Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Series 1200 du fabricant Lincoln
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1000service exp REV: 1/5/07 SER VICE MANU AL (INTERN ATION AL) IMPING ER CONVEYOR O VENS MODEL SERIES 1000 & 1200 Lincoln Foo dservice Products, LLC 1111 North Hadley Road Fort W ayne, Indiana 46804 United States of America Phone : (800) 374 -3004 U.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CO NTENT S....................................................................... .......................................................................2 SEQUENC E OF OPER ATION S 1002/100 3 .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 3 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1002/100 3 MODEL 10 02 - 240VAC - 50HZ - NATURAL GAS MODEL 10 03 - 240VAC - 50HZ - L.P. GAS POW ER SUPPLY Electrical Po wer to be sup plied to the Oven b y a thre e conductor s ervice.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 4 TIME T EMP DISPLAY The T ime/Temp D isplay is energ ized when the Fan S witch is closed, suppl ying 120 VAC to the primar y of the 12.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 5 increase or decrease as the DC voltage fr om the boar d increas es or decreases respectivel y. As the m otor turns, it drives both t he redu cer gearbox and the T ach. Generator. T he T ach.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 6 CONVEYOR DR IVE (S/N 100 to 43 89) Closing the Fa n Switch and the norm ally open Conv eyor Switch s upplies 12 0 VAC through a 3A F use, to th e Motor C ontrol Board. AC v olts are conver ted to D.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 7 14 VAC) w ith a center ta p, and su pplies po wer to the Time/T emp Displa y. The voltage fr om eac h leg of the T ransform er' s .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 8 Fan, and the H eat and Conve yor Switches. TRANSFO RMER (12. 6 VAC) Upon closure of the Fan Switch, 120 VAC is su pplied to the prim ary of the 12. 6 VAC Transf ormer. The T ransform er steps the vo ltage down to 12.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 9 oven start a nd cool do wn rela y. Its normall y open contacts close, sup plying 220 VAC to the Burner Switch an d enabling th e 20-m inute Tim e Delay m odule.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 10 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1042 / 1043 / 1242 / 1243 MODEL 10 42 - 240V - 50 HZ - NATURAL G AS MODEL 10 43 - 240V - 50 HZ - L.P. GAS MODEL 12 42 - 240V - 50 HZ - NATURAL G AS/DUA L BELT MODEL 12 43 - 240V - 50 HZ - L.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 11 TIME/T EMP DISPLAY(S /N Q14790 & Below, 120 0 series S/N Q14973 & Be low, 1000 series) (S/N Q14791 & Above, 1200 series S/N Q1497 4 & Above, 1000 series r efer to Pg. 9) The T ime/Temp.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 12 SCHEMATIC / 1002 , 1003.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 13 SCHEMATIC / 1006 TO SERIAL NUMBERS Q 14279.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 14 SCHEMATIC / 1028 , 1029, S/N Q19 071 & BELOW.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 15 SCHEMATIC / 1028 , 1029, S/N Q19 078 & ABOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 16 SCHEMATIC / 1030 , TO S/N Q17170.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 17 SCHEMATIC / 1030 , S/N Q17171 & ABOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 18 SCHEMATIC / 1032 . S/N Q19077 & BE LOW.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 19 SCHEMATIC / 1032 , S/N Q19078 & ABOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 20 SCHEMATIC / 1033 , 1034, 1046 , 1047.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 21 SCHEMATIC / 1042 , 1043, S/N Q14 279 & BELOW.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 22 SCHEMATIC / 1042 , 1043, S/N Q14 280 & ABOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 23 SCHEMATIC / 1228 . 1229, S/N Q14 790 & BELOW.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 24 SCHEMATIC / 1228 , 1229, S/N Q14 791 & ABOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 25 SCHEMATIC / 1242 , 1243.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 26 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 1000 & 1200 / GAS OVENS SYM PTOM POSSIBLE C AUSE EVALU ATION Incom ing Power Supp ly Check breakers / Reset if require d / Call Po wer Co. if needed. (Export Ov ens) For som e export ovens , there is a con trol circ uit step-down tr ansform er.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 27 Burner S witch Check for 120 VAC to neutral on b oth sides of switch. If s witch is closed and 1 20 VAC is pres ent on one side o nly, repl ace the switch. Air Pressur e Switch Check for 120 VAC on both s ides of switch.