Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit RV-6S du fabricant Mitsubishi Electronics
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Supplemental Instructi on Thank y ou for purchasin g the Mitsub ishi Indu strial R obot MELF A Series. This docu ment ad ditiona lly explains to t he M itsubis hi Ind ustrial Robot "R V-6S Series I NSTRUV TION M ANUA L (BFP-A8323)". Therefore, check the cont ent, and use it toget her wit h your instruction manua l.
3. Change of the lubrication method and notes Details of change a nd su pplem ent A proce dure and precaut ions app licable to the product s affec ted by the c hange wer e added to “(2) L ubricat ion method” on P5-50. T he pro cedure a pplicab le to t he produc ts aff ected b y the chan ge is desc ribed be low.
4. Supplemental note for the installation sur face receiving force Supplemental details Magnitude of eac h reaction forc e added to P2- 8 “2.2.3 Instal lation pr ocedures ”. Table 2-2 s ho ws the m aximum reaction f orce ( design valu es) that m a y be applie d to an ins tal lation st and.
All tea ching work must be c arrie d out by an o perator who ha s re ce ived s pecia l trai ning. (This a lso ap plie s to m aintena nce wo rk wi th the pow er sourc e tu rned ON.
The p oints of t he preca utio ns giv en in the s epara te "Sa fety Ma n ual" are giv en belo w. Refer t o the act ual "S afety Man ual" for det ails. Use the robot w ithi n the e nviron ment g iven in the sp ecifi cation s. Fa ilure to do s o could lead to a dro p or reliabil ity or faul ts.
Revision history Date of Point Inst ructio n Ma nual No. Revision D etail s 2003-10-10 BFP- A8323 First pri nt 2004-05 -20 BFP- A8323 -A Installing the hand input/o utput cable was added.
■ Int roduct ion Thank you for purch asing the Mit subi shi indu stria l r obot. This instr uctio n m anua l expla ins pro cedur es to be ta ken for u np acking, ins tall ing, se rvicin g and insp ecting the robot arm . Always re ad thro ugh t his manu al b efore s tarti ng use to ens ure c orre ct u sage o f the r obot .
CONTENTS i Page 1 Before starting use ....... ...................... ............ ..................... ..................... ................................. ................................. .................. .. 1-1 1.1 Using the instruction man uals .
ii Page (2) Lubrication method ............................... ......... ....................... ...................... ................................. ........... .................. 5-50 5.3.5 Replacing the backup battery ..........................
1 B e f o r e s t a r t i n g u s e Using t he ins truction manuals 1 - 1 1 Before starting use This chap ter e xpl ains the deta ils and usage m eth ods o f t he i nst ruction m anuals, the basic t ermino logy a nd t he safety preca ution s. 1.1 Using the instruction m anuals 1.
1-2 Using the inst ructio n ma nuals 1Before starti ng us e 1.1.2 Symb ols used in inst ruction manua l The s ymbol s and expr essi ons shown i n Table 1-1 are used thro ugho ut this i nst ructi on m anua l. Learn the mea ning of th ese symb ols b efor e readin g this ins tructio n man ual.
1 B e f o r e s t a r t i n g u s e Safe ty P rec autio ns 1 - 3 1.2 Safety Precautions Always read the foll owing prec aution s and the sepa rate "S afety Manual" before s tartin g us e of the robot to learn the r equire d mea sures to b e take n.
1-4 Safet y Prec autio ns 1Before starti ng us e 1.2.1 Pr ecauti ons given in the se parat e Safe ty Ma nual The p oints of the p recaut ion s given in the separ ate "S afety Man ual" are giv en bel ow. Refer t o the actu al "Sa fety Ma nual" fo r deta ils.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Confirm ing t he p rodu ct 2 - 5 2 Unpacking to Installation 2.1 Confirming the product The s tand ard c onfi gur atio n o f th e rob ot arm, part of the purch a sed product, i s shown in T able 2-1 . Confirm the pa rts.
