Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit F1247TD du fabricant LG
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20 09 /10 C OLLE CTI ON Laundr y.
W ashing Machine T echnical Inf ormation Page 02 Pr oduct F eature s Page 12 W ashing Machine Range Page 23 Specifications Page 4 1 W asher Dryer T echnical Inf ormation Page 2 4 Pr oduct F eature s P.
‘ 5 4 % o f t h e U K c i t e e n e r gy e f fi c i e n c y a s a n i m p o r t a n t f a c t or w h en c h o o s i n g p r o d u c t s . ’ Source: L G Simply Living 2009 L G W ashing machine s are de signed to mak e big change s to the way y ou do y our wash.
BR I N GI N G G R EA T I DE A S T O L IF E ! L ook i ng f or be tt e r wa sh i ng po we r? I n cr ea se d e c o no m y? M or e c a pa c ity? L G W a sh i n g M ac h in e s br i ng br i gh t id e as an d th e v e r y b e s t ne w t e ch n ol o gy t o y our la u nd ry .
The Direct Drive Mot or guarantees low noise and lo w vibration with longer durability . WHA T IS THE DIRE CT DRIVE SY STEM? Direct Drive S ystem is a state of the art technology which integrat es motor , belt and pulley int o a single Quiet and Durable Mo tor that is attached directly t o the drum.
DURABLE NO BEL TS, NO PULLEYS, NO PROBLEMS Th e L G D ir e ct D r iv e m o t or i s s o cl e v er i t h as a u n iq ue m ag n et s y st em t o r o ta t e t he d ru m . The mo t o r ha s n o br us h whi c h is w h y it i s s up er qu ie t an d no be lt o r p ul le y wh ic h en ha n ce s d ur ab i li ty .
BIG CAP A CITY Ha vi ng a b ig ge r dr um wit h mo re c ap ac it y i s be t te r f or y ou a nd y ou r was h. Less cr easing: The bigger drums in L G Direct Drive washing machines help to prev ent creases and damage caused by ex cessive rubbing in machines with smaller drums.
Dir ect Driv e INTELLIGENT W ASHING SYSTEM Can wash as little as 2kg of w ashing in any size drum. L O AD BALANCE This L oad Det ection Sy st em cycle weighs the loaded laundr y and automatically selects the optimum wash time, rinsing time and wat er consumption.
S t eam Dir ect Driv e In a w orld of ste am… Clothes can be clean in 20 minut es. Cr eases disappear without ironing. Y ou spend mor e time with your family and les s time with your laundry . And y ou get to save money while r educing your carbon f ootprint .
S t eam Dir ect Driv e SP A CLEAN CL O THES WITH STEAM Steam is the most int ense form of cleaning because st eam molecules are 1600 times smaller than wat er particles allowing them to penetrat e right into the fabric and r emove f ar more dirt than a normal w ash.
S t eam Dir ect Driv e L G TUB CLEAN Conventional T ub Clean In conventional T ub Clean programmes the drum gets w ashed but is not properly cle aned due to a reduced spinning speed. L G T ub Clean In our T ub Clean system steam, hea ted to 85°C, is used to sterilize the in terior of the drum and the tub.
F r om bu lky i tem s to s mal l ite ms, dif fi cul t sta ins o r del ic ate f abr ic s, you r L G W a sh ing m ach in e wi ll ha ve a was hi ng pro gra mm e t ha t ’s s pe cia ll y de sig ne d for it.
W ashing Machine s STEAM DIRE CT DRIVE ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE - 9K G F1402FDS | F1402FDS6 | F1402FDS5 • Spin speed: 1400 rpm • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity from 1 up to 9kg • L.
W ashing Machine STEAM DIRE CT DRIVE ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE - 8K G F1403TDS • Spin speed: 1400 rpm • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity from 1 up to 8kg • Load sensing showing the lo.
W ashing Machine STEAM DIRE CT DRIVE ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE - 8K G F1406TDSP6 • Spin speed: 1400 rpm • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity from 1 up to 8kg • Load sensing showing the .
W ashing Machine s DIRE CT DRIVE ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE - 11K G F1443KD | F1443KD6 • Spin Speed: 1400 rpm • Direct Drive motor • A new Damping System with DU AL BALL BALANCER f or a quieter.
