Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MH160 du fabricant NEC
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NEC NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administration T ool Inst allation User Guide September 20 08 NDA-30922, Issue 1.
Liability Disclaimer NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to change the specifications, functions, or features, at any time, without notice. NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. has prepared this document for the exclusive use of its employ ees and customers.
i NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Content s About This Guide 1-1 Icons and con ventions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Handset Administration Tool Installation 2-1 Insta lling the Handse t Administration T ool .
ii Content s NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Admi nistrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 The Setting s Editor T oolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 File management . . . . . . . . .
iii NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Figures Figure T itle Page 2-1 Mobile Hand set and PC con nection usin g USB ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2-2 Preparing to Install . . . . . . . .
iv Figures NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Admi nistrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1.
v NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ta b l e s T able T itle Page 3-1 Handset character entry table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 4-1 Tab options on the Settings Editor window .
vi T ables NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Admi nistrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1.
1-1 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 1 About This Guide The Handset Administr ation T ool is a software utili t y developed by NEC Unified Sol ut ions, Inc. to au tomate the c onf i gu ration of multiple NE C MH150 and MH160 Mobile Handsets and perform v ari ous administr ation tasks.
1-2 About This Guide NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Admi nistrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1.
2-1 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 2 Handset Administration T ool Inst allation The Handset Administration T ool is a software utilit y ins talled on a PC with a USB port. It is designed as a time-saving devi ce for r apid administr ation and configur ation of a number of hand sets.
2-2 Handset Administration T ool Installation NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Necessary compon ents : • PC with a USB port running Wind ows.
Handset Administration T ool Inst allation 2-3 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ste p 2 Click Next to continue Figure 2- 3 InstallShield Wi zard welcome .
2-4 Handset Administration T ool Installation NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ste p 3 The Destin ation Folder allo ws you to change the insta ll to another folder or to simply insta ll in the folder location di splayed next to the folder icon.
Handset Administration T ool Inst allation 2-5 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ste p 4 The program is about to be inst alled.
2-6 Handset Administration T ool Installation NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ste p 5 Click Finish to exit the InstallShield Wizard.
Handset Administration T ool Inst allation 2-7 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Inst alling the USB Driver The USB dr ive r installa t i on a l lo ws the Dual Char ger to be the communication link between the ha ndset and the PC.
2-8 Handset Administration T ool Installation NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ste p 6 The files need to be inst alled from a specific location, so select Inst all from a list or specific location (Advan ced) and click Next.
Handset Administration T ool Inst allation 2-9 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ste p 7 Select Search for the best drive r in these locations. — Clear the check box Search remo vable media . — Select the check box Include this location in the sea rch.
2-10 Handset Administration T ool In stallation NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ste p 8 The following warning m essage from the Microsof t Wizard displays. T he USB driver files are propriet ary to S pectraLink and were not submitted to Microsoft for testing.
2-1 1 Handset Administration T ool Installation NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Step 10 The final sc reen indicates that the USB driver has b een successfu lly installed. Click Finish to close the wizard an d proceed with handset configuration Figure 2- 12 Software inst allation completed .
2-12 Handset Administration T ool In stallation NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Admi nistrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1.
3-1 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 3 Using the Admin T abs Launch the Handset Admin program from the Start menu. Y ou will need to accept the license agreement ( Figure 3-1 ) the first time the progr am is launched and whenever an update is installed.
3-2 Using the Admin T abs NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 The Handset Settings Editor is used to configure handsets, as well as create, save and copy Admin menu options. See “Opening the Se ttings Editor” on page 4-1 for detailed instructions on using the Handset Settings Editor .
Using the Admin T abs 3-3 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 The prompt line at the bott om of the window provides information about what action should be tak en or the status of the utility . See Figure 3-3 .
3-4 Using the Admin T abs NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Figure 3- 4 Connect tab prompt indicates t he Mobile Handset is connected. Password Configuration The password is a securit y measure to restrict access to the Admin menu settings.