2-6 Instal latio n 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion 2.2 Installation 2.2.1 Un packing Fig. 2-1 : Unpacking the ro bot arm T h e r o b o t i s s h i pp e d f r o m t he f a ct o r y i n ca r d b o a r d a nd w o o de n f rame pac king. Always refer to Fig .
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Instal lati on 2 - 7 2.2.2 Transportat ion pro cedures (Transport ing wit h a crane) Fig.2 -2 : Tran sportati on pro cedure s (tr ansp orti ng w ith a.
2-8 Instal latio n 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion 2.2.3 Inst allat ion procedur es 1) The robot insta llation surfac e has been m achin e finish ed. U se th e ins tallat ion ho les (4-φ 9 hole s) opened at the four corners o f the base, and securely fix the robo t wit h the enclos ed i nsta lla - tion b olts (M8 x 40 hexagon socke t bolts ).
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Instal lati on 2 - 9 2.2.4 Gro und ing pr oced ure s (1) Groundi ng methods 1) T here a re th ree grou nding me thods as show n in Fig. 2-4 , but the dedicated grounding ( Fig . 2-4 ( a ) ) shou ld be used for the rob ot ar m and co ntrol ler when possible.
2-10 Ins talla tion 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion 2.2.5 Conn ecting with the co ntroller Fig.2- 6 : Connecti ng the mac hine cables (CN2 ) (CN1) CN1 CN2 Robot arm Controlle r Motor p.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Install ation 2 - 1 1 Carry out the fo llowing procedur e after i nstallin g the c ontrol l er referring to the separat e "Co ntroll er Setup , Ba sic Operation and Maintenan ce" man ual. 1) Mak e sur e tha t the power s witch on the f ront of t he cont rolle r is t urne d OFF.
2-12 Settin g the o rigin 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion 2.3 Setting the origin The origin is set so tha t the robot ca n be used with a h igh acc uracy. A fter purch asing th e robot, al ways carry ou t this s tep before startin g work. Thi s step must also be carrie d o ut if th e combi nation of robot and contro ller bein g used i s ch anged.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Setti ng t he or igin 2 - 1 3 2.3.2 Set ting the origin with the o rigin data input met hod (1) Confirming the orig in data T h e o r i g i n d a t a t .
2-14 Settin g the o rigin 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion (3) Preparing the T/B Next , prepare to u se the T/B 1) S et the [MODE ] swit ch on the front of th e co ntrolle r to "TEA CH". 2) Set the T /B [E NABLE/DISA BLE] sw itch t o "ENABLE ".
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Setti ng t he or igin 2 - 1 5 (4) Selectin g the ori gin setting metho d <T/B scr een> [Ke ys u sed] 1) Press the [5] key on the m enu screen, and display the mainte na nce screen. 2) Press the [4] key on th e mai nten ance screen, and display the origin setting method select ion sc reen.
2-16 Settin g the o rigin 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion (5) Inputting the origin data Inpu t the value con firmed in sect ion "(1) C onfi rming the origi n data " on page 13 . The corresp ondenc e of the orig in data la bel value a nd a xis to b e inpu t is s how n i n Fig.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Setti ng t he or igin 2 - 1 7 (6) Installin g the shoulder cover B Return the shoulder coverB , re moved i n s ection "(1) Confir ming the origi n data" on page 13 to its orig inal posit ion. This comp lete s the settin g of the o rigin with the o rigin data i nput method.
2-18 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion 2.4 Confirming the operation In thi s se ction, the ro bot wi ll be m oved ma nuall y usi ng the T/B to co nfir m th at the opera tion is correc t. Mov ing th e ro bot manuall y is call ed " jog o perat ion ".
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 1 9 Fig.2-11 : XYZ jog ope ration Fig.2-12 : TOO L jog operation +X +Y +Z -Z -Y -X T o o l l e n g t.
