Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SNMP-32 Series du fabricant Minuteman
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SNMP-32 Series (W eb-based moni toring SN M P card) User’s Manual 34000241 Rev 1.
2 T able of Conte nts Noti ce ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Intr oduc tion .................................................
3 Notice Thi s equi pm ent has been t ested and f ound to com pl y w i th the l i m i ts f or a “ Class A” di git al dev i ce, pur suant to P art 15 of the F CC rul es. These l i m it s are designed t o prov i de reasonable protect i on against harmf ul inter f erence w hen the equipm ent i s operated i n a com m erci al env i ronm ent .
4 1. Intr oduction A UPS can be conf i gured w i t h ei t her an i nt ernal or an ex t ernal SNMP- 32 card; thi s SNMP -32 card i s then connec ted t o the net work. T he SNMP- 32 card c ontai ns a MIB agent . The agent comm uni c ates bot h s ol i ci t ed and unsoli ci t ed m ess ages to the Net work Management St ati on (NM S).
5 Fi g. 2-SNM P-32S Card Ethe rnet por t — T he connect i on f or t he LAN LA N Por t LED s — See t he LAN Por t LED T abl e bel ow Modem port — The connec ti on f or an Ex ter nal Modem ENV por.
6 Exter nal SNM P-32 card P ackage Contents (S NM P-32L Only ) The ex t ernal adaptor i s us ed t o connect the S NMP-32L c ard t o the UPS , when the UPS does not hav e an opt i on slot . The cont ent s of t he package ar e: Ex t ernal Adaptor Box Power Adaptor DB9 Mal e-t o-F em ale S eri al Cable SNMP-32 C ard CD 1-3.
7 UPS Intern al SNMP 2. Installat ion Procedu re Th is s e ctio n w ill gu ide yo u th r ough i nstall i ng t he Int ernal and the E x ternal SNM P-32 c ard.
8 3. S etup-Proc edure Th is s e ctio n w ill gu ide yo u th r ough the S etup-P rocedur e of the S NMP-32 Car d. NOT E : T h e mini mum req ui rement to op erate th e SNMP- 32 Card i s to setup th e IP A d d ress. T h e SNMP Ut ility suppor ts mos t Windows Opera ting Sy stem s (98 , 2000, XP).
9 6. Enter the I P address; the subnet m ask and t he gateway, t hen cl i ck O K or use DHCP or use BO OT P (F i g. 8). Fig. 8-S NMP U tility : Set IP addr ess f or SNM P-32 card 7. Ther e are two Securi t y f eat ures f or t he SNMP -32 card ( Fi g. 9): A.
10 4. W eb M anagemen t Int erface Once t he SNM P-32 car d i nstall at ion and set- up procedur e is com pl et e, you ar e now able to m oni t or and cont rol the SNMP -32 card v i a a W eb B rows er . 1. Open a W eb B rower (Netscape, Int ernet Ex pl ore, O pera, Moz illa).
11 4-2. Inform ation: Sy stem Status Thi s scr een shows the SNMP- 32 c ard’s S ystem I nf orm at i on and Network setti ng ( Fi g. 12) . T he i nf orm at i on show n i s prov i ded by SNM P-32 car d or i t i s the user setti ngs f rom t he SNM P Ut ility C o nfig ura tio n pages .
12 6. Sec ondary DNS S erv er IP: Thi s sect i on i s to set the Sec ondary DNS S erv er I P address. SNMP -32 card w ill us e the Se c ondary DNS Serv er IP addr ess when the Pr i m ary DNS S erv er I P address is not worki ng. 7. Ethe rnet C onnection Type : Thi s secti on is to set c om m uni cati on speed of t he SNMP- 32 card.
13 3. T rap No tif icat io n A. Recei v er I P Address: Thi s secti on is to set t he rec eiv er s IP address f or recei v i ng tr aps sent by SNMP -32 card. I t i s v al i d f or up to eight I P Addresses . B. Co m munity: Thi s secti on is to set a Com m uni ty nam e f or NMS .
14 4-5. Configur ation: Em ail Thi s scr een i s for setti ng up em ai l notif i cati ons (F ig. 16). The em ai l can be set-up f or speci f i c em ai l recei v er s w hen a specif i ed ev ent occur s. 1. Email Settin g: Thi s secti on is to set t he SNM P-32 car d’s emai l Serv er .
