Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 90T4110 du fabricant Lexmark
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S410 Series Quick Reference Guide October 2012
Important Message About Cartridge Recyclin g! Please Read Be fore Opening You r Inkjet Cartridge Box At Lexmark, we take our commitment to the envi ronmen t seriou sly, and we encoura ge our customers to participate in our easy, no-cost meth od for returning empty Lexmark cartr idges to Lexmark for proper recycling.
Contents Important safet y informat ion...................... ............ .............. .........2 About your p rinter ........... ............ .................. ............ .......... ...........5 Finding inf ormation about the pri nter... ..... .
Notices.........................................................................................54 Edition notice.. ..... ...... ........ ..... ...... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ ..... ...... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ ...... .. ..54 Index.
About your printer Finding information about the printer The Quick Reference Guide contain s instruction s on adding your print er to a wirele ss network , setting up a fax c onn ecti on, and ac comp lis hing comm on pr inte r tas ks like pr int ing , copy ing, scan ning , an d fax ing.
Printer features Depend ing on the m odel, yo ur pr inter com es with feat ures t hat wil l help you man age and accom pli sh printing and imaging tasks: • Wireless or Ethernet networking —Print and scan from anyw here in your ho me or office over a sec ure wireless or Ethernet network, as w ell as share the printer among multiple computers.
With a CD or DVD drive (Wind ows/Macint osh) Without a CD or DVD dr ive or for L inux Note: If the installation screen does not appear after a minute, then see “Installation screen did not a ppear during installation” on page 44. Dow nlo ad th e pr in ter dr iv er fro m www.
6 If nec essa ry, rep lac e the pr eins tall ed la nguag e she et with anoth er on e. a Remove the preins talled languag e sheet from the printer co ntrol pane l.
10 Use the paper guide adju stment l ever to extend the pa per guid es. 11 Load paper. 1 2 Notes : • Use the paper gu ide adjustm ent lever to adj ust the pap er guides. • Do not load more than 100 sheets in the paper su pport. 12 Close the pape r feed g uard.
15 Make sure the printer is on. 16 Using the printer con trol panel , press the up or dow n arrow but ton until t he language yo u want is highlig hted on the dis play, and the n press OK .
20 Set the time, and the n press OK . Set Time Set Time Press OK when complete. 05 55 AM : 21 Set the time zone , and then press OK . Time Zone Time Zone Please choose a time zone and press OK (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (USA/Ca.. (UTC-06:00) Central Time (USA/Ca.
26 Open the pri nte r. Note: The printhe ad moves to the cartrid ge installation position. 27 Unpack the ink cartridges , and then rem ove the protec tive caps from the cartridges . 1 2 3 28 Insert each ink cartrid ge. Slide your finger along the ink cartridge until the cartridge clicks into p lac e.
30 Press OK to prin t an alignment page. Notes : • The alignm ent page pri nts. • Do not remove the page until printing is finished. The align ment page may take a while to print and will move i n and out during the process. • Streaks on the alignment page are normal and not an indication of a pro blem.
Use the To 8 ADF tray Load origin al docu ment s int o the ADF. Notes: • Use the ADF for scanning, copying, or faxing multiple ‑ page documen ts. • Do not load postcards, photos, small items, or thin med ia (such as magazine clippings) into th e ADF.
Using the printer control pane l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Use To 1 Power • Turn the pr inter on and off. • Switch to Sleep m ode. Note: When the printer is on, press to switch to Sleep mod e. Press and ho ld for three seconds to turn off the printer. 2 Display Note: The display is turned o ff in Sleep mode.
Use To 12 Color Switch to color mod e. 13 Black Switch to b lack ‑ and ‑ white mode . 14 Start Start a job, depe nding on whi ch mod e is sele cted . 15 Cancel • Canc el a pr int, co py, s can, or fax j ob in p rogre ss. • Clear current se ttings or error mes sages, and re turn to previous settings.
Ordering and replacing ink cartridges Ordering ink cartridges Lexmark S410 Series models (e xcept Lexmark S419) Item Return Pro gram ca rtri dge 1 Regul ar c art rid ge 2 Black car tri dge 150 Not av .
3 Press the rele ase tab, and then remo ve the used ink cartrid ge or cartridges . 1 2 Insta lling ink ca rtridg es 1 Remove th e ink cartridge from the pack, and th en remov e the protective cap from the ink cart ridge. If your ink cartridge co mes with a twist cap, then remove the cap.
If you a lig ned t he car tri dges t o impr ove prin t qua lity , the n pri nt your doc ume nt aga in. If prin t qual ity has not improved, the n clean the printhe ad nozzles.
Using the printer software Supported operating systems The printer software require s up to 500MB of free disk space. • Microsoft Wi ndows 8 • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 • Microsoft Wi ndows .
