Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit G450 MMS du fabricant Matrox Electronic Systems
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Matrox G450 MMS User Guide 10807-3 01-0100 2002.08 .02 ENGLISH.
2 Mat ro x G450 MMS – U ser Gu ide Overview Thank you for purc hasing a G450 MMS (M ulti-Mo nitor Series) g raphics card. Y our Matro x MMS card is a high-performance graphics card that pl ugs into an exp ansion slot ins ide y our personal compute r .
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 3 Har dwar e installation This section desc ribes how to install y our Matr o x card. F or information specific to y our c omput er , like how to remove its cover , see your system manu al.
4 Mat ro x G450 MMS – U ser Gu ide 3 Choose a PCI slot a M ost comp uters ha ve differ ent type s of expansion slots. Choose a PCI slot for y our graphics car d. Y our system m anual should identify the location of each t ype of ex pansion slot in you r comp uter .
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 5 5 Connect your dua l-monitor cables A ttach you r Matr ox du al-monitor cab les * to the connect ors on the brack et of your Ma t rox M MS c a rd .
6 Mat ro x G450 MMS – U ser Gu ide Y our M atrox card is now installed. Restar t yo ur computer and inst all your M atro x software ( see “Softwar e installation” , page 7 ). No t e : M onitors are number ed consecu tively based on which connect or each is attached t o.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 7 Softwar e instal lation This section desc ribes how to install M atro x softwar e for W i ndow s 2000 /XP or NT 4. 0 . Y ou ma y need administrator rights to install certain software. F or more information, see W indows doc umentation.
8 Mat ro x G450 MMS – U ser Gu ide Display setup W indo ws 2000 /XP or N T 4.0 – Y our Matr ox displa y driver in clud es Ma t rox Powe rD e s k s o ft w a re .
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 9 W indo ws 2000/X P – If yo u have a Plug-and -Play (DDC) monito r , W indows should autom atically use corr ect setting s for yo ur moni tor .
10 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Mult i-di splay setu p T o set up mu lti-display mo de: W indo ws 2000/X P – If m u lti-displa y m ode isn ’t aut omatically enabled when y ou r estart Wi n d o w s : 1 Rig ht-cl ick your Windows desktop back grou nd, then click Pr operties " Settings .
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 11 T r oubleshootin g Basic procedur es This section explains b asic proced ures that are r eferred to b y some tro ubleshooting item s in this guide . Restarti ng in VGA m ode W hat follows is info rmation on how to re start your comput er in VGA m o d e .
12 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Main t r oubles hoot ing This secti on addresses possible proble ms that could prevent y ou from using y our compute r . Problem Comp uter doesn ’t display info rmation or bo ot after Ma trox card is insta lled 1 Cause Y our M at ro x card may not be properly installed.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 13 2 Plug yo ur monitor into the other graphics card and restart you r compute r . 3 Ma ke s ur e Matr ox System Utilities are installed on yo ur comput er . ( These can be installed fro m your M atro x CD-ROM .) 4 W indo ws 2000/X P or NT 4.
14 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide 3 Solut ion M ake sure the c onnection to the back of the mo nitor is firmly in place. If your moni tor use s BN C in put, make sure th e R ed ( R ), Gr een ( G ), .
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 15 4 R estar t yo ur comput er normally . 5 M ake sure the co rrect monitor is selected in W indows ( see “Monitor setu p” , page 8 ).
16 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide 2 T o remove Matrox so ft ware : # W indo ws 2000/XP – Click Sta rt " Settings * " Contr ol Panel " Add/Remove Progra ms (double-click*) " Matrox Graphics Software ( remove only) " Change/R emove " Ye s .
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 17 Extra troubles hooting Graphics The following troubleshooting item s address pr oblems related to graphics cards.
18 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Problem Moni tor settings aren’ t automatically detected 1 Cause Y our moni tor may not be Plug -and -Play. Mo s t ne w moni tors a re Pl ug- and- Play but m any older ones aren ’ t. Software can ’t aut omatically detect settings for monit ors that aren ’t Plug- and-Pla y .
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 19 3 Cause Y ou ma y be using BNC co nnectors with a Plug-and-Pla y monitor . The Plug-and-P lay feature of a monitor can ’t be used with BNC co nnectors. 1 Solut ion If there ’ s an HD-15 connector at the back of your monit or , use this co nnector instead of the BNC co nnec tors .
