Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Pro900 du fabricant Lexmark
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Lexmark Platinum Pro900 Series Q uick Refere nce Guide May 200 9
Impor tant Mess age About Cartri dge Recycl ing! Please Re ad Before Openin g Your Inkjet Cartri dge Box At Lex mark, we tak e our com mitment t o the e nvir onmen t seri ously, a nd w e encour age o ur custom ers t o partic ipate in our easy , no- co st method for re turn ing em pty L exmark c artr idges t o Lexmar k fo r proper recyc ling.
Contents Imp orta nt s af et y i nf orm ati on. .... ..... .. .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... 2 Ab o u t y ou r pri nte r. .. .... ..... .... .. .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .. .... ..5 Finding inform ation about the p rinter.
Canceling c opy jobs......... ....... .................. ....... .................. ................ ........ ................ ......... ................ ......... ................ ......27 Sc anning. .. .... ..... .. .... .. ..... .. .... .. ..... ..
About your printer Finding infor mation about t he printer The Qu ic k Refe ren ce Gui de cont ain s b asic i nstructi ons on h ow to a ccomp li sh co mmon printer tasks lik e printi n g , copy ing, and s cann ing. It also in cludes inform atio n on trou bles hooti ng com mon pr inter se tup p roblem s.
• Shar e your printer . Wireles s/n etwor k pri nters allo w you to sh are a sing le prin ter am ong mu ltipl e comp uter s, thus conserving energy a nd other resources.
Pr inte r fe at ure s Your prin ter c omes with ful l fea tures that w il l help you man age and ac comp lis h prin ting and imag ing task s: • Wireless or Et hernet netwo rking.
Understa nding the parts of the printer Use the To 1 Automa tic Document F eeder (ADF ) tray Load orig inal documents i n the ADF. Recommended for scann ing, c opying , or fa xing mult ipl e-page d ocu ments . Note: Do not load postcar ds, pho tos, s mall items, or thin media (s uch as ma gazine c lipping s) into th e ADF .
Use the To 1 Sca nn er u n it • Access the in k cartridges and printhead. • Remove paper jams. 2 Prin thead Install, replace, or remov e ink c artridges . 3 Eth ernet port Connect your printer to a computer , a local netw ork, an ex ternal DSL, or a ca ble modem.
Use To 1 Power • Turn the printer on and off. • Switch to P ower Saver mode . Note: When the printer is on, press to switch to Power Save r mode . Pre ss an d hol d for three sec onds to turn off the prin ter. 2 Ba ck • Return to the previous screen.
Display item Descri ption 1 Copy Access th e copy men u an d make c opies. 2 Sca n A cces s the sc an men u a nd sca n docu men ts. 3 Fax Access the fa x menu an d send fax es. 4 Mem or y D ev ic e or PictBr idg e View, select, prin t, or a ttach ph otos and do cuments to e-mail.
Display item Descri ption 8 2-Si ded ic on Pr in t o n bo th sid es o f a sh ee t o f pa pe r. 9 Eco-Mod e icon Activa te Eco-Mode to s elect the f ollowing option s: • Pri nt on both sides of the pape r (duplex). • Cha nge to Power S aver mode af ter the pr inter is left idle f or 1 0 minutes.
Using me mory cards and fla sh drives Using a memory card or flash drive w ith the p rint er Memory c ards and flash drives are storage devic es frequently use d with cameras and compu ters. You can remove the memory c ard from the c amera o r the flash driv e fro m the comput er an d in sert it dire ctly in to the printe r.
Not es: • If the printer does not recogniz e t he memory device, th en remove and rein sert it. • If a flas h dri ve or a d igit al cam era se t to mas s s torage mode i s in serte d int o the USB.
Ordering and replacing supplies Order ing ink cartridge s Page yields a vailabl e at www. lexm ark.c om/ pagey iel ds . For b est resu lt s, use only Lexm ark ink cart ridg es.
3 Press the release tab, and then remove the used ink cartri dge or cartridges. 4 Insta ll each ink cartridge. Use two hands to install the blac k cartridge. Not e: Instal l the new in k cartridges i mmediately af ter rem oving the protec tive cap t o avoid exposing t he ink to air.
