Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit X862DTE du fabricant Lexmark
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X860d e, X862de, X86 2dte, X864 de, X864d he, W850n, W850 dn Technical R eference April 20 11 www.lex Lexmark and Lexmark with d iam o nd design are t rademarks of Lexmark I nternational, Inc., re gi stered in the United S t ate s and/or o ther countri es.
Edition not ic e April 2011 The follo wing pa ragraph does not apply to a ny country wh ere s uch pro v isi ons are incons istent wi th loca l law: LEXMAR K INTERNAT IONAL , I NC .
Cont ents Edit ion noti ce.. ........ .... ........ ........ ....... .... ........ ....... .... ........ ........ .... ....... ........ 2 Intro ducti on..... ....... .... ........ ......... .... ....... ......... .... ........ ....... ..... ........ .
App endix B : PJL supp or t........ .......... ......... ..... ......... .......... ..... ......... ......... ...33 Commo n vari ables f or both p rinter l anguag es...... ....... .... ........ ....... .... ....... ....... ........ ... ........ ......
Introduction Overview This editio n of the Tech ni ca l Re fer enc e contai ns informat ion about t he following pr inters or m ultifunctio n printers (MFP s): X860de X862de X862dte X864de X8 64dhe W .
Acro nym Mea ni ng nl network light model ni network and Im ag eQ ui ck tn network and ad ditional tray 1 Duplex pr inting (two-si ded printing) using a n optional dupl ex unit or an internal dupl ex unit based on the product. 2 T he addi ti o nal tray is part of a dr awer.
Learning about the printer Find in g inf ormati on abo ut the pr inter What are you looking for? Fi nd i t here In itial set up instru ctions : • Connecting the printer • In stallin g the prin ter so ftware Setup documentation—The setup documentation came with the printer and is also available on the Lexmark Web sit e at h ttp: //s uppo rt.
What are you looking for? Fi nd i t here Latest supplemental i nfor mation, updates, and tec hnical support: • Doc um e nt ati on • Dr iv er d ow nlo ad s • Live chat suppor t • E-mail suppor t • T el e pho ne s upp o r t Lexmark S upport Web site— http : //s uppo rt.
Printer Control Language (PC L) page formatting Fo r more in form ation on PCL, see t he Print er Lang uage s and In terface s Tec hnical R eferenc e . It contai ns a com plete listi ng with descr iptions of PCL command s. To det ermine whi ch PCL com mands your printer supp orts, se e “Appendix A: PCL support ” on pa ge 24.
Suppo rted p ape r and env elop e dim ensions The fol lowing table lists t he page si zes and prin t area dime nsions for all su pported pa per and en velope size s. For mo re inform ation ab out the prin table areas and lo g ic al pages fo r PCL em ulation, s ee “Pri ntable area s” on page 9.
Selec tion Paper/ env elop e dimension s Dimen s i ons by a rea (pels) 1 Page siz e para m et ers 2 Name mm in ch es A B C D E F G H I 101 Universal 297 x 431 .8 11. 69 x 17 1800– 5100 4 1800 – 8502 4 1500– 4800 4 1500– 8262 4 150 120 0 100 100 Env elope 80 7 3/4 Enve lo pe 98.
Printer Job Lang uage (PJL) PJ L comm ands inform atio n Your pr inter s upports co mplete PJL commands, inc luding certain c ommands that cause t h e printer to enter P CL emul ation, PostS cript emulatio n, and P er sonal P rinter Dat a Stream (P PDS).
PostScript (PS) emulat ion Your pr inter s upports c omplete Pos tScript e mulation su pplemental operato rs. For f ull desc riptions in d etail fo r these oper ators, re fer to the PostScri pt emulat ion chapt er in th e Printer L anguages and Interf aces T echnical R eference.
= Su pported X = No t sup po rted Paper si zes Prin ter models Si ze Lite ral name Size ( mm) Siz e (i nc hes) Size (poi nts) X 860de, X8 62de, X 862dte , X 864de, X 864dhe W850n, W850dn Custo m cust o m 297 x 431.8 11.7 x 17 842 x 12 24 Custo m cust o m 320 x 559 12 .
When t h ese oper at o rs are used, i t is equiva lent to e xecuting t he followi ng PostScri pt emulat ion sequenc e: << /Pa ge Size [x y]/Im ag ingBB ox nul l /P olic ies << / Pag eSiz e 0>> >> setp ag edevi ce where x y are the PageSize in points.
Post Script envelop e siz e suppor t The lit eral names in “Envelope sizes supporte d” on page 1 6 are also s upported as ope rators in user dict . These operators change the image size, but d o n o t change the act i ve paper sou r c e. Therefo r e, w h e n these operators are used , part of the im age may be c lipped.
