Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FG du fabricant Nikon
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J Film advance lever . ~ Al P setting lock button ~ •.. Shutter speedl mode selector 4 Neckstrap eyelet 5 . Hand grip 6 Self - timer lever 7 Refle x mirror 8 Lens aperture scale 9 Distance scale 1 0.
n Hot-shoe contact Shutter release button ® 21' A cc e ssory shoe Audio warning lever @ 2§ Film rewind crank Frame counter @ 2§ Film rewind knob Film plane indicator @ 2't ASAIISO film sp.
NOMENCLATURE . .......................... 2 FLASH PHOTOGRAPHy .................... 47 FOREWORD .. .............................. 5 Accessory Shoe . ......................... 48 BASIC OPERATION . ........................ 6 Viewfinder Ready-Light. .....
As Nikon's selective-exposure 35mm SLR camera, the Nikon FG gives you the choices not only of total- exposure programming but also aperture-priority automatic exposure as well as full manual control.
U se a cO in to twi s t t he lid c ou n ter - cloc k wi s e to un s c re w it 6 Wipe battery terminals clean an d insert either one 3V lithium battery, two 1.
Looking through the vi ew finder 33 . , depress the shutter release button 37 halfway and confirm that an y of the red LED s (l ight e mitting diod es) light up steadily or blink continuous ly for 16 seconds after you h ave taken your finger off the button .
Pull up the film rewind knob 26 as far as It will go and the camera back will pop open . 8 Drop the film cartridge into the film cartridge chamber ,10.
Advanc e the tak e up spool s lightly with your finger to en g age th e film' s per fo rati on s with t he t ee th of th e ta k eu p s p o o l and th e sp roc ke t 4 3 C onfirm th e film is loca .
Snap the camera back shu1. 10 Fold out the film rewind crank 25 and rotate it gently in the direction of the arrow until you leel a slight resistance .
To dispose of the first few frames expose d during film l oading continue to a l terna tely advance the tilm and dep ress the shu tter re l ease button until the frame count e r s how s "1 ' Check th at the rewind knob IS rotatin g, indi ca ting the film h as been lo aded correctly and IS being advanced If the knob does not rotate.
Wh ile de p re s sing the A l P setting l o c k button (2 . turn th e s rlut te r sp e e d/ m ode sel e c tor u ntil P is opp os ite [fI e I nde x T he bU ilt -I n l oc k ing mec ha ni s m s at P a n .
, Turn the lever as far as it will go , uncovering the audio warning mark ( "J) ) . Fold out the film advance lever to the stand· off position. With your right hand grasping the hand· grip (5 ).
While looking through the viewfinder, compose your photo with the main subject in the center to assure correct exposure . Then turn the focusing ring @ of the lens until the subject looks clear . The FG employs the standard Type K focusing screen for all-purpose photography .
5 1 23 4 1 . 3mm dia. split-image spot 2. 1 mm-wide microprism collar 3. 12mm dia. area 4. Fine matte/ Fresnel outer field 5. Shutter speed scale 6. Top warning LED 7.
Look through the viewfinder and press the shutter release button halfway to turn on the exposure meter . When the audio warning does not sound. depress the button all the way to take the picture . In this case, the proper shutter speed to match scene brightness I t displayed by the LED Inside the viewfinder .
After the last exposure, the film advance lever will not move Depress the film rewind button on the camera base plate to disengage the film sprocket drive so you can rewind the exposed film back into its cartridge . Fold out the film rewind crank and turn it gently in the direction of the arrow until you feel an increased tension .
Open t he camera back by pulling up the rewind knoll and take out the film cartridge . Avoid unloading in d i rect sunlight If there is no shade available, turn your back to the s un and use your own .
The lenses usable for the Nikon FG are all the AI-type Nikon/Nikkor lenses, including most of the AI con- verted lenses, certain Reflex Nikkor and PC Nikkor lenses. Non-AI Nikkor lenses and lenses of other manufacturers which do not have the AI feature must not be forcibly mounted on the FG.
The Nikon FG offers programmed mode operation, aperture'prlority automatic mode operation, and manual control of all shutter speeds from 1 to 1/1000 sec, including M90 and B (Bulb) settings.
much light as 1/60 sec. Note: When you set the shutter speed/mode selector dial to either M90 or B, the exposure meter does not work and the viewfinder LEOs don't light. M90 (1/90 sec.) At this setting, the shutter operates mechanically at 1/90 sec.
Top warning LED Shutter speed LEDs Bottom warning LED Flash ready-light Red LEDs (light emitting diodes) located opposite the shutter speed scale at the right-hand side of the view- finder light up when the shutter release button is depressed halfway .