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 28 Flame Sensor (Ther e should be a visib le pilot flam e at this tim e.) To check for proper f lame sensor op eration, connect a di gital multim eter (capabl e of m easuring D.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 29 Burner Ign itor Check the burner ignit or head for any obstruct ions, also check for fra yed or brok en wire, an y type of damage to s park gap (.1 00 in. 2.5 m m) If there is visible dam age, replac e ignitor ass embl y.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 30 Light#4 in 24 VAC at ter minal #6 of Johnson c ontrol va lve or "24V " on Hone ywell C ontrol. Light#5 in 24 VAC at ter minal #1 of Johnson c ontrol va lve or "PV " on Hone ywell C ontrol.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 31 Model 1030 - 1031 SYM PTION POSSIBLE CAUSE EVUAL ATION Gas Suppl y Manual G as Shut-Off Valve Check for adequate gas s uppl y to oven. Ch eck to see that m anual shut-of f valve is o pen.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 32 Ignitor/Sensor Assem bly Check for visible dam age to ignit or/ sensor assembl y. If there is no visible dam age to the components, and no sp ark, replace the spark generator. If there is visible dam age to the I gnitor sensor ass embl y , rep lace it.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 33 Interm ittent heating As Follows Both the m ain fan m otor and burn er blower m otor are equippe d with therm al protecti on and wi ll cease to operate if overheatin g occur s. This c an cause the units to c ycle on an d off int erm ittently.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 34 Speed Adjus tment Potentiom eter This is a 0 to 5 K ohm , 10 turn potent iometer . W ith power off , rem ove the red, black and white pot leads fr om the m otor control boar d at term inals P1,P2, and P3.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 35 Tach generator and DC M otor Control Board W ith the power to the DC m otor control board turned off , remove the leads f rom term inals T1 and T2.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 36 Speed Adjus tment Potentiom eter This is a 0 to 50k ohm , 10 turn pot entiom eter. W ITH POWER O FF: rem ove the 3-pin potentiom eter cable plu g from the motor c ontrol board. W ith a digital m ultimeter, chec k the ohm reading ac ross the red lead to th e black lead.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 37 Therm ocouple Probe Place your p yrom eter therm ocouple into the c enter between fin gers T 2 and T3 in t he oven. For ovens with Mech anical Measur e D.C. m illivolts at Therm ostat terminals 9 and 10 on th e tim e/temp display.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 38 Conve yor Drive (Stepper) Mot or Perform all check as in the above evaluation. If the time check is ok , refer to the next s ection. Chec k to see if the co nveyor dri ve (stepper) m otor is r unning.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 39 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 1000 & 1200 SERIES / ELE CTRIC OVENS SYM PTOM POSSIBL E C AUSE EVALUATION Incom ing Power Supp ly Check breakers /Reset if require d/ Call Po wer Co. if needed.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 40 Tem perature Control Board Check for 120 VAC in put to tem perature contr ol board. If not pr esent, ch eck wiring f rom fuse holder to temper ature control board.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 41 Speed Contro l Potenti ometer This is a 0 to 400 ohm or 0 to 50 0 ohm , 10-turn potentiom eter. W ITH POWER OFF : rem ove the red, white, an d black leads f rom term inals S1, S2, S3. W ith a digital multim eter, c heck the ohm reading ac ross the red to black leads.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 42 DC Motor Co ntrol Boar d Check for 120 VAC in put to the co ntrol bo ard at term inals L1 and L2. If no t pres ent, check the conveyor s witch and wiring back to 3-am p fuse and then back to power so urce if necessar y .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 43 Voltage Supp ly Check inc oming voltag e suppl y at Line 1 to ne utral. There s hould be a voltag e read ing of 120 VAC. Fan Switch See proced ure for c hecking on page 26. Conve yor Switch Check for 120 VAC to co nveyor s witch.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 44 Time/T emp Displa y 12.6 VAC P ower Suppl y Measure the transform er prim ar y inoperat ive for a nominal 120 VAC input . Meas ure the sec ondary voltage outpu t which will be 12.5 to 15 VAC norm ally.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 45 Time displa y inaccurate erratic, or inoperative Perform all checks as in the abov e evaluatio n. If the tim e check is ok ay, refer to the next sect ion optical encoder . Optical Enco der The above t ime/tem p test should h ave alrea dy been perfor med.