= Su pported X = No t Sup por ted Literal names Prin ter models Li tera l na me Compatib le litera l name X860d e, X86 2de, X862 dte, X8 64de, X86 4dhe W850n, W 850d n b5envelope 176x250e nvelop e X X.
= Su pported X = No t sup po rted T ray oper ators Pri nter mo de ls Ope rator T ra y sel ect ed (C or re spon d ing im age siz e is set ) X 860de, X8 62de, X86 2dte, X 864de, X8 64dhe W85 0n, W850dn .
P rin te r s pe c ifi ca ti ons Airfl ow requirem ent The room sho uld mee t ASHR AE 62—198 9 sta ndards . Nois e e missio n l evels The fol lowing measuremen ts were ma de in ac cordance w ith ISO 7779 and report ed in confor mance wi th ISO 9296.
Electrical specificati ons Prin ter model Elec trical s peci ficatio n X 86x MFP low -v oltag e models * 100– 127 V at 47–6 3Hz, nomin al 90– 137 V, extreme X86x MFP high-voltage m odel s 220–.
Prin ting s tate W850 X86 0 X862 X 864 Off 0.3 5 W 0.50 W 0.50 W 0. 50 W Phys ica l spe cific atio ns Lexmark W850x dimensions Hei ght Width Dep th Weight W850n printer ( with c artri dge) 508 mm 1 (20 in.) 6 41 mm 2 (25. 25 in .) 520 mm (20.5 i n.) 45 .
Hei ght Width De pth W eig ht w ith car tri dge 2 x 500 tray option 2 92 mm (11.5 in.) 540 mm (21.3 i n.) 520 mm * (20.5 in.) 22 .2 kg (49 lb) * R ear tip bar adds 89 m m (3.5 in.) if equipped. Physical dimensions with extensions fully open He ight Width Dept h Weight with c artridge Finisher ( with trays cl ose d) 998 m m ( 39.
Humidity ranges Prin ter model Oper ating va lue Sh ippin g v alue Storage va lue (unp acked) X860de , X862 de, X862dte , X864 de, X 864dh e 8–80%* 5– 95% 5–80% W850n , W850dn 8–80%* 5– 95% 5–80% * Ap proach ing 32°C (90°F ), the ma ximum relati ve hum idity is 60 %.
Appendix A: PCL suppo rt PCL em ulat ion c omm an ds = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ction X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n ESC E Pr in te r Res et .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ction X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n ESC &f#O Set Universal Feed Direction ESC &f#W S et Un iver sal Cust .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ction X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n ESC &p#C Palette Control ESC &p#I Palette Control ID ESC &p#S Sel.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ction X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n ESC )s#S Secon dary Font Styl e ESC )s#T Secondary Font T ypeface Selection E.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ction X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n ESC *c#X Pictur e Frame Horizontal Size (in Decipoints) ESC *c#Y Pic ture Fra.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ction X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n ESC *s#X Ech o ESC *t#H Raster Width Dest i nation ESC *t#I Gam ma Cor recti .
GL/ 2 comma nds = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ction X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n AA Arc A bsolute AC Anchor Corner AD Define Alternate Font AR.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ction X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n FP Fill Polygon, Odd/Even FP Fill Polygon, N on-Z ero Windi ng FT Fill T ype .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ction X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n RA Fill R ectang l e A bsolu te RF Def i ne Ra ste r F ill RO Rotate Coordina.
Ap pe ndi x B: P J L s up po r t Comm on v aria bles fo r both pr inte r lan gua ges = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n,.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n INT RAY 4 INT RAY 5 INT RAY 1S IZE INT RAY 2S IZE INT RAY 3S IZE INT RAY 4S .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n POW ER SAV E TIME PRI NTQU ALI TY X X QTY RE ND ERM O DE X X RE PRI NT RE SO.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pri nte r m ode l Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862d e, X862dt e, X864d e, X864dh e W850n , W850dn LBON DLOADIN G LBO ND OUT BIN LBO ND TEXT U RE LBO NDW EIGH T X X LBOT .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pri nte r m ode l Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862d e, X862dt e, X864d e, X864dh e W850n , W850dn LCU STOMTYPE1ME DIA LCU STOMTYPE1NA ME LC U S TOM TYP E1OU TBIN L CUST .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pri nte r m ode l Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862d e, X862dt e, X864d e, X864dh e W850n , W850dn LC U S TOM TYP E5LEN GTH LC USTO MTY PE5L OA DING LCU STOMTYPE5ME DIA L.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pri nte r m ode l Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862d e, X862dt e, X864d e, X864dh e W850n , W850dn L FAX RE DI AL X L FAX RE DI AL FRE QUE N CY X LFAX TRANSMI SSIONLO G X.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pri nte r m ode l Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862d e, X862dt e, X864d e, X864dh e W850n , W850dn LLA BEL SOU TBI N LLAB ELST EXTU RE LLAB ELSW EI GHT X X LLEFT MARG INO.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pri nte r m ode l Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862d e, X862dt e, X864d e, X864dh e W850n , W850dn LMU LTI PA GEVI E W LNP AP LOP TI ON ALO UT BIN 1NA M E LOP TI ON ALO U.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pri nte r m ode l Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862d e, X862dt e, X864d e, X864dh e W850n , W850dn LPPDS LIN ESPERI NCH LPR EPR INT EDL ENG TH LPRE PRINTE DLOADI NG LPR E.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pri nte r m ode l Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862d e, X862dt e, X864d e, X864dh e W850n , W850dn LST AP LE LST APL ESE MPT YALA RM L STAP LETE STB IN L STA PLETE S TSOU.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pri nte r m ode l Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862d e, X862dt e, X864d e, X864dh e W850n , W850dn LT RAY 4P APE RT YP E LTRA Y4S ENSE DTY PEPA PER LTRA Y4S ENSED TYPE TR.