Using the Admin T abs 3-5 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Figure 3- 5 Password change tab window Character table Ta b l e 3 - 1 illustr ates how nu mbers and letter s are enter ed on the handset's keypad.
3-6 Using the Admin T abs NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Error Information The Error info tab ( Figure 3-6 ) provides a utilit y to assist the NEC customer service team to troublesho o t handset errors.
Using the Admin T abs 3-7 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Sof tware Updates The Firmware tab allows you to copy soft ware updates to the mobile handset's memory after they ar e downloaded from a website.
3-8 Using the Admin T abs NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ste p 5 V erify that the information in the File ver window is the correct file to be downloaded and then click the Update button. This file copies from the location to the hand set.
Using the Admin T abs 3-9 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ve r s i o n The Version tab (Figure 3-9) di spla ys t he serial number of the handset and the current version of the Hand set Administr ation T ool software.
3-10 Using the Admin T abs NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 FTP Up date The FTP Update option retrieves the update from an FTP site. During the update process, t he progr a m is down loaded to the connected computer and that computer's version of the progr a m is updated.
Using the Admin T abs 3-1 1 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Figure 3- 12 Confirmation of new appl ication installation Ste p 4 Once the update is downloaded, yo u can copy the.pkg file to a local location and update other co mputers using the Lo cal File Update option .
3-12 Using the Admin T abs NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Figure 3- 13 Local file update initiation Ste p 4 Browse to the location of the.pkg file and click it. Ste p 5 Click OK to continue. See Figure 3-14 .
4-1 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 4 Using the Settings Editor The handset has two menus with configurable options - th e Admin menu and the Config men u. The Admin menu cont ains administr ative options that can be password protected.
4-2 Using the Settings Editor NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Figure 4- 1 Settings Editor on the Settings tab window When you have opened the Settings Editor , y ou may close the Admin Ta b s .
The Handset Settings Ed itor screen shot ( Figure 4-2 ) is for example only and may not match the options or settings for your system's protocol. Using the Settings Editor 4-3 NEC MH150/MH160 Mob.
4-4 Using the Settings Editor NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 The Settings Editor T oolbar The Settings Editor toolbar ( Figure 4-3 ) allows you to manage configurati on files and downl oad and upload configur ation settings to and from the handset in the charger .
Using the Settings Editor 4-5 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Upload/download and indicators When the Read Handset and Write Handset buttons are click ed, they initiate the tr ansfer of configur ation data from or to the handset in the charger .
4-6 Using the Settings Editor NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Creating a Configuration Plan Although not necessary f or using the Handset Ad ministr ation T ool, a configurati on plan can maximize its efficiency and save countl ess hours of handset option management.
Using the Settings Editor 4-7 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Create the options and save the settings Once you hav e established which options wil l be categorized as S ystem, Group or User , enter the configuration information into the Editable settings fields.
4-8 Using the Settings Editor NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Configuration planning worksheet (sample) Use the worksheet in Ta b l e 4 - 2 , or a similar worksheet to design your configur ation plan.
Using the Settings Editor 4-9 NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handse t Administration T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Figure 4- 4 Handset Settings Editor example Downloading and Uploading Configuration Plans Once your confi guration plan s are established, the setti ngs are easily downloaded into the handsets.
4-10 Using the Settings Editor NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administrati on T ool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1 Ste p 2 In the Edit able set tings fields, enter the Extension and User name fo r this handset. Note that the Extension field has a Next button that is useful when configuring a quantity of handset s.
For additional information or suppor t on this NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. product, contact your NEC Unif ied Solutions, Inc. r epresentative..
NEC MH150/MH160 Mobi le Handset Administra tion Tool-Installation and User Guide NEC NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. NDA-30922, Issue 1.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté NEC MH160 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du NEC MH160 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation NEC MH160, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le NEC MH160 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le NEC MH160, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du NEC MH160.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le NEC MH160. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei NEC MH160 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.