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 46 TROUBLESHOOTING / GAS OVENS 10 33, 1034, 1046, 104 7 SYM PTOM POSSIBL E C AUSE EVALUATION Incom ing Power Supp ly Check breaker/r eset if required. C all Power Com pany if needed. I n these ovens, t here is a control circu it step-do wn transf ormer .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 47 Incom ing Power Supp ly Check circuit break ers, reset if requ ired. Call t he Power Co. if needed. Fuse T ransformer Check , replace if nec essary. Fuseholder Check, replace if necessary.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 48 Spark G enerator After a pre-p urge tim e of 30 to 60 s econds af ter blower m otor starts , check for 220 VAC to s park generator. If voltage is no t pres ent, check reset button on i gnition contr ol.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 49 Tem perature Control Check for 120 VAC acr oss L1 and L 2 on temper ature control bo ard.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 50 Main Flam e will not stay lit Flame Monitor (T here should be a v isible m ain flame at this t ime.) To check for flam e monitor operat ion, con nect a digital volt m eter (c apable of measuring D.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 51 Conve yor Drive(Stepper ) Motor Check the drive sprock et on m otor output s haft to insure that it is tight. Chec k motor windings meas urement should be approx imately 2 ohm s. Term inals 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 52 Tem p. display inaccurate, er ratic, or inoperative Time/T emp. Displa y Perform the power supp ly check , the therm istor probe chec k, and then p erform the time/tem p. sim ulator test.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 54 9 3/4 IN. ± 1/8 IN. COOLING FAN FAN BLADE 3. Reinstall an d locate f an so that t he front of f an blades are 9 3/4" f rom inside of oven bac k. (See Dra wing) S. N. 4613 & Above (G AS) S.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 55 3. Rem ove lead wires and m ark f or reassem bly. 4. Rem ove two (2) s crews an d rem ove thermostat. 5. Reas sem ble in reverse ord er. BURNER BL OWER M OTOR 1. Shut off power at m ain break er.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 57 BURNER ASSEM BLY 1. Shut off power at m ain break er. 2. Shut off gas suppl y. 3. Rem ove control pane l top and fr ont panel. 4. Rem ove gas control va lve (See "GAS CONT ROL VAL VE") 5.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 58 control val ve and insta ll the adapter fitting and manometer . 3. Turn on elec tric power and gas an d start-up oven. 4. W ith oven at full fire, m anifold pres sure shou ld be (3.5 " W .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 59 MERC URY CONT ACTOR 1. Shut off power at m ain break er. 2. Rem ove control pane l top and fr ont cover. 3. Disconnect co ntactor wires and m ark f or reinstallation. 4. Rem ove screws from m ounting bracket and re place co ntactor.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 60 IGNITIO N CONT ROL NOT E: W hen replacing Johnson Co ntrols, G -60 or G-6 5 Ignition Contr ol with the ne w Honeywell Ign ition contr ol, the 2 4 VAC burner tr ansf orm er (rated at 20VA) m ust be replaced with the larg er (rated at 40 VA) #36953 1 Trans form er.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 61 1 24V 2 24V 24V 24V (GND) MV MV/PV PV GND BLUE FROM VALVE BLACK FROM VALV E #3 RED FROM VALV E TO PILOT LIGHT BUTT SPLICE AND NEW GREE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 62 BURNER IG NITOR 1. Shut off power at m ain break er. 2. Rem ove control pane l top and fr ont cover. 3. Rem ove burner assem bly. 4. Rem ove flame s ensor. 5. Rem ove pilot shield and pilot shi eld extens ion.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 63 6. Reassem ble in revers e order. M A IN ORIFI CE - BURNE R 1. Shut off power at m ain break er. 2. Shut off gas suppl y. 3. Unbolt tem perature c ontrol valv e assem bly (see Tem perature Contr ol Valve) and c arefully rotat e to access main orifice brac ket.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 64 5. Rem ove the sprock et from the conve yor motor shaft b y loosening th e set scr ews and sl iding the sprock et off the shaft. 6. Unplug the wiring harnes s for the m otor. 7. Disconnect the red and black wires f rom the term inals on the tach.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 65 T A CH. GEN ERATOR 1. Shut off power at m ain break er. 2. Rem ove conve yor motor assem bly . 3. Rem ove tach. cover pla te and tach . Ieads. Mar k lead pos ition. 4. Rem ove 2 slotted sc rews from dust cover base and re m ove dust cover.