Usi ng th e pri nter s oft ware For Win dows us ers 1 Lo ad pl ain p ape r . 2 Clic k or Start . 3 Clic k Al l Pr o g ra ms or Program s , and t hen sel ect the print er p rogra m folder from the list. 4 Selec t Pr int er Hom e . 5 Cho ose your print er from th e prin ter dr op-down list .
3 Selec t Pr int er Hom e . 4 Cho ose your print er from th e prin ter dr op-down list . 5 Fro m t he Ma inte nance tab, cl ic k Clean ca rtridges . 6 Foll ow the i nstruct ions on the compu ter s creen. Fo r Mac int osh u sers 1 From the Fin der de sktop, dou ble-click t he pr inter pr ogram f older.
Using the printer software Minimum system requirements The pr inter so ftware req uires up to 5 00 MB of fr ee disk s pace. Suppor ted o pera ting sy stem s • Mi cr oso ft Win dow s 7 (We b on ly) 1.
Using t he W orld W ide We b 1 Go to the Le xmark W eb site at www.l e xma rk.c om . 2 From the D rivers & Down loads menu, c lick Driver F inde r . 3 Sele ct you r print er, and then select your op eratin g sys tem. 4 Down lo ad the driver and inst all the print er sof tware.
Use the To Lex m ar k Fa x S ol ut io ns (referred to as Fax Solutions) • Send a fax. • Receive a fax in thr ee-in-one prin ters. • Add, edit, or d elete conta cts in th e built-in ph one book. • Access the Lexmark Fax Setup Utili t y in four-in-on e printers.
Using the Macintosh prin ter so ftware Softw are inst alle d during print er in stallation Sof twar e resi dent in the Ma cin tosh OS Use the To Print dial og Adj ust the pr int sett ing s and sc hed ule print job s. Pr in te r S erv ic es di alo g (not av a ila bl e i n Ma c O S X v1 0.
Printing Printing a document 1 Loa d the paper in the printer . 2 Send th e pr int job: For Windo ws use rs a With a doc ume nt ope n, click Fil e Prin t . b Cl ick Pro perti es , Pre fer ence s , Optio ns , o r Set up . c Select the print qual ity, the number of copies to print, the type of paper to use, an d how the pages shoul d print .
6 Selec t Ext e nd Dr y T i me , an d t he n se l ect a se tt in g. In re gi ons wit h hi gh h um idi ty , sel ect Exte nd ed . 7 Clic k OK to clos e a ny prin ter s oft ware di alog s. 8 Clic k OK or Pr int . Not e: T o ret u r n t o sin gle-si de d pri nt ing, ret u r n to the Ad va nced ta b.
Printing photos using t he printer contr ol panel 1 Loa d photo pa per. 2 Inser t a memory card, flash driv e, or digita l camer a set to mass stor a ge mode. The M emory Devic e scr een appea rs on t he dis play. 3 Touch Vi ew Ph otos . The Sele ct Ph otos screen appear s.
Copying ADF Scanner g lass Use th e ADF for multiple-p a ge docum ents. Note: The A DF i s available only on selected models. If yo u purcha sed a p rinter wi thout an ADF, th en load original documents or photos on the scanner glas s.
Copying photos 1 Loa d photo pa per. 2 Plac e a ph oto fa cedo wn on t he sc ann er gl ass. 3 F rom th e h om e s cree n , n avi ga te to Ph o to Re prin t : SmartSoluti ons > Ph o to R epri nt 4 Touch Co nti nue . 5 Sele ct th e phot o prin t size, and then t ouch Accep t .
Scanning ADF Scanner g lass Use th e ADF for multiple-p a ge docum ents. Note: The A DF i s available only on selected models. If yo u purcha sed a p rinter wi thout an ADF, th en load original documents or photos on the scanner glas s.
5 Sele ct t he co lor, res oluti on qu ality an d t he origin al image si ze. If n ecess ar y, touch Accept each time you mak e a sel ectio n. 6 Pre ss to star t sca nn ing .
6 Clic k Email , an d then select Photo , Do cu me nt or PDF . Not e: You can se lect D ocum ent o nly if an O CR applic ation is s tored on your comp uter. Scan ning star ts a nd th e sc an pro gress dia log a ppears. 7 When the scan is fi nished, a new e-mai l message is cr eated with the scann ed document autom atically at tached.