W ashing Machine DIRE CT DRIVE W hite DIRECT DRIVE Direct Drive New Embossing Drum W ASHING MA CHINE S www .lge. co. uk 1 6 ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE - 9K G F1403FD • Spin Speed: 1400 • Direct D.
W ashing Machine DIRE CT DRIVE ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE - 8K G F1647TD5 • Spin Speed: 1600 rpm • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity from 1 up to 8kg • Load sensing showing the load wei.
W ASHING MA CHINE S www .lge. co. uk 1 8 W ashing Machine s DIRE CT DRIVE ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE - 8K G F1447TD | F1447TD5 • Spin Speed: 1400 • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity from .
W ashing Machine s DIRE CT DRIVE ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE - 8K G F12 47TD | F12 4 7TD5 • Spin Speed: 1200 rpm • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity from 1 up to 8kg • Load sensing showi.
W ASHING MA CHINE S www .lge. co. uk 2 0 W ashing Machine s DIRE CT DRIVE ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE - 8K G F1222TD | F1222TD5 • Spin Speed: 1200 rpm • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity f.
W ashing Machine DIRE CT DRIVE SIZE - 7K G F1456QD • Spin Speed: 1400 rpm • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity from 1 up to 7kg • Load sensing showing the load weigh t on the screen • 3.
W ASHING MA CHINE S www .lge. co. uk 2 2 W ashing Machine DIRE CT DRIVE SIZE - 7K G F1256QD • Spin Speed: 1200 rpm • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity from 1 up to 7kg • Load sensing sho.
• 8kg • 1400 rpm • Steam T echnolog y • Direct Drive Mo tor • Load Sensing • E n e r g y R a t i ng : A + + (W as h i n g A , Sp i n D ry i n g A ) • Dimensions(mm): (W)600 x (H)84 2 x (.
‘ On e t hi r d o f Br i t s s a id th e y w a n t e d t o sp e nd le s s t i me on ho u se h ol d ch o r e s . ’ Source: L G Simply Living 2009 L G W asher Dr yers ar e int elligent and intuitive. E ver y detail has been designed t o mak e y our lif e easier .
BR I N GI N G G R EA T I DE A S T O L IF E ! L ooking f or bett er washing pow er? Increased economy? More dr ying capacit y ? L G T umble W asher Dr yer s bring bright ideas and the v er y bes t new technology t o y our laundr y .
W asher and Dr y er Combina tion www .lge. co. uk 2 6 CONVENIENT L G W asher Dryers combine the washing and dr ying process, allowing y ou to wash then dry your load without any need f or intervention* giving you the freedom to do your w ashing whatever the weather .
The L G W asher Dryer can be used as a washing machine, as a dryer , or by selecting a continuous W ash/Dry programme as both, giving you the maximum amount of flexibility in a minimum amount of floor space.
W asher Dryer ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE 9K G/ 6K G F1403RD | F1403RD6 • Spin Speed: 1400 rpm • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity from 1 up to 9kg f or washing • Dr ying Capacit y: 6k g.
W asher Dryer ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE 8K G/ 4KG WD12317RDK • Spin Speed: 1200 rpm • Direct Drive motor • V ariable Capacity from 1 up to 8kg f or washing • Dr ying Capacit y: 4k g • Load.
L G W asher Dryer range – where good ideas come to lif e... • 9kg W ashing • 6kg Drying • 1400 rpm • Direct Driv e Mot or • L oad Sensing • Ener gy Rating: B (Washing A, Spin Drying A ) .
‘40 % o f Bri ts be lie v e the y spe nd t oo muc h t im e o n t hei r l aun dry wit h o ver a th ir d of p eop le put tin g o n a was h d ail y . ’ Source: L G Simply Living 2009 L G Dr yers ar e intelligent and intuitiv e. E v er y detail has been designed t o mak e y our lif e easier .
T umble Dr y ers Ideas f or increasing capacit y • Big glass door • Bigger Drum siz e • Bigger capacit y Ideas f or saving energy • HE Sensor • Efficient tumbling contr ol • Sensor Dr y te.
• Reache s set temperatur e fast er and maintains constant temperatur e • More energy is needed t o reheat the drum from a lo w temperature • Leads t o increased drying times and lower drying ef.