Possible Possible Shutter speed is overexposure underexposure too slow Improper exposure warning information On P or A, a blinking top warning LED indicates possi- ble overexposure In this case, use a.
Correct exposure-whether your photo comes out just right and neither too dark (underexposed) nor too light (overexposed)-depends on two factors in re- lation to your film: light and time. These factors are controlled by f/stop (aperture opening) and shutter speed.
P mode operation (1) While depre ssing the AlP settin g lock button, turn the selector dial to P (2) Set the f1stop of the lens to its minimum ape rtu re opening (ie, the largest f1number) (3) T urn o.
Too much light Too little light Shutter speed is too slow i ,'loo ,00 125 bO 30 IS 8 • Either upper or lower warning LED blinks . A blinking upper LED means too much light; try either a nGutral.
Programmed exposure measurement graph The graph represents the optimum combinations of f/stop and shutter speed, for the brightness of any scene, which were determined through intensive statistical and empirical studies and fed into the FG's computer brain for its pre-arranged exposure pro- gram.
A-automatic exposure mode With the FG set on A, you sel ect the flstop and the computer matches it with the correct stepless shutter speed . The A mode is especially useful for creating spe cial effec.
... ( 2) Set the desired f/stop on the lens . ( 3) Turn on the audio warning system. (4) While looking through the viewfinder, depress the shutter release button halfway to turn on the expo· sure meter . If the audio warning does not sound , the scene brightness is within the FG 's metering range-focus and shoot.
Overexposure [ OD D 50 0 250 125 60 Underexposure Picture blur • The lop warn i ng L ED b l inks to wa rn o f ove r expos ur e • The bottom warn i ng LE D blink s to wa r n o f u nde r- exposure • The LEO lighls up al 1 /30 sec . or below 10 warn of picture blur In t h ese cases.
Set the desired speed by turning the lens aperture ring. A mode operation-shutter speed priority selection For shooting moving subjects , the FG also enables you to select the shutter speed on A mode .
Depth of field Depth of field refers to the clear focus zones in front of and behind the main subject when you focus the lens. With the FG's aperture-priority automatic expo- sure, you have full control over depth of field by vary- ing the flstop.
Lens set at f/1.4 Lens set at t/16 Only main subject is in focus Most ob ject s near to far a re in focus 33.
EV Range The FG' s meter may be used only within the meter ' s exposure v alue ( EV) range which determines the po ss ible combinations of aperture and s hutter speed, depending on the film speed in use . The chart shows the relationships between the f/stop, shutter speed and film speed.
Manual exposure mode Manual operation allows you to shoot at your choice of any combination of the flstops and eleven shutter sp eeds on the camera's dials .
Manual mode operation (1) Set the f/stop you desire or turn the shu tter speed/ mode se le c to r dia l to any of eleven numbered setti ng s yo u desire , ( Note that you cannot set the dial between indicated settings.
I I . ~ Fast shutter speed (freeze action) , f . '" Slow shutter speed (intentional blur) 37.
I Depressing the shutter release button halfway switches on the exposure meter for approx 16 sec, ev en after taking your finger off the button , and cau s es the viewfinder LED(s) to light up steadily Pu s hing the button all the way down releases the shutter To check battery power, depress the button halfway .
T he film advance l ever is coaxia l with the s h utter reo l ease button and i s specially contoured t o fit the thumb , A hinged lever, it fits snugly to the camera body _ It ha s a throw of 144°, .
To prevent incorrect expo s ure or blurred photos re - s ulting from extr e me sh oo ting conditions , the Nikon FG is e quipped w ith an a udio wa rn i ng d ev ic e , op er- a ble on P o r A m o des, in a dditi on to the vi s ual LED warning indications .
The scale on the ASA / ISO dial has numbered settings for speeds from ASA/ISO 12 to 3200 . Two dots be- tween each number stand for intermediate settings , s uch as 64 , 80 , etc _ The 64 , 100 and 40.
For unusual lighting situations, such as shown in the diagram, the exposure compensation dial allows adjustments to prevent over- or underexposure . Also , the dial can be used to intentionally obtain special effects like over- or underexposure , even under normal lighting conditions .
{on ''!, Conveniently operable on P and A, this gives a com- pensation of + 2EV to quickly and easily adjust expo- sure when shooting snow scenes, sidelit or backlit subjects, or in cases where the main subject and back- ground are strongly contrasted .
This provides an approx . 10-sec . exposure delay . Independent of the shutter mechanism, the self-timer can be set either before or after the film is advanced .