5 Custo mize the settings as needed. 6 Clic k Sca n . 7 Save the documen t as a PDF. Canceling scan jobs Pre ss on the pr inte r c on trol pa nel, o r c li ck Can cel on the compu ter screen .
E-mailing Sending e- mail Ti ps for e- mailing • When using the ADF, adjust the paper guide on t he ADF t o the w idth of the or iginal do cument. • When us ing the scan ner glass, close the scanne r l id to avoid dark edges on the scan ned image.
7 If you wa nt to cha n ge the d efa u l t e-ma il su bje ct : a To uc h Subject . b E nter your subject, and the n to uch OK . 8 If you want to ch ange the d efa ult e -mail mes sage: a To uc h Mess age . b En ter y ou r m es sa ge, an d th en t ouc h OK .
7 To en ter addi t iona l re cipie nts, to uch Ad d R ecipi ent , an d then enter t he e-ma il address, n ame, or group yo u want to add. Touch Accept every t ime you add a r eci pient. Not e: Y ou c an sen d a n e- mail to up t o 30 rec i pie nts. 8 Touch Send .
Using SmartSolutions What is S martSolutions? Smart Solu tions is a suit e of s oluti ons t hat you can c reate, cust omize, and downl oad from t he Web site ( smartso lutions .
Sol u tio n Desc ription Photo Viewer * View photos from Web sites with options to pri nt or send an e-mail with a link to the selected photos. Cartridge Finder * View in formation on local stor es where you can purchase cartridges with an option to pr int or e-mail ca rtrid g e inf ormation.
Fo r Wind ows use rs a Cl ick or Start . b Cl ick All P r ograms or Progra ms , a nd th en se le ct the prin ter prog ram fold er fro m the l ist. c Sel e ct y ou r pr in te r . For Ma ci ntos h user s From the Finder desktop, double-cli ck the printe r progra m folder.
Troubles hooting Before you t roubleshoot Use this check list to solve most printer pro blems: • Mak e s ure the power cord is plugged into the prin ter and into a properly groun ded electric al outlet. • Make su re the printer is not plugg ed into an y surge prot ectors, unin terrupted power supp lies, or extensi on cords.
• “Prin t job does not print or is missing pages” o n pag e 41 • “Pr inter is prin ting bl ank pag es” o n page 4 2 • “Pr inter is busy o r does not re spond ” on p age 4 2 • “C .
3 Wipe t he printhea d conta cts using a cle an, lint -free clo th. 4 Rein sert the prin thead, and then close the latch until it clicks . 5 Clo se the pri n ter. Not e: I f re mov i n g and rei n s ert ing the prin thead do es not r eso lve the e rro r, the n conta ct techni cal supp ort.
R ECON NECT THE PRINTER POW ER SUPPL Y 1 Turn off the p rinter, a nd then unplu g the po wer cord from the wall o utlet. 2 Gently remove the po wer supply from t he pr inter, an d th en reins ert it. 3 Plu g the powe r c ord in to the w all outl et, and the n tu rn on the pr int er.
Printe r is pr inti ng bla nk pages Blank pa ges may be caused by impr operly in stalled ink cart ridges. R EINSTALL TH E IN K CARTRIDGE S AND DE EP CLE AN AND AL IGN THE PRI N T HEA D 1 Rei nsta ll th e ink c ar trid g es, se e “ Rep laci ng in k c art ri dges” on pa ge 15 fo r mo re in form atio n.
Cannot pr int thr ough U SB If the "Before you troub leshoot" checkl ist does not solve the problem, then try one or more of the followin g: C HECK THE US B CONN E CT IO N 1 Check t he USB cab le fo r any ob vious dama ge. If th e cable is dam aged, then use a new o ne.
No tice s Edit ion noti ce May 20 09 The fo llowing par agraph do es not app ly to an y countr y wher e such pr ovisio ns are in consist ent with l ocal law: LEXM ARK IN TERN ATIO NAL, IN C.
Feder al C ommuni c atio ns Comm iss ion (FCC ) c omp liance infor mati on stat ement This pro duct c o m p li es wi th the limits fo r a Clas s B di git al d e v ice , p ur suant to Pa rt 1 5 of the F CC Ru les .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark Pro900 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark Pro900 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark Pro900, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark Pro900 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark Pro900, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark Pro900.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark Pro900. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark Pro900 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.