2-20 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion Fig. 2-13 : 3-axis XY Z jog opera tion Fig. 2-14 : CYLI NDE R jog operat ion J5 J6 + - - + +X +Y +Z -Z -Y -X T o o l l e n g t h Control point J4 + - * The axis m oves strai ght al ong the b ase c oordin ate sy stem.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 2 1 (1) JOINT jog op eration Pres s the [MOVE ] + [JOINT ] keys to se lect t he JOINT jog mode .
2-22 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion ・ When th e [MOVE] + [+Z (J3) ] key s are p resse d, the J3 ax is will rotat e in t he p lus dire cti on. When the [MOVE ] + [-Z (J3)] keys are pressed, R otate in t he m inus d irect ion.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 2 3 (2) XYZ jog operation Press the [MOVE] + [XYZ] key s to sele ct the XYZ jog m ode .
2-24 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion ・ When the [MOV E] + [+A (J 4)] key s are pres sed, T he X axis will ro tate i n the plus direct ion.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 2 5 (3) TOOL jog ope ration Press th e [MOVE] + [TOOL ] keys to selec t the TOOL j og mod e.
2-26 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion ・ When th e [MOVE] + [+ A (J 4 )] k eys a re pre ssed, The X axi s wil l rotate in th e plus dir ecti o n of the too l coordi nate system. When the [MO VE] + [ -A (J 4 )] keys a re pre ssed, Rotat e in t he m inus direct ion.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 2 7 (4) 3-axis XYZ jog operation Press the [MOVE] + [XYZ] keys, and t hen press only the [XYZ ] key. "XYZ45 6" will appea r at t he upp er le ft of the s cree n.
2-28 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion ・ When th e [MOVE] + [+A (J4)] keys are press ed, the J4- axis wi ll rotate in the p lus di rection .
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 2 9 (5) CYL NDE R jog ope ration Press the [ MOVE] + [XY Z] ke ys, a nd t hen pr ess only t he [XYZ] ke y. "CYL NDER" wil l appe ar at t he upper lef t of t he scr een.
2-30 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion ・ When the [MOVE] + [+A ( J4)] k eys ar e pressed , The X axis will r otate in the pl us dir ection .
3 I n s t a l l i n g t h e o p t i o n d e v i c e s Install ing t he sol enoid valve set ( 1S-VD01- 02/ VD02-02/VD0 3-02/ V D04-02) 3 - 3 1 3 Installing the option devices 3.1 Installing the solenoid valve set ( 1S-VD01-02/VD02-02/VD03-02/VD04-02 ) Fig.
3-32 Insta lling the s olen oid va lve s et (1 S-VD01-0 2/VD02- 02/VD03 -02/V D04-02) 3Insta ll ing th e op tion devic es Fig. 3-1 and Fig . 3-2 show s the soleno id val ve in stallat ion proced ures and th e sole noid valve co nnecto r conne ction procedu res.
3 I n s t a l l i n g t h e o p t i o n d e v i c e s Install ing t he sol enoid valve set ( 1S-VD01- 02/ VD02-02/VD0 3-02/ V D04-02) 3 - 3 3 Fig.3-3 : Solenoid va lve i nsta llatio n diag ram det ails 2 8) When you have comp leted the ins tallat ion, rei nsta ll the No.
3-34 Insta lling the hand input cable 3Insta ll ing th e op tion devic es 3.2 Installing the hand input cable The proced ure f or instal ling the h and i nput cab le is as f ollows . Conduct work by referring to "Fig. 3-1So leno id valv e inst allati on p roced ures" o n pa ge 31 and "Fi g.
3 I n s t a l l i n g t h e o p t i o n d e v i c e s Install ing the han d o utput cabl e 3 - 3 5 3.3 Installing the hand output cable The proced ure f or instal lin g the h and ou t put cab le is as foll ows. Condu ct wo rk b y ref erring t o "Fig.
3-36 .Changi ng the op erating ran ge 3Insta ll ing th e op tion devic es 3.4 . Changing the operating range The op erating rang e of t he J1 axis can b e ch anged t o the rang e shown in Table 3-2 .