20 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide 2 Cause Y ou r Matrox card may b e in a “sl ave” ex pans i on sl ot on a comput er t hat ma kes a d is ti nc tio n between bus mastering and slave slots.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 21 Problem After game for Window s 2000/XP sta rts, monitor do esn’t display properly (blank s creen, roll ing or overlap ping scr een images) 1 Cause If your game uses a low-resolution (640 × 480 and below), full-screen display mode, your monit or may not sup port the refresh rate the M atro x driver is using.
22 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide 1 Solut ion If yo u’re h a v in g p ro b le m s w i th a p ro g r am t h at c a n b e m ov ed o n y ou r Win d ows d e s kt op, r u n thi s prog r am on your pr i mar y dis play . Make su re th e pro gr am w in dow does n ’t overl ap any other displa y .
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 23 5 R estar t yo ur comput er for changes to tak e effect. Problem Not all grap hics cards in t he com puter are fully su pported (Softwar e doesn’t work with a c.
24 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide 1 Solut ion R un the setup program inclu ded with the Matro x displa y driver . The setup pro gram autom atically installs the display d river for each M atrox graphics card it supports.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 25 2 Clear one or more check bo x es. For mor e information, see conte xt-sensitive help . 3 Click OK " Ye s to acce pt the changes. (De pending on the featur e you di sabled, y ou may have to res tar t yo ur compute r fo r the change s to take e ffe ct.
26 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide 2 Cause If y ou ’re us ing multi-d isplay mode, the pr ogram window or dialog box may be in a displa y or on a monit or that’ s unusable. (For examp le, your moni tor ma y not be properly connected or conf igu red.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 27 T o assign a k e yboard shortcut t o this featur e: 1 Click the Matro x Quic kDesk ico n ( ) on y our W indo ws taskbar , then click Hot Keys . 2 Create a ke yb oard shor tc ut f or t he Move Al l Windows to Primary D isplay featur e.
28 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Vi deo The following troubleshooting items addr ess problems r elated to video files. Problem Video file p layback is jerky (skipp ing frame s) 1 Cause Y our hard disk ma y be too slow. 1 Solut ion Tr y defrag ment ing your hard disk.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 29 W indo ws NT 4.0 – Install a DMA driv er . F or most comput ers, a DMA driver is av ailable for W indows NT 4.0 (for ex ampl e, t he “PI IX Bus M as ter IDE” dr iver supp or ts many computer s) . For mo re i nfor mat ion o n how to ge t th is d river, conta ct your s yste m vendo r .
30 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Problem Can’t view video 1 Cause Y our displa y settings ma y be too high. 1 Solut ion T r y lo wering yo ur displa y settings (resolution , color palett e, and/or refr esh rate). For information o n changing displa y sett ings, see “Displa y setup” , page 8 .
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 31 Wi n d o w s X P – a Click Start " Settings * " Control P anel " Sound, S peech and Au dio Device s * " Sounds & A udio Devices . (* Dep ending on yo ur con figuration o f W indows, this p art of the step ma y not be necessar y .
32 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Display informat ion ! Y our M atrox graphics card is 100% V GA compatible and supports al l VESA standards: VBE 2.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 33 Maximu m display r esolutions (for each display) Maxi mum r efr esh rates Aspect ratio Maximu m resolution * * With most digital monitors , the maximum display r esolution is 1280 × 1024. For digi tal monitors that s upport reduced ti mings, the maxim um displ ay resolution may be 160 0 × 1200 .
34 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Supported VESA modes In the table below , VESA modes supported by your M atro x graphics card are indicated by a VESA mode number . M any Su per V GA DOS programs use VESA modes. Digita l flat panel infor mation M atro x G450 MMS p roducts that suppor t digital monitors are fully DVI 1.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 35 Har dwar e information Features T echnical featur es Vi deo specificat ions G450×2 MMS G450×4 MMS Graphi cs chip m odel Matrox G450 (256 -bi t Du alB us) RAMD A.
36 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Envir onmental s pecification s Digita l flat panel infor mation ! Mini mum/ max imu m ambi en t op er at ing temp er atu res : 0 t o 5 5º C ! Mini mum/ ma ximu m .
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 37 Graphics car d connector pinout s Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Display #2 /#4 1 Ground 24 Not connected 31 TMDS data 1 + 54 G round 2 Analog red ou.
38 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Adap ter pi nout s for a nalog m onito rs Pin usage for a digital ( DVI-I) connector P i nS i g n a l P i nS i g n a l P i nS i g n a l 1 Analog red output 6 Ground.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 39 Pin usage wi th an analog dual-mon itor adapter (DV I-I to HD-15) Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 TMDS data 2 – 9 TMDS data 1 – 17 TMDS data 0 – 2 TMDS d.
40 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Maxi mum car d dimension s 6.5 in . / 16.51 cm 4.2 i n. / 10 .69 cm ≤ 0.75 in. / ≤ 3.61 cm.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 41 Customer supp ort Matr ox W eb and F TP sites M atro x is on the Inte rnet with a W orld W ide W eb (WWW) and Fil e T ransfer Pr otocol (FTP) site. O ur W eb site has pr oduct literatur e, press releases , technical mat erial, a s ales offic e list, trade show information, and other rel evant material.
42 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide # V isit our technical sup port forum at www.mat rox. com/m ga/ su ppor t /fo ru m/a gre e. cf m . # See our F A Qs (Freq uently As ked Questions) at http://forum.matr ox.c om/cgi-bin/mgaforum/U ltimate.cgi#faq . # W r ite a letter to Graphics Cust omer Suppo r t at our Corporate H eadquarters.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 43 Where to get inform ation For dis play info rmation: ! W indo ws 2000/X P or NT 4.0 – A ccess t he Informa tion pro pert y sheet ( see “ A ccessing P owerDesk pr operty s heets” , page 8 ).
44 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide W arranty A. Limited W arranty Statement 1. Matrox Graphics Inc. (“Ma trox”) warrants t o the end -user cus tomer , who provid es adequa te proof of purchase th.
46 Matr ox G450 MMS – U ser Guide Softwar e license agre ement Singl e User P roducts This Matrox sof tware (the “S oftware”) is copyrigh ted by M atrox Graphics Inc. A ll rights a re reserved. The purchaser is granted a license t o use the software only , subj ect to the following restrictions and limitations.
Mat rox G450 M MS – Us er Gui de 47 Index A addr ess, Ma tro x 42 Ado be Ac rob at 16 B BIOS 12 , 13 , 20 , 21 BNC m onito r co nnection 14 , 19 C CD-ROM, Matrox 7 , 13 , 16 conn ec tor 5 , 6 custom.
Thank you for choosing Matr ox Please register onlin e ( www .matro ) to be e ligible for customer support, new product announcements, and inform ation on special offers and upcoming e vents.
USA FCC Compliance Statement Rema rk for the Matro x har dwar e prod ucts supp orted by this gui de This equ ipment ha s been test ed and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, p ursuant to P art 15 of t he FCC Rules.
EUROPE (English) European user’ s information – Statement of Conformity Rema rk for the Matro x har dwar e prod ucts supp orted by this gui de This product com plies with EC Directive 89/336/EEC for Electromagnetic Compatib ility .
Copyright © 2 002 Matrox Graphics Inc. • ( English) All rights reserved. • (Français ) T ous droits réservés. • (Deutsch) Alle Rechte vorb ehalten.
(English) Disclaimer THE INFORMA TIO N IN THIS GUIDE IS S UBJECT TO CHANGE A T ANY TIME AND WITHOUT NOTICE. Matrox Graphics Inc. reserves the right to ma ke change s in sp ecifications at an y ti me and withou t notice . The information p rovided by this d ocument is belie ved to be accu rate and reliable.
Mat rox Graph ics Inc. 1055 St -Regis Blvd . Dorval, Queb ec Canada H9P 2T4 T el: (514) 82 2-6320 T echnical sup port: (51 4) 685-02 70 In Quebec, call: (514 ) 822-63 30 www /mga/su pport/tech _support/ home.cfm We b s i t e : w ww .matrox.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Matrox Electronic Systems G450 MMS c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Matrox Electronic Systems G450 MMS - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Matrox Electronic Systems G450 MMS, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Matrox Electronic Systems G450 MMS va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Matrox Electronic Systems G450 MMS, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Matrox Electronic Systems G450 MMS.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Matrox Electronic Systems G450 MMS. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Matrox Electronic Systems G450 MMS ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.