Pr inter-un iqu e varia bles for PCL emulat ion = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n LA 4WID TH LASSI GNFEED ER L.
Pr inter-un iqu e varia bles for Pos tScr ipt emu lation = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n LPI CTUR EG RAD E L.
USTA TUS u nsolic ited st atus va riabl es = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ria bl e n a me X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n DE VIC E JOB PA GE TIM ED PJL mes.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mo de l Me ssage St atus code Return st ring X860d e, X86 2de, X862d te, X 864de, X864d he W850n, W850d n Intervention Required - Mem o ry Fu ll 30016 38 Memor.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mo de l Me ssage St atus code Return st ring X860d e, X86 2de, X862d te, X 864de, X864d he W850n, W850d n Intervention Required - Standard USB Disabled 30018 5.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mo de l Me ssage St atus code Return st ring X860d e, X86 2de, X862d te, X 864de, X864d he W850n, W850d n Intervention Required - Def ec tiv e Di s k 30036 61 .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mo de l Me ssage St atus code Return st ring X860d e, X86 2de, X862d te, X 864de, X864d he W850n, W850d n Intervention Required - Ins ert Stap le r 30107 Ins ert Staple r X X Intervention Required - Prim ing F aile d 30107 Pri ming Faile d, Retry.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mo de l Me ssage St atus code Return st ring X860d e, X86 2de, X862d te, X 864de, X864d he W850n, W850d n Intervention Required - Disk Corrupted 32015 Dis k Co rrupted X X Intervention required - Disk Corrupted.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mo de l Me ssage St atus code Return st ring X860d e, X86 2de, X862d te, X 864de, X864d he W850n, W850d n Intervention Required - B elt Life Wa rning 40038 80 .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Insert Hol e Punch Box 40010 I .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Close Door 40021 C lose Door In.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Ope n C ove r 40021 O pen C ove.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Unsupported Printhead 40021 3 2 Uns upported Printhe ad X X Intervention Required - Unsupported Cartridge 40021 3 2.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Install E nv Feeder or Canc el .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Too M any Dis ks In stall ed 40.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - [Color] Cartridge Low 40038 88 .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Load Staples 40040 L oad S taples X X Intervention Required - Prim ing Fa iled. Retry? 40041 P riming Fail ed.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Check Duplex Connection 40095 C.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Trans fer Modul e Missing 40143 8 3.yy Transf er module missi ng X X Intervention Required - Cart ridge Low 40200 8 8.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Co lor PC Un its Life Warn ing 40204 8 4.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - Rep l ac e P C Kit 40304 8 4 Re.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - In valid Refi ll, Cha nge Cart ridge 40311 4 0 mag enta invalid refi ll, change cartrid ge X X Intervention Required - Ca rtri dge Part Numbe r Unsupported 40312 3 2.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - 40404 84 Photoco nducto r abnormal Intervention Required - [Color] PC Unit Missing 40405 8 4.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tat us code Retu rn string X860de, X862d e, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850n, W850dn Intervention Required - M is s ing or Defe ctive Cart ridge 40410 3 1.41 Missin g or defectiv e cy an cartrid ge X X Intervention Required - To ner Ca rtridg e Miss ing 40411 3 0.