Using the Windows printer software Software installed durin g printer inst allation When you set up the prin ter using the installation software CD, all the necessary software was installed . You may hav e chosen to install some additi onal prog rams.
Notes: • Your prin ter may not come wi th thes e applicat ions, depend ing on the feature s of the printer th at you pur chased o r the instal lation ty pe (s tandar d or custom) chosen when y ou ins talled the pri nter.
Printing Printing a document For Wind ows users 1 With a docume nt open, click File > Print . 2 Click Properties , Prefe ren ces , Options , or Setup . 3 Select the print quality , the numb er of copies to p rint, the type of pape r to use, and how the pages should print.
Port rai t Lan dscap e 1 2 1 2 10 Click Print . Printing photos from a flash drive 1 Load photo paper. 2 Insert a flash drive or dig ital camera set to mass storage mode. 3 Use the up or dow n arrow button to select a photo printin g option, and then press OK .
Copying ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF for m ultiple ‑ page doc ument s. Note : The ADF is available only in select printer models. If y ou pur chase d a pr inter withou t an ADF , then load o rigina l docum ents or photos on the scanner gla ss.
Canceling copy jobs To cance l a copy job, pre ss , and then pre ss OK . Scannin g stops and the printer return s to the previous men u. Copying 26.
Scanning ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF for m ultiple ‑ page doc ument s. Note : The ADF is available only in select printer models. If y ou pur chase d a pr inter withou t an ADF , then load o rigina l docum ents or photos on the scanner gla ss.
In Windows 7 or earlie r a Click or Sta rt . b Click All Programs or Prog rams , and then select the printer program folder from the l ist. c Navigate to: Printer Home > select your printer > Sca n 3 Select Email photo , Email document , or Email PDF .
E-mailing Before you can send an e-mail, yo u must first confi gure the net work connec tion and e-m ail settings of your pr int er. Sending e-mail ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF for m ultiple ‑ page doc ument s. Note : The ADF is available only in select printer models.
Setting up the printer to fax CAUTION —POTEN TIAL INJUR Y: To reduce risk o f fire, use only the telecommunicat ions (RJ ‑ 11) cord prov ided with this pro duct or a UL L isted 26 AWG o r la rger repla ceme nt wh en c onnec tin g this product to th e public switche d telephone network.
Connected to different w all jacks P H O N E L IN E E X T L IN E To co nne ct: Connect the cable from the wall jack to th e port of the printe r. Tips for this setup: • If you have only one telep hone numbe r on your line, the n you need to set the printer to receive faxes automatically (Auto Answer On).
When yo u answer the tele phone and you he ar fax tones, pr ess *9* or the man ual answer code o n the telephone to receive the fax. • You can also set the prin ter to receive faxes automati cally (Auto Answer On), but y ou need t o turn off the voice mail service when you are exp ecting a fax.
2 Connect t he other end of the cable to the port labele d Phone Line 1 or Phone P ort on the V oIP ad apter. The port labeled Phone Line 2 or Fax Por t is not always active. You may need to pa y extra to y our V oIP provide r if you want to acti vate the seco nd phone port.
• If you need two ph one port s for your device s but do not want to pay extr a, then do not plug the pri nter into the second ph one po rt. You can use a phone splitter. Plug the phone splitter into th e Phon e Line 1 or Phone Port , and then plug the printer and teleph one into the splitter.
Connecting the pr inter to a non ‑ RJ ‑ 11 wall jack E X T LIN E To co nne ct: 1 Conn ect o ne end o f a tele pho ne cab le to th e port o f the prin ter. 2 Conn ect t he othe r en d of the c ab le to the RJ ‑ 11 adapter, and then conne ct the adapt er to the wall jack .
France Netherlands Switzerland Finl and Norw ay Unite d King dom Warning—Potential Damage: If you r country or reg ion is on the list, then do not remove the wra p pl ug from the port of th e prin ter. I t is ne cessary for the prope r functi oning of th e devices on the telephone line.
Connect the printer to any of the N ports. E X T L I N E P H O N E LIN E NFN To co nne ct: 1 Conn ect o ne end o f a tele pho ne cab le to th e port o f the prin ter. 2 Conn ect t he othe r en d of the c ab le to the RJ ‑ 11 adapter, and then conne ct the adapt er to an N port.
Step 5: Set the number of rings If you set Auto Answer to O n in Step 4, then do the following. If you set Auto An swer to Off, the n proceed to S tep 6. If you su bscribe to Distin ctive Ring Setting the correct ring is important if you subscr ibe to the Distinctive Rin g Pattern Detect ion (DPRD) feature offered by te lephone c ompanies .