3 I n s t a l l i n g t h e o p t i o n d e v i c e s .Changin g t he ope rating range 3-37 (2) Se tting t he p aramete rs 1) C hange the va lues of th e fi rst ele ment (J1 axis minu s si de) and s econd e lement ( J1 axi s plus side ) of th e join t operat ing rang e pa rameter ME JAR.
4-38 4Basic operat ion s 4 Basic operations The bas ic ope ratio ns fro m creat ing the prog ram to automa tic ope ra tion a re ex plai ned i n se ctio n "4. Basi c operati ons" in th e "From Cont roller Setup to Maintena nce" manual.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Main tenan ce an d in spec tion int erval 5-39 5 Maintenance and Inspection The main tenan ce an d inspe ction proced ures to be c arried out to use the robot for a long time with out trouble are descri bed in thi s ch apte r.
5-40 Inspec tion i tems 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.2 Inspection items The i nspect ion item s fo r the ro bot arm are sh own bel ow. Also refer to sect ion "5. Maintenanc e and inspe ction" in the "C ont roller setup, basic operation, and maintenanc e" manua l, and inspect the control ler.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Insp ecti on i tem s 5-41 5.2.2 Pe riodic inspection Carry o ut pe riodi c insp ection with the p rocedure s give n in Tabl e 5-2 .
5-42 Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.3 Maintenance and in spection procedures The procedure s f or carrying out the periodic mainten ance and in spect ion are descri bed in t his sectio n. Tho roughl y read t he c onte nts, and f ollow the inst ructio ns.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5-43 Fig 5- 2 : Outline structure of robo t arm Upper arm Elbow Fore arm <12>J6 axis mot or <13&.
5-44 Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.3.2 Installing/remo ving the cover Fig.5-3 : Inst alling/re moving the co ver Check to s ee tha t th e pack ing h as no t been peel ed of f when the co ver was mo un te d /r em ov ed .
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5 - 4 5 Tabl e 5-3 : Cove r names Table 5-4 : Cove r ins talla tion sc rew l ist (1) Refer to Fig. 5-3 and remove the co ver. (2) The n ames of t he covers are given in Ta ble 5-3 , and a li st of the cover install ation screws is g iven in Table 5-4 .
5-46 Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.3.3 Inspec tion, maintenance and replacem ent of timing belt This robot use s a t imin g belt for t he dr ive co nveyan ce s ystem of the J5 axis. Co mpared to g ears a nd c hains, the tim i ng be lt do e s n ot re qu ir e lu br ic at io n an d h as a l ow no is e.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5 - 4 7 (2) Inspection, maintenance a nd re plac ement of J5-a xis timing b elt Fig.
5-48 Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on (3) Timing belt tension Fig. 5-5 : Belt tens ion The tim ing b elt can sa tisfac toril y conve y the drive an d ke ep a durable force only when it has an adequa te tensio n.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5 - 4 9 5.3.4 L ubricatio n (1) Lubrication po sition and spec ifications F i g . 5 - 6 : L u b r i c a t i o n p o si t i o n s View from A A J5 axis drain bolt (M3) 4.
5-50 Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on Tabl e 5-5 : Lubricatio n spe cific ations The gr ease nip ple p osition is shown in Fig.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5 - 5 1 5.3.5 Replacing the ba ckup battery An absolu te e ncoder is u sed for th e po sitio n d etecto r, so t he p ositi on mu st be saved with t he back up battery when t he power i s turne d OFF.
5-52 Mainten ance parts 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.4 Maintenance parts The cons umable parts that must b e r eplac ed per iodica lly are s ho wn in Table 5- 6 , and sp are parts that may be required dur ing repa irs are sh own i n Table 5- 7 . Pu rchase these parts from the d ealer when re quired.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 5 3 5.5 Resetting the origin The origi n is set so that the robot can be us ed with a high acc uracy. After purch asing the robot , a lways carry out this s tep bef ore st arting work.