PJL messages for pa per hand ling = Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in te r mo del Me ssage S tat us c ode Return str ing X860de , X862de, X862d te, X86 4de , X864 dh e W 850n, W8 50dn Intervention R.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in te r mo del Me ssage S tat us c ode Return str ing X860de , X862de, X862d te, X86 4de , X864 dh e W 850n, W8 50dn Intervention Required - Photoconducto r Ex posur.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in te r mo del Me ssage S tat us c ode Return str ing X860de , X862de, X862d te, X86 4de , X864 dh e W 850n, W8 50dn Intervention Required - Change Request 41xyy C h.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr in te r mo del Me ssage S tat us c ode Return str ing X860de , X862de, X862d te, X86 4de , X864 dh e W 850n, W8 50dn Intervention Required - Inc or rect Me dia 41xyy 3 4 Incorrect Media X X Intervention Required - I nser t Dup le x Pag es & Pre ss Go.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code X860de, X862de, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850 n, W850d n Intervention Required - Pap er Ja m 4204x X X Intervention Required - P.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code X860de, X862de, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850 n, W850d n Intervention Required - Pap er Ja m 4232x X X Intervention Required - P.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code X860de, X862de, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850 n, W850d n Intervention Required - Pap er Ja m 4247w y X X Intervention Required -.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code X860de, X862de, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850 n, W850d n Intervention Required - Pap er Ja m 4259w y X X Intervention Required -.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code X860de, X862de, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850 n, W850d n Intervention Required - Pap er Ja m 4280z Intervention Required - Pap e.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code X860de, X862de, X862d te, X864de, X864d he W850 n, W850d n Intervention Required - Pap er Ja m 4286w X X Intervention Required - P.
Servi ce erro rs = Su pported X = N ot supported Printer mo del Me ssage Er ror c ode X860d e, X86 2de, X862 dte, X864d e, X864 dhe W 850n, W8 50dn ALL SERV ICE M ESSAG ES 50 000 X X Device atten danc.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n LE SCA PEC HAR LFA X P HON ENUM BER X LOP ENF IL E LC LOSE FI LE LREA D FILE LW RITE FI.
Appendix C: Po s tScript suppor t Supplemen tal operators = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Ope rator nam e X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n appletalktype buildti.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Ope rator nam e X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n doret dostartpage dosysstart duplexer duplexmode en gi ne syn c f ile f ilenam .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Ope rator nam e X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n PS 2fo nts PS 3fo nts quiet ram si ze rea lf orm at ren am ef ile res olu ti on.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Ope rator nam e X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n setjobtimeou t setmanualduplexmode setpapertray setprintername setquiet setr es.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n • Sc reeni ng X X - Colo rGrad e X X - P ictur e G rade X X - IE T X X - IE TI mag e s On.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n ExitJ amRecovery HWResoluti on Imagi ngBBox InputAttribut e s • 0 - Tray 1 • 1 - Tray 2.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Med i aW ei gh t NumCopies Nup NupDetails • Row s • Col umns • Or ie nta tio n • Bo.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Pag eD ev ice Nam e Pag eSi z e Po licie s • Po licy NotFo und • Po licy Report • Pag.
User in terpreter pa rameter s = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key Defau lt X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Acc ura teScree ns fal s e Collat edC opie s Collat.
Syst em interpret er parame ters = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n B uildT ime Byt eO r de r Cur Disp layLi st Cur FontCa che.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Gen ericRes ource Dir Generi cResourcePa th Sep InstalledRam JobTimeout languagelevel Ma xD.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n StartJobP asswo rd StartupMode St atic RamSiz e Sys temPar ams Passw ord UseOldcopypage Use.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Devi ce X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n %IP_A% %IP_B% %IP_C% %IP_D% %IR_A% X X %IR_B% X X %IR_C % X X %IR_D% X X %LexLinkA% %Le.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Devi ce X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n %P rintS erv erC% %P rintSe rverD% %RemotePr interA% %RemotePr interB% %RemotePr interC.
Device p ar ameters = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Device P a ramet ers for t he Commu nication D evice %Par a l lel%, %Pa.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n In terpret er On Par it y PC LSm art Swi tc h Por tL oc atio n PSSmartSwitch Rob u stX on S.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Device Paramet ers for the Communica ti on Device %E ther Talk %, %Eth er Talk A% , %E the .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Device Paramet ers for the Communica ti on Device % USB%, %US B_A %, %US B_B% , %USB _C%, %.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Device Paramet ers for the Communica ti on Device % AppSo cke t%, %A ppS ocket A% , %App So.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n In terpret er On Por tL oc atio n Type Device Paramet ers for the Communica ti on Device % .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n NetworkMask On Phy si cal Por tL oc atio n Type Device Paramet ers for the Communica ti on .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Type Device Parameters for the Parameters Device %Calendar%, %C ale ndarA% , %Cal endar B%,.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Type Write able Device P a ramet ers for t he Paramete rs Devi ce %flash1% Bl oc kSi ze Fre.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key X860de, X862de, X862dt e, X864de, X864dh e W850n, W850d n Type Write able Po st Sc ri pt co mma n ds: mes s age ke ys = Su pported X = N ot supported.
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark X862DTE c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark X862DTE - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark X862DTE, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark X862DTE va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark X862DTE, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark X862DTE.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark X862DTE. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark X862DTE ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.