Fax ing CAUTION— SHOCK HAZARD : Do not use the fax feature du ring a light ning storm. Do not set up this produ ct or make any elect rical or cabling con nections , such as the fa x feature, power co rd, o r teleph one, durin g a lightni ng storm.
Receiving fa xes aut omatical ly 1 Make sure that Auto Answer is on: From the pri nter contro l panel, navigate to: > Setu p > OK > Fax Setup > OK > Ringing and Answering > OK > A.
Wireless networking Information you will need to set up the printer o n a wireless network To set up the printe r for wireless printing, you nee d to know: • The name of y our wireless ne twork, w h.
Launc hing th e Wire less Setup Util ity 1 Do th e fol lowin g: In Windows 8 From the Se arch charm , type wi reles s set up utilit y , and th en nav ig ate to : Apps li st > Wireless Setup Utility In Windows 7 or earlier a Click or Sta rt . b Click All Programs or Prog rams .
2 Fo llo w the in str uc tion s o n the pr int er disp lay . U SE THE P ERSONAL I DENTI FICA TIO N N UMBE R (PI N) METHOD 1 From the printer contro l panel, n avigate to: > Setup > OK > Network Setu p > OK > Wireless 802.
Troublesh ooting Before you troublesho ot Use this check list to solve most printer pro blems: • Make sure th e power c ord is plug ged into the printer and into a properly grounded, working electric al outlet. • Make sure the printer is turne d on.
Software did not install If you encountered problems whi le installing, or if your printer does not appear in the list in th e printers folder or as a printer option when sending a print job, then try un installing and reinstalling the software.
R EMOVE AND REIN ST ALL THE PRINTER SOFTWARE Printer is printing blank pages Blan k pages may be c ause d by imp rope rly ins tall ed in k cart rid ges. R EINSTALL THE INK CAR TR IDG ES AND DEEP CLEA N AND ALIGN THE PRINTHEAD 1 Reinstall the ink cartridg es, see “Replacing ink cartrid ges” on page 17 for more information.
b In the Start Se arch or Run dialog, typ e devmgm t.msc . c Press Enter , or cli ck OK . The Devi ce Ma nager opens . 2 Click th e plus sig n ( + ) beside Universal Serial Bus controllers. If US B Host Contro ller and US B Root H ub ar e list ed, then the US B port i s enab led.
> Setup > OK > Fax Setup > OK > Dialing and Sending > OK > Auto Fax Convert > OK 2 Check to see if automatic fax co nversion is set to On. If it is not set to On, th en press the arrow bu ttons to select On , and then pre ss OK .
Wireless network troubleshooting If you are havi ng troubl e setting up you r printer on a ne twork, prin t a network se tup page , and then see the compre hensive User's Gui de available on the Software Installation CD. Also, make sure to chec k the n etwork ind icator lig hts to verify the connection stat us of the printer.
Cannot print over wireless network If you encountere d problems while installing, or if y our printer does not appear in the printers folder or as a printer option when sending a print job, then try unins talling and reinstalling the software.
If you do not know the IP address of the access point, the n do the following: 1 Open the co mmand wind ow. In Windows 8 From the Search charm, ty pe Run , and then navigate to : Apps list > Run > type cmd > OK In Windows 7 or earlier a Click , or click Start and then click Run .
If you see th is message again after you have waited long eno ugh for the printe r and the laptop to connect to the network, the n there may be a problem with your wire less network. Mak e sur e that the lapt op and pr int er hav e bot h rece ived IP add res ses: For Windows users 1 Open the c omma nd wind ow.
Apps list > Run > type contro l prin ters > OK In Windows 7 or earlier a Click , or clic k Star t and then cli ck Run . b In the Start Se arch or Run dialog, typ e contro l prin ters .
Notices Edition notice October 2012 The following paragraph does not apply to any coun try where such provisions are inconsistent w ith local law: LEXMA RK INTE RNATION AL, INC.
Index A Addres s Bo ok 38 aligni ng the prin thead 18 answering machine setting up 30 Automatic Docum ent Feede r (ADF) 13 exit t ray 13 exit tray extension 13 paper guid e 14 tray 14 B bidirec tional.
IP addresses 49 notices 2, 54 P page do es no t pri nt 45 paper conservi ng 5 paper exi t tr ay 14 paper feed gu ard 13 paper g uide adju stment lever 13 paper guides 13 paper su pport 13 part s dia g.
Wireless Setup Assistant (Macinto sh) using 42 Wireless Setup Utility launching 42 Wireless Setup Utility (Windows only) installing 41 Wireless Setup Utility (Windows) using 41 wireless troubleshootin.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark 90T4110 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark 90T4110 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark 90T4110, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark 90T4110 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark 90T4110, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark 90T4110.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark 90T4110. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark 90T4110 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.