13. Security featu res Access codes overview Access c odes consi st of the lo ck code an d security code. Whe n you get your phone, you should change these codes from their defaults, write down th e new code s, and keep them in a safe place away from the phon e.
64 Rest rict ing in co ming c alls Y ou can block all incoming calls or create a list of incom ing numbers f rom w hich you don’t wa nt to r eceive c alls. To block all incomin g calls, enter your secu rity code, scrol l to Select and press OK , then press Ma rk .
65 The entry is added to your list of restricted numb ers. Y our phone can s ave up to 15 restric ted incoming numbers . Once y ou ente r 15 restricted n umbers, the A dd restrict ion option is re moved fr om the m enu. Th is option is av ailable again once you delete one or more phone numbers from the restricte d list.
66 Addin g numb ers to the rest ricte d outgo ing ca lls list A call restric tion can cons ist of an ent ire phone nu mber , an area code , etc. Wh en the re striction is selecte d, calls ca nnot be made to any nu mber beginnin g with those digits. For examp le, en terin g 2 14555 1234 block s calls to (2 14) 555 - 1234 only .
67 Allow ing call s to a numb er on th e list If you later de cide to allow calls to a restricted number , scroll to Sele ct an d press OK . You can now see y our list of numbers. Press Unmar k to remov e the restriction. (The nu mber remains in the list so t hat you can restric t it ag ain late r by pressing Mark .
68 14. Accessori es An ex ten sive rang e of acces sori es is available for your phone. You can se lect th e acc essories that best suit your s pecific comm unication needs. For av ailability , see your local authorized Nokia dealer . A few practical rules for accessory operation: • Keep acce ssories out of sm all children's re ach.
69 Nokia Xpress-on™ c olor covers Y our phone’s Xpr ess-on™ cover i s available in several fashion colors. Extra covers m ay be pu rchased from your authorized Nokia dealer .
70 Batter ies Several batteries are available for your phone: • B LS-2N Extended Li-Ion 900 m Ah • B LS-4 Ultra Extended Li-Ion 1500 m Ah • B MS-2S Exte nded NiMH 900 mA h • BMS-2V Vibrating NiMH 9 00 mAh • B PS-1 Ultra Slim Li-P olymer 60 0 mAh 4 Remove the rubber keyp ad from the back of th e cover .
71 Charging times The table below displays approximate b attery charging ti mes. These charging tim es charge your phone to abou t 80% of it s capacity , and the battery strength in dicator stops scrolling. If you wish to obtain 100% battery capacity , please allow another two hours for “mainten ance” charge.
72 The times shown are approximate, and represent a range for either standby or talk times (not a combination of both). Battery operation times vary according to signal conditions, network parameters set by the service provider , and how y ou use your phone .
73 Note: If the battery is completely emp ty , you cannot use the phone until it has enough charge to operate. The Standard T ravel Char ger is available for d ifferent voltage levels and c an als o be us ed wit h the DCH- 9 Comp act De skt op Charging Stand.
74 Avoid prolonged charging w ith the Rapid Cigarette Lighter Charger wh en the c ar engine is not running. This may cause the battery of you r car to drain. Note: In some cars the cigarette lighter plug is not provided with power when the ignition is switched off.
75 The phone ha s the built-in i ntelligence to main tain the battery , so there is no n eed for a discharge feature on the stand. DCH-9 Rear Slot Char ging Times Batt ery Using AC P-7U Usin g ACP- 9U.
76 15. Refer ence in formation Important safety information Traffic safety Do not use a ha nd-held telepho ne while driv ing a vehicle. If us ing a hand-held phone par k the vehicle before conver sing. Always secure the phon e in its hold er; do not place the phone on t he passenger seat or where it can b reak loose in a colli sion or sudden sto p.
77 Hearing aids Some digital wir eless phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In the event of such inte rference, you may want to con sult your service provider . Othe r medi cal devi ces Operation of any radio transmitting equipment, including cellular phones , may interfere with the functionality of inadeq uately protected medical dev ices.
78 Do not store or carry flam mable liquid s, gases or explosive m aterials in the same compartment as the phone, its parts or accessories. For vehicles equipped with an air bag, re member that an air bag infl ates with great force.
79 Radio frequency (RF) signals THIS MODEL PHONE MEETS THE GOVERNMENT'S REQUIREM ENTS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES. Y our wireless phone is a radio transmitter and receiver . It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.
80 Use of non-Nokia-approved accessories may v iolate FCC RF exposure guidelines and should be avoided. * In the United States and Canada, the SAR limit for mobile phones used by the public is 1.
81 Care and maintenance Y our phone is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. The suggestions below will help you to fulfill any warranty obligations and allow you to enjoy this product for many years.
82 16. Tech nical in formation P art No. 935 3433 Printed in Canada 08/0 1 Nokia, Connecting People and the Original Accessories logos ar e trademarks of Nokia Corporation and/or its affiliates. T9 text input software Copyri ght © 19 99-2001. T egic Comm unications, Inc.
83 17. Nokia O ne-Y ear Limited Wa rr a n t y Nokia Inc. (“N okia”) warrants th at this cellular phone (“Pro duct”) is free from defe cts in ma teri al and wo rkmansh ip tha t result in Produ ct failu re during normal us age, according to the following te rms and conditi ons: 1.
84 b) The Product has been damaged fro m external causes such as collision with an ob ject, or f rom fire, f looding , sand, di rt, wind stor m, light ning, earthquake or damage from exposure to weath.
85 f) If the Product is returned to Nokia durin g the limited warrant y period, but the problem wi th the Product is n ot covered under the term s and conditions of t his limited warranty , the Consum.
86 14. This limit ed warranty allocates the risk of f ailure of t he Product between the Consumer a nd Nokia. The allocation is recognized by the Consumer and is reflected in the purchase price of t he Product. 15. Any action or l awsuit for breach of warranty must be commenced within eighteen (18 ) months follow ing delivery of the Product.
87 18. Index A ABC mode 11 accessor ies 68 batteries 70 chargers 72 covers 69 alarm clock 61 answering a call 17 automatic answer 39 antenna 15 extern al jack 7 anykey answ er 39 automatic answer 39 B.
88 E editing names/num bers 21 email addresses saving 19 emerg ency c alls 27 , 78 emerge ncy k ey 9 28 erasing names/nu mbers 21 external antenna jack 7 F factory setti ngs, restorin g 41 G games 62 .
89 R Rapid Cigarette Lighter Charger 73 Rapid T ravel Charger 73 received calls 43 redial automatic 22 last number 17 restore factory s ettings 41 restricting calls 63 ringing see tones Roaming 37 Roa.
90 P ara obtener un manual de l usuario en español favor de llamar o en viar u n fax al teléfon o 1- 888-NOKIA2U (1-888-66 5-4228), fax 813-249-9619.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nokia 5170i c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nokia 5170i - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nokia 5170i, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nokia 5170i va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nokia 5170i, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nokia 5170i.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nokia 5170i. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nokia 5170i ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.