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 66 GND S 3 S 2 S 1 A 2 A 1 F 2 F 1 L 2 L 1 3 A. FUSE D. C. CONTROL BOARD "BODINE" S/N 100-4389 REG MIN MAX D. C. CONTROL BOARD "BODINE" S/N 100 4389 ( TOP VIEW ) 3 A. FUSE TERMINAL STRIP D.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 67 4 A. FUSE 1 A. FUSE . RESISTOR L 1 A+ L 2 A - T 1 T 2 MAX MIN IR CL TACH BOARD P/N 369155 STY LE 1 P 3 P 2 P 1 4 A.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 68 CHOKE " B " BOARD P/N 369 272 P 1 1 A. FUSE L 2 A - T 1 T 2 L 1 A + P 3 P 2 MAX MIN BOARD P/N 369155 STYLE 2 4 A.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 69 STEPPER CON TROL - ADJUSTM ENT S/N 14975 AND ABOVE 1000 SERIES G AS OVEN S/N 14792 AND ABOVE 1200 SERIES G AS OVEN Blue Gray Red Brown Red POW ER J 5 J 4 J 3 J 1 J 6 LOCKED ROTOR To T/T display POTENTIOM ETER Max .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 70 REVERSING C ONV EYOR DIRE CTION SN 100-4389 (BODINE) 1. Shut off power at m ain break er. 2. Rem ove control pane l top. 3. Turn revers ing switch (l ocated o n relay box) to obtain d esired bel t direction.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 71 BEARING, C ONVEYO R SN 2164 AND ABOV E 1. Rem ove conve yor from oven an d place on a f lat work surfac e. 2. Rem ove connecting l inks f rom conve yor belting. See Installat ion and Operat ing Ins tructions Manu al .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 72 TEM PERA T URE G AUGE - REPL ACEMENT 1. Shut off power at m ain break er. 2. Rem ove control pane l top. 3. Disconnect therm ocouple from temperature gau ge. 4. Rem ove two (2) mounti ng bolts and rem ove tem perature ga uge.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 73 ALL 1000 & 1 200 SERI ES OVEN S SWITC H SETT INGS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE I OFF OFF* ON ON ON OFF* * TYPE II OFF O FF* OFF** ON .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 74 T y pe IV has a djustm ent pots . In the center board. If temper ature is still inac curate af ter above c alibration and troub leshooting, use the f ollowing to check the High Tem p. Pot.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 75 Dip Swit ch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE I OFF OF F OFF ON OF F OFF TYPE II OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF O FF TYPE III OFF OFF OF F OFF OFF OFF OFF ON O FF ON NOT E: W hen on 50 HZ power, dip s witch #2 m ust be "ON" W ith power ON turn t ime and tem perature ca l.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 76 THE FO LLOWIN G ITEMS ARE U SED IN TH E MO DEL 1030, 1046, 1047 IMPING ER OVEN (E XPORT ) AIR PRESSU RE SWIT CHES - R EPL ACEMENT AND ADJUSTM ENT 1. Rem ove control pane l top. 2. Disconnect wires from switch m aking note of wire number and locati on for reins tallation.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 77 IGNITIO N CONT ROL - REPL ACEMENT 1. Rem ove control pane l top and fr ont cover. 2. Loosen t wo (2) lock ing screws on f ront cover of rela y (approx. 1/2 t urn). 3. Rem ove front portion of rela y by pulling stra ight out (r ocking m otion).
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 78 BURNER ALARM LIGHT - REPL ACEMENT 1. Rem ove control pane l top and fr ont cover. 2. Rem ove two (2) wires f rom light assem bly, note wire n um ber and location. 3. Grasp bod y of light ass embly and s lide side ways to re move.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 79 TEM PERA T URE CONT ROL PO TENT IOMETER - R EPL ACEMENT 1. Rem ove control pane l top and fr ont cover. 2. Rem ove one screw from control k nob guard an d m ove guard to o ne side. 3. Rem ove knob and lock nut on contr ol pot sh aft and pu shout.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 80 PARTS / MODEL SE RIES 1000 & 120 0 - GENERAL LETTER PART NO. DESCRIPT ION A 369003 Door Hing e B 369207 Handle Reta iner 369337 Re.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 81 BLOW UP / 1000, 1200 – GENERAL.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 82 PARTS / MODEL 1002-1 003 , S/N 2584 TO 4389 LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369012 Fuseholder B 369013 Fuse, 3 Am p 369014 Fuse, 10 Am p C 3.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 83 BLOW UP / 1002, 1003 – S/N 2584 TO 4389.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 84 PARTS / MODEL 10 02-1003, S/N 4390 & UP LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369247 Shaft Lock Rin g B 357107 Fuse Holde r 369012 Fuse Holde .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 85 BLOW UP / 1002, 1003 – S/N 4390 & A BOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 86 PARTS / MODEL 10 06 LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 369247 Shaft Lock Ring B 357107 Fuse Holder C 369013 Fuse, 3 Am p 369014 Fuse, 10 Am p D.