STERILISA TION ON W A TER T ANK If you f orge t to empty the water tank in your dryer , you won’t have t o worr y about bacteria. Coated anti-bact erial substances in the wat er tank will pr event contamination. Ideas f or making lif e easier TUMBLE DRYERS 3 5 www .
The L G Dryer uses Sensor Dry technology , operating in 3 diff eren t modes designed specifically f or Cott on, Mix ed F abrics and items tha t need Special Care. Within each o f these categories is an array pr ogrammes and options that can be used in lots of diff erent combinations t o dry even the most difficult items.
T umble Dr yers ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE 9K G RC9011B | RC9011C | RC9 011A • Condensing dr yer • LED Display • 9 programmes including “W ool” , “Delicate” , “ Sportswear ” and “.
T umble Dr yer ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE 8K G RC8015A • Condensing dr yer • LED Display • 9 programmes including “W ool” , “Delicate” , “ Sportswear ” and “Quick Dry ” • Larg.
T umble Dr yer ST AND ARD F OO TPRINT SIZE 8K G RC8001B • Condensing dr yer • LED Display • 11 programmes including “W ool” , “Delicate” , “Ir on Dr y” and “Cupboard” • Large L.
L G T umble Dr yer r ange – where good ide as come to lif e... • 9kg • Condensing Dr yer • Energy Rating: B • Dimensions(mm): ( W)600 x (H)850 x (D)640 RC9011B RC9011C RC9011A Black Silver W.
W ASHING MA CHINE S 4 1 www .lge. co. uk UK MODEL NAME (COL OR) F eature s Max Wash Capacity(kg) Drum V olume(litre ) Intelligent W ashing System Auto Balance with F oam sensing & r emoval Variabl.
W ASHING MA CHINE S www .lge. co. uk 4 2 SPECIFICA TIONS W ASHING MACHINE S UK MODEL NAME (COL OR) F eature s Max Wash Capacity(kg) Drum V olume(litre ) Intelligent W ashing System Auto Balance with F.
W ASHING MA CHINE S 4 3 www .lge. co. uk SPECIFICA TIONS W ASHING MACHINE S UK MODEL NAME (COL OR) F eature s Max Wash Capacity(kg) Drum V olume(litre ) Intelligent W ashing System Auto Balance with F.
W ASHING MA CHINE S www .lge. co. uk 4 4 SPECIFICA TIONS W ASHING MACHINE S UK MODEL NAME (COL OR) F eature s Max Wash Capacity(kg) Drum V olume(litre ) Intelligent W ashing System Auto Balance with F.
W ASHING MA CHINE S 4 5 www .lge. co. uk SPECIFICA TIONS W ASHING MACHINE S UK MODEL NAME (COL OR) F eatu res Max W ash Capacity(kg) Drum V olume(litr e) Intelligent W ashing Syst em Auto Balance with.
W ASHER DRYERS www .lge. co. uk 4 6 SPECIFICA TIONS W ASHER DRYERS UK MODEL NAME (COL OR) F eature s Max Wash Capacity(kg) Drum V olume(litre ) Intelligent W ashing System Auto Balance with F oam sens.
TUMBLE DRYERS 47 www .lge. co. uk SPECIFICA TIONS TUMBLE DRYERS UK MODEL NAME T ype Col our De sign Lo ok Int ell igen t El ectr oni c Co ntr ols Ele ctr onic Jog Dia l Pan el Cap acity No.
TUMBLE DRYERS www .lge. co. uk 4 8 SPECIFICA TIONS TUMBLE DRYERS UK MODEL NAME Co lor T ype Int el lige nt Elec tr oni c C ontr ol s Ele ctr oni c J og D ial Cap aci ty Dryi ng Pro gra mme s Co tt ons.
L G Electronic s UK Li mited · 250 Bath Road · Slough · Be rkshire · SL1 4 D X · United Ki ngdom · T .: 0 8 7 0 8 7 35 454 · ww w .lge . Information on the comple te range of L G Electronics cons umer products is available on our websit e.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté LG F1247TD c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du LG F1247TD - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation LG F1247TD, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le LG F1247TD va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le LG F1247TD, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du LG F1247TD.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le LG F1247TD. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei LG F1247TD ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.