5-54 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.5.1 Jig method The pr ocedur e of s etting the origin with t he calib ration jig is shown below.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 5 5 (1) J1 a xis o rigin set ting 1) Move the J 1 ax is s lowly to ward t he fron t usin g both ha nds. Align the pinhol e of th e No .1 arm and the pinho le a t t he ba se s ecti on, fe ed throu gh the orig in jig (φ 8) i nto the pinholes an d fast en.
5-56 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on (2) J2 a xis orig in set ting 1) Slowly rotate the J2 a xis in the direc tion of minus 90° with both hands . Align the p inho les of the N o. 1 arm a nd shou lder, feed th rough the origin j ig (φ 8) i nto the pin holes and f aste n.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 5 7 (3) J3 a xis orig in set ting 1) Sl owly rot ate the J3 axis t o the p lus directi on with b oth han ds. A lign t he p inhole s o f the No . 1 and No . 2 arm , fee d thro ugh th e ori gin j ig ( φ8) into the p inho les and fa sten .
5-58 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on (4) J4 a xis orig in set ting 1) Sl owly rot ate the J4 axis t o the p lus directi on with b oth han ds. A lign t he p inhole s o f the No . 2 arm and elbo w , feed th rough the origi n jig (φ 6) into the p inho les and fa sten .
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 5 9 (5) J5 a xis orig in s etting 1) Slowly rota te t he J 5 axis in the dire ction o f plus 90° wit h bot h han ds. Ali gn the pinho les of th e No. 2 arm and wrist housing , fee d throug h the orig in jig (φ6) into the p inho les an d fa sten.
5-60 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on (6) J6 a xis orig in set ting 1) Slowly mo ve the J6 axi s wit h bot h ha nds, a nd align the ABS mark of the wrist housing wit h the ABS ma rk of the han d mou ntin g fl ange. 2) P ress t he [ ↓ ] ke y.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 6 1 5.5.2 User ori gin method Before using t his metho d, th e ori gin must be set wit h th e othe r metho d. The se ttin g metho d is explai ned in "5 .5.2 User or igin metho d" on pag e 61 .
5-62 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 8) Pre ss the [ ↓ ] key, an d in put "1" fo r th e axis for whic h the origin is to b e set. Press the [INP] key to di spla y the C onf irmat ion s cree n. 9) Pre ss th e [1] key and then the [IN P] key.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 6 3 5.5.3 ABS origi n method When the o rigi n s ettin g of the robot is pe rformed for the f irst time, this p roduct records the angular po sition o f the origin withi n on e rotat ion o f the enco der as the offset value.
5-64 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on The proce dures for s etting the ori gin wit h the ABS me thod are e xplained be low. (1) S elect the T/ B 1) Pre ss th e [5] key on t he Menu screen to s elect the Mai ntena nce scre en. 2) P ress t he [4] key to se lect t he Ori gin Setting screen.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 6 5 5.5.4 Record ing the origin data When the ori gin has be en set with the j ig meth od, record that o r igin data on the origin dat a label. With thi s, the ori - gin c an be set w ith t he orig in d ata inp ut met hod t he ne xt ti me.
Append ix-6 6 Conf igura tion fla g 6App endi x 6 Appendix Appendix 1 : C onfiguration flag The conf iguratio n f lag indi cates the ro bot postu re. For the 6-axis type robot , the robot han d end is sav ed wi th the posit ion data con figured of X, Y, Z, A, B a nd C.
6 A p p e n d i x Conf igura tion fla g A p p e n d i x - 6 7 (3) NO NFLIP/ FLIP (6 -axis robot o nly. ) This m eans i n whi ch sid e th e J6 a xis is in compa rison wi th t he plane thro ugh bo th th e J4 a nd the J 5 axis .
MAY..20 04 MEE Printe d in Japan o n recyc led paper . Specific ati ons ar e subje ct to c hange w ithout n otice. HEAD OFF ICE : MIT SUBISHI DENK I BLDG M ARUNOUCHI TOK YO 100-8 310 T ELEX : J24532 C.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.