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 87 BLOW UP / 1006.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 88 PARTS / 1028 -1029-1032 LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369247 Shaft Lock Ring B 357107 Fuseholder C 369014 Fuse, 10 Am p 369335 Fuse MDL Ti.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 89 BLOW UP / 1028, 1029, 1032.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 90 PARTS/ MODEL 10 30 LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369247 Shaft Lock Ring B 369248 Knob C 357107 Fuse Holder D 369013 Fuse, 3 Am p 369014 Fu.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 91 BLOW UP / 1030.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 92 PARTS / 1042 , 1043 LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369378 Fan Motor, 2 30 VAC B 369247 Shaft Lock Ring C 369248 Knob D 357107 Fuse Holder E.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 93 BLOW-UP / 104 2, 1043.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 94 PARTS / 1033 , 1034, 1046, 1047 LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369247 Shaft Lock Ring B 369248 Knob C 357107 Fuse Holder D 369013 Fuse, 3 Am p 369014 Fuse, 10 Am p E 369603 Motor, Gear B ox Ass y.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 95 BLOW-UP / 103 3, 1034, 1046, 1047.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 96 PARTS / 1228 -1229 LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369247 Shaft Lock Ring B 357107 Fuse Holder C 369013 Fuse, 3 Am p 369014 Fuse, 10 Am p 36.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 97 BLOW UP / 1228, 1229.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 98 PARTS / 1242 , 1243 LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369247 Shaft Lock Ring B 357107 Fuse Holder C 369013 Fuse, 3 Am p 369014 Fuse, 10 Am p D.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 99 BLOW - UP / 1242, 1243.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 100 PARTS / OVEN B ACK – GAS LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 369048 Motor and F an Cover B 369212 Motor, S/N beg ins with a"Q" 369214 Motor, 50 H z, 240V C 369192 Capacitor 7. 5 MFD, 37 0 VAC D 369045 Oven Back - S/N 4612 & Below 369306 Oven Back Ass y.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 101 BLOW UP / OVEN BACK – GAS.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 102 PARTS / OVEN B ACK- ELECTRIC LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369699 Rear Cover Assy. B 369212 Motor, S/N beg ins with a "Q" 369214 Motor, 50 H z, 240V C 369192 Capacitor 7. 5 MFD, 37 0 VAC D 369307 Oven Back Ass y.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 103 BLOW UP / OVEN BACK – ELECTRIC.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 104 PARTS / CONVEYOR MOTO R ASSEMBLY S/N 4390 & ABOVE LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369291 Motor, DC - C onve yor 369384 Motor Brus h Ass y. B 369294 #4 Lock washer C 369296 Screw, 4-4 0 x 1/4 D 369290 Optical Enco der Ass y.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 105 BLOW UP / CONVEYOR MOTOR ASSEMBLY S/ N 4390 & ABOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 106 PARTS / SERIES 1000 – CONVEYOR LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369002 Tension Knob, Conve yor B 369314 Roll, Conve yor-Notche d C 369835 Conve yor Frame As sy.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 107 BLOW UP / SERIES 1000 CONVEYOR.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 108 PARTS / SERIES 1200 - CONVEYOR CONTRO L LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A SEE PAG E 104 B 369012 Fuseholder C 369013 Fuse, 3 Am p D 369240 Hi.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 109 BLOW UP / SERIES 1200 – CONVE YOR CONTROL.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 110 PARTS / SERIES 1200 – CONVEYOR LETTER P/N DES CRIPTION A 369277 Retaining Bl ock , Inner B 369275 Flanged Be aring, .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 111 BLOW UP / SERIES 1200 – CONVE YOR.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service Ma nual - In ternation al 112.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lincoln Series 1200 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lincoln Series 1200 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lincoln Series 1200, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lincoln Series 1200 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lincoln Series 1200, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lincoln Series 1200.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lincoln Series 1200. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lincoln Series 1200 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.