. ~ (2) Dismountin~ Thi s not only allows s teady shooting but also a secure co mfortable fit in your hand . When shooting with ~ otor drive, the grip should be di s mounted. To do this, (1) in se rt a COin into the slot , turn the screw co unterclockwi s e until it loosens, (2) then s lide it dow n until it separates from the body.
As a rem i nder of f ilm type. ASA / ISO speed , a nd the number 01 exposures on the roll in use, clip off the end of the film carto n and insert into the mem o holder 46 The red dot located ju s t be s ide the focusing index on mo s t lenses is the infr a red focu s ing index .
Electronic flashes are convenient not only for night or l ow-light shooting but also as a supplemental light ;0 fill in shadows in the daytime. When shooting with e l ectronic flashes such as the Nikon Speedlights S8-18, SB-16B and SB-15, the FG's shutter speed is automatically switched to 1/90sec.
t Located at the top of the pentaprism viewfinder, the hot shoe allows direct mounting of the Nlkon Speed - light SB-18, SB-16B, SB-15 or any electronic flash with an ISO-type mounting foot Other flas.
Speedlight I Connection I Camera's ready· I Shutter speed automatically I Usable flash light indication switched to 1/90 sec. modes SB-19 direct provided yes auto SB-18 direct provided yes TTL, .
For nature lovers, scientists, even general use, close- up photography provides the means to see the world in all its smallest details. The following are available for close-up work at a shorter distance than that of Hie index engraved on the lens: (1) Close-up lenses- No.
...... 53.
Designed 10 complement the versatility of the FG. N l kon has t hree e l ectronic f l ash units wh i ch mount directly to the camera's accessory shoe and feature automat ic TTL (through,the,lens) control of the f l ash exposure A l so, W i th the camera on P, A or a manual sett in g of 1/125sec or faster.
fvlade for the Nlkon FG, the MD-14 Motor Drive enables shooting up to 32fps (frames per second) on h ig h speed sett in g, or 2 fps on low speed setting, uSing the FG S shutter release button as the m.
To keep track of when photos were taken. the FG accepts the slim. lightweight Data Back MF-15 which slips on In place of the FG 's regular camera back 46 With no sync cord needed Three Imprinting.
Filters Nlkon offers a wide selection of Iliters of various s i zes arid types to meet the needs of color and black and white p ho t ography T h ese filters work best With Nlkon l Nl kkor lenses They .
Eyepiece correction lenses To co rre ct both near - and far-sightedness, nine lenses a re available from -5 to + 3 diopter values . These values are derived from the dioptry of both the finder and the correction lens .
Semi-soft cases Two types are available the CF-17 for use with stan- da rd lenses and the CF-18 for use with the Nikon Series E 36'" 72 mm f 13 _ 5 or smaller lenses The CF-18A Front- Flap for use with the Zoom-Nlkkor 35"'70mm f/3 .
• Don I force you r cam era s contro l s- t rey are des lgr led to work wi t h a min i · r"Y'jlJrn Of oressure • If t he camera oody IS exposed to ra in or mist, wip e mO istu re gently.
Caution: Keep batteries away from infants and small children. In case a battery is acci- dentally swallowed, call a doctor immediately as the material inside the batteries can cause serious problems. New batteries: Between manufacturing and first use, all batteries exhibit some drain.
Type of camera Picture format Lens mount Lenses Electronically controlled 35mm single-lens reflex camera 24mmx 36mm (standard 35mm film format) Nikon bayonet mount Nikkor 50/1.
Exposure Approx. + 2EV when exposure Hot-shoe Standard ISO-type accepts compensation compensation button is kept contacts Nikon Speedlight SB-18, SB-16B, button depressed as shutter release SB-15 or other ISO-type Nikon button is depressed flash unit directly Viewfinder Fixed eye level pentaprism type Flash Speeds up to 1/90sec.
Self·timer Reflex mirror Hand grip Power source Power ON/OFF switch Dimensions Weight Camera cases 62 Lever provided can be set for up to approx. 10 sec. exposure delay; setting cancellable before actual shutter release Instant-return non-Iocakble type Detachable type Two 1.
The camera body yo~ purchased is packaged separately from the lens. Before mounting the lens, check if it is capable of Automatic Maximum Aperture Indexing (AI) operation with your camera body by verifying that the lens' aperture ring is fitted with a meter cou- pling ridge as illustrated at the right.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nikon FG c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nikon FG - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nikon FG, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nikon FG va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nikon FG, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nikon FG.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nikon FG. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nikon FG ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.