15 4-6. Configur ation: PP P Thi s s creen i s to set the PPP di al-up i nf orm ati on f or t he ex ternal m odem (Fi g. 17). Fig. 17-PPP Scr een 4-7. Configur ation: Web/Telnet Thi s screen is to set- up the User Ac count i nf or m ati on f or W eb/ Tel net ( Fi g.
16 4-8. Configur ation: S y stem Ti me Thi s screen is to set t he SNMP -32 car d’s s y stem ti m e (F i g. 19). 1. In ternet Time Setting A. Ti m e Bet ween Autom ati c Updates: Thi s secti on is to set a t i m e i nterv al bet ween autom ati c updat es.
17 ENV Event List: • Env i ronm ent al Tem per ature O v err un • Env i ronm ent al Tem per ature Under run • Env i ronm ent al Hum i dit y O v errun • Env i ronm ent al Hum i dit y Underr un .
18 4-10. Log Inform ation: Da ta 1. D ata Log Thi s screen show s the Dat a log f or t he connect ed UPS ( Fi g. 22) . T he l og displ ays the Dat a/T im e, Input Vol t age, Out put V olt age, I nput F requenc y (Hz) , O utput Loadi ng (%), Bat tery Capaci ty ( %), and the Bat ter y T em peratur e.
19 5. F irmw are Upg rade Procedu re Th is s e ctio n w ill gu ide yo u th r ough the F i rm ware Upgrade Proc edure of t he SNMP -32 Card. 1. Open t he ‘SNMP Ut ility’ gr oup in t he W i ndows ’S tar t’ ‘Pr ogram Gr oup’. 2. Clic k “S NMP Utility ” to initia te t he SN MP U tility p ro gra m (Fig .
20 5. Click , and t hen brow se for the l ocat i on of the new f ir m ware f il e. Sel ect the new f ir m ware f il e ( *.bi n) and press “Start ”. The SNM P-32 car d’s Red and Yell ow LEDs w ill f la sh alte rn ate ly, m eaning t he f i rm ware upgrade i s in pr ocess (Fi g.
21 6. T elnet 6-1. Telnet Configur ation Th is s ect io n w ill gu ide you th r ough the Tel net Conf i gurati on of the SN MP-32 Car d. 1. Sel ect “St art” f rom W i ndow s, cl i ck “Run” , t hen i nput T elnet and t he SNMP- 32 card’s I P Addr ess .
22 4. Tel net Mai n Menu screen (F i g. 32). Fig. 32-Telnet: Main Menu • Set IP A d d ress Thi s f unct ion i s f or sett i ng the I P Addr ess , the G ateway Address, and the S ubnet M ask. • Set SN MP MI B Sys tem Thi s f unct ion i s f or sett i ng the MI B S ystem Gr oup param et ers.
23 7. Conn ected Dev ice 7-1. Uni nterr uptible P ower S upply (U PS ) Th is s ect io n w ill gu ide you th r ough the SNMP- 32 card’s UPS W eb pages. See secti on 2, Instal l ati on Pr ocedure, f or inst all i ng the S NMP- 32 card i n the UP S. 1.
24 2. UPS Status Thi s scr een shows the UPS’s c urrent s t atus (Fi g. 34). The users can choose a ti m e i nt erv al f rom t he drop-down box to r ef resh the stat us inf or m ati on. UPS Status Thi s secti on is to show the UPS power status. T he abnorm al stat us w ill be dis pla ye d (in re d) w hen t here i s an abnorm al power ev ent .
25 3. UPS Con trol Thi s screen i s to prov i de rem ot e UPS t est f unc ti ons (Fi g. 35). Choose the t est i tem and c li ck on 'Appl y' to ex ecut e the t est. Qu ick Bat tery T est Th e Qu ick B atte ry Te st f un ctio n w ill te st the ba tter y for 5 -s e c onds .
26 4. G raph ic V iew Thi s screen displ ays the T em peratur e, t he Capaci ty , t he Load, t he Vol tage, etc of the UP S (F i g. 36). T he three bar graphs are O utput Vol tage, Out put Load, and Input Vol t age.
27 5. UPS Setting s Thi s screen is f or t he user to i nput inf orm at i on about t he UPS (F i g. 39) . UPS Properties The user can i nput the dat e of t he last t i m e the bat ter y was r eplac ed. UPS Reco rded The user can set t he ti m e i nt erv al to l og UPS Dat a.
28 Af t er selec ti ng t he “New” butt on or [Edi t] , t he f ol l ow i ng page w ill appear (Fi g. 41). S el ect t he desired shut dow n and restart conf i gurat i on and then c li ck the “ Sav e” but ton. • Date: I nput t he date f or t he ev ent t o occur.
29 7- 2. Re mot e Po wer Ma nag er ( RPM) Th is s ect io n w ill gu ide you th r ough the SNMP- 32 card’s RPM W eb pages. See the RP M User’s Manual f or i nstal lat i on ins tru ctio n . 1. RPM Statu s (F ig. 44) Select RPM Sel ect w hic h RPM t o v i ew and contr ol ( RPM01- RPM16).
30 2. RPM Setting (Fig. 4 5) Select RPM Sel ect the appropr iat e RPM t o conf i gure (RPM 01-RPM16) . Address Ch ang e Change the RP M’s I D. The f act ory def ault s et ti ng i s RPM00, which i s not conf i gurabl e. The user m ust change the RPM ’s ID to RP M01 thr ough RPM16.
31 3. R PM Sche dule Thi s screen is f or schedul i ng the RP M’s outl ets to per f orm a speci f i c Ac ti on (F i g. 46) . T o add a new schedul e, select the “ New ” but ton. To m ake c hanges to the c urrent schedul e, sel ect [Edi t] . T o rem ov e a schedul e, sel ect [Del ete] .
32 7-3. Cur rent P r obe Sensor (CP S) Th is s ect io n w ill gu ide yo u th r ough the S NMP-32 c ard’s CPS W eb pages. S ee the CPS User’s Manual f or i nstal l ati on ins tru ctio n . 1. CPS Status (F ig. 48) Thi s screen show s the el ect ri cal curr ent det ect ed by CPS and i ndi cat es if t he curr ent i s out of t he preset r ange.
33 7-4. Temp/H um32-P r obe (ENV) Th is s ect io n w ill gu ide you th r ough the SNMP- 32 card’s ENV W eb pages. See t he T em p/Hum 32-Probe User’s M anual for ins talla tion ins tr u ctio n. 1. ENV Status (F ig. 50) Thi s screen show s the t em peratur e and the hum i di ty detec ted by E NV.
34 7-5. Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Th is s ect io n w ill gu ide you th r ough the SNMP- 32 card’s AT S W eb pages. See t he AT S User’s Manual f or i nstal lat i on ins tru ctio n . 1. A T S Status (F ig. 52) Thi s screen is to show w hi ch I nput Power Sour ce i s being used.
35 8. Configuring the NMS To com pl ete t he SNMP- 32 card i nstal l ati on and conf i gurati on proc ess , you m ust c om pil e t he necessary MIB s to conf i gure the NMS .
36 9. A ppendix Thi s secti on discusses : Com m uni ti es, G ateways, IP Addresses , and Subnet m asking. Co mmunit ie s A com m unit y is a stri ng of pri ntabl e ASCI I charact ers that i denti f i es a user group w i t h the sam e access pri v i l eges.
37 A s ubnet mask is a 32-bi t v al ue that disti ngui shes t he network ID f rom t he host ID f or di f f er ent sub-net w orks on the sam e logi c al network. Like IP address es, subnet m asks consist of f our oct et s in dott ed deci m al notat i on.
38 10. T rouble shooting Proble m: T he NMS cannot pi ng the S NMP-32 c ard. Solution : Make sure t he network connect i on to t he SNMP -32 car d is good. Sol uti on: Make sure t he cabl e is i n good condi ti on. Sol uti on: Mak e sure to set the Com m uni ty S tri ng.
39 11. Ob tainin g T echn ical A ssist ance For Technical Support on the W eb, please vi sit the Support section of our W eb si te or vi s i t o ur on li n e D i sc us s i on For um at www.m i nu te m In order to di agnose the probl em y ou are hav i ng, our t echni ci ans need the f ol l owing i nf or m ati on f rom you.
40 12. Limited P roduc t War ranty LIMITED PRODUCT W ARRANTY Para S ystem s Inc. (Par a System s) warrants thi s equipm ent , w hen pr operl y appl i ed and operated w i thi n s peci f i ed condi ti ons, against f ault y m ateri al s or workm anship f or a per i od of thr ee years f rom t he date of ori gi nal purchase by the end user.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Minuteman SNMP-32 Series c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Minuteman SNMP-32 Series - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Minuteman SNMP-32 Series, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Minuteman SNMP-32 Series va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Minuteman SNMP-32 Series, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Minuteman SNMP-32 Series.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Minuteman SNMP-32 Series. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Minuteman